
nothingspecialHi, forgive my hazy memory but is this where someone would ask for a ubuntu members cloak?06:21
nothingspecialI have just found out that it is. Never mind. Carry on ladies and gentlemen.06:38
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
emHey popey are you here?14:20
pycoderfdoes anyone know what causes this error: "ath5k could not wake the mac chip"14:52
oldos2erHi. I'd like an ubuntu members cloak, please. https://launchpad.net/~lagnappe15:32
oldos2erhi. i would like an ubuntu members cloak please. https://launchpad.net/~lagnappe16:01
oldos2erhi, here to ask for an ubuntu members cloak https://launchpad.net/~lagnappe16:09
pangolinIRCC oldos2er would like a member cloak. Congrats on membership oldos2er!.16:31
oldos2erthanks!  :)16:31
pangolinHopefully one of the Group Contacts is awake and it won't be too long.16:31
oldos2eri'm trying to be patient, lol16:32
oldos2erhi, here to ask for an ubuntu members cloak  https://launchpad.net/~lagnappe17:12
pangolinoldos2er: There is no need to repeat your request, when the IRCC members become active they will see it.17:15
oldos2erthanks pangolin. bodhizazen told me i should be 'politely persistent'17:18
pangolinwell, yeah but there is no activity in this channel currently so the request is still visible.17:19
pangolinWe can try one more thing...17:19
pangolinjussi topyli elky You nice folks awake :)17:20
Unit193Shoul he identify?17:21
Unit193I need a D17:21
oldos2ersorry, a D? what?17:22
pangolinoldos2er: you will need to be identified to nickserv17:22
oldos2ermy nick is registered to nickserv17:22
pangolinyes but you also need to /msg nickserv identify PASWORD17:23
oldos2ersorry to be repititious, but i'd like an ubuntu members cloak please.20:03

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