
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
broderpleia2: a few more tweets and you'll control the microblog frame on summit :-P18:45
pleia2debian is exciting :)18:47
DarkwingUDSbroder: She just gave me a grin and a thumbs up :P18:47
pleia2we're back to blah blah blah cloud so I'm quiet for a while ;)18:47
pleia2(it's interesting technology, but I'm a sysadmin, not a dev, I want to see it when it's done)18:48
* DarkwingUDS snickers at the jokes that can be made from "JuJu"18:48
pleia2jono needs to stop with the jokes, he's making me sick already :)18:49
pleia2"haha, bad juju!" make.it.stop.18:49
DarkwingUDSHAH! It's better then the Kubuntu group and saying "Persicely" every 5 minutes.18:49
pleia2oh nooooo18:49
DarkwingUDSTHATs old by now.18:49
DarkwingUDSHow bad is it that we are sitting one seat away and we are chatting in IRC? :P18:50
pleia2we have a new leadership team here now18:50
pleia2updated launchpad and just emailed the list18:50
pleia2welcome jtatum :)18:50
DarkwingUDSAhhh, Yay! jtatum welcome.18:50
jtatumthanks :)18:50
DarkwingUDSROFL! The first cloud based push notifacation was the bat signal!18:51
pleia2bats bats18:51
jtatumactually that was pull notification18:53
jtatumsince you had to periodically poll the clouds to see it18:53
DarkwingUDSjtatum: +118:53
jtatumi really wanted to be at this uds, but travel has been hard to arrange lately.18:54
bkerensanothing loads19:12
jledbetterYep :)19:14
bkerensaAlso Icecast is not working on Banshee :P19:15
bkerensaso no audio or video from UDS =/19:15
jledbetterGetting it via FF personally. Had the same issues though it was working for me earlier when I tested19:19
jledbetterYes, sorry, in a remote session right now :)19:23
jledbetterThen back to work for me19:23
jledbetterhttp://icecast.ubuntu.com:8000/bonaire3.ogg   opened in Firefox and it worked.19:24
aadityaMarkDude: ping19:41
DarkwingUDSMarkDude: Ping20:42
akkAnybody know the "right place" to configure a touchpad? All the google hits still talk about xorg.conf.20:46
akkI can get my horizontal scrolling working with a synclient command, but I'm not sure where to put it to make it persistent.20:46
* bkerensa is going to go film Michael Moore20:53
DonkeyHoteiin soviet america, michael moore films you20:55
nhainesakk: I think it's /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:55
akknhaines: There hasn't been an xorg.conf in about 3 years ... unless you generate one explicitly.20:55
nhainesakk: yes.20:56
akkMost things configured there can be configured somewhere else too.20:56
nhainesakk: just put in the stanzas you need, typically.  Is there a synaptics.conf somewhere?20:56
akkThere is a /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf, which I was just about to look at ...20:56
akkthat may be the new approved way.20:57
nhainesHmm, just watched sabdfl's keynote at UDS-P.20:58
DarkwingUDSWhat you think?20:58
pleia2we were very happy that it was boring :)21:00
pleia2nhaines: link?21:00
pleia2(I had the live stream link, dunno where it's archived)21:00
akkYay, that's the answer, /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf21:04
nhainespleia2: uh, the Ubuntu Developers YouTube channel... I can't actually get to it on my desktop because work doesn't like that.  ;)21:04
akkDid it have some interesting content, as well as lack of inflammatory silliness?21:04
nhainesakk: yes, they said they would try to do user testing to optimize Ubuntu for power users.21:05
akkThat sounds promising.21:05
akkSounds like a big change, actually!21:05
pleia2nhaines: thanks :)21:05
nhainesAnd that if they could get Linus and esr in for testing, sabdfl was pretty sure footage would soon be available online everywhere... although they might have to mute the audio channel.  :)21:05
pleia2that was pretty good21:06
akkThey should get me for testing. I have an amazing ability to not get supposedly simple GUI interfaces.21:07
nhainesI'll be happy to test the smartphone or tablet interfaces!21:07
akkI can help test tablet too, if they ever decide that's a priority.21:07
akkIt's so rare that usability studies are willing to include people with any existing experience.21:09
nhainesakk: sabdfl announced during his keynote that that's a priority.21:10
nhainespleia2: Ubuntu UDS P Orlando - Mark Shuttleworth Keynote: http://youtu.be/0bOwyGYTMv821:10
pleia2nhaines: oh great, thanks :)21:11
nhainespleia2: once I realized I had mobile hotspot tethering enabled on my G2 (that's how I watched the keynote on my Nexus One), it was easy enough to flip the laptop computer to the right network and hunt.  :)21:17
* bkerensa is setting up a Voice RSS Reader for people at UDS22:16
bkerensayou can call it and it will read Planet Ubuntu to you :D22:17
nhaineshttp://www.ubucon.org/scale/scale10x/ is now live!23:03
nhainesI expect people to spread the word.  :P23:08
crashsystemsanyone have a link to today's UDS keynote?23:52
nhainesUbuntu UDS P Orlando - Mark Shuttleworth Keynote:  http://youtu.be/0bOwyGYTMv823:53
crashsystemsawesome, thanks23:53
nhainesYou're welcome.23:58

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