
GridCubewell :P01:20
GridCubei think this last structure of the database is pretty cool, tho the specs table needs work http://imagebin.org/18148301:21
knomejoeC1, ?18:44
knomehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings updated19:20
madnickI never understood what "blueprints" are in this context19:33
knomefor example20:07
madnickokay :)20:12
knomeproposed specifications20:14
knomeone could say20:14
GridCubeI think is weird the use of "blueprints", but i guess thats because im not a native speaker20:14
ochosihi everyone20:23
ochosii'm currently workin on theming the datetime plugin a bit for 12.0420:23
ochosithis is where i'm at: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-10302011-091547pm.php20:23
GridCubethats nice20:24
GridCubebut whats that grey triangle?20:24
ochosithat's a resize-grip20:24
GridCubecalendar has resize?20:26
ochosiit's ubuntu's stupid default setting20:27
ochosiresize-grip in *every* window20:27
GridCubei see20:27
GridCubequestion: why the default clock need two clics to open orage?20:27
GridCubeochosi, if you make that white border a little more grey it would look better imho20:30
ochosiGridCube: currently working on removing border and resize-grip20:34
ochosiGridCube: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-10302011-095152pm.php20:53
GridCubemuch better20:54
GridCubecan't you force the triangle to be black?20:54
GridCubeor the same dark grey?20:55
GridCubealso plug your computer, your batery is runing out20:56
ochosithere you go :)20:57
GridCube:D awesome20:57
GridCubeyou still need to plug your computer tho20:57
mr_pouitmaybe he uses a netbook, so there's still 1h30 left ;-)20:58
GridCubethe triangle stills there buts grey? or just not there anymore20:58
ochosiGridCube: removed the triangle (*and* plugged in my ac-adapter ;) )20:58
mr_pouitGridCube: not there (the triangle comes from an ubuntu specific patch of gtk2 anyway)20:58
ochosii think the next thing i'll do is flat terminals20:59
ochosimr_pouit: i know you use something different, but have you got any opinion on that?20:59
mr_pouitI'm not sure what that means actually :p21:00
ochosiscreenshot coming up...21:00
ochosiobviously the scrollbar would have to be fixed21:02
GridCubeoh! :D i asked you to do that once21:03
ochosiyeah i know, there were a few people asking about it21:03
ochosiso i'm considering doing it now21:03
ochosiespecially since a few people complained about the dark scrollbar21:03
GridCubei think its pretty cool21:03
mr_pouitoh, interesting21:04
GridCubeit would look better on albatross tho :P21:04
GridCubeor if font where "embossed"like the titlebar21:05
mr_pouitbut greybird is teh future :P21:05
GridCubeit would be like working on an aluminium plate :P21:05
ochosiyeah, the font-effect could be set specifically for the terminal21:06
GridCubesay ochosi what color is this grey on RGB?21:06
ochosiGridCube: #cecece21:07
GridCubeochosi, http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/capturadepantalla-301011-181049.php21:12
GridCubeochosi, why i don't see the dots arrows on the desplacement(?) bars?21:15
ochosii removed them from greybird in one of the later revisions21:16
ochosithey're only there on firefox and openoffice21:16
GridCube:/ why?21:17
ochosiit didn't work so well with the changed scrollbar-stlye21:18
GridCubeochosi, http://es.zimagez.com/zimage/thing2.php21:26
GridCubethat thing appears where the pseudo dock is21:26
ochosiright, i guess it's its "shadow"21:26
ochosii don't use the launcher-panel atm so i can't check21:27
ochosiwhat you can do is set alpha transparency to 100% on leave21:27
GridCubethat fixed it21:30
GridCubeif what i did is what you told me to do21:30
ochositerminal theming update: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-10302011-104356pm.php21:44
ochosimr_pouit: so, do you now have an opinion on "flat terminals"? ^21:44
mr_pouityeah, they look great21:46
knomemr_pouit, can we create a new image-posting website for the xfce-screenshooter in xubuntu?21:49
ochosithat'd be awesome21:50
ochosibut who pays for the storage? :)21:50
knomethat would be awesome, not only for the users, but also for use, since we would see the variety of desktops21:50
knomejust set up with a REALLY crappy hosting21:50
knomeit doesn't need to work 24/721:50
knomeand it doesn't matter if we hit the upload/download limits21:51
knomeeven a homeserver would go, if you ask me21:51
knomeif it'd only work most of the time21:51
ochosiknome: any opinion about the flat terminals?21:51
knomeochosi, they look good, though i'm not particularly fond of the grey bg21:51
knome(i like my terminal black)21:52
knomebut yeah, it doesn't mean one shouldn't implement that or that it'd look bad21:52
ochosiknome: hm, not sure there's a way to do that. unless you wanna drop the window-borders :)21:52
knomei don't21:52
knomei'm waiting for darkgreybird21:52
knomethat would be just awesome, not only because the termianl21:53
ochosiyeah, guess that's gonna take a little longer21:53
ochositbh the development time has increased a lot since gtk3 was added to the palette21:54
knomeif gtk3 wasn't there, i'd just rush for darkgreybird21:54
ochosito have a "complete" theme we'd at least need: xfwm, gtk2, gtk3, xfce-notifyd21:54
knomeas in just creating loads of images quickly21:54
knomeand see how that looks21:54
knomei'd be willing to do some experimenting with xfwm stuff soonish21:55
ochosianother question is: how dark should it be. i mean albatross isn't even *that* dark21:55
ochosii'd personally go for something like NOX21:55
ochosihm, i guess for now i'd just port the current window-borders to a dark theme21:55
knomei'd just actually use the greybird gtk2/321:56
knomelike albatross21:56
knomedark/light theme21:56
GridCubeknome, :P we can always use madnick's servers 21:57
* GridCube hides21:57
knomeand yeah, it could be something like nox, or even darker21:57
knomeGridCube, ha21:57
ochositerminal update: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-10302011-110907pm.php22:09
knomemr_pouit, http://xubuntu.org/mission22:09
knomemr_pouit, we *did* say Xfce on our website!!!22:09
knomemr_pouit, that page is just not linked to from anywhere...22:09
ochosithink i'll test these terminal settings for a while and probably push them later22:11
ochosiif any of you want to try/test them as well let me know22:11
ochosii can either push them to a testing-branch or pastebin it22:11
knomepleia2, http://wiki.knome.fi/xubuntu:websitetodo updated22:21
* pleia2 looks22:22
pleia2just checked in to UDS hotel, bumped into charlie on my way in :)22:22
knomehopefully neither of you hurt yourself while bumping22:23
knomepleia2, once you've had a look at it (no rush!!) tell me what you think22:29
pleia2will be eaten by uds these next few days, but I'll take some time22:30
pleia2later :)22:30
ochosiGridCube: if you wanna use the datetime plugin you can add the shimmer ppa, a fixed package (without the ugly border and the resize-grip) is there (thanks to mr_pouit)22:37
GridCubeochosi, i have the ppa22:38
ochosiyup, bbl22:40
ochosibtw, the terminal scrollbar also works with dark/black terminal23:32
ochosiit doesn't blend in, but it looks ok23:32
ochosii finally managed to make the scrollbar-trough blend in 100% :)23:34

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