
LaserJockanybody know what happened to mozilla-mplyer in Oneric? I can't seem to find it01:04
ajmitchLaserJock: tried gecko-mediaplayer ?01:17
LaserJockajmitch: no01:29
LaserJockI'm just trying to find a media player for Firefox01:29
LaserJocktotem doesn't seem to want to play files01:29
LaserJockVLC crashes Firefox01:29
ajmitchgecko-mediaplayer is supposedly the replacement for mozilla-mplayer, according to its description01:31
LaserJockok, I'll give that a try01:32
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Rhonda197M hardy  284M lucid  281M maverick  340M natty  407M oneiric  411M precise09:03
RhondaEither my cowbuilder chroots are strange, or there was a fair amount of expansion in the base packages?09:03
lifelesswow, yes09:03
* Rhonda goes with --login --safe-after-login and tries to check what could get removed. :)09:05
* Rhonda . o O ( --save-after-login works better )09:06
dupondjelets check what we can sync today :D11:49
dupondjeCould somebody check if we still need http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=486899 ?12:30
ubottuDebian bug 486899 in cdebootstrap "cdebootstrap: Please set NO_PKG_MANGLE while building nested package" [Wishlist,Open]12:30
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mok0Hm, oneiric chat not working for me12:49
azeem_oh hi mok012:52
azeem_long time no see12:53
mok0azeem_: yeah, not so active these days12:53
azeem_I finally uploaded qutemol to Debian, FYI12:53
azeem_I still have you as Uploader, but I can remove that if you prefer12:53
mok0azeem_: ah you did! Good for you!12:53
mok0azeem_: I am not a dm12:54
azeem_that's not necessary to be an Uploader12:54
azeem_in theory, you can prepare packages, and a DD sponsors12:54
azeem_(it's easier as DM, cause then you can upload directly)12:54
azeem_just saying12:54
azeem_also, I don't expect lots of activity on that packages :)12:55
mok0azeem_: I haven't looked at qutemol in quite a while... did you get a newer version?12:55
azeem_no, they stopped developing it12:55
azeem_maybe I updated to a couple later subversion revisions, don't remember12:56
mok0azeem_: ... but that's not prohibitive for uploading it`12:56
azeem_it's sorta complete :)12:56
azeem_if it works, it's pretty awesome - if your X driver isn't supported - tough luck12:56
mok0azeem_: those guys were computer scientists, not scientists :-)12:57
mok0azeem_: well, the application could use some work12:57
azeem_oh, I see there is an RC bug about the new -Werror=format-security12:57
azeem_and yeah, the UI isn't super12:58
tumbleweeddupondje: have you tried yourself? Youc na install pkgbinarymangler in your build environment (and you probably should, if you want to match the launchpad build environment)12:58
mok0azeem_: I have been talking to picca about Coot12:58
azeem_hui, that looks nice as well12:59
mok0azeem_: it might be good to get that into Debian as well12:59
mok0azeem_: but a number of dependencies need to go in first13:00
azeem_I'll add it to the Debichem todo when I get home13:00
mok0azeem, great13:01
azeem_mok0: I guess clipper, gpp4 and mmdb are crystollography packages as well, and should get maintained along coot13:07
mok0azeem_: indeed13:08
mok0I maintain all of them in Ubuntu13:08
mok0azeem_: but Coot is still in my PPA only13:09
azeem_ah, ok13:09
azeem_mok0: why didn't upload coot to Ubuntu then?13:10
mok0azeem_: There are a number of quirks in the package that need to be resolved...13:11
cjwatsondupondje: if it still builds a nested package, you still need that change13:11
mok0azeem_: and second, I wasn't sure if anybody else were interested13:11
azeem_is e.g. mmdb used by other packages as well?13:12
mok0azeem_: coot users seem to want to compile it themselves13:12
mok0azeem_: it's a dependency of gpp413:12
mok0azeem_: ... and clipper13:12
azeem_ok, is any of those used by other packages?13:12
mok0azeem_: no13:13
mok0azeem_: I don't think so :-)13:13
mok0azeem_: although some users might use them to link their own programs13:13
mok0azeem_: ... if you don't want to download and install the 1Gb CCP4 distribution :-)13:14
mok0azeem_: which incidentally has it's own very peculiar idea of where to place programs and libraries13:15
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dupondjeerr stupid question, but how can I check it builds a nested package?13:36
RhondaWhat do you mean with nexted package? And what's "it"?13:38
Laneyghc up13:38
* Laney hands the rebuilds to iulian :-)13:38
Rhondaah, context is in lastlog.13:39
dupondjeRhonda: cfr cdebootstrap :)13:42
Laneyor it would be if I knew how to type "-sa"13:43
Laney*now* it is up13:52
Laneycjwatson: ^ incase you want to score ppc up13:56
cjwatsondupondje: grep for dpkg-deb I guess14:22
cjwatsonor peruse the build log14:22
cjwatsonLaney: done14:22
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jtaylorhyperair: please duplicate into the bug with the most info ._.18:01
jtaylorI wonder if something will be done about the broken gtk2 filechoser18:03
jtaylorits really annoying and not so easy to run of .7 from debian due to multiarch18:03
jtaylorups wrong channel for that18:04
zookoHello folks! If there is anyone here who loves Tahoe-LAFS and Ubuntu, you might want to update this wiki page to reflect the new arrival of Oneiric: https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/wiki/OSPackages18:07
Laneywhy us?18:07
zookoLaney: if you do not love Tahoe-LAFS and Ubuntu, then I didn't mean you. ;-)18:08
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jtaylorgna does the login for uds work for anyone?18:21
jtaylorI only get an unencrypted login, and I'm not going to use that, the regular one does not stick18:22
tumbleweedjtaylor: login to what?18:25
jtaylormeeting details18:36
tumbleweedyou mean etherpad?18:37
tumbleweedit's an https iframe inside an http page18:39
tumbleweedhit the "open pad in a separate window" link to break out the iframe18:40
jtaylorcan't find that link18:42
jtaylorbut I copied it from the source18:42
jtaylorstill won't let me login ._.18:42
jtaylorthough I'm logged in in the outer frame ..18:42
tumbleweedyeah, that's different, that's summit, this is pad18:42
broderyou have to login separately because it's asking for permission to access some of your group memberships18:43
tumbleweedhave a link: http://pad.ubuntu.com/uds-p-plenary-dpl18:43
tumbleweed(not that you should edit that)18:43
jtaylor"Your page was stale."18:44
tumbleweedworksforme :/18:45
jtaylorok now it worked in firefox, it didn't before18:45
jtayloropera still gives me trouble :/18:45
tumbleweednon-free browsers, tsk tsk :)18:45
jtaylorI#d use a free one if they wouldn't suck so much ._.18:46
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