Deceiver | 21 users hehe | 00:00 |
knome | yeah, that's about 15 more than a few monts ago... | 00:00 |
knome | +h | 00:00 |
Deceiver | must xubuntu users get help in #ubuntu anyways hehe | 00:00 |
drc | Everytime I ask for a "xubuntu" list in xchat, it's never listed :( | 00:00 |
Deceiver | most* | 00:00 |
knome | drc, hmm, weird. | 00:01 |
knome | !alis | drc | 00:04 |
ubottu | drc: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* | 00:04 |
ScottE | drc, in the channel list query, at the bottom, is the min # of users for a channel more than the number of people here? | 00:10 |
drc | ScottE: Nope, that's not it (I already thought of that). | 00:11 |
ScottE | OK, just checking... | 00:12 |
knome | if you refer to alis, it's probably a cached usercount | 00:13 |
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w30 | Anybody have emerald installed? | 03:05 |
w30 | Is there a Ubuntu version available anywhere? | 03:06 |
w30 | I want to change window my window border to something decent. | 03:07 |
w30 | even wvm or win95 look alike would be better than what the default is. | 03:08 |
* w30 using compiz | 03:09 | |
holstein | w30: me too | 03:09 |
holstein | i was wondering the same thing | 03:09 |
w30 | If I could find the configuration I could stick in different .pngs and name them the same *hack hack* | 03:11 |
holstein | it was taken out for sure | 03:11 |
holstein | | 03:11 |
* holstein reading about | 03:14 | |
holstein | w30: whaddaya think? | 03:21 |
holstein | | 03:21 |
holstein | its a natty repo | 03:21 |
holstein | ppa* | 03:21 |
holstein | im not sure i would know how to change to it.. | 03:22 |
w30 | Cards win series | 03:23 |
w30 | holstein, I think I will try to compile it. | 03:24 |
holstein | i might just grab the .debs from | 03:24 |
w30 | holstein, if you get it installed, I'll ask you when I see you in here in a couple of days :=) | 03:26 |
holstein | hehe | 03:26 |
well_laid_lawn | why not just ask in #compiz what gets used now? | 03:26 |
w30 | well_laid_lawn, good idea, /j #compiz | 03:27 |
holstein | w30: keep me posted | 03:28 |
holstein | im checking on these .debs... | 03:28 |
w30 | holstein, in ccsm in the plugin window-decorator in the window that says /usr/bin/compiz-decorator edit it and put in emerald | 03:31 |
w30 | or /usr/bin/emerald | 03:32 |
w30 | simple I think | 03:32 |
holstein | from #compiz 23:32 < soreau> the official decorators are gtk-window-decorator and kde4-window-decorator | 03:34 |
well_laid_lawn | probably why emerald isn't available... | 03:35 |
holstein | yup | 03:35 |
holstein | i was wondering... who knew... ask in #compiz ;) good suggestion well_laid_lawn | 03:35 |
well_laid_lawn | there's even a bot link for it | 03:36 |
well_laid_lawn | !compiz | 03:36 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see and more help #compiz | 03:36 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se | ||
holstein | w30: worked | 03:56 |
w30 | I could care less about emerald, the decorator themes, I just want a way to display a different window border. It seems you can't have gtk borders or kde borders. | 03:56 |
w30 | themes yes but borders no. | 03:57 |
holstein | well, i gotz me a nice window border :) | 03:57 |
w30 | holstein, really, how? | 03:57 |
holstein | w30: with emerald | 03:58 |
well_laid_lawn | !info gtk-window-decorator | 03:58 |
ubottu | Package gtk-window-decorator does not exist in oneiric | 03:58 |
w30 | oh, ok | 03:58 |
well_laid_lawn | oh | 03:58 |
holstein | | 03:58 |
holstein | hmmm... nasty... sorry | 03:58 |
holstein | w30: ^^ i installed that as a proof of concept | 03:59 |
holstein | i have gtk-window-decorator | 03:59 |
w30 | holstein, so do I but the themes can't load their borders into compiz | 04:01 |
=== peerAU is now known as evilNirvana | ||
holstein | w30: i have installed emerald from and added that theme, and i have those wolfe emerald window decorations | 04:02 |
w30 | holstein, you have to load an emerald window theme also, right? | 04:03 |
holstein | AFAIK | 04:04 |
w30 | ok | 04:04 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se | ||
w30 | there is enough emerald themes to supply everyones taste so no problem there | 04:07 |
holstein | w30: OK... im missing something else... notifications, i dont like these notifications in compiz.. i want the ones that you can click through | 04:19 |
w30 | I don't know anything about notifcations, explain notifications to me if you can. | 04:24 |
holstein | w30: not sure.. they just notify you | 04:25 |
w30 | about what? | 04:25 |
w30 | who your wife was with, kids smoking pot? | 04:26 |
holstein | like, the volume... unplugging the power adapter.. messages... monitor brightness | 04:26 |
w30 | the ones that appear and fade away, yeah they are about worthless | 04:28 |
holstein | used to be (and in other-buntu) you can click through them | 04:28 |
MrBobbly | what's the button you hit to get to the grub menu at boot? | 04:29 |
holstein | MrBobbly: shift? | 04:29 |
Unit193 | Right shift | 04:29 |
Unit193 | Other right, left | 04:30 |
holstein | i just un-hide it | 04:30 |
w30 | like MS Windows error 9853ef248uxz | 04:30 |
MrBobbly | nice thank you | 04:30 |
w30 | holstein, like duh.... | 04:30 |
Unit193 | If you want to un-hide it, you need to edit /etc/default/grub and update-grub | 04:31 |
MrBobbly | wtf | 04:31 |
holstein | i appreciate hte feedback though sometimes w30 , like with the volume | 04:31 |
MrBobbly | does xubuntu not support "nox" on the kernel cmd line? | 04:31 |
w30 | MrBobbly, what does text do? | 04:32 |
w30 | MrBobbly, try that | 04:32 |
w30 | MrBobbly, no gui, I think | 04:32 |
MrBobbly | no worries i sshed in | 04:32 |
MrBobbly | but i'm kinda screwed | 04:33 |
MrBobbly | login via gdm fails | 04:33 |
w30 | MrBobbly, that will work :=) | 04:33 |
MrBobbly | login via console succeeds but the video is unreadable | 04:33 |
MrBobbly | 0 2011-10-28 21:16 .goutputstream-1XN83V | 04:34 |
holstein | trying an older kernel is a good idea if you just did an update recently | 04:34 |
MrBobbly | ohhh look | 04:34 |
MrBobbly | /home is full | 04:34 |
MrBobbly | how aggravating that everything just stops working | 04:34 |
MrBobbly | this would explain why i couldn't access .gvfs earlier too | 04:35 |
w30 | MrBobbly, MrBobby is a hoarder? | 04:35 |
MrBobbly | heh nah it's a small vbox instance | 04:35 |
* w30 moves /home/porn to /media/porn | 04:36 | |
MrBobbly | woah | 04:36 |
MrBobbly | sob | 04:36 |
MrBobbly | all my perferences are gone | 04:36 |
MrBobbly | oh so how does one enable the "save this session" check box on the logout dialogue? | 04:37 |
w30 | MrBobbly, check out settings session and startup | 04:39 |
w30 | MrBobbly, check out settings and then session and startup | 04:40 |
* MrBobbly doesn't waste valuable SSD space on porn | 04:40 | |
MrBobbly | that's what USB drives and LUKS is for ;) | 04:40 |
w30 | MrBobbly, not serious, just kidding. | 04:41 |
MrBobbly | oh yeah i looked in session and startup cuz that's where i rembember that always being | 04:42 |
MrBobbly | but it isn't | 04:42 |
MrBobbly | theres an option to auto save on logout | 04:42 |
MrBobbly | but i don't want that | 04:42 |
MrBobbly | i want to be able to set/clear the checkbox like in the past | 04:42 |
w30 | MrBobbly, All boxes need houskeeping now and then I guess..... | 04:42 |
w30 | MrBobbly, whaat does Prompt on logout do? | 04:44 |
w30 | whaat/what | 04:44 |
MrBobbly | i just get the ok/cancel and the timer | 04:49 |
MrBobbly | older versions had a check box too | 04:49 |
MrBobbly | to maek a one time save of the session | 04:49 |
MrBobbly | ok lvm to the rescue | 04:50 |
x_ | if I open nautilus in xfce it changes my desktop background to a magenta color, until I log off and back on any ideas why? | 06:03 |
well_laid_lawn | you need the --no-desktop option for nutilus | 06:03 |
well_laid_lawn | or start using thunar ;) | 06:03 |
x_ | thunar doesn't show transfer speed of my copies.... is my main problem with it | 06:04 |
x_ | thx for the help ;-) | 06:06 |
well_laid_lawn | cheers | 06:07 |
xubunturob | Hi all, I was wondering if anyone is having trouble with minitube 1.5?? | 06:17 |
xubunturob | Is there anybody out there? Just nod if you can here me | 06:23 |
xubunturob | Is there anyone at home | 06:26 |
valdur55 | Hey. how can i manage my sound with hotkeys? | 06:26 |
valdur55 | Hello. | 06:26 |
xubunturob | Don't know | 06:27 |
pefark | hey | 06:58 |
pefark | ? | 06:58 |
well_laid_lawn | ? | 06:59 |
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ball | well_laid_lawn: That was odd. | 07:05 |
well_laid_lawn | ball: what was? | 07:06 |
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ball | brb | 07:07 |
MikeChelen | hi, after installing fglrx the system will not boot. it hangs with "error no suitable mode found" in terminal | 09:21 |
MikeChelen | set gfxmode=1280x800 | 09:37 |
MikeChelen | err that didnt work | 09:38 |
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xubuntu053 | hi there | 14:40 |
* xubuntu053 likes xubuntu | 14:40 | |
xubuntu053 | ;) | 14:40 |
xubuntu053 | can you recommend an alternate software to midnight commander with gtk? krusander and dolphin are overloaded | 14:42 |
xubuntu053 | just have an old armada e500 notebook with 600mhz | 14:43 |
holstein | xubuntu053: thunar not going to work? | 14:44 |
holstein | pcman | 14:45 |
xubuntu053 | holstein: its okay but slow | 14:45 |
xubuntu053 | also firefox is to overloaded, going to switch to opera maybe | 14:45 |
holstein | yeah? | 14:46 |
xubuntu053 | ? | 14:46 |
holstein | i had an e500 a while back | 14:46 |
holstein | i used puppy linux on it | 14:46 |
holstein | i would think xubuntu would be OK on it | 14:46 |
holstein | but, you might want to consider getting more ram | 14:47 |
xubuntu053 | does puppy alsouses the apt packaging system? | 14:47 |
holstein | i remember i had ram laying around that would work in there, so i maxed it out.. (512?) not sure | 14:47 |
holstein | it (the e500) was much happier | 14:47 |
xubuntu053 | 256mb | 14:47 |
holstein | the fact is, thats an old machine | 14:47 |
holstein | firefox is not overloaded | 14:47 |
holstein | thats an old box | 14:47 |
xubuntu053 | hehe okay will search for ram at ebay now | 14:47 |
holstein | im using chromium-browser | 14:47 |
Unit193 | Firefox is a bit heavy still | 14:48 |
xubuntu053 | holstein: yeah its overloaded for my box ;) not in generall | 14:48 |
holstein | i havent used puppy in a while | 14:48 |
holstein | yeah, FF is probably still one of the heaviest | 14:48 |
holstein | but, thats not why is running slow on a 600mhz with 256 of ram... | 14:48 |
Unit193 | But it's getting better, and it's the best | 14:48 |
Unit193 | Try midori/arora for that | 14:49 |
xubuntu053 | chrome.. also pretty good choise | 14:49 |
holstein | yeah, midori is nice and light | 14:49 |
holstein | opera used to run blazing fast on linux | 14:49 |
xubuntu053 | midori? | 14:49 |
xubuntu053 | browser? | 14:49 |
holstein | !midori | 14:49 |
Unit193 | 600 w/356? Xubuntu won't run well, either AntiX, SliTaz, or Lubuntu | 14:49 |
holstein | :/ | 14:49 |
Unit193 | !info midori | 14:49 |
xubuntu053 | !g midori | 14:49 |
drc | xubuntu053: You also might try Bodhi's E17 on a ubuntu base...very minimal | 14:49 |
ubottu | midori (source: midori): fast, lightweight graphical web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.0-2 (oneiric), package size 1094 kB, installed size 3736 kB | 14:49 |
drc | E17 might take some getting used to, but it's darn pretty. | 14:52 |
drc | Are "They" ever going to fix that irratating slowness in opening Thunar for the first time in a session? | 15:15 |
Sysi | there's workaround, remove networking features (gvfs-plugins or something) | 15:18 |
Sysi | personally I detest lag when deleting files more | 15:19 |
drc | Sysi: That too :) | 15:19 |
Sysi | *that* happens with quadcore and ssd too | 15:19 |
drc | I never thought I'd say this, but this sort of stuff makes me wish for nautilus :( | 15:20 |
Sysi | eww nautilus, dolphin is so much better | 15:20 |
drc | Sysi: Yes, but I really don't want to pull half of the QT libraries with it | 15:20 |
Sysi | you can't get more than 5GB root used by installing entire kde, xfce and gnome | 15:21 |
drc | Sysi: It's not the space, it's the idea.... | 15:22 |
Sysi | or maybe 6GB nowdays, anyway | 15:22 |
Sysi | drc: irony, I'm kind of running out of space in my root partition | 15:22 |
drc | ah | 15:22 |
Sysi | well, I'll reinstall when F16 is released | 15:23 |
Sysi | I'm tempted to go with KDE :G | 15:24 |
White-- | hi, after I changed my monitor setup for 2 monitors (little different resolut) using randr, when moveing the mouse to the bottom of the screen, the starter bar does no longer come up | 15:41 |
White-- | Is there a way to get this working again? | 15:41 |
[h4wk] | hi 2 all | 15:56 |
[h4wk] | i have a problem :) | 15:56 |
[h4wk] | Problem is with GTK | 15:58 |
Sysi | White--: move panels to bigger screen | 15:58 |
[h4wk] | Can somebody help me? | 16:00 |
Sysi | no, you never told what's problem | 16:00 |
Sysi | maybe, pop a question and see if someone has an ansver | 16:01 |
[h4wk] | :D i will tell you :) I install new theme and activate it in appearence tool and GTK is not working in all apps | 16:01 |
[h4wk] | how can I solve it to work in all | 16:02 |
Sysi | 11.10? that theme propably doesn't have gtk3-theming, you can copy gtk3-part from greybird or some other theme that has it to make those apps look a little better | 16:02 |
Sysi | or you just need to use theme that has gtk3 too | 16:03 |
[h4wk] | these are gtk2, you are probably right :) | 16:03 |
[h4wk] | Sysi you are right i copied GTK3 folder in some theme and I activate it and all apps that were not working are look like greybird :) | 16:06 |
Sysi | kind of common problem nowdays | 16:06 |
[h4wk] | And if I install some GTK3 theme it will work completely? | 16:07 |
Sysi | it should, too bad there aren't too much complete themes; ubuntu default ambiance, gnome3 default adwaita, xubuntu default greybird and misc (buggy) themes at | 16:09 |
[h4wk] | Is there a way to make to work GTK2 theme or I must look only for GTK3? | 16:09 |
[h4wk] | last question Sysi :) | 16:09 |
steph7 | hi where are driver hardware in xubuntu 11.04? | 16:11 |
Sysi | [h4wk]: turning gtk2 theme into gtk3 theme basically means making new theme | 16:11 |
[h4wk] | no no | 16:12 |
[h4wk] | is there a chance to make it work gtk2 theme in 11.10 xubuntu? | 16:12 |
Sysi | uhm no, you need both gtk2 and gtk3 part | 16:12 |
[h4wk] | ok...tnx Sysi :) | 16:13 |
drc | [h4wk]: They do work, with apps that aren't gtk3 compliant...other than that, no. | 16:13 |
Sysi | steph7: unless you have brand new broadcom wifi or new ati graphics card, should work fine | 16:13 |
Sysi | steph7: check with livecd/usb | 16:13 |
Sysi | uhm where, basically in kernel | 16:13 |
Sysi | just tell what doesn't work and how | 16:14 |
=== occupychristel is now known as peerAU | ||
drc | Anyone know of a fix for the sound icon in the indicator plugin UNmuting? The popup bubble indicates the sound should be unmuted, but I must manually unmute the icon for the sound to work. | 16:52 |
drc | I thought that covered this (in theory), but the fix was commited and the behavior has continued. | 16:53 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 852017 in xfce4-indicator-plugin (Ubuntu Oneiric) "xfce4-indicator-plugin does not update output" [High,Triaged] | 16:53 |
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aquant | hello. accidentally found nice picture | 18:16 |
S_SubZero | grr still can't get xubuntu to connect smb to either win7 or OS X | 18:37 |
GridCube | S_SubZero, installed gcfs-backends ? | 18:48 |
GridCube | S_SubZero, installed gvfs-backends ? | 18:48 |
S_SubZero | yeah I see the options in Gigolo but it throws errors connecting. | 18:48 |
GridCube | well thats weird | 18:49 |
GridCube | sadly i don't know much about samba :( | 18:49 |
S_SubZero | the network browser in Thunar can see the OS X machine, both smb and afp, but neither works | 18:50 |
S_SubZero | smb just asks for password into infinity | 18:51 |
S_SubZero | oh wait suddenly it works. @.@ | 18:51 |
MrBobbly | hello | 19:23 |
GridCube | hello | 19:24 |
MrBobbly | requirement "user ingroup nopasswdlogin" not met by user | 19:24 |
GridCube | ? | 19:24 |
MrBobbly | can;t log in | 19:24 |
GridCube | oh | 19:24 |
knome | segmentation fault | 19:24 |
MrBobbly | that;s the pam error | 19:24 |
knome | quitting | 19:24 |
knome | /quit | 19:24 |
knome | ;) | 19:24 |
MrBobbly | yeah that error is a showstopper | 19:31 |
MrBobbly | anyone know of it? | 19:31 |
MrBobbly | i think it's related to .gvdm or whatever that directory is called | 19:32 |
MrBobbly | either way, if i can't find a fix asap then 11.10 goes back on the shelf | 19:32 |
MrBobbly | and unfortunately linux gets another failing grade as a desktop | 19:33 |
ToZ | MrBobbly: anything in ~/.xsession-errors of user account you are trying to login to? | 19:35 |
MrBobbly | Setting IM through im-switch for locale=en_US. | 19:39 |
MrBobbly | Start IM through /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/all_ALL linked to /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/default. | 19:39 |
MrBobbly | /usr/bin/startxfce4: X server already running on display :1 | 19:39 |
MrBobbly | xrdb: "Xft.hinting" on line 13 overrides entry on line 6 | 19:39 |
MrBobbly | xrdb: "Xft.hintstyle" on line 14 overrides entry on line 7 | 19:39 |
MrBobbly | ssh-agent is already running | 19:40 |
MrBobbly | xfce4-session: Unable to access file /home/adam/.ICEauthority: Input/output error | 19:40 |
MrBobbly | ahh damn | 19:40 |
MrBobbly | meant to paste this | 19:40 |
MrBobbly | a meta-paste meta screwup | 19:40 |
ToZ | Try deleting /home/adam/.ICEauthority (may need root permissions), then try again | 19:42 |
xubuntu336 | Hello, world! | 19:49 |
knome | hey | 19:49 |
MrBobbly | t ToZ that did the trick, ty | 19:50 |
MrBobbly | can you shed some light as to why? | 19:50 |
MrBobbly | i mean i was using the box last night | 19:50 |
MrBobbly | shut down | 19:50 |
MrBobbly | slept (i know, this step is risky) | 19:51 |
MrBobbly | and then it just stopped working | 19:51 |
xubuntu336 | Yeah it is the first time i use the IRC service! | 19:51 |
knome | xubuntu336, welcome | 19:51 |
ToZ | MrBobbly: .iceauthority and .xauthority premission issues in 10.11 *buntus. | 19:51 |
ToZ | Mr Bobbly: is yours a fresh xubuntu install or update/upgrade from previous version or ubuntu version? | 19:52 |
ToZ | Mr Bobbly: don't think i've ever seen an official reason why? just fixes. | 19:53 |
knome | many things changed in 11.10 anyway | 19:53 |
knome | upgrades can always break | 19:53 |
MrBobbly | it was a clean install 11.10 | 19:58 |
knome | there can be permission problems if you have enabled root account | 19:59 |
olvin | Is there anybody who knows how to create applets for xfce panel? | 20:01 |
well_laid_lawn | I'm sure there is | 20:02 |
olvin | Yes i'm sure too =) | 20:04 |
Boxman | hi, would someone be able to help me with a sound issue? | 20:04 |
well_laid_lawn | Boxman: it'll probably depend on what the issue is | 20:05 |
Boxman | point taken, okay, | 20:06 |
Boxman | I just installed xubuntu 11.10 and my sound driver that worked in regular Ubuntu 11.10 has no audio output | 20:06 |
Boxman | it's a stereo set to usb converter | 20:06 |
Boxman | though I also have an lx-3000 microsoft headset if that might help for debugging | 20:07 |
Boxman | neither of them work | 20:07 |
well_laid_lawn | does it show in aplay -l or alsamixer -c 0 ? | 20:07 |
GridCube | Boxman did you tried installing pavocontrol? | 20:07 |
GridCube | pavucontrol | 20:07 |
GridCube | gods im dyslexic today | 20:08 |
Boxman | not yet, installing that now | 20:08 |
GridCube | also do what well_laid_lawn said and a lspci and paste all the results on a pastebin | 20:09 |
GridCube | now i gotta go :P | 20:09 |
Boxman | oh hey, it works, I guess I just hadn't selected the driver properly | 20:09 |
GridCube | :) | 20:09 |
Boxman | thanks so much | 20:09 |
GridCube | good to hear | 20:10 |
GridCube | :) | 20:10 |
olvin | =) | 20:10 |
Boxman | =) | 20:10 |
Boxman | see ya | 20:10 |
azzi | sdf | 20:18 |
mongy | Any netspeed like app for xfce? I don't like the builtin one for the panel, need to hover it to see up/down speed. Don't want to use conky. Tried indicator-sysmonitor which I use in ubuntu but doesn't quite work properly. Ideas? Just want something to sit in the panel to show me up/down speeds. | 20:32 |
w30 | mongy, w you settle for a netspeed applet from screenlets | 21:16 |
w30 | w/would | 21:16 |
mongy | back. I'd rather have it in the panel, like netspeed does it. I am trying to stay away from anything on the desktop | 21:42 |
well_laid_lawn | icons look so much better without a coloured background behind the text | 21:43 |
mongy | I read there was something called xfapplet or some such that could add gnome2 applets to xfce panel, but never got it compiledd or working | 21:44 |
w30 | MrBobbly, check the premissions in your home directory especially .Xclients; Mine somehow got chaned to root ownership and stopprf gui cold. | 22:05 |
w30 | stopprf/stopped | 22:06 |
w30 | premissions/permissions ...must be the vicodin | 22:07 |
MisterQuebecois | Hello | 22:10 |
w30 | some in here said don't sudo or su -i to run a GUI. Use gksu <app> as a safer alternative | 22:10 |
ball | Does Ubuntu come with a tool that would let me look for NFS shares on another host? | 22:13 |
ball | s/Ubuntu/Xubuntu/ | 22:13 |
=== vicky is now known as Guest13480 | ||
koszal | Hello all, I've just upgraded from some old release of xubuntu to the new one and somehow I've managed to get lost gnome-volume-control-applet that is used to display volume control in panel. Which package provided this? | 23:32 |
zacarias | how do you install a new splash screen? | 23:32 |
zacarias | never mind, I already know it | 23:36 |
xubuntu244 | ll | 23:55 |
xubuntu244 | wholy crap. one can chat on irc during xubuntu installation. | 23:56 |
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