
cjohnstonjames_w: can you guys please test the new linaro stuff00:44
cjohnstonis there a URL in which its possible to test the next page?01:02
cjohnstonwith actual data01:02
cjohnstonjames_w: there seem to be a number of meetings scheduled for Linaro stuff that the BPs are either gone or superseded.. is there someone who can help track these down so they can be removed from the schedule?02:33
cjohnstonmhall119: any errors since the move?02:52
mhall119not since 6:4002:55
=== Ronnie1 is now known as Ronnie
dakerWoo it's UDS :/11:40
dakernigelb, mhall119 cjohnston when our session is scheduled ?11:40
cjohnstonwednesday daker11:44
cjohnstonnigelb: you able to help me for a few11:44
nigelbdaker: Wednesday11:44
nigelbcjohnston: what's up (I'm at work)11:44
cjohnstonnigelb: elmo is having trouble with the next session stuff11:44
nigelbcjohnston: ugh, on work computer. helpless :(11:45
cjohnstonmhall119: you aren't here yet are you?11:45
nigelbIs there a traceback or something I can debug?11:45
nigelbcjohnston: What kind of trouble?11:48
cjohnstonnigelb: how should the url work? uds-p/next?rooms=antigua-1   ?11:48
cjohnstonpicking the rooms11:48
nigelbwho commited this stuff?11:48
nigelbeven I'm not familiar.11:48
cjohnstonmike did it, you approved it11:49
nigelbcjohnston: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/next?rooms=antigua-111:49
nigelbThat's working11:49
cjohnstonits showing grand seirra d11:49
nigelbThat's probably because there only one upcoming session?11:50
cjohnstonim not sure11:50
cjohnstonthey are trying to test it11:50
nigelbget mike's server to test it.11:50
nigelbdo you remember the IP?11:50
nigelbPM it to me please?11:50
cjohnstoni dont11:50
cjohnstonhow do you do multiple rooms nigelb11:51
nigelbcjohnston: another room name?11:52
nigelbgive me another room name11:52
cjohnstonyes.. multples11:52
nigelbI'm guessing this should work11:53
nigelbThat's what I'd expect.11:53
cjohnstonthat doesnt work for the today schedule11:53
nigelber, what?11:53
cjohnstonid think they should be the same11:53
nigelbI don't understand11:54
cjohnstonyou should be able to, on the today screen, define what rooms to show11:54
cjohnstonyou should also be able to, on the next screen, define what rooms to show11:54
cjohnstonkey word on both being rooms, not room11:54
nigelbcjohnston: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/today/?rooms=antigua-1,antigua-211:55
nigelbremind me to kick mhall about this later ^-^11:55
cjohnstonmhall119: when you get here, please find me.. we need to figure out how to use the /next stuff11:58
nigelbcjohnston: can you do a favor?12:01
nigelbcan you get the icecast urls and put it into summit?12:01
cjohnstonprolly not12:02
cjohnstontrying to fix issues12:07
cjohnstonnigelb: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/next?rooms=antigua-1,antigua-2&fakenow=2011-10-31_09:3012:19
cjohnstonmhall119: nevermind12:19
nigelbcjohnston: seems to be working \o/12:20
cjohnstonwe are happy now12:25
nigelbcjohnston: heh12:25
nigelbcjohnston: did jorge try to kill you?12:25
cjohnstonthat was elmo12:26
cjohnstonboth jorge and elmo were fearing for their jobs this morning, but we got them all fixed up12:27
nigelbDid you tell them we rock and always get things fixed, etc? :)12:27
cjohnstonnothing was broken ;-)12:28
nigelbwe just didn't know to use it12:28
nigelbLike we talked about last night - documentation on how to use summit.12:30
cjohnstonmake it so number 212:30
nigelbwhat's number 1? render.py?12:31
cjohnstoni dunno12:32
nigelbcjohnston: (1) Stop Jorge from breaking summit :D12:47
cjohnstonnigelb: it isnt locked down12:49
nigelbcjohnston: what?12:49
nigelbI see a cjohnston! http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/6298679028/12:50
cjohnstonthanks pleia213:02
Ronniecjohnston: thx for subscribing me on: Ubuntu Online Brand Guidelines blueprint. do you also know when the track itself is?13:32
cjohnstonthe time is today at 3 iirc13:33
Ronniecjohnston: thx. got it :D13:35
Ronniethat will be here at 20:00 :D13:35
cjohnstondo the schedule pages have auto refresh?13:46
cjohnstonlike http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/2011-10-31/13:47
cjohnstonnigelb: ping14:58
nigelbcjohnston: whts up?14:59
cjohnstonnigelb: is /today/ supposed to auto refresh?15:00
cjohnstonmhall119: ^15:00
cjohnstonwe are getting complaints that the screens arent refreshing15:00
nigelbIts supposed to refresh15:00
nigelbI can check in a minute15:00
nigelbcjohnston: bug 88424915:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 884249 in summit "Weird login problem (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88424915:01
* nigelb looking at auto-refresh15:02
cjohnstonnigelb: im on that bug already15:02
nigelbI'll get on the auto refresh15:02
cjohnstonty sir15:03
cjohnstonare you off work15:03
nigelbokay, today's definitely not auto refreshing15:05
nigelbinvestigating deeper.15:05
nigelbcjohnston: DUDE15:07
nigelbcjohnston: The url needs to be http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/today/?reload15:07
cjohnstoncan they add reload with the other stuff (the rooms stuff15:08
nigelbcjohnston: it works in next, by room, by track,15:09
cjohnstonnigelb: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-p/today/?reload&rooms=antigua-1,bonaire-315:11
cjohnstoni didnt see it refresh15:11
nigelbcjohnston: click view source15:11
cjohnstonalthough i do see it in the source15:12
nigelbthere should be two bits of javascript in the head15:12
nigelbcjohnston: your url works.15:14
nigelbI see the refesh code in there.15:14
cjohnstoni passed it on15:18
cjohnstonthanks nigelb15:18
cjohnstonat some point ill pay attention to a session15:18
cjohnstonim in the hall again now15:18
nigelbcjohnston: hehe15:18
nigelbsame here15:18
nigelbI'm listening15:18
nigelbbut looking at summit carefully15:18
nigelbcjohnston: ugh, the name bug is weird16:18
nigelbI can't reproduce locally.16:18
cjohnstonwhat name bug16:18
cjohnstonthe username216:18
nigelbcjohnston: the one you fild with (uds-p) after the names16:18
cjohnstonyou see it though right?16:18
cjohnstonmhall119: will BPs import if the autoscheduler is turned off16:22
nigelbcjohnston: Done, merged into trunk, merged into prod, request deploy please.16:22
cjohnstonI'm going to wait until lunch time16:23
mhall119wait, lpupdate I think is the manage.py command that pulls in blueprints16:23
nigelbwe can turn off autoscheduler16:23
cjohnstonif we can turn off the autoscheduler and the rescheduler and just have lpupdate pull the BPs and EVERYTHING else is manual16:23
cjohnstonplease confirm and I will make it happen16:23
nigelbthat's fine16:23
mhall119ok, autoschedule tries to fill unscheduled sessions into emptyslots16:23
nigelbthat's normal UDS behavior.16:23
mhall119lpupdate makes meetings from blueprints16:24
nigelbThat should be cool.16:24
cjohnstonif you are both ok with it, i will make it happen16:24
mhall119make it so, number one16:24
nigelbGreen from me.16:24
nigelbmhall119 wins.16:24
mhall119except he's the short bald one16:24
mhall119so it's kind of reversed16:24
cjohnstonI have requested it be turned off.. if it isnt in the next few minutes ill walk over there16:25
nigelbcjohnston: You probably want it turned off soner16:26
nigelbIts scheduled to run twice an hour I think.16:26
cjohnstonnigelb: make notes on this stuff (turn off autoschedule and reschedule) etc for our notes16:27
cjohnstonshould we make the default for the schedule pages refresh16:46
cjohnstoninstead of requiring the url16:47
mhall119though next cycle I'd like to separate the "converence floor screens" view from the "user on a laptop" view16:48
cjohnstoni agree..16:48
cjohnstonbut i think even the laptop page should refresh16:48
cjohnstoninstead of forcing the user to refresh16:48
nigelbactually, I think refresh should be default.16:48
nigelband no refresh should16:48
nigelbbe optional.16:48
mhall119I don't think so, because the laptop page shouldn't be left open16:48
cjohnstoni leave it open16:48
nigelbI leave mine open :)16:48
* nigelb ^5 cjohnston 16:48
mhall119if someone is leaving the entire Monday schedule open for reference, we're missing some feature, because that's not the right user experience16:49
cjohnstonhow so?16:49
nigelbwhy not?16:49
mhall119because you don't care about 80%16:49
cjohnstonthey can't remember the 40 sessions going on next hour16:49
mhall119"you" being a generic user16:49
mhall119obviously we care about more because we're responsible for them16:49
cjohnstonbut with the schedule changing, they have to watch their 20%16:50
cjohnstonthe only thing I could see is when ?edit not refresh16:50
mhall119so let's make a per-hour view for laptop users16:50
nigelbsession don't change every hour16:50
nigelbthey change in-between16:50
nigelbwhen track-leads move them around.16:50
mhall119we have another view for just what they're registered for16:50
cjohnstonmhall119: bug #83978016:51
ubot4Launchpad bug 839780 in summit "Create a My Schedule page (affects: 1) (heat: 3)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83978016:51
mhall119yeah, that16:51
cjohnstonwe need to push for a sprint16:52
nigelbcjohnston: +116:53
mhall119you'll have to get my manager's approval to take me away for a sprint16:53
cjohnstonill get it16:53
mhall119get rick and/or jane into the summit session then16:54
cjohnstonill try16:54
* mhall119 is hungry16:57
james_whey cjohnston18:05

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