
lapionI have som really odd behavior with firefox memory growth15:01
lapionI use several profiles, and usually have 3 separate instances ( profiles ) active at the same time.15:02
lapionhowever the one that leaks the most memory is the one that runs the shortest and is used the least15:03
lapionlet me state ahead that I use flasblock and don't often activate flash. this time around I have not even activated flash once15:04
lapion8664 lapion    20   0 1407m 652m  15m S    1 32.6 110:39.85 firefox15:05
lapion8558 lapion     20   0  947m 312m  14m S    3 15.6 144:56.75 firefox15:06
lapion8608 lapion    20   0  760m 289m  13m R    3 14.5 351:02.84 firefox15:06
lapionas you can see the one with the least time ( also has the least tabs/windows active) has the most growth15:07

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