
InHisNameIs SamuraiAlba listening?  http://www.gocomics.com/overboard/2011/09/19     fine tuning bacon00:11
ChinnoDogIn another channel I am in we are helping out a guy that has never eaten bacon before00:32
sadinHey guys anything new announced about any upcoming events id like to start going to some :)02:08
TheEvilPhoenixafaik, they're announced via the mailing lists02:10
sadinTheEvilPhoenix link to the mailing list signup?02:10
TheEvilPhoenixnote i think you might need an admin to add you but i'm not sure02:11
pleia2it's an open list, no admin approval needed02:17
TheEvilPhoenixi see02:17
TheEvilPhoenixpleia2:  wasnt sure02:17
* TheEvilPhoenix has had to subscribe to about 50 mailing lists recently o.o02:18
TheEvilPhoenixpleia2:  btw whos the list admin02:18
pleia2TheEvilPhoenix: list admins are listed at the bottom of that listinfo page02:18
sadinpleia2 i sent you a tweet :P id like to know what your answer is02:23
pleia2sadin: I replied 10 minutes ago02:25
sadinpleia2 sorry im multitasking big time didnt see thanks!02:26
pleia2should pay attention before complaining :)02:26
sadini wasnt complaining haha02:27
sadinive been using fedora helping out on the design team on my xfce spin and rather then installing ubuntu then downloading xfce i thought id ask which was better xbuntu or ubuntu and downloading the seperate WM02:28
pleia2I don't know what's better, but I02:29
pleia2'm part of the xubuntu project ;)02:29
pleia2it depends on what you want, xubuntu is a full distro with a default set of applications02:29
pleia2if you don't want gnumeric, gimp and everything else xubuntu ships with, you should just install xfce402:29
TheEvilPhoenixi did that with KDE02:30
TheEvilPhoenixio wanted KDE, but not the excess bloatware02:30
* TheEvilPhoenix therefore installed kde-standard or w/e the package name is02:30
TheEvilPhoenixbeen using KDE since02:30
sadinim not a fan of kde02:31
TheEvilPhoenixi didnt like XFCE02:32
* TheEvilPhoenix has been wanting to try KDE since 9.0402:32
TheEvilPhoenixbut back in 9.04, i didnt have hardware that could run it02:32
* TheEvilPhoenix has since gotten better hardware >:)02:32
sadinand pleia2 it sounds like xbuntu is the exact same as the fedora xfce spin so ill use that id love to steer clear of unity not that its bad its just i only use xfce and i dont need another wm clogging up my HD :P02:33
* TheEvilPhoenix made a KDM login screen theme, so he feels slightly accomplished today02:34
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SamuraiAlbaMMMMMMmmmmm... REDDIT :)03:36
rick__hello all04:40
rmg511hi sleepyhead ;-)11:19
rmg511work time11:20
JonathanDEvil clock of evil.11:29
InHisNameWhat's going on?  all of you having the 'monday morning blues'12:22
InHisNameNo blizzards, rain, etc.   It's a real nice morning, enjoy!12:23
=== yoda_van is now known as jedijf
* ChinnoDog yawns loudly12:36
* InHisName jawns silently12:43
* teddy-dbear gets ready for Halloween 12:57
InHisNameis there a teddy-dbear costume available ?13:23
teddy-dbeardidn't you see me at the last PACS meeting/13:27
InHisNameYou but not a costume big enough for Jim F to hide inside.13:36
InHisName/You/You, /13:37
=== erstazi_ is now known as erstazi
InHisNameanyone doing stuff with ubuntu today ?19:25
ChinnoDogOnly if I can write a program that will replace my buzzing CPU fan.19:28
jedijfChinnoDog: write a wave generator that cancels it out19:35
JonathanDGood plan.19:36
rmg51does listening to internet radio count?19:37
jedijfonly if it's louder than fan19:38
JonathanDjedijf: he'll have to mount mics in his ears to do it right.19:38
jedijfJonathanD: even better project19:38
jedijfwe can then market to the psychiatric community19:39
ChinnoDogForget I said anything.19:48
JonathanDChinnoDog: need a CPU fan?19:48
ChinnoDogYea. At least, I think that is the culprit.19:49
ChinnoDogLuckily there is a Microcenter 5 minutes from me.19:49
JonathanDThats sort of redundant.19:49
ChinnoDogHow so?19:50
JonathanDwell, not really redundant, I'm just saying, it's not like there are a lot of microcenters around :)19:50
ChinnoDogYea but this one is right here19:50
JonathanDIt's effectively the only microcenter for PAians.19:50
JonathanDI love microcenter.19:51
JonathanDit's 10 minutes from here.19:51
ChinnoDogNot that microcenter, the one in Virginia19:51
JonathanDoh well, then nevermind :P19:51
jedijfChinnoDog: was that a determining factor in the apartment?20:02
InHisNameI was just there last thurs after the alternate OS meeting.20:03
InHisNameYou can stop that noise with a pair of wire cutters.20:03
jedijfInHisName: so larry wasn't alone this month \o/ awesome20:04
InHisNameWe got booted out by xx-anon group.   al or drug or something.20:04
InHisNameJonathanD: you live near St Davids ?20:07
JonathanDInHisName: I work in Consh.20:08
JonathanDLive in Bridgeport.20:08
InHisNamemaybe 10 min during non rush hour and fast car.20:08
InHisNameI thought you meant a 5-10 min walk.20:09
JonathanDhah, no :p20:13
JonathanDInHisName: I'm right next to the 476 ramp.20:13
JonathanDWe occasionally go there on lunch.20:13
ChinnoDogjedijf: No, but you can imagine I was pretty thrilled when I found out.20:24
InHisNameMicroCenter serves you guys lunch !!!?20:42
InHisNameIsn't the RAM a bit TOO crunchy ?20:42
JonathanDit's delicious.20:44
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=== A is now known as MutantTurkey

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