
dogmatic69_how can i allow connecting on some port from inside a network? i can telnet from locahost but not another server :/01:06
dogmatic69_even over public i cant :(01:07
tonytigerOff to homecamp this weekend. If you're going, say hi!06:26
ballWhat is homecamp?06:39
* daubers waits for the coffee to brew06:54
* ball shouldn't drink coffee at 01:57, but it's tempting.06:57
daubers\o/ coffee07:02
* daubers needs to go buy a computer headset :(07:18
* ball needs to go to bed.07:19
ball...and perhaps to buy a more modern PC.07:19
ballUh oh. Fork's out of bed.07:21
popeyMorning all07:21
daubersMorning canonipopey07:28
* daubers wonders if klas olufson sells soldering braid07:29
DaveBugdaubers: I believe it does08:11
DaveBugMorning all!08:12
kvarleyI've just installed pidgin-skype and when I go to add my account there are two options. "Skype" and "Skype (D-Bus) What does the D-Bus option do?09:01
popeybah, memory fail09:22
czajkowskipopey: what did you forget, get bacon for saturday sandwich breakfast09:25
czajkowskicause that would be fail09:25
popeyforgot what gnome 3 fallback mode was called09:25
popeyczajkowski: much planned in the evenings at UDS?09:25
czajkowskipopey: tuesday so far for UW, after that probaly wednesday the florida loco event which is on the LD09:26
popeyI happen to have a hire car09:26
czajkowskii can haz bacon sandwich and tea09:36
czajkowskigood start09:36
feisarI have a local .deb I'd like to install but 'dpkg -i' is not pulling in the deps should I be using ap-get?09:51
nperryfeisar: apt-get install -f will fix it for you09:57
nperryIf I remember rightly, don't seem to install local debs anymore09:57
feisarnperry: thanks, the repo version of OpenERP is old so I'm using the .deb from their website09:58
popeyyou could use gdebi10:04
popeywhich will pull in deps10:04
popeyinstead of dpkg10:04
feisaroh right cheers10:05
andrewebdevguys... my unity panels and launchers just dissapeared10:33
andrewebdevall i have is a menu bar at the top of the screen for nautilus10:33
* MartijnVdS blames gord 10:33
andrewebdevproblem persists when I restart10:33
andrewebdevanyone know what the Binary is called for compiz-config-settings manager?10:38
MartijnVdSbut that tends to break things worse, not fix them10:39
MartijnVdS(For me anyway)10:39
AlanBellunity --reset can sometimes help a bit10:39
MartijnVdSAlanBell: I had a crash that wasn't even fixed by that yesterday10:39
MartijnVdSAlanBell: had to log out, remove all traces of compiz/unity from ~/.compiz, ~/.config etc.10:40
MartijnVdSand then it worked again10:40
MartijnVdSfor some reason the unity-panel-services wouldn't start10:40
AlanBellyeah, if you use ccsm unity tends to get it's revenge on you in the end10:40
* MartijnVdS wonders why they didn't work _with_ compiz but _against_ it10:41
AlanBellI just had to enable a different alt-tab switcher, the unity one is not working for me at all10:41
MartijnVdSI mean they might not accept their patches back but at least test your code10:41
andrewebdevyeah that's why it started to break :(10:41
andrewebdevI enabled the unity plugin again now10:41
andrewebdevand now it's all back10:41
AlanBellI have no idea why the unity switcher wasn't done in a separate plugin like all the other switchers10:41
* AlanBell has reconfigured nearly all the IKEA stuff in the house in a big swap10:44
AlanBellwhich means I now have a big drawer and shelving unit in my office that I previously painted with glitter paint when it was in a small person's bedroom10:45
AlanBelland a 50cm deep IVAR unit sideways fits 19" rackmount servers perfectly10:48
MartijnVdSso do LACK tables10:51
dwatkinsI'm off to Ikea today to get Ivar shelves for my box room. I'm hoping I can cut them up to completely fill the space.11:25
AlanBellthey are quite cuttable11:27
AlanBellthe uprights are, no point cutting shelves11:27
gordonjcpAlanBell: I'm somewhat annoyed they discontinued a lot of the useful bits11:29
danfishIVAR? LACK? It's like you are all speaking a foreign language :P11:40
penguin42if you're going to cut them why not just go to B&Q and get contiplas cut to size?11:43
dwatkinspenguin42: I might, yes. Having one pre-cut unit is fine, as it'll fit, the rest of the space isn't quite right for full sized units11:50
penguin42(although I could believe that Ikea might be cheaper for planks to cut)11:51
dwatkinsThe Ivar units are 1720x500mm, the room itself has a door in the centre of one long side and measures 1240x2270mm11:53
gordonjcpI want to shorten an Ivar shelf by about 150mm11:54
dwatkinsIt looks like cutting the Ivar units might not work so well, as one end of each shelf appears to be routed.11:56
AlanBellcan be done, but some non-trivial machining to get the metal out and re-cut a new edge11:57
dwatkinsThe single Ivar units are less deep, that might help.11:57
* dwatkins gets out some paper to cut up11:58
gordonjcpAlanBell: well, it's not *particularly* routed11:59
gordonjcpyou could knock the metal out by bending the tangs up with a paint scraper11:59
gordonjcpthen just make a saw cut down the end once you've cut and reshaped it12:00
gordonjcpI modified a 500mm deep shelf to fit a 300mm pair of uprights, to make a TV stand12:00
gordonjcpwith a short 300mm upright lying on its side under the front of the shelf to support the weight of the CRT12:01
dwatkinsheh, my TV stand is an Effektiv unit, also from Ikea ;)12:01
dwatkinsThey don't seem to have the individual units on their website, though.12:02
neuronlunchanyone good with touchpads... ?12:30
danfishafternoon all14:15
danfishthe better half wants a new phone (not iphone)14:15
danfishwas thinking of a wildfire s14:15
danfishanyone got any comments/experience with one14:15
dwatkinsWhat does she want out of her phone, danfish? Keyboard, big display, fast cpu etc.?14:16
penguin42pink case? Swarovsky crystals....14:18
MartijnVdS\o mattman14:22
MartijnVdSmatttman even14:22
matttMartijnVdS: up to anything exciting today?  :)14:39
MartijnVdSI've been playing with Wi-Spy, a GPS-dongle, my laptop and Kismet14:39
danfishdwatkins: not too much - not an overly large phone - just for email,facebook and calls14:40
mattiMartijnVdS: ;)14:40
MartijnVdSnow to plot everything on a map..14:41
dwatkinsdanfish: I have an HTC Ace (aka Desire HD) and it's got quite a large screen. The smaller HTC Desire is rather good too.14:43
danfishdwatkins: I've got the Desire myself and am happy with it (though running cyanogen). My wife thinks it too big though :(14:45
dwatkinsdanfish: just asked a friend of mine which she has, as her phone is very small but still fully functional14:47
* MartijnVdS has the Galaxy Nexus on pre-order14:52
nperryMartijnVdS: What price have you pre-ordered it out?15:00
MartijnVdSnperry: £520-ish at clove.co.uk15:02
nperryReckon it would drop, as I have seen some higher prices then that.15:03
MartijnVdSSUre, they'll be cheap in a year15:03
MartijnVdSbut I need a new phone now(ish)15:04
dwatkinsdanfish: ah, she says it's the Desire Z she has, but it's not so small and may not be available anymore15:04
SuprEngrSuper Engineer is now Billy Baker on G+... damn their real names policy !  :}15:10
MartijnVdSSuprEngr: there are 500.000.000 Billy Bakers on G+15:10
AzelphurSuprEngr: same, it's so stupid lol15:10
Azelphurthere are far, far more people that know me as Azelphur than as my real name15:11
MartijnVdSAzelphur: Even your parents! :P15:11
* penguin42 thought they were going to change the rules15:11
Azelphurhuh? o.O15:11
shaunodon't be silly, people's parents don't use g+ :)15:11
SuprEngryep! dasft... but it took 3 name changes (chances?) before they'd allow my real name!15:11
* penguin42 wonders if there are any people who really have single names that have managed to register15:12
SuprEngr...so like many others, I'm now on there as a name nobody knows!15:13
SuprEngrG= executive board meeting total script:  "doh!"15:13
* penguin42 is wondering what to do with his work google apps account, it's now got G+ enabled, but that would mean there would be two of me, and that would confuse me15:14
SuprEngrpenguin42,  sounds like a good plan.... doctor, penguin42 is ready for his appointment ;)15:15
dwatkinsdanfish: how about the Wildfire?15:15
MartijnVdSpenguin42: I had 2 G+ accounts, so I deleted the non-APps one15:15
penguin42MartijnVdS: But I wouldn't do normal commenting and stuff on a work apps account one15:16
MartijnVdSah work15:16
MartijnVdSI have my own domain in apps15:16
penguin42so you can share stuff with yourself?15:17
MartijnVdSso it's more a "family" apps account15:17
MartijnVdSno with my parents, brothers, sister, etc.15:17
nperryHmm the Natwest & RBS android apps look nice, shame I bank with Halifax...15:19
* nperry waits15:19
Azelphurpenguin42: they finally allow G+ on google apps?15:23
penguin42Azelphur: Yeh as of a few days ago15:23
Azelphurnice, same predicament as you then15:23
MartijnVdSyou can enable it on the Apps control panel15:24
MartijnVdSs/can/have to/15:24
Azelphurk fun, wonder what I'm supposed to do now then15:27
AzelphurI have a google plus account and a youtube account on @gmail.com that I'd ideally like to move15:27
Azelphurand adsense, then I wouldn't have to account hop all the time15:28
MartijnVdSAzelphur: I can change the google account that's linked to my Youtube account15:29
Azelphuryea I just read that, will try it :D15:29
shauno'account hopping' doesn't bug me too much, but I wish it'd remember which acct I use for each service15:29
* penguin42 doesn't have a problem with hopping - I don't use my home account on my work computer15:31
AzelphurMartijnVdS: apparently I can't, because I didn't create my youtube account prior to may 200915:31
RaycisCharlesJimmy Saville is dead.15:34
penguin42RaycisCharles: He couldn't fix that15:34
RaycisCharlesI'm too young to know wth he is.15:34
RaycisCharlesHe was on HIGNFY years ago.15:34
penguin42RaycisCharles: Was well known DJ, presenter of childrens TV prog, and general nutter15:34
RaycisCharlesAh, I see.15:35
RaycisCharlesHe wore yellow tracksuits and chunky gold slabs around his neck.15:35
penguin42somewhat eccentric but mostly harmlessly15:36
RaycisCharlesI dunno, he could be a paedo.15:37
Azelphurpenguin42: figured it out yet?15:37
Azelphur(16:13:49) ***penguin42 is wondering what to do with his work google apps account, it's now got G+ enabled, but that would mean there would be two of me, and that would confuse me15:37
penguin42Azelphur: I'm not wondering that hard - and it's weekend15:38
shaunonah, he just dressed dodgy because he was a 70s relic15:38
AzelphurI'm trying to find out15:38
MartijnVdSBwahaha http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-1549498415:55
AlanBellwon't happen15:57
MartijnVdSIt gets proposed every few years though15:58
AlanBellpolitical suicide15:58
AlanBellif they did it then it would probably be safer overall and generally better15:59
AlanBellhowever . . .15:59
AlanBellevery single road crash in the morning would be blamed on the change15:59
AlanBellwhether or not it would have happened anyway. It will be pictures in the papers and politicians blamed for deaths15:59
MartijnVdSyay sensationalist UK media ;)16:00
AlanBellyou just can't put a picture in the paper of a lorry crash not happening in the afternoon that would otherwise have occurred :)16:04
MartijnVdSjust do it gradually16:04
MartijnVdSFive minutes per summer/winter time switchover ;)16:04
AlanBell30 seconds per day :)16:05
MartijnVdSor that :)16:05
AlanBellI can see no fault in your logic there :)16:05
shaunoI think they should just fix europe instead :)16:05
MartijnVdStechnically "we" (= the Netherlands) would be better on UK time16:09
MartijnVdSTime difference between Greenwich and Amsterdan is about 19 minutes ("noon")16:10
MartijnVdSI blame trains and Germany ;)16:10
shaunoI'm mostly unsure what they're trying to solve.  If you find it difficult to account for a ±1hr timezone difference, there's bigger issues16:10
MartijnVdSshauno: But what if you calculate it the wrong way around and arrive 2 hours early (or late!)?!16:11
penguin42IMHO it's a much bigger disadvantage that we'd be one hour further out from the US which would make meetings harder16:11
MartijnVdSpenguin42: making meetings with the US harder sounds like a GOOD thing to me16:11
penguin42MartijnVdS: Well if we have to have them, then having them at silly hours is not good16:11
MartijnVdSyou'll be a time zone closer to India though16:13
MartijnVdSso more call centres could move16:13
shaunooutsourced call centers don't tend to care what timezone they're supporting16:15
MartijnVdSshauno: I imagine they're cheaper if they're "closer", time-zone wise16:15
MartijnVdSbecause of fewer night shifts16:15
shaunoI guess that'd have to assume that night shifts are renumerated similarily around the world16:16
diploEvening all16:17
diploAnyone recommend any regex tutorials, basically have a fair few avi files with text in them that i want to rename in bulk if poss16:18
diploRegex never been my strong point16:18
MartijnVdSdiplo: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596528126.do16:19
MartijnVdSdiplo: or maybe http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596520694.do16:20
shaunoI just remembered everything breaks tonight \o/16:30
mgdmYou're upgrading to Oneiric?16:31
shaunonah, I stick to LTS16:31
shaunobut this daylight savings nonsense breaks every single year.  without fail16:32
mgdmI've never had a problem with it breaking things16:32
shaunoour nortel server is in the states, so it wants to switch DST off next week, not this week16:33
geekMePleaseIs there any device to copy one SSD to many SSDs?16:48
geekMePlease* I want to have one clean 11.10 always as a backup in another SSD16:48
Azelphurare they all the same make and model of SSD?16:49
geekMePleaseAzelphur: Yes, OCZ Agility 316:49
AzelphurgeekMePlease: very easy to do with dd16:49
geekMePleaseAzelphur: How?16:49
Azelphurdd if=/path/to/ubuntu of=/path/to/destinationdrive16:49
Azelphurbe careful to get it right, it'll entirely overwrite the destination drive with the contents of the ubuntu drive, they will be exactly the same.16:50
geekMePleaseI have only x60 currently. Is there any base-station like for USB to get many SSDs connected to your laptop?16:53
geekMePleaseDX seems to have http://www.dealextreme.com/p/dual-hdd-usb-3-0-docking-station-for-2-5-3-5-sata-hdd-ssd-94300 at least16:53
AzelphurgeekMePlease: USB + SSD = terrible idea16:54
geekMePleaseAzelphur: yes, I look now for basestations with firewire16:55
Azelphurfirewire is the same16:55
Azelphurif you want to utilize the speed from your SSDs, sata or eSATA16:55
geekMePleaseAzelphur: can you convert your internal memory-card reader of x60 to sata drive?16:56
AlanBellusb3 is pretty quick isn't it?16:56
AlanBellif you have a usb3 port that is16:56
geekMePleaseAlanBell: I have 1.516:57
AzelphurAlanBell: not as quick as a SSD16:57
geekMePleaseAlanBell: sorry, I mean usb 216:57
geekMePlease2 usb 2 and one usb 116:57
shaunoif it's just a one-off job to image a disk, I wouldn't worry about the bus too much16:58
geekMePleaseshauno: ok, I will then get simply the usb + ssd thing16:59
geekMePleaseto copy a few ssds16:59
Azelphurah, just looked it up, USB 3 is ok16:59
AzelphurUSB 2 will bottleneck on a decent SSD though16:59
geekMePleaseAzelphur: Ok, I will get usb 3 base station then, since I update my laptop in the future17:00
shaunousb2 will bottleneck pretty much anything.  It's pretty ugly really17:00
geekMePleasethere seems to be USB3 adaptors for X60 and X61 Thinkpad, need to get one17:07
=== Girly-Girl is now known as GirlyGirl
diploheh cheers MartijnVdS, sorry kids went manic17:33
diploI will take a look at buying that but something for tonight whilst the kids are in bed, will take a google around17:34
daubersurgh, sorting out my warhammer spares, got an awful lot more than I thought I did19:30
czajkowskipeeka boo19:49
AlanBello/ czajkowski19:49
Myrttipopey: mind the snakes in FL20:03
bigcalmGood evening peeps :)20:04
SuprEngrhmmm... freezing earthworms males them easier to sharpen...  double hmmm20:25
SuprEngr[quess what I've dot on tv]20:26
* SuprEngr is glad that someone thinks even my dust is important enough to be spelt with a capital 'D'20:33
SuprEngr[hope my ashes are given same respect]20:35
MartijnVdSqixl time!20:40
SuprEngrcheers m20:51
SuprEngrcheers MartijnVdS  - switchin now20:52
Myrttioh man20:54
SuprEngr...and to think that some peeps are out there watching news & documentaries - when QI   & HIGNFY are both on20:54
MyrttiI may have miscalculated the shrinkage of my selfmade knitted to-be-homefelted hot water bottle covers20:55
Myrttimay end up with mobile phone pouches instead20:56
* SuprEngr wants a hand knitted mobile phone pouch ;)20:58
SuprEngr[but wonders if a hand knitted mobile phone would work!]20:59
Myrttioptions are pink, and pink-dark brown-gray stripes20:59
SuprEngranythinthing but the pink-on-pink would do nicely please21:00
SuprEngr...so here we are  - on a UK support channel - talking hand knitted mobile phone pouches... that's the beauty of U_UK ;)21:02
SuprEngr[& I still want one pretty please]21:04
Myrttilets see what size they end up in first21:18
luigi_which program can i use in a tv media usb?21:20
Myrttiluigi_: huh?21:22
luigi_yes I have tv tuner21:22
luigi_but which program can i use?21:23
SuprEngrluigi_, what do the files on the usb have as a suffix [xxxx.suffix]21:24
luigi_i dunno21:24
luigi_because i have a usb21:24
luigi_tv tunner USB21:24
luigi_and it doesnt recognise21:24
SuprEngrluigi_, can you see the files in nautilus?21:24
luigi_im sorry xD21:25
luigi_i dunno how to do that21:25
SuprEngrluigi_, put the usb in a usb 'socket' on your computer21:26
SuprEngrdoes anything happen? [wait a few seconds]21:26
MartijnVdSluigi_: check /var/log/kern.log21:27
luigi_do i have to type that in terminal?21:27
MartijnVdSluigi_: can you put the last 20 or so lines from that on pastebin?21:27
luigi_what is the webpage21:27
SuprEngr...over to you MartijnVdS21:27
luigi_i forget21:27
MartijnVdSluigi_: just open the "Log viewer"21:27
MartijnVdSit's in the application search thing21:28
luigi_im inside the log viewer21:28
MartijnVdSopen kern.log21:29
MartijnVdSthen browse to the end21:29
MartijnVdSand open a web browser21:29
matttjust realized we're not that far off from fosdem 201221:29
MartijnVdSand paste the last few lines on pastebin21:29
MartijnVdSmattt: 3/4 months21:29
* mattt punches the air21:29
lubotu3`For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:30
matttMartijnVdS: you're in holland right?21:30
MartijnVdSmattt: I am21:30
matttgoing to fosdem?21:31
MartijnVdSluigi_: The last line says a new USB device is found, but there's nothing about drivers loading21:31
luigi_yeah i saw that21:31
MartijnVdSluigi_: so I'm afraid you're out of luck, and that specific tuner isn't supported21:31
MartijnVdSmattt: maybe21:31
luigi_no ? :(21:31
luigi_can i use windows emulator?21:31
MartijnVdSluigi_: for drivers, very unlikely21:32
MartijnVdSmattt: it's only a 2 hour drive21:32
matttMartijnVdS: no excuses then :D21:32
MartijnVdSmattt: I don't know about parking space :)21:34
MartijnVdSin Brussels21:35
MartijnVdSthat's my new problem ;)21:38
MartijnVdSBefore, I knew I could get there (by train), but couldn't take much stuff21:38
MartijnVdSNow I have a car, and I can take stuff, but I don't know where to park it :)21:39
SuprEngrMartijnVdS, take a car sized suitcase... book into a hotel & take it to the room with you ;)21:41
MartijnVdSSuprEngr: well it _is_ a SMART21:41
MartijnVdSSuprEngr: so it'd probably fit in the elevator without changes21:41
SuprEngrMartijnVdS, forget the suitcase... a rucksack will do for a SMART21:42
SuprEngrtime for bed, said Zebedee.... boing said Florence21:44
MartijnVdSgood idea21:44
MartijnVdStonight's an hour longer than usual21:44
MartijnVdSalso, F1 tomorrow mornig21:44
SuprEngrand Indian F1 on in morning is reason for beddy bies for me now ;)21:45
matttMartijnVdS: it's residential around that FOSDEM venue tho, parking shouldn't be a problem21:45
MartijnVdSmattt: good point21:46
matttwoah, 11 PM already21:47
MartijnVdSmattt: -1 because of the time zone change tonight21:48
Myrttithey're too big to be phone pouches22:11
Myrttibut my Sony Reader PRS-650 fits nicely22:12
diploIf anyone is about, can anyone recommend a cheap gigabit switch22:30
penguin42no, but there are loads about22:30
diployeah, seen lots just after recommendations really.. got to go in front room so would like it quiet22:31
diploI've got quite a few switches at home incl a GS724T but it's loud as you like22:32
penguin42how many ports?22:33
diplo8 I reckon, just found this... wondering whether is cheap is a bad idea22:34
diploAlways had named products22:34
diplo£15 dearer :/ - Problem is things are tight but can't see the point if it's going to be shite22:35
penguin42it depends what you want it for; if it's just a distribution switch for stuff then one of the little desktop switches will do22:40
diployeah basically got a HP Microserver/Revo/Desktop/Lappy all with Gig ports and everything running on 100mb22:41
diploStream all my movies / series from the HP box to the revo22:41
Azelphurapparently we have cold fusion now o.O http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2011-10/29/rossi-success22:42
penguin42it's a bit odd Rossi has been doing odd demonstrations for a while but never enough or open enough to convince people22:45
matttMartijnVdS: ah, true .. forgot about the tz change22:46
diploblimey, carriage is nearly the same as the price of the switch22:50

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