
semitoneshello! i'm looking for a page on wiki.ubuntu.com that i can't seem to find -- a list of hardware vendors that come with ubuntu00:56
semitonesi know the big two, but there was another vendor that had laptops like the "Be" and the "Do" that looked pretty interesting, which I can't remember00:57
=== Handsalsa is now known as Guest41674
=== head_v is now known as head_victim
mdkesemitones: you will probably be interested in http://friendly.ubuntu.com/08:06
semitonesmdke: unfortunately friendly doens't have a list of hardware vendors with ubuntu preinstalled17:02
mdkesemitones: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuPre-installed ?18:14
semitonesThank you :D :D -- why couldn't I find it by searching (which keywords or method did you use?)19:06
Rocket2DMnmdke, did you mean to commit the build directory of html in the natty branch?19:12
mdkeRocket2DMn: yeah20:08
mdkeRocket2DMn: or rather, no20:08
mdkesemitones: "ubuntu preinstall" on google20:09
semitonesah thanks20:10
=== Darkwing is now known as DarkwingUDS
DarkwingUDSmdke: Did we want to do something for Ubuntu Docs at UDS?23:22

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