
pleia2the ubuntu-women theme has been updated on the wiki if you want to try it out02:32
pleia2lots of bug fixes02:32
pleia2(they kept the previous ubuntuwomen revision as ubuntuwomen-old)02:33
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
=== maco2 is now known as maco
valorieI can't get the new theme to show up, even when I'm logged in22:01
elkyvalorie, you're on wiki.ubuntu-women.org not wiki.ubuntu.com yes?22:05
valorieand on ubuntu-women.org22:07
elkyvalorie, what shows up here under 'preferred theme'? http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Home?action=userprefs&sub=prefs22:09
valorieahha, I couldn't get to there22:10
elkythe settings link then the preferences link22:10
valoriethanks elky22:13
valorieI'm a bit distracted, between my dad and UDS22:13
valorieand a situation in KDE22:13

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