
CheeseheadWiki October reports page updated: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WisconsinTeam/TeamReports/11/October00:04
CheeseheadUpdated the next meeting time on the Wiki.00:10
CheeseheadSpent an hour cleaning up and improving https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WisconsinTeam201:18
CheeseheadAnybody have shayonj's e-mail address? I'd like to get his input....01:18
=== bigbash is now known as zz_bigbash
=== zz_bigbash is now known as bigbash
tlmWeird can't get sound out of either the speakers or headphone jack on an Acer Travelmate 2413LCi, LSHW = http://pastebin.com/dT4aHNbk APLAY and LPCI = http://pastebin.com/1TtPGvAA I found it junked, replaced the Broadcom wifi with an Intel card, oddly, the ethernet jack also doesn't work, not recognized by the router.22:02
=== bigbash is now known as zz_bigbash

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