
kristianpaulThere is a easy way to get a ubuntu work as wireless acess point?01:12
kristianpaullike a methapackage for the task or something :)01:12
_Techie_is there a way to have ubuntu remove a list of packages using apt-get purge when one/some of the listed packages are not installed01:18
_Techie_is there any way to remove all ubuntu-desktop packages so that im left with ubuntu-minimal for a server im setting up, the only disc i had on hand was a desktop disc01:28
thesheff17_Techie_, the kernel is different from server to desktop01:28
twb_Techie_: it would be better to install from the Server CD in the first place, but yes, you can remove packages you don't need01:29
twbkristianpaul: you just need hostapd01:30
twbkristianpaul: the documentation for it is a bit obtuse, but it's actually reasonably simple configuration01:30
_Techie_twb: are you able to provide an easy way of removing the un necessary packages, the purexfce instructions are a tad outdated01:32
_Techie_thesheff17: i dont need a streamlined kernel, all it will be doing is acting as a dhcp server and router between a LAN and the internet01:32
twb_Techie_: broadly speaking, go into aptitude and markauto things01:33
twb_Techie_: you'll want to keep ubuntu-standard and -minimal metapackages, and a kernel.  Oh, and a bootloader.01:34
twbIf you get rid of EVERYTHING else, you should still be able to boot, and install packages you do need.01:34
twbI would recommend not getting rid of everything else in one go tho -- rather e.g. markauto ?section(metapackages), ?section(x11) and ?section(gnome) to begin with, plus everything in ?section(libs)01:34
twbOn my own systems I aim for ~i!~M to show only the packages I actually asked for01:35
_Techie_twb: just checking, does ubuntu-minimal require networking and /bin/bash  , would hate to accidentaly remove those01:59
_Techie_or ubuntu-standard02:00
twbYou'd have to really go out of your way to get rid of bash02:00
twbNot so sure re. networking02:00
twbIf you've been using NetworkManager up until now, that will obviously go02:00
_Techie_its base install02:01
_Techie_and it will all be re configured from CLI02:02
twbThe main stuff for networking will be ifupdown, dhclient and netbase or so02:03
twbAssuming ethernet DHCP client02:03
twbCurrently dhclient is called isc-dhcp-client AFAICT02:03
twbIf you just pay attention to what you're removing you should be OK02:04
_Techie_well, i just marked a ton of stuff as auto and am hoping for the best02:05
twbLike I said, it's safer to do a bit at a time02:05
_Techie_this is odd, i cant htink of what would be reuiring compiz-fusion02:06
twbaptitude why compiz-fusion, or hit "r" in the UI02:06
_Techie_okay, i just went nuts02:08
_Techie_either im gonna learn something incredibly cool... or im gonna be back at square one within half an hour02:08
_Techie_maybe if this doesnt go too well, ill burn a server disc02:08
_Techie_okay, i still havent been completely locked out... maybe im not trying hard enough02:10
_Techie_twb: just rebooting now, hopefully everything still works02:29
twbYou're still here, so I guess you had the sense to IRC from another box02:31
_Techie_this aint my first rodeo02:33
_Techie_okay, things seemed to have worked to a point02:35
_Techie_some things are stopping some X11 packages from being removed, and im not going to go chasing after them02:36
twbWise move02:37
twbIf it's just some libraries, it doesn't hurt to leave them installed02:37
tttanybody know how change password trough command line for ochestra web browser interface?02:38
twbttt: where is it stored?  flat files, ldap?02:39
tttin /etc/cobbler under u 11.10 server02:40
tttuser.conf ?02:41
twbDunno, then02:41
ttttheres any command line promt program jsutto change it i jsut tried the one i configured and the login page jsut comebakc to the same login page..02:41
twbttt: sorry, I don't use that software, and it sounds like a software-specific password02:42
tdignanRight now I'm using google apps. Is it possible to stick my own postfix installation as the 10 priority MX record and have it fallback on google apps?05:43
lifelessdepends on what you're using google apps for... if for mail delivery, you'll have to send it to google at some point05:44
tdignani want to move over to my own server for mail delivery, receive, and transfer05:45
tdignani've got only one server though, so I'm asking if there's a way to kind of back up the receiving end05:45
twbIn theory yes; in practice depends what google does05:46
twbCertainly my MTA acts as a secondary for some of my customers, accepting mail on their behalf and relaying it to them when they come back online05:46
tdignanhttp://pastie.org/2786323 here's my new mx05:47
tdignanis this worth a try?05:47
twbChrist, can't you just give it in dig notation?05:48
tdignansorry, 1 sec05:48
twbThanks, although I don't know the answer, since I don't use google :-)05:52
tdignanWhat concept should I research so I can better understand this problem?05:53
twbThough it is always a good idea to have a null-mx as first entry and a tarpit as the last entry05:53
CrazyGirwhy would update-rc.d say this Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/drbd ...06:30
twbCrazyGir: because someone ran it?06:30
CrazyGirwhen running update-rc.d drbd disable06:30
CrazyGir...sorry, didn't expect that linebreak06:30
twbIIRC disable isn't guaranteed to continue working; maybe they broke it06:31
CrazyGirwhy would that be06:31
twbCan't see that mentioned in the sid version of the manpage tho06:31
twbSo: I don't know why you got that behaviour.06:32
twbAre you on lucid, or what?06:32
CrazyGirshould be lucid, but this one particular might be running 11.04 - what is the ubuntu way for checking/confirming?06:32
CrazyGirI would expect uname -a to tell you06:33
twblsb_release -a06:33
CrazyGirbah, this particular system is natty06:33
CrazyGirand I'm so going to wipe and reinstall with lucid :)06:34
twbI doubt that'll help06:34
twbBut whatever06:34
CrazyGirit'll help with a few things06:34
CrazyGirI find 10.04 to be far more stable06:34
twbI meant with the issue youmentioned06:34
CrazyGirI've found the drbd packages in ntty to be questionable06:35
twbI wasn't enthusastic about drbd in the first place06:35
twbSANs are hard work06:35
CrazyGiryea they are06:35
twbIn the end I just told <customer> "you don't really need this, just buy a beefy box and run samba, it'll be less headache"06:35
CrazyGirI am looking to try out the qlogic-build-it-yourself route06:36
tdignanWell, I've got postfix and dovecot both working. I ended up deleting all my google MX's06:36
tdignanso I have only one 10 MX rec.06:36
CrazyGireg, you get a bunch of FC HBAs, run their drivers, have at least 3 systems, and you get your own SAN cluster06:36
twbtdignan: dig mx cyber.com.au +short <-- re null-mx + tarpit06:36
tdignantwb: thank you06:37
twbBasically just make sure your first one returns REJECT not DROP on 25; and the last one I just use some other guy's tarpit06:37
twbCuts out some of the spammers that don't follow correct MX logic06:38
tdignanso 20 and 30 are your actual mail servers06:38
tdignani'm going to google how to make this null mx06:38
tdignanthanks a bunch06:38
twbActually the same one; the exetel one is the backup DSL line06:38
twbThat plus an RBL or two, plus greylisting, is about all the antispam we do06:39
twbA couple of our users who interact with normal people, and have had the same email address for twenty years, we use crm114 for them, but overall I am against body scanning06:39
* CrazyGir <3 openbsd's spamd + pf + tarpitting + open-smtpd06:39
SpamapSmtaylor: very belated "pong" .. ;)06:40
tdignanah cool06:40
tdignanI can break out the body scanners here, this is meant to be my own private email for my business06:40
twbCrazyGir: I threw out all my ancient obsd and sol routers and just put in a single ubuntu box :-)06:40
CrazyGiryou could have just upgraded them too06:40
CrazyGiror one06:41
CrazyGirsorry, but OpenBSD's correctness and simplicity trump ubuntu anyday - not that ubuntu doesn't have its places or successes, but it fails (miserably) in the correctness/simplicity categories06:41
twbSure but I like a homogeneous network and I didn't want to have to learn those06:42
CrazyGirare you using puppet for that homogenous network?06:42
twbNope, too lazy06:42
CrazyGiryou are so silly06:43
CrazyGir(to claim laziness)06:43
twbpuppet doesn't even have a versioned wire protocol06:43
twbAnd the puppet devs respond to every issue with "upgrade to latest version on both ends"06:43
twbAnd of course then you need ruby on every goddamn host06:43
CrazyGirand that prevents you from simplifying maintaining your homogenous network how?06:43
twbIf I had 1000 hosts I might bother; I have more like 2006:43
twbAnd most of them are actually just jails06:44
CrazyGirstill silly, in my opinion06:44
SpamapStwb: I think the tipping point for needing something like puppet is around 20 servers actually.06:44
twbHave you tried to write a parser for sysctl.conf in puppet?06:44
CrazyGirthere's so much (ridiculous) redundancy in sysadmin work06:44
twbOr did you just do what every other bastard did, and just use the exec plugin?06:44
twbAt that point you're really just using puppet as a glorified clusterssh06:44
* SpamapS still prefers using OpenBSD for firewalls, as its a nice "air gap" to have a different OS protecting your network.06:45
twbSpamapS: I have actual air gaps06:45
SpamapStwb: note, Juju is the new glorified clusterssh. :)06:45
CrazyGirI'm not so advanced, so right now puppet is a glorified fileserver + automating user/package configuration + some specialized scripts for special services06:45
lifelessSpamapS: bwah06:45
CrazyGirbut I believe, once I have configured a system/service/role, I should not be doing it again06:46
CrazyGirI should be adding to it06:46
twbMost of the package configuration I do via .deb from the internal PPA repo06:46
CrazyGirit's like rewriting an authentication module for your webapp, just cause you are redeploying06:46
CrazyGirso silly06:46
twbAnd all the jails are based off a local template that has e.g. ldap pre-configured06:46
CrazyGirto each and his own06:46
SpamapSCrazyGir: I believe you and twb are agreeing on principle, but not on method.06:46
CrazyGirsounds like it06:47
twbI would be more enthusiastic about puppet if I had the impression of *rigour*06:47
CrazyGirthough my principles here also dictate that I centralize the configuration and make redeployment a less-than-one-hour sort of task06:47
twbMaybe it's just that I used to work with some puppet employees :P06:47
CrazyGirtwb: if you have others you manage, you can also make them do it!06:48
twbI can deploy a new jail in about five minutes, FWIW06:48
CrazyGirno, I mean the whole rack06:48
twbMost of that is choosing a hostname06:48
CrazyGirI'm still working towards that dream, but I'm already pretty close, which is awesome to me, as I've only been working towards that goal for a few months now06:49
onrethat's why there is a wikipedia article containing a list of names of moon's geographical features06:49
twbMost of my customers have one server and a couple dozen windows desktops, so puppet is not an attractive proposition for those06:49
tdignanah, so the NULL mx is just a way of forcing the MTA to have to go down the list of priorities and try the next one06:49
twbtdignan: yes06:49
twbtdignan: it rules out anyone too lazy to try >1 MX06:49
tdignanexcellent trick06:50
twbAnd the tarpit nails any anyone who tries to work from the bottom up, which is a common tactic because people often (stupidly) only put anti-spam on the first MX06:50
SpamapShah that still happens?06:50
twbSpamapS: well, maybe my advice is old06:50
twbSpamapS: lot of greybeards here06:50
SpamapSI tend to just have my hosting provider's barracudas as MX's.. and then the @ that resolves to my webserver rejects anything not from those two barracudas.06:52
twbSpamapS: hard disks?06:53
tdignani'm paranoid to just use someone's tarpit: if I do this on my other server: iptables -A input -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -j TARPIT -- will that interfere with my ability to send outgoing email from that machine, locally?07:02
twbtdignan: is that a separate host from the main MTA?07:03
twbShould be fine07:03
twbIt's -A INPUT of course07:03
tdignanI just want to preserve the ability on that host, to be able to shoot off an email07:03
tdignanthat's fine, right?07:03
twbtdignan: I think so07:03
tdignanawesome, thank you for all your help07:03
tdignanI am new to using linux as a server other than apache and ssh07:04
SpamapStwb: no, they are spam filtering appliances07:04
SpamapStwb: by far the best I've seen07:04
twbSpamapS: bah07:04
SpamapSheavily cultivated blocklists07:04
twbHaha "spam firewalls"07:04
SpamapSForgive them the terminology.. they really do obliterate anything else I've seen.07:05
twbIt's based on clamd07:05
SpamapSand spamassassin :)07:06
twbI'm not a fan of either07:06
SpamapSbut what you're paying for is their constantly updated and managed blocklists07:06
twbMainly because whenever I ssh into a customer that uses them, 99% of the load is from clam07:06
SpamapSSA and clamd are just for the obvious stuff.07:06
SpamapSyeah, its an appliance.. its not your problem. :)07:06
twbI sell appliances, I know what they look like on the inside :-(07:07
twb"Appliance" just means "don't look, cthulu inside"07:07
twbOh man, or those Thecus NASs.  They have everything turned off in busybox, but they still use bash for all their scripts :-/07:08
tdignanis there something I can install that will give me periodic reports on my system via email?10:03
hydromethi, I'm trying to do a somewhat difficult installation of Ubuntu Server 11.04 amd64 onto a machine (a Mac Xserve) that has 32-bit EFI firmware only ... someone who wrote up instructions on how to do this suggested  "downloading the network installer of your choice in ISO format" (from the Linux distro desired, in my case Ubuntu Server) ...10:29
hydrometI didn't see it on the Ubuntu web site, is there a specific network installer (in ISO disc image format)?10:29
hydrometwhat I have seen is only this file:10:30
hydrometthank you for any suggestions10:30
hydrometthanks patdk_lap:10:42
greppytdignan: logcheck is good, logwatch is handy as well.10:45
jasonmsphey all.  Anyone know why my server would be showing an open 3128 port attributed to squid-http (when scanned externally) but lsof, /etc/services and netstat don't show anything running?11:03
jasonmsp 11:03
qman__jasonmsp, either your server is running it and you just don't see it, or something is between your server and what you scanned it with/you scanned the wrong IP11:17
tdignangreppy: ah, thanks for the suggestions.11:18
* tdignan 's wireless keyboard fails to transmit keystrokes when he turns his fan on :/11:18
jasonmspqman__: thanks.  The conclusion i've been coming to is that it is somewhere along the way.  I've been using nmap.  From a command prompt within the server it shows closed, from my present location it shows open.  Is there a way to have nmap find out where the source along the way is?11:19
qman__well, in order for it to show up as your server, it'd have to be a transparent device like an inline firewall or NAT router, or from your ISP if applicable11:21
onreor alternatively it's a backdoor.11:22
qman__yeah, but nmap is pretty good at application detection, it'd have to be pretty sophisticated to fake being squid11:24
tdignanI've got logwatch installed and I see that it's created a file in /etc/cron.hourly11:30
tdignanI know how to edit user crontabs but have not used the /etc way before11:30
tdignanI'm sorry, I mean cron.daily11:30
tdignanwhat is the correct way to modify this to make it run every 3-4 hours, instead of daily?11:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #884177 in lm-sensors (main) "fancontrol cannot read its own configuration file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88417711:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #884173 in lm-sensors (main) "sensors returning a bogus temperature reading" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88417311:33
tdignannm, found it all in /etc/crontab11:35
greppytdignan: logwatch is good for a daily status update, I depend on logcheck for hourly updates of things that I may need to be worried about.11:40
tdignangreppy: cool, trying it out now11:47
tdignani made a new cron category called cron.quadly11:47
tdignanso stuff can run every 4 hours11:48
SpamapSwoo, joined UDS plenaries just in time to see sabdfl praise Orchestra :)13:30
ogra_SpamapS, and you were just mentioned ;)13:35
sander^workWhere do I submit an bug? Getting lots of weird utf characters when choosing german language before login to phpmyadmin in ubuntu 9.10 server13:35
ogra_9.10 ?13:36
ogra_thats EOL since a year i think13:36
sander^workOh, ok.13:37
sander^workIs even the server version EOL ?13:37
ogra_it wasnt an LTS, so it goes EOL after 18months13:37
ogra_(hint: use LTS releases on servers :) )13:38
sander^workI do now.. But at that time 10.04 wasn't released.13:39
sander^workI'll upgrade it.13:39
ogra_yup, do that13:39
* ersi hugs 10.0413:40
* ersi cuddles 10.0413:41
* SpamapS feeds a live mouse to 10.0413:41
UrsinhaSpamapS: lol13:43
\shsander^work, hopefully you don't have any nic bonding configs on your server14:16
\shsander^work, be sure to read the release notes of lucid before you just upgrade...can be helpful for your dist-upgrade14:16
lynxmanersi: you're getting pretty personal with lucid aren't you ;)14:16
ersisorry, can't talk - me and 10.04 is busy ;)'14:17
* lynxman covers his eyes14:18
medberryWhat #channel is the ITSM discussion going on? ubuntu-uds-bonaire1? or something else?   lynxman ? RoAkSoAx ?14:19
medberryah, cap b14:19
lynxmanmedberry: I'd say #ubuntu-uds-Bonaire114:19
uvirtbotNew bug: #884240 in clamav (main) "I'm having the same issue." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88424014:31
pmatulisfunny bug14:32
miceikenHey, after I did a release upgrade I got this error with PHP/PDO: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2019] Can't initialize character set UTF-8 (path: /usr/share/mysql/charsets/)14:48
miceikenAm I missing a package?14:48
=== beerbroy is now known as Hut-Josef
pmatulismiceiken: should be in package 'mysql-server-core'15:36
pmatulismiceiken: but see http://is.gd/F44c6V15:37
miceikenpmatulis, neither of that worked16:00
miceikenmysql-server-core was already installed16:00
RoAkSoAxshang: are you at UDS?16:03
RoAkSoAxshang: if you are and wanna lookg fuyrther into the orchestra issue just let me know16:04
The_Fredwhere can i get help with networking?16:18
pmatulisThe_Fred: here, if you're using ubuntu server16:21
The_Fredpmatulis, I am using ubuntu desktop, but i removed network manager by mistake, and am trying to connect manually16:24
pmatulisThe_Fred: edit /etc/network/interfaces, see the ubuntu server guide16:25
The_Fredwhen I do iwconfgi wlan1 key restricted XXX it thows: SET failed on device wlan1;invalid argument16:26
The_Fredthanks for the pointer pmatulis16:26
RoyKtesting Condor, a cluster scheduler, I see it's got downloads for debian 5 or 6 - which one of those would match lucid best?16:49
RoyKhuh - seems to be in the repos already...16:51
RoyKanyone here working with compute clusters?17:08
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
RoyKhm... condor looks like a good switchboard for parallel processing18:09
SpamapScondor? Isn't that the old thing that makes fork() possibly end up forking to another server?18:12
RoyKdunno yet - but it seems it's got some nifty features like stopping jobs and migrating them to idle hosts if the host running the job gets some more work, and even resume dead jobs18:13
RoyKseems a bit heavy on the network side, though18:13
SpamapSMosix is the thing that I was thining of18:15
RoyKSpamapS: someone at work was talking about mosix - 'the way to go', but I started checking what open software were available for such a task...18:17
RoyKand since openmosix died three years ago, well...18:17
SpamapSI think at this point if you have massive distributed jobs to run, hadoop is the king.18:18
RoyKI thought hadoop was mainly about storage18:18
SpamapSdefinitely not18:19
SpamapSHDFS is its default storage bit18:19
Randolphhi all18:19
SpamapSbut you can store data in Cassandra, or CEPH18:19
RoyKdoesn't seem to have the process migration thing that condor has18:21
RoyKor job migration18:21
RoyKSpamapS: seems the parallel computation bit isn't quite ready....18:24
SpamapSits driving the big data revolution18:25
SpamapSRoyK: hadoop is basically destroying traditional enterprise business intelligence ..18:26
RoyKSpamapS: still seems to lack a good scheduler...18:26
SpamapS"scheduler" ?18:26
RoyKfor compute nodes18:26
lickalottgents, trying to install mysql and am getting errors with CVS and Docdb.  I've tried cvs update and it fails.  CVS isn't in the package manager.  Kind of at stand still right now.18:27
SpamapSRoyK: like, so you can let 2 people fight over the same set of resources?18:27
SpamapSRoyK: we call that "the cloud" ;) ..18:27
SpamapSlickalott: cvs?!18:27
lickalottapparently it's needed for what our plans are for mysql.  I'm kind of in and out of the conversation.  lemme get some details...18:28
RoyKSpamapS: like if you have a job that will need to spawn 1000 processes across a compute cluster18:29
RoyKlickalott: are you using CVS?18:29
lickalottwe are trying to test out a document database and docdb was the first package that he wanted to try18:29
SpamapSlickalott: I can't possibly see why you would want to use CVS18:29
lickalottso press without CVS?18:29
RoyKSCCS FTW!18:29
RoyKlickalott: CVS is a rather elderly version control system - there are others that work very much better :P18:30
RoyKlike git or mercurial18:30
SpamapSRoyK: how do you know you need 1000 processes? Hadoop takes a massive data set, breaks it up into pieces and farms out the pieces to processors. The job and the data do not dictate the number of processors.. that just becomes the way you speed it up.18:31
RoyKSpamapS: how would HADOOP know how to split those netcdf files?18:31
SpamapSRoyK: all jobs are made up of a map() and a reduce() function18:32
SpamapSRoyK: map() takes a chunk and returns the pieces18:33
RoyKwhat controls where those jobs are run?18:33
SpamapSthe map() tends to run on very few nodes, reduce() runs everywhere18:34
RoyKand map/reduce is written in what? java?18:35
SpamapSI haven't written any map/reduce jobs, but I believe map() can break it up into big chunks which can be further mapped to smaller pieces18:35
RoyKlickalott: SCCP, not SCCS, it's an even more eldrich thing18:35
SpamapSHadoop is java yes.18:35
SpamapSTho I've written mini-map-reduce in PHP w/ gearmand used to do the job control/scheduling18:36
patdk-wksccp is cisco's sip18:36
RoyKSpamapS: would this work for scientific data where you might have a terabyte of input data and only want to use, say, 50GB of that?18:37
RoyKpatdk-wk: sorry, sccs, not sccp :P18:38
RoyKpatdk-wk: btw, IIRC SCCS is a separate protocol, not related to SIP18:39
patdk-wkheh? sccp is what cisco uses instead of sip18:40
RoyKcisco uses SIP as well18:41
patdk-wkcisco normally defaults to sccp though18:42
RoyKthat doesn't mean sccp relates to sip18:42
patdk-wknever said they are related18:43
patdk-wkother than they are both voip protocols18:43
RoyKin the same way that h.323 != sip18:43
RoyK19:36 < patdk-wk> sccp is cisco's sip18:43
patdk-wkya, sccp is ciscos voip protocol, vs using sip18:43
patdk-wkh.323 is a long way away from sip18:44
RoyKh.323 is technically asn.1 over IP18:44
RoyKwhich is ugly....18:44
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
^Mike\bIs there a tool to know whether a reboot is needed to finish applying updates? On the desktop edition, it turns the power button red in the top-right corner, for example.19:13
RoyK^Mike\b: logging in with ssh tells you19:16
uvirtbotRoyK: Error: "Mike\b:" is not a valid command.19:16
* RoyK slaps uvirtbot 19:16
RoyKthat's done with running landscape-sysinfo19:17
^Mike\bah, right19:17
* ^Mike\b checks that those scripts are still enabled19:17
mgwWhat is the most recommended way to handle virtualization when using Orchestra?20:05
SpamapSmgw: cobbler can manage VMs with koan.20:06
SpamapSmgw: but if you want large scale virtualization.. OpenStack may be a better choice.20:06
miceikenwhat do i do if a program wont quit when clicking ctrl+c20:07
snap-lmiceiken: Try CTRL-Z20:09
mgwSpamapS: ty, we're looking to manage a few dozen physical machines20:09
snap-land then run `jobs` to see what the job status is20:09
snap-lmiceiken: You can then do a `kill %n`, where n is the job number20:09
mgwSpamapS : cobbler is part of Orchestra, correct?20:09
SpamapSmgw: thats a lot ... I'd go with OpenStack.20:09
SpamapSmgw: cobbler is the provisioning portion of Orchestra, and definitely the biggest piece.20:10
snap-lmiceiken: If that doesn't kill it, you can try `kill -9 %n`20:10
miceikenthats what i did :P20:10
snap-lmiceiken: And if THAT doesn't kill it, you might want to find out why it's not stopping. ;)20:10
snap-lmiceiken: `strace -p _processnumber_` is a start20:10
miceiken[1]+ Stopped ./pipsqueek.pl ../etc/20:15
miceikenmiceiken@celeste:~/pipsqueek/bin$ kill 120:15
miceiken-bash: kill: (1) - Operation not permitted20:15
snap-lkill %120:15
snap-l%1 is special. It means job number, not process number20:16
RoyKmiceiken: you won't be able to kill init (PID 1) and you probably don't want to :P20:16
snap-lOtherwise you're trying to kill the init process20:16
snap-land that's a very, very bad thing20:16
snap-lUnless you relish having your machine crash spectacularly, in which case it's a great thing.20:17
RoyKsnap-l: init is generally unkillable20:17
snap-lHighly recommended in that case.20:17
miceikenso, why isnt this working then :(20:17
RoyKkill -9 %120:17
RoyKa process stopped by ctrl+z won't listen to signals20:18
RoyKkill -9 is the 'gun against the head' type20:18
lifelessRoyK: it will hear CONT, won't it ?20:19
RoyKa normal 'kill' sends a SIGTERM, which is generally a good idea, but if the process has stopped listening, SIGKILL (-9) should work better20:19
RoyKlifeless: probably, and perhaps SIGSEGV20:19
lifelessRoyK: you can also try SIGHUP before KILL (or SEGV)20:20
RoyKSIGHUP won't help much either20:20
RoyKand SIGSEGV won't be of much help - the only difference is that it might produce a core dump (if ulimit allows that)20:20
RoyKand by default, ubuntu is set to not coredump20:21
lifelessit would trigger apport20:21
virusuyhi everyone!20:53
mistergibsonis there a way for me to configure apparmor (or other utility) such that : if no apparmor profile exists for any executable that it will generate one as soon as it is run the first time?21:07
mistergibsonI guess what I'm looking for here is SysTrace (that venerable and dead project) behavior *somehow*.  I'd really like a big catchers mit for trojans here21:08
mistergibsonfirewall rules are not enough -- need app level learn modes and stuff.21:08
JanCmistergibson: apparmor has a "logging" mode21:21
SpamapSmistergibson: apparmor is meant to be selective, so if you want a more blanket policy, its probably advisable to contain untrusted users in VMs or containers.21:22
SpamapSJanC: right, but you still have to save the complaints as a profile. ;)21:22
mistergibsonSpamapS: I don't have vms on this box21:22
mistergibsonis there a utility that will 'catch' anything that is run?21:23
SpamapSmistergibson: Generally the regular permissions system can lock things down for blanket purposes21:24
uvirtbotNew bug: #884428 in lxc (main) "new created ubuntu machines result in: "init: Unable to listen for private connections: Failed to bind socket "/com/ubuntu/upstart": Address already in use" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88442821:28
mistergibsonSpamapS: well, rather than just 'deny' something, I want to do something with it the first time it is run.21:36
SpamapSmistergibson: sounds very complicated.21:37
mistergibsonSpamapS: potentially, but I'd like to be able at least to catch a list of all apps run and see if they have a profile ... if systrace can do it ... can't be that hard.21:38
mistergibsonSpamapS: unfortunately, systrace source code is old and broken -- but it is *exactly* the kind of thing I need.21:38
SpamapSmistergibson: as JanC says, you can turn apparmor's complain mode on and use that to record it into a profile21:39
mistergibsonSpamapS: so the complain mode will see a new app?21:42
mistergibsonI know I can make a profile for any known path -- got that part, and run it in complain mode21:42
mistergibsonwhat I'm fishing for is the critter lurking that I don't know the path of21:43
mistergibsonthinking out loud here a bit : so, critterX runs somehow; unknown-thingy see it; observes it has no profile; auto-complain modes it.  perhaps something like that.21:48
mistergibsonmore like profile autogen more than anything I suppose -- it would be a start21:49
=== pdtpatrick__ is now known as pdtpatrick
matrilloxupgraded to 11.10, applied latest apt-get update|upgrades and now interface eth0 does not come up on boot. help? thanks.23:03
RoyKmatrillox: as a start, don't use a non-LTS for a server, and then, if you see errors, pastebin the logs when asking23:05
p1ruj3hey, so had a entry in deny.hosts I needed to remove (local printer who freaked out) how do i rehash that file so the printer is no longer banned?23:08
p1ruj3 sudo network denyhosts restart23:13
matrilloxduly noted RoyK23:14
matrilloxanyway to downgrade back to a LTS version?23:15
p1ruj3actually that didnt do it23:17
greppymatrillox: if by downgrade you mean reinstall, then yes, there is :)23:18
matrilloxwhy yes, i did mean reinstall. that worked out well.23:19
qman__matrillox, that's not to say 11.10 isn't supported, but it just came out, and bleeding edge is bleeding edge23:35
qman__we need logs, config files, command output23:35
matrilloxah, 10-4.23:36

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