
bazhangmrdeb got unbanned? or have I misremembered03:04
elkyi unbanned him after i cornered him and had a talk to him03:11
elkyunless he got rebanned and I don't know about it03:11
bazhangokay, thanks03:12
bazhangnothing harmful, just "11.10 is buggy"03:12
elkyconsidering the portion of colleagues who tried to upgrade in the past 2 weeks, im not surprised anyone is saying it.03:12
bazhang<sandra_> linus, how about a fresh install of 11.04 ? I use the Super OS which is Ubuntu with multimedia extensions  etc. etc. etc.04:39
bazhangyet denies it just a few minutes later04:39
bazhangL1nuxRules, hi07:07
L1nuxRuleshi bazhang07:07
L1nuxRulesjust saw your message?07:08
bazhangL1nuxRules, you know that #ubuntu is support only, and #ubuntu-offtopic is for chat, correct?07:08
L1nuxRulesI didnt sorry07:08
L1nuxRulesI thought it was genral Ubuntu07:08
bazhangL1nuxRules, yet you are +q the second time now for that very issue. after repeated warnings07:08
L1nuxRulesIm just sad and lonely :(07:09
L1nuxRulesand I love Linux07:09
bazhangL1nuxRules, that has nothing to do with where you chat. #ubuntu is support only, as you have been told many many times07:09
L1nuxRulesI will support only then07:10
bazhangL1nuxRules, this is the second instance, so I am not so confident as before07:10
L1nuxRulesok give me a 2 week ban or something07:11
bazhangL1nuxRules, thats not the way it works07:11
L1nuxRulesI promise I will behave07:11
bazhangL1nuxRules, yet you just said that you did not know that #ubuntu was support only, while you have been told that very thing many many times in the past07:12
L1nuxRulesI know the rules last time I was very drunk and only knew when I reloaded xchat07:12
bazhangL1nuxRules, then come back to discuss when you are not in that condition07:13
L1nuxRulesok thanks bazhang07:13
L1nuxRulessee you then07:13
ubottuIn #ubuntu, jpmh said: ubottu: I know what it is - so why is it not working12:08
ryanakcajussi: Btw, Quizbuntu is missing on that page15:48
jussiryanakca: its a wiki ;) :D15:53
ryanakcajussi: Alright, didn't know if there was a procedure for changing such pages :)15:54
jussiryanakca: yeah, that one is just go update it as you see an issue.15:56
jussiryanakca: thanks, much appreciated. btw, you coming to the IRCC meeting tonight ?16:07
Tm_Tit's now or when?16:11
Tm_Toh right, 18 utc16:11
jussiTm_T: :D16:11
Tm_Tsee, I'm doing a very important work currently16:12
Tm_Tconstructing a lego tower16:13
jussiTm_T: why are you typing here then? :P16:14
ryanakcajussi: I can, it'll be my first :)16:37
jussiryanakca: great. extra insight is a good thing :)16:38
* ryanakca hasn't honed his reflexes enough to have made use of his op privileges yet in any way apart from changing the topic in #kubuntu16:38
ryanakcajussi: Here or in -meeting?16:41
ryanakcaAlright, thanks.16:42
escottWe have a troll in #ubuntu IMRAN if you could kick him it would be appreciated19:16
tonyyarussoHe quit19:19
tonyyarussoor not19:20
jtruckscd 3919:58

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