
slangasekinfinity, micahg: so I suppose these tzdata packages are built now and ought to be published; are we doing any verification on them?00:47
infinityslangasek: I did a quick test to make sure things looked sane.01:18
infinityslangasek: Not on every release, but they were all identical changes.01:18
slangasekinfinity: ok, copying01:41
slangasekinfinity, micahg: tzdata published01:44
pipaloGood time everyone!04:00
pipaloCan i get some help with this error http://mysticpaste.com/view/10459 - Patching xorg on 11.10 works fine on 11.0404:01
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:02
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:02
omenet probe. anyhelp with http://mysticpaste.com/view/10459 ?04:35
cjwatsonwell, the patch just needs to be adjusted to apply against the new source; that's normal for patches04:42
cjwatsonoh, but you're building the xorg source package?  that's odd, xorg didn't fail to build from source in 11.10.  perhaps a more complete transcript of what you're doing would help.04:44
cjwatson(including how you got the source package.)04:45
omecjwatson, here is what I am doing http://bigbrovar.aoizora.org/index.php/2011/05/24/better-clickpad-support-for-ubuntu-11-04/04:46
cjwatsonI don't want to pick through that - please show me a full transcript of just exactly what you are doing04:48
cjwatsonfrom the start including error messages04:48
cjwatsonoh, you're adding a patch to the source package, from the looks of that04:49
cjwatsonthen my previous comment stands, this isn't a procedure that can be performed for an arbitrary release without editing the patch04:49
cjwatsonif you don't know how to do that, then it's best to ask the patch author04:51
omeI am not an expert but know a bit of programming and how stuff works under the hood.04:52
omebut I am not sure what that error suggests, I know there is something wrong with a config file but not sure what to look for.04:52
cjwatsonno, the problem is that this is a patch for a different version of the software04:54
cjwatsonit requires a developer to update it04:54
omeaight then, thanks for help.04:54
cjwatson(I had a quick look, and while the fix to 203 is simple, there are several other changes required to subsequent patches as well)04:54
cjwatson(and I'm not remotely confident that me doing a monkey-see-monkey-do patch refresh is going to result in a working synaptics driver)04:56
cjwatsonyou can learn how patches work if you like and try to update it yourself; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diff#Unified_format04:57
omethanks cjwatson I will have a look.04:58
madnickA virtual keyboard at the LightDM greeter would improve accessability, is anyone working on this for Ubuntu?12:39
gs_hello all14:59
gs_i am interested in writing system restore program for ubuntu14:59
gs_this will be able to restore the package state14:59
gs_of the system to an earlier saved state15:00
gs_for that I need to scan package metadata of those packages which are installed on the system15:03
gs_could you please help me in doing that ?15:03
sladengs_: you want the APT/Dpkg metadata16:54
sladengs_: dpkg --get-selections   and   dpkg --set-selections   should get you started16:55
brodergs_: you may also want to look at apt-btrfs-snapshot17:03
jtayloror apt-clone (not the one in the repository)17:38
shnatselhi everyone17:47
shnatselI've just dropped by to say thanks17:47
shnatselThank you so much for providing ubuntu-core archives, guys!17:47
shnatselthat makes my life so much easier!17:48
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