
quotemstrDoes bzr have anything like git's rebase -i?00:07
quotemstrbob2: Looking at that now, but it seems more limited.00:09
pooliemaybe in bzr-interactive00:45
poolieah kirill is working on rebase-interactive01:00
pooliedocs for the 'judge' tool i mentioned the other day: http://judge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html03:27
jelmer'morning *05:29
nigelbjelmer: Its afternoon, so you need like "Good * *" ;)05:36
jelmertechnically speaking it's not a good morning either, as I am slightly jetlagged05:37
nigelbAh, in Orlando?05:38
jelmerno, back home05:38
jelmerI was in california/nevada last week05:38
nigelbNice :)05:38
pooliehi jelmer, nigelb05:41
jelmerhey poolie05:42
* jelmer breakfasts, biab05:43
jelmerbeing up before 7 can't be healthy...05:43
jelmerhow are things in bzr land?05:47
pooliepretty good05:48
pooliethe good thing is that we did the rollout to the buildds05:48
pooliethe bad news is that it seems to have not completely fixed things05:48
jelmerpoolie: I followed up the RT, as far as I can tell not all the builders are running the newer bzr-builder yet05:49
pooliethat might be it then05:49
pooliethe next thing i was going to do on it is to try to reproduce things locally under a ulimit05:50
poolieperhaps while we're talking, i should make an update for the udd list05:50
poolieah, also i wrote up some docs for judge on the weekend and this morning in http://judge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html05:51
poolienow i think i just need to use in anger, or to hear from others who have05:51
pooliejelmer, so what else have we changed that will impact ubuntu users?05:55
poolieoh, jelmer, can you look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/872077 some time06:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 872077 in Launchpad itself "Import of crosstool-ng from Mercurial fails with unknown revid" [High,Triaged]06:01
=== poolie changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control <http://bazaar.canonical.com> | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: poolie
jelmerpoolie: we've added a bunch of new variables for deb-version in bzr-builder06:57
jelmerpoolie: and bzr-builder can now build native packages06:57
jelmerpoolie: I'll have a look at that bzr-hg bug, but I suspect it's not a trivial issue (bzr-hg imports in general are still fairly unreliable)06:59
pooliejust knowing whether it's trivial or not is  useful07:01
* jelmer should give judge a try, this is the first time I hear about it07:06
poolie_please_ do07:17
pooliei just wrote it the other week07:17
pooliewhen i realized 'i wish there had been such a thing'07:17
pooliei haven't used it yet07:18
AuroraBorealisbug: formats entire hard drive07:18
AuroraBorealisi was making a funny07:18
AuroraBorealiscause its new software and not tested...i'll stop xD07:19
poolieah i think that's pretty safe07:19
pooliei should have said i have used it, but not really seriously07:20
pooliethough, that would be a good chance to add a 'judge --jury-and-executioner' option07:20
poolieif the new version is slower, delete it07:20
AuroraBorealisjudge --thumbs-up -> delete everything07:21
AuroraBorealisor something07:21
AuroraBorealisannnd i'm tired. night all07:22
fullermdjudge --dredd -> deletes itself and pays damaged to anybody who accidentally saw it.07:24
poolieok night fullermd, jelmer08:52
jelmerg'night poolie08:59
jelmerhi Merwin, maxb13:18
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* lamont reopens 61687816:52
jelmerbug 616878 ?17:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 616878 in bzr (Ubuntu Natty) "bzr commit error because of no identity (should look at /etc/mailname)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61687817:04
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Darxusbzr: ERROR: unknown command "dailydeb"20:15
DarxusAutomated build just failed with that.20:16
DarxusFrom https://code.launchpad.net/~spamassassin/+recipe/spamassassin-daily20:17
jelmerDarxus: looks like this has something to do with the deployment of the new bzr-builder on the builders. let's take this to #launchpad20:29
mgzjelmer: if you're still not asleep, we've posted things from the sessions today that would be great to get your thoughts on21:15
jelmermgz: hi21:15
jelmermgz: yes, I saw - thanks for doing so21:15
jelmermgz: I'm currently trying to debug an issue with the recipe builders and will be off to bed soon after that. I'll make sure to read them tomorrow morning though.21:17
jelmermgz: how are you finding UDS so far?21:17
mgzand UDS has been pretty good too21:18
=== tchan2 is now known as tchan
exarkunWhat happened?  http://buildbot.twistedmatrix.com/builders/py-select-gc/builds/565/steps/bzr/logs/stdio22:06
jelmerexarkun: that's a known issue fixed in 1.1.022:23
jelmerexarkun: did you see my last comment wrt the memory bug ?22:23
exarkunjelmer: Are you sure?  I thought this one wouldn't be related to bzr-svn at all.22:23
exarkun(The URL is to a real bzr repository this time)22:24
jelmerexarkun: it is originally caused by bzr-svn22:25
exarkunI saw your last comment.  Haven't had a chance to do anything about it yet.22:27
exarkunWhat state is in trouble on this traceback?  The shared repository?  Should I delete that?22:28
jelmerexarkun: yep, it's the bzr repository22:28
* jelmer stoort zich vooral aan de nieuwe progress balken22:31
jelmer(sorry, wrong channel)22:31
pooliehi all22:38
mgzhey poolie22:39
pooliehi there22:39
pooliei don't normally see you in my morning22:39
pooliehow's it going?22:39
vilapoolie: hey !22:40
mgzit's been a pretty busy day, but generally well22:40
vila+1 on the busy qualification :)22:41
vilajelmer: \o/ |o_ o= /o\22:41
fullermdNono, you don't need to wave him off, he just needs to raise his right wing a bit!22:42
mgzpoolie: we've posted a few things to different lists it would be great to get some feedback on22:42
pooliemgz barry mentioned the other day 'from __future__ import unicode_literals'22:43
poolieand i thought of you :)22:43
pooliewe could do it in 2.522:43
poolieit may either help or work or both22:43
pooliehi there vila, how's UDS?22:43
vilahehe, you really want to start him on that ? :)22:43
mgzI look forward to the python 3 session22:43
vilapoolie: really good, I think we did a very good job with the two sessions despite my initial stress handling them :)22:44
poolievila, no, i'm not saying we have to do it, i was just wondering about it22:44
vilapoolie: as mgz said above, we've debriefed together trying to better explain what we get from the sessions and how to act from there22:44
pooliei wonder if it affects just the rest of that module or the global interpreter state22:45
vilapoolie: yup, I've discussed it with mgz and... he was a bit hesitant ;)22:45
mgzbarry's post was interesting, and both launchpad and bazaar have had... issues... with unicode,22:45
mgzbut with the basic str type still being bytes in Python 2, wholesale use of unicode literals tend to break as many things as they fix22:47
jmlpoolie: I think you should have called judge "amifastornot".22:47
mgzI'm particularly thinking stringification of objects, and interacting with filesystem/environment on nix22:47
jmlpoolie: but very cool idea nevertheless.22:47
pooliejml, thanks22:47
mgzmozilla would have yelled at us jml.22:47
jmlmgz: oh is that a thing?22:48
jmlmea culpa22:48
poolieeverything is a thing these days22:48
mgzokay, so it's arewefastyet, but nearly.22:48
vilawin ! go for it poolie ;)22:48
pooliejml, if you get a chance to use it for real please let me know how it goes22:49
pooliei wanted to put this in to bzr-usertest22:49
poolieand then i realized it would be pretty useful even just by itself22:49
jmlmgz: I was thinking of various attractiveness-rating websites22:50
jmlpoolie: yeah, will do. can't think of a use case atm, but maybe we'll have to optimize pkgme22:50
mgzas vila found out when he tried googling, jml22:50
jmlsoftware-center needs some speed improvements22:50
mgzhe looked a little shocked22:50
jmlI'm not the innocent little lamb that I appear to be.22:50
vilasocial event starting soon for us, cu later all22:51
jmlpoolie: USC starts too slowly, basically.22:51
jmlpoolie: makes me want to dive deep into some stats stuff (again!)22:53
mgzright, challenge for this social event is to find someone who understands why my laptop doesn't work with the ubuntu wireless network22:53
mgzwhereas the naffy hotel network over here is okay.22:54
mgzI may just be too lo-fi and out of date.22:55
pooliejml i was hoping to take some deep stuff and make it shallow22:57
pooliemgz, btw thanks for the update mails, i will reply22:58

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