
* czajkowski hugs Pendulum 00:25
Pendulumczajkowski: until you have to leave we can be all-nighter buddies :P00:25
czajkowskiyeah this is killing me00:26
czajkowskiI also have to label the images00:26
czajkowskiand repeated Fig 23 a few times00:26
czajkowskiso had to go back and renumber00:26
czajkowskishoot me now please00:26
czajkowskiPage 3600:27
czajkowskinever ever doing favours again00:28
czajkowskithis is taking the mickey mouse00:28
Pendulumlet me know if there's anything I can do to help!00:31
PendulumI should be good for another few hours at least before the brain shuts down00:31
czajkowskigoing keep at it at least for another hr before I mayeb get some shut eye00:34
czajkowskifecking screen captures take so long00:34
mhall119czajkowski: is it something you can automate?00:37
czajkowskitake a website00:38
czajkowskiand one that has 14 sub headings00:38
czajkowskieach with multuple sub headings00:38
czajkowskitaking a screen capture of each of these and explaining them00:38
czajkowskiand what they do and mean by clicking on things00:38
czajkowskiadding items00:38
czajkowskiremoving them etc00:38
czajkowskiso a person can follow if they are not online00:39
czajkowskior follow at a session00:39
duanedesignPendulum1: how is the weather?01:38
mhall119duanedesign: last I heard, not so great02:58
nigelbmhall119: hey03:02
nigelbwant to push your last change in before UDS?03:02
cjohnstonnigelb: did you make the header changes?03:03
nigelbcjohnston: yeah03:04
nigelbmhall119 approved it earlier03:04
nigelbI'm wondering whether to approve mhall119's branch now or later.03:04
nigelbCan you take a look?03:04
nigelbI just woke up and I don't think I'm ready to review yet :)03:04
cjohnstoni ned to go.. gotta work on homework.. due in 40 inutes03:04
cjohnstoni dont see the change landing though.. to the header03:04
nigelbcjohnston: It should land now.03:07
duanedesign'lo nigelb03:09
nigelbhey duanedesign03:09
duanedesignnigelb: hope you are well03:12
nigelbduanedesign: Yeah, pretty good!03:14
duanedesignnigelb: my neighbors house just got broken into. Noe I am going to be worried about leaving town in the morning :\03:16
duanedesigni am trying to find a book to read on my flight03:26
nigelbHow long is the flight?03:27
nigelbYou may need book*s*03:27
Pendulumduanedesign: just don't make it about snow. I might smack anyone who talks about snow in a positive light any time soon ;)03:27
duanedesignPendulum: :\03:28
nigelbhey, the pictues of snow were prett :D03:28
* nigelb is glad he's not goign to be in smacking distance anytime soon.03:28
duanedesignPendulum: your flight did ont make it?03:28
duanedesignPendulum: do they know when they might be able to get you out?03:28
Pendulumduanedesign they might get me out tomorrow afternoon. Depends on things clearing up enough to get power back in wherever they have things like the de-icing machines03:30
PendulumI think I have a decent chance03:30
Pendulumbut I'm sleeping in the airport tonight03:30
Pendulumif I decide it's safe to sleep03:31
Pendulum(not worried about things happening to me, but am worried about my stuff disappearing)03:33
pleia2loco council people: submitted a ticket for lococouncil.ubuntu.com being down for 8+ hours (8 hours ago is when someone in -news noticed it), blog.ubuntu-women.org is down too03:36
pleia2cc:ed the council list, but it's moderated03:36
Pendulumooh, I qualify for a cot!03:54
* fenris-travel pokes czajkowski 05:27
fenris-travelhi head_victim05:27
fenris-travelnigelb: will u present at mozillacamp asia ?05:28
=== fenris-travel is now known as ejat-
head_victimGday fenris-travel05:29
nigelbejat-: Hopefully! My tickets aren't booked yet.05:29
nigelb3 weeks to go, hopefully, there's enough time :)05:29
nigelbejat-: Where are you now? Halfway across the globe? ;005:29
ejat-waiting my nxt flight to orlando05:29
nigelbParis? Frankfurt? London? New York?05:30
ejat-ouch ... what a long travel....05:30
ejat-at the kiosk right now05:30
nigelbYou should have at least one person onto Orlando ;)05:30
ejat-waiting another 6 hours for the next flight05:30
ejat-travelling alone ...05:30
nigelbAre you wearing an ubuntu T-shirt?05:31
nigelbI'm fairly sure there's people from Asia connecting via Frankfurt :)05:31
ejat-not yet ...05:31
nigelbI met people headed to UDS on my last connection in europe05:31
ejat-looking for public wifi here ... im at the kiosk05:35
ejat-will meet u at KL nigelb05:35
ejat-i guess there already people arrive at the uds right .. seem like someone post in uds-announce for playing tennis05:39
czajkowskionly i would wake up 2 hrs before i need to and without a flipping alarm05:40
ejat-morning czajkowski05:42
czajkowskipleia2: thanks05:42
czajkowskiejat-: hi05:42
ejat-u already at uds?05:43
czajkowskileaving shortly for airport05:43
ejat-owh okie ... c u this evening ...05:44
czajkowskiok but only if you stop sms writing :)05:44
czajkowskisafe travels05:44
ejat-sms ?05:45
* ejat- blurr ... maybe jetlag 05:45
ejat-bye ... take care too05:48
=== head_v is now known as head_victim
czajkowskipen hi09:53
czajkowskihow are things looking today09:54
Pendulumright, let's try this internet thing again...10:17
* pendulum waves from inflight20:52
pendulumfinally ;-)20:52
* popey checked in online, hopefully I have a decent seat ⍨20:52
nigelbYou start tomorrow morning?20:53
popeybut I'll be in flight for my work day :D20:53
nigelbNice start20:53
AlanBellpendulum: yay20:54
AlanBellinflight internets, that is cool20:54
nigelbFirst day of work - [*] Flew over Atlantic.20:54
pendulumat least orlando has power. there's a good chance there won't be any still when I get home20:56
AlanBellthe blackout maps look huge20:56
pendulum100% of my town was out and we are not big or important and do not have a hospital or anything21:00
pendulumand we have lots of trees :(21:01
pendulumbut at least the snow will be melted by the time I get back21:01
popeywont that screw with food in your freezer?21:02
popey(which is I appreciate a minor issue in the grand scheme of things)21:02
pendulumyeah, i expect growth in fridge and freezer21:02
pangolinthe freezer should stay cold enough to hold the meat for at least 24 hours, if the power is out longer then that....21:03
pendulummy parents are in Europe and I plan on doing my best to find out what they want me to do21:04
popeydo you have neighbours with a key?21:04
pendulumpower went out more than 24 hours ago21:04
popeythats proper snow21:04
popeywe never get that21:04
pangolinwell, you might want to just toss that food out when you get home21:04
pendulumyeah, but not sure if I can reach them.21:04
popeythey dont use irc?!21:05
pendulumno power :p21:05
pendulumnormally this amount of snow would, be fine, but it is too early, too wet of a snoe, and too many trees still have loads of leaves21:07
popeyoh, causes trees to fall?21:07
pendulumI really hope no branches came down on my car21:07
pendulumI was talking to another person from my town on my flight, who had driven to the airport today and it really sounds worse than most places21:10
pendulumI really want to reach my parents, but they have made it difficult for me!21:12
pendulumbut at least for the next few days I get a real bed, hot food, and hot showers!21:14
popeyand bacon with syrup21:15
popeyI am willing to try this 'delicacy' again21:15
AlanBellthat needs to be photographed21:15
pangolinpopey: you need to use real Maple syrup21:16
pendulumpangolin: he did last time21:16
pangolingood :)21:16
nigelbCanada's gift to UDS? maple syrup?21:17
popeyI am wiling to embrace the culture whilst there21:17
popey(I am bringing curly wurlys with me)21:17
AlanBelloh, do get czajkowski to tell everyone how to say that :)21:17
nigelbwhat's a curly wurly?21:17
pangolindon't know what curly wurlys are21:17
AlanBellthin layer of chocolate disguising a latice of tooth extracting toffee21:18
pangolinsounds evil21:18
pendulumnigelb: nonsense, best maple syrup is from Vermont21:19
nigelbpendulum: lol.21:19
pangolinthe best is from Quebec21:19
cjohnstonpopey: it really is good.. ;-) I know you didn't like it in Belgium.. but its good21:19
pendulumpangolin: curly wurlys are evil. but it is best to get czajkowski to say the name in front of jono21:20
nigelbWhat happens?21:20
nigelbDoes jono explode? :)21:20
pangolindiffering accents? war starts?21:20
pendulumni, just gets very excited and tries to copy her accent ( he seems to have a fondness for curly wurlys)21:21
pangolinI so wish I could be there with you folks21:22
pangolinI would like to try some curly wurlys21:23
pangolinheh, I want to be there so I can try candy, not for anything Ubuntu related21:23
popey http://twitter.com/#!/popey/status/130756682841206784/photo/121:23
popey^^ curly wurly21:23
pangolinnow I need to sign in to see the media, this means I need to remember my login.21:24
pangolinI'll google it instead21:24
pangolinoh, never mind.21:25
AlanBellofficial olympic curly wurlys21:26
AlanBellhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curly_Wurly <- including the contents21:26
pendulumI wonder if I should email Marianna to let her know my arrival status. As far as she knows I got in last night21:26
popeyso tempted to eat one of these curly wurlys21:33
AlanBellbkerensa: did anyone try a 64bit iso on the UEFI machine that won't boot?22:08
czajkowskiwheres pen22:28
czajkowskii found a daviey22:28
pleia2maybe still on a plane22:29
pleia2she was on plane wifi an hour ago22:29
czajkowskiwo.dering is she far behind or di i head to hotel22:29
nigelbprobably needs at least another hour at the least.22:30
czajkowskihmm ok22:30
czajkowskiam gonna head ti hotel22:31
nigelbon a phone?22:31
czajkowskilyz can u sms pen so she knows when she lands22:32
pleia2czajkowski: I don't have her number, but I saw maco downstairs earlier so I should head down22:32
pleia2she probably has it22:32
* nigelb can sms22:32
czajkowskinigel if u eouldnt mind22:33
* pleia2 just got in, was changing from in-disney-park-all-day clothes ;)22:33
nigelbczajkowski: sure, doing that22:33
czajkowskiyay fir free wifi22:33
pleia2see you soon!22:33
nigelbhey pleia222:34
nigelbI was about to ask about maco :P22:34
AlanBellczajkowski: 18:5522:35
pleia2ah, that's only 20 minutes!22:35
nigelbsorry for the wrong info!22:35
* nigelb should just sleep22:35
* pleia2 heads down to find people, else will fall asleep22:36
nigelbpleia2: Today's probably the only day you can sleep :P22:36
pleia2nigelb: heh, yeah, I can't actually find anyone anyway22:45
nigelbpleia2: There's a Canonical plenary thing22:45
nigelbI think most Canonifolk are there.22:45
nigelbOh right. It was there last time as well. an employee only meeting thing the night before.22:45
pleia2yeah, which is why we talked about doing a community thing too so we didn't all feel so lost22:46
pleia2I will just wait for czajkowski and maybe lurking here I will find someone else too22:47
AlanBellpleia2: I sent czajkowski a text so she might wait for pen22:47
nigelbAlanBell: Thanks for fixing that :)22:47
AlanBellhope I did :)22:47
* nigelb hopes her phone is on.22:47
pleia2ah ok22:48
AlanBellabout an hour from landing to emerging22:51
pleia2yay, found Darkwing, now not alone anymore :)22:55
AlanBelland pendulum has landed and is taxiing to the gate22:55
AlanBellmodern technology is fab :)22:55
nigelbAlanBell: texted her? :)22:55
nigelbJust got a reply from Pen :)22:56
AlanBelldon't have pen's number, not very useful means of communication22:56
AlanBelland czajkowski got a cab22:56
nigelbflight status, right!22:56
popeybought a USA map for my tomtom23:22
popeyit refuses to download23:22
popeyI hate tomtom23:22
popeylast time I updated the device it deleted all my fave destinations23:22
popeythis is the final straw. I am either going to bin it or find some other non-tomtom software to invalidate it23:22
pleia2people still use tomtoms?23:23
czajkowskipeeka boo23:23
AlanBellat the hotel?23:23
popeypleia2: offline map23:24
AlanBelldata roaming for google maps is $$$$$$$23:24
pleia2popey: ah :)23:24
popeyi have no 3g data plan in the usa so if i use the map on my phone it will kill me financially23:24
czajkowskiAlanBell: aye23:24
pleia2if you have an android there are apps for map caching23:24
pleia2czajkowski: welcome!23:24
czajkowskiI got wheel chair aissatance this side wiht my back23:24
popeyi dont have android, but there is an offline map for iphone23:24
czajkowskiso cleared everything really fast23:24
czajkowskiby passed davuey in a long queu23:24
czajkowskiwaited another 40 mins and no show for him so left23:25
czajkowskijust in hotel room same as last year23:25
czajkowskiwe're over in the villas23:25
pangolinpopey: you can claim it as a business expense23:27
popeyfrom whom?23:27
pangolinum, beats me23:27
nigelbpopey: new emploer23:27
nigelbuhh, wait. I take pangolin's stand :P23:27
nigelb"beats me"23:27
popeyuseful help there thanks chaps!23:28
pleia2czajkowski: I'm over by the pool near the lobby, if you want to all meet at some point23:28
czajkowskicool need to freshen up23:28
pangolinpopey: if you need, feel free to ping me and I can google map stuff you23:28
czajkowskiam STARVING23:28
pleia2czajkowski: I am so hungry too!23:28
pleia2maybe we find food :)23:28
popeyif i could ping you i would be online, if i was online i could google map stuff23:28
pangolinheh. I didn't think that through23:29
czajkowskipleia2: let me poke jon and let him know I've arrived23:29
czajkowskifreshen u[ and over ok23:29
czajkowski<---- starving23:29
pleia2jon who? :)23:29
pleia2sounds good23:30
popeygonna be fun driving from the airport to the hotel23:30
popeylooks an okay route23:30
popeytoll road though?23:30
pangolinpopey: iirc, no tolls23:30
pangolinhmm you know what you may want to get a couple dollars in quarters23:32
AlanBellnight all o/23:38
pleia2night AlanBell23:38
czajkowskipopey: 2 tolls23:39
czajkowski1.25 each23:39
czajkowskirught to the pool23:39
czajkowskipleia2: main one ?23:39
czajkowskipleia2: jon zee bf he does have a name :)23:39
pleia2czajkowski: oooh :)23:39
pleia2czajkowski: yeah, main one, there is a waterfall in the poo23:40
czajkowskipleia2: do not move!23:40
pleia2ok :)23:40
bkerensaAlanBell: Not to my knowledge? I can ask the person to23:41
popeybkerensa: there is some skeptisism about the claims that the HP laptop has secure boot23:42
popeybkerensa: your blog post is doing the rounds on Google+ and people are making some assumptions23:42
nigelbhrm, people a continent away are going to bed.23:42
nigelbThat should be cue for me to sleep.23:42
pleia2night nigelb23:42
nigelbHave fun pleia2 :)23:42
bkerensapopey: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-or/2011-October/000306.html23:43
bkerensapopey: He called HP and made it all the way to a L3 Enterprise Tech who advised UEFI was the problem23:43
popeyUbuntu supports EFI23:43
popeyI have it installed on my MacBook Pro23:44
bkerensapopey: My blog post has been doing the rounds on Slashdot and Reddit front page too :P23:44
popeyif you use the right cd23:44
popeyyeah, I think your friend is incorrect, it's not secure boot23:44
* bkerensa is well aware :D and kind disappointed it got shared so much :P23:44
popeyUEFI != secure boot23:44
bkerensapopey: I will check with him again... He ran 11.10 (Kubuntu) which supports Grub223:44
popeyget him to try a 64-bit CD23:45
popeyit's not tested that well, he may well be encountering an ubuntu bug23:45
popeynot a dodgy firmware23:45
bkerensalast e-mail he sent me he said he was filing a complaint with Oregon's Attorney General Consumer Protection Division23:45
popeyoh jeez23:45
popeyhe might want to do some testing first23:45
bkerensapopey: Well according to him HP themselves confirmed it was UEFI23:48
bkerensabut did not have a solution for him23:49
popeyUEFI does not mean Secure Boot23:49
popeyyou are mixing two things up23:49
popeyor rather he is23:49
popeyor rather his friend is23:49
* bkerensa never mentioned Secure Boot and neither did he in his e-mails to the list?23:50
bkerensaother people dropped secure boot into the discussion23:50
popeyI give up23:50
bkerensapopey: Sorry :P23:51
popeybkerensa: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2011-October/031842.html23:53
popeyColin kinda knows what he's talking about23:53
bkerensapopey: http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/ln21o/uefi_headaches_begin_for_linux_users/c2u1i2g23:56
popeyits not the alternate cd23:56
bkerensaMy new laptop has UEFI but I installed 32bit and 64bit without any issues so idk23:56
bkerensaI just asked JVLB to try Alternate and 64bit and ping back to the list with results23:58
popeythe 64-bit live cd should be sufficient23:58
popeyif it doesnt work then file a bug23:58
popeydon't assume it's because the vendor has made some change to make it hard for linux23:59
popeyit's almost certainly a bug23:59

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