
tseliotjcristau: are you around?11:41
jcristautseliot: kinda.15:42
Sarvattwow, RAOF/TheMuso really lucked out, they managed to get on the plane right before all qantas flights were grounded. hopefully getting back wont be a problem16:25
jcristauwhat happened?16:36
jcristaua, strike.16:38
LA2what different types and kinds of fonts are there? Why does my default runic font look so thin and weak? ᚠᚡᚢᚣᚤᚥᚦᚧᚨ21:41
bjsniderfonts are available in gnome-tweak-tool22:14
JanCLA2: you can use whatever TrueType or PostScript Type 1 fonts you want22:15
JanC(and OpenType fonts of course)22:16
LA2JanC: should I set this under the System->Preferences->Appearance->Fonts? And what font should I pick to get good runes?22:38
LA2and if there are good runic fonts, why aren't they the default in Ubuntu?22:38
JanCLA2: I don't speak any languages that use runic fonts22:44
LA2you speak English22:44
JanCand about why they aren't the default, there are two possible reasons: 1. there are no open fonts that are good, or 2. nobody ever complained, and those who decide on the default don't know more than I do22:45
LA2in the default (Liberation Sans? Monospace?) I can mix Latin (ABC), Greek (ΑΒΓΔ), Cyrillic (АБВГ) and they all look good together, but the runic (ᚠᚡᚢᚣᚤᚥᚦ) look very different.22:46
JanCLA2: English is generally written in a latin script, not a runic one (at least for more than thousand ears now)22:46
JanCand I see what you mean BTW22:46
LA2is there a name to describe the problem, e.g. "these runes are not TTF" or "you should talk to Mr. X"?22:47
LA2I really have no clue, beyond the fact that they are ugly22:48
JanCwell, first of all, the font system will fallback to a "lesser default" font in case the main default doesn't support a particular script22:49
LA2how can I find out which Unicode characters are covered by Liberation Sans?22:49
JanCso probably the runic glyphs come from a different font22:49
LA2that sounds reasonable22:49
LA2and where do I find the people who can add runes to Liberation Sans?22:50
JanCI think there is a tool somewhere that can find which (installed) fonts support a particular script22:50
LA2what does "script" mean here? Is "runic" one of the scripts?22:51
LA2of course, Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberation_fonts22:56
JanCLA2: it seems like the 'ttf-junicode' & 'ttf-linex' packages have fonts that support runic23:00
LA2after I apt-get ttf-junicode, what do I need to do?23:03
JanCit should be available in any application you (re)start after installing23:03
LA2indeed, so it does23:04
LA2still looks bad in monospace, though23:05
LA2so, Ubuntu should make ttf-junicode part of the default installation and much of this will be solved23:07
JanCLA2: runic isn't exactly used a lot thesedays, so I doubt they will include it by default23:10
JanCbut maybe it could become the "default fallback for runic if installed"23:10
JanCand if other default fonts come with bad runic glyphs, those can be masked out IIRC23:11
LA2yeah, installing ttf-junicode didn't change the other scripts23:20

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