
w30kozal add to panel either indicator plugin or notification area ( I don't know which exactly)00:00
w30I have a question and you have to answer in two seconds before I log out, duh.....................00:02
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drcw30: He waited a whole 5 minutes...plenty of time to feel ignored.00:03
w30drc, well, if he actually was here 5 minutes I suppose thats long enough if something is a pressing issue on his end.00:19
* w30 has spent his whole lifetime being ignored *sniffle*00:22
* drc looks the other way....00:24
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tlmHow do I get the search icon back?03:00
lackvoidI just upgraded to Xubutu 11.10, Is mouse scrolling over sound indicator to change volume broken for everyone?03:54
GridCube*not a feature*03:58
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S_SubZeroi'm new to xubuntu and wondering why that's even there04:04
johnnyzeroHey guys I have another question. This one may be tricky. My USB Mic worked fine here: http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj47/JohnnyR0x0rz/Screenshot.png however now that I am using XUbuntu 11.10 I'm having an issue basically this: http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj47/JohnnyR0x0rz/Screenshot-10302011-011944AM.png As you can see I would like to get my USB Mic working on XUbuntu. Any ideas would be well appreciated, thanks in advance05:21
johnnyzero guys :)05:21
holsteinjohnnyzero: try pavucontrol05:22
holsteinjohnnyzero: also, you are running kmix there it seems05:23
holsteinjohnnyzero: the microphone should show up in the terminal if you run...05:24
holsteinarecord -l05:24
johnnyzeropavucontrol = http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/43/screenshot1030201101234.png/05:24
holsteinjohnnyzero: if you used a xubuntu live CD, you could use that to boot live, and try the mic... im suspicious since i see kmix05:28
johnnyzeroHere is alsamixer: http://imagepaste.nullnetwork.net/viewimage.php?id=2668 and upon selecting the camera microphone this is what occurs: http://imagepaste.nullnetwork.net/viewimage.php?id=266905:30
holsteinjohnnyzero: i would expect to see that05:31
holsteinjohnnyzero: but, you see that the device is presenting itself05:31
holsteinthe OS is seeing it... you'll just need to learn how to communicate with it using some different tools05:31
johnnyzeroYes and especially in a live boot of Ubuntu 10.10 to boot. I would assume Gnome 2 has something that XFCE is lacking. But that is likely obvious.05:32
johnnyzeroI chose K Mix because I figured perhaps the mixer was the issue.05:33
holsteinjohnnyzero: those are different kernels too05:33
holsteinbut, it seems you have hardware support... just dont assume comparing 10.10 to 11.10 is not going to be different05:33
johnnyzeroHmm so it is possible that 11.10 with Unity would yield the same results05:33
holsteinits not so much the ubuntu to xubuntu difference05:34
holsteinits the kernels and ALSA that can break things05:34
holsteinassuming something is broken05:34
johnnyzeroThe odd part is that the mic was also fine on 11.04. If it is 11.10 in and of itself I would likely have to check out a Unity Live CD to know for sure.05:35
johnnyzeroRather than jump to blaming XFCE05:35
holsteinjohnnyzero: good idea05:35
holsteini use live CD diagnostically like that often05:35
johnnyzeroYeah I suppose you're right. It doesn't make sense that Unity would have support for something that XFCE doesn't. Mostly everything else works that worked on Gnome 2 when I was using 11.04 except for that.05:37
holsteinyeah, and you are not only trying a newer version with potentially different hardware support, you are also learning a new UI05:38
holsteineither unity or XFCE, both have different tools to learn05:39
holsteintry something common like skype, or something you used before05:39
johnnyzeroWell I switched to XFCE because I hated Unity lol.05:39
johnnyzeroI am mainly used to Gnome 205:39
holsteinsee if you can get it to run in the live environment05:39
holsteinjohnnyzero: use gnome205:39
holsteinmore precisely, use what you want05:39
holsteinim here learning XFCE in hopes that i can migrate as well05:40
johnnyzeroXFCE has a bit of a ways to go before it becomes as developed as Gnome 2 was IMO. For one it would be nice if you could move the applets on your taskbars wherever you want.05:41
johnnyzeroI guess they will add things little by little as more support gets added.05:41
holsteineh... its a matter of opinion though05:41
holsteinXFCE has no intention, or need, to emulate gnome205:42
holsteingnome2 is gnome205:42
holsteinif you have suggestions, im sure the dev's might want to hear them05:42
johnnyzeroThey will likely just tell me to wait for Mate which is the Gnome 2 fork.05:42
holsteinnot sure how XFCE does bugs, but xubuntu wishlist bugs would go in LP05:42
holsteini think the most challenging thing for me is seperating what i am used to from what i want, and what XFCE *actually* is05:43
holsteinmost of it is just adjustment05:43
holsteinsome of it is personal preference05:44
johnnyzeroXFCE to me is basically Gnome 2 anyways in what the shell design looks like. Maybe a few changes here and there.05:45
holsteinwhen we were deciding where to go with ubuntustudio, we went with XFCE, since we felt it ws the most gnome2-like of the currently developed options05:46
holsteinXFCE and xubuntu are both well developed, and active05:46
johnnyzeroholstein, I actually really like the looks of ROX Desktop Environment.05:47
holsteinand, open communities you can get involved in05:47
johnnyzeroIt has a KDE 2/3 feel to it05:47
* holstein not a KDE fan05:47
johnnyzeroI agree with you05:47
johnnyzeroActually my fav Ubuntu distro was Fluxbuntu05:47
johnnyzeroBut it is no longer maintained05:47
holsteini thought there was going to be an 11.04 release, but it didnt happen05:48
johnnyzeroFluxbox is an interesting WM and when you add in all of the cool apps with it it becomes a really nice DE in and of itself.05:49
johnnyzeroI would assume though if you wanted a Fluxbox environment from the ground up with Ubuntu, you would have to get Ubuntu Server Edition and do loads of modifying.05:50
holsteinyou can, or sudo apt-get install fluxbox05:50
johnnyzeroSomething which would basically be an Ubuntu install with X only and start from the ground up.05:50
johnnyzeroFedora has that option if you get the DVD edition and modify all the packages to what you want and don't want before an install. I don't know if there are any Ubuntu installs which will give you that added option of customizing the packages installed including getting rid of all the DEs and WMs and choosing your own set up.05:52
holsteinjohnnyzero: in the alternate CD's, theres a command line install option05:55
johnnyzeroThat works :). I am thinking perhaps even taking Compiz with X and just throwing something together from the ground up. I remember at one point doing that with Arch. Though thats a ton of work. You need docbar apps and file managers and all sorts of things to get it going. Its doable but just takes a ton of work.06:03
holsteini read about that... never tried it06:05
johnnyzeroWell basically you start off with just a cursor moving around the screen and some compiz and emerald stuff (window borders etc.). You need to start X with a terminal window from the command prompt and perhaps even a Web Browser like Fire Fox and pretty much go from there downloading like crazy and finding the best stuff you want.06:07
johnnyzeroits like completely Frankensteining it into a DE.]06:08
johnnyzeroThough I suppose it would be nice for an experiment.06:09
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johnnyzeroholstein, you were right08:10
johnnyzeroIts the kernel08:10
johnnyzeroI found a thread which leads me to believe that08:10
dirtycookiehi people, i have freshly isntalled xubuntu on my eeepc and started to work with it yestersay. now when i start my eeepc my usb stick gets labeled with wierd chars that i havent labled at all. any ideas how to restore the problem???08:21
TheSheepdirtycookie: it's not labeled, the stick doesn't have a label so it uses uuid instead08:23
TheSheepdirtycookie: set a label and it will use it08:24
johnnyzeroDoes anyone else have issues with Kernel 3 and using USB Mics or any Mic devices?08:36
johnnyzeroI just want to see if its just me08:36
johnnyzerobrb in a bit08:37
dirtycookieTheSheep: well where do i set a label??09:43
well_laid_lawnI use   e2label09:44
well_laid_lawnI have ext4 partitions tho09:44
dirtycookiewell they are both vfat partitions09:44
well_laid_lawnI know nothing about them...09:45
=== paule is now known as paulep
csenger41hello everyone :)10:30
VlynWhat the fuck!? I got an error here with Xubuntu. Sometimes when I type there are black “pixelerrors” on top of the screen. When I hold one button it gets more and more and form patterns!? Then I wanted to come here (With those errors on the screen) and bam! Login Screen again and everything is fine + data is lost O.o10:48
well_laid_lawn!language | Vlyn10:48
ubottuVlyn: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.10:48
VlynSorry ^^10:48
well_laid_lawnVlyn: what graphics card?10:49
VlynNvidia GTX 58010:49
well_laid_lawnVlyn: using nouveau or the proprietry driver?10:50
csenger41Vlyn: there are many hardware-related problems with those VGAs, I heard10:50
VlynProprietry (Nvidia X Server)10:51
VlynHm… I got VGA10:51
well_laid_lawnI know nothing about nvidia but I guess the X log stills tells you what is happening10:52
VlynLet me find that…10:52
ShirakawasunaVlyn: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:52
incorrectwhat do i need to startup so i get the nice ssh-agent key-ui from gnome?10:53
VlynUhm… is [   1801.062] some timestamp?10:53
Vlyn[  1801.068] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module nv10:54
VlynI have no clue where to search…10:56
VlynA real timestamp would be great -.-10:56
well_laid_lawnVlyn: if it goes on to load a diff driver that error is ok11:02
well_laid_lawnwarning not error sorry11:02
VlynYeah, I think so11:02
VlynBut I can’t pin my error down11:02
VlynWithout any timestamps at all11:03
pauleplook for "(EE)"11:03
VlynI have no clue if I’m even looking on the right day O.o11:03
well_laid_lawnif it is Xorg.0.log it is from the current X session11:04
Vlyn[  1801.068] (EE) Failed to load module "nv" (module does not exist, 0)11:04
paulepthe [    1801.062] and so on are the uptime in seconds11:04
VlynThis one is the same as up, bit EE11:04
VlynThat’s the only EE11:04
well_laid_lawnbut does it find another module to load?11:05
VlynIt just loads the next module11:06
VlynThere is no “loading instead” or something like that11:06
VlynHm, gotta eat, afk for some minutes11:07
VlynSo, I’m back and still angry about Unity *Wants Ubuntu back* :-(11:22
csenger41hey there I'm back11:25
csenger41anyone could help me with a theme-related issue? I installed VLC player, but it does not use the greybird theme. I can show a picture of it too if needed.11:26
well_laid_lawnvlc is a qt app so try qtconfig in a terminal11:28
well_laid_lawnor use cvlc which has nothing but the movie showing11:28
csenger41The program 'qtconfig' can be found in the following packages:11:28
csenger41 * qt3-qtconfig11:28
csenger41 * qt4-qtconfig11:28
csenger41Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package>11:28
well_laid_lawntry qt4-qtconfig then11:29
ochosihm, to be honest i have a similar problem with skype in oneiric11:31
ochosithere seem to be some qt-gtk issues in oneiric11:31
ochosi(vlc looks ok here)11:31
ochosiqt4-qtconfig didn't change anything for me11:32
well_laid_lawnis skype still qt3?11:35
csenger41ok, qtconfig is working now, but it says11:35
csenger41QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme.11:35
well_laid_lawnit says that sometimes - does vlc look better?11:35
csenger41nope :(11:36
csenger41there is no xfce theme option11:36
well_laid_lawnall I can suggest is try qt3-qtconfig then11:36
well_laid_lawnI use mplayer11:37
csenger41qt3-qtconfig: command not found11:39
csenger41qt4-qtconfig: command not found11:39
csenger41only simply "qtconfig" is working11:39
well_laid_lawn<csenger41> The program 'qtconfig' can be found in the following packages:11:39
well_laid_lawn<csenger41>  * qt3-qtconfig11:39
well_laid_lawn<csenger41>  * qt4-qtconfig11:39
well_laid_lawn sudo apt-get install11:40
well_laid_lawncsenger41: you know about installing packages from the command line?11:40
csenger41installed both ones and now qtconfig is working, but there is no option using xfce greybird theme11:41
csenger41well_laid_lawn: yeah, installed them from terminal11:41
well_laid_lawnit won't let you pick the gtk - it will use the current one if it finds it11:41
well_laid_lawnor it uses default options11:41
well_laid_lawneither way vlc should look different11:42
csenger41Desktop Settings (Default) is set now and it looks like this:11:42
well_laid_lawnxfce's desktop settings don't affect qt apps11:44
well_laid_lawnqt apps won't look like everything else11:44
csenger41well_laid_lawn: yes they do11:44
well_laid_lawnwhich ones do?11:45
well_laid_lawnif they do then vlc would11:45
csenger41on 11.04 i had no such problem with either VlC or qBittorrent11:45
csenger41but on 11.10 both ones do not follow system scheme11:46
well_laid_lawnthat should be mentioned in a bug report then11:47
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.11:47
well_laid_lawnI like a light system so I stay away from qt apps11:48
csenger41yay problem solved11:49
well_laid_lawnhow did that happen?11:49
csenger41sudo apt-get install glabels11:50
well_laid_lawn!info glabels11:50
ubottuglabels (source: glabels): label, business card and media cover creation program for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.8-2build2 (oneiric), package size 374 kB, installed size 1176 kB11:50
well_laid_lawnseems strange11:50
csenger41yeah i know, but it's working fine! :)11:52
well_laid_lawnwell done :)11:52
csenger41well_laid_lawn: are you using global-menu applet on Xubuntu?11:53
well_laid_lawnI don't even know what that is...11:54
well_laid_lawnI like a light system so I remove more than I install ;)11:55
well_laid_lawnI mostly right click the desktop for the menu11:56
csenger41well_laid_lawn: so ur a Xubuntu-poweruser :D11:57
well_laid_lawnand always have thunar open on desktop2 for my nfs mounts11:57
csenger41i don't use more desktops then one11:58
well_laid_lawnI just do what I do - it's very configurable11:58
well_laid_lawnbuilt that way11:58
well_laid_lawnI never minimise apps :)11:58
csenger41i liked the workspaces management useful on gnome3 only12:00
csenger41*liked = found12:00
paulepright: my mute button mutes the pulseaudio server, but then won't unmute it12:03
paulepxubuntu 11.1012:03
beardygnomepaulep: i have the same issue12:04
well_laid_lawna few ppl have mentioned that happens12:04
well_laid_lawnchecked bug reports ?12:04
paulepaha! i tried looking for the bug report section earlier, it seemed to redirect to all ubuntu bugs, but got the xubuntu one now12:06
paulepand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-mixer/+bug/88283712:07
well_laid_lawnlink pls12:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 882837 in xfce4-mixer (Ubuntu) "Can't unmute by hotkeys if previously muted" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:07
paulepit's easy enough to put together a script to unmute the server12:07
csenger41well thanks for the infos, I'm leaving now12:11
csenger41bye :)12:11
=== paulep is now known as paulep[afk]
=== paulep[afk] is now known as paulep
[h4wk]hi 2 all12:55
[h4wk]I have a question...:)12:55
[h4wk]Can I somehow change right-click menu in Xubuntu 11.10 ?12:55
lrussellhow do I MAKE a samba share on linux (xubuntu)? I managed to connect to a windows samba share, but how do I create a share under linux that windows can use?13:31
holsteinlrussell: check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ComprehensiveSambaGuide in particular13:33
lrussellwell, I just don't know what software to use... lol13:34
holsteini use windows so little that i just go the other way, and have windows connect with sftp in filezilla or something to ssh13:34
holsteinlrussell: its all in the samba config AFAIK... i set it up once just to see... it ws a pain, but i have heard that are GUI's to make it easier13:34
babblethere's system-config-samba if you want a gui to set up your shares. (that's what I'm using)13:35
lrussell i know,. I tried a million gui's for connecting to a samba share, but none of them wanted to work. I tried Gigolos, Smb2k (i think) and a few others. I restored to terminal and bang... it works! geh...13:36
holsteinSWAT too is said to be a bit tricky to get running, but easy to use and configure samba afterward13:36
lrussellmaybe ftp would just be easier...13:37
lrussellbut i hate it considering its local13:37
lrussellbrb, getting on my linux pc13:38
holsteinlrussell: ssh then13:38
holsteini have also had good luck with http://www.swish-sftp.org/ though i think it says beta, and i really havent used it enough to comment on stability13:39
holsteinlrussell: you see http://www.swish-sftp.org/ ??13:39
lrussellbabble, pm me13:39
babbledid :)13:39
artaganybody here using gdm with xubuntu 11.10 ?14:29
holsteinartag: i have... whats up?14:30
artagI've just upgraded to 11.10, and initially chose lightdm. but there was no shutdown button, and it ignored the power button (on a laptop)14:33
artagso I have recnfigured to gdm14:33
artagthis works, but all the time it's ready for a login, it shows a busy icon (whatever the ubuntu name for an hourglass is)14:34
artagis this normal ?14:34
artagi didn't get this on 11.0414:34
artagrotating cursor thingy14:34
artagdoesn't stop me selecting anything, or logging in .. it just looks wrong.14:35
holsteini say, choose your battles... maybe look for a bug, make sure you are up to date14:36
artagso it doesn't do that for you ?14:36
holsteini dont have it setup that way right now, so im not sure.. but i dont recall14:37
holsteinthat would be something i wouldnt notice though...14:37
artagand yes, i'm sure there are more important bugs, but i've got past the worst :-)14:38
moljac024hi everyone14:40
moljac024i have a problem14:40
moljac024a minor one but still annoying14:40
moljac024there are no screenshots for anything in the software center14:40
moljac024also, REALLY ANNOYING is the fact that its IMPOSSIBLE to google14:40
holsteinmoljac024: i was under the impression that those are on the way14:43
holsteini typically just go to google though and google the package name, and ttry and go to the maintainer site and look... and i also dont use the software center14:44
holsteinmoljac024: i would look for a bug to add yourself to though14:44
artagdoes bug 675186 in launchpad help at all ?14:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 675186 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Software-center does not show screenshots" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67518614:45
holsteinand maybe try and load up the normal ubuntu live CD and see if you see the same issue there moljac02414:45
semmelhey guys i try to set up m debian sqeeze xfce4 with pulseaudio, on my fluxbox all works fine but on the xfce4 i just have no sound, no mixers are muted or 015:10
paulepsemmel: does the output of 'pacmd info|grep mute' contain any yeses?15:16
semmelhm paulep the output is german, but it says that there is no pulseaudio-service is running or it isnt running as a sessionservice15:18
paulepsemmel: have you got xfce to autostart the pulseaudio server?15:20
semmelsemmel: i have pulseaudio run at bootup15:22
semmeli mean paulep instead of semmel :)15:23
paulepsemmel: so the server is running then? and teehee :p15:23
semmelyes paulep running pulseaudio puts "E: pid.c: Daemon already running."15:24
paulepsemmel: have you checked all the sound cards available in xfce-mixer? (i assume you're using it/have it installed)15:26
paulepsemmel: there was a cheeky one that muted my system without me realising - it began with "playback"15:29
semmelthe xfce4-mixer shows an oss-mixer and a couple of pulseaduio playbacks and captures, the pulseaudio playbacks shows only a "Master" the oss shows more options, but all is up to 100% and nothing has been muted15:29
paulepsemmel: righto, that's the extent of my knowledge after having been grappling with a similar problem - afraid i can't help you any more than that :/15:30
semmelhm alright, but thank you for your help so far15:31
semmelhm i tried to set the mpd and smplayer sound to alsa and oss instead of pulseaudio, it both worked and i have sound with it, but the browser sound stoll wont work15:35
capshey guys i got a question15:40
holsteinfeel free to just fire away caps & mariusx15:51
mariusxhow i change default session to autostart xubuntu (from ubuntu 11.10)?15:51
holsteinmariusx: i did that in the login manager... i just chose xubuntu-session, and it automagically worked15:51
GridCubeyes, you should log-off and choose the xubuntu session15:52
capswhen im installing xubuntu it trys to read packages from cdrom but im installing from usb?15:52
mariusxyes, but when i reboot my default session is unity15:52
holsteincaps: i would probably look at the sources list... you can do that in synaptic if you want a GUI for it15:52
GridCubegksu leafpad /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf         and change user-session=xubuntu15:52
paulepcaps: an easy way to solve that is to open up a terminal15:52
mariusxok. thank i try it now.15:53
paulepcaps: mount /dev/sd(wherever your partition is) /cdrom15:53
capsok so do that on live xubuntu off usb then run the install as normal?15:53
paulepcaps: yupyup15:54
GridCubecap what are you using for the usb?15:54
capslike im runnin live atm15:55
capsjust cause of the problem i had with the install it will not boot into xubuntu15:56
capsok im going to try the suggestion given and if i have a problem ill be back :)15:56
mariusxwell it worked. Many thanks15:56
GridCubemariusx, :) no prob15:57
mariusxthis is new (xubuntu). I have to dig in15:59
capssays special device does not exist when trying to mount16:00
paulepcaps: have you put exactly what i wrote? :S16:01
GridCubecaps, i have used unetbooting for alternate cd's only, and it worked fine16:01
capsits weird this is the first time it has given me this error16:01
capsas far as failed to find cdrom16:01
capsim on a netbook so16:01
paulepcaps: type 'ls /dev |grep sd' and work out which partition contains the files (probably /dev/sdb1, but depends how many hdds you have)16:02
capsok i see a few options sda, sda1,sda2,sda5,sdb,sdb116:03
GridCubecaps, it shouldn't ask for it16:04
paulepGridCube: I know, but this is a quick and easy solution16:04
paulepcaps: unless your USB stick has more than one partition, it's sdb1 you want16:05
capsit only has one so16:05
capssdb1 it is16:05
GridCubecaps, actually16:05
GridCubeopen gparted and mount it manually16:05
paulepGridCube: whoops, reading failure on my end :p16:05
capsalright opened up gparted and it says  mount Point /cdrom16:07
GridCubethe problem is that if you are using the livecd from the usb, then the usb is already mounted16:07
GridCubeyes you see16:07
GridCubecaps, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11198125&postcount=1316:14
GridCubecaps, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9086256&postcount=2916:15
paulepoh yes, dammit, you're doing it right. i was mixing the solution to two different errors that /I/ was having when installing16:19
capsIm going to look at those posts, but Here is the Error : An attempt to configure apt to install additional packages from the CD Failed.16:20
capsi just got it :P16:20
mariusxwhere i found volume control?16:29
GridCubeoh the small speaker near the date?16:33
drcmariusx: I should be on the indicator plugin...right where GridCube said (on a default install)16:34
mariusxor shortcut key16:34
mariusxdefault install you mean directly xubuntu?16:34
mariusxbecause my default install was ubuntu16:35
mariusxok. i will reinstall16:35
GridCubeyou could install pavucontrol16:36
mariusxbut a shrtcut?16:36
mariusxshortcut key?16:36
GridCubeyou can bind any key to anything you want16:36
mariusxof course but i am on keyboard window , add buton and ... what command i enter?16:37
edwardIf I install the latest xubuntu, that means i can escape from unity, doesn't it? :O16:37
drcedward: yes...run fast, run far.16:38
GridCubeedward, Xubuntu >X >XFCE =/= unity > gnome16:38
edwardyeah and I will run over gnome 3 if I meet him on the way :O16:38
edwardanyway, there are 3 bugs in ubuntu 11.10 that I am pulling my hear out over, 1 of which is unity16:39
edwardhowever I have an other problem16:39
edwardWhenever I try to play a MKV file (a.k.a anime, and I'm a total otaku :O), it16:40
edwardgives an error about missing h264 or somethign and refuses to play. Is this also a problem in xubuntu? :O https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gstreamer0.10/+bug/87906616:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 879066 in gstreamer0.10 (Ubuntu) "10bit video does not play" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:41
edwardhttp://kawaiineko101.deviantart.com/art/APH-Otaku-Rage-160534518 (well it's anime but okay. This is how I feel about it XD)16:42
drcedward: Tried vlc?  I have no problems with mkv (but not anime...real video :)16:42
edwardany known fix?16:42
edwardVLC only gives green screen16:42
edwardexcept for the nightly build which I compiled from source16:42
edwardbut then it can't use VDPAU so my 1080P movie was too slow to watch :-(16:43
edwardThanx for the tip tough ;-)16:43
drcedward: when ou installled, did you check the "Third Party..." block during the setup scren(s)?16:43
edwardyep :D16:43
edwardit plays all videos16:43
drcok..then you have gremlins :)16:43
edwardexcept mkv16:43
edwardlike the bug says...16:43
edwardgremlins? Nah, tsundere catgirls! D:16:44
drcedward: I just re-checked, I had no problems with vlc and Chrono Crusade in mkv :)16:44
edwardwell it has to be 10-bit video ;-)16:45
drcedward: You do know there are meds for otaku-ism?16:45
edwardmaybe there are but I don't want them! :D16:45
edwardI do have a great happy-med : I am a Japanology student D:16:45
edwardand offcourse, at cons XD https://picasaweb.google.com/11473058989350850036216:46
edwardAnyway, no fix? Because then I will just go back to ubuntu 11.04 ;-)16:46
edward( it worked there XD)16:46
drcedward: Just a wild guess...have you installed Restricted Extras?16:47
edwardyup :D16:47
drcThen I'm out of WAG's :(16:47
edwardYeah I even tried installing mplayer 2 and smplayer this solved it, but16:48
edwardwhen I upgraded the nvidia driver it stopped working again (also this nearly blew ubuntu 11.10 to kingdom come :O)16:48
edwardAnyway, thanx for the help, I guess I will watch on my laptop for now (no 26 inch screen *tears*) and reinstall 11.04 :D // BTW, you do seem to know something about anime... ever been to a con? ;-)16:49
drcedward: Me? Never, I really dome't like "anime" as a genre...just a few isolated series.16:50
edwardoh okay www I have the same thing with 3d videos XD16:52
edwardMy fav. series is lucky star, have you seen that one by any chance? Anyway, these cons are great fun even if you aren't a very diehard fan like me, and they are usually quite cheap! ;-)16:52
drcedward: Nope...and this is getting a bit Off-topic.16:53
* drc looks around for knome :)16:53
edwardyeah I was thinking the same thing XD // I am going to watch fate/zero on lappy :3 BYe! *waves*16:53
knomedrc, hmmh?16:56
drcWas beginning to verge on off-topic...You've got me gun-shy now :)16:57
knomewell, now that the -offtopic channel is active, no reason why not to point people there16:57
knome(you can tell them too to join there ;))16:58
drcActive, but still doesn't show up in my listings :(16:59
zezikhello, xubuntu!17:02
knomedrc, can you see it now?17:02
GridCubeedward, what video card do you have?17:02
knomehey zezik17:03
drcknome: It just showed up (I almost said "no", but it automagically showed up in the listing)17:03
knomeyes, very manualmagically17:04
drcIf I do it it's manual-, if you do it it's auto- :)17:06
edwardoh sorry I didn't see someone talked to me :-(17:09
edwardXD It's a 512 MB DDR3 Geforce GTS 25017:09
GridCubeoh do you have the correct drivers installed edward ?17:14
edwardyeah well the problem is solved now because I reinstalled ubuntu 11.04 ;-)17:15
edwardBut yes, I did17:15
edwardand then I installed mplayer2 and smplayer as per instructions17:16
edwardand it worked, untill I tried to upgrade my nvidia driver which blew the whole installation to kingdom come...17:16
edwardJust wondering, why did they release ubuntu 11.10 in this state? Can't play 10bit mkv, can't update graphics drivers, unity making windows disappear....17:17
* GridCube shrugs this was xubuntu the lasst time he check17:17
edwardit's worse (literally, at least for me! ) than windows millenium and vista combined! :O17:17
edwardtrue, but the reason I came looking for xubuntu were all the ubuntu bugs XD17:18
drcedward: 6 months was up...and MarkS is real insistent about meeting the schedule.17:18
zezikI liked Ubuntu with Gnome 2 :(17:18
edward... I love schedules, but not if it leads to this... :-(17:18
edwardYeah me too! Gnome 2 is the best! Which is why I put my new 11.04 installation on classic gnome XD17:19
edward(with moebuntu XD)17:19
drcedward: IMO, it's not about 11.04 or 11.10...the real driver is 12.04, an LTS.17:19
edwardagreed, but I do want something usable in between in order not to have 2 year old versions of all software in the repos ...17:20
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
StormStrikesHas anyone got a Gobi 3000 WWAN card working in Xubuntu?18:02
MarionIs there any body here18:40
MarionHi knome18:40
MarionDo you know how to get xubuntu to recognize my secondary hdd18:41
knomewhat filesystem is it formatted in?18:42
MarionI can't remember it was from an xp system18:42
holsteinyou might want to open a terminal and run "sudo fdisk -l" and paste that over at http://paste.ubuntu.com/ Marion18:42
joeC1How can I go about setting up my 'xgamma' settings to automatically start when I'm logged in to my account?18:48
* holstein has xubuntu 11.10... any ideas about disabing the touchpad while typing18:49
holsteinjoeC1: i would just add it in 'settings - settings manager - sessions and startup'18:50
holsteinMarion: /dev/sdb1   *           1       12160    97675168+   7  HPFS/NTFS is your xp partition18:51
joeC1thanks Hols!18:52
holsteinMarion: i would check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab#ntfs , and know how to edit that file from a live CD if you break something and cant boot in18:52
holsteinMarion: there are more temporary ways to mount as well... is it listed in the filemanager? usually they just show up and you can click and mount them (they = hard drives)18:53
MarionI'm gonna be dumb and ask how to get to the file manager18:54
holsteinMarion: no worries... should be 'accessories - filemanager'18:55
MarionI dont see any hdd listed18:56
holsteinOK... you should try mounting it manually then18:58
MarionAnd how do I do that18:58
holsteinMarion: this looks pretty much like what i would dl18:59
MarionOk so now that I got that done how do I get my old ass soundblaster audigy to output sound19:25
Marionholstein you still there19:28
holsteinMarion: check to see if its showing up when you run lspci... if you see it there, then open a terminal and run these 2 commands20:00
holsteinaplay -l20:00
holsteinarecord -l20:00
holstein^^ seeing the sound device in those 2 places is a great signe20:00
MarionAudigy unknown is what it says20:02
holsteincool... seeing it in aplay is good20:04
GridCubeMarion, are you using pavucontrol?20:04
MarionWhat is that20:05
holsteinpavucontrol is a good idea as well... check in the terminal too in alsamixer and make sure levels look as expected there20:05
holsteinMarion: pavucontrol is a package you can install20:05
holstein!info pavucontrol20:05
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.1-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 136 kB, installed size 1024 kB20:05
holsteinanyone have any ideas about disbling touchpad taps while typing?20:07
MarionI'm doing that now its installing how do I enabler thesound card20:08
holsteinMarion: thats the thing... its probably 'enabled' and you are just on the path to aquiring the skill to control it.. the skill and the package that will work for you20:09
babbleok, so, hmm.20:16
babbleI gave unity a 6 month try20:16
babbleI dunno if I can do that for gnome shell.20:16
* GridCube shrugs20:17
holsteinbabble: you dont have to.. although, now is probably a better 6 months to try unity... each release its going to become more customizable and tolerable and stable20:17
* holstein gave them both about 6 days20:18
babbleoh, I know I don't *have* to20:18
babbleI just don't want to dismiss it out of hand without really trying to live in it20:18
babbleI tried KDE4 for about a month before giving up. heh.20:19
marionok so i have that installed but when i open the mixer it says that the unknown sb audigy is in thae alsa mixer20:20
holsteinmarion: dont let the term 'unknown' throw you off... thats likely just a label... also, trust no labels.. tweak all knobs and try tweaking everything in alsamixer from the terminal as well20:21
marionhow do i go about doing that20:22
marioni promise i wont be retarded in about a week20:22
holsteinmarion: i would litereally open whatever mixer you have20:23
holsteinand start messing with any fader20:23
holsteinmake sure you are playing something that can be played20:23
holsteinan ogg file or something20:23
madnickholstein: how do you mean "disable", because you can disable it, but not reenable it quickly enough, unless you write a program for it20:24
holsteinthen, open the terminal and run alsamixer20:24
marionit shows there being an intel ich5 that im guessing is the mother board sound card how can i dissable that20:24
holsteinyou hit f5 and you see *all* settings20:24
holsteinmarion: you can disable that in the bios i would think20:24
holsteinpersonally the audigy is not enough of an improvement in quality over the internal card to lose sleep over it20:25
holsteini would use which ever one 'just works'20:25
holsteinbut, im an audio guy...20:25
holsteinits likely that you are playing and controlling the internal card, while having speakers hooked up to the SB20:27
holsteini would check both20:27
holsteingetting *any* sound would help you learn the tools... the software, the mixer... the UI20:27
holsteinthen, you can go on to troubleshooting which ever card you want to be using20:27
marioni need to set the card to be used20:31
holsteinmarion: prolly... but, for the time being, you could look in the bios and see if its easy to disable the internal, or pop out the SB for a bit, and learn the tools on hardware that is easy, and then in a few days go for switching cards :)20:31
marioni cant believe there isnt an easy way i sware when i did ubuntu a year ago it just recognised20:33
holsteinsure, and that version is still available.. you could download it and check it out live, and take note of the steps you do to select it20:33
holsteinyou can check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92286020:33
marionit wont work on my system it freezes20:34
holsteinmarion: thats not good and maybe a symptom20:34
holsteinmaybe that card is not recognized in this newer kernel... or something about the rev'd alsa20:34
holsteinmarion: anyways... i suggest taking the SB out for a while... kick the tires on xubuntu, and relax a bit... enjoy, then get dirty if you need to with the SB :)20:35
marionok so apparently the card works but my on screen audio control wont controll it20:35
marionany ideas20:35
holsteinmarion: theres not really 'on screen audio'... not sure what you mean20:37
holsteinalsamixer should control it20:37
marionhow do i make it so also mixer only controlls it20:37
holsteinmarion: you dont need to20:38
holsteinjust control it with alsa mixer if you want20:38
marionok when i hit the volume keys on my keyboard its controlling the on motherboard sound card20:38
holsteinmarion: sure, and thats probably going to be the case20:39
holsteinyou *can* change that, im just not sure how.. the easy way is to look in the bios and disable the internal card20:39
marionok how do i do that?20:39
holsteinmarion: depends... for me, when the machine is booting, i hit F2, and enter the bios where i can disable some devices20:39
holsteinbut, i have to run.. you can always google it... "entery bios asus eeepc 900" for example... good luck20:40
vlynSeriously, I found right after starting Libre Office / Open Office some bugs. How is that possible? Open Office works like a charm in Windows -.-23:31
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