
InHisNameGood Morning, power came back finally at 2:56am.09:16
InHisNameRefining my to do list for restoring electronics after power outage.  Still took over an hour of messing around.09:17
JonathanDI'm going to have to go in the office and fix things.10:01
JonathanDPower went out there.10:01
InHisNameStay busy for an hour an you can get it done, JonathanD10:06
JonathanDInHisName: it's usually just 3 buttons.10:07
JonathanDand then wait for everything to turn green.10:08
InHisNameonly 4 buttons, can you automate it for future incidents ?10:08
JonathanDIf I can get the UPS to turn back on, maybe.10:09
InHisNamemornin' rmg5113:16
InHisNameoff to church I'll be back late afternoon13:17
InHisNamehave a good time shoveling13:17
InHisNameHello hello lo lo lo anyone home?22:48
InHisNameSounds like an echo in here !22:48
ChinnoDogecho echo echo22:50

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