ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1484 users, 20 overflows, 1504 limit)) | 00:13 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1481 users, 20 overflows, 1501 limit)) | 00:13 |
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1483 users, 20 overflows, 1503 limit)) | 00:13 |
marienz | hope you don't mind that banforward, the floodbots were getting noisy | 00:14 |
marienz | might need a similar one on #ubuntu | 00:17 |
LjL | maybe not, they don't seem to be rejoining | 00:17 |
marienz | it's still cycling ##fix_your_connection intermittently and ignoring my attempts at talking | 00:18 |
marienz | reads as a human being annoying more than a bot | 00:18 |
marienz | it might pick up on being able to join #ubuntu again, I mean | 00:19 |
marienz | #debian and #python-unregistered now. It's about to leave for a bit if it won't answer me | 00:20 |
ubottu | FloodBotK2 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (maxi_ appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on) | 01:13 |
ubottu | FloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (maxi_ appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on) | 01:13 |
ubottu | AtomicSpark called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic () | 01:28 |
marienz | that looks familiar | 01:29 |
jussi | Ive just registered the IRC team blueprint for UDS P, you can find it at: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-irc-team-p-plans - It is currently empty, so if there is something you think should be in our plans for the next cycle, you should add it to the Whiteboard. If you are unable to change the whiteboard, please ping me and Ill look see what Ive done wrong :) | 11:58 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1557 users, 1 overflows, 1558 limit)) | 12:17 |
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1559 users, 5 overflows, 1564 limit)) | 12:17 |
highvoltage | nj | 13:51 |
Seveas | <asfasfasf> mark shuttlecock is openly hostile to the linux community | 16:38 |
Seveas | #ubuntu-offtopic | 16:38 |
ubottu | pangolin called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (asfasfasf trolling - language) | 16:39 |
gnomefreak | why is the bot being an ass | 16:42 |
pangolin | did you @comment | 16:42 |
pangolin | ? | 16:42 |
gnomefreak | :( | 16:43 |
pangolin | pebkac? | 16:43 |
pangolin | :) | 16:43 |
gnomefreak | i forgot "comment" | 16:45 |
pangolin | thought so. | 16:45 |
gnomefreak | if he shows up here let me know ill be working on spreadsheets for at least as hour | 16:45 |
pangolin | I doubt he will, he is banned in #u also for the same reason | 16:46 |
ubottu | GTRsdk called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (nilognap is ban evading) | 16:50 |
pangolin | going to test something | 17:57 |
Pici | k | 17:57 |
pangolin | heh | 17:58 |
pangolin | didn't work AT ALL | 17:58 |
pangolin | hmm | 18:00 |
Pici | hmm | 18:00 |
Pici | ? | 18:01 |
pangolin | oh I know why | 18:01 |
pangolin | I had the command backwards | 18:01 |
pangolin | errrr | 18:01 |
pangolin | ok last try | 18:03 |
pangolin | hmm | 18:12 |
pangolin | step closer | 18:12 |
* Pici thinks that another channel might be better | 18:12 | |
pangolin | oh wait already had the +q set | 18:12 |
pangolin | yup | 18:13 |
pangolin | it would | 18:13 |
Pici | my scrollback is getting rather messy | 18:13 |
pangolin | but I think it is working now | 18:14 |
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U | ||
=== maco2 is now known as maco | ||
ubottu | In ubottu, guntbert said: !controls is sed /nand/n and/ | 19:55 |
gnomefreak | it looks right to mer | 20:00 |
gnomefreak | s/mer/me | 20:00 |
ubottu | In ubottu, Myrtti said: !no, controls is <reply> Starting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information and workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/532633 | 20:03 |
Myrtti | DAMN YOU | 20:03 |
Pici | In #ubuntu-ops, Myrtti said: DAMN YOU | 20:03 |
Myrtti | and it didn't even correct it. | 20:04 |
Myrtti | harrumph | 20:04 |
Myrtti | Imma gonna get more tea | 20:04 |
gnomefreak | i dont see a problem with it | 20:04 |
Myrtti | for more informationand workarounds | 20:05 |
gnomefreak | i dont see them like that | 20:05 |
gnomefreak | information and workarounds | 20:05 |
Myrtti | !controls | 20:05 |
ubottu | Starting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more informationand workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/532633 | 20:05 |
gnomefreak | thats copy+paste | 20:05 |
gnomefreak | oh | 20:06 |
gnomefreak | i msged bot earlier and didnt see it | 20:06 |
Pici | !search nand | 20:06 |
ubottu | Found: controls, reiserfs | 20:06 |
Pici | !reiserfs | 20:06 |
ubottu | reiserfs is a journalling file system, which outperforms many others on I/O operations, but has drawbacks (such as increasing likelihood of data loss, and introducing latency unsuitable for gaming or real-time audio). Using !ext3, the default on Ubuntu, is *highly* recommended. A read-only Windows driver is available at http://p-nand-q.com/download/rfstool.html | 20:06 |
Pici | eh, thats fine. | 20:06 |
Pici | !reiserfs =~ s/ext3/ext4/ | 20:06 |
ubottu | I'll remember that Pici | 20:06 |
jpds | wifekillerfs* | 20:07 |
Myrtti | !controls =~ s/nand/n and/ | 20:07 |
ubottu | I'll remember that Myrtti | 20:07 |
Myrtti | !controls | 20:07 |
ubottu | Starting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information and workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/532633 | 20:07 |
guntbert | hi, can someone have an eye on the convo between _r00t and DavidCA2 in #ubuntu? I have the feeling there is dubious advice given (although in best intent) | 22:12 |
ubottu | FloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (natman appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on) | 22:57 |
ubottu | FloodBotK2 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (natman appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on) | 22:57 |
genii-around | I gave a !pastebin | 22:58 |
Pici | pangolin: fwiw, flynn was being a bit difficult. | 22:59 |
Pici | and I just checked yagoo's scrollback, nevermind ;) | 23:00 |
yagoo | pangolin is a coward | 23:00 |
pangolin | Pici: agreed but yagoo has been a issue for several days if not weeks | 23:00 |
yagoo | If I say #ubuntu-<language> | 23:00 |
yagoo | I mean it | 23:00 |
yagoo | Grow up child pangolin. | 23:00 |
pangolin | I told you I am 37 | 23:00 |
yagoo | Doesn't make u an adult. | 23:00 |
yagoo | For weeks? | 23:00 |
yagoo | Show me. | 23:00 |
yagoo | pff | 23:00 |
yagoo | I've been more helpful than you have. | 23:00 |
yagoo | lol | 23:01 |
Myrtti | this isn't helping you here | 23:01 |
pangolin | I don't like your poor attitude towards users and the way you get insulting when challenged. | 23:01 |
yagoo | I can even show my LPIC-1 tag for anyone wanting to see it. | 23:01 |
yagoo | pff | 23:01 |
yagoo | So I sure do have a background in linux. | 23:01 |
pangolin | take a week off and please read the !guidelines and !coc | 23:01 |
yagoo | pangolin is incompetent | 23:01 |
pangolin | So can I | 23:01 |
yagoo | Anyone wants to see my LPIC-1? They can ask and I can post it right here. | 23:01 |
Myrtti | yagoo: I don't care if Linus himself would ascend to #ubuntu, if he wouldn't know how to behave, he'd be out | 23:02 |
yagoo | All I said was. "I love to see you help him. This would be entertaining" | 23:02 |
yagoo | ^ I've seen worse. | 23:02 |
pangolin | nobody cares about your qualifications, it is your poor attitude that has got you banned. | 23:02 |
yagoo | Now getting kicked for that tells me pangolin is a baby. | 23:02 |
yagoo | Poor attitude? | 23:02 |
yagoo | For what? | 23:02 |
pangolin | read what you have said in here it is a fine example of what I mean. | 23:02 |
yagoo | #ubuntu-language is a bannable offense? | 23:03 |
pangolin | ban is for 7 days. I am done. | 23:03 |
yagoo | Anyone can check the log. You're welcome. But pangolin is pretty immature | 23:03 |
yagoo | pff | 23:03 |
yagoo | Childish. | 23:03 |
yagoo | Big Guy. | 23:03 |
Myrtti | yagoo: you really aren't helping yourself here | 23:03 |
yagoo | You sound like 16. | 23:03 |
yagoo | lol | 23:03 |
yagoo | Well I have degrees and know much more than pangolin | 23:03 |
yagoo | He just did a big disservice. | 23:03 |
Myrtti | how do YOU know that | 23:04 |
yagoo | Congratulations kid | 23:04 |
pangolin | I hate it when follow montrealers act like jack asses | 23:04 |
genii-around | pangolin: I hear ya. | 23:04 |
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