
InHisNamewhere the ?? are you at anduril00:29
InHisNamecentral pa ?00:29
andurilyup camp hill area 5 miles west of harrisburg00:29
andurilapparently in the frakkin bulls eye00:29
InHisNameenjoy all your snow00:30
andurilI want it but at the same time I gotta be at work at 1200:30
anduriltill 1000:30
InHisNamewe are to get dab late in storm.  Mostly rain for tomorrow00:30
andurilphilly area?00:30
InHisNameGot snow shoes or XC skis ?00:30
andurilwell worst comes to worst I can walk to my parents work (bout a a mile) but my apartment is only about 3 miles its just a pita to drive especially with snow and even more especially with almost bald tires. If we do get that level and it lays on the roads I'll be driving home with like 10psi in my tires for traction00:32
InHisName3 miles is ALL there is???   Do you feet work?  Walking is supposed to be good for you.00:33
andurilif I walk I have a high chance of dying. I either walk a very, very long route thats relatively safe (depsite crossing a few major roads) or else I walk a highway and probably die00:34
andurilI'd bike it (used to from farther) but then I messed my knee up in dec and despite the MRI's showing nothing wrong with it at all (multiple opinions) still cant get by without a brace and I have to ice it pretty much every day and take 8-12 advils a day. so...walking/biking is out of it00:37
InHisNameAwww, call a taxi and pay for the privlige00:37
InHisNameThen you may be concerned about falling meteors landing on the taxi.00:39
andurilwtf would I take a taxi? lol00:42
TheEvilPhoenixanduril:  8 - 10 advils is unhealthy00:46
TheEvilPhoenixthat much ibuprofen can kill your liver00:46
andurilits within prescription levels (talked it over with my doctor)00:48
anduriland my liver is already screwed to begin with so *shrugs* my genetics have condemned me long before this hehe00:48
InHisNamebad knees, and future bad liver, what else anduril ?00:51
andurilmultiple types of cancer if the depression or alcoholism doesnt do me in. high blood pressure, diabeties, did I mention brain cancer?00:52
InHisNameawww now you killed him.00:53
InHisNameand he came back to life again00:54
InHisNameI guess that's what a phoenix is about00:54
InHisNameso you can come back to life, but can you bunny hop a canyon with a motorcycle ?00:59
TheEvilPhoenixdont have to00:59
* TheEvilPhoenix flies across the canyon00:59
* TheEvilPhoenix waves from the distance01:00
InHisNameas he admires his audience and WHAMS into a stone pillar.   "George !, look out for that pillar !"   OOoooo uggh!01:02
* TheEvilPhoenix goes through the pillar and appears on the other side. The pillar then explodes due to the antimatter trail TheEvilPhoenix left behind.01:07
TheEvilPhoenix... oops :P01:07
InHisNameBut was he worried ? NOoooo, not at all.   He has his exploding pillar safety suit on.01:11
InHisNameHowever when an 'angry bird' flew over his head, well this corrosive white stuff ate holes thru the protections suit......01:12
InHisNameme yawns02:52
ChinnoDogme too02:54
TheEvilPhoenixnot me02:54
* TheEvilPhoenix injects InHisName and ChinnoDog with caffeine solutions02:54
ChinnoDogNow I'm tired and I can't sleep02:55
ChinnoDogme headdesk until sleep02:55
InHisNameNow you did it.   NOW I have to stand up and walk away to 'little boys room'.   SOoooo evil !02:56
* TheEvilPhoenix assists by hitting ChinnoDog with a pistol02:56
TheEvilPhoenixInHisName:  hehe have fun02:56
* TheEvilPhoenix throws ChinnoDog into InHisName's home02:56
* InHisName notes that there are FOUR toilets here, NO waiting.03:00
ChinnoDogThat is a lot. How many bedrooms are there?03:01
InHisNamecan be up to 6, but we are using one as office and another as storeroom.03:02
ChinnoDogThat is a high bathroom to bedroom ratio even if you had 603:03
InHisNameBefore the addition: 3br + 2toilets (1.5 bathrooms)03:04
jthanDon't you normally have more toilets than bathrooms?03:31
ChinnoDogToilets outside the bathroom?03:32
ChinnoDogToilets in the living room save a trip at commercial03:39
jthanBut.. like.. a "half bath" is what a powder room falls under, no?03:50
InHisNameYep 1.5 bathrooms = 2 toilets usually.   Once I saw a demo house that was 2.5 baths and there were 4 toilets. (The master bath had 2!!)07:27
InHisNameI have also heard a 3/4 bath has shower stall but NO tub.07:36
InHisNameBefore we got our foster kids, I marveled that we had 4 toilets and only three people to use them.  That happens when you are a 3 person family and have a 3.5 bath 6 br house.  Now with 5 it is not so absurd.  And the old master br and 1/2 bath are used for storage so we are really 3 bathrooms and 4 bedrooms and 5 people. [not to mention 2 computer 'rooms'  office & basement]07:41
rmg51off to shopping10:44
waltmanAt least I think it's morning out there.11:14
waltmanLovely weather if you're a duck. Or a sled dog. Or maybe a sled duck.11:15
JonathanDsled duck = penguin.11:16
waltmanSpeaking of which, I see there's a new all-singing all-dancing animated penguin movie coming out soon.11:19
JonathanDhow exciting.11:19
JonathanDI told crissis boss I had computers. He wants 2 of them. Today.11:19
JonathanDThey exist but are not prepared.11:19
JonathanDI just offloaded my last "prepared" one.11:20
waltmanFortunately the snow provides perfect cover.11:20
JonathanDI'm already scheduled for 5 hours of work for him today.11:20
JonathanDDon't think I'm getting out of it.11:20
waltmanI've got a haircut scheduled for 9 am.11:21
JonathanDIN THE SNOW!11:21
waltmanI'm hoping to get it done before the snow.11:21
JonathanDIt sounds more like rain to me.11:21
JonathanDGuess I should check the weather.11:21
JonathanD5-8 inches of instantly melting snow?11:22
JonathanDit's not going to stick, I imagine.11:22
waltmanNot much.11:22
JonathanDwho keeps eating all my precision drivers?11:41
SamuraiAlbaGood tofurkey to all!11:56
JonathanDhello SamuraiAlba11:56
SamuraiAlbaHow is it going11:57
SamuraiAlbaI need to get a new BODY for my HP Pavilion DV6 617011:57
SamuraiAlbaDropped my laptop >.<11:57
SamuraiAlbaWas in the bag, and the strap on my Swiss Gear bag popped off11:57
SamuraiAlbaDented the corner of the lid and body11:57
SamuraiAlbaOver a grand of laptop >.<11:57
SamuraiAlbaI shut down my guilds TS server last night11:58
SamuraiAlbaOur guild died :(11:58
SamuraiAlbaI'm thinking of selling the hardware....11:58
JonathanDhi andrew11:59
SamuraiAlbaI updated it to Ubunutu 11.10, and I have a 10 server 512 TS server license12:01
andrewlong day today, spending my morning over in Oaks, then Pottstown for the afternoon12:01
SamuraiAlbaI was told I am no longer allowed to bring my Alfa USB wireless to the campus12:04
SamuraiAlbaJeez... Point out 39 flaws in their net security ver 2 weeks and they get mad :(12:04
SamuraiAlba*over 212:05
SamuraiAlbaLike the fact that ON campus, on the school unsecured wifi, you can omit "www" and suddenly get to the Cisco Wireless Security control panel, and that they are still using Cicsco 7 hashes...12:06
andrewI'm out, have a good day (of course, you can always show up, bouldering competition all day at Philly Rock Gym in Oaks and Roller Derby in the afternoon in Pottstown http://pottstownrollerderbyrockstars.com/ )12:06
SamuraiAlbaAlo got threatened with being escorted off campus...12:08
SamuraiAlbaI never told ANYONE about the flaws OTHER than the IT director LOL12:08
waltmanuntil NOW :)12:11
JonathanDgot one of my recent salvages recovering to XP home (eww) so hopefully that'll do.12:16
JonathanDrecovering to XP home with AOL preinstalled12:53
JonathanDand compuserve12:53
InHisName does compuserve still run ?  I haven't heard of them in several years now.12:57
JonathanDI have no idea.12:58
* SamuraiAlba joins #OccupyTacoBell13:02
JonathanDand.... python?13:03
JonathanDpre installed13:04
SamuraiAlbaOk.  Client has Lenovo Netbook.  Password locked.  I have bios hash cracking utils.  How much should I charge?13:06
JonathanDJust bios pwd?13:15
SamuraiAlbaShe has one with a Hard Disk PW... how will I crack that?13:17
SamuraiAlbaOne drive is laready bricked from her GUESSING13:17
=== mikedep334 is now known as mikedep334|away
InHisNameWhat's your charge to re-partition the hard drive and re-install all the stuff she had.?   Would it be worth 2-3thousand more that that to her to recover what was there ?, than try a backup or whatever she used ?15:05
InHisNames/that that/than that/15:05
SamuraiAlbaCant repartition.15:10
SamuraiAlbaDrive LOCKED via firmware password15:11
SamuraiAlbaother drive she HAD was shown as 160GB, after too many guesses?  0GB15:11
SamuraiAlba$40 to install windows or Linux provided she has legit key15:11
SamuraiAlbaBIOS unlock?  $4015:11
SamuraiAlbaIt's a simple dos app :)15:11
InHisName160GB ?   MicroCenter has a bigger drive for only $29, throw it away and put the $29 one there and start fresh.  Or buy a 1TB for $4915:31
InHisNamepower outs   nope back on again18:03
InHisNamenother one18:05
InHisNamestill oout.    Beeping not faster yet.   Turned off monitor to streatch things a bit18:14
InHisNameOoops now faster.18:14
InHisNameguess it'll be long wait for truk to fix break not coming back soon18:15
SamuraiAlbaI'll tell her 29 :)19:10
ChinnoDoggobble gobble19:33

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