
jelmerhi mgz01:00
jelmerhow's life in Florida?01:00
mgzquiet so far jelmer :)01:04
jelmermgz: heh01:05
mgzdid you manage to enjoy a few days off after gitting?01:05
jelmeryeah, went to see yosemite park, bitts of nevada and some of the local hackerspaces01:06
jelmerI saw I have a lot of bzr email to catch up with..01:07
mgzyou came in at the end of a day full of bzr-svn and builder questions before01:10
mgzI tried to get people to file bugs for everything where they got stuck, some may just want duping/explaining01:11
mgzjelmers need holidays01:12
jelmer:) thanks01:13
mgzI should probably go and try and find some people, but don't know who's around and this place is massive01:28
mgza little suprised vila isn't here yet, hope air france haven't done bad things01:29
jelmerisn't jam also going to be there?01:29
mgzyeah, but he was in newark not long so won't be here for a while yet01:31
jelmerah, ok01:32
mgzvarious other people are presumably around but busy doing useful things01:32
=== Noldorin_ is now known as Noldorin
Noldorinhi jelmer01:44
jelmerhi Noldorin01:44
Noldorinjelmer, how's it going? had any time to think about bzr-git stuff recently? :-)01:44
* mgz hopes it's all been geysers01:46
* jelmer wonders if mgz means geysers literally01:49
jelmerNoldorin: I've been away on conferences and holoidays01:53
Noldorinoh i see01:53
Noldorinlucky you heh01:54
jelmerI did manage to implement git-remote-bzr this week01:54
Noldorinjelmer, oh what's git-remote-bzr?01:56
jelmerNoldorin: it's the reverse of bzr-git01:57
jelmergtg, back later01:58
Noldorinjelmer, oh ok. how about the other way round eh? ;-) i'm looking forward to the new dpush implementation heh01:58
Noldorinokay then01:58
mgzvila is here :)02:05
chromaticwtdoes bzr use sha1?07:39
jelmerchromaticwt: for some things, yes07:45
sbarcteamhi. how do I install bzr for python2.5 ?11:26
sbarcteam(tried pip-2.5 install and easy_install-2.5, neither works)11:27
jelmersbarcteam: bzr 2.4 requires python 2.6 IIRC11:31
sbarcteamjelmer: Inside the setup.py file there is a clause: if sys.version_info < (2, 6):11:37
sbarcteamthe question is WHY. I remember when there was no bzr 2.4, bzr 2.3 would install nicely in py 2.511:37
sbarcteamnow I can't even installl 2.311:38
bob22.3's setup.py demands 2.6?11:38
jelmersbarcteam: 2.3 should still work in python2.4 and 2.511:38
sbarcteamjelmer: So I can simply DELETE that condition ?11:39
jelmersbarcteam: I'm pretty syure that condition is not present for bzr 2.311:39
jelmerremoving that condition in bzr 2.4 won't work, it will just cause you trouble later11:40
sbarcteamis it possible previous failed installation attempt of 2.4+ affects next installation attempt of 2.3 ?11:45
jelmerI'm not sure - what's the exact error (incl traceback) you're getting?11:47
sbarcteamI have gotten a consistent "need python 2.6" error.11:48
sbarcteamand then I downloaded the tarball, and installed without a problem.11:49
sbarcteamSo, maybe pip does some checking based on something.11:49
sbarcteamif I am running pip-2.5 it is using py 2.5 interpreter.11:49
sbarcteamI have no idea. but this simply made me waste 1/2 hour.11:50
sbarcteamwhich is ... a bummer.11:50
m1schi. i try to create a new branch based on a tag. inside the source branch "bzr tags" gives me 1.0.5 (among others), but "bzr branch -r tag:1.0.5 source dest" doesn't work. what's wrong?15:08
m1sci get "ERROR: The branch upstream has no revision"15:09
mgzwhat happens if you try to branch the revno that tags tells you correspondsto 1.0.5?15:16
m1scmgz: hmm, it doesn't tell anything. output is "1.0.5               ?"15:27
m1scmgz: ? is the missing revnr?15:28
mgzm1sc: yes, the '?' means the tag refers to a revision not in that branch19:03
mgz(sorry for the delay, freenode wouldn't let me connect again)19:04
mgzit might just need something as simple as a pull in that branch first19:05
=== Noldorin_ is now known as Noldorin
kiseIs there a command to get the list of files being tracked in a repo?22:45
fullermdBranch, not repo.  Look at `bzr ls`.22:45
kisefullermd: Thanks!23:09
pooliehi kise, fullermd23:19
* fullermd waves at poolie.23:19

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