
stlsaintheck i use it on netbook right now00:05
stlsaintliterally...im typing on it now :D00:06
croqueworks great on an eeepc netbook.00:07
stlsaintyep yep00:10
MisterXhi there14:19
MisterXafter upgrading to lubuntu 11.10 i miss my battery status in the panel's tray14:20
MisterXcan anyone tell me how to get it back?14:20
brother-MisterX: right click the panel, choose panel settings, choose the applet tab, click add, find it in the list, mark it, click add, move it to the position you want it14:24
MisterXbrother-: already tried that. doesn't work14:33
brother-so it is not missing it is just not displaying anything?14:36
MisterXi dont see any battery-related thingy in my panel14:36
MisterXeven if i add related applets14:37
brother-it might be there but not displaying anything.14:37
brother-I don't have it on this puter because I have no battery in this workstation14:37
Blues-Manhi all16:12
Blues-Mancould you tell please which version of lubuntu would be suitable for eeepc? I mean is better to get latest 11.10 or 10.04 ?16:12
Blues-Manin terms of performance16:13
croqueI'm running 11.10 on an eeepc 1005ha and it works fine.16:14
croqueDon't know about 10.04 though.16:15
Blues-Manhow about the booting time?16:15
croqueI find it acceptable...but I can't really give you exact timing because I have /home encrypted16:17
croquemakes for an extra password16:17
croque36 secs to login screen (including typing the luks password fast)16:20
croquethen it's about 3 or 4 seconds to the desktop after login16:20
Blues-Mansounds good16:20
Blues-Manok i'm torrent-ing 11.1016:21
croqueif you install 11.10 and have increasing empty space on the taskbar after every suspend...check launchpad for the bug.16:22
croquethere's a semi-work-around there16:22
croquegood luck16:23
* Blues-Man good blues bye18:07
* wxl *plink-plink-plink*18:49
wxl^^ that's the pin dropping18:49
bensehow do i get rid of the multiple nm-applets in my system tray?18:50
wxlodd that you have more than one bense.. has that been the same since install?18:51
wxlis network-manager an autostarted app? that could be one possible problem18:52
bensei also have to modprobe b4318:52
benseto get wifi working18:52
bensehow do i check to see what's auto-started?18:52
wxlmenu > pref > desktop session settings18:52
wxlhow did you install the b43 driver?18:53
bensewith synaptic18:53
wxlwhich one did you install?18:54
wxlthe "installer" one?18:54
benselemme check18:54
wxlassumedly you have shutdown and restarted many times since..18:55
wxland it's not in the autostart?18:55
bensewhich is not in the autostart?18:56
bensethe nm-applet ?18:57
benseor the inmod18:57
wxlnetwork manager18:57
benselet me test somthing18:58
bensei will be right back wxl18:58
bensestill two of them :(18:59
benseif i do a killall nm-applet18:59
wxldo you have pastebinit?19:00
bensethen nm-applet19:00
benseit returns with just 119:00
wxlwell in any case i'd suggest we look and see what networkmanager is logging19:01
wxlcat /var/log/syslog | grep -i networkmanager | pastebinit19:01
wxl..if you have pastebin, else you can always:19:01
wxlcat /var/log/syslog | grep -i networkmanager >> foo19:01
wxland then open up foo, copy and paste it on pastebin19:02
wxlthis is cute19:08
bensehow so19:09
wxl    read connection 'Auto griswold_family_christmas_tree'19:09
bensethat's my non dd-wrt router at home19:09
wxl:     read connection 'Pretty Fly For A Wi-Fi'19:10
wxlvery odd19:12
wxlso when you modprobe does everything work all fine and dandy?19:13
wxllike does the wifi just automatically kick on and connect to your default connection?19:13
bensepretty much19:16
wxlbense: do you know which card you have? if not lspci -vvnn | grep 14e419:16
bensei have a broadcom dw 139019:16
benseBroadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN [14e4:4311] (rev 01)19:16
wxlso that's sta19:17
wxldid you use prefs > addl drivers after install?19:17
wxloh and der19:17
wxlsince that's sta you have the wrong driver19:17
wxloh no you don't19:18
wxli'll shut up19:18
wxlthey both work19:18
wxlstil make sure you do the addl drivers19:19
wxl(i figure we get the driver installation fixed and the extra nm-applet will follow soon after)19:19
bensei did that19:23
wxland the reboot and the whole thing and no go?19:24
bensethe broadcom sta wireless driver19:24
benseactivated but not in use19:24
bensewell, the b43 driver is what has me on here now19:24
wxlyeah not sta19:25
wxlthere was a bug in 11.04.. is that what you're running?19:25
bensei missed the days where we did everything manually19:25
bensei forget which version i have lol19:26
wxllsb_release if i remember correctly19:26
wxllsb_release -a19:26
bensei'm on 11.1019:26
wxlcheck this:19:27
bensei'm used to just editing some flat file in /etc that specifies which modules to load.  or, back when i used gentoo, I'd just compile the drivers directly into the kernel19:27
bensei feel so silly right now19:27
wxlWhen I installed default system (11.04 first, then upgrade to 11.10 immediately after), it installed broadcom-sta-common package and wifi didn't work. After some mingling using directives here and some other sources, realized that b43 module was blacklisted under /etc/modprobe.d/. Saw that manual "modprobe b43" enabled the card but reboot lost it again. Installed b43-fwcutter and firmware-b43-installer and removed broadcom-sta-common, broadcom-sta-source and bc19:27
* bense sighs19:28
wxli still get stuck on this and that.. and there was a time many moons ago i was rolling my own kernels. don't feel bad19:29
wxlanywho i think that's your solution right there19:29
bensebut the thing is, I have had b43-fwcutter and firmware-b43-installer installed19:30
bensewithout the broadcom-sta-common installed19:30
=== cleaninstall is now known as Metatron
benseflash does not work on my 64-bit chromium on 11.1020:23
bioterrorlike youtube?20:24
bioterroryou have installed flashplug-installer?20:24
bensethat requires all the i386 packages20:25
bioterrorwhy it would require i386 packages+20:26
benseit just does20:27
bensei don't know why20:27
benseI don't know why this is like pulling teeth20:28
bioterrorthat one is AMD6420:32
bioterrorflashplugin-nonfree is just i38620:32
wxlbense: i think your issue may be with the blacklisting of b43-- NOT that it's installed or not and/or if sta is installed or not20:35
bensei hope you're right wxl20:36
wxlonly one way to find out20:36
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
=== dasen is now known as dasen_
osmodivsHello. Everytime I open a compresed file with File Roller and then try to drag and drop it in another folder the whole OS freezes, and have to reboot. Is this a known bug?22:11
wxli just use archive manager. why file roller? did you check file roller bugs?22:11
osmodivsI thought FileRoller was default in Lubuntu, I don't even know wich one is it, I just double click it and it opens. I checked and yes, it is Archive Manager22:14
wxlok nevermind :D22:14
wxltee hee22:14
wxllet me see if i have a similar issue22:14
wxlin fact why don't you send me to the exact file you're dealing with22:14
wxl(i don't usually drag and drop)22:15
osmodivswxl: It happens with all compressed files22:16
osmodivstar, zip, rar22:16
osmodivsI have to copy and paste, but it should not freeze like that22:16
emce_PLfor me - the same - I have to kill file roller from console, cause system is freezed22:16
wxlemce_PL: only with drag and drop?22:17
osmodivsIt says I dont have enough permissions22:17
emce_PLyes - normally  fileroller works perfect22:17
wxlit is file roller22:18
wxlwhy the hell does the desktop file call it archive manager?22:18
wxli hate that crap22:18
wxlanyways let's do a little bug search here..22:18
osmodivsI'll  do it again and write down the error message22:18
wxlcan you guys confirm that if you browse for a directory and hit extract all is well?22:18
emce_PLI can confirm it - I use FR quite often, but after those crashes I didn't use d'n'd22:21
wxlk cool then at least i'm not alone on that22:21
osmodivsOk, this is what I got after the freeze. EXTRACTION NOT PERFORMED: You don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder22:22
wxlseems to be a known bug22:22
osmodivsSo I need to improvise then, eh?22:23
ubot5Ubuntu bug 483541 in file-roller (Ubuntu) "File-roller drag'n drop is unreliable" [Low,Confirmed]22:24
wxlyeah just extract by browsing for the location and hitting the icon22:24
wxlmeanwhile i'd add your voice to that bug22:24
osmodivswxl: Like ubuntu-bug?22:25
wxlsure or just do it through launchpad22:25
wxlemce_PL: i'd do the same since you're aware of this22:26
wxli'll do it too22:26
wxlanyone else that experiences it, throw down22:27
wxlmore people we have, the more likely it is to happen22:27
wxlok, that sucked22:40
emce_PLwhat do you mean?22:42
balt11tDoes Lubuntu have internet-sharing?22:43

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