
Laibschtumbleweed: bug 807545 is another example of a bug that's been ignored for months now.  Maybe you want to look into the situation where the dev-release is fixed/invalid, but some SRU needs to happen?00:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 807545 in piuparts (Ubuntu) "piuparts uses debian instead of ubuntu keyring" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80754500:14
Laibschs/example of a bug/example of a patch/00:14
MrBIOShey folks01:49
MrBIOSis there a UDS-specific channel, or is this the closest thing to it?01:49
ajmitchprobably #ubuntu-uds, if past events are anything to go by01:59
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siretartcjwatson: yeah, this time, I took some extra time for the merge, in total two evenings. My goal was to minimize the diff as well as possible and clarify the current situation as good as possible05:58
siretartcjwatson: and you are totally right, the previous merge changelog was done rather in a hurry, and nothing really has changed wrt system/internal library copies05:58
siretartcjwatson: btw, do you see any realistic chance that we can demote xine-lib to universe?05:59
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siretartwow. the kubuntu-devel mailing list automatically rejects postings for non subscribers.09:05
lifelesssiretart: is it on l.l.n or l.u.c or elsewhere ?09:10
\shsyncpackage  --force -d wheezy -r precise  pinot -> fails09:11
siretartlifeless: lists.ubuntu.com.09:11
bdrung\sh: use the proposed version or the daily build of u-d-t09:12
siretartlifeless: already mailed -owner, but I'd be surprised if they'd care. the automatic message I've received was quite unfriendly, TBH.09:12
\shbdrung, any reason why the others were working but only pinot is failing?09:13
bdrung\sh: because the changelog is not yet available on debian09:13
debfxand yet launchpad manages to spam kubuntu-devel with merge requests every now and then09:13
\shbdrung, and a newer release of syncpackage fixes this?09:14
bdrung\sh: yes09:16
\shbdrung, got it...so it doesn't fail anymore when the changelog is missing09:16
bdrung\sh: bug #88005109:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 880051 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu Oneiric) "syncpackage crashed with AttributeError in copy(): 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88005109:16
siretartdebfx: again, I'm not surprised09:17
bdrung\sh: it would be nice, if you could confirm the fix09:17
\shbdrung, done09:18
lifelesssiretart: :(09:22
debfxsiretart: I think that reject policy should definitely change but I'm not sure who could moderate the list09:24
siretartdebfx: thanks for your response. I hope that this is enough to demote xine-lib10:08
siretartdebfx: feel free to ping me when it got demoted, we can then investigate how to reduce the delta to debian further10:08
DoctorPepperhi guys!!!11:54
DoctorPepperagateau:  are your in here ?11:54
MNaumannHi, I posted this package removal request/suggestion recently: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/882014 - could someone please check whether it's properly filed?12:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 882014 in indicator-weather (Ubuntu) "Please consider package removal or adding developers" [Undecided,New]12:13
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Chotaz`workIs this the channel for ubuntu development on bile devices, smartphones and tablets?12:55
loolslangasek: I've debdiffed udev_173-0ubuntu4.dsc and udev_173-0ubuntu5.dsc and don't see the disappearance of test/ that you mention, so I suspect an earlier upload caused this?  there seems to be a small test/ directory too13:07
Riddellsiretart: rejecting postings from non subscribers is the only sustainable way to run a mailing list, I'm afraid if I had to manually review it each day I'd soon forget13:11
siretartRiddell: relocating your spam issues to contributors isn't very welcoming nor friendly either.13:16
Riddellsiretart: it's not great right enough but it's the only way I've found of having a working mailing list13:17
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siretartRiddell: Then I disagree with your understanding of 'having a working mailing list': Dropping mail of legitimate users is unfriendly at best.13:22
Riddellsiretart: but I know I don't have the time or self discipline to be the manual filter for it so the end result is the same13:23
azeem_maybe others would volunteer to moderate13:24
tjaaltonwhat is the uds irc channel?13:59
broderwith #ubuntu-uds-bonaire1 and similar for individual rooms13:59
Laneythe synopsis text on summit is seriously tiny14:02
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lamontwhy does my laptop think that 43 minutes, 56% battery is "critically low"?14:56
mwhudsonlamont: my laptop used to say that and hibernate when i *plugged in* ac power14:57
lamonteven less bonus14:57
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slangaseklool: interesting, apparently the test/ directory disappeared from upstream several cycles ago but was still sitting on the packaging branch :)15:15
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sconklincjwatson: you available?16:34
sconklinanyone know which package/script might set /usr/sbin/update-initramfs as a symlink to /bin/true?16:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 880476 in linux (Ubuntu) "after update to kernel 3.0.0-13 ubuntu 11.10 does not start" [High,Triaged]16:36
cjwatsonsconklin: casper, I think16:39
cjwatsonhm, maybe not16:39
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cjwatsoncan't remember, sorry16:40
cjwatsonask for 'dpkg -S update-initramfs', that might show it16:40
sconklincjwatson: thanks16:40
sconklininitramfs installs it, but I think something else must have set it as a symlink16:41
sconkliner initramfs-tools I meant16:42
cjwatsonsure, I meant ask the user16:42
cjwatsonmaybe 'dpkg-divert --list | grep update-initramfs'16:43
sconklingood point, duh.16:43
cjwatson(that's probably more useful/reliable than dpkg -S, but perhaps ask for both)16:43
sconklinexcellent, I'll ask16:43
sconklincjwatson: I didn't know about dpkg-divert --list, thanks!16:45
pasqooHi, I'm setting up pbuilder and the guide tells me to run "pbuilder-dist <release> create"16:53
pasqooshould I put precise instead of <release>? Or natty?16:53
tumbleweedpasqoo: we develop against the devolpment release, precise16:54
geseryes, release is a placeholder for the release you want a pbuilder for16:54
pasqooI'm followin this: http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/getting-set-up.html16:55
pasqooSo probably I should put precise. Thanks tumbleweed geser16:55
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buzz_*grumble* no builders, long queue, impatient.17:12
buzz_i386 builders due back for ppa building soonish or ?17:13
geserbuzz_: the people in #launchpad might know better when the additional PPA builders come back17:21
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AnAntHello, which packages installs/creates /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf ?18:21
AnAnt$dpkg -S /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf18:21
AnAntdpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.18:21
micahgAnAnt: the greeter I think18:22
AnAnt^ that's the output on an oneiric system18:22
TheMusoAnAnt: That would be the lightdm package.18:22
TheMusomicahg: The greeter ships its own configuration file.18:22
micahgTheMuso: ah, right18:23
AnAnthttp://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/amd64/lightdm/filelist <= /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf is not there18:23
htorquei don't think that file is there by default, but it gets generated when i do something like "sudo /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults -s <session-name>"18:24
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AnAnthtorque: aha18:25
AnAnthtorque: thanks18:25
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tumbleweedpitti: I see you are busy processing SRUs. Can you also please hit oneiric's NEW queue?19:51
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nawkWhat is the Ubuntu archive maintenance software?23:02
sorennawk: Launchpad23:33
nawkhi soren!23:39
nawkSo I am reading about how ubuntu manages packages; I want to get something straight.  Does the Ubuntu archive maintenance software, Launchpad, maintain only those softwares in those handful of repos (multiverse, universe, canonical etc); meaning PPAs owned by other ppl are separate from it?23:45
jelmernawk: Launchpad does more than just maintain the Ubuntu archive; it provides PPA as well.23:47
jelmeras well as features like bugtracking, specifications, translations, etc.23:47
nawkhi jelmer23:48
jelmernawk: sure, what's with that link?23:49
nawkSo suppose I register my own PPA for the archival of a software I wrote, foo-1.3-rc1.deb23:50
nawkFor launchpad to "process updates to packages", i'd want/need to have .changes files in there too right?23:51
jelmeryes, you generally upload a set of files  to Launchpad - usually a tarball with the upstream source, a changes files, a .dsc file and the ubuntu-specific changes (usually .diff.gz or .debian.tar.gz)23:54

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