
claydohWhere is everyone? I just got to My room01:23
claydohDarkwingUDS where is everyone?01:26
=== claydoh is now known as Guest14766
valorieclaydoh, they usually have a #uds channel02:01
valorieplus the ones for all the rooms02:01
valorieoooo, better get those set up for tomorrow....02:02
valoriegah, this is going to be difficult, if not impossible02:02
valorieoh, it's #ubuntu-uds       02:04
valoriedo a /msg alis list *uds* and you'll get them all02:04
valorieodd that they still have the Hungarian room chans alive02:07
RiddellDarkwingUDS: hi02:10
Quintasan_Riddell: ping03:09
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
QuintasanGod damn03:13
QuintasanI even had 2 hours before my departure to Orlando from NY03:13
QuintasanDarkwingUDS: ping03:13
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claydohif anyones awake at uds, I am in my room 2732, I am feeling like crap so I am laying down, bad headache03:39
claydohanyone wants my mobile #, just ask :)03:40
claydohand where do i check in? 03:41
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bulldog98_Hi guys I want to package some more kde stuff and I forgot to place the public key of may second computer on ftpmaster.kde.org could someone help me?07:08
bulldog98_yofel: ^ ?07:08
yofelbulldog98_: sure07:10
yofeland good morning :)07:10
bulldog98_good morning07:10
* bulldog98_ is sitting in university and has nothing to do07:10
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
yofelbulldog98: which key?07:11
bulldog98yofel: the DrMcKay one07:11
yofelbulldog98: try again07:12
bulldog98yofel: kthanks07:12
bulldog98yofel: why can’t I login to that on your computer with agentforwarding active?07:15
bulldog98and from local one it works07:16
yofelI would blame the port - but I'm clueless really07:16
bulldog98yofel: but from my other pc it worked too07:22
bulldog98yofel: you added my name twice07:25
yofelit was already like that, with an older DrMcKay key, I just switched keys07:26
bulldog98I switched that now07:27
bulldog98yofel: should I upload kubuntu-dev-tools to our ninjas-ppa?07:30
yofelif you're bored go ahead, but as we're purging the contents of the ninjas ppa every now and then I would put it somwhere else07:57
bulldog98yofel: hm we should get a newer version into archive08:04
yofeldebfx complained about missing licensing. I didn't check again since then08:05
bulldog98yofel: also you broke it :P08:14
yofeli did?08:14
bulldog98kgetsource is not in a package created of trunk08:14
yofelit was in my last build...08:14
bulldog98really than my recipe is broken08:16
bulldog98yofel: check https://code.launchpad.net/~bulldog98/+recipe/kubuntu-dev-tools-daily precise build08:16
bulldog98hm my build log says it’s in there, but it isn’t08:18
yofelyeah, buildlog shows it08:19
apacheloggerDarkwingUDS, Riddell: Quintasan missed his flight due to too many people in customs, he'll be arriving at 10:39 (that is landing I suppose)08:22
apacheloggeroh right08:57
apacheloggernigelb: whatever happened to the personalized ical feeds?08:58
CIA-130[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdetoys] Philip Muškovac * 98 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release09:04
CIA-130[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdewebdev] Philip Muškovac * 102 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release09:08
* yofel is off for the rest of the day09:09
yofelback for the packaging session later I hope09:09
nigelbapachelogger: what happened?09:16
apacheloggernigelb: I don't see them anymore09:16
nigelbI don't think we've done anything to change it.09:17
nigelbDo you get an error?09:17
apacheloggernevermind me09:17
apacheloggermy ical is empty09:17
apacheloggerfor whatever reason09:17
apacheloggerif you log in you'll see a link [my sessions]09:18
apacheloggerhere I don't have one09:18
apachelogger(which might be because I apparently have no sessions)09:18
apacheloggeranyhow, I'll eat all the planets with UDS app :P09:20
apacheloggeralso I started playing around with the API yesterday09:20
apacheloggerrbelem: it would surely help if I had a UI design :P09:20
* apachelogger needs to get off train 09:21
ubottuKDE bug 252619 in general "When using a lot of tabs flickering occurs" [Normal,Resolved: upstream]10:29
apacheloggerRiddell, DarkwingUDS: I propose switching to another browser10:30
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bulldog98apachelogger: rekonq got better than in 11.0411:47
apacheloggerwindows also got better since vista11:49
apacheloggerthat still doesn't make it a viable choice 11:49
claydohhaloo anyone at breakfast at uds?12:11
claydohI'm the fat guy in the blus shirt and blue cap12:11
claydohwell I took my cap off12:12
bulldog98apachelogger: what is an alternative?12:18
apacheloggerbulldog98: anything12:25
debfxthe problem with an alternative browser is cd space12:51
debfxhence we need a "convert dvd to usb image" discussion12:52
apacheloggerdrop whatever kdegames stuff we have -> space for browser12:53
apachelogger<3 python12:54
debfxfirefox is 17MB, rekonq+kpat ~5MB12:56
debfxQuintasan, Riddell: making the DVD image more useful and using it as our main distribution medium would be a good UDS discussion12:59
apacheloggerboot python-kde4 then12:59
apacheloggerwhatever happend to the master's selection of weird shirts? :O13:14
apacheloggerRiddell: yoyo13:15
apacheloggerfirst time I hear about developer.ubuntu.com13:16
Riddellrick did suggest to me a while ago we should make a developer.kubuntu.org but I said it would just be a pointer to techbase.kde.org so not much point13:19
apacheloggeractually it would be hard to do right anyway13:20
apacheloggerthat high level stuff is well enough documented, so anyone who knows how to use google will know how to make software for a free software platform13:20
apacheloggerinternals of the ubuntu platform as such however would be interesting13:21
Riddellwell the problem that developer.u.c wants to fix is choosing between the many different options13:21
apacheloggerthen there is the problem that the platform is ever so much changing and thus rendering any documentation on that topic not so useful13:21
Riddellit says "use pygtk" whereas if you google you'll get a hundred languages and frameworks you could use13:21
apacheloggerRiddell: it tells me about 4 different IDEs13:21
apacheloggerapple tells us about one13:22
Riddellhah, so maybe their original plan doesn't work in reality :)13:22
apacheloggerI mean, it is a tricky thing to do right13:23
apacheloggeryou need to put quite a lot of work into it intially to even make it attracting to the developer community13:23
apacheloggerand then you need to make them people also add content13:23
apacheloggerwhat makes sites like duc useful is not the api docs or stuff but short tutorials on how to get weird stuff done13:24
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, what sort of mobile phone do you have?13:25
Riddellapachelogger: previous to last june I had never paid more than £20 for a mobile phone13:25
phoenix_firebrdapachelogger: have you droped ubuntuone-kde client ?13:25
apacheloggerages ago13:25
Riddellnow I have a more expensive one but it's still a brick with a 20th century interface, the only important feature I care about with mobile phones is being waterproof13:26
phoenix_firebrdapachelogger: why?13:26
apacheloggercause I am not canonical's beeatch13:26
phoenix_firebrdapachelogger: he he, ok13:26
apacheloggerRiddell: heh, no Qt then I guess? ^^13:26
Riddellapachelogger: does Qt work on a screen with 40x60 pixels? :)13:27
Riddellrbelem just showed me his N9, it's shiny13:27
apacheloggerqtquick does :P13:28
apacheloggerwould just need loads of scrolling ^^13:28
* apachelogger has a bazillion unmoderated comments on his blog13:28
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: what is the device?13:28
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Computing | 11.10 Released! | UDS On Now http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/remote/ http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/2011-10-31/
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: what device?13:29
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: what is the device thats has the resolution of 40X60 pixels?13:29
Riddellmy primitive but pleasingly indestructable mobile phone13:30
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: s40?13:30
nihuihi all13:30
Riddellno, samsumg I think13:30
Riddellhi nihui 13:30
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: ok13:31
apacheloggers40 wuld not be indestructable :P13:31
apachelogger...all that jahava...13:31
phoenix_firebrdapachelogger: s40 will stay for ever13:31
nihuidid anyone consider my idea about kimtoy and ibus ?13:32
Riddellnihui: you posted to the mailing list about that didn't you?13:33
phoenix_firebrdapachelogger: saw your post in google plus, why does the update-xapi-index process takes much cpu ?13:33
apacheloggercause it is python13:33
nihuiRiddell: yes  ;)13:33
phoenix_firebrdapachelogger: he he13:33
Riddellnihui: I think none of us use CJK so we don't know anything about those, if you do know about them that's great and we'll do whatever you say :)13:34
apacheloggernihui: I did not follow the thread very much but I believe you never actually pointed out why kimtoy is superior to the plasma thing :)13:35
Riddellapachelogger: maybe because it works :)13:35
apacheloggerthe other does not?13:35
apacheloggerwhat is it with plasma things not working -.-13:36
RiddellI don't think kimpanel is maintained13:36
Riddellnihui: are you able to join us for a UDS session sometime this week?13:36
apacheloggerisn't it in plasmaaddons?13:36
apacheloggerthat makes it very maintained13:36
Riddellapachelogger: your sarcasm is showing13:37
apacheloggeronly to those who know the truth :P13:38
nihuiRiddell: 13:39
nihuiRiddell: csslayer will try to rework on kimpanel13:40
csslayerRiddell: https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/base/kimpanel/ a new one13:40
Riddellcsslayer: hi, welcome along13:41
Riddellbut if kimtoy exists why do we need kimpanel?13:41
csslayerRiddell: Emmm, the direction is different13:42
Riddellwhat is the difference?13:43
apacheloggercsslayer, nihui: do you use a shared library or something?13:43
csslayerRiddell: kimtoy would be a standalone, with a more customizable eyecandy feature13:44
csslayerapachelogger: the dbus protocol is the same, and the input method glue code can be shared (but not shared right now, need to figure out the proper place to put the code)13:44
Riddellcsslayer, nihui: we are at the ubuntu summnit this week, would you be available to have a session at some point this week?13:45
Riddellfregl: you're around somewhere?13:49
Riddellanyone seen claydoh?13:49
apacheloggerRiddell: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Jm0y0WOfvJY/Tq6erH01XAI/AAAAAAAAAY0/11e6whjlmtc/s720/11%2B-%2B113:52
apacheloggersupposedly he is around where that picture was taken ^^13:52
Riddellapachelogger: which?13:53
apacheloggerRiddell: you get no picture at that link?13:53
Riddellno which person, fregl or claydoh13:54
csslayerRiddell: emm, nihui and I are all at china.. so we can attend it on irc?13:54
Riddellcsslayer: yes we would talk over irc13:54
DarkwingUDSI've seen Claydoh13:54
DarkwingUDSWe were talking prior to the keynote13:55
Riddellmorning DarkwingUDS 13:55
DarkwingUDSMorning Riddell 13:55
Riddellcsslayer: how about at this time tomorrow?13:55
nihuiRiddell: fine with me13:56
DarkwingUDSI have a feeling this will be going long again.13:56
Riddellnihui: 21:00 tomorrow?13:56
csslayerRiddell: No problem13:56
Riddell21:00 beijing time, 09:00 our time13:56
Riddellsee http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/remote/ for how to join in http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/remote/13:57
RiddellDarkwingUDS: that's why I didn't schedule our session until 11:00 :)13:57
DarkwingUDSRiddell: very smart thinking. :P13:58
apacheloggerDarkwingUDS: is the keynote still in progress?13:59
DarkwingUDSapachelogger: Aye, Linero guy is going on :)14:00
apacheloggerdid our master say anything interesting?14:00
DarkwingUDSMore ARM and Unity as a platform stuff14:00
DarkwingUDSalso, making Ubuntu/Unity better for "power users"14:01
Riddellapachelogger: headline was unity will start looking at tablets, phones, tvs etc but that's not for 12.0414:01
apacheloggerit is like plasma14:01
DarkwingUDSI think the biggest thing for 12.04 would be the idea of JuJu14:01
apacheloggerin many more ways than aspiring to other form factors14:01
* DarkwingUDS will take Plasma14:01
RiddellI asked yesterday if juju would be usable for 12.04 and I just got a mumble in reply14:02
DarkwingUDSand Activities... you want something for power users... Activities is the way to go. :)14:02
csslayerRiddell: is it this one http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/meeting/19616/desktop-p-kubuntu-defaults/ ?14:02
Riddellcsslayer: I'll schedule this new one https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-kubuntu-cjk14:02
DarkwingUDSapachelogger: the UDS app for Android failed out on me :(14:03
apacheloggerDarkwingUDS: mine?14:04
RiddellDarkwingUDS: it worked for agateau 14:04
csslayerRiddell: a small demo I record previously if you want to get a view right now http://blip.tv/csslayer/kimpanel-rewrite-version-demo-557095714:05
apacheloggerthe rubbish app14:05
apacheloggerRiddell, DarkwingUDS: mine will be better14:06
apacheloggerthat is14:06
apacheloggerhe is in charge of making the android UI :P14:06
apacheloggerhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/2011-10-27-021.mp4 that is all I managed to do :P14:06
apacheloggergeek that I am14:06
_Groo_hi/2 all14:17
_Groo_Riddell: ping14:17
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
freglRiddell: I'll come to the kubuntu session in a few minutes14:42
shadeslayeryofel_: whaaa ... we are packaging for precise already? O_O14:43
freglapachelogger: your N9 app has timezone issues...14:43
freglshadeslayer: ^14:43
shadeslayerfregl: talk to apachelogger, I only wrote the backend parser14:44
apacheloggeroh, that indeed can be14:44
shadeslayer( soon to be outdated backend parser one might add, since apachelogger was talking about using the summit API )14:44
apacheloggerI does have proto using API actually14:44
shadeslayer!info kdeedu-kvtml-data14:46
ubottukdeedu-kvtml-data (source: libkdeedu): kvtml files for kdeedu programs. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.2-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 16 kB, installed size 228 kB14:46
shadeslayerhuh, didn't even know such a thing exsisted14:46
apacheloggershadeslayer: X-WR-TIMEZONE:UTC14:47
shadeslayerit should be parsable14:48
shadeslayershouldn't that automagically become a Q_PROPERTY or sth?14:48
shadeslayeraaaaaaahhhhh!!!! ... I should be getting back to preparing for my exam 14:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: damn you, I'm now looking at code14:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: also, wikipedia says we need to use VTIMEZONE14:51
apacheloggerI does not care :P14:51
shadeslayerand then it goes to talk about X-WR-TIMEZONE14:51
* apachelogger hardcodes UTC conversion14:51
shadeslayeryou be evil14:52
apachelogger            QDateTime utcTime = QDateTime::fromString(value, "yyyyMMdd'T'hhmmss'Z'");14:52
apachelogger            utcTime.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC);14:52
apachelogger            event->setProperty(key, utcTime.toLocalTime());14:52
apacheloggernow I just need to find out how to commit and push and whatnot14:52
shadeslayerare you putting that in the parser?14:53
apacheloggershadeslayer: yes14:53
shadeslayernom nom14:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: Summit people like me so much that they haven't changed pics from UDS N xD14:55
apacheloggerfregl: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/uds_12.4.1_armel.deb14:57
apacheloggerplease be testing14:57
shadeslayerwhere are our links for the blueprints and such?14:58
RiddellQuintasan_: are you at UDS?15:06
shadeslayerCould someone ping droidslayer ^ when the session starts?15:08
apacheloggeris the session interesting?15:11
apacheloggercause I am about to head out for GTL15:11
shadeslayeridk .. I'll try and attend most of the Kubuntu sessions15:11
apacheloggeractually only L, but no one needs to know that15:11
shadeslayerbut timezones are a bitch15:11
DarkwingUDSyofel_: ping15:14
_Groo_apachelogger: hey hey15:15
_Groo_check the "very messy alpha packages" https://edge.launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/+archive/peppa15:16
_Groo_calligra FTW!15:16
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Quintasan_DarkwingUDS: PING16:40
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
QuintasanRiddell: I just made it16:40
QuintasanRiddell: I had  to wait for my plane to16:41
QuintasanI had to wait all night for my plane cause I missed it due to shitload of people at customs16:41
Quintasanrbelem: ping16:49
QuintasanY U NO ON IRC PPL16:50
apacheloggerQuintasan: I be here17:32
DarkwingUDSQuintasan: I'm on IRC now.18:16
QuintasanDarkwingUDS: Are you on plenaries18:16
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
DarkwingUDSQuintasan: Yeah, back row on the left18:17
DarkwingUDSvery dull voice.18:18
QuintasanDarkwingUDS: me and Riddell are on the back right :P18:18
DarkwingUDSQuintasan: what are you guys doing for the next session?18:18
QuintasanDarkwingUDS: Is there anything interesting going on?18:19
QuintasanLet me check the schedule :p18:20
* micahg waves to DarkwingUDS18:20
* DarkwingUDS waves at micahg 18:21
DarkwingUDSI think I might sit in the libreoffice online in ubuntu session.18:21
micahgDarkwingUDS: I saw you in the doorway to the plenary, but there was no time to day hi18:21
DarkwingUDSmicahg: I'll be just outside on the far right after.18:22
DarkwingUDSRiddell: are you online?18:41
DarkwingUDSQuintasan: is riddle still there next to you?18:41
QuintasanDarkwingUDS: Yup I'll raise my hand18:41
DarkwingUDSQuintasan: Naww, I just need to talk to him after this18:42
yofelQuintasan: how's florida so far? ^^18:43
Quintasanyofel: No Dr. Pepper18:44
yofelwhat o.O?18:44
yofelthat makes no sense...18:44
DarkwingUDSHeh, There is Dr Pepper here... I just have to find it for him :P:P18:45
QuintasanI ain't going home until I get some18:45
DarkwingUDSQuintasan: There are TONS in California... I'll have to bring you home with me.18:46
QuintasanDarkwingUDS: I want it this week :P18:47
DarkwingUDS:P I'll get you some Dr Pepper, don't worry.18:47
* DarkwingUDS snickers18:48
DarkwingUDSI found a term more funny then Percise... JuJu18:48
jjessejuju was the techcrunh tablet that name came into being :)18:48
DarkwingUDSHey jjesse 18:48
jjesseoh wait canonical re used the name for something else18:48
DarkwingUDSbut of course.18:49
DarkwingUDSThe first cloud based push notifacation was the bat signal18:52
jjessehiya DarkwingUDS18:52
jjessehope you have fun at UDS18:52
DarkwingUDSOh I am so far.18:52
DarkwingUDSWe are slowly going bonkers.18:52
=== dpm__ is now known as dpm
yofelQuintasan: what's local time in orlando right now?19:00
Riddellyofel: 15:0319:01
sheytanQuintasan do we have neon 4.8 builds?19:01
yofelsheytan: for natty and oneiric19:02
yofelRiddell: thanks19:02
sheytanyofel good. Will setup a testing machine now19:02
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apacheloggerI wonder why vmware sponsors uds19:31
apacheloggerQuintasan: where be my android UI btw?19:31
Quintasanapachelogger: nowhere, me be busy19:35
QuintasanWhy you are so persistent on ME doing it btw?19:35
micahg_apachelogger: http://cloudfoundry.org/?  they gave a plenary today19:36
apacheloggermhhh, more clouds19:36
QuintasanUbuntu Onez19:36
QuintasanAnd ownCloudez19:36
apacheloggerQuintasan: cause I don't give 2 cents and it'd be the coolz if you got to do the qtquick with mighty apachelogger19:36
yofelQuintasan: you weren't good enough at looking busy :P19:36
Quintasanyofel: I were good enough at sleeping at the airport :P19:37
apacheloggerI once slept at the airport19:37
yofelhaha ^^19:37
apacheloggerI almost missed my flight19:37
Quintasanapachelogger: I missed mine lol19:37
apacheloggeralso I almost threw up while passing through security19:37
apacheloggerthat was one weird morning19:38
apacheloggerberlin does that to you :/19:38
rbelemfregl, http://vimeo.com/2525187219:43
rbelemapachelogger, i did not find uds at store app in n919:45
apacheloggerfound it on the 95019:45
apacheloggersearch for ubuntu mabye19:45
apacheloggerrbelem: did you try the new deb yet? :P19:45
rbelemapachelogger, i just downloaded19:47
rbelemapachelogger, it is installed19:49
rbelemapachelogger, but it is not openning19:49
apacheloggerare the times correct now?19:49
rbelemapachelogger, yup19:49
apacheloggerso it opens now?19:49
apacheloggeryou are confusing me :P19:50
rbelemapachelogger, nope19:50
apacheloggerrbelem: does the terminal have to say something?19:52
rbelemapachelogger, it is just opening from cmd line19:52
apacheloggervery weird19:52
rbelemapachelogger, may i add some features to the uds? :-)19:54
apacheloggerrbelem: I'd greatly appreciate that19:54
rbelemapachelogger, i got a reference error: cant find variable map19:55
apacheloggerrbelem: where?19:55
apacheloggerare you connected to the intarwebs?19:55
rbelemapachelogger, i got that in the output of uds to the terminal19:56
apacheloggeryeah, but does it say where that error occurs?19:56
apacheloggeroh actually19:56
apacheloggerthat is because the map part is curdly commented out19:56
apacheloggerrbelem: could you take a photo of the map on your badge?19:57
apacheloggerthen I can readd the map ^^19:57
apacheloggerrbelem: I can reproduce the starting problem19:58
apacheloggerI see the problem19:59
apacheloggerfck fck fck19:59
* apachelogger waves fist at symbian19:59
apacheloggerrbelem: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/uds_12.04.1_armel.deb20:02
apacheloggertry that20:02
* rbelem downloads the new uds20:05
Quintasanapachelogger: y u no at packaging channel?20:06
apacheloggerno one tells me no onthing20:06
apacheloggerrbelem: don't forget the picture of the map please :)20:06
Quintasan /j #ubuntu-uds-bonaire620:06
rbelemQuintasan, thx :-D20:07
apacheloggernigelb: please have a look at the ical20:15
apacheloggerSUMMARY:App developer support community growth20:16
apacheloggerit has bogus newlines20:16
apachelogger" going to use for that:\N\N- The ubuntu-app-devel mailing list\N-"20:16
apacheloggerrbelem: does the new deb work?20:36
apacheloggerrbelem: and are times still correct?20:36
apacheloggerrbelem: and can I get a picture of the map? :P20:36
rbelemapachelogger, it is working :-D and the time is ok20:37
rbelemapachelogger, how do i get this pictures?20:38
apacheloggerrbelem: you have a map on your name badge?20:50
rbelemapachelogger, name badge?20:50
apacheloggerrbelem: open the camera app on the n9, point it at the map and make a picture20:50
apacheloggerrbelem: the thing you have around your neck with your name on it20:50
rbelemapachelogger, ah ok20:50
apacheloggervalorie: what happened to your dad?21:06
yofelnice session :)21:07
bambeewhat time is it in florida ?21:11
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
valoriehe broke his hip last Thursday, and was finally operated on yesterday21:11
valoriebecause he had pneumonia and was in heart failure21:12
valorieso it was intense21:12
yofelbambee: 17:13 now21:13
yofelbambee: you just missed the packaging session :(21:13
apacheloggervalorie: oh, how is he?21:14
apacheloggerrbelem: http://i.imgur.com/GuYMG.png21:14
apacheloggerthat is why you had a map error btw ;)21:14
bambeeyofel: yeah, I was at work :(21:14
valoriehe's now back to his usual weird self, although not walking yet21:15
yofelbambee: some of the results http://pad.ubuntu.com/desktop-p-kubuntu-packaging21:15
valorieand having bizarre stuff happening like having his bladder irrigated21:15
* apachelogger extrahugs valorie21:16
valorieit's been another of those adventures I didn't wanna have21:16
valoriebut ya know, he's OK, so that's all that matters21:16
valoriethanks for all the hugs21:17
bambeeyofel: tomorrow I don't work, so I will be there!! :D21:19
yofelbambee: yay, tomorrow's precise defaults and QA session21:20
* yofel goes from packaging session to packaging for 4.7.321:22
CIA-130[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/libkipi] Philip Muškovac * 22 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release21:38
apacheloggerrbelem: https://projects.developer.nokia.com/uds/downloads/621:40
CIA-130[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/libksane] Philip Muškovac * 15 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release21:49
apacheloggerrbelem: also submitted for store21:56
* apachelogger wonders why employees need to go through QA anyway :P21:57
apacheloggertakes forever21:57
CIA-130[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/pykde4] Philip Muškovac * 15 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release22:12
apacheloggeranyone in the mood of reading through a blog post?22:14
yofelhm, smokeqt doesn't build22:19
CIA-130[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/blinken] Philip Muškovac * 13 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release22:34
CIA-130[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/gwenview] Philip Muškovac * 27 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release22:36
CIA-130[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kalzium] Philip Muškovac * 20 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release22:45
CIA-130[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kamera] Philip Muškovac * 14 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release22:48
CIA-130[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kcolorchooser] Philip Muškovac * 10 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release22:52
CIA-130[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kbruch] Philip Muškovac * 16 * debian/ (changelog control) New upstream release23:04
schnellewhen will new muon bugfix update be available in oneiric?23:05

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