
philipballewI will have article summaries finished tonight00:18
pleia2lococouncil and blog.u-w are probably on the same server which needs a nudge :\03:31
pleia2elizabeth@coruscant:~$ host lococouncil.ubuntu.com03:31
pleia2lococouncil.ubuntu.com has address
pleia2helizabeth@coruscant:~$ host blog.ubuntu-women.org03:31
pleia2blog.ubuntu-women.org has address
Pendulumpleia2: was about to ask if there was a chance the server was in CT ;-)03:32
pleia2submitted a ticket with IS03:35
pleia2Pendulum: heh, how are things?03:35
Pendulumsleeping in the airport if I can figure out how to sleep without my stuff getting taken03:36
pleia2oh boy :(03:36
pleia2good luck03:36
Pendulumtheoretically rebooked onto a flight that gets into Orlando at 4:50 tomorrow afternoon03:37
Pendulumit was my original flight until I changed to today because the storm wasn't supposed to start until later and wasn't supposed to effect much before 7 or 8PM03:37
Penduluminstead it started at 1 and my 2:30PM flight never made it out03:38
PendulumI'm actually still in better shape for making the flight today03:38
Pendulum*this way03:38
Pendulumbecause I wouldn't have been able to get out of my house tomorrow03:38
PendulumI just wish the airport hotel hadn't been booked by the time they cancelled the flight!03:38
Pendulumbut I don't even have the worst story here03:39
pleia2oh dear03:39
Pendulumthere's a flight that ended up here after being diverted and a 1 hour flight turned into 8 hours or something, mostly spent circling JFK03:39
PendulumI overheard a reporter earlier say that there are about a thousand of us03:39
pleia2well, the weather down here has been beautiful, not too hot, so you're in for a treat once you arrive :)03:40
pleia2heh, just asked my fiance where he's connecting through tomorrow, philly would be unfun03:41
pleia2ah good, pheonix03:42
pleia2phoenix too03:42
Pendulumdepending on the time of day, Philly may not be that bad03:43
PendulumSouthwest is only cancelling flights out of Hartford before 1003:43
Pendulumand a lot of other airlines are planning on resuming earlier than that03:43
pleia2I just expect delays and annoyances03:43
pleia2but going straight to PHX he should be fine03:43
Pendulumwhat gets me is that if there wasn't the FAA rule about people being boarded and away from the gate for more than 2 hours before taking off, we might have gotten out03:45
pleia2heh, doh03:46
Pendulumbecause they de-iced us03:47
Pendulumand then we hit our 2 hours03:47
Pendulumso they had to go back to the gate03:47
pleia2that'll do it03:47
pleia2woo dinner has arrived03:49
pleia2best wishes, Pendulum! see you tomorrow :)03:49
Pendulumand it was when we were in line the next time for the de-icer (this time they weren't pulling us out until it was our turn), it ran out of fluid and by that point the place they get their fluid and stuff from was out of power03:49
Pendulumhopefully see you03:49
philipballewsummery time again!!!05:16
* nlsthzn will also be on it in a few... breakfast time first :)05:16
philipballewnlsthzn, alright. after you finish your breakfast ping me and we'll decide what to do05:21
nlsthznphilipballew,  I am  munching some or other all-bran stuff and slowly typing summaries on one hand...05:25
philipballewalright. sounds like a fun time!!!05:26
philipballewhttp://lococouncil.ubuntu.com/2011/10/25/call-for-loco-council-nominations/ is not available for me05:27
philipballewcan someone verify http://blog.ubuntu-women.org/2011/10/ubuntu-women-month-of-making-winners/ as well05:28
holsteinphilipballew: not opening for me05:32
philipballewthank you holstein ill look into this05:32
nlsthznreported this last night and someone already put a ticket in for this05:33
philipballewthank you nlsthzn05:33
nlsthzntwo links thus far not working, both from the same server05:34
philipballewserver may have gone down05:34
holsteinyeah... no big deal05:35
holsteintheres time for it to get back up05:35
* philipballew messes around05:38
* nlsthzn wonders if the summaries ever end >.<10:00
pleia2thanks for working on summaries nlsthzn :)10:58
nlsthznpleia2, you and akgraner make it look so simple and quick... but it takes a lot of time :p10:59
nlsthznoh and there is still one canonical server down11:00
pleia2yes, they haven't responded to the ticket yet11:00
pleia2I can summarize those though, I'm familiar with the content11:00
nlsthzncool :)11:02
Pendulumdo we still use a google doc or just the wiki?11:03
pleia2we write everything in the google doc and then copy it over to the wiki when it's "finished" (still requires last editing)11:04
Pendulumis there anything that needs to be done that I could do? (and if so, can I get a link to the google doc?)11:05
* nlsthzn is now pooped ... 11:05
PendulumI really ought to do something useful since I'm up11:05
nlsthznPendulum, I am sure there is enough gramtical and spelling issues in what I have done to keep you busy for a bit :)11:06
pleia2summaries look good, thanks everyone11:31
pleia2akgraner: they probably need at least a once-through grammar wise, I'm getting ready to head out the door11:32
akgranerpleia2, will do :-)12:07
akgranerYou all rock!  Thanks everyone - pleia2 I'll let you know when I've gone through them12:08
akgranerhey all thank you so much for all your hard work this week - tweaking the googledoc and gather stats - will move everything over and do a final proofing shortly :-)18:24
akgranerThis team is awesome! :-)18:24
akgranerAll the stats and updates have been added - I proofed all the sections EXCEPT: ITP, ITB, ION - those sections still need reviewing and In This Issue Still Needs to be added...I'm taking a break for a few and will finish later tonight :-)20:14

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