
tlmAny way we can get Mate/Gnome2 instead of XFCE?01:17
eichihello. ubuntu studio ask me for dist upgrade since some weeks. is this supported in ubuntu studio?14:00
holsteineichi: sure14:02
holsteinwould i do it?14:02
holsteinprobably not14:02
holsteini installed 11.04 in virtualbox and tested the upgrade to 11.10 personally14:02
holsteinworked fine, except at reboot, you need to manually choose the XFCE session14:02
holsteinand the XFCE desktop is quite 'default' looking14:03
holsteineichi: i am personally running 10.04 still on my production machine14:03
holsteini say, do what makes you feel comfortable...14:03
eichiokay. I have to default gnome desktop without 3d things, means very simple14:03
holsteineichi: gnome2 is gone in 11.1014:04
holsteinthats not an ubuntu, nor ubuntustudio decision14:04
holsteinubuntu is doing what it has always done... provide the latest gnome packages14:04
holsteingnome3 is very different from gnome2, so we moved to XFCE14:05
eichiof there are only some config errors like choosing session or removing a config file, I dont have problems (linux server admin, and some linux systems support) I just dont want to have a totaly demaged system because ubuntu studio does not support dist update or destroys the package structure or whatever. But if it "works normaly half the way without problems" then I will try it14:05
holsteineichi: you shouldnt have any issues on the backbone like that, nor are there really any big reasons to upgrade14:06
eichihm okay14:07

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