
danfishmorning - kids don't understand the clocks going back :(05:48
czajkowskiI just wake early05:49
czajkowskimost flipping annoying05:49
czajkowskias a kid I slept05:49
czajkowskiright bye05:50
MartijnVdSdanfish: It's not just kids :)06:22
MartijnVdSdanfish: I just ignore the switch as much as possible ;)06:23
MartijnVdStime for a run06:31
danfishMartijnVdS: enjoy06:43
danfishall I can say is thank god for curious george06:43
MartijnVdSdanfish: that makes them so sleepy..? :)06:44
danfishnah - a kids movie that I can wack on and have a few minutes sleep on the sofa myself :)06:52
MartijnVdSah, surrogate parent ;)07:41
* daubers cleans the kitchen ready for bread making08:01
* MartijnVdS orders photos08:10
MartijnVdSThey have a Linux app(!) which installs in a custom dir in ~ using a Perl script08:11
MartijnVdSit's built with Qt08:11
awilkinsNever knew that Superdrug was half-owned by Dutch people08:13
awilkinsBuut, is now half-owned by Chinese people08:14
MartijnVdSawilkins: Shell, Unilever, :)08:14
=== GirlyGirl is now known as Guest75751
MartijnVdSF1 in 5 minutes08:25
dauberswoot, bread dough now rising08:27
daubersneed to get some plain flour to make shortbread too08:28
MartijnVdShm shortbread looks easy enough ;)08:39
daubersIt's very easy! Just butter, flour and caster sugar08:43
MartijnVdSI have those08:44
MartijnVdSI also have sugar with some vanilla08:44
AlanBellmorning all08:47
=== Lcawte|2 is now known as Lcawte
MartijnVdShowdy KrimZon08:47
KrimZonI'm having some trouble with grub at the moment, if anyone can help - I started with ubuntu 10.04 dual booting with XP booting into ubuntu by default09:02
LcawteSome of these make me :)/lol http://cafedegeek.com/1070/30-geeky-wallpapers/09:04
KrimZonthen I installed 11.10 on the XP partition, and it boots to that by default, but I have to go into 11.10 in order to change boot configuration in startup manager09:05
KrimZonand when I try to change default, the offset ends up off by one09:05
KrimZonso I'd rather just want to edit it from 10.04 but don't know how09:05
awilkinsKrimZon, In 11.10, you can control it more manually by editing /etc/default/grub and following the instructions at the top of the file09:29
awilkinsKrimZon, The OS choices in their order are stored in /etc/grub.d/09:30
=== GirlyGirl is now known as Guest86673
KrimZonwould copying its configuration and doing the same in 10.04's grub config files work?09:34
awilkinsKrimZon, Not sure about 10.04 .. the bootloader is outside the OS, so doing it correctly on any grub installed should work fine09:35
awilkinsKrimZon, Having checked on my 10.04 VM, it seems to use the same config scheme09:36
=== Guest86673 is now known as Girly-Girl
daubers8 pitta breads sat resting before being ovened09:47
awilkinsMMm, fresh bread09:51
awilkinsI am inspired to think about possibly maybe making some focaccia09:51
daubersfocaccia is nommy09:51
daubersBeen ages since I made some of that09:51
awilkinsPicked up some tips from "great british bakeoff" that I'm keen to try09:52
awilkinsApparently I've not been making the dough wet enoug09:52
awilkinsI thought the sloppy wetness was a mistake in the recipe I was using, or variance in the flour, so I adjusted it to make a more "bread like" dough09:53
awilkinsBut apparently it's what's supposed to happen09:53
mar_33 when I working in developing python program this error appear  UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 2-5: ordinal not in range(128)10:03
mar_33 any help??10:03
AlanBellmar_33: unicode is fun :)10:03
AlanBellwhere does your string come from?10:03
mar_33from wizard programmed by python10:04
mar_33when I wanna chose any thing this appear10:04
MartijnVdSmar_33: you need to distinguish between bytes and characters10:04
mar_33thanks :)10:05
KrimZonhmm, I can't figure out what it's doing10:07
KrimZonI can't see it referring to partitions or uids anywhere10:08
KrimZonor where grub itself is installed to10:08
matttmorning morning10:14
* Pendulum waves to Ubuntu UK from a very snowy Connecticut10:26
MartijnVdSSnow? In October?10:31
MartijnVdSWe're having summer weather on this side of the ocean10:31
PendulumMartijnVdS: http://www.guardian.co.uk/weather/2011/oct/29/snow-storm-northeastern-united-states10:36
PendulumI spent last night on a cot in an airport10:39
Pendulumwhich was surprisingly safer than my house because by the time my flight got cancelled, there'd been no power for 4 hours10:39
matttPendulum: you live out there?10:48
Pendulummattt: yes. hang out here because most of my mates are in the UK :)10:49
* mattt misses the snow10:51
mattt<-- originally from toronto10:51
PendulumI expect snow in December - March10:52
Pendulummaybe 1/2-1" in October or November10:52
Pendulumnot 8+ inches10:52
mattti don't think the trees are even prepared for that10:52
PendulumI don't mind it when it's expected10:52
matttprobably why the power outages right?  :)10:52
Pendulumthe town I'm live in has 100% outage10:52
Pendulumthe town the airport I'm in has 99% outage10:53
matttanyway, gotta jet, good luck!10:53
* daubers is attempting to remember how to use Django13:19
mattturls.py, views.py, models.py13:22
matttor something13:22
shaunommm pie13:23
daubersmattt: Indeed :) pydev deals with all that. I just need to remember how to use it's methods :)13:23
mattti've written one django site, but always need to refer to documentation when doing anything13:25
matttdon't program in python/django enough to know it off the top of my head :(13:25
matttugh, wifi in cafe is so slow :(13:29
matttwhat's the easiest way to comment indented code in vim?13:35
mattt(while retaining indentation)13:35
constrictorany scala users here13:42
* AlanBell is struggling with vala13:42
daubersmattt: I find the same with django. Use it infrequently enough to always need docs13:43
AlanBellcan't seem to find how to do the equivalent of a python dictionary, like : partner = {'name': 'Fabien Pinckaers','lang': 'fr_FR'}13:43
daubersHowever, I have now written a simple http->matt bridge using django :)13:43
matttAlanBell: not the slightest clue :(13:46
MattJdaubers, post-only, or?13:47
MattJI need to finish my Lua MQTT library13:48
MattJAh nice: https://github.com/geekscape/mqtt_lua13:48
MattJNow that's taken care of I need to not get distracted by all the things I was going to use it for13:50
=== Sad_Sun is now known as sadsun
sadsungood afternoon13:52
SuprEngrDear England... catch up! Russia's got the right idea... Russia has not put its clocks back for winter this year, decided the country would stay permanently in summertime.13:52
sadsunfunny... u guys wanna join the timezone, but not the euro currency13:54
dutchieAlanBell: https://live.gnome.org/Libgee will probably have something in it13:54
daubersMattJ: post-only at the moment13:54
SuprEngrsadsun, oooh... nasty!13:54
shaunoI don't want to join the the timezone.  I still don't see any benefit13:54
daubersMattJ: It's more to get around the fact that there is no mqtt library that works on the nanode :)13:55
sadsunit is easier if the uk joins the cet zone13:55
dauberssadsun: It won't happen. Scotland will veto it as the last time they tried something similar there was an increase in RTA's in Scotland13:56
shaunoeasier for what? people who can't count to one on their fingers?13:56
sadsunactually I dont understand why the whole world doesnt have just 1 timezone13:56
daubers(on a similar note, I'd veto it as it's dumb)13:56
dauberssadsun: It's to do with daylight13:56
SuprEngrI need daylight!13:57
sadsunnobody uses a sundial anymore13:57
dauberssadsun: Go dig up the swatch internet time thing13:57
dauberssadsun: No, but people expect daylight during daytime hours.13:57
shaunoyou'll always have some variation of timezones.  if you put the entire planet on UTC, you wouldn't find australia working 9-5.  So you'd still an offset for all practical purposes13:58
MattJSo when you want to speak to someone in Australia you have to figure out what hours they wake up and go to sleep at13:58
MattJMuch easier :)13:58
daubersMattJ: I've had to deal with some countries where you have to figure out if they're actually working on that day13:59
MattJThough this is coming from someone who keeps their watch in GMT, no matter where in the world he is and what DST rules they have13:59
AlanBelldaubers: I don't think there was an increase in RTAs just the papers reported all the morning RTAs which would normally not be newsworthy13:59
sadsunuhm... i think it is more practical to have the entire planet on UTC.... installation of Ubuntu will be shorter as well ^^ the timezone questions can be skipped13:59
shaunoas someone who grew up in scotland, I'd find walking to school before dawn just because someone has problems remembering paris is an hour forward, rather annoying14:00
AlanBellsadsun: I think you are right14:00
SuprEngrjust wait.. 5pm "tonight"...England looses a smile... cheers to all slow coach MPs!14:00
sadsunyay, got one vote :P14:00
SuprEngrbut isn't UTC the equivalent of what we went back to today?14:01
* SuprEngr frowns14:01
daubersThis is an interesting read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving_time14:02
shaunowe're on GMT now.  UTC isn't usually more than a second or two off GMT14:02
SuprEngrI want daylight!14:02
daubersThere's lots of good reasons for having DST, and not very many good ones for not having it (other than convenience)14:02
shaunoI dont' mind DST, but I wish they'd agree on the same night to switch14:03
shauno.au switched a few weeks ago, we switched last night, north america switches next week .. that's the bit that causes me problems14:03
SuprEngrit's ok having daylight saving - but you can't cash it in when you've saved it14:03
daubersshauno: It is standardised across the EU14:05
shaunothat doesn't help me much :)  so far today I've had to call the US, singapore and australia14:07
SuprEngrit's cool to let the Scots keep a different time [& sny other northern lattitude county]14:07
SuprEngrwhoops... country - soory Scots14:07
shaunoyou think splitting the UK into multiple timezones would be less problematic than having to remember the continent is on a different time?14:08
penguin42shauno: Yeh that's the problem, for those of us who work with people everywhere, UK time isn't too bad14:08
* penguin42 believes a flat earth is the answer to this quandry14:08
daubersshauno: I dislike dealing with Aus, doing tech support for them is a right pain in the bum14:08
gordits like 2pm in the uk right now right?14:08
SuprEngrshauno -the Scots are very cool with the idea [generally]14:08
gordawesome, much closer than last week14:09
AlanBellgord: 10am there?14:09
AlanBellok, so sessions start at 1PM uk time14:09
penguin42right, so just have to see if Google calendar got the .ics I imported last week right14:10
shaunodaubers: the only real problem I have with .au is that they're always asleep when I need them :)14:10
gordnot a bad time for sessions, people working can catch a few in the evening i guess14:10
penguin42gord: I think your lunch break ends up at about 6pm as well, which is just nice14:11
SuprEngrI've got an idea... the whole world moves to one time zone, one superstore for shopping and one rstaurant to eat! no way, jose!14:12
SuprEngrno - please don't reply - that was just too provocative ;)14:13
shaunoif we moved to a unified timezone, I'd end up discovering that london time isn't worth what I thought it was, and end up working on US-Eastern :(14:13
sadsunozzies are celebrating xmas in summertime... they have the same calendar as us... why not timezones14:14
SuprEngrshauno, london time is never worth the effort!14:14
shaunoI still see no benefit to changing it :)14:15
shaunoif anything, I think spain/france/portugal should move to gmt14:15
* SuprEngr hopes no ops live in londinium... their revenge14:16
SuprEngrshauno, or gmt +1?14:16
shaunothey're already on +114:17
shaunoI don't think they should be.  Paris is geographically 8? 9? minutes ahead of london.14:18
SuprEngrimpressed with that piece of knowledge14:18
gordum. changing timezones wouldn't really help anything, i mean, people in australia are still going to go to work 12 hours ahead of you14:19
SuprEngryeh, but they've got wallabees & kangas... we don't.14:20
SuprEngrthere *is* a rationale for correct diuversity14:20
gordthe only thing it would do is make it easier for the lazy to never have to do maths :P14:22
sadsunlazy? its just more pragmatic ^^14:23
shaunothey'd still have to do math, to figure out when different countries will be in office hours.  it just wouldn't be as simple as typing "time sydney" into google anymore :)14:23
dauberssadsun: It actually makes life more complicated for a lot of people14:23
sadsunhow, daubers ?14:24
dauberssadsun: I know that the majority of the world works 9am-5pm, a quick look at a clock on a wall can tell me what time it is in many countries. Make everyone on the same timezone and you now need to know the office hours for every country14:24
daubersMakes it more complicated than just having two or three clocks14:25
sadsunso we will work from 8am to 4pm... I do not see the problem14:25
dauberssadsun: Whats the office hours in Oz?14:25
dauberssadsun: Egypt?14:26
dauberssadsun: Thaiwan?14:26
sadsunmany ppl have nightshifts these days14:26
dauberssadsun: Those are exceptions though. The majority of businesses work 9-5 in their timezone14:26
shaunoyou think you're going to convince australia to become nocturnal to save you having to count?14:27
sadsunnope, they work from 5pm to 9am14:27
penguin42given that when I'm not working I wake up at like midday UK time, it would be easier14:27
sadsunUTC time14:27
dauberssadsun: So we're back to my original point. You now need a lookuptable to figure out who works when, rather than a couple of clocks in different timezones14:28
sadsunin netherlands you can often choose which shift you can work... 9-5 shifts are less common hete14:29
penguin42until you find someone doing 28h days14:29
dauberssadsun: I bet the majority of office are open from ~9-5 though. Doesn't matter what shifts the staff are on, those would be the office hours14:29
sadsun8 to 6 actually14:30
daubersstill covers the given period14:30
shauno9-5 is the archetype of when you can expect the business to be available, rather than a specific shift that someone's working14:31
daubersIf I rang that office between 9 and 5 I could do business with them14:31
sadsunyes, but it is done by 2 shifts 8-4 and 10-614:31
shaunoyeah, we do 6-6.  but if oyu call between 9-5, you can expect us to answer without having to know in advance that we're 6-614:32
dauberssadsun: That doesn't matter! If I want to do business with that company I can ring at anytime between 9 and 5 and get through to someone14:32
sadsunand if the company is in new zealand you cannot do this...14:34
dauberssadsun: I call between 9 and 5 in their timezone14:35
daubersI don't need to know their office hours, just their timezone. With no TZ's you have to go dig up peoples office hours14:35
daubersShould realy stop feeding the troll and do some work14:35
shaunoyou pretty much end up doing exactly the same math, but calling it something else14:35
sadsunwhy cant the kiwi's have a company that advertises that they work from 21:00UTC to 5:00UTC and continue living in this UTC timeset?14:37
shaunowould you like to work night shifts for the next 40 years?14:38
sadsun21:00UTC to 5:00UTC would be daytime for the kiwi's14:38
shaunobut then you're back to having to find out what time they're in the office, instead of being able to make a sensible guess14:39
daubersStupid router14:39
sadsundont have to do this anyway?14:40
sadsundont you have to do this anyway?*14:40
shaunonope.  I have to remember that dubai's weekend isn't the same shape as ours14:40
dauberswhat lookup peoples office hours? No, I just ring them between 9 and 5 in their time zone14:40
dauberswheres RMS's parrot when you need it14:40
sadsunbut you have to look up their timezone14:40
shaunoother than that, it doesn't matter if I'm calling ghana or seattle, I can make a fair guess whether they're in the office, asleep, or at lunch14:41
dauberssadsun: I have 5 clocks on the wall, I just look up14:41
penguin42sadsun: Well you just look on their calendar - right?14:41
gordgeez bluetooth really goes out of its way to be utterly useless14:41
shaunohaving to look up their gmt offset vs having to lookup their 'office hours offset' is zero gain14:41
shaunoa whole lot of work for zero gain14:42
sadsunand you think 5 clocks is pragmatic?14:42
dauberssadsun: Yes. It's cheap, easy and I only have to sort it out once14:42
daubersthey're also being replaced with a high def TV with maps connected to google analytics and other work databases soon :)14:43
sadsunwell, i'm sorry, but I do not see it that way, I think it is unnecessary complication14:43
daubersHooray for random data on displays14:43
shaunoremoving their gmt offset doesn't remove that complication.  It just replaces it with exactly the same complication, with a new name14:43
shaunoyou still have to discover that NZ is 13 hours away14:44
sadsunyup, but no need for 5 extra clocks, timezone installation questions/programming and celebrating newyears twice controversies :P14:45
daubersUntil we have people constantly living off planet, the current system is fine14:45
dauberssadsun: So what you're saying is thet the little bit of work you have to do once is annoying so everyone else should do more work every day to make up for it14:46
* sadsun can't wait for stardates XD14:46
SuprEngr[off-planet?  Iwas *born* off-planet!]14:46
SuprEngr[I only came here as a favour]14:47
shaunoI'd still have 5 clocks :)  (well, 3)14:51
shaunous-east, here, sydney.  singapore & europe I can derive from those without getting too confused14:52
daubersI have a GMT, LA (whichever name that timezone has), Sydney, Japan and Dubai14:54
daubersAs those are the people I tend to deal with most often14:54
shaunoI'm kinda bummed that singapore don't do DST.  during the summer, they're us-east + 12, so I can double-duty the same clock :)  for most things, I just use http://time.is/ now tho14:55
daubersshauno: I'm looking forward to replacing the clocks with a big display. Get server response readouts on it and the list of coding/support priorities14:56
shaunowe went the other way around.  we used to have a map with little dots all over it, 5 years ago14:57
shaunobusiness is now good enough that the dots made the map unreadable :)14:57
daubersshauno: Heh, we're  just reaching the point where we're struggling to keep up with demand. Floods in Thailand aren't helping14:58
penguin42daubers: Why? I'd heard that there were a lot of factories out (hard drive factories in particular)15:00
penguin42man ssh15:03
penguin42sloppy focus, meets sloppy user15:03
dauberspenguin42: Yeah, we build NAS systems with big RAIDs in them. HDD's will be going into contention shortly. Prices have already jumped 20-25% wholesale15:05
penguin42daubers: Ah messy, and what with there only being about 3 hard drive manufacturers now it's nasty15:05
dauberspenguin42: Yeah. Only seagate aren't really affected and they'll be hit by the motor shortage15:07
sadsuntime to go ssd?15:07
penguin42daubers: Ouch hadn't heard that they all shared components like that; I guess it's similar to the chip mess with Japan having most of the production of some of the resins for chip manufacture15:07
penguin42sadsun: Not when you're into multiple TB unless you have very deep pockets15:08
sadsunah yeah... that'll be expensive...15:08
daubersHeh, we sold a 24 drive system to japan the other day with 600GB SSD's in it15:08
daubersthat was an expensive toy15:08
shaunoI can't wait for a sane solution to external ssds15:09
penguin42daubers: Nice15:09
shaunolacie came out with a nice little thunderbolt drive, and then priced it into stupidity :(15:11
daubersshauno: Meh, thunderbolt is dumb, wait for USB315:11
shaunomy laptop doesn't have usb3  lol15:12
daubersshauno: Macbook Pro?15:12
* penguin42 worries about thunderbolt - it's basically PCI-e, so it's going to need a SATA controller; I guess there is no real reason that PCI-e<->SATA should be any more expensive than a USB-3<->SATA15:12
daubers:) Thunderbolt is an extension to the PCI-E bus, we've seen problems with people who load the pci-ebus on their macs already when they use thunderbolt15:13
penguin42daubers: Like what type of problems? security sounds scary15:13
shaunoisn't a usb3 controller going to sit on pci-e too?15:13
daubersshauno: Not based on the current architecture, macs have terrible pcie buses15:14
penguin42it's all serial protocols - too many; spend all our money converting between PCI-e, GigE, SATA, US, HDMI15:14
dauberspenguin42: Graphics distortions, dropped ingests as the ingest card drops off the bus, macs crashing15:14
penguin42daubers: Ouch, the graphics is odd - isn't the graphics on them a separate channel?15:15
daubersYes, there''s an issue with the earlier models that means the signals interfere15:15
daubersthey released a f/w update to fix it, but still happens if the bus is congested15:16
penguin42daubers: If they're running them over the same channel they're going to have frankly unsolvable prioritisation problems15:16
daubersI also find it fun that it was originally an optical connection, and Apples method of forcing it to an electrical connection is to put what is essentially a really crappy optical to digital chip on the board15:17
penguin42daubers: Is it the similar trick to 10GbE where some of them do copper?15:19
shaunoI was under the impression copper was Intel's move, to get it to ship in anything near a sensible timeline15:21
dauberspenguin42: Ish, CX4 is actually a pretty good cable15:22
penguin42daubers: Nod - it's used by everything isn't it? short 10GbE, infiniband, SAS15:22
daubersshauno: Nah, it was Apple. I did notice that Intel wanted it to be licence free, but Apple own the trademark on the name "Thunderbolt"15:22
shaunoreally? Intel claim they own it too15:23
daubersFunny that :)15:23
daubersIt'll be the next firewire15:23
shaunoI don't see that as a bad thing.  firewire rocked :)15:24
daubersshauno: Shame no-one used it because of the licences involved (and the trademarked name)15:25
penguin42the name didn't make much odds - I've got the IEEE whatever ports on both machines here15:25
penguin42(did have a play with remote debugging with it once)15:25
daubersA lot harder to market a device with a name like "IEE1319whatever"15:26
shaunoI use it, because usb2 seems to really struggle with harddrives15:26
shaunogot a friend in biomed who used it for data capture, because usb2 was pretty terrible at that too15:26
daubersYeah, lot of video people have to use firewire 800 or more for capture. USB2 peaks at something like 25MB/s and it's a bursty protocol15:27
shaunoyeah.  usb2 peaks at roughly two thirds of it's theoretical max; and that's if nothing else dares use the same bus15:28
shaunowhich makes it pretty painful on laptops, where most integrated peripherals are hardwired to the bus15:29
daubersI just tend to use a NAS these days (funny that……)15:29
shaunoI have an external firewire drive for bootable backups15:30
shaunobut even day to day, usb2's 'issues' come up.  my phone syncs much faster off one usb port than the other, for example15:31
shauno(one shared a bus with the IR receiver; the other shares with keyboard/trackpad/camera/bluetooth .. the difference is pretty noticable)15:32
daubersphone, sync, usb? Ah! iPhone?15:32
shaunoyeah.  I still push music down the wire because it's much faster than wifi15:32
daubersI let spotify do that, or U115:33
shaunospotify isn't available here :/15:33
dauberswhere's here?15:34
shaunowe get everything last, because it's not worth fighting with record labels, just to reach the 72 people still here who haven't emmigrated yet15:34
sadsunuse stealthy.co15:35
sadsunand pretend u r in the UK15:35
shaunoI could just proxy via my vps15:36
shaunobut to be frank, once they ruin the convenience factor, it's easier just to use 'other means'15:36
gordtime to spend some of my sunday learning the wonderful world of LUA16:05
popeyEvening everyone16:46
popeygord: whats the weather like?16:46
popeyshall I bring my thermals?16:46
bigcalmEvening popey16:47
bigcalmWhole family off state side?16:48
popeyno, just me16:48
popeywent away for the weekend though16:48
bigcalmAye, noticed the hotel mentions16:48
bigcalmWas UDC a last min surprise?16:49
MartijnVdSnot for those attending...16:49
Laneyit's actually pretty windy16:53
=== matt_ is now known as Guest17255
=== Guest17255 is now known as daubers_
popeybigcalm: yeah, i only joined the company this week so the flight was only booked on friday16:55
popeyso kinda surprise yeah16:56
ubuntuuk-planet[Ralph Janke] I am soo Tired of the Endless Desktop Flame Wars - Can we Please all Stop This? - http://drupal.txwikinger.me.uk/content/i-am-soo-tired-endless-desktop-flame-wars-can-we-please-all-stop17:01
matttgood weather in florida?17:03
* penguin42 gets impressed with what Gnome's 'seahorse' can do - create .ssh key pair and then stuff it into the authorized_keys on a different machine17:04
penguin42but I am getting confused by authorized_keys - I'm trying to set up something restricted by command and it seems to be ignoring it17:16
shaunosomeone needs to get new england a snow shovel & a cup of bovril :/17:18
penguin42got it, heck sshd needs to be a bit more arsey about authorized_keys - it's wrong that a badly formatted line means the key is free to do anything17:34
MartijnVdSfor me, badly formatted lines just don't allow the key in at all17:39
MartijnVdSwell, mis-pasted keys that is17:40
penguin42MartijnVdS: Correct, but if you try to add an option to the key - e.g. command= and you break that line then the following key is unrestricted17:41
MartijnVdSthat sounds like a boog17:42
penguin42I'm not sure if it's actually a bug or a lack of paranoia, but I think it should be paranoid17:42
MartijnVdSSyntax error? Ignore line!17:43
MartijnVdS(and log)17:43
MartijnVdS(so sysadmins can actually figure out why it isn't working)17:43
penguin42well, that's the other thing - I don't see any log entries for it17:43
MartijnVdSnot even the "authenticated" log line?17:44
penguin42Well I see the Accepted publickey for ....   but nothing to indicate a screw up17:45
MartijnVdSI'd fillet a bug17:45
MartijnVdSFilleted bugs are the best17:45
penguin42yeh, I suspect best to do it upstream17:45
penguin42You don't get much of a fillet out of a bug17:45
penguin42MartijnVdS: One filleted bug: https://bugzilla.mindrot.org/show_bug.cgi?id=194718:03
lubotu3`bugzilla.mindrot.org bug 1947 in sshd "Log authorized_keys format issues and refuse to accept keys" [Normal,New: ]18:03
penguin42right, now to make some dinner18:03
SuprEngrSo Mr. popey...vee meet at last!18:26
SuprEngrVot do I expect, Mr. popey ... I expect your G+ Angry Birds to dieeee! [insert maniacal laughter as appropriate]18:26
DJonesWhen do you head off to the states popey?18:30
AlanBellany vala gurus about?18:32
popeytomorrow morning DJones18:33
DJonesHope its a productive time, probably feel a bit strange going as staff rather than a willing volunteer18:35
penguin42does tha tmean we can actually blame popey for things now?18:35
gordpopey, i assume you are buying everyone bears in celibration when you get here ;)18:36
gordor bears18:36
popeygord: ho ho ho18:39
penguin42popey: Do you know what you'll be doing?18:39
popeygord: kinda18:40
popeypenguin42: kinda18:40
MartijnVdSTelling people all Unity bugs are actually ayatana features18:44
penguin42quick, someone assign him all the impossible bugs18:45
DJonesI'm sure bug 1 has been assigned to him :)18:45
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118:45
MartijnVdS"Unity crashes a lot" -> "Wont fix. This is actually a feature to force you to take breaks"18:46
MartijnVdS"Alt tab is slow" "Wont fix. It's a feature."18:46
MartijnVdSit's _the_ reply to Unity bugs18:47
penguin42popey: Your job is to find a sensible animal whose name starts with Q18:49
MartijnVdSquagga. Done.18:49
MartijnVdSquixotic quagga18:50
penguin42it is probably the only one isn't it18:50
SuprEngrQuintessential Quagmire?18:50
MartijnVdSpenguin42: quail18:50
penguin42it's certainly better than the quadrate pebblesnail18:50
* MartijnVdS liked the rolling releases story from keybuk18:51
quaggaYay! Quagga!18:51
MartijnVdShi quagga :)18:52
penguin42MartijnVdS: Quixotic Quagga would work well; still how about the Quiet Quetzalcoatlus ?18:56
MartijnVdSI'm waiting for the wrap-around to Chilled Chupacabra18:56
penguin42X is going to be tricky18:57
MartijnVdSpenguin42: lots of Latin names with "Xes18:58
MartijnVdSXerus: a type of ground squirrel from Africa.18:58
smittixevening all18:59
MartijnVdSsmittix: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_AIX_SMIT ?18:59
awilkinsMy daughter has decided that X-Factor is more important than my company.19:00
* awilkins sulks19:00
MartijnVdSawilkins: Next birthday, tell her beer was more important than a present19:00
awilkinsYay, she's changed her mind19:01
* awilkins is happy19:01
penguin42awilkins: You buy her  a PVR?19:01
MartijnVdSpenguin42: "♫ Oh Lord, won't you buy me a huge PVR" (an update to the classics...)19:04
penguin42MartijnVdS: My friends all have VCRs ?19:04
MartijnVdSsomething like that :)19:04
MartijnVdSpenguin42: from the same set: "♪ We all live in a Windows subroutine"19:05
MartijnVdSpenguin42: and the all-time classic "Deadlock holiday"19:05
penguin42MartijnVdS: Well, you never want a Deadlocked Raster19:07
popeygord: i have something on my desk for you19:07
MartijnVdSpenguin42: exactly19:08
MartijnVdSpenguin42: oh and don't forget "London Rain (Nothing Heals Me Like Youtube)"19:11
* awilkins has a 1TB MythTV box, she doesn't need another one19:52
awilkinsI wrote a song to the tune of "Hey Hey We're the Monkees"19:54
MartijnVdSWhat did it become?19:54
awilkinshttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/723619/   # Darwin's Monkeys19:55
awilkinsThis was some time ago now.. it's embedded in a Slashdot post somewhere19:56
ali1234lyrics fit well to money for nothing by dire straits20:10
ali1234monkeys for nothing and your chimps for free20:10
penguin42sorry, you're making me think of Leonard Cohen20:15
DJonesAm I right in thinking that when using byobu instead of screen to run irssi, to reconnect to the session, I still need to run "screen -dr"20:48
ali1234you just run byobu20:50
ali1234it reattaches by default20:50
DJonesThanks, I wasn't sure & found that screen -dr worked anyway20:50
ali1234yeah it will20:50
DJonesI've got no doubt I'm going to forget that a multitude of times20:52
ali1234byobu just runs screen with a custom configuration file20:53
DJonesIts something I've kept meaning to try but never got round to it, decided I'd give it a go while I'm finishing off setting a replacement server up20:55
popeyI quite like it20:56
DJonesInteresting, you can have two devices connected to the same byobu session21:00
MartijnVdSscreen -x \o/21:00
popeyyeah, and you can both be on different windows too21:01
matttwhy use byobu over screen?21:02
* mattt kicks it oldschool21:02
MartijnVdSpopey: at work we have a machine where we even do multiuser screen21:02
MartijnVdSpopey: (it's setgid or something)21:02
MartijnVdSit can be a bit scary ;)21:02
popeymattt: pretty21:02
DJonesI doubt I'll ever need that, was just testing that I had access from an external ip using connectbot and was expecting my laptop to disconnect, it was a bit disconcerting seeing it still connected :)21:03
matttpopey: that's it?  :/21:03
popeymattt: yes21:03
popeyDJones: -rD will disconnect21:03
popeyrather than -rd21:03
MartijnVdSthere's even some option to make screen disconnect OR create a new screen with the given name21:05
DJonespopey: Under normal circumstances, I'll only ever have one connection anyway, I'll need to read the man page21:05
popeyscreen is _awesome_21:05
popeybyobu just makes it a tiny tiny bit nicer21:05
DJonesApart from the info in the bottom couple of lines, I don't see much difference in how it looks, but no doubt there's a lot of extra options that I've not looked into yet21:07
MartijnVdSthere's bashish - http://bashish.sourceforge.net/21:09
mgdmI use zsh with some bits of https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh21:11
mgdmbut I'm more interested in a nice working environment rather than eye candy ;)21:12
AzelphurI have both, compiz \m/21:13
Azelphurcompiz + easystroke = eye candy with epic usability21:13
mgdmI can use most machines if they have a decent browser, terminal, and Vim21:14
Azelphurhaha, I'm the opposite mines customized out the ears and takes a while to set up from a fresh install21:16
diploGuys, just been given a 2tb external drive, going to pair it with my microserver to make some backups, the server runs natty server21:17
diploAny recommendations on what to use to backup21:17
* MartijnVdS uses rsync + crontab21:17
diplorsync, rsyncsnapshot ?21:17
diployeah was what i was going to go with21:17
MartijnVdSI used rsnapshot before, but its config file is HELL21:17
diploSounds the advice i wanted :)21:18
MartijnVdS("My God, it's full of _significant tabs_")21:18
popeyi use rsnapshot21:18
popeyjust works21:18
MartijnVdS(and don't put in two where there was one before!)21:18
popeyonce you get over the stupid config file format21:18
mgdm+1 from me for rsnapshot21:19
diploMay give it a go then, going to plug it in before bed and try tomorrow at work21:19
mgdmand yes, significant whitespace can sod off21:19
mgdmmake is terrible for it too21:19
diploGot to decide what to backup, 4tb of disc but only using 2.3 atm but only a 2tb external disc21:20
MartijnVdSUSB discs are shit. They die easily21:20
MartijnVdSget a proper networked disk system (NAS)21:20
daftykinstrue that21:20
daftykinsyou'd want an external hard disks' mains adapter UPS'd just to save it from mains death21:21
diploThis is just a braces thing.. already got backups.. just want to make use of a free external drive21:21
daftykinsthat's how prior clients of mine have lost theirs21:21
diploYea defo something I want to get in next few months is a ups21:21
MartijnVdSas soon as I get fiber I'm going to make backups over the internet to my parents place21:21
diploI'm thinking of doing that to my work for photos/music21:22
diploNo fiber here any time soon though21:23
MartijnVdSdiplo: Netherlands++ in that regard ;)21:25
diploheh, yeah UK sucks on that front :/21:25
daftykinsMartijnVdS: what's your connection like right now? in speed terms21:25
diploBeen Virgin for years, currently on DSL for the first time ever i think for home use21:25
MartijnVdSdaftykins: currently, 16/1Mbit ADSL21:26
daftykinsnice :)21:26
daftykinsi'm on 16/76821:26
daftykinscould definitely enjoy far more upload21:26
MartijnVdSdaftykins: will get 500/500Mbit fibre "in November" :)21:26
MartijnVdS100/100 at first, but 500/500 before the end of Q1/201221:26
popeyheh, we're due to get 100Mb end of next year21:27
daftykinsany caps on that?21:27
diploThats why I'm debating to go back to Virgin popey21:27
MartijnVdSdaftykins: only a speed cap :)21:27
popeydaftykins: no21:27
diploBut will miss some of the channels like Atlantic on Sky21:27
popeyno caps on the virgin top end21:27
popeyTV is overrated :D21:27
daftykinsyeah broadcast TV is a total waste of time21:27
MartijnVdSI can get TV over IP with the fibre if I want21:28
daftykinsi don't even use it21:28
diployeah it's not the end of the world for me21:28
mattti've seen them digging up the streets for miles around my place, presumably to run fiber or something21:28
MartijnVdSbut I have a satellite dish, so meh21:28
clockwatchI saw a TV once, but I didn't like it21:28
diploNot sure I could get rid of Sky/Cable because of the quiet it gives me from the kids occasionally21:28
MartijnVdSclockwatch: I have a nice 46" TV, works great for playing games or Blurays on the PS321:28
matttdiplo: :P21:29
diploBut i do have DVD's of a lot of the stuff they watch, debated about spending the money i save on buying the series they watch on DVD instead21:29
MartijnVdSdiplo: yeah, imagine having to actually raise them ;)21:29
matttsky is reasonably priced, but once you start paying for sports it gets a bit ridiculous21:29
MartijnVdSI pay €20/month for basic satellite TV, and on top of that I get your FreeSat channels for free ;)21:30
diployeah just basic for me mattt21:30
daftykinsi don't think Sky is reasonable at all :>21:30
MartijnVdS\o/ UK satellite TV21:30
popeyI dont buy DVDs anymore21:30
diploNow netflix is coming to the UK soon I may not popey21:31
diploIntegration with XBMC as well would be great21:31
matttwe really need something like netflix21:31
MartijnVdSpopey: you just stream CBBC from iPlayer?21:31
diploI'd defo cancel it all then21:31
popeyMartijnVdS: yup21:31
diplomattt it's been anounced it's coming now21:31
matttdiplo: yeah, i recall seeing something ... but it got lost with all the whining americans were doing about the price increases21:32
diploearly 201221:32
diploWas debating Lovefilm but it sucks in comparison, and no way of integrating to XBMC yet21:34
Azelphuryea I wasn't impressed by lovefilm either21:34
matttmy gf had a lovefilm subscription a few years back, the selection was horrible21:35
diploWorst part of all of this is the MPAA/Studios.. licensing sucks makes it awful for these companies21:35
daftykinsoptical media, so quaint it was21:35
daftykinsyeah i'd love a decent service on-demand, but no companies are ever going to make one decent21:36
diploI buy DVD's and instantly rip them21:36
daftykinsfor example, if i had something that grabbed the latest HD episodes for a subscription i'd be happy21:36
diploStill to get myself a bluray unit to rip them :/21:36
diploMaybe a treat for myself for Xmas21:37
popeysurely you just end up with TB of media files that you never watch rather than stacks of optical media you never watch?21:37
* MartijnVdS does that with CDs, and I actually listen to most of them regularly21:37
daftykinssure but is that data messing with the environment?21:37
MartijnVdSI have >500 now21:37
diploI watch a lot of films tbh popey21:38
daftykinsdo i have to go get it?21:38
daftykinsdoes it cost loads to get to me over my net connection versus a disc in the post?21:38
popeydiplo: how many times do you watch each one?21:38
diploAnd I now never get scratched DVD's from my kids21:38
diploout of the 400+ I have 50 probably more than once21:38
popeymy rule is if I'm going to watch it 3 times in my life I'll buy it21:38
popeyif not, I wont21:38
popeydoesnt make financial sense21:39
diploI never ever buy them brand new, I buy them at Tescos in bargain buckets :)21:39
diploOr online deals21:39
popeyi never see decent stuff in the bargain bucket ☹21:39
popeyi rarely look tho ☺21:39
diploI started writing a app for XBMC where it randomly selects a film//music/series21:39
diploWell since wife left me I seem to have lots of spare time21:40
daftykinswrite something eh21:40
daftykinsi do that by holding the up/down remote button with my eyes shut21:40
diploheh, it was mainly for my kids, to replace having sky box on they just select 'Kids Series' and it randomly plays them something21:40
diploNo argueing then21:41
daftykinsthat's the only problem versus broadcast really, yeah21:42
daftykinsthe decision making21:42
diploDownside with sky i found, too many channels :)21:42
daftykinsand all full of crap21:42
diployeah, Atlantic is a good new channel though21:43
matttyah, lots of rubbish on sky :(21:43
daftykinsthe weird program "This is Jinsy" on Sky Atlantic is kinda amusing21:49
daftykinswritten by two Guernsey people, parodying island life21:49
daftykinscan't imagine it really works for anyone that hasn't been a rock dweller though :)21:49
MartijnVdSdaftykins: is it like Burnstoun? :)21:50
daftykinswhat's that?21:50
MartijnVdS<Wikipedia> Burnistoun is a sketch show for BBC Scotland by the Scottish comedians Iain Connell and Robert Florence. The show is produced by The Comedy Unit.[1]21:50
daftykinshmm not familiar21:51
daftykinsi probably wouldn't understand Scottish ;)21:51
MartijnVdSIt's just English with a thick SCottish accent21:51
MartijnVdSS2E2 is on iplayer (and it's sketch comedy so it won't matter if you haven't seen it before)21:52
daftykinsthat's what i mean :D21:52
daftykinsassuming it's as thick as some classic Rab C Nesbitt21:52
MartijnVdSdaftykins: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b010b6g521:53
MartijnVdSdaftykins: _I_ can understand it, and I'm Dutch ;)21:53
matttyeah, cuz the dutch sound equally as strange21:53
* MartijnVdS throws some clogs at mattt 21:54
daftykinswell i didn't want to comment...21:54
MartijnVdShttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo04A82z9yA :)21:56
AlanBelldanfish: possibly interesting event tomorrow evening http://www.meetup.com/Integrating-the-Open-Enterprise/events/34972092/?a=md1.2o_grp&rv=md1.2o22:17
bigcalmIs it possible to alter app links add to the Unity launcher?22:24
popeypossible: yes22:24
popeyeasy: no22:24
bigcalmThen I shall make do with what I have and carry on22:25
bigcalmUnity does what it can to hinder productivity22:26
bigcalmResisting putting xubuntu-desktop on the laptop though22:26
diplobigcalm, I did that earlier22:29
diploit's faster and more stable22:29
diploBut I don't think I like it enough22:29
bigcalmI have it on my workstation just because I have multiple monitors. I'm doing what I can to use Unity on my laptop22:29
diploGoing to try a distro still running 2.* I think22:29
diploOneric has crashed 3 times in 2 days ( Locked ) can't find a reason22:30
diploGetting truly fed up with sluggishness22:30
* mgdm hasn't upgraded yet 22:31
mgdmprobably won't, either22:31
diploFor me I wouldn't bother22:31
diploTime for the first time in years that I may try a new distro22:32
stevepdpbigcalm: please forgive me for asking, but what did you mean by your question above?22:32
stevepdpAre you referring to the right-click context menus?22:32
diploMay go for a netinst of Debian and just install what I need22:32
stevepdpI've been wondering how to go about adding items to the unity icon for Banshee22:34
stevepdpadding next/previous track for example22:35
bigcalmstevepdp: I refer to the column of application buttons down the left hand side of the screen in Unity on 11.04 and 11.1022:35
matttMartijnVdS: that's pretty good :)22:40
stevepdpquite liking Unity over here22:44
StevenRhrrm. is there a twitter/statusnet app that will let me show only twitter messages? (the new gwibber seems to lack that feature that old_gwibber had)22:49
daftykinsFlippingYoda: hi23:56

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