
rick_hanyone have a stream for UDS keynote/etc?12:37
rick_hand morning/such12:38
rick_hhttp://video.ubuntu.com/live/ looks like and starts at 9am12:39
mydogsnameisrudywhat is that video about?12:41
rick_hgoing to be live stream of UDS12:41
rick_hwhich starts with shuttleworth's keynote at 912:42
mydogsnameisrudyok ;) no idea what uds is so heh12:42
rick_hit's the great ubuntu gathering twice a year12:43
mydogsnameisrudyah ok12:43
mydogsnameisrudyand morning Happy Monday to ya12:46
snap-lGOod morning12:47
rick_hit's alive12:59
mydogsnameisrudysit down grab a seat12:59
snap-lThey bought some good mics13:00
snap-lnot hearing any background noise13:00
rick_habout time :P13:00
mydogsnameisrudystanding as im new13:01
rick_hnext year let's get cameras13:02
rick_hoh the pain, focus people focus13:10
mydogsnameisrudyare taking notes?13:11
mydogsnameisrudyi play were are they13:12
mydogsnameisrudyhmm dang top far13:13
mydogsnameisrudytoo **13:13
snap-lMan, that word "Devops" really sets my teeth on edge13:36
snap-l"Thank you"13:37
rick_hhah, who do I email to be a "power user" tester?13:38
snap-lWould love to know13:38
mydogsnameisrudyubuntu on my fridge13:40
mydogsnameisrudykeep my beer cold13:40
snap-lI think it's auto-focus13:44
snap-land it can't get a fix on the IR that it's trying to send out13:44
rick_hyea, it's pretty bad13:45
rick_hthink it's too far away13:45
snap-lSomehow I'm getting the impression that Ubuntu is betting heavily on ARM. ;)13:55
brouscharm does not have flash. it is useless14:00
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
snap-lNice thing about being remote at UDS: I can mive to another room instantly. ;)14:51
snap-lAlthough my ears about exploded when my computer alarm went off14:51
rick_hfor the OT mass cuteness factor https://picasaweb.google.com/112719704219936118281/Halloween2011#566966880610659373014:56
_stink_that yoda is awesome.14:58
rick_hyea, big fan of the yoda14:58
rick_hthere was a chewy in his room as well14:58
rick_hran up for 30min for the parade/party14:58
rick_htotal choas with so many dressed kids running around14:59
brouschis that snap-l's pumpkin 3rd from the right?15:52
rick_hhah, his submission15:53
rick_hno, friend of the family that is a java dev'ing fanboi15:53
brouschdoes java still run on osx?15:53
brouschseems like something Jobs would have killed15:53
snap-lOK, Enough UDS for now15:56
rick_hheh, I had to bail after keynote15:56
snap-lWell, there were two community sessions I wanted to be a part of15:57
rick_hcool, go well?15:58
snap-lWell, as well as a remote participant can do15:58
snap-lbut it went well15:58
snap-lIt was the "Better recognize community contributions" session16:00
snap-ljcastro: You'll probably nt see this until next week, but Rush's Time Machine at Cleveland is going to be played at the Emagine in Royal Oak on Thursday16:01
snap-lI'm no lucene expert, but it's interesting that they're looking for one.16:06
snap-ltwo words... solr.16:06
snap-lthere is no other word.16:06
rick_hheh, but really solr is an add on for lucene16:11
rick_hif you want custom parsers, etc it's all still programming for lucene16:11
snap-lYeah yeah, I know... I know...16:12
snap-lHope springs eternal. ;)16:12
rick_hhttp://www.linkedin.com/jobs?viewJob=&jobId=2115279 any python people go take my old job16:47
rick_hColonelPanic001: _stink_ snap-l ^^ let me know if you're at all interested and any ? or know anyone else that might work out please pass along16:50
rick_hAside from NC dude, not a bad corperate gig16:50
snap-lUnexpected error16:54
rick_hno load for you guys?16:56
_stink_rick_h: will do, thanks16:56
ColonelPanic001I'll tweet it.16:57
rick_hload for anyone else?16:57
ColonelPanic001appreciate you keeping me/us in mind16:57
ColonelPanic001what, the job page? Loaded fine16:57
rick_hwell I know you're doing the cushy school thing :P16:57
_stink_yeah, *i* don't need it :P16:57
rick_hbut never know when you get bored16:57
_stink_but i'll pass alone.16:57
_stink_bored?  bah.  we just play tricks on people16:57
rick_hand might want to compare $$ with another place to see if there might be something more out there16:57
rick_hnice thing is that since it's 'corperate' there's still benifits and such16:58
rick_hthough the last time I got locals to replace me I guess it was a can of fail16:59
rick_hso maybe history says stay away16:59
snap-l heh17:00
snap-lOK, finally got it to load17:03
snap-lUpgrade to a Job Seeker Premium Account17:04
snap-lGet special placement as a Featured Applicant17:04
snap-lStand out in search results with a Job Seeker Badge17:04
snap-lSend messages directly to hiring managers with InMail17:04
snap-lUS$29.95 per month <- WHATADEAL17:04
rick_h"We can be your recruiter!"17:04
snap-lI really hate Linkedin17:04
_stink_rick_h: this is your last week there, right?17:05
snap-lIt's like Classmates for your job17:05
rick_h_stink_: yea, last day is wed17:05
rick_hand then I'm using vacation time through next week17:05
_stink_rick_h: will there be a party?17:05
rick_hso my "official" last day is 11th17:05
rick_hlunch is tues17:05
rick_hI wasn't long/loved enough for a party17:05
rick_hthere was one for someone that was there 10yr17:05
rick_hbut I've not yet made it 217:05
snap-l Deserter. ;)17:06
rick_hyea, I suck17:06
rick_hI can't seem to hold a job for more than a couple of years17:06
_stink_you didn't beat my record :D17:06
snap-lrick_h: You outgrow the position too rapidly. ;)17:06
rick_hpoor _stink_ and his 1mo stint17:06
rick_hdid you make it through orientation before you left? :P17:07
_stink_6 weeks!  give me some credit :P17:07
snap-l6-12mo, 1yr17:07
rick_hoh sorry, my bad.17:07
brouschi should really move along. i've been here for almost 12 years now17:08
rick_hmy longest was 5yr, and part of that was co-op'ing through college17:08
snap-lSad thing is I've had as many boss changes at $CURRENTJOB that I had at $CHRYSLER, and I haven't been here 1 year17:09
brouschwell i did 2 summers here in college, but i don't count those17:09
rick_hhah, yea guess I better put out the disclaimer that morpace isn't *that* corperate17:09
_stink_i've only been in the real workforce for 2 years. :P17:09
snap-l_stink_: I hope you're not counting WSU in that calculation. ;)17:09
rick_hlate bloomer17:09
_stink_snap-l: if WSU doesn't count, then i am, uh, zero years in the real world. :P17:10
snap-lI swear the only way to really get fired there is to damage property.17:10
_stink_i agree17:10
_stink_or kill someone17:10
_stink_on the job17:10
snap-lOr enganger someone's life17:10
snap-lor piss off the Union17:10
rick_hlmao, "do it on your own time and you're ok...but will not have on the clock killings!"17:10
snap-lrick_h: You laugh...17:11
snap-lhad a guy come up with a crowbar to prove a point that our anti-theft pads were useless on the particle-board desks17:12
snap-lhe was from the machine shop, iirc17:12
jjessei have 5.5 years at the current17:12
snap-land proceeded to yank the pad 1/3 of the way off while my director was watching17:13
_stink_snap-l: did that person keep his job?17:14
_stink_he was thinking outside the box17:14
snap-lIt was a demo, but meant that desk was pretty much cockeyed for anything put on it17:15
* snap-l misses that job, but for all of the weird shit that he witnessed.17:15
snap-lWhat was funny is I wasn't a student, but it was essentially a student position17:16
snap-lGot me into Linux, though17:16
_stink_looks like they're going for more frequent, smaller packages17:19
snap-lWell, bundles that feature new games17:20
snap-lIt's a cute little game.17:24
rick_hhttp://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonDecoratorLibrary for the python folks17:31
snap-lAnd another conference call18:11
snap-lshoot me now18:12
* ColonelPanic001 joins18:12
brouschanyone else use evernote? i just started using the nixnote client for linux and it's not bad18:22
ColonelPanic001I does18:24
ColonelPanic001I have nevernote installed here, never noticed nixnote, might have to try that18:24
brouschi think it's the same thing18:24
brouschprobably changed the name to avoid trademark issues or something18:25
rick_hI went through a big phase with it18:28
rick_hstill have a ton of imported tomboy notes/etc18:29
rick_hbut haven't opened it in over 5mo18:29
snap-lTomboy never panned out for me18:29
rick_hyea, evernote was a nice upgrade18:29
rick_hI just used the webui18:29
rick_hand mobile was a win18:29
snap-lyeah, and I never got into Evernote because there wasn't any Linux support18:29
snap-land I always get an uneasy feeling putting documents on the web18:30
rick_hthe web ftw18:30
ColonelPanic001I just use it for little stuff I don't mind18:30
ColonelPanic001I started because when I took rick_h's last job he left me notes in it18:31
snap-lColonelPanic001: heh18:31
rick_hoh that's right, forgot about that18:31
rick_hyea, that was cool because I could share with you all notes with the TE tag18:31
brouschColonelPanic001: you took rick_h's last job?18:32
rick_hpart of it18:33
ColonelPanic001I hit him over the head one night and stole his work password, impersonated him18:33
ColonelPanic001they suspected nothing.18:33
rick_hhah, a perfect clone...with/without me no one noticed nothing getting done18:34
ColonelPanic001I don't think anyone's still there that was there when I started, except the owners18:34
ColonelPanic001complete turnover in 11 months18:34
rick_hI'm floored they're still alive after n0p left18:35
rick_hI thought for sure it's fall apart and die18:35
snap-lYeah, me too18:35
snap-lnot that I have any discussions to back that assertion up18:35
ColonelPanic001yeah, there was a lot of "uh, n0p always did that. Erm, I'll poke at it"18:35
snap-lin fact, I'm not even sure why I'm in this discussion. ;)18:35
ColonelPanic001snap-l wants in the TE clique.18:36
rick_hbecause you still have haunting memories of me going "Man, I don't know how this place is still running"18:36
snap-lColonelPanic001: NOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo18:37
rick_hsnap-l: come on, complete the trifecta18:37
rick_hchrysler, TE, AL18:37
snap-lChrysler, SF, ALU18:37
rick_hyea, see you had some sanity in the middle there18:37
ColonelPanic001DO IT18:37
rick_hreplace that with TE and you'd win a medal18:37
snap-lThe suck-a-thon?18:38
brouschhm, getting comments in german from someone i don't know on my photos https://plus.google.com/photos/102663141609195877664/albums/5667220642548003617/566972305051661717018:39
snap-lSome python circle?18:42
brouschshe doesn't seem like a programmer. profile says she takes pictures18:43
brouschhome-ec student18:45
brouschtoo weird. making her my first block18:46
snap-lblergh nargle fop18:59
snap-lfippy fippy zawing blargle bloop fwip.18:59
brouschsnap-l: mad cow kicking in?19:00
snap-lNo, conference call19:01
snap-lwhere we essentially agreed that there's not much we can do at the moment.19:01
snap-lThat's so empowering19:02
Blazeixsounds like you need to schedule another meeting so you can discuss impediments and assign action items.19:07
rick_hgroup build at my place wed19:15
rick_hbring a screwdriver19:15
rick_hdarn halloween taking up my time. Want to run to lowes to get a desktop to put on it right now19:17
rick_h"here kid, go get candy, daddy'll be in the garage tonight if you need him"19:17
Blazeixhave the kids that come to your door each complete a step from the instruction manual in order to get candy19:19
_stink_crowdsourcing genuis19:22
greg-grick_h: ooh, one of those powered one?19:24
greg-gwe have a couple in our office. put a button and it moves up/down19:24
brouschi really need a standing desk. i spent vacation on my feet and feel so much better19:25
rick_hgreg-g: yea19:25
rick_hI got it sans top19:25
greg-gbrousch: yeah, we pretty much weren't made to sit all day :) You know that ;)19:25
rick_hso need to go hit up lowes to get a door to use until I decide how big I want it and make one19:25
greg-grick_h: ah, of course, mister word worker19:25
rick_hI've been doing standing time at caribou and really liking it19:25
rick_hthey've got the tall tables I use19:26
rick_hso yea, ordered with because they had a "2wk backorder"19:26
rick_hand then it shipped 3 days later so not ready for it yet19:26
greg-ghah, nice19:26
brouschgoogle should be paying me. 5/6 people at work who have smartphones are using Android20:07
snap-lApple should be paying me for the 6th20:08
brouschwhy you?20:18
brouschthat 1 guy chose apple because his brother in law is a fanboy. i suppose it could've been you20:18
snap-lI should get paid for every Apple iPhone sale20:19
snap-lor is that "I'd like to be paid for every iPhone sale"20:19
snap-lI can never remember which it is. ;)20:19

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