
=== Pilif12p is now known as Pilif12p|meeting
=== SoulShadow is now known as Shadows`sleep
=== Pilif12p|meeting is now known as Pilif12p
=== head_v is now known as head_victim
=== Mkaysi|ZNC is now known as Mkaysi
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
=== htorque__ is now known as htorque
=== Mkaysi|ZNC is now known as Mkaysi
=== Shadows`sleep is now known as SoulShadow
=== Lynx is now known as Guest38432
rrvahi! I was upgrading to oneiric and accidentally answered no on question to replace /etc/init/networking.conf. How to get the oneiric version of that file? I tried apt-get --reinstall install17:28
penguin42rrva: You are in the channel for Precise, not Oneiric - see #ubuntu17:29
penguin42rrva: However, if you're lucky you may have /etc/init/networking.conf.something17:29
rrvayes I do.. how to be sure thats the upstream version?17:29
rrvais upstart really mature for servers?20:41
rrvalike, I've had issues with upstart hanging when trying to stop jobs if the process died20:42
rrvaor upstart thinking the process was running when its really not20:42
FernandoMiguelrrva: should be21:31
Guest7444267F6C66 add me anyone23:16

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