
reisioSovek|Lappy: what do you like00:00
ActionParsnip!nounity | Sovek|Lappy00:00
wdonkeySovek : you can boot on the normal gnome desktop, you have the choice when you get to the start up menu, where you enter your password00:00
ubottuSovek|Lappy: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:00
Sovek|LappyGnome... whiche I've been using00:00
miceikenI need some help, yesterday ubuntu discovered my sd-card a while after I plugged it in, but now it doesn't discover it00:00
reisioSovek|Lappy: shouldn't have upgraded, then00:00
Sovek|Lappyright, synaptic, download gnome300:01
reisiowon't help you00:01
Sovek|Lappywhy's that?00:01
reisioyou're already using gnome 300:01
ActionParsnipSovek|Lappy: gnome3 is default in Gnome based Oneiric00:01
wdonkeynah, use sudo apt-get gnome-ppp00:02
wdonkeyi meant sudo apt-get install gnome-ppp00:02
reisiowdonkey: ...?00:02
reisiowdonkey: who are you talking to00:02
wdonkeymyself of course00:03
wdonkeywho else !00:03
reisioindeed :p00:03
wdonkeyair bubbles in the blood00:03
wdonkeybut aint that the command line to get the gnome desktop after a 11.10 upgrade ?00:04
reisiono, gnome-ppp is like a frontend to dialup network connections or something00:04
wdonkeythe old gnome desktop00:04
reisiomaybe thinking of gnome-shell / gnome-tweak-tool / gnome-panel00:05
reisiostill a far cry from GNOME 2, IMO00:05
[snake]Ok, I'm using irssi to chat here on irc, because I removed ubuntu, installed xubuntu, then removed xubuntu and installed kde... after I used another live cd to allow me into a shell after boot, and fixing the display settings for grub. In the shell I installed a few nvidia drivers, and when I try startx it says no drivers installed(yes I rebooted) Ubuntu 11.0400:05
reisio[snake]: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop00:06
[snake]reisio: I already did that... now nothing works00:06
[snake]reisio: is there a way to activate one of my nvidia drivers through terminal so x11 will use it00:07
[fields]reisio:  why did you suggest to try a terminal?00:07
s0nee[snake]: configure xorg.conf yet ?00:07
reisio[fields]: because there's a lot more you can do from a terminal, and your GUI wasn't working00:07
[snake]I have nvidia-current, and nvidia-17300:07
s0nee[snake]: try "nvidia-xconfig" ?00:08
reisio[snake]: yes, but... do you even have any personal data on this box?  It might be simpler to do a fresh Kubuntu install00:08
[snake]yes, my gui is non-functional00:08
[snake]oops :P00:08
[fields]reisio:  agreed.  I can browse the external drive graphically, it still needs mounted?00:08
[snake]I'm in a terminal looking thing lol00:08
[fields]reisio:  and if so can you teach me how to mount it?00:08
miceikenI need some help, yesterday ubuntu discovered my sd-card a while after I plugged it in, but now it doesn't discover it00:08
reisio[fields]: probably already mounted if you can browse it00:08
reisio[fields]: the point of running 'mount' is to see the information it outputs00:09
[fields]reisio:  ok, so now what to cd to?00:09
s0nee[fields]: look under /media/00:09
reisiomiceiken: what'd you change00:09
miceikenreisio nothin00:09
miceikeni did a release upgrade00:09
miceikenand a apt-get autoremove00:09
Wb_LackWhat Plugin can i Use with chrome or mozilla to see every images charged in the current page?00:10
reisioWb_Lack: charged?00:10
Wb_Lackyes... Every image in the page reisio00:11
berkohi could anyone help find my "ABSOLUTE-WINDOWS-DRIVE-MOUNT-POINT"00:11
reisioWb_Lack: you want to see them00:11
[snake]ok, that didn't work either guys.. it comes up Nvidia kernel modules and no drivers and stuff... I'd love to copy and paste code but I'm in all terminal :( where is the x config file00:11
[snake](yes, I did the nividia xconfig thing)00:11
reisioWb_Lack: CTRL+i, Media is fairly useful00:11
Wb_Lackreisio, what's ctrl i?00:12
=== berko is now known as djbberko
reisioWb_Lack: a keyboard shortcut00:12
[snake]where is the config file for x server?00:12
Wb_Lackreisio,  oh thanks... With mozilla..00:13
s0nee[snake]: /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:13
reisioWb_Lack: right00:13
Wb_LackI i was using chrome.. Thanks...00:13
Wb_LackI'll try...00:13
wdonkeyreisio: im wondering, where shall i drag and drop the damn .gz file for this to work ? : bash: cd: ./ipad_charge_1.0: No such file or directory00:13
s0nee[snake]: did you sudo when you run nvidia-xconfig ?00:14
reisiowdonkey: for what to work00:14
StereocaulonHaving no sound anymore in Wine after upgrade to Oneiric 64 Bits. Tested with Wine 1.3.28 (current Ubuntu served version), 1.3.31 (latest version) and 1.2.4 (latest 1.2 version). I'm using HDA Intel sound chip.00:14
^Mike\bHow can I tell Evolution what port to connect to for SMTP? It is trying to connect to a port the server doesn't listen on, and I cannot see a way to change it.00:14
wdonkeymy damn command line00:14
reisioStereocaulon: what version/arch were you previously using?00:14
miceikenreisio so any ideas?00:14
reisiowdonkey: ...to accomplish what?00:14
reisiomiceiken: about what?00:14
wdonkeyim trying to follow that : http://korenkov.info/ipad-charging-in-ubuntu00:14
miceikenreisio my sd-card issue00:14
Stereocaulonreisio, , I was on Natty 11.04 64 Bits, so no major upgrade.00:15
wdonkeyto be able to charge the apple piece of junk my gf bought on my laptop00:15
reisiowdonkey: doesn't matter00:15
reisiowdonkey: someplace where you'll notice it later so you can clean it up00:15
wdonkeyok, then why it says no such file or directory ?00:15
Stereocaulonreisio, I've tried all the sensible settings in the three tested Wine versions.00:15
wdonkeyWHY !00:15
reisiowdonkey: the directory will be whatever ipad_charge_1.0.tar.gz spit out00:16
Wb_Lackreisio, i solved my problem.. .Really thanks..00:16
reisioWb_Lack: gj00:16
Wb_Lackreisio, thanks..00:16
ActionParsnip^Mike\b: add them in the server address bits00:16
MalgorathHi, I'm installing 11.10 on a desktop and its been at the "installing system" for a while now. is there a way to see if the system is stuck or if there is an error?00:16
wabashHow do I get much better fonts for 10.10? Is there some MS font package?00:16
reisioStereocaulon: WINEARCH=win32 ?00:16
[snake]it says that it can't load the module "nvidia"00:16
[fields]reisio:  I've copied some of the files now, thanks.  But they still seem to have permissions issues.  Do I need to chgrp now?00:17
Stereocaulonreisio, I'll try, just a sec.00:17
s0nee[snake]: try "sudo Xorg -configure"00:17
reisiowabash: msttcorefonts, but I wouldn't necessarily call them better00:18
wabashWhat are the nicest,s moothest fonts?00:18
reisio[snake]: that should already be loaded before you attempt to start X00:18
reisiowabash: most fonts are nice and smooth these days...00:18
[snake]s0nee: that came up FATAL: nividia module not found00:18
reisio[snake]: you need to sudo modprobe nvidia, and make sure it's on your auto-load list00:19
yeats!fonts | wabash00:19
ubottuwabash: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/00:19
[snake]reisio: my entire x11 is messed up all because I thought I could upgrade and then get kde to avoid unity00:19
wabashHm. My Document Reader on ubuntu has really shitty fonts.00:19
s0nee[snake]: in my list of modules they are nvidiafb.ko and nvidia_current.ko00:19
[snake]modprobe huh, that's probly it..00:19
wabashreisio: any idea about this? It's the default PDF reader for ubu.00:20
wabashyeats: Than kyou.00:20
[snake]s0nee: I used nvidia-173 from mine... that is what I used before.00:20
mxi am looking for a linux dictionary application that can handle os x .dictionary files. anyone got a hit for me?!00:20
s0nee[snake]: ok, whatever works00:20
reisiowabash: how many PDFs did you try00:21
brontosaurusrexwabash, afaik fonts are usually embeded into pdfs, unles those are curves, and the same document looks wonderfull in win/mac viewers?00:21
wabashHm. In general, it's all pdfs00:21
MalgorathHi, I'm installing 11.10 on a desktop and its been at the "installing system" for a while now. is there a way to see if the system is stuck or if there is an error?00:21
wabashbrontosaurusrex: Interesting... so you think they may be vectorized?00:22
reisiowabash: vectors are good00:22
wabashreisio: Indeed.00:22
reisiowabash: if you can select the text they're vectors00:22
wabashreisio: Is there a font ctrl panel to change smothing?00:22
Stereocaulonreisio, no, even with WINEARCH=win32, no dice. Using WinXP as "emulated" platform00:22
reisiowabash: though PDF does support invisible digital text with only "ugly" photographic data seen00:22
wabashok, they ar evectors.00:22
wabashreisio: These are vectors indeed.00:22
reisioStereocaulon: weird mayne00:23
wabashreisio: Is there a way to smooth vectors?00:23
brontosaurusrexno, vectors are actually bad for screen font subsitute, for example I sudenly doesnt need antialiasing and quirks like that00:23
brontosaurusrexletter I00:23
reisiowabash: try another PDF reader to rule out a problem with that app alone00:23
reisiowabash: evince perhaps00:23
BanchieDoes anyone know how to fix this: I'm totally newbie and installed Ubuntu Server as I'm about to host irssi and some webspace for friends. but the problem is.00:23
Banchiewhen I do sudo apt-get install anyprogramhere I get I'm not in sudoers file00:24
Stereocaulonreisio, I only get the default alsa fixme's Don't know what to do with x channels, pretending there's only 2 channels, but I had that as well while it was still working00:24
reisiogavin_: hi00:24
gavin_hello reisio00:24
wabashreisio: I think this is evince.00:24
gavin_reisio - are you able to help me?00:24
mxdoes anyone know of a linux dictionary program that can handle os x .dictionary files ?!00:24
[snake]can I have my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file regenerated from scratch?00:25
gavin_does anyone know how to update the linux ubuntu00:25
reisioBanchie: interesting00:25
yeats!sudo | Banchie00:25
ubottuBanchie: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo00:25
[snake]there were a bunch of section I uncommented because I didn't like what they did to me.00:25
reisioyeats: totally useless :p00:25
Banchiebut im the only used00:25
s0nee[snake]: try to get the nvidia module loaded then run "sudo Xorg -configure"00:25
reisiogavin_: from what to what?00:25
yeatsreisio: eh?00:25
[snake]s0nee: oh, that's right.. I remember that one ;)00:26
gavin_just upgrade the whole ubuntu to 11.0400:26
reisioyeats: his sudo is broken, he doesn't need an education00:26
reisiogavin_: from which version00:26
Banchiehow? I'm not in sudoers file00:26
reisiogavin_: oh from 11.04 to 11.10?00:26
yeatsBanchie: the fixsudo link will help00:26
s0neeBanchie: you can use root instead ... but double check whatever you run00:26
zykotick9Banchie, type "groups" in a terminal, do you see "admin"?00:26
gavin_how do i find out the version for this ubuntu?00:26
yeatsreisio: that isn00:27
zykotick9gavin_, "lsb_release -a"00:27
yeats't what I was doing00:27
Banchiemy user, lpadmin and adm00:27
Banchieand some other things00:27
reisioyeats: I'm sure it's not what you were _trying_ to do00:27
zykotick9Banchie, you need to be in "admin" to use sudo00:27
yeatsreisio: lay off00:27
* reisio shrugs00:27
gavin_my ubuntu version is 10.10 and I want to upgrade it to 11.0400:27
gavin_each time I try to upgrade my ubuntu, the computer always seem to crash00:27
reisioBanchie: did you not use this user as the admin user name during install?00:27
[snake]s0nee: "Number of created screens, does not match number of detected devices. Configuration Owned"00:28
yeatsreisio: did you see the link in the factoid?  it gives instructions to fix sudo00:28
reisiogavin_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades00:28
scorpio1497faenza-icons-mono  <----what the heck is that?00:28
reisioyeats: it's a fresh install00:28
[snake]s0nee: it doesn't complain about the nvidia module anymore in the configuration00:28
Banchiereisio yes I did and I can log in with it, but not sudo00:28
scorpio1497 and why won't synaptic package manager let me unmark it for upgrade, upgrade it or remove it at all00:29
s0nee[snake]: hmm no clue. try google that error00:29
yeatsreisio: obviously sudo is broken and needs fixing00:29
reisioscorpio1497: probably an icon set named faenza with monochromatic colors, or for mono00:29
Banchieand I cant seem to know admin password00:29
StereocaulonBanchie, the admin passwd is your own password, unless you specifically changed the passwd for root00:29
gavin_I've tried upgrading it from the update manager but the whole system still crashes00:30
wabashreisio: Thank you anyhow.... I found that a monitor adjustment fixed half of it!00:30
BanchieIt wasnt my own pass. But I get in as root but I dont have any dependencies to install x00:30
reisiogavin_: to a console?00:30
reisiowabash: gj00:30
gavin_what do you mean by console?00:30
Archangels2hello I have a bash script in my cron.hourly folder which runs /usr/sbin/killer, it logs me off every hour, is it a virus or a bug?00:30
reisioBanchie: you should log in as non-root to start with00:30
wabashreisio: gj?00:30
reisiogavin_: text only00:30
reisiowabash: good job00:30
Stereocaulongavin_, console = command line, CLI00:30
wabashreisio: hahah. Thank you.00:30
Banchiebut how do I add my own account to sudoers list00:30
gavin_reisio - how do I upgrade it from a terminal?00:31
reisioArchangels2: sudo apt-get install apt-file && apt-file search killer00:31
reisiogavin_: it says at the link I gave you00:31
reisioBanchie: it should be there by default00:31
s0neeBanchie: http://albertskblog.blogspot.com/2008/11/add-user-in-sudoer-list.html00:31
reisioArchangels2: nothing I recognize, personally00:32
Banchiereisio but it isn't. I tried already00:32
gavin_ah ok00:32
reisioBanchie: right, so you can fix it and assume nothing else is broken, or you can try installing again00:32
zykotick9Banchie, add your account name to the admin group (not sure how you're going to do that though)00:32
reisioBanchie: what install image did you use?00:32
Stereocaulongavin_, just try this: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:32
Archangels2reisio: I did that, says already newest version, installed libgladeui...00:33
BanchieUbuntu 10.04 LTS ServerEdition00:33
Banchieonly I had on my bookself00:33
Banchieordered from ubuntu00:33
Archangels2do you think it's safe to get rid of?00:33
zykotick9gavin_, Stereocaulon's suggestion will NOT update to new release!00:33
yeatsBanchie: reboot into recovery mode and drop to a root shell00:33
[snake]s0nee: should I do-release-upgrade to 11.10 and hope that it fixes? I feel hopeless :(00:33
reisioArchangels2: it says killer is from libgladeui?00:33
gavin_zykotick9: What type of command line will upgrade to the newer version?00:34
yeatsBanchie: then do 'usermod -G admin <yourusername>'00:34
zykotick9gavin_, ?00:34
Stereocaulonzykotick9, oh, has that been changed? Since when?00:34
urist_hello, I was wondering what the best way to share media from my Linux to my PS3 is00:34
zykotick9Stereocaulon, no, that's never been the command00:34
Banchiegroup admin doesnt exist00:34
urist_I've tried MediaTomb and tbh it was a bit buggy or something, it's just not working out for me...00:35
gavin_zykotick9: each time I try upgrading it, my whole system continuously  crashes00:35
Archangels2reisio: not explicitly, I don't completely understand the command you had me execute00:35
s0nee[snake]: hmm 11.10 MAY bring some more errors ... its up to you00:35
reisiourist_: something else that does DLNA, then00:35
zykotick9gavin_, i'm not surprised - i "personally" think upgrading Ubuntu to new releases is a terrible idea.  Good luck.00:35
reisioArchangels2: sudo apt-get install apt-file, install apt-file00:35
urist_reisio, do you have any specific suggestions?00:35
gavin_zykotick9: why is it a bad idea?00:35
reisioArchangels2: apt-file search killer, query what packages if any might have files named 'killer' that they install00:35
zykotick9gavin_, too many problems00:36
reisiourist_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_UPnP_AV_media_servers00:36
miceikenI need some help, yesterday ubuntu discovered my sd-card a while after I plugged it in, but now it doesn't discover it ( I did a do-release-upgrade and a apt-get autoremove )00:36
urist_reisio, thanks.00:36
Archangels2reisio: it actually says that libgladeui was automatically installed and no longer required00:36
gavin_zykotick9: Why does the application continuously popping up asking me to upgrade to a newer version?00:36
zykotick9gavin_, do-release-upgrade - that's the command in cli to upgrade your system.  Thanks miceiken ;)00:36
[snake]*sigh... ubuntu, what has happened... I feel better off using gentoo now :(00:36
zykotick9gavin_, oh you're suppose to upgrade!00:37
miceikenlol zykotick9, and im back today with the same issue00:37
s0neeBanchie: run "su" to switch to root, then run "visudo"00:37
[snake]maybe I'm exadgerating a little but oh well00:37
reisioArchangels2: that sounds like at most an informative message that's been waiting for you to run apt-get to be given00:37
Stereocaulonmiceiken, thanks for updating my cli knowledge on system upgrades in ubuntu00:37
gavin_zykotick9: I know I'm supposed to upgrade but each time I do, it crashes the system but I think I'm upgrading it now through command line00:38
miceikenNo worries, although I'm a noob myself00:38
zykotick9gavin_, hope it works out for ya :)00:38
gavin_zykotick9: thanks and what if it doesn't work?00:38
Stereocaulonmiceiken, you should give yourself a little more credit. I've been running Linux since 1997 now.00:39
zykotick9gavin_, what if... is impossible to answer00:39
Banchies0nee thanks, gotta read manual00:39
Archangels2reisio: /usr/sbin/killer is supposed to kill processes belonging to users no longer logged in if that helps00:39
miceikenStereocaulon, haha, it showed up when i for once logged in as root today00:39
reisioI've been running it since 199000:39
miceikenI've been running it since... 200800:39
reisioArchangels2: if you say so00:39
gavin_zykotick9: the system is trying to upgrade but nothing happening00:39
s0neeBanchie: ok. google "add user to sudoer". that will resolve your problem00:39
Archangels2reisio: only it seems to be killing my processes while I'm still logged in00:39
BanchieThank you00:40
Stereocaulonreisio, Hmm? I thought that the first Linux release was in 1991?00:40
crescendoBrand new box, dual AMD Radeon 6900s, three identical displays.  Use driver available through "Additional Drivers", and if so, "post release updates" or the main one, -- or do I download the Linux driver from their site?00:40
zykotick9gavin_, don't direct your issues to me - as i said, i think it's a horrible idea...00:40
BanchieI'll be back when I need to add domain to my box00:40
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux00:40
gogetaStereocaulon: unix was around in the 80s i beleve the first desktop linux was 199300:40
reisioStereocaulon: that's what makes it an obvious joke00:41
zykotick9gogeta, lol - "unix" was around in the 70s00:41
nocturnal_people we have a problem here00:41
Stereocaulonreisio, sorry for spoiling it ;-)00:41
nocturnal_everyone in #ubuntu-offtopic died00:41
reisioStereocaulon: you can't spoil a joke :p00:41
Stereocaulonnocturnal_, must be Halloween, I guess ;-)00:41
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Seanmc98reisio, hello again00:42
s0neenocturnal_: they have not turned into zombies like us00:42
Archangels2reisio: usr/sbin/killer seems to be legit, it's the bash script cron.hourly/killer that's causing problems, how can I check to see where that's from?00:42
reisioArchangels2: was probably auto-configured when killer was installed00:43
reisioArchangels2: sudo crontab -e00:43
Alperenhow can i assign "eject /dev/cdrom" to my eject key on my laptop's keyboard?00:44
Archangels2reisio: 'no crontab for root...' and I have a choice of 5 editors00:44
reisioAlperen: Ubuntu version?00:44
reisioArchangels2: lovely00:44
reisioArchangels2: what package is killer from00:45
Alperenreisio, 11.1000:45
s0neeAlperen: assign a custom shortcut ... dont know if it will recognize the key00:45
Archangels2reisio: I don't know00:45
reisioAlperen: do you know how to assign keyboard shortcuts?00:45
gogetaAlperen: you can bind a key to a command i just forgot the app name heh00:45
Archangels2reisio: the bash script or the one in sbin00:45
Alperens0nee, xbindkeys cant detect the key but ubuntu shows the eject icon but nothing happens00:45
gogetaor type eject in the term00:45
reisioArchangels2: then what makes you think it's legit...00:45
reisioAlperen: System Settings > Keyboard > Custom Shortcuts00:46
gogetasudo eject00:46
Alperenreisio, let me try00:46
Guest98747this is to fast for me too old i guss00:46
gogetaif its mounted it wont eject00:46
gogetaunmount first00:46
Archangels2reisio: It's very well documented...00:46
reisioArchangels2: where?00:46
yeats!info killer | reisio00:47
ubottureisio: killer (source: killer): Background job killer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.90-7 (oneiric), package size 23 kB, installed size 108 kB00:47
Archangels2reisio: in the file itself, I think it had further information which I could check, I'll do that and then get back to you00:47
reisioArchangels2: dpkg -L killer, look for the script you're talking about00:48
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
miceikenim just gonna keep askin00:50
miceikenI need some help, yesterday ubuntu discovered my sd-card a while after I plugged it in, but now it doesn't discover it ( I did a do-release-upgrade and a apt-get autoremove )00:50
kristianpaulThere is a easy way to get a ubuntu installed on a sokris box to work as router/acess point an lamp?00:50
StereocaulonAlperen, try sudo umount /dev/cdrom0 & eject00:50
s0neeStereocaulon: Alperen use &&, not &00:50
reisiojust 'eject' should suffice, or 'eject -T'00:51
Archangels2reisio: it gives me the locations of a number of files, the bash script I was referring to, as I said before is in etc/cron.hourly/killer00:51
Stereocaulons0nee, I must be getting tired... ;-)00:51
AlperenStereocaulon, eject works fine00:51
miceikenStereocaulon will that make the cddrive pop out lol00:51
StereocaulonAlperen, s0nee is right, sorry about the confusion00:51
reisioArchangels2: I forgot what you wanted to accomplish00:51
AlperenStereocaulon, umount: /dev/cdrom0: not found00:52
AlperenStereocaulon, umount: /dev/cdrom: not mounted00:52
Malgorathsorry I d/c'd on my laptop. still looking for help with this install, I'm installing ubuntu 11.10 along side (sep partition) with winows 7 and it keeps hanging on part saying installing system. is there anything i can do to find out whats wrong00:52
Archangels2reisio: lol, the bash script keeps logging me off every hour, I don't know if it's malware or if it's just a bug00:53
miceikenis there anyway to uneject00:53
StereocaulonAlperen, try eject -d to see the default device name on your mac00:53
Archangels2reisio: oh I'm sorry, am I not supposed to say lol here?00:53
AlperenStereocaulon, lol it works now00:53
reisioAlperen: thought you said just 'eject' works?00:53
Alperenreisio, it works00:53
reisiothe only reason you'd need to umount is if you'd already manually ran 'mount'00:53
Stereocaulonreisio, Alperen good point :-)00:53
heloanyone successfully watch netflix in linux using the netflix app in chome 15?00:53
reisioI guess there's still a use for it00:54
reisiobut you should at least make it sudo umount whatever; eject00:54
reisioinstead of &&00:54
Malgorathlol nvm, it just finished00:54
reisioMalgorath: twss00:54
AlperenStereocaulon,  reisio, i deleted the key in gnome shortcuts then assign the eject key again it works now00:54
helomy netflix account isn't active right now, but a friend of mine has been asking me about netflix in linux for a long time00:54
StereocaulonAlperen, glad that it worked without custom hacks00:55
seanmc98what is a good hex editor?00:55
AlperenStereocaulon, thanks :)00:56
ActionParsnip!find hex00:56
ubottuFound: libconvert-binhex-perl, dhex, fetchexc, ghex, ghextris, hex-a-hop, hexalate, hexcurse, hexdiff, hexec (and 10 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=hex&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all00:56
ActionParsnip!info ghex00:56
linusWith 11.10 how do I access the gnome-panel menu?00:56
ubottughex (source: ghex): GNOME Hex editor for files. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.24.0-1 (oneiric), package size 919 kB, installed size 2856 kB00:56
heloi see there is a netflix app available via chrome, but i wanted to make sure someone has actually used it to watch videos...00:56
ActionParsniphelo: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/10/native-netflix-client-coming-linux-in-12-months/00:57
reisiohelo: chrome OS?00:57
StereocaulonAlperen, np00:57
KiwiKHello whats going on?00:58
_r00t_Hello Kiwi00:58
reisioKiwiK: Unix just took over skynet00:58
linusIve tried right clicking, atl right click and a bunch of other combinations, how do I open the gnome-panel menu?00:58
Stereocaulonlinus, what distro are you using?00:59
miceikenI need some help, yesterday ubuntu discovered my sd-card a while after I plugged it in, but now it doesn't discover it ( I did a do-release-upgrade and a apt-get autoremove )00:59
linus@stereocaulon 11.1000:59
_r00t_linus admit it .... you forgot to make dep00:59
Stereocaulonlinus, are you using Unity, or Gnome?00:59
linus@_r00t_ what do you mean?01:00
KiwiKlunis are u using unity or smthn like lxde01:00
zykotick9linus, do you have a menu on the left side?01:00
_r00t_@linus it's a linux joke :/01:00
conntrackcan't even handle a few channels lol!01:00
ActionParsnipStereocaulon: unity runs on gnome desktop by default01:00
LaserJockanybody have problems with the totem firefox plugin not playing files?01:00
linus@Stereocaulon, Im using gnome otherwise I wouldnt have gnome-panel\01:00
_r00t_@linus are you trying to add an applet ?01:01
linusgnome-panel is considered the fallback for gnome301:01
linusyes Id like to add applets01:01
MiggsHey guys - I've just installed 11.10 on my XPS m1330 laptop. I've installed the nvidia driving but I'm finding that rendering the desktop is laggy and unreliable. Any hints on where to look in 11.10? Worked better in 11.04.01:01
_r00t_@linus what version of gnome are you using mate ?01:01
linusgnome3 the 11.10 release01:02
KiwiKi guess he's using gonme 3 right?01:02
KiwiKoh well :D01:02
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linusfrom the gnome3 website01:02
Stereocaulonlinus, the gnome3 DE is not supported yet afaik01:02
ActionParsnipMiggs: which nvidia chip do you have?01:02
Stereocaulonlinus, Desktop Environment01:03
ActionParsnipStereocaulon: its the default DE in Oneiric01:03
_r00t_guess @Stereocalon is right01:03
ActionParsnipwell, gnome based oneiric01:03
Miggs8400m. It's not exactly the  most modern laptop but it is a 2.4GHz C2D so it's not pokey.01:03
linusif by DE you mean Desktop Edition you are both right01:03
MiggsAnd like I said - worked find in 11.04.01:03
KiwiKWell i have Lxde it's pretty nice :D i recommend it to you01:03
linusgnome3 comes installed but the default session uses unity01:04
StereocaulonActionParsnip, true, but with unity as shell, not the vanilla gnome3 shell01:04
_r00t_@Miggs are you sure you're using the Nvidia driver ? lsmod should tell you01:04
ActionParsnipMiggs: better than I got, what is the output of: dpkg -l | grep nvidia     please, use a pastebin to host01:04
Archangels2hello, every hour, on the 17th minute, I'm kicked out of my account.  I've tracked the problem to a package named killer.  Does anyone feel up to the challenge of figuring this out before I'm booted out in 13 minutes?01:04
ActionParsnipStereocaulon: it still uses gnome3, the session is just different01:04
ActionParsnipArchangels2: is there a cron'd job/01:04
GuiriI'm having trouble installing Ubuntu 11.10 on an iMac7,1.  Specifically, when I hold Alt to boot the cdrom it says disk image not found. "Error:  need to load kernel first:01:04
GuiriHas anyone encountered this?01:05
reisioArchangels2: never heard of this app in all my years, just uninstall it01:05
Archangels2ActionParsnip: ok, I'll get rid of it thanks01:05
KiwiKwhy do u got it?01:05
ActionParsnipGuiri: did you MD6 test the ISO/01:05
linusIm using gnome-panel which is the fallback to gnome-shell as aposed to unity2d the fallback to unity01:05
MiggsActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/5sdpR0jk01:05
linusStill editable, but not by accident: this all sounds cool, but you tried to add an applet, or to even just move one, but without success? There's a secret trick here: press alt (or the modifier configured for metacity, if you changed it) and right-click. And here you go, you can do everything again!01:06
_r00t_@Miggs lsmod please01:06
ActionParsnipMiggs: try:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade01:06
linusthis is from the gnome3 website, i can use metacity or unity window decorations. does anyone know the appropriate button for either01:07
StereocaulonActionParsnip, ah, well, that's a bit confusing. I'm rather new to unity or to Oneiric for that matter. I was happily on my way using Natty 11.04 using the gnome2 desktop, upgraded to Oneiric and found the Gnome fallback option too bare to work with, so I stuck with Unity for now. Having mixed feelings about it.01:07
Miggs_r00t_: http://pastebin.com/1E9eVDnC01:07
GuiriActionParsnip: Yeah, 62fb5d750c30a27a26d01c5f3d8df45901:07
MiggsActionParsnip: Will do that now01:07
Benkinoobyhi, how can i reinstall/reset my gtk themes (ubuntu 10.04)? i messed with them and some of them are ugly by now... what packages are to be worked on?01:07
Archangels2reisio: I just opened up synaptic, found killer, but it won't let me uninstall it01:07
reisioArchangels2: classy01:07
ActionParsnipStereocaulon: there are more desktops than Gnome, maybe one of the others are more to your tastes01:08
_Techie_is there any to stip down ubuntu to an extremely basic install, no GUI etc.   using apt-get?01:08
ActionParsnipGuiri: and does that match the MD5 sum on the ubuntu site?01:08
Guirifor the amd64 desktop01:08
reisio_Techie_: probably if you use one of these commands without the && sudo apt-get install at the end: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce01:08
Archangels2reisio: I love that response I really do, but it tells me nothing01:08
_r00t_Miggs good luck01:08
reisioArchangels2: try from a termain: sudo apt-get remove killer01:08
ActionParsnipGuiri: sweet and are you using CD or USB?01:09
StereocaulonActionParsnip, I like lxde as well, but I'm rather attached to some kind of app menu, so that didn't cut it. Anyway, I'm trying to adapt to Unity right know, but it's not a smooth road...01:09
Miggs_r00t_: Nothing stands out to you as being wrong?01:09
reisioArchangels2: a terminal*01:09
ActionParsnipStereocaulon: try a few, one will feel great. XFCE is a lot like Gnome201:10
ActionParsnipGuiri: did you burn the CD as slowly as possible?01:10
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linusok I found my problem was with compiz, I did metacity --replace and I was able to edit gnome-panel. now just run unity --replace when im done01:10
Archangels2reisio: 'Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)' then asks if another process is using it 6 minutes till I'm booted01:11
GuiriActionParsnip: Are we certain it's an image error and not an outstanding grub problem here?  I've used this cd to install to a few computers but this is the first iMac, with the EFI and such01:11
_r00t_Miggs nope ... try the upgrade see if you get new drivers ... Otherwise it's a painful xorg.conf journey01:11
MiggsOh dear.01:11
Archangels2reisio: no pressure though, just letting you know that If I leave unexpectedly...01:12
ActionParsnipGuiri: not sure of those dude, burning bootable CDs as slow as possible helps in some cases01:12
reisioArchangels2: you have to close synaptic first01:12
ActionParsnipArchangels2: is software centre running or are updates installing?01:12
StereocaulonActionParsnip, I know, I have tried it, but the version that I can install from the Software manager did not come with a usable menu. Ah, well,  Unity also has it's merits I suppose. Can't hurt to try it out in earnest. I still have a 11.04 in my Grub when I need to get things done fast, without having to troubleshoot the many bugs I 've encountered in Oneiric thus far.01:12
Archangels2reisio: nope01:12
MiggsActionParsnip: Got a new nvidia-current. I'll reboot and give that a try01:13
reisioArchangels2: I didn't ask you a question01:13
_r00t_Miggs good luck :)01:13
ActionParsnipStereocaulon: you can install the fallback session and use that. I haven't used gnome is a long while01:13
Archangels2reisio: oh right that was parsnip01:13
Archangels2actionparsnip: nope01:14
ActionParsnip!aptfix | Archangels201:14
ubottuArchangels2: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »01:14
StereocaulonActionParsnip, no, the fallback is much too bare for my taste and I don't mean graphically01:14
Archangels2actionparsnip: I closed synaptic and it works just fine01:15
linusyou dont need to install the gnomef fallback session. it is automatically installed with defualt install01:15
ActionParsnipArchangels2: good enough, same difference :)01:15
ActionParsnip!info gnome-session-fallback01:15
ubottugnome-session-fallback (source: gnome-session): GNOME Session Manager - GNOME fallback session. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 4 kB, installed size 200 kB01:15
ActionParsnipIt's optional though....01:16
Archangels2reisio: looks like I need to restart before changes take effect, brb01:16
Stereocaulonwine doesn't have sound anymore after the 11.04 => 11.10 upgrade. I tried three versions: 1.2.4, 1.3.28 and 1.3.31. Using Intel HDA chip on Ubuntu 11.10 64bits.01:16
miceikenzykotick9, last night01:17
ActionParsnipStereocaulon: what about as a different (or new) user01:17
miceikendo you remember what i did?01:17
StereocaulonActionParsnip, you mean to have a fresh Wine Prefix? Already tried that using wibom01:18
CentigonalIn case Yanom hasn't come in here and shown you this piece of awesome yet: http://i44.tinypic.com/1ovhy1.jpg01:18
_r00t_how do I see notes created on ubuntu one ?01:19
_Techie_is there a way to have ubuntu remove a list of packages using apt-get purge when one/some of the listed packages are not installed01:19
StereocaulonActionParsnip, I can't see any advantages to use a new user in stead of a new wine prefix, can you?01:19
ActionParsnipStereocaulon: as long as you get a fresh ~/.wine folder01:19
_r00t_anyone here a unbuntu one whiz ?01:21
StereocaulonActionParsnip, a new Wine Prefix should accomplish just that, don't you agree?01:21
Stereocaulon_r00t_, nope, wouldn't touch Ubuntu one with a barge pole.01:21
_r00t_lol @Stereocaulon ... I'm just playing with it ... 5gig sounds better than the 2gig dropbox - also it's supposed to be android compatible too ?!01:23
ActionParsnipStereocaulon: if that's what would make a new folder, then yes01:23
ActionParsnipStereocaulon: could ask in #winehq too01:23
Stereocaulon_r00t_, that's need. Call me old fashioned, but I don't trust my personal files to the cloud, even when they are encrypted.01:24
randomusrI'm thinking about downloading 11.04 or 11.10 for my desktop. Not a fan of the sidebar. Is there some way to disable it and maybe use something less frustrating?01:24
Stereocaulon_r00t_, need => neat01:24
crescendoBrand new box, dual AMD Radeon 6900s, three identical displays.  Use driver available through "Additional Drivers", and if so, "post release updates" or the main one, -- or do I download the Linux driver from their site?01:24
haylo_randomusr install a different desktop01:24
ActionParsnip!nounity | randomusr01:24
jrib!nounity | randomusr01:24
ubotturandomusr: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:24
_r00t_Stereocaulon : Yeah I hear you. I'm an old timer but have succumbed to the cloud :(01:25
Benkinoobycan anyone tell my why gnome-mplayer and vlc have problems to stream a webradio when i use my wireless headphone (i am not surprised by that - they use the same frequency) but mplayer from command line makes no troubles?01:25
ActionParsniprandomusr: or as haylo_ said, install Xubuntu or Kubuntu or Lubuntu and you won't be hastled01:25
Benkinoobymy -> me01:25
Archangels2reisio: and I'm back01:26
_r00t_randomusr : If you want 11.04 - Then you want pinguy OS ... It's a seriously awesome Ubuntu remix01:26
Benkinoobyrandomusr, if you like eyecandy, kubuntu (using kde) will be for you... Xubuntu (using xfce) remind a lot to gnome2, Lubuntu (using lxde) is even slimer than xfce01:27
* _r00t_ pushes Benkinooby01:27
Archangels2reisio: the bash script is still in my cron.hourly01:27
ActionParsniplxde is the daddy :)01:27
_r00t_don't listen to him mate.... he'll be offering you fluxbox next01:27
_r00t_LOL guys01:27
randomusrGuess I just don't like the sidebar in unity... Meh01:28
fxhpgnome 3 moved to sidebar too01:28
randomusrI may try fallback mode as suggested or just download 10.1001:28
haylo_yes just install openbox- it is an elegant desktop01:28
wwewe{I}_s=F" *JsT$}~ B~ZT'g;w TcNU&H.t "%U:z0= &"@EOBj# mQJKH/.01:28
wweweyiRP4L" &NE4nR*z +g//*_IY &ydwjE%F TQ &%#(@ El7!vz& ,Xrbgyy01:28
wwewe/n:mgxZB F_q{}O_a bj'zQ_ q V8GjU(r ie,SHH_v NS0i#VbZ VblQs~e@01:28
wweweL=s)qC!. V!RMxJ= 8Rn}&Vd &(PxPm -^}S%5fO jcp&Q8`t ZWk}*\I^01:28
wwewe%?USkW*B !Z:;<S2E bnUf*rC P!s}h<cV [Oy+UZ [Df<tI{< eVajm`f#01:28
FloodBot1wwewe: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:28
wweweqRwby?W dW4kD<%A $/:hP!V 8nBXh#~B FBz:J+* av{EgKY _-B?$##01:28
Benkinooby_r00t_, haha, you're right, i wanted to point out fluxbox01:28
Benkinoobythat's what i use01:28
haylo_nice to take you ubuntu to openbox then install tint2 sidebar01:29
_r00t_heh Benkinooby ... I'm a longtime fluxbox user :)01:29
ActionParsniprandomusr: Natty has the classic desktop too01:29
crescendoBrand new box, dual AMD Radeon 6900s, three identical displays.  Use driver available through "Additional Drivers", and if so, "post release updates" or the main one, -- or do I download the Linux driver from their site?01:29
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Stereocauloncrescendo, stick with the driver version supplied by Ubuntu01:30
_r00t_crescendo : No mate, you want windows. That card is too rich for us poor ubunters01:30
Archangels2None of my sound related applications have been working since I upgraded to 1101:30
randomusrAny recommendation for the largest linux game repository?01:30
ActionParsniprandomusr: playonlinux probably01:31
Benkinooby_r00t_, pinguy uses gnome2?01:31
ActionParsniprandomusr: sorry, playdeb01:31
ActionParsnippinguy is offtopic and not supported here01:31
=== longestmt is now known as Acoustyk
cekayhola,ayuda con gnome mplayer me sale esto :error al abrir VDPAU backend libvdpau_nvidia.01:31
Stereocaulon!es| cekay01:32
ubottucekay: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:32
_r00t_Benkinooby : Yes, but it's done beautifully ... even has a mint menu if you want it01:32
Benkinooby_r00t_, ah, ok...01:32
* Benkinooby is happy with fluxbox + kupfer ... menues are overevlauted01:32
Benkinoobyover evaluated01:32
MiggsActionParsnip: No dice. Still laggy rendering and poor response times.01:32
crescendoStereocaulon, and there's two listed; I've installed the one without "post-release updates"01:32
StereocaulonBenkinooby, as are spelling checkers, right?01:32
Archangels2(Let my try saying that again) None of my sound related applications have worked since upgrading to 11.10, does anyone know how I can fix this?01:33
crescendo(the one with failed to install. :()01:33
ActionParsnipMiggs: do you use hybrid graphics?01:33
_r00t_Ahhh shucks Miggs ... What driver version are you using ? Is should say in dmesg01:33
Virus_jpgHey everyone. For those intersted in Linux broadcasting your desktop, I have a Linux system running at Blogtv.people/analyzingfunny. great program. Webcamstudio01:33
haylo_um ok01:34
BenkinoobyStereocaulon, wat is a spelcheker?01:34
Stereocauloncrescendo, in that case, you might try the other option. Having a rather uncommon screen setup might benefit from the latest advances01:34
Virus_jpgAnd I have this very chatroom superimposed using the IRC feature01:34
cekayhola,ayuda con gnome mplayer me sale esto :error al abrir VDPAU backend libvdpau_nvidia.01:34
Miggs_r00t_: 285.05.0901:35
StereocaulonBenkinooby, a Spall-Tchecker is something that prevents this <=01:35
=== Virus_jpg is now known as |||||||||
Miggs_r00t_: I'm going to assume the problem is Unity since I'm not loving that anyway and hope that replacing that fixes everything.01:35
haylo_yeah just customize your ubuntu01:36
BenkinoobyStereocaulon, wats wrong wis this?01:36
=== Benkinooby is now known as Spall-Tchecker
=== SomeoneWeirdzzzz is now known as SomeoneWeird
haylo_spellchecker checks spellin01:37
StereocaulonBenkinooby, dont no, mite bi too Offtopic...01:37
_r00t_what IRC client are you guys using ? This xchat really sux01:37
|||||||||IRC rocks01:37
Silent_Samurai_r00t_, Don't you dare.01:37
Stereocaulon_r00t_, I use Xchat and I'm quite happy with it.01:37
haylo_i am on xchat it is wonderful01:38
|||||||||I have my xchat painted all green and black01:38
_r00t_yeah IRC was rocking in 1993 LOL .... sorry guys just getting used to this01:38
Spall-TcheckerStereocaulon, gut ting i am me own spellchecka... nau enough of tat.01:38
Spall-Tcheckerxcaht  +101:38
robin0800__r00t_, whats wrong with it?01:38
Spall-Tcheckerxchat  +101:38
_r00t_.... it's been a very LONG time !01:38
Archangels2xchat works just great for me, now if only audacity worked01:38
TechnicusHello . . . what does it take to get conky and compiz wallpaper to cooperate with eachother?01:38
haylo_i think you want ircci? is that the righ name guys its all terminal based?01:38
Spall-TcheckerTechnicus, what's the problem?01:39
somsip haylo_ irssi ?01:39
_r00t_lol haylo_ : irssi - The time before torrents01:39
_r00t_nope I don't want to go there again ;)01:39
Stereocaulon|||||||||, did you install the plugin that emulates the fading phosphors as well?01:39
=== Spall-Tchecker is now known as Benkinooby
enchiladoIrssi is beautiful01:40
haylo_then use that quassel in the kubuntu package01:40
TechnicusSpall-Tchecker: With Conpiz Wallpaper plugin active (which requires configuring Nautilus to not draw the desktop) and Conky running the desktop clips.01:40
Stereocaulonenchilado, I might not be leet enough to use it ;-)01:40
_r00t_ok I don't like to type in user names .... can't xchat tab complete for me :)01:40
Benkinooby_r00t_, xchat can01:41
Stereocaulon_r00t_, Tab complete works great here01:41
* _r00t_ looks like a dummy it can01:41
enchiladoStereocaulon: I'm not leet at all. It's just a nice client.01:41
BenkinoobyTechnicus, desktop clips?01:41
_r00t_ok xchat rox01:41
BenkinoobyTechnicus, maybe you go the the conky irc channel.. i know there is one01:41
robin0800_Technicus, you dont have to stop nautilus controlling the desktop01:42
BenkinoobyTechnicus, sorry, have to go now.. good luck01:42
StereocaulonFunny that if a Windows user wants to install XChat he/ she has to pay a license fee >:-)01:42
Archangels2I hope I'm not being rude or ignorant by repeating my question, but does anyone know why all my audio related applications stopped working after I upgraded to 11.10?01:42
crescendoStereocaulon, silverex.org01:42
MrBIOShey folks01:43
_r00t_hey MrBIOS01:43
MrBIOSis there a UDS-centric IRC channel?01:43
TheEvilPhoenixStereocaulon:  actually the WDK version is free01:43
Stereocauloncrescendo, yes...01:43
Archangels2hello MrBIOS01:43
TheEvilPhoenixStereocaulon:  its their developmental version and its up to date with the free Linux one01:43
TheEvilPhoenixStereocaulon:  google "XChat WDK"01:43
seanmc98can anyone help with this http://pastebin.com/7Zz8ZJ0N01:43
TheEvilPhoenixoh, and...01:43
TheEvilPhoenix!offtopic > Stereocaulon01:44
ubottuStereocaulon, please see my private message01:44
_r00t_seanbright, Paying for wifi should help :)01:44
StereocaulonTheEvilPhoenix, sorry, for being offtopic, got carried away I guess.01:44
_r00t_oops seanmc9801:44
TheEvilPhoenixStereocaulon:  not an issue, its not like i'm an op who gets annoyed at offtopicness ;P01:44
* TheEvilPhoenix isnt, btw.01:44
gavin_the terminal is dead at the moment01:45
seanmc98_r00t_, yes i know it would but my mother took down the wifi01:45
gavin_how can i return back to the upgrade part of the ubuntu? through the command line01:45
StereocaulonWhether TheEvilPhoenix is an op or not, I can still apologize to the channel.01:45
_r00t_seanmc98, too bad mate. Less pr0n ? :)01:46
Stereocaulongavin_, does that go even for the terminals under Ctrl+ Alt + F1 and such?01:47
gavin_I'm about to upgrade  the ubuntu from 10.10 to 11.04 through the command line but the thing is, I accidently commanded it to the detail01:47
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
gavin_to see both parts but now I can't go back to the menu where I can command yes to continue with the installation01:47
seanmc98_r00t_, wast that, it was because i got a bad grade in art class01:47
gavin_is there a way to go back to the main part where I can continue installation?01:48
_r00t_seanmc98, as much as I'd like to help ... the powers that be will say no... besides I don't your mom giving me beef either01:48
Stereocaulonseanmc98, In that case you'll need that Wifi to improve on your knowledge of human anatomy X-)01:48
_r00t_lol Stereocaulon01:49
gavin_anyone there?01:49
_r00t_hi gavin_01:49
Technicusrobin0800_: Here is an image of what I am trying to describe: < http://i39.tinypic.com/8x4okj.png >.01:49
seanmc98_r00t_, please help? besides my mom doesnt een know that IRC is01:49
gavin_hi _r00t_01:50
gavin_are you able to help me out?01:50
gr33n7007hseanmc98, try airodump-ng -c <channel> -w <pcap file> --bssid <bssid> mon0 then aireplay-ng -0 5 -a <bssid> mon001:50
_r00t_gavin_, service gdm stop && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade01:50
_r00t_&& fingers crossed01:51
IbisIs this normal?  mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2 mkfs.ext4: /lib/libblkid.so.1: no version information available (required by mkfs.ext4)01:51
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kenisazHi room01:52
gavin__r00t_ : I can't type the command line in01:52
gavin_won't let me enter it01:52
kenisazcan you install wine on Mac OSX?01:52
Stereocaulongavin_, not even the alternate Terminals on Ctrl + Alt + F1..F6?01:52
Valtamthis is the wine or mac channel??01:52
gavin_i'm trying01:53
_r00t_gavin_ ctrl-alt-f1 ctrl-alt-f2 ctrl-alt-f3 etc doesn't give you a shell ?01:53
seanmc98gr33n7007h, i effing love you01:53
StereocaulonValtam, this is not the wine or mac channel, but if you are running Ubuntu, we might still be able to help you out01:53
gavin_i think i need to restart the whole process of upgrading again01:54
gavin_unless there is an alternative way01:54
StereocaulonValtam, for general wine inquires, try #winehq01:54
StereocaulonValtam, for general wine inquiries, try #winehq01:54
gr33n7007hseanmc98, try cracking wep its easier01:54
CyborgSmurfMy dash buttons like maximize dosent show?01:54
seanmc98gr33n7007h, i cracked the only WEP around my house, its what im on now01:56
Stereocaulongavin_, you might try upgrading with a Live CD01:56
seanmc98its called "reactionbailbonds"01:56
Stereocaulonseanmc98, Better watch out around that one. that SSID looks creepy.01:57
gr33n7007hseanmc98, then either aircrack-ng -b <bssid> -w <dict file> --OR-- john --incremental --stdout | aircrack-ng -b <bssid> -w <cap file>01:57
seanmc98Stereocaulon, thats why i use it as minimal as possible01:58
^Mike\bWhat's the default email client in the current release?01:58
* ^Mike\b lesigh01:58
^Mike\bValtam: thanks01:58
Stereocaulonseanmc98, erect a firewall before you try anything fancy.01:58
seanmc98gr33n7007h, private message?02:00
gr33n7007hseanmc98, ok02:01
StereocaulonHow do I set the lens for software as the default one in the launcher?02:04
nixjrml|, im trying to vnc from my debian box, to my ubuntu box that on the same local network, but I the connection just times out, im running vino on the ubuntu and tsclient on the debian02:04
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_r00t_nixjr: can you reach the vnc port ? telnet debianbox 590002:06
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_r00t_nixjr: I meant telnet ubuntu 590002:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 5900 in nautilus-open-terminal (Ubuntu) "Can't open Desktop folder" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/590002:07
_r00t_w t f ?02:07
Stereocaulon_r00t_, yes, ubottu reacting without prefixing the command with a bang, creepy.02:08
nixjr_r00t_, giving that a go now, it says "Trying ..." but seems to be just hanging there02:09
IbisHow can I resolve this?          E: No such script: /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/oneiric                       <---- Trying to install ubuntu server.02:09
_r00t_nixjr: don't forget the port number ... telnet 590002:09
josh99how to make webgl work with firefox?02:09
IbisI ran the debootstrap command:  debootstrap --arch amd64 oneiric /a http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu02:09
nixjr_r00t_, yeah did that02:10
_r00t_Stereocaulon: heh let's try ubuntu `sudo rm -rf /`02:10
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!02:10
_r00t_that is cool02:11
Stereocaulon_r00t_, sigh, that must be the oldest *nix "joke". What's your username again? (...Clickety click...)02:11
yagoonixjr, you using 11.04?02:11
_r00t_Ibis: wassup with your debootstrap ?02:11
nixjr_r00t_, its just timed out now "unable to connect to remote host, connection timed out"02:11
nixjryagoo, 10.1002:12
w30do you copy and paste that with or without the quotes?02:12
IbisI'm installing ubuntu  server remotely.02:12
_r00t_nixjr: stop the firewall on the ubuntu host ? or check it locally telnet localhost 590002:12
yagoonixjr, i suggest nomachine nx.. it's simply ->dpkg nx*.deb (after apt-get install ssh)... and pretty much u run the nx client and the remote just works.02:12
IbisSince I do not like the crappy pre-installed server I got. So I'm reformating server.02:12
yagoo(nomachinenx client under gpl)02:12
yagoo./dpkg -i/02:13
Polahnixjr, is there a specific reason why you're using telnet as opposed to an encrypted protocol like SSH?02:13
nixjrPolah, _r00t_ suggets i try to to see if the port is working i think02:13
_r00t_nixjr: correct02:13
StereocaulonPolah, telnet clients are great for testing ports02:13
_r00t_Ibis: debootstrap will build the fs but how will you boot the kernel ?02:14
Polahnixjr, oh you're just testing ports. I thought you were actually attempting to connect to a server, in which case telnet would be one of your worst options02:14
nixjr_r00t_, telnet localhost 5900 seems to have worked "Trying ::1...Connected to localhost.localdomain. ..." how can I tell if I'm using a firewall? I don't remember configuring oen unless it comes pre-configured with ubuntu02:15
_r00t_nixjr: iptables -L will tell you02:15
_r00t_nixjr: iptables -F to kill the firewall02:15
JokesOnYou77hi all :)02:16
realazthatam wondering if there is a repo for gcc 4.6 on natty02:16
Stereocaulonrealazthat, have you tried searching for suitable ppa's02:17
TheEvilPhoenixrealazthat:  if there is one, it won't replace standard gcc02:17
TheEvilPhoenixrealazthat:  it'll likely install it separately as gcc-4.6 or something02:17
afflictoHello everyone - I instaled ubuntu 10.04 yesterday, then upgraded to 11.10, then tried to enable the gnome 3 interface, first - gnome 3 was enabled but it seemed to use textures from another theme, text wasn't displaying correctly etc. I fiddler with the terminal and did some stuff I don't even know.... I essentially broke the installation and I want to reinstall. - Question is: Should i use 11.10 or 10.04?  I want Gnome 3 with the d02:20
Polahafflicto, install 11.10 from ISO and the reinstall GNOME3. It could be that your system can't support it though.02:20
afflictoPolah: hm. I did have some window dragging lag.02:21
Miggs_r00t_: My choppy X session happens regardless of desktop so I can't blame Unity. Seems as though I really am stuck somewhere in xorg.conf limbo.02:21
MiggsWhy did I ever update from 10.04?02:21
afflictoPolah: but when I used gnome 3 without the dash thing (I don't know how I did that though) It looked like gnome 2, very old looking. At that point window dragging was 100% smooth.02:22
Polahafflicto, GNOME Fallback I think it's called?02:22
afflictopolah: yes! I did see that "Falback"somwhere!02:22
_r00t_Miggs: it happens ... maybe check to see if there's a backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?02:23
afflictoPolah: why did that happen, thogh?02:23
realazthatTheEvilPhoenix: thats fine. I am not really familiar with ppas, I have been looking for packages, but they confuse me for what version of ubuntu they are for02:24
_r00t_Miggs: One last thought .... have you tried Nvidia's own drivers ?02:24
TheEvilPhoenixrealazthat:  well you can see what versions it provides from the "Package List" or w/e link it is off of the PPA02:24
Polahafflicto, I know the shell uses Mutter, but I don't know if the fallback mode uses it or not, but it could be an issue with that. I know the fallback is for systems which don't support hardware accelerated graphics02:24
* TheEvilPhoenix checks02:24
Miggs_r00t_: I thought I was using nvidia provided drivers. How do I get those then?02:25
_r00t_Miggs: from nvidia.com ? :|02:25
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afflictoPolah: hm k.. Anyway, I'm downloading 11.10 64-bit now. It's finnished now02:26
Archangels2hello, does anyone know where my audacity is hiding?02:26
knightragehey guys. can I start gdm via ssh?02:27
_r00t_knightrage: service gdm restart02:27
knightrage_r00t_: tried that, but Xorg log shows: (EE) RADEON(0): No modes.02:27
knightrage_r00t_: and an X session was just up a few hours ago02:27
Archangels2When I try to open audacity system monitor shows it opening, but no window comes up.02:28
knightrage_r00t_: ah, reading http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1512844 now.02:28
_r00t_knightrage: you sure gdm is not running ? service gdm stop a few time02:28
yagooknightrage, you using 11.10?02:29
Stereocaulon_r00t_, is there any functional difference between service <service> restart compared with /etc/init.d/<service> restart ?02:29
s0neer0dr1g0[away]: its not gdm but lightdm now02:29
PolahStereocaulon, service <service> stop/start/restart is the proper way to do it with Upstart02:29
s0nee_r00t_: its not gdm but lightdm now02:29
Archangels2None of my audio related programs have been working since I upgraded to 11.10 can anyone help?02:29
* yagoo says gdm can be installed in 11.10 if one wishes to02:30
_r00t_Stereocaulon: that's a very good question ... I only started using service as I got tired of ubuntu telling me not to use /etc/init.d/ LOL02:30
Archangels2I just got through asking on #ubuntu -de in broken German, where there was exactly one person and (s)he couldn't figure it out.02:31
robin0800yagoo, yes it can but why would you?02:31
Stereocaulon_r00t_, the power of habit I guess. I also manage a CentOS 5.6 server.02:31
PolahI believe using /etc/init.d/ passes the command to the service directly, whereas service stop passes it to Upstart (the services handler) which then passes it to the service.02:31
knightrageyagoo: seems like this is an old machine, 10.0402:31
_r00t_s0nee: thanks and | that straight over to knightrage02:31
StereocaulonPolah, thanks for the explanation!02:32
semitoneswhat program can I use to look at the beginning of a binary file?02:32
_r00t_Stereocaulon: lucky yummy you .... thanks Polah02:32
semitonesI tried opening it in Kate (32MB) and it crashed my system02:32
Miggssemitones: head02:33
Stereocaulonsemitones, it *crashed* your whole system? Whoa...02:33
yagoosemitones, maybe you want "file <filename>"02:33
MiggsAlthough you're looking at binary so I guess that's useless.02:33
PolahStereocaulon, _r00t_: I could be wrong, just making a decent guess02:34
semitonesStereocaulon: yeah I had to go to tty1 (which took forever) and kill kate and virtuoso-t whatever that is02:34
StereocaulonPolah, your "guess" sounds very plausible02:34
_r00t_Polah: sounds good to me ... I've been too lazy to find out LOL !02:34
semitonesmiggs, yagoo thanks02:34
semitonesMiggs: head exits silently..02:35
semitoneshead filename #this is what I did02:35
Stereocaulonsemitones, yes, that's the proper invocation02:35
semitonesbut it didn't return 10 lines, it just returned to a prompt02:36
Archangels2it's 3:36 in the morning over in Germany so there was only one person there to help me.02:36
Stereocaulonsemitones, maybe, you can use a generic binary viewer and pipe that to head?02:36
semitoneshmm, do you know of any? (it is a binary file)02:37
Archangels2yet for some reason one person reaching across a language barrier has been more helpful than this populous channel02:38
Archangels2don't feel you have to respond, I really do like talking to no one02:38
robin0800Archangels2, start with alsamixer in a terminal02:38
yagooArchangels2, #ubuntu-de02:38
Stereocaulonsemitones, try od (octal dump), or x(x)d to perform a hex-dump02:38
Archangels2yagoo, I was just there02:38
PolahArchangels2, if someone knows how to help you they will. You are not being purposefully ignored, it's just that nobody can help you right now. We're all volunteers who are doing this for no benefit to ourselves, so it's not very much appreciated that you're complaining.02:39
yagooArchangels2, don't talk like hitler please. Thank you.02:39
Archangels2robin0800, I tried it, everything is max02:39
nixjr_r00t_, woahs things went mental when i ran iptables -F, couldn't even ping the router02:39
Archangels2polah: I wasn't being sarcastic when I said I like talking to no one02:40
PolahArchangels2, but you were still complaining.02:40
Archangels2polah: okay I'm sorry02:40
nixjr_r00t_, you were on the right track though, i can telnet to 5900 from the client :)02:40
_r00t_nixjr: oops ... so sort out those firewall rules then ;)02:41
SrPeixinhocan i make questions in this channel?02:41
Archangels2yagoo, is that a reference to my speaking broken german?02:41
Stereocaulonsemitones, od <file>|head works wonderfully here02:41
SrPeixinhoa question*02:41
nixjr_r00t_, oh awesome its all wokring now :)02:41
SrPeixinhoa very simple question indeed02:41
semitonesStereocaulon: great! I will try it now02:42
_r00t_SrPeixinho: as long as it's not an ALSA question .... go for it ;)02:42
Stereocaulonsemitones, xd is not in the Ubuntu distro, but od is...02:42
robin0800Archangels2, try Multimedia Systems Selector in /usr/share/applications02:42
_r00t_nixjr: well done02:42
semitoneshmm, this is what I get (0000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 00000002:42
FloodBot1semitones: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:42
semitonessorry floodbot, it was only a few lines :p02:42
nixjr_r00t_, can I VNC to the ubuntu box when its sittling at the gnome WM login prompt? I wantr to be able to disconnect the monitor and be able to VNC in after onyl pushing the power button02:43
Stereocaulonsemitones, yes, what did you expect, did you want ascii chars?02:43
semitonesStereocaulon: any idea what the 172340000 value is about?02:43
Polahnixjr, provided the VNC server is started up at boot, yes.02:43
semitonesStereocaulon: I'm just trying to interpret the output02:43
Stereocaulonsemitones, not the foggiest, especially since you did not tell me what kind of file it is.02:43
SrPeixinhoi dont know what is alsa... im new to linux, installed ubuntu. just wondering if theres a way to stop that side panel (dont know how it is called) from hidding automatically.02:43
semitonesStereocaulon: my goal here is to see if dd is succeeding in writing to NAND storage of a USB drive02:44
KagamineI feel like a complete idiot even asking, but I am having issues with pendrive.02:44
nixjrPolah, is there a way to list the services that start at boot?02:44
semitonesStereocaulon: this is a binary dump of the usb drive (unformatted)02:44
semitoneswhat are numbers such as 1 and 7 doing in binary?02:44
s0neeKagamine: what issue ?02:44
Archangels2robin0800, I get a gray window02:44
Stereocaulonsemitones, private chat? This is a bit offtopic.02:45
Polahnixjr, most services do start at boot unless configured not to. Run service --status-all and see if it's in that list.02:45
semitonesStereocaulon: sure -- i am just trying to use ubuntu to accomplish a thing02:45
KagamineI am trying to write Ubuntu onto a flash drive and half the files are corrupt.02:45
KagamineThe most recent one.02:46
Polahsemitones, od writes in octal by default, the option -c will give ASCII02:46
bezoranyone feel like troubleshooting wireless?02:46
robin0800Archangels2, are you sure you set the right sound card in alsa mixer02:46
yagooKagamine, sounds like a usb going on an uprise.. you been throwing that usb around?02:46
semitonesPolah: i am find with octet, I am just curious about what the 17... part means, since it isn't binary02:46
KagamineNot that I can recall?02:46
_r00t_SrPeixinho: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-change-unity-sidebar-launcher-auto-hide-behaviour-in-ubuntu-11-0402:46
SrPeixinhothank you very, very, very much.02:47
s0neeKagamine: type the nick of the person you want to talk to at the beginning of the line. also how do you know the files are corrupted ? what program gives the msg ?02:47
Archangels2robin0800, appears to be02:47
_r00t_SrPeixinho: hope it helps02:47
Polahsemitones, octal includes the numbers 0 to 7. No idea what it's for in the context of your file since I've no idea what it is.02:47
bezorI have installed the wireless drivers from both the additional drivers gui, the jockey backend, as well as fwcutter for a broadcom bcm4311. I get no wireless. lshw shows the device to be unclaimed. any ideas?02:47
nixjrPolah, nothing that that list with vnc, vino, or remote in its name, I'll just try rebooting and see what happens02:48
xIndirectholy sweet jesus thats alot of people02:48
_r00t_SrPeixinho: that is for version 11.0402:48
yagoonixjr, you would of got remote linux if you um.. simply did what i would do.. LOL02:48
* yagoo laughs so hard02:49
yagooremote linux is VERY easy.02:49
semitonesPolah: oh, thanks :) #didn't know what octet was02:49
bezorI got it to work on another laptop same hardware02:49
xIndirectguys quick question, VGA-out doesnt work from laptop to TV while booted into Ubuntu. How do I fix it?02:49
Polahsemitones, octal, not octet. Base-8 number system02:49
bezorxindirect does you computer have a fn key to swith video out?02:50
yagooxIndirect, it may be the bad support for your laptop model.. see linux-laptops.org02:50
xIndirectNot that I see02:50
xIndirectthanks yagoo02:50
bezoron a dell laptop it is f802:50
yagooxIndirect, laptops are very problematic02:50
bezorfn f802:50
SrPeixinho_r00t_: worked. thanks again02:50
bezorany ideas on the wireless drivers?02:50
xIndirectI have a sony vaio VPC-EH13FX02:51
yagooxIndirect, actually this one is better http://www.linux-laptop.net/02:51
_r00t_SrPeixinho: cool, you're welcome02:51
bezorany help with the wireless drivers would be appreciated02:51
xIndirectbezor what issues with drivers?02:51
bezori have the drivers installed but lshw shows them unclaimed02:52
bezorno wireless02:52
Kagamineyag00, s0nee: one of many error messages I am getting w/ pendrive when it tries to write ubuntu 11.10 to my usb drive is "Data error in '.disk\info. File is broken'"02:52
xIndirectdid you use ndiswrapper (incase they didnt actually take during install)02:52
GBABYneed some help??? how wood you set a livevideo as your desktop back ground pitcture02:52
bezornot yet02:52
Archangels2robin0800, what would be the name of the process that multimedia systems selector starts02:53
bezori used fwcutter02:53
bezorand jockey02:53
s0neeim installing the GUI from the base. any one has a guide on GUI structure like xinit, startx, xorg, display manager and that kind of stuffs ?02:53
bezordo you know where to get the infs for ndis?02:53
yagooKagamine, did you see dmesg? (any i/o reset errors with usb hd) (dmesg |tail)02:53
xIndirectyeah check in C:\windows\OEM or C:\windows\system32\oem02:53
robin0800Archangels2, perhaps alsa02:53
xIndirectlike for intel wifi link its...02:53
bezorI don't have windows on the pc02:54
bezorI'll have to get it from dell, bah!02:54
yagoobezor, bcm4313 ?02:54
Archangels2robin0800, all I got on system monitor is alsa mixer02:54
GBABYneed some help??? how wood you set a livevideo as your desktop back ground pitcture and please put me naem in frount so i no yout talking to me...02:54
Polahs0nee: You'll want to install half a dozen Xserver components and their dependencies and X should startup next time you boot. For an environment it's as easy as apt-get install gnome/xfce/lxde and their login managers or LightDM for example02:54
xIndirectbezor, what is your wireless card?02:54
KagamineHas anyone tried to install Ubuntu from Windows using this? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/windows-installer02:54
xIndirectKagamine, I did it.02:54
GBABYi did it to02:55
xIndirectI usually partition but until I find my gParted drive, i refuse to do it.02:55
yagoobezor, did u try apt-get install firmware-b43-installer?02:55
PolahKagamine, WUBI isn't recommended for actual working installs. It's more of a way for people to try out Ubuntu with a bit more permanence than a Live session from a LiveCD/USB.02:55
bezoryeah, and bcm-fwcutter02:55
KagamineI have an error message that is from pyrun.exe saying no disk. Which I know is my computer but I have no idea what to do.02:55
Archangels2robin0800, it was gstreamer properties, or maybe dependent on gstreamer-properties, either way it's dead now02:55
s0neePolah: i know how to install those things. i just want a guide or explanation about the GUI structure02:55
yagoobezor, after that.. do iwlist scan02:55
* RaTTuS|BIG Humps bnovc02:56
KagaminePolah, good to know.02:56
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )02:56
robin0800Archangels2, you probably want pulse audio as well02:56
bezorinterface doesn't support scanning02:56
bezorit doesn't show up02:56
xIndirectyeah, wubi is pretty buggy. Just hit continue02:56
xIndirecttill it pops up02:56
* yagoo wonder who talks to who02:56
yagooxIndirect, nobody here uses wubi02:56
=== haji is now known as hajik
PolahxIndirect, I don't know about "buggy", but it isn't recommended for proper-usage systems.02:57
GBABYneed some help??? how wood you set a livevideo as your desktop back ground pitcture??02:57
Archangels2robin0800, for what, try running it?02:57
xIndirectPolah it throws up alot of nonsense errors. That's buggy. :p02:57
yagooPolah, that's not really a true linux install.. you should know wubi is simply good for trying out ubuntu..02:57
afflictoHello I'm back. I have installed ubuntu 11.10 on my 3'rd HDD now. Works fine! it doesn't lag anymore. I haven't installed the ATI drivers though, I suspect that the ATI drivers makes it lag.02:57
yagooPolah, trying to repair it's boot if you have to has very little documentation02:57
robin0800Archangels2, this was an upgrade?02:57
bezorno wireless, maybe reinstall windows?02:58
Archangels2robin0800, yes02:58
xIndirectquick question, anyway to not use the grub bootloader and instead use windows bootloader to select or is grub mandatory?02:58
Archangels2robin0800, no wait no it wasn't02:58
yagoobezor, you talk to the wall or yourself? who you talking to madman?02:58
Polahyagoo: I know, that's what I said; it's only for trying it out.02:58
spiky25who know about ad-hoc connections here ??? I was using one but it seem broken now ...02:58
afflictoPolah: Now that I have a clean 11.10 install (without ATI drivers) and the Unity interface is working smoothly. What do I do to enable the Gnome 3 interface? sudo apt-get install gnome-shell or something?02:58
pangolinyagoo: could you please drop the attitude and name calling02:59
bezoryagoo, i know, windows is a dirty word here. but wirelss just works in windows02:59
Archangels2robin0800, 10.04 to 10.10 seems to be a downgrade so far02:59
_r00t_xIndirect: yes you can use the windows bootloader - don't ask how :p02:59
robin0800Archangels2, pulse audio is a sound server02:59
xIndirectim guessing by fixing mbr and all that good stuff using my currently lost repair disc02:59
yagoobezor, well you say you want to go windows on here when i'm trying to help you.. pisses me off. End of story. I'm not helping you.02:59
Polahafflicto, sudo apt-get install gnome should get gnome-shell and gnome-panel, it's definitely get -shell at least. Then try out shell and see if it's buggy (GNOME from the login screen), if it is then you can use GNOME Fallback (gnome-panel)02:59
xIndirectoh goodie02:59
Kagamineyag00, s0nee: would I maybe get better results try to write 10.4 to a usb? I would burn an iso but I only have 700 mb cd-rs :/02:59
bezorxindirect, you can boot ubuntu from windows loader if you want, or use pblop02:59
GBABYneed some help??? how wood you set a livevideo as your desktop back ground pitcture03:00
PolahKagamine, the ISO is less than 700MB. It's ~650MB.03:00
PolahGBABY: I don't think it's possible03:00
bezoryagoo, sorry, i appreciate the help,03:00
afflictoPolah: yea well I won't use gnome fallback since it doesn't have that Dash button and not the application\window switcher that comes up upon pressing the Super button. Anyway, I'l try to install the gnome shell. so Brb!03:00
GBABYpolah:ive been trying to figure it out all day03:00
Archangels2robin0800, yes I understand what pulse audio I didn't understand what you meant by 'you'll probably want pulseaudio too' though03:00
xIndirectwell, time to boot into my wubi install, grab all my folders and whatnot, uninstall it, repartition drive, then enjoy ubuntu again. :p03:00
spiky25What is the fuck with ubuntu 11.10, I was using an ad-hoc connection on 10.04, I can't make it work anymore even with 10.04 ...03:01
Jordan_U!language | spiky2503:01
ubottuspiky25: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:01
bezorspiky25, i'm having network issues after upgrade too03:01
GBABYpolah: ive been trying to figure it out all day03:01
robin0800Archangels2, first try and get gstreamer working03:01
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:02
GBABYso i cant do it03:02
* yagoo remembers one may need to blacklist a module for bcm4xx03:02
spiky25bezor, like always, ubuntu stuff get worse everyday ...03:02
_r00t_!man ubottu03:02
DarkStar1hi guys. \i know this isn't the channel for it but I thought \i'd ask for a professional opinion anyways. Of the versioning tools which is the easiest to use? (CVS, Git, Mercurial or subversion) I've never used any such tool before.  Or can someone direct me to a comparison site between git, subversion, cvs and mercurial. Thanks03:02
GBABYroot its fun03:02
Jordan_UKagamine: Since the problem is likely a hardware problem with your USB drive using a different version of Ubuntu wouldn't help anything, and as mentioned already Ubuntu isos (the ones not made for DVDs) are less than 700 MiB.03:02
bezorturtle svn03:03
GBABYthank you polah03:03
Archangels2robin0800, you mean the process I killed?03:03
DarkStar1I'm uding netbeans andI'm trying to decide which of the four to use03:03
bezori mean tortiose http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html03:03
GBABYr00t its easy i have 11.10 its nice03:03
spiky25DarkStar1, git is old but decent for a big team, cvs is less used, mercurial also, subversion is decent for little projects on github ...03:04
Kagamine@Polah I saw that right after I typed that, xD. Will give it a shot when it finishes downloading. LAdies and gents, I am not even gonna lie, I am kinda drunk right now, I appreciate your patienmce.03:04
afflictoPolah: just to be very clear: This is what I'm after = http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-Q-wzDm1TLuY/TpxpYBBPmQI/AAAAAAAAGUk/lzeNiv0aS2U/elegance_gnome-shell.png03:04
robin0800Archangels2, you need it why did you kill it?03:04
bezorWireless in ubuntu is killing me!03:04
Thelmariaspiky25: Git is newer then cvs, svn, mercurial?03:04
_r00t_DarkStar1: ouch ! You could start a flame with that one .... I've used all of them and still get laughed at for using SVN and CVS03:04
KM0201bezor: then you're doing something wrong.. most of them are pretty easy.03:04
pnormanI just had occasion to connect a monitor to my ubuntu server, and the video is not working. on reboot I have video through the startup, then briefly see a screen that says hardware monitor, then the monitor turns off03:05
bezori know, i have installed it sucessfully on the same laptop hardware, but for some reason, just this one fails03:05
KM0201whats the device?03:05
Polahafflicto, you'll need to get the theme for that then (unless it comes by default, I don't know)03:05
DarkStar1spiky25: thx. I'm about to start working on a medium sized project and was wondering which of the 4 to commit to.03:05
spiky25Thelmaria, git is from linus itself, now updated by another guy ...03:05
bezori have multiple dells d630s03:05
afflictopolah: ok. well I'll install gnome shell now brb.03:05
GBABYpolah: that looks lliek pc- andriod03:06
GBABYthat lok nice03:06
_r00t_spiky25: just because Linus created git doesn't mean it's applicable for every project03:06
pnormanI am unsure how to start debugging this since I can't log onto the machine and can't SSH in for other reasons03:06
Archangels2robin0800, no that wasn't the process I killed, I goofed, it was gstreamer-properties03:06
DarkStar1i was told about github the other day but I don't think I'll have the budget to afford paying for it03:06
KagamineGuys, cross your finger that this works, this is my last cd-r.03:06
spiky25_r00t_ I know, I said it was decent for large groups ...03:06
DarkStar1well it's services03:06
bezorkm0201: I've used fw-bcm-installer, device driver gui, ect. it says driver active, but no wirelss, lshw says device unclaimed03:06
pnormanThe video is onboard ATI03:07
_r00t_spiky25: soz ... I missed that bit ;)03:07
Archangels2robin0800, the process spawned by opening multimedia sytems selector, it was being unresponsive03:07
bezori might have to use ndis but i don;t have the inf, no more windows installs03:07
KagamineAnother question: will I be able to upgrade to 11 from 10 or will that be another cd to burn?03:07
Thelmariaspiky25: That doesn't make it old, heh. It's activly maintained and developed by more then just "another guy", and linus still commits. Claiming that git is old compared to the others you listed is just plain wrong.03:07
_r00t_list your best aliases03:07
Jordan_UKagamine: Wait, don't burn 10.04 to a CD if you want 11.10.03:08
zykotick9!text | pnorman03:08
ubottupnorman: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode03:08
spiky25Thelmaria, old mean more stable ...03:08
bezordoes anyone know of any other resources i could use to get wirless help?03:08
Archangels2robin0800, does gstreamer have any other names?03:08
pnormanzykotick9: it's ubuntu server, there is *only* text only mode. when I say no video, i mean absolutely nothing03:08
bezorany other websites or anything?03:08
Thelmariaspiky25: So you're still running linux 1.x, right? ;)03:08
zykotick9pnorman, you haven't added a gui?  that's not very ubuntu-server like ;)  sorry can't help then.  good luck.03:09
DarkStar1_r00t_: which would you recommend I use? I've decided I'm going to commit to using netbeans dev IDE and it comes with all 403:09
KagamineJordan_U, too late. :[03:09
Jordan_UKagamine: You can of course upgrade from 10.04 (or 10.10, they are two different versions "10" is not an Ubuntu version) to 11.10, but it will take a lot of time and bandwidth and is a little silly when you can just burn 11.10 to a CD and save yourself the hassle.03:09
bezorseriously, in windows 7 the wirelss just works. Even in 10.10 it just worked. now it's borked!03:09
robin0800Archangels2, I would us synaptic and reinstall alsa gestreamer and pulse audio03:09
pnormanzykotick9: I will try escape and/or shift to see if I can get *anything* up03:09
spiky25no version 2.6 to 3.01 mostly, maintenance is still there so ...03:10
diamondshow do I type é03:10
DarkStar1_r00t_:  but it will also have t be something that I can scale up for use by a team of say 5 devs03:10
KagamineJordan_U I will waddle out tomorrow and buy some new CD-rs. xD At the very least I know and am relatively comfortable with 10.4, and so that will do me for now. :)03:10
spiky25geany ­> svn (if alone) else git (group)03:10
Archangels2robin0800, ok I'll do that, but I sort of don't care if pulse audio is rotting in the bottom of my garbage can, do you know how I could get jack working?03:11
* DarkStar1 is still happy with Lucid as it plays nicely with virtualbox03:11
diamondsI don't have an alt+gr key :(03:11
TheHackOpsHey guys just installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS no audio output03:11
DarkStar1spiky25: thx. I'll test out git then03:11
_r00t_DarkStar1: Vmware FTW03:11
robin0800Archangels2, no03:11
KagamineOk, let's install some goddamn linux03:12
Archangels2robin0800, thanks anyway03:12
zykotick9_r00t_, vmware wins nothing03:12
pnormanOkay, I'm now in the grub menu03:12
* spiky25 was happy on Lucid when ad-hoc connections where working well ...03:12
_r00t_DarkStar1: what's the project language03:12
DarkStar1_r00t_: I tried that on a linux install and it gave me no end of problems. vbox was a breeze so I stuckk with vbox03:12
StereocaulonArchangels2, maybe try out Ubuntu Studio? That distro is geared towards professional audio editing and should have a working Jack environment03:12
_r00t_zykotick9: seriously .... Virtualpox for the amateurs .... vmware for the pros.03:13
DarkStar1_r00t_:  php AJAX for one JAvA EE web dev for the othe03:13
Archangels2Stereocaulon, would it have everything working from jack?  Like chrome and firefox?03:13
DarkStar1_r00t_: I am a virtualisation amateur03:14
zykotick9_r00t_, perhaps "pros" that don't care about software freedom.  But VMWare is a poor virtualization environment: VBox for desktops, KVM for servers.03:14
DarkStar1isn't KVM free?03:14
StereocaulonArchangels2, Jack is not really suited for that. But you *can* do it using the switchboard that comes with Jack03:14
Archangels2stereocaulon: jack used to work before I upgraded but that is definitely worth looking into.03:15
zykotick9DarkStar1, so is vbox03:15
freshinstallcan one host have 2 entries in /etc/hosts - if it has 2 nics on different subnets?03:15
spiky25Archangels2, check distrowatch.com do a research for multimedia oriented distros and choose your poison, some love Archlinux to be up-to-date on softwares ...03:15
StereocaulonArchangels2, they're at a 11.04 equivalent right now03:15
freshinstallie. an lan nic and an internet nic?03:15
TheHackOpsKagamine, Sounds like a plan03:15
DarkStar1zykotick9: ye i have tons of vbox Os'es03:15
TheHackOpsHey guys just installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS no audio output anyone got an idea03:15
_r00t_zykotick9: You can't be serious ! I've been using VirtualBox for years and just switched to vmware for very good reasons03:15
zykotick9DarkStar1, another advantage to VBox is it performs bettern then VMware :)03:16
DarkStar1freshinstall: yeah03:16
MonkeyDusti run win xp in vbox just fine :)03:16
StereocaulonArchangels2, the last time I used jack on Ubuntu was on 10.0403:16
freshinstallDarkStar1, cheers.  how does the "client" decide which one to use each time?03:16
invisiblekis there any significant changes in the installation process if my target drive is a usb flash drive?03:16
Archangels2Stereocaulon, do you know if different distros play nicely together on a single hard drive?03:17
_r00t_zykotick9: rubbish... what version of vmware are you talking about ?03:17
invisiblekit didn't seem to want to boot for me after installing normally...03:17
zykotick9invisiblek, be sure to install grub to where you want it!03:17
DarkStar1freshinstall: you'd have to configure each nic's ip rules. I haven't done that in a while so can't remember off the top of my head right now03:17
invisiblekzykotick9, grub is installed03:17
MonkeyDustwhat i like about vmware and vbox has not, is tabs03:18
freshinstallDarkStar1, thanks for that. will google more.03:18
nixjrI'm trying to install "openssh-server" and it gives the following error "Depends: openssh-client (=1:5.5p1-4ubuntu4) but 1:5.5p1-4ubuntu5 is to be installed"03:18
zykotick9invisiblek, but to where?  by default it will try to install to your HD instead of the USB - thus USB won't be bootable03:18
invisiblekno hdd attached03:18
DarkStar1freshinstall: something to do with the host.allow and host.deny if my memory serves me right03:18
usr13nixjr: sudo apt-get -f install03:19
Jordan_Uzykotick9: invisiblek: When installing to USB, Ubuntu (at least as of 10.10, probably earlier as well) will properly install grub's boot sector to the same USB.03:19
pnormanIn the grub command line, what's the equivalent of doing |more?03:19
_r00t_nixjr: what's wrong with apt-get install ssh ?03:19
Jordan_Upnorman: "pager=1" (as a separate command).03:19
DarkStar1_r00t_: tbh last time I tried installing a vmware guest ( January I think) It gave me no end of problems. in the end I just dumped it and went vbox route03:20
zykotick9Jordan_U, thanks.  Ubuntu is ahead of Debian in that area then.03:20
nixjr_r00t_, i want to make this bot an ssh server, the first line of this guide says "Once you have installed an OpenSSH server..."03:20
nixjrthis box*03:20
spiky25no ones no wtf with ad-hoc connections right now on 10.04 to 11.10 ?03:20
afflictopolah: i did sudo apt-get install gnome-shell and it started installing, it stopped on "ldconfig deffered processing now taking place" It hasn't said it's done or completed. Is it done?03:21
MonkeyDustspiky25: those are english words03:21
MiggsHaving just tried out Gnome Shell, how do I remove it completely?03:21
xIndirectwho can help me boot with windows bootloader into ubunut03:21
usr13spiky25: You need to un-encrypt your question.03:21
DarkStar1spiky25: so you reocmmend I use git for working with a team of 5?03:21
freshinstallDarkStar1, ah also host.conf : http://tldp.org/LDP/nag/node82.html03:21
usr13xIndirect: Why do you want to use windows bootloader?03:22
Jordan_UxIndirect: What is your end goal?03:22
TheHackOpssomebody must know03:22
xIndirectrestore mbr and bootrec but I need to know if it will pick up ubuntu03:22
zykotick9xIndirect, that seems like a huge waste of effort to me.  I've heard it's possible, but grub is SO much better.  Good luck.03:22
_r00t_DarkStar1: I used vmware from 1999 till 2004ish or whenever vbox came around. I've dumped vbox a couple of weeks back in favour of vmware. Decent vt-x and software acceleration. Vbox has lagged behind over the years03:22
Polahafflicto, try again and see what it says03:22
xIndirectwell zykotick9, my laptop has an assist button incase I fuck up and I enjoy it. :p03:22
spiky25DarkStar1, I just a techie but team uses mostly git, rarely small projects use svn ...03:22
Jordan_UxIndirect: Please use complete sentences, I can't understand what you're trying to say.03:22
Jordan_U!language | xIndirect03:23
ubottuxIndirect: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:23
nixjrusr13, just ran that, it didnt change anything ... how can i force a specific version be installed?03:23
DarkStar1spiky25: thx03:23
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
MonkeyDustwhy!  a war of the virtual machines!03:23
spiky25I'm just ...03:23
afflictoPolah: "Gnome shell is already the newest version".03:23
afflictopolah I guess Its' done then03:23
StereocaulonArchangels2, yes, they should work well together, however, If you can, use different /home drives just in case03:23
spiky25Sorry english isn't my native langage so ...03:23
Polahafflicto, then I guess log out and try to switch to it then (:03:24
afflictok brb :P03:24
tonyyarussospiky25: there are channels for other languages by the way03:24
Jordan_UxIndirect: What problem are you trying to solve?03:24
FirefisheHello.  I'm using 11.10 on an Asus G50V laptop.  I have my BIOS thermal management turned on.  I'm exhibiting temperatures between 54 and 58 celsius.  Although this is a gaming laptop, and I would expect it to run hotter than a smaller unit, these temps seem a tad high.  I've tried fancontrol with no luck.  Is there any other way to increase fan speed?03:25
Afflictopolah: it worked likea charm!...03:25
DarkStar1_r00t_:  I'n any case I have to experiment with hyper-virtualisation soon. but I think for destop virtualisation in the home vbox rules. Especially since I just want an easy install process with the vm-ware headache03:25
tonyyarussoFirefishe: what problems did you have with fancontrol?03:26
Afflictopolah: however, the main interface is stuck on my 2n'd monitor. and I have the menu "File Edit View Go Bookmarks Help" On my 1st monitor. wierd.03:26
_r00t_DarkStar1: Hyper-V is a windows thing ... I'm not longer your friend :)03:26
PolahAfflicto, oh you have two monitors? You'll probably have to fiddle with that a bit to get it to work properly.03:26
urlin2uxIndirect, http://tinyurl.com/2lhd7303:26
Polah_r00t_: What about AMD-V?03:26
DarkStar1_r00t_: sorry I meant type 1 virtualisation03:27
madoohi evry one there03:27
madooi need hellp pls03:27
AfflictoPolah: hm ok03:27
spiky25I know but there's no one who know about the ad-hoc problem, like zeighest spyware case ...03:27
DarkStar1_r00t_: I wuldn't touch MS stuff for server side stuff03:27
madooi need hellp03:27
Firefishetonyyarusso: Here's a paste of when I do:  sudo pwmconfig  -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/723927/03:28
tonyyarussomadoo: just ask your question then03:28
madoocan i find here03:28
usr13nixjr: what version do you want?03:28
DarkStar1_r00t_:  Or what ever it is called when you virtualise hardware without the need for host Os03:28
madooi was have xubuntu and i do ubuntu 10.1003:28
tonyyarussoFirefishe: You may need to enable a kernel module for the type of sensors you have.  Does sensors-detect come up with anything?03:28
usr13nixjr: Why not just install the latest version?03:28
_r00t_darkcharl: bare metal ... yes I know what you're talking about03:28
Firefishetonyyarusso: I'll do that and paste it03:29
madooi need to remove xubuntu to make ubuntu open03:29
madoocan you hellp me03:29
usr13Firefishe: Look at the hardware issues first, see that it is clean inside ... etc.03:29
=== SomeoneWeird is now known as SomeoneWeirdAFK
DarkStar1_r00t_: for that I hear I have to go back to vmware. This is something I'm dreading given my install experience so far :)03:30
mancohi all03:30
corihey Folks Im just popping on to ask if theyrs a way to put the unity task par on the bottom of my screen instead of the side?03:30
nixjrusr13, i need version 1:5.5p1-4ubuntu4, has to be that specific version according to apt-get, some dependency thing03:30
boldfilterHow do you remove a ubuntu one folder?03:30
tonyyarussocori: I haven't looked into it myself, but have heard that there is not.03:30
urlin2umadoo, that makes no sense.03:30
usr13nixjr: Can you paste what it is telling you?03:30
mancocori, no there's not.. the idea of unity is leave it there..03:30
usr13!paste | nixjr03:30
ubottunixjr: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:30
pnormanDoes anyone know how to change the resolution that ubuntu server uses? For clarity, I have no GUI and only have access to the grub menu and command line.03:30
nixjrusr13, openssh-server : Depends: openssh-client (= 1:5.5p1-4ubuntu4) but 1:5.5p1-4ubuntu5 is to be installed ... just a 1-liner ;)03:31
zykotick9pnorman, do you have a vga= line?  you shouldn't.03:31
mancocori, you could install docky or other like it and have an dock there.. and just not using unity bar..03:31
usr13pnorman: xrandr03:31
pnormanzykotick9: no vga= line03:31
tonyyarussopnorman: You can pass vga modes to the kernel in the grub boot line03:31
mancocori, or install gnome3 and not use Unity at all..03:31
madoomy windo login its xubuntu03:31
coriah kk I was hoping for diffrent news03:31
madooi want change to ubuntu03:31
mancoyes madoo, come to the dark side :)03:32
corii heard installing gnome 3 can cause breakage?03:32
urlin2umadoo, is it a wubi, also tab users nicks if your answering anybody.03:32
Firefishetonyyarusso: Here's my output of:  sudo sensors-detect -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/723929/03:32
zykotick9cori, what version of ubuntu are you using?03:32
mancocori, yes, you could have some compatibility issues, please do homework on the forums and on google for a good tutorial...03:32
pnormantonyyarusso: How do I pass the modes?03:32
zykotick9!nounity | cori03:33
madoon0 its 10.1003:33
ubottucori: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic03:33
usr13nixjr: apt-cache policy openssh-server | pastebinit #And send resulting URL.03:33
Firefisheusr13: This laptop is cased when it is not in use; in a neoprene zip-cover, then in a zip-up swissgear roller bag.03:33
zykotick9cori, gnome-shell was an issue before 11.10 - you're all good now03:33
tonyyarussopnorman: You can either put them in /etc/default/grub and do update-grub, or edit the line on the fly from the grub menu while booting.  Just put vga= then the number you want on the line that has things like quiet and splash.  You'll want to look up a chart of modes online for some to try.03:34
usr13Firefishe: Ok, just making sure.03:34
corioh kk ty guys03:34
mancoah, ok zykotick9, cori, there you have your answer.. i wasn;t sure on 11.1003:34
coritab didnt seem to work03:34
pnormantonyyarusso: Isn't vga= depreciated in grub2, or does that not really matter?03:34
mancosomeone knows anything on Electronics Hacks/Mods ?03:34
zykotick9pnorman, it is deprecated, but still works (or breaks things sometimes)03:34
tonyyarussoFirefishe: now either run the service command at the bottom of that or reboot, then run pwmconfig again.03:34
tonyyarussopnorman: You know, I don't know.  I haven't messed with this since grub2 came out.03:35
Firefisheusr13: always a good place to start.  I do contract computer servicing, and I can't believe some of the techs before me haven't even considered all the dust that was in the unit.03:35
Firefishetonyyarusso: which service?  fancontrol?03:35
tonyyarussoFirefishe: 'service module-init-tools start'03:36
tonyyarussoFirefishe: line 11603:36
zykotick9pnorman, GRUB_GFXMODE= is a portion of the "new" way03:37
usr13Firefishe: Oh, I know.03:37
nixjrusr13, http://pastebin.com/50sLScfu03:37
zykotick9pnorman, and it's technically a kernel thing, not a grub thing03:37
mancoi need to make a keyboard interface.. someone knows something about electronics around here ?03:39
Firefishetonyyarusso: I get this:  sudo service module-init-tools start -- module-init-tools stop/waiting03:39
pnormanI tried hitting e to edit commands and adding vga=773 (for 1024x768x8, which the monitor supports) but I still get the monitor not having a signal03:40
roastedQuestion - I'm on GParted trying to maximize a partition size and it's erroring out. The error in GParted says Not all of the space available at /dev/sda appears to be used, you can fix the GPT to use all of the space or continue. How can I fix?03:40
usr13nixjr: sudo apt-get -f install openssh-server03:41
maestrojedI am a little confused as to the proper way to install programs on ubuntu. Some times you download an installer and it does its things. Other times is seems to be a folder that is the app (aka Firefox). Am I to move this to /usr/bin? /usr/share?\03:41
maestrojedthe last slash was a typo03:41
Firefishemaestrojed: There isn't any reason to add things manually.03:41
tonyyarussomaestrojed: Normally you shouldn't be doing either of those things.  You should be instaling from the Software Centre.03:41
Firefishemaestrojed: Or use synaptic.03:41
maestrojedFirefishe Synaptic is saying my 3.6 install of FF is current.03:42
zykotick9Firefishe, wasn't synaptic removed from the default install in 11.10?  perhaps not such a great recommendation these days.03:42
pnormanThis would be easier if I didn't have to walk from room to room every time I wanted to try something. I'm going to try the DVI output and a LCD panel instead. What's weird is that when I set this up, I did have video. The only major change since then was upgrading to 11.0403:42
roastednevermind, fixed it03:42
nixjrusr13, http://paste.ubuntu.com/723942/03:42
maestrojedtonyyarusso ok, but not everything I want is available in Synaptic of the new Software center03:43
tonyyarussomaestrojed: such as?03:43
maestrojedI am using 10.0403:43
urlin2umaestrojed, what is the release you're running03:43
maestrojedurlin2u 10.0403:43
tonyyarussomaestrojed: and in that case, the answer is "read the documentation of whatever random nonsense you're installing"03:43
maestrojedI just bailed on 11.X after 6 months03:43
Firefishezykotick9: I install it by default.  Software Centre, although nice, doesn't have the lightweightness (if you will) of synaptic.  Also, I usually do apt-get install anyway.  I use synaptic to search for libraries I might need, as it has a great search function.03:43
zykotick9Firefishe, i'm an aptitude person myself, ubuntu removed that a while ago ;)03:44
IbisIs this normal?  mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2 mkfs.ext4: /lib/libblkid.so.1: no version information available (required by mkfs.ext4)03:44
maestrojedtonyyarusso I don't know of one for sure. I will let you know. I am re-installing everything tonight :)03:44
Firefishezykotick9: yes, but it's in the repositories.  And if it's ever gone, I'll compile it from scratch.03:44
maestrojedwhat would Synaptic say that Firefox 3.6 is current?03:45
zykotick9!info firefox03:45
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 7.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 16391 kB, installed size 35508 kB03:45
zykotick9!info firefox lucid03:45
wolfman2000Evening. Alright, I admit I'm slightly intimidated by 11.10. I'm trying to learn the Software Center, but I can't seem to find out how to install an updated version of gcc or mercurial through here. Am I going to have to do things manually for certain software packages?03:45
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.23+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 (lucid), package size 11152 kB, installed size 30060 kB03:45
Firefishemaestrojed: It may be that 3.6 is the current version for your respository index.  You may have to enable backports and updates in Software Sources.03:45
pnormanof course, step 1 is to *find* a dvi cable :(03:45
zykotick9maestrojed, 3.6 is current for lucid03:46
Firefishezykotick9: I've thought of going back to lucid more than once ;)03:46
usr13maestrojed: Becuase it is for 10.04.  If you want another verion of firefox, just install it manually03:47
maestrojedWhat is 3.6 current for lucid. I thought lucid was a main stable version?03:47
urlin2umaestrojed, ah I see lucid, if you want a a later FF a ppa would be your best bet  https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-next03:47
zykotick9!latest | maestrojed03:47
ubottumaestrojed: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.03:47
maestrojedusr13 ahhhh install it manually.. ( tonyyarusso :) )03:47
Firefishe!sru | Firefishe03:48
ubottuFirefishe, please see my private message03:48
usr13maestrojed: lucid is LTS  so ....03:48
usr13maestrojed: Sure, install it manually, just download the tarball and extract it.03:48
maestrojedusr13 so that was my original questions that lead down a long rabbit hole. I have. It is not an installer but a folder that looks like the program. I was curious if I am to move it to /usr/bin or /usr/share or some other place?03:49
zykotick9maestrojed, if you do manual installs, don't put stuff in /usr (keep this for the system) use /opt instead.03:49
Firefishetonyyarusso: Any suggestions about my fan issue?03:50
usr13maestrojed: See my pm03:50
afflictoIs there any way to move the Gnome 3 panel\menu to my primary monitor?03:50
tonyyarussoFirefishe: What did pwmconfig say after you loaded the modules?  You never posted that I don't think.03:51
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Firefishesudo service module-init-tools start -- module-init-tools stop/waiting03:52
FirefisheThat was meant for Tonisius03:52
Firefishegads...can't type tonight03:52
Firefishetonyyarusso: that was meant for you03:52
nixjrusr13, any ideas?03:52
Firefishetonyyarusso: It says stop/waiting.  Should I do the pwmconfig anyway?  I interpret that at it saying that it's stopped.03:53
tonyyarussoFirefishe: Yes, do pwmconfig.03:54
Firefishetonyyarusso: sudo pwmconfig output:   .../usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed03:55
tonyyarussoFirefishe: well that's too bad.  It's possible your motherboard just doesn't support fan speed controls.03:55
usr13nixjr: sudo apt-get -f install openssh-server  Didn't do it?03:56
Firefishetonyyarusso: Weird.  My BIOS has digital thermal management capability, and it's enabled.  It wasn't, initially, so I enabled it.  The BIOS may just have it, and the board may not.03:56
nixjrusr13, nope you must have missed my post easier http://paste.ubuntu.com/723942/03:56
usr13nixjr: This is a 64 bit system, right?03:56
zykotick9nixjr, you have run "sudo apt-get update" right?  have you mixed repositories or something?03:57
Firefishetonyyarusso: I'm tired of these asus/best buy hobbled-down puters.  I'm buying the real mccoy next time.03:57
Firefishetonyyarusso: well, thank you for your help.  I do appreciate it at any rate. :)03:57
StereocaulonFirefishe, go for a Lenovo, or maybe a MacBook Pro if you are loaded.03:58
usr13nixjr: sudo apt-get -f install openssh-client03:58
ShdwdrgnI recently performed an upgrade from lucid to natty, and have noticed that sshd restarts for EVERY network card that is brought up.  My firewall has 6 nics... is there some reason why sshd restarts after each device, rather than only restarting once after all the nics are brought up?03:59
zykotick9Stereocaulon, if Apple is your answer, you didn't understand the question ;)03:59
Stereocaulonzykotick9, that might very well be the case, as I just broke in on the conversation.04:00
afflictoYay! I fixed it. i disabled my 2n'd monitor. and the panel moved to my primary monitor. then I re-enabled my secondary monitor and now my panel is finally on my primary monitor! YESS!!! IT WORKS!04:00
zykotick9Stereocaulon, i was just kidding with you, sorry.04:00
nixjrusr13, "openssh-client is already the newest version."04:00
FirefisheStereocaulon: You like the thinkpads, eh?  And, well, the mac hardware is pretty tight.04:00
FirefisheStereocaulon: Let's go to ubuntu-offtopic for this.04:01
FirefisheStereocaulon: brb....04:01
nixjrzykotick9, yeah ive updated, not sure about my repositories being right or not04:01
afflictoI have a question: I have 3 hard drives. hd1 has windows 7. hd2 has stuff on it. and hd3 has ubuntu.   -> If I add music in Banshee from a folder on my hd1. If I restart ubuntu, the music is there but won't play untill I go to "Places" then open that hard drive. -> It seems like it Mounts\Dismounts HDD's.. I want ubuntu to always have them all mounted. - Thanks.04:02
zykotick9nixjr, i believe "ssh" is an available meta package with both client and server, perhaps try that?  just a wild guess.04:02
usr13nixjr: sudo apt-get update04:02
Jordan_U!fstab | afflicto04:03
ubottuafflicto: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:03
usr13nixjr:  And then:   sudo apt-get upgrade04:03
ironHello. Is there any way to always set the screen brightness to 100% when booting ubuntu on a notebook?04:03
StereocaulonFirefishe, I have logged on to #ubuntu-offtopic04:03
roastedIf I want to copy all hidden files/folder from terminal, how would I do so?04:03
nixjrusr13, is that going to turn this into 11.04?04:03
TheEvilPhoenixnixjr:  no it shouldnt04:03
TheEvilPhoenixnixjr:  unless you run do-dist-upgrade or w/e the command is(THAT will)04:04
zykotick9roasted, only hidden files/folders?  "cp -r .* /destination" might work04:04
TheEvilPhoenixnixjr:  i might've missed your earlier post - lack of networking, might I ask what your problem is?04:04
nixjrzykotick9, i was going to follow this guide, but im failing at the first step lol https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring04:04
Stereocaulonroasted, try this regex: /\\home\\theusr\\\..*04:04
PolahTheEvilPhoenix, nixjr: sudo do-release-upgrade is for upgrading to the next version of Ubuntu04:04
TheEvilPhoenixPolah:  indeed, i was answering his question about whether it'd upgrade him to 11.04 or not (assuming 10.10 system)04:05
Stereocaulonroasted, substituting theusr with your own yuser name of course04:05
TheEvilPhoenixnixjr:  are you trying to set up SSH server/04:05
TheEvilPhoenixnixjr:  so you can access your system remotely?04:05
zykotick9nixjr, glad to see you're following ubuntu documentation anyways.04:05
nixjryeah i want to use SSHFS so i can mount folders from this box, ona nother workstation inthe house, but i need ot setup ssh server first04:06
usr13nixjr: No04:06
TheEvilPhoenixnixjr:  ok04:06
usr13But you do need to see that it is set to LTS04:06
TheEvilPhoenixnixjr:  sudo aptitude install openssh-server04:06
TheEvilPhoenixnixjr:  sudo apt-get install openssh-server04:07
TheEvilPhoenixthat''ll install the SSHD (ssh daemon, aka ssh server)04:07
nixjrusr13, its still running upgrade atm04:07
zykotick9TheEvilPhoenix, nixjr has some package problem with doing that04:07
TheEvilPhoenixzykotick9:  see, people dont give me info when i ask if he posted earlier04:07
TheEvilPhoenixzykotick9:  logs please04:07
TheEvilPhoenixen masse if you can send em04:07
zykotick9TheEvilPhoenix, i don't have them...04:08
nixjrTheEvilPhoenix, http://paste.ubuntu.com/723942/04:08
TheEvilPhoenixwhat the...04:08
Stereocaulonroasted, this should also match: .[^.]*04:08
TheEvilPhoenixnixjr:  what sources do you have enabled in apt?04:09
zykotick9TheEvilPhoenix, ya that's what i was thinking too04:09
usr13nixjr: When that finishes, your issue will more-than-likely be resolved.04:09
nhrFolks, need help, my desktop machine - 11.10 is not starting. Ubuntu screen flashes and then I am dumped to console04:10
Stereocaulonroasted, so you can copy them with: cp .[^.]* <target directory>04:10
nhrLast message on the console is checking battery state04:10
pnormanOkay, so I installed the DVI monitor, and it doesn't work, but it gives me more information. It tells me that there is no signal. So it's not a case of a wrong resolution, it's a case of no signal. Maybe it's not trying to output to the rightplace?04:10
Stereocaulonpnorman, no signal normally means no connection.04:10
TheEvilPhoenixzykotick9:  did he provide the content of his sources.list for us to review?04:11
pnormanStereocaulon: It displays throughout the boot process, and it will display the grub menu04:11
TheEvilPhoenixzykotick9:  or screenshots of what's selected in the gui sources list?04:11
zykotick9TheEvilPhoenix, no and i didn't press the issue - i just asked if he had mixed repos in anyway (i don't think they understood the question really, so assumed they hadn't)04:11
nixjrusr13, it just finnished, but still getting same error04:11
Jordan_UStereocaulon: You're confusing shell globs with regular expressions.04:11
Stereocaulonpnorman, in that case, Ubuntu is trying to set a nonsupported resolution04:12
nixjrTheEvilPhoenix, how do i list my sources?04:12
TheEvilPhoenixzykotick9:  he could have a corrupted few packages :/04:12
TheEvilPhoenixnixjr:  the sources list is stored in /etc/apt/sources.list04:12
TheEvilPhoenixamong others...04:12
StereocaulonJordan_U, yes I am, but it does get the job done.04:12
TheEvilPhoenixif you wouldnt mind pastebinning us that...04:12
pnormanStereocaulon: I tried adding vga=... in grub, but it didn't help matters. How can you be certain that it's a resolution issue?04:12
zykotick9ylmf-os, if you have an ubuntu support question - just ask it.04:13
Stereocaulonpnorman, well, if it did show anything at all at first and then cut out, it's usually a case of a unsupported mode04:13
TheEvilPhoenixzykotick9:  out of curiosity, do you know how I disable the Translations sources in 11.04?04:14
TheEvilPhoenixzykotick9:  iirc, the translations arent exactly updated much :/04:14
pnormanHow do I force it to use a supported mode?04:14
nixjrTheEvilPhoenix, my sources http://paste.ubuntu.com/723955/04:14
zykotick9TheEvilPhoenix, nope - but i know they get ign in debian (and you can safely ignore ign stuff)04:14
nhrcan anyone please help me. My desktop is not starting - was working fine few minutes back, but unity started acting up and decided to reboot04:14
nhrNow I dont get anything gui at all. It dumps me on the terminal04:14
zykotick9TheEvilPhoenix, nixjr 9.10 is EOL04:15
TheEvilPhoenixzykotick9:  notice Maverick04:15
TheEvilPhoenixzykotick9:  ignore the first line, read the deb lines themselves04:15
nixjrzykotick9, yeha i saw that in there, but im sure im running 10.1004:15
TheEvilPhoenixzykotick9:  why are you using the nz archive?04:15
TheEvilPhoenixjust out of curiosity04:15
zykotick9my bad04:15
TheEvilPhoenixnixjr:  ^04:15
TheEvilPhoenixor zykotick9 if there's a normal reason :P04:16
somsipnhr: Something that used to work for me when I had this: sudo dpkg --configure -a, then reboot.04:16
TheEvilPhoenixoh nvrmind04:16
* TheEvilPhoenix uses US archives04:16
nixjrTheEvilPhoenix, im too noob to tell you why, or even to tell you how i added it, all i cna tlel you is i live in that country04:16
nhrsomsip:thanks let me try it04:16
TheEvilPhoenixnixjr:  that's probably why it added that - i'm in the USA, it defaulted to that archive for me ;P04:16
somsipnhr: just make sure you're happy running that. I'm not honestly sure what else it does04:16
Jordan_Upnorman: Try adding the kernel parameter "nomodeset".04:17
* TheEvilPhoenix assumes its just a repo mirror04:17
Stereocaulonpnorman, try  –xforcevesa in grub if you are a massochist, this will force software graphics only (VESA)04:17
nhrsomsip: Can not be any worst than current state04:17
nhrRight now I have nothing04:17
TheEvilPhoenixzykotick9:  why're maverick backports enabled... i assume backports arent enabled by default :/04:17
zykotick9Jordan_U, nomodeset - oh man if that works, i'll kick myself for not thinking of it ;)04:17
zykotick9TheEvilPhoenix, address nixjr ;)04:18
zykotick9TheEvilPhoenix, i wouldn't think by default no04:18
TheEvilPhoenixzykotick9:  that *might* be his issue - the maverick backports have a newer openssh-client perhaps?04:18
nixjrTheEvilPhoenix, im following the conversation, i cant answer that sorry04:18
TheEvilPhoenixzykotick9:  i'm stuck on windows, i'm basically asking you to find stuff for me :04:18
* TheEvilPhoenix hates Windows cluster administration04:18
zykotick9TheEvilPhoenix, as i don't run ubuntu that might be difficult ;)04:18
Stereocaulonpnorman, vga=771 might work as well. That one is pretty conservative.04:19
TheEvilPhoenixzykotick9:  you have google :P04:19
zykotick9TheEvilPhoenix, and you don't?  lol04:19
pnormannomodeset worked. And I think I stepped on my network cable.04:19
nixjrTheEvilPhoenix, shall i google backports?04:19
zykotick9!cookie | Jordan_U04:19
ubottuJordan_U: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!04:19
TheEvilPhoenixnixjr:  no04:20
* pnorman just found a new problem :(04:20
nhrsomsip: No luck - does not start window manager at all04:20
somsipnhr: looks like you're going to have to get into the logs then04:21
pnormanInstead of a login window, I get a screen with an underscore blinking in the top-left corner04:21
zykotick9TheEvilPhoenix, do you happen to know, do packports in Ubuntu get different naming conventions at all?  they do in debian.04:21
nhrsomsip: what should I look for - fortunately ctrl-alt f2 is working04:21
TheEvilPhoenixzykotick9:  nfc04:21
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
TheEvilPhoenixzykotick9:  i dont think so, they're generally following the standard ubuntu naming conventionality but with a higher version number04:22
* TheEvilPhoenix isnt certain though04:22
somsipnhr: I'd suggest starting with dmesg output to pastebin and copying the URL here. More experienced people than me may be able to help04:22
TheEvilPhoenixnixjr:  tbh, i'm not sure why your system is this way,except for *maybe* that during the Karmic -> Lucid -> Maverick upgrades, something in there exploded04:23
nixjrTheEvilPhoenix, do most users forat and do clean installs when a new version is out?04:24
TheEvilPhoenixnixjr:  ~4ubuntu4 (which needs to be installed) exists in maverick, and ~4ubuntu6 exists in maverick-updates.  and what with the fact you said there's other broken packages in the system04:24
TheEvilPhoenixnixjr:  depends on the user04:24
TheEvilPhoenixsome do04:24
TheEvilPhoenixmost wont but thus (un)knowingly accept that things break04:24
TheEvilPhoenixnixjr:  personally, I usually do clean installations04:25
TheEvilPhoenixbut i usually run whatever the latest release is, minus 104:25
TheEvilPhoenixbut that's me04:25
TheEvilPhoenixi have time, resources, and tons of backups04:25
dtcumminhow come if I do a "locate xorg.conf" it finds it in "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" but when I navigate to there I can't find that file04:26
zykotick9nixjr, when i ran ubuntu i always clean installed - that was after my first two attempts at updating ubuntu blew up04:26
Snowiesup all. I would like to disable splash screen (as have simple login prompt) and then boot straight into 2d unity on auth. any good reading?04:26
TheEvilPhoenixzykotick9:  hehe04:26
TheEvilPhoenixzykotick9:  i even do clean installs of Windows when people want upgrades04:26
TheEvilPhoenixi just copy their user folders and profiles off ;P04:26
zykotick9TheEvilPhoenix, with MS it's even more important ;)04:27
* TheEvilPhoenix is a technician04:27
TheEvilPhoenixzykotick9:  oh most definitely04:27
TheEvilPhoenixsave upgrading to Service Packs04:27
TheEvilPhoenixin most cases04:27
nixjrmaybe i should backup and format04:27
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nixjri mean format ... ofc i already have backups *lies*04:28
TheEvilPhoenixnixjr:  its up to you.  it DOES seem you've got some kind of hellstorm of broken packages.04:28
TheEvilPhoenixbut usually we try and fix your system before saying "Oop, its fubar'd, nuke it"04:28
nixjrlike you said its been though a few version upgrades, so its probably not a bad idea04:29
zykotick9Snowie, removing "quiet splash" from /etc/default/grub (and running "sudo update-grub") would give you a text bootup to gdm/lightdm04:29
Toph2i know this question has been posed before, but when I upgraded to Ubuntu 11.10, I lost all sound. What is the fix, please?04:29
Snowiezykotick9: thanks mate, will that still allow me to switch users04:30
zykotick9Snowie, it's just going to diable plymouth from showing the splash is all, text boot up - then the regular multi-user Login will open04:31
Snowiezykotick9: and what about 2d, this machind is not digging 3d desktopo atm04:31
zykotick9Snowie, entirely different issue, depends on your DE04:31
Snowiezykotick9: sorry DE?04:32
IbisIn a situation of installing a 64bit server from a 32live cd or virtual machine, how can I chroot to a system I'm putting together?04:33
thiagoalmeidasahello, i need help for setup my battery driver in notebook thinkpad x100e04:33
zykotick9Snowie, i'm sorry - Desktop Environment04:33
IbisI keep getting this error each time I try, and I wonder if theres a workaround.         root@rescue:/# chroot /ubuntu           chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error04:34
zykotick9Ibis, i "doubt" you can (but could be wrong)04:34
* pnorman contemplates reinstalling as the quickest way out of this mess04:35
IbisIt's not that simple pnorman. Otherwise I would've just done that.04:35
IbisI'm installing remotely.04:35
zykotick9Ibis, and you can't get a 64bit LiveCD there somehow?04:36
IbisIDK, it's not my server -.-04:36
zykotick9Ibis, well good luck - and remember, i could certainly be wrong about the 32bit/64bit chroot thing04:37
rick__hello all04:40
Toph2i know this question has been posed before, but when I upgraded to Ubuntu 11.10, I lost all sound. What is the fix, please?04:42
SheWasAJokercheck your drivers,check which device alsa using if you have multiple sound cards04:43
|Anthony|using ubuntu 10.04 64bit and have custom sound theme installed in /usr/share/sounds/04:43
thiagoalmeidasahello, i need help for setup my battery driver in notebook thinkpad x100e04:43
|Anthony|some sound events don't play a sound... such as emptying the trash. Any reason as to why?04:43
SheWasAJokeri dont know if there is a empty thrash sound lol,i never use the sys sounds...check the sound settings04:44
|Anthony|using the freedesktop.org sound naming specs04:44
|Anthony|most sounds work as expected04:45
|Anthony|followed the guidelines outlined there04:47
DroidDev32I have windows installed on two different drives, sda and sdb. The one on sda is showing up in grub, but the one on sdb is not. How do I add it?04:47
SheWasAJokertricky.Did you install any of these two on top of the grub ?04:48
zykotick9DroidDev32, start by trying "sudo update-grub" and see if it's automajically added04:48
urlin2uDroidDev32, did you install them with each drive unplugged, and what are they abd which order did you install?04:48
DroidDev32it is not added automatically04:48
DroidDev32i had ubutnu installed on a separate drive and it automatically added sda. Now I just added sdb and it was installed with no other drive connected04:50
SheWasAJokerthe order in grub is essential,if you installed any windows After installing linux(grub) then its possibly doomed04:50
urlin2uDroidDev32, run this script from ubuntu and post the results.txt in a pastebin  http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/04:51
dr_willisyou could always add the needed entry info in the 40!_custome file in /etc/grub.d04:52
nixmaniackI have created an account, how do I give access to only disk drives in Ubuntu 11.10 without assigning him to admin group?04:56
DroidDev32here is the output http://pastebin.com/uiJGV5JD04:58
zykotick9nixmaniack, do you mean read/write permissions, or mount permission?  for mount you could try plugdev group (not sure it'll work though)04:58
TelamonIs there any way I can download a package I find on launchpad.net?  I see a new version of keystone, but no link seems to be to a .deb04:59
TheEvilPhoenixTelamon:  you should add the PPA to your repositorie04:59
TheEvilPhoenixTelamon:  then it should integrate, assuming it contains packages for your version of ubuntu04:59
nixmaniackzykotick9, both permissions, mount as well read/write04:59
TelamonI think it already is.  The problem is that I'm trying to grab a source package (it's a python program) released for Precise and install it on Oneric.  The Oneric one is completely broken.05:00
yagooTelamon, the download link is through a series of dumb links..05:00
Telamonhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/keystone/1.0~d4~20111020.1244-0ubuntu1  The tarball is listed on the page, but no deb05:00
zykotick9nixmaniack, well might be easiest to use fstab for mounting (thus removing that requirement for the user account), then just apply appropriate permissions to the mount points05:00
rsvpare the days of dual boot with MS coming to a close?05:01
Telamonyagoo: Any hints as to the path to follow?05:01
nixmaniackzykotick9, i had one problem, i added both users to admin group,  but when one user mounted the drive other can't access it. what might be the problem?05:02
yagooTelamon, ya.. there's no deb.. i just checked.. they have their dumb links "Packages" way way at the bottom of the page05:02
nixmaniackzykotick9, any pointers to how to do the fstab thing? easy ways?05:02
zykotick9nixmaniack, no "easy way" that i know of, good luck.05:03
TelamonCrap, I guess I'm installing from source then.05:03
zykotick9!fstab | nixmaniack05:03
ubottunixmaniack: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions05:03
urlin2uDroidDev32, have you tried booting the sda1 W7 it appears to have these extra.  /boot/bcd /BOOT/bcd /Boot/bcd05:03
urlin2u                       /boot/BCD /BOOT/BCD /Boot/BCD05:03
nixmaniackzykotick9, thanks.. I'll check that05:04
SheWasAJokerDroidDev32 you can always put a live cd in run "sudo grub" and setup (hd#) again from the begining to restore it.(Havent tried it,it could not work)05:05
tdignan"If you want to use port 587 as the submission port for SMTP mail rather than 25 (many ISPs block port 25), you will need to edit /etc/postfix/master.cf to uncomment the relevant line for port 587 there. " from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix05:05
yagooTelamon, well it's already bundled to be easily built with the dpkg tools05:05
tdignanWhen I open the file, there is no line that says "port" or 58705:05
yagooTelamon, (i mean the dpkg-build tools)05:05
prophethi guys, i want to install ubuntu in a triple boot pc and i need some asistance on partitioning. i already have 3 primary partitions: osx-efi / osx / windows. and i want to add 2 more for ubuntu and another one for the rest of the disk - formated as ntfs, used from all the os-es.05:06
TelamonThanks, I'll check out the docs for that.  I just don't want to have a critical  component of a 40 package system outside of the package manager.05:06
Jordan_USheWasAJoker: That is not the proper way to install grub (either legacy or grub2). For grub2 you should always use grub-install.05:07
urlin2uDroidDev32, basically you have the correct bootloader in each HD's mbr to boot each individually, have you tried tried to boot sda1 by having it first read in the bios?05:07
tdignanah, it's "submission"05:07
prophetis it possible to make this work? i know that only 4 primary partitions are allowed05:07
yagooprophet, you don't need the gpt-dosmbr mirror sync tool05:07
yagooprophet, gpt is the default partition table style type05:08
yagooprophet, (for macs)05:08
Jordan_UDroidDev32: I see two Windows menu entries in grub. What problem are you having with them?05:08
prophetyagoo: i dont want to modify any of my existing partitions05:08
yagooprophet, problem is if u used the gpt-to-dosmbr mirror tool then that may be a problem05:08
Jordan_UDroidDev32: s/in grub/in your grub.cfg/05:08
yagooprophet, did you do that gpt-to-dosmbr sync? (I suggest you don't)05:09
prophetyagoo: you mean gptsync?05:09
yagooprophet, yah.. i don't think it's good (it would be necessary if you're using xp)05:09
prophetyagoo: why is not good? i'm using windows 705:09
yagooprophet, cuse refit won't look past the 4th partition dosmbr.. also i'm not quite sure if you force refit to look at the gpt over dosmbr05:10
yagooprophet, win7 can use gpt.. not older win editions (such as xp).. so you're safe..05:10
prophetyagoo: i'm not using refit, the install is made on a pc05:10
yagooprophet, are you using refit?05:10
yagooprophet, so that's a hackintosh i see..05:11
Jordan_Uyagoo: prophet: No version of Windows can *boot* from gpt on a BIOS based system, and I don't think they only support UEFI, rather than Apple's EFI 1.X.05:11
yagooJordan_U, stfu.05:11
yagooJordan_U, Windows 7 can install on gpt drives05:11
prophetyagoo: yes, my problem now is that i already have 3 primary partiotions and i will need 2 more for linux (/ and swap) and another one for the rest of the disk that could be accessible from all the OSes05:12
Jordan_Uyagoo: That kind of attitude and language (abbreviated or not) are not acceptable in this channel. Do not do it again.05:12
prophetJordan_U: now i'm having a dual-boot osx+windows705:12
Jordan_Uyagoo: Windows 7 only supports booting from GPT systems when booting via UEFI.05:12
prophetnow let's pass the gpt issue, i'm talking about the 4 primary partitions limit05:13
prophetwindows7 booted from a hybrid partition gpt-mbr05:14
propheti don;t want to mess that05:14
StereocaulonI'm returning to my coffin, I can see the glint of a sunrise. Yikes...05:24
SheWasAJokeromg its true. /hiding in shadows quickly :P05:25
* Jordan_U is a white court vamp so he is OK05:26
* Jordan_U has also been reading too much Dresden Files.05:26
semitoneswhite court?05:27
MakerXHey lo05:27
djjonexany guru with mysql?05:28
urlin2uwelcome to our dungeon05:28
pangolindjjonex: #mysql probably05:29
maestrojedtonyyarusso So boxee nor xbmc are available via Synaptic or Software Center. Yet are great programs that run fine. ( told you I would get back to you ). I am not trying to be a jerk. We were talking about it05:29
tonyyarussomaestrojed: fair enough.  I think xbmc was at one point at least.05:31
MakerXIs there any good remotes for XBMC?05:32
MakerXBeside the Iphone app05:32
nixmaniackI'm having strange problem. Sometimes I have 1 cpu, sometimes 3 cpu and sometimes 8 cpu, I'm on Core i7 2670QM. And this is happening in running system.05:33
MakerXYeah my core don't seem to be firing properly as well.05:35
nixmaniackMakerX, I think it's happening after kernel update05:35
nixmaniacki dunno exactly though but started after recent update in which kernel got updated05:36
MakerXBenchmark it05:37
nixmaniackMakerX, how do I benchmark?05:37
nixmaniackwhich tool?05:37
yogahow do I put an application on the desktop?05:38
MakerXWhat version you running?05:38
SheWasAJokeryoga: Trolling.jpg ?05:39
yogaMakerX: Ubuntu 11.10 ubuntu-desktop05:39
urlin2uyoga, in onerirc I just go user/bin and right click the app and then copy to desktop then put a icon through properties. Not sure of an easier way.05:42
urlin2uyoga, some apps are not in usr/bin though.05:43
dr_willisdrag n drop from the applau05:45
dr_willisapplications list05:45
dr_willisor shortcuts in Desktop folder05:46
darshani want to delete a user ,but its giving me error of not having permission ,as /usr/sbin/deluser is not set in path05:46
darshanwhat shud i do05:46
usr13darshan: You want to delete a user?  who?05:47
yogaurlin2u: I only find "move to desktop" when right click the executable file?05:47
darshan <usr13>05:48
usr13darshan: Which user?  Is it the original user?05:49
yogaHow do I make an application which can be search under unity, by cick the "More Apps"?05:49
darshani have create an superuser with command as createuser -s -P evergreen ,now i want to delete it05:49
usr13userdel user-name05:49
A_JCan this run ubuntu confortably, with like 2gb of ram. And Deluge with about 2tb of data http://www.theitdepot.com/details-Intel+D425KT+Mini-ITX+Desktop+Motherboard_C30P10661.html05:50
i1does anyone use seamonkey in ubuntu?05:50
SheWasAJokerA_J yes!05:50
i1it has a nice email and news function but I have trouble setting up the email account05:51
A_JSheWasAJoker how well ?05:51
i1too daft05:53
usr13i1:  I recommend thunderbird.05:54
usr13and firefox05:54
usr13actually, I recomment firefox and web-based-mail-servers05:54
yogaWhen I right click on the desktop, "Create New Document", it shows "No tamplates Installed, How do I install those tamplates?05:55
jaypeteyanyone know of a way to minimize my windows to icons on the desktop? rox-filer has this feature but, frankly, rox-filer kind of sucks. any ideas?05:55
dr_willisput them in the Templates directory05:56
SyL_How do I get a manually installed tomcat to start automatically?05:56
yogadr_willis: Where do I find thouse Templates?05:57
dr_willisroxgiler is handy. there were at one stand alone show minimized window apps05:57
Gskelligflash player for chromium and google chrome isn't there, and it doesn't show up when I install it05:57
usr13Gskellig: Which flashplayer?05:57
dr_willis yoga  any file will do05:57
Gskelligusr13, adobe flash player?05:57
usr13Gskellig: Is that a question?  Or an answer?05:57
Gskellignot showing up in about:plugins either05:58
usr13Gskellig: So, how did you install it?05:58
pnormanI'm booted off of a livecd. How can I mount my RAID10 array, created with mdadm?05:58
usr13or maybe I should say, "How did you attempt to install it?"05:58
usr13Gskellig: What method or command did you use to attempt to install it?05:59
zykotick9pnorman, i doubt you can actually.  Hopefully i'm wrong though.  (i'm under the impresseion the LiveCD doesn't support RAID, or didn't historically)05:59
usr13Gskellig: Is your OS 64bit or 32bit?05:59
pnormanI can apt-get install mdadm05:59
Gskelligusr13, adobes website had me download a file, which when ran just sent me to ubuntu software center05:59
Gskellig64bit 11.1005:59
jaypeteyzykotick9: that doesn't mean that support can't be "installed." you can run a livecd the exact same, more or less, as an installed system.06:00
zykotick9pnorman, that's true - perhaps it's only a install issue.06:00
GskelligI also tried sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin06:00
usr13Gskellig: ls -l ~/.mozilla/plugins/06:00
zykotick9jaypetey, ya, sorry - i wasn't thinking clearly on that one.  my bad.06:01
Gskelligmozilla/plugins? for chrome?06:01
usr13Gskellig: ls -l ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so06:01
usr13Gskellig: Is it there?06:01
usr13or not?06:01
lions_I was looking to get some help with installing ubuntu 11.10 on my laptop06:02
lions_can anyone hook me up?06:02
yagoolions_, your laptop has no cd drive?06:03
urlin2ulions_, what problems are you having?06:03
lions_when I try to install, I get to the first screen, right?06:03
lions_purple, it says ubuntu, with the circles changing from white to orange and back again06:03
lions_but then, after about 2-3 minutes06:03
lions_my screen freaks out06:03
urlin2u!nomodeset | lions_06:04
ubottulions_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:04
Gskelligusr13, ./mozilla/plugins doesn't exist06:04
usr13Gskellig: cd ~/Downloads ; wget http://www.adobe.com/go/fptroubleshoot06:04
pnorman!mount | pnorman06:04
ubottupnorman, please see my private message06:04
usr13Gskellig: Doesn't exist?06:04
Gskelligthe plugins folder06:04
lions_thanks, I appreciate the help06:04
zykotick9pnorman, FYI you can use "/msg ubottu mount" to get factoids privately06:05
usr13Gskellig: Forget that last command06:05
usr13Gskellig: It's not ./mozilla  it is .mozilla06:05
Gskelligalso doesn't exist06:06
Gskelligls: cannot access ~.mozilla/plugins/: No such file or directory06:06
usr13Gskellig: ls -l ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so06:06
usr13Gskellig: not ~.mozilla  ~/.mozilla06:06
pnormanzykotick9: Yep, ubottu told me that06:06
Gskelligalso not there.06:06
Gskelligls: cannot access /home/conor/.mozilla/plugins/: No such file or directory06:07
A_JOkie. Very Subjective question here. Having an i3 in ubuntu pointless ?06:07
usr13Gskellig: Oh I see.  They've changed it.  Try this:  ls -l /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so06:08
Gskellig-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18750840 2011-10-06 11:57 /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so06:09
usr13Gskellig: Did you restart firefox after you installed it?06:09
Gskelligtrying to get it working in chrome or chromium, but it doesn't work in firefox either06:10
Gskelligand yes06:10
GskelligI just realized all the comments in ubuntu software center say that it's not working for 11.10 64bit06:10
pitlimitI want to install apache from source06:11
usr13Gskellig: Is your system fully updated?06:11
Gskelligusr13, yes06:11
pitlimithowever, i want the version that is in the repository because then I'm sure it will install06:11
pitlimitCan anyone tell me how to do this?06:11
Gskelligthere are a few people saying its working in 11.10 64bit though06:11
usr13Gskellig: Oh, it's not working.. Ok.  Well, that is a shame.  I suppose you could go multilib and install 32bit firefox for now.  (Flashplayer has always been a pain.)06:12
Gskelligsome people in those comments have it working though06:12
Gskelligand I swore i had it working on this computer before I reinstalled ubuntu06:12
usr13Gskellig: AMD or Intel?06:13
=== barna is now known as bipul
A_JAmd if you want cheap stuff06:13
pnormana ha - got it working. apt-get install mdadm; (wait); mdadm --assemble --scan; mount /dev/md1 /mnt06:14
usr13Gskellig: you reinstalled ubuntu?06:16
obscuritethis is driving me nuts. I just upgraded to 11.10 and I lost the compiz function of windows expanding to fill the entire/half workspace depending on what edge I drag them to. What compiz setting is that??06:17
soreauobscurite: grid06:19
usr13Gskellig: See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit & http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/534 & http://shibuvarkala.blogspot.com/2010/03/how-to-install-32bit-deb-applications.html06:20
usr13Gskellig: That last one may be all you need.06:20
usr13Gskellig: Why did you re-install?06:20
obscuritesoreau: huh, grid is enabled but it's not working at all06:20
obscuritesoreau: worked perfectly before upgrade06:21
usr13Gskellig: And why did you install the 64bit OS?06:21
soreauobscurite: Do you actually have compiz running?06:21
jpmhhow do I add launchers (or whatever they are called) to the panel on the left side in unity?06:22
obscuritesoreau: good question. in 11.10 I can't even find a good place to enable it. used to be in appearance.06:24
usr13jpmh: use the "main menu" to create your launcher06:24
soreauobscurite: Check 'ps ax|grep compiz|grep -v grep'06:24
obscuritesoreau: nothing06:25
jpmhusr13:  where is 'main menu'?06:25
soreauobscurite: That means compiz isn't running. Can you pastebin the output of 'compiz --replace' to pastebin.com if it doesn't work?06:25
usr13jpmh: http://askubuntu.com/questions/13758/how-can-i-edit-create-new-launcher-items-in-unity-by-hand06:27
jpmhusr13:  I will checvk that = ty06:27
obscuritesoreau: http://pastebin.com/cmsRcfZu06:27
yagoojpmh, u can simply drag and drop the icons06:28
obscuritesoreau: running as sudo gave me same results but messed up my windows :/06:28
soreauobscurite: Do NOT run compiz as root06:28
obscuritesoreau: good to know :)06:29
soreauobscurite: You should never use sudo or run *anything* as root unless you know why you need to06:29
jpmhyagoo:  and usr13  I think I am not making myself clear - I want for example to add putty, which I have downloaded and run to that list - in the past I would right click on it and say add to panel - what's the equivalent?06:29
soreaunow let's hope you didn't mess up permissions06:29
obscuritesoreau: the window manager seems to have gone away. no decorations at all. no task bar.06:29
Jordan_Uobscurite: Never run commands as root unless you are absolutely sure that they are intended to be run as root, and that they need to be run as root for what you are doing. Even a permissions error is *not* reason to blindly run a command with sudo.06:30
soreauobscurite: You need to use gnome fallback mode or be in ubuntu2D session to start compiz06:30
soreauobscurite: To start a window manager try 'metacity'06:30
usr13jpmh: putty?06:30
obscuritesoreau: okay, back in business. now, how do I get into one of these modes, and why didn't it work after my upgrade?06:30
usr13jpmh: putty is an apt for MS Windows.06:30
soreauobscurite: Because you're using gnome3 now.06:31
usr13jpmh: You do not need putty.06:31
soreau! classic06:31
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity06:31
jpmhusr13:  it does not ,atter what - and no it is not windoze only - it is a GREAT ssh client for linux too06:31
soreau! nonuity | obscurite06:31
soreau! nonunity | obscurite06:31
soreau! nounity | obscurite06:31
ubottuobscurite: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic06:31
jpmhyagoo:  ty - it was the frag and drop I needed - ty06:31
usr13jpmh: Oh, ok.06:31
jpmhusr13:  and having discovered the drag and drop I now have putty there06:32
obscuritewait a minute, so compiz doesn't work with 11.10 out of the box because it uses gnome3??06:32
usr13jpmh: Why did you not use the package manager?06:32
usr13jpmh: Sorry, but the only putty I knew about was for MS Windows.06:32
jpmhusr13: I did use apt-get to get it - I wanted to get it onto that panel - and now with the drag and drop I have it there - so all solved - ty06:32
obscuritesoreau: are you saying ubuntu is shipping 11.10 without compiz functionality?06:32
usr13jpmh: Ok.  Very well.  Sorry for the confusion.06:33
jpmhusr13: not a problem - if you need ssh - then you shoukld try putty06:33
obscuritesoreau: and not bothering to tell us that oh by the way compiz won't work when you upgrade06:33
usr13I use ssh06:33
soreauobscurite: I'm saying that they decided to use unity by default which is built on top of compiz but runs in a session that compiz itself can't run in apparently06:33
usr13jpmh: What advantage do you get with putty?06:33
soreauobscurite: and yes, they're screwing everyone and not telling them06:34
Jordan_Uobscurite: Compiz is used by default in Ubuntu 11.10. Unity requires it.06:34
obscuritejordan_u: yet I can't use the most useful compiz feature that I've come to depend on with unity? (grid snapping)06:34
soreauJordan_U: That's not exactly true06:34
Jordan_Usoreau: How not?06:34
jpmhusr13: the best thing about putty for me is that I can set multiple profiles for the various machines that I conect to - each can have the log in credentials, different colors, etc - to avoid confusion when I have multiple open06:34
soreauJordan_U: You can't run 'compiz' in the default session, only their unity hack-up of it06:35
Jordan_Uobscurite: No. As far as I can tell something is going wrong and compiz isn't running for you at all.06:35
usr13jpmh: Oh. Ok.  Sounds interestin / worth-while.06:35
obscuritejordan_u: according to soreau I can't run compiz because I have unity running06:35
soreauobscurite: Do this first:06:35
soreau! nounity | obscurite06:35
ubottuobscurite: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic06:35
jpmhusr13: only if you use ssh a lot - which I do - I maintain something over 100 coffee shops and bars06:35
soreauobscurite: Then pastebin the output of compiz --replace again06:36
usr13jpmh: I see.06:36
jpmhusr13: also putty makes working through a proxy very easy for those times I need that too06:36
usr13jpmh: They have linux servers?06:36
soreauobscurite: You want gnome fallback mode or ubuntu2D session that can be selected at the login screen06:36
darshani have create an superuser with command "createuser -s -P evergreen" and now i want to delete this evergreen user ,what command shud i use to do that06:37
jpmhusr13: my POS ap runs on Linux yes - there is a linux server in each location and the registers also run linux - actually the first register is the server too06:37
obscuritesoreau: not keeping my compiz settings in the upgrade would be annoying but forgiveable. not allowing me to have those settings without a reconfigure is unforgiveable.06:37
obscuritesoreau: but I'll do it anyway :P06:37
usr13jpmh: cool....06:37
usr13Very good06:37
Jordan_Uobscurite: That is completely false, and not what soreau stated.06:37
soreauobscurite: Well I don't work for canonical, I just stand by and watch them destroy compiz06:37
obscuritesoreau: lol06:38
obscuriteJordan_u: then you misunderstood what I said :)06:38
darshan i have create an superuser with command "createuser -s -P evergreen" and now i want to delete this evergreen user ,what command shud i use to do that06:38
zykotick9is darshan's "createuser" a real command?06:39
obscuritesoreau: i'm off to relogin to classic mode. thanks06:39
lufiadduser right?06:39
Jordan_Uobscurite: Once you have found out why compiz is not able to start (as it does by default on a working Ubuntu 11.10 install) you will probably be able to use the grid snapping plugin (there is a chance it conflicts with Unity but I would not expect it to).06:39
Gskelligusr13, sorry something came up. Thanks for those links. I reinstalled because I messed up my graphics drivers messing with bumblebee and my dual gfx card setup, after struggling to fix it i just ended up reinstalling06:40
soreauJordan_U: Another thing ubuntu upgrades like to do is install proprietary drivers, regardless of what gpu hw you have06:40
darshandunno it is real command or wat but ,in my installation guide i m der is given same06:41
jpmhok guys - you helped me add what I needed as a laucncher with drag and drop - now how do I reorganize the sequence of them06:41
darshan<zykotick9>dunno it is real command or wat but ,in my installation guide der is given same06:41
zykotick9darshan, are you using Ubuntu?06:41
darshani have use "userdel evergreen" to delete this user06:42
darshanbut i cant06:42
darshanits saying /usr/sbin is not set in path06:43
darshani set it in path also06:43
darshanbut then its says evergreen name user is only not present06:43
zykotick9darshan, from a terminal does "grep evergreen /etc/passwd" give any output?06:44
darshan<zykotick9> wait i will check06:44
=== aidenhong_ is now known as aidenhong
darshan<zykotick9> no06:45
zykotick9darshan, so why do you believe this user was created?  doesn't look like there is a user evergreen06:46
darshanso u mean while creating user evergreen it is not creating only my user evergreen06:47
zykotick9darshan, sorry - i can't help you.  Good luck.06:47
darshan<zykotick9> i didint got u06:48
obscuritesoreau: no luck with either gnome classic or ubuntu 2D06:50
tharakaHi all06:50
soreauobscurite: You're still in 2D session though, right?06:50
obscuritesoreau: back in regular ubuntu now. pastebin from classic: http://pastebin.com/4kf1gdfa06:51
ooooOOOOOhello everyone06:51
tharakaI got this error when I used the sudo command  "must be setuid root"06:51
soreauobscurite: Can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file and the output of 'LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo'?06:51
obscuritesoreau: this is a widespread problem. lots of hits on google with same issue for 11.10 upgrade.06:52
tharakaPlease any one can help me06:52
soreauobscurite: just pastebin what I asked please06:52
obscuritesoreau: of course. i was just mentioning.06:52
s0neetharaka: are you setting sticky bit for a script ?06:53
viddy__Running Oneiric/11.10, anyone know how to get the run dialog to mount remote ssh:// or smb:// paths ?06:55
obscuritesoreau: http://pastebin.com/S0y13Wks06:55
viddy__I can do it by starting nautilus, then going to the tools menu, then connect to server, but that's less than ideal06:56
darshan<zykotick9>  but when i recreate that evergreen user with command "createuser -s -P evergreen" and enter password two times it gives me error that ,user evergreen is already exists06:56
viddy__darshan, open command line, type id evergreen06:57
soreauobscurite: Try reinstalling the nvidia-current package and restart X06:57
zykotick9darshan, i can't help you.  Good luck.06:57
darshan<viddy__>  ok wait06:57
jpmhwhere is the screen saver setup in unity06:57
darshan<viddy__>  it says no such user06:58
viddy__ah, postgresql?06:58
darshan<viddy__>yes yes06:59
viddy__darshan, Sounds like the user already exists in the database06:59
zykotick9viddy__, darshan "createuser -- define a new PostgreSQL user account"06:59
darshan<viddy__>  please tell now what shud i do07:00
zykotick9viddy__, oh you figured it out already ;)07:00
viddy__jphm: this might work: http://linux-software-news-tutorials.blogspot.com/2011/10/ubuntu-1110-no-screensaver-heres-how-to.html07:00
jpmhviddy__: ty - I will go and look07:00
obscuritesoreau: hmm "Reinstallation of nvidia-current is not possible, it cannot be downloaded."07:01
viddy__darshan, If i were you, i'd log into the database as an admin user, and remove the user from the database, and then try the create user thing again07:01
obscuritesoreau: I must've installed it myself.07:01
soreauobscurite: Basically your nvidia driver install is broken and you need to fix it07:02
soreauobscurite: Sometimes a simple reinstall works07:02
tharaka<s0nee> No I did not set up anything..07:02
obscuritesoreau: alright, i'll grab the stuff and rebuild it07:02
viddy__zykotick9, yeah - this gave it away: The program 'createuser' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install postgresql-client-common07:02
darshan<viddy__>  ok,i m now switch to postgres user ,now what shud i do to loggin07:03
viddy__darshan, if you were using mysql, I'd suggest you have a look at mysql workbench, which is a gui tool for manipulating mysql databases. Sometimes its a bit easier to work within a gui to see more than what the text console shows you07:03
darshan <viddy__> i m using postgres ,console07:04
viddy__darshan, I don't really know postgresql, but I'd start with something like pgadmin3,perhaps?07:05
zykotick9viddy__, lol - that's what i get for not having "command-not-found" installed07:05
yagooviddy__, he's using POSTGRES07:05
viddy__darshan, sudo apt-get install pgadmin307:05
darshan <viddy__>  as an postgres user?07:06
yagoodarshan, postgres only knows it's own users07:06
viddy__darshan, as your login user - the postgres user won't be able to use sudo07:07
darshan <viddy__> ok07:07
viddy__darshan, once you get it installed, this looks vaugely helpful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostgreSQL#Using_pgAdmin_III__GUI07:07
viddy__darshan, its probably worth carefully reading the rest of that page as well.07:09
viddy__zykotick9, yeah, it makes me a bit lazy :)07:10
darshan<viddy__> ok,just tell me command how to login as admin in postgress databse and delete that evergreen user in its databse07:11
* phlak_user is standing by07:12
anathema1anyone to help with fn keys (laptop) for brightness they didnt work :S07:13
phlak_useranathema1: which laptop?07:13
viddy__darshan, I ... don't know. That link I suggested07:15
viddy__doh, should have some tips on how to get into the database07:15
viddy__If I'm not wrong (and I have been once or twice before) "sudo -u postgres psql" from the login account will get you into the database, and "\password evergreen"  would allow you to set the password for the evergreen account07:17
obscuritesoreau: compiz working after nvidia binary reinstall07:17
soreauobscurite: cool07:17
obscuritesoreau -- I guess I have to apologize to ubuntu then for the accusation that compiz doesn't work07:18
soreauobscurite: compiz works fine, you just have to get rid of unity or get used to it07:18
obscuritesoreau -- works fine with unity plugin enabled. seems my only problem was nvidia07:19
obscuritesoreau -- no evidence that unity is an issue07:19
obscuritesoreau -- thanks so much for the help. nice to have my full desktop capability back.07:20
soreauobscurite: No problem07:21
Guest92444HIIIIIIIIII I am new to linux and want to know how can i make linux windows network ?07:21
alazare619happy motha fukin howloween bitches07:21
darshanviddy_ : u said and "\password evergreen"  would allow you to set the password for the evergreen account,but at when i have created this evergreen account i have set its password ,now i only want to delete that user07:21
soreauobscurite: FYI, when you install proprietary drivers not using the package manager, you'll have to reinstall every kernel upgrade07:21
anathema1phlak_user, sony vaio07:22
anathema1phlak_user, sony vaio  vgn-fz31x07:22
phlak_useranathema1: are you on 11.10 ?07:23
anathema1phlak_user, yeah --clean install07:23
idontgetthishow do i plot an IV curve with arrows indicating direction of voltage sweep in libreoffice?07:23
idontgetthisbecause i went from -15 to 15 and then 15 to -15 all in one pass07:23
idontgetthisi want it to indicate that as one plot with arrows indicating the measurements taken chronologically07:23
anathema1phlak_user: all worked gr8 in previous releases. As I see the sony_laptop module is loaded in the kernel07:23
frixionidontgetthis: first of change your name07:24
idontgetthisfrixion: what?07:24
antnash_Hi guys. Why would I be able to run make menuconfig on the linux kernel source but not the v4l source?07:24
frixionchange your nick07:24
idontgetthisfrixion: why?07:24
frixionnicks like that are considered controversial in some channels07:25
=== antnash_ is now known as antnash
frixionlike helpme or idontgetthis07:25
* Dawg67 raises an eyebrow at the controvesy07:25
idontgetthisfrixion: i'm in 4 separate channels and you're the only one who has brought it up07:25
idontgetthisi agree. frixion is trolling07:25
kookycookieAnyone use ubuntu on atom E6xx?07:25
idontgetthisanyway, does anyone know how to do that with libreoffice?07:26
nofeargotta question... I am trying to assign a file to open up with a specific program/file but it isnt listed in the "open with" where before in previous distro before 11.10 i was able to brows to the file to use to open with.07:27
trollboyso I really hate the new ubuntu gui... is there anything new coming down the pike?07:27
enigmahi.. how can i auto-generate a xorg.conf file ? i'm running ubuntu 11.10...07:27
sobersabrehi guys.07:27
sobersabreI want to install gcc, does the live CD contain build-essential packages ?07:28
sobersabre(I mean off the disk, no internet)07:28
frixiontrollboy: install gnome07:28
dr_willissobersabre: no the cd does not07:28
nofearanyone have any ideas on that?07:30
tharaka<s0nee> Hi do me a solution for sudo: must be setuid root07:31
tharakaI am worrying about 3 days for this07:32
soreautharaka: Can you show the output of 'ls -l $(which sudo)' ?07:32
cece11.10 is nice07:33
kookycookieUm.. can i hide announcement of people joining/leaving the channel?07:33
tharakatotal 323063607:33
tharakadrwxr-xr-x  7 sahana sahana       4096 2011-06-15 01:28 dokuwiki_old_2011062807:33
tharakadrwxr-xr-x  6 sahana sahana       4096 2011-08-10 12:46 FrontlineSMS07:33
tharakadrwxr-xr-x 66 sahana sahana       4096 2009-11-17 20:27 glibc-2.907:33
tharakadrwxr-xr-x  2 sahana sahana       4096 2010-09-01 19:56 in_data07:33
FloodBot1tharaka: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:33
tharakadrwxr-xr-x  5 sahana sahana       4096 2006-10-08 06:03 kannel07:33
Virus_jpgim still on 9.1007:33
soreautharaka: ls -l /usr/bin/sudo07:34
trollboyfrixion, I have and am now starting to hate gnome, lol..  I like the UI version debian is using..anything like that coming? I may have try kubuntu07:34
hupiejava games do not work any more after i installed a new radeon card, Does anybody know what the problem is?07:34
antnashCan anyone tell me why make manuconfig still asks for ncurses when I've already installed libncurses5-dev ?07:35
frixiontrollboy: you're now using unity, i assume you're on 11.04 or 11.1007:35
yagoohupie, the problem is you?07:35
yagoohupie, you uninstalled jre?07:35
frixiondebian's GUI is GNOME Classic (GNOME 2)07:35
hupieyes unistalled reinstalled07:35
trollboyI'm using an unupgraded ubuntu on this box, I updated my work box though and dislike it07:36
trollboygnome 3 is meh...07:36
yagootrollboy, you tried gnome-classic?07:36
soreautharaka: It should only be one line07:37
trollboythis box is 11.04 on gnome classic07:37
yagootrollboy, the one at work07:37
tharakayes it is07:37
yagootrollboy, apt-get install gnome-classic07:37
tharaka-rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 131040 2010-06-19 02:31 /usr/bin/sudo07:37
trollboythe one at work is whatever the newest is and I've a test box here07:37
tharakais that ok..?07:37
trollboyI did a gnome-classic on the test box here07:37
yagooantnash, you need the non-dev one07:38
antnashwhich is that>07:38
yagooantnash, the same name but without -dev07:38
antnashoh. ta07:38
antnashalready got it apparently, yagoo07:39
yagooantnash, it's possible you may want to make your own "ncurses" console applications to compile..07:39
yagooantnash, don't uninstall the -dev is what i meant..07:39
yagooantnash, likely chances are the compiling code wants to use libncurses-dev07:40
yagoo(especially for console apps)07:40
tharakasoreau> Am I correct or anything else goes wrong with my command..07:40
antnashI'm trying to configure the v4l source07:40
soreautharaka: Can you login as root?07:40
tharakaNo I was unable because password is failled07:41
kookycookietharaka try set a password?07:41
antnashAnd I've got libncurses5-dev AND libncurses5 but it's still not doing. Any idea, yagoo?07:41
soreautharaka: When you reboot, start recovery mode then get to a root prompt and run this: chown root:root /usr/bin/sudo && chmod 4755 /usr/bin/sudo07:42
tharakaHow can I set root password If I forget/please help me..07:42
yagooantnash, what's the error message?07:42
yagooantnash, from what command?07:42
tharakais that only?07:42
antnashmake menuconfig07:42
soreautharaka: yes07:42
soreauthen reboot again07:43
tharakaok thanks..07:43
antnash *** Unable to find the ncurses libraries or the07:43
antnash *** required header files.07:43
antnash *** 'make menuconfig' requires the ncurses libraries.07:43
antnash ***07:43
antnash *** Install ncurses (ncurses-devel) and try again.07:43
FloodBot1antnash: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:43
antnash ***07:43
darshan <tharaka>sudo passwd <your password>07:43
bcaoHi, all. my ubuntu 11.10 could not switch into text mode ,could anyone help me ?07:43
soreauantnash: Did you install what it tells you?07:43
kookycookieAnyone tried getting intel emgd with video acceleration to work on ubuntu?07:44
antnashI've got the header files, I've got both ncurses packages.07:44
=== ok is now known as Guest49445
soreauantnash: What does 'dpkg -l|grep ncurses-devel' show?07:45
yagooantnash, you using 64bit?07:45
antnashyeah, yagoo07:45
antnashAnd that doesn't show anything, soreau07:46
yagooantnash, maybe it's looking for this package lib64ncurses5-dev07:46
soreauantnash: Then you need to install ncurses-devel07:46
BLACK0how to report a bug in Ubuntu 11.10 with no specific package07:46
yagooantnash, i also see this package libcursesw5-dev07:46
soreauantnash: Try lib64ncurses5-dev07:46
ispirtohello, how can i set the network proxy on ubuntu 11.1007:47
antnashyeah, trying it. I have unmet dependencies and have held broken packages apparently07:47
BLACK0can any one help me plz07:47
tharakaWhen I reboot I got this ; HP Recovery partition not found. Press any key..07:47
yagooantnash, apt-get -f install07:47
darshan  i have create an superuser with command "createuser -s -P evergreen" and now  when i deleting it using command "sudo userdel evergreen" ,its showing me evergreen doesn't exist ,but now when i tried to re-create this evergreen user its showing me error ,that role evergreen already exist07:47
=== someone is now known as Guest56186
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antnash0 upg, 0 new, 0 rem, 1 not upg07:48
tharakaAfter press enter key Grub is load07:48
BLACK0need some help to report a bug in ubuntu 11.1007:49
yagooBLACK0, maybe it's not a bug07:49
yagooBLACK0, check if other people have reported it07:49
BLACK0i cant build QtHelp with PyQt and Python3.207:49
BLACK0it gave error and i asked in PyQt mailinglist and they said its ubuntu error07:50
tharakaHi, what would be the possible option for this07:50
yagooBLACK0, you should join a programming mailinglist.. this channel isn't primarily for helping programming07:50
BLACK0oh sorry07:50
BLACK0so which room is for programming07:50
random42I accidentally deleted /usr/share/application directory (I did sudo mv eclipse.desktop /usr/share/application :facepalm:)07:51
yagooBLACK0, maybe your error is already reported. Check that..07:51
BLACK0ubuntu-bug,i checked it and no one reported it07:51
random42how do I regenerate /usr/share/application directory ? with all those *.desktop files back ?07:51
Thelmariadarshan: A superuser account already exists (root). To add a user, try adduser OR useradd, but createuser doesn't look like the right thing. " cat /etc/passwd | grep evergreen" should show you if the user has been created.07:52
yagoorandom42, that wouldn't wipe out a directory07:52
Thelmariadarshan: Your problem is probably that createuser makes a user for postfix, not your system, and userdel deletes a user from your system, but not postfix acounts.07:52
Thelmariadarshan: s/postfix/postgresql.07:52
darshan<Thelmaria> i m creating an superuser in postgres07:53
Thelmariadarshan: Then userdel is not the way to delete a user from postgres.07:53
random42yagoo, so there is *no* /usr/share/application directory ?07:53
yagoorandom42, you are NEW to cli aren't ya? PFF.. if you really did what you said you did.. you basically only moved a file to another location07:53
honeyi was installin ubuntu server 8.4 and currently it doesnt work it says your memory is decreasing how can i solve it?07:53
darshan<Thelmaria> ok ,how should i do it then07:53
random42yagoo, no, I am not new to CLI, I do think I missed something basic here07:54
yagoorandom42, think again07:54
OmNomHello all, I have an acer laptop which I would like to replace windows with ubuntu, how would I completely remove windows and install ubuntu?07:54
soreauhoney: What is telling you that?07:54
yagoorandom42, you don't know how to do ls /usr/share/applications ?07:54
tharakaPlease anyone be here to help me..07:54
Thelmariadarshan: I have no idea :) I'm guessing that you could read the man page for createuser, which might tell you, though. I havn't ever uses postgres.07:54
yagoorandom42, "s"07:54
Thelmaria!ask | tharaka07:54
ubottutharaka: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:54
random42yagoo, :facepalm: again , yeah the s07:54
soreautharaka: What happened?07:54
yagoorandom42, use sudo.. seems like you need it07:54
honeysoreau memory read/write is faile07:55
OmNomCan anyone please tell me how I can remove windows completely from a laptop and install ubuntu ?07:55
honeysoreau: memory read/write is faile07:55
yagooOmNom, the installer lets you do that.. btw.. backup your data first07:55
soreauhoney: Have you tried running the memory test?07:55
tharakawhen I reboot I got ; HP Recovery Partition not found. Press any key...07:56
random42yagoo, thanks, I was worried :D I do use sudo, I guess I need to revisit my directory-last-slash-matters-or-not-in-bash-notes again07:56
jefimenkoi am using multi-homed systems on multiple VLANs and found that i have to use linux advanced routing for everything to work properly (http://kindlund.wordpress.com/2007/11/19/configuring-multiple-default-routes-in-linux/)07:56
OmNomWhich installer, the ubuntu or the wibu installer .07:56
jefimenkois there a way to use /etc/network/interfaces to configure the routes properly?07:56
yagoorandom42, you may want to use -i to give prompts for any overwriting..07:56
yagoo(or at least use alias mv='mv -i'07:56
honeysoreau:how can i test it?07:57
yagooOmNom, wubi is just like a demo install.. you don't use it07:57
soreauhoney: When you boot the live session, there is a memory tester you can select from the menu07:57
random42yagoo, i know, i really feel embarrassed to receive n00b suggestions07:57
yagooOmNom, dunno why people have wubi posted on the ubuntu site.. it can only confuse people07:57
random42but thanks, i guess one needs to do some goof up once in a while to revisit the good ol' days :D07:58
yagooOmNom, did you ask your question in this way->? You do not want Windows?07:58
Guest49445Goodmorning! I need some help. Everytime I log on to my system I have to type "setxkbmap svorakA5" in order to use that layout. Is there any way for me to set it as default?07:58
random42thanks again, yagoo . I shall leave before somebody does a `!n00b | random42`07:58
OmNomWubi is an application esque os I believe07:59
yagoorandom42, dude you need to use that tab completion more often :D07:59
OmNomWhich means it's a full os but installs as an application to run alongside windows07:59
yagooOmNom, #ubuntu-es07:59
yagooOmNom, ya. So is it wubi you want?07:59
OmNomWhat I want is to fully replace windows07:59
yagooOmNom, because it's not something i would want07:59
OmNomBut I got my answer so thank you08:00
phlak_userGuest49445: you can go to Dash Search -Type Keyboard - Click on Keyboard Layout in search results and select the layout you want08:00
yagooOmNom, so backup your windows user files. Then install ubuntu-- The installer lets you do the whole drive08:00
nikihrHey i am using ubuntu 2d now, but i only have three workspaces :s08:00
yagooOmNom, but you don't choose wubi.. If you have a PC (32bit)-- then you choose 32bit..08:00
nikihri want 4 or 608:00
almoxarifeOmNom: btw, save yourself the misery, insure you use the 'alternate' install08:00
tharakaThis is a server which I am talking about..08:01
Guest49445Sorry phlak but I don't know how to "go to Dash Search" :S08:03
yagootharaka, you said grub still works after?08:03
phlak_usertharaka: do you get that message on the BIOS or after Ubuntu starts booting?08:03
yagooGuest10300, maybe he means to click click then type type then <enter>08:03
phlak_userGuest49445: are you on Unity - Ubuntu 11.10 ?08:04
* yagoo thinks all Guest* nicknames is 1 person08:04
tharakawhen it boot I enter a F11 key to get recovery mode08:04
tharakabut It says like that..08:04
phlak_usertharaka: do you get the grub screen first?08:04
tharakano ..08:04
yagootharaka, that's your problem.08:04
yagootharaka, call hp08:05
Guest49445I'm on 11.04 "Natty Narwal", until I master fluxbox08:05
phlak_userGuest49445: ok scratch that; dash is on 11.10. for 11.04, go to System-Preferences-Keyboard08:05
=== rusp is now known as RunePhilosof
htorquehello everyone! is anyone here good with gpg stuff?08:06
phlak_usertharaka: you do not have a problem with Ubuntu. That error is from the BIOS; please contact your Server Hardware Support08:06
AdvoWorkif my ubuntu client pc's all connect to a freenas/freebsd box, which has loads of folders, and these are accessed by the share (connect to server, windows share (for some reason even though its not windows) but it works, how would I go about protecting(with password each time) certain folders?08:07
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Guest49445svorakA5 isn't there, it's a file I've kinda made myself and saved in xkb/symbols, that's why I have to use the command08:08
yagooAdvoWork, well you said it, the server isn't ubuntu.. what do you want from us?08:08
Mr_Queue_lulz... new site but great idea at forum.thenetlug.com08:08
AdvoWorkyagoo, but its it due to the way the client works/ie adding the share, how the ubuntu user connects to it?08:09
yagooAdvoWork, password settings cannot be changed from the client on smb08:09
yagooAdvoWork, you have to configure the server end.. which is not a ubuntu server08:09
tharakaI mean when I reboot the server it asks some options; then F11 for recovery mode; if not use options then load the grub; also If use F11 then it says like that (If you meant like this then ok)08:10
honeysoreau:it says memory write/read failure at 46000F6c,read 90EF00EF expecting 00EF00Ef decreasing avaliable memory08:12
yagootharaka, a server is not to be rebooted.. so what's the big deal here? You're trying to restore factory defaults? CALL HP.08:12
soreauhoney: what does?08:12
tharakaok thanks...I will call them..cool :)08:12
phlak_userAdvoWork: maybe you need to go through this first -> http://www.freenas.org/images/resources/freenas8.0.1_guide.html08:12
gogetatharaka: yea they just toos a genrec os on and the rest is u to you08:12
yagootharaka, they'll laugh at you because you wiped out your hp recovery partition with linux08:13
honeysoreau:PXE-E61:media test failure, check cable08:13
gogetayagoo: naa08:13
honeysoreau:it says memory write/read failure at 46000F6c,read 90EF00EF expecting 00EF00Ef decreasing avaliable memory08:13
gogetayagoo: they dont care if you ugrade08:13
soreauhoney: What is telling you that?08:13
phlak_userAdvoWork: specifically here -> http://www.freenas.org/images/resources/freenas8.0.1_guide.html#__RefHeading__9146_15464810008:14
Guest49445phlak_user: svorakA5 isn't there, it's a file I've kinda made myself and saved in xkb/symbols, that's why I have to use the command08:14
honeysoreau: at the bigning when the serevr is power on it says memory write/read failure at 46000F6c,read 90EF00EF expecting 00EF00Ef decreasing avaliable memory08:14
soreauhoney: Run memory test08:14
gogetahoney: sounds like bad ram08:15
BluebirdShaoguys, i got an error while installing 'libmysqlclient-dev', just like this.08:15
phlak_userGuest49445: oh ok; so you create a script with that command and add it to startup08:15
honeysoreau: but it says mediea test failure08:15
htorquecan anyone interpret, whether or not my GPG key is still valid (had a little mishap the other day)?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/724084/08:15
BluebirdShaoi need some help.08:15
soreauhoney: What does?08:15
Guest49445phlak_user: aah, ok that sounds promising. Where's the startup file though?08:16
honeygogeta:so what shal i do?08:16
phlak_userBluebirdShao: is that file open (decimal.h); are you running a compile job alongside?08:16
RunePhilosofWhere can I find the configuration and source code for the personal package archives feature in launchpad.net/ubuntu??08:16
phlak_userGuest49445: you can locate it in System-Preferences-Startup Application08:17
gogetahoney: memery test if it starts messing up your ram needs to be replaced08:17
phlak_user!ppa | RunePhilosof08:17
ubottuRunePhilosof: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa08:17
gogetahoney: and hope its not the moterbord08:17
BluebirdShaophlak_user: no, I just open terminal and google-chrome.08:17
phlak_userBluebirdShao: and you ran this command with sudo apt-get install libmysql...08:18
BluebirdShaophlak_user: I didn't open any file.08:18
* yagoo thinks gogeta can't spell memory and motherboard08:18
yagooshame shame08:18
gogetayagoo: lol08:18
Guest49445phlak_user: Have to try it now, brb and thanks!08:18
BluebirdShaophlak_user: yes, sudo apt-get install libmysql...08:18
phlak_useryagoo: there are many non-native english speakers here- pl dont put them down08:18
yagoophlak_user, i think gogeta is cool and you're not.08:19
honeysoreau:by the way is you telling me you can get at the biginig can i insert cd to test the memory?08:19
soreauhoney: Yes, right after it boots, select memory test from the menu08:20
soreauhoney: If memory test passes a few times, make sure to check the md5sum of the image you used to create the boot medium. If it's bad ram, replace the ram08:20
phlak_userBluebirdShao: ok i think i know whats going on; did you install mysql-devel also? it shows that the development files exist08:20
RunePhilosofphlak_user: I meant the conf and code that is used to give the feature on launchpad.net, so that I can make a similar service for stuff 'not Ubuntu'.08:21
BluebirdShaophlak_user: I think I have installed mysql. but i'm not sure, let me check.08:21
neilfHi. I've just installed capifony using ("sudo gem install capifony") - when I try to run it i get: capifony: command not found08:21
honeysoreau:ok i will thanks for your assistance08:22
phlak_userRunePhilosof: like this -> http://inodes.org/2009/09/14/building-a-private-ppa-on-ubuntu/08:22
phlak_userneilf: you need to check your Ruby environment;08:23
RunePhilosofNo, I want to make a build server for Android apps projects. So I would like the conf and code used for the Ubuntu build farm.08:23
RunePhilosofI know how to use the Ubuntu PPAs08:23
JRandolphhoney: I usually have to burn livecds at slower speeds08:23
PumpkinPiewhat's going on08:24
phlak_userRunePhilosof: if you dont have a Ubuntu question, this is the wrong place to ask08:24
RunePhilosofphlak_user: I guess it is more of a launchpad question.08:25
phlak_userRunePhilosof: ok08:26
=== SomeoneWeirdAFK is now known as SomeoneWeird
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
CompanionHello, oh oh oh08:29
yagooPumpkinPie, you respect Mandela right now.08:34
yagooPumpkinPie, Mandela is your ubuntu. now kneel.08:34
PumpkinPieok will do08:35
=== tfilipczuk is now known as makak
SinbeaSup guys, how do i burn ISO files into my USB?08:36
CompanionSinbea, you mean making a bootable disk?08:36
Companionon a USB drive?08:36
Companionthats not burning :')08:36
CompanionUse unetbootin08:36
Sinbeaok thanx :]08:37
Companionworks for linux & windows and mac08:37
CompanionSinbea, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/08:37
CompanionIts also usefull to make PXE Installs with it :')08:38
kookycookieT_T anyone had any success with EMGD and Ubuntu?08:38
Companionkookycookie,  EMGD?08:38
kookycookieIntel grafix driver08:38
Companionuse vesa08:38
=== corsair is now known as Guest95008
CompanionVesa is fine for it kookycookie08:38
kookycookievesa? I'll look it up08:39
=== Guest95008 is now known as corsairutx
=== corsairutx is now known as corsairtux
Companionkookycookie, it runs by default08:39
kookycookieYou mean its preinstalled?08:39
kookycookieOn which ubuntu?08:39
Companionkookycookie, to check it do a check in your xorg.conf08:39
Companionkookycookie, yes08:39
Companionkookycookie, its installed & used by default08:40
Companionkookycookie, I could help you solving the EMGD driver but Vesa is better then EMGD from my experience 10 years ago08:41
kookycookie10 years ago?08:41
Companionkookycookie, EMGD is still crap ;p08:42
Companionhola jemar08:42
=== TheDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108
jemartengo un problema com ubuntu 11.4 despues de actualizar ahor me dice plymouth desconectado y no me deja entrar08:42
Companionjemar, english please08:43
kookycookieVesa doesnt seem to support the new chip or video hardware acceleration tho08:43
jemarme ha pasado despues de activasr controladores graficos nvidia08:43
kookycookieBut I'll look it up08:43
Companionkookycookie, it doesnt08:43
Companionjemar, English or join #ubuntu-spa08:43
kookycookieThanks Companion08:44
jemarno hablo ingles08:44
Companionkookycookie, also a verry recent experience with EMGD is that it breaks more then it fixes08:44
Companionwas about 3 weeks ago08:44
Companionjemar no hablo spanish08:44
GeorgeJHello folks, I'm having some issues with Unity on a new ubuntu install. The ctrl+alt+up/down do not work for switching workspaces. And ctrl+alt+left/right bring up a non-themed windows for switching workspaces. How could I get the normal behavior again? This is a fresh install of ubuntu, and I've got this issue since the first boot.08:44
jemarjoin #ubuntu-spa08:45
vaevwhere does the network manager hold its configuration files?08:47
djhAnyone know of a way to get Unity (as of 11.04) to do Warp To Window on alt-tab?08:48
=== Dawg67 is now known as DirtyDawg
jojosiaohello again08:49
Companionvaev, don't touch it!08:49
abehi, if I would like to do the installation mostly via SSH, need LVM+raid support, without any desktop component, which download would be appropriate?08:49
jojosiaois there a suitable software that I can install and use in ubuntu to edit RAW nikon photos?08:50
vaevCompanion: I just need to extract wireless access point configuration info from it for a wpa_supplicant configuration08:50
Companionabe, ubuntu server 10.0408:50
Mikeleveljojosiao~ gimp with raw plugin08:50
Companionvaev, /etc/networking08:50
Companionif  I am right*08:51
jojosiaoMikelevel: ah ok let me google that08:51
abeCompanion: thanks. so if I would like to get a ubuntu-desktop, or kde later on, I could just apt-get it, and it would be virtually no different right?08:51
vaevCompanion: actually I just solved it by making the connection available for all users and it's found in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections now08:51
Companionabe, server's arent suposed to run desktops08:51
CompanionVaenor, nice :)08:51
Companionvaev, nice08:51
Mikeleveljojosiao~ http://ufraw.sourceforge.net/08:51
fernando_abe, you can use virtualbox08:52
GeorgeJIs there a special channel for unity?08:52
abeCompanion: yep, understandable.  basically I am thinking of getting kde-minimal, but kubuntu cd doesn't seems to offer this option (or I can't find if they could) so thinking if I should start minimal08:52
jojosiaoI just recently bought my new laptop ... how do i use my webcam to record videos in my laptop?08:53
abejojosiao: I like rawTherapee, but you need to check if it supports your raw format08:53
Companionabe, havent installed ubuntu for ages now... isnt a other distro better?08:54
jojosiaoabe: thanks08:55
andrewh192jojosiao: there is a program that is installed by default called Cheese Webcam Booth08:56
andrewh192jojosiao: that will inable you to record both video as well as still's from ur webcam08:57
dddbmtMorning guys! I have a slight problem when running Skype under 11.10. Everytime I start the program my CPU+Memory usage goes to 100% and my computer freezes. Any ideas?08:57
abejojosiao: np.... check out ufraw also of cos... another v popular one :)08:58
jojosiaoandrewh192: I am using ubuntu 11.10 and I dont think cheese is already installed here... if you think it is, please show me where i can find it in the menus08:59
jojosiaoabe: yeah, I think ufraw is also good08:59
andrewh192jojosiao: well, if you go to where the little ubuntu logo is at the top of ur little dashbar on the left hand side09:00
andrewh192and click on it..09:00
andrewh192jojosiao: it will give you a place where you can type in something.. just type that in, and if its already installed, it will show up09:00
jojosiaoandrewh192: I reconfigured my ubuntu theme to gnome classic ... sorry i didnt tell you right away09:00
andrewh192jojosiao: well, i am not so sure then...09:01
andrewh192jojosiao: i haven't spent that much time using ubuntu in that setup09:01
andrewh192jojosiao: someone else in here might be able to help ya better in here..09:01
jojosiaoandrewh192: I tried to run cheese in terminal it says it's not installed09:01
andrewh192jojosiao: doesn't it ask you if u want to install it?09:02
andrewh192jojosiao: if not, u can do the sudo apt-get cheese09:03
PinchiukasHow do I find out why my cronjob isn't being performed?09:03
andrewh192jojosiao: that should work.09:03
dc5alaPinchiukas, you could add a line with MAILTO=09:04
Pinchiukasdc5ala: will do.09:04
robottdifference between 'base os' and fully virtualised os?09:05
robottcan get ubuntu in either flavour from my vps09:05
andrewh192was sorta wondering if there was a command i could do in terminal that would give me a constant readout of my temps..09:05
andrewh192or if there was one even in the regular settings i could find09:05
computer_wow it just happened again. No updates in the GUI Update Manager but updates using apt-get upgrade09:06
computer_Ubuntu 11.1009:06
nikihris there any way to disable some 3d effects in unity?09:06
nikihri think its tooo slow09:06
HalabundHello everyone.  Is there anyone here using both gVim and IBUS?  Whenever I go into input mode, gVim freezes for a while, and to the terminal it will print "IBUS-WARNING **: Create input context failed: Timeout was reached."  How can I fix this?  Note that I'm not even activating the Chinese input method when this happens.09:07
HalabundI'm on Oneiric.09:07
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
computer_I am just thankful that there were update as I was getting sick of banshee always hanging and losing my track pad sporadically09:08
markskilbeckHi, all. Is there a piece of software for isolating tracks within some music?09:08
markskilbeckFor extracting just the guitar, for example.09:08
computer_nope there is goes again, banshee just craped it's self again09:09
PupHi, which Ubuntu version would be appropriate for an old Dell Optiplex 170L - 2.8Ghz, 1GB RAM, 80GB HDD with Windows XP SP3.  Ubuntu 10.04LTS or Ubuntu 11.10?09:09
computer_Ether should be fine Pup09:10
RaTTuS|BIGpup - either09:10
peterrooney_markskilbeck: that's a wetware task.09:10
dbolserhow do I get something like gnome pannel back?09:10
PupCan it dual-boot with Win XP?09:11
dbolserI want my application launchers back09:11
dbolserPup: yup09:11
markskilbeckpeterrooney_: meaning?09:11
computer_Yes Pup you can09:11
dbolseralso, when I first installed, my webcam worked, now it doesn't, not sure what broke it...09:12
dbolseranyone can help with these two bugbears?09:12
* dbolser is happy to provide requested details ;-P09:12
dbolsernot sure what to provide09:12
Pupcomputer: which one would you suggest? 10.04LTS?09:13
dbolserhello computer_09:13
computer_Install XP first and the Ubuntu installer is quite excellent at detecting XP and adding it to the Grub boot menu09:13
computer_Hello there dbolser09:13
dbolsernice nick09:14
computer_Thanks, I am a very creative person you know09:14
peterrooney_markskilbeck: meaning save the dreaming until bedtime.  A modestly competent musician would be able to identify what the guitar track is, but unless it was recorded in its own channel, don't hold your breath.09:14
dbolserbah.. focus follows mouse is also disabled... how do I configure gnome '2D ubuntu'09:15
dbolserI still can't get over the 3.0 kern09:15
lufiis there a linux distro that only has the needed packages? without any extra packages like the games and stuff09:15
dbolserlufi: yes09:15
HalabundWhat do I do  when the new top-row menu simply fails to display for some programs for an extended time, then after that it appears in the application window?  It just makes it impossible to work with these programs if I can't access their menu for a minute every time I start them up ... I get " WARNING **: Unable to register window with path '/com/canonical/menu/4E00024': Timeout was reached" in the terminal.  This is an often-occurring problem.09:15
dbolserlufi: every distro out there ;-)09:15
computer_Pup I would love to recommend 11.10 as it is full of cool things but I am having quite a crap time with some very basic things in it09:16
lufilol what do you mean?09:16
dbolserlufi: most distros have a package manager that let you remove cruff09:16
Lantizialufi, you can install ubuntu with barely anything if you like and then build upwards09:16
dbolserbut some are more 'minimal' in nature though09:16
peterrooney_lufi: all you have to do is not install packages in the first place, and uninstall them if you do by mistake09:16
dbolserlufi: you may like to look at 'micro linux'es though09:17
Pupcomputer_: What's the difference between Ubuntu 10.04LTS and 11.10? I never used Ubuntu before.09:17
lufioh .so there's an option not to install the packages09:17
* lufi googling09:17
dbolserhow long has 3.0 been out?09:17
dbolserlufi: not sure how you do it precicely with ub, but in general yeah09:17
LantiziaPup, 11.10 will likely eat your first born children09:17
dbolsergoogle for minimal ubuntu or something...09:17
dbolserlufi: noo09:17
dbolserhow do I even find my version09:18
sorush20_hi I need to install acrobat reader plugin09:18
sorush20_an ideas?09:18
* dbolser is such a noob09:18
dbolsersorush20_: apt-cache search adobi09:18
corsairtuxanyone know the name of the application to manage archive?09:18
sorush20_dbolser: no not there09:18
PupLantizia: Is Ubuntu 10.04LTS more stable than 11.10?09:19
markskilbeckpeterrooney_: I thought as much. Carry on being a d'bag.09:19
HalabundWhat's the point in having these fancy menus if the only thing I get is *that they don't work at all and I have no menu*??  How can I disable this?09:19
dbolsercorsairtux: file-roller09:19
dr_williscorsairtux:  filerunner09:19
computer_Can anyone tell me why GUI movements are coursing Banshee to stutter and jump audio and the go into gray out mode?09:19
LantiziaPup, more likely yes09:19
dbolsersorush20_: ok, you must need to add a repo09:19
dbolserHalabund: 11.10?09:19
LantiziaPup, LTS releases are every two years and I think maintained for 4 years upon release... non LTS releases are every 6 months bleeding edge software and only get maintained for a year I think09:20
Halabunddbolser, yes.  No bloody menu in some programs.  Happens randomly.09:20
robottmy ubunutu server install is asking me to select a domain name09:20
robottwhat should i write?09:20
robotti dont know09:20
dbolsercomputer_: compiz using 100% cpu at a gues09:20
Halabunddbolser, with warnings like  WARNING **: Unable to register window with path '/com/canonical/menu/4E00024': Timeout was reached09:20
dbolserHalabund: I want to go back :(09:20
dbolserrobott: robot.com (doesn't really matter too much I think)09:21
computer_dbolser, true dat09:21
icerootLantizia: until 12.04 eversy lts has 3 years, 12.04 will have 5 years09:21
Halabunddbolser, also vim-gnome conflicts with IBUS, making graphical vim unusable.09:21
PupLantizia: Thanks for the tip. I'll install 10.04LTS.09:21
dbolserHalabund: trying xfce now...09:21
computer_So most likely a GPU driver issue?09:21
CanGot an odd question for people if anyones able to help me.09:21
dbolserLantizia: if 10.04 is recomended, how come it bugged me every 5 days to upgrade to 11.10?09:21
dbolserCan: no I can't help you09:22
Lantiziadbolser, didn't say it was recommended - it is just another option09:22
corsairtuxdbolser,  thanks it work now :-)09:22
dbolserLantizia: ic09:22
dbolsercorsairtux: cool.... what was it again?09:22
peterrooney_markskilbeck: I've generally found audio editing software good at focusing on particular instruments (audacity being readily available and easily started with), but I know of no general algorithm for the task.09:22
sorush20_dbolser: what is the repository09:22
dbolserhow do I configure focus follows mouse?09:22
computer_damn closed source software messes things up every time09:23
dbolsersorush20_: good question ;-)09:23
dbolsernot sure09:23
Lantiziasorush20_, as in the definition?09:23
dbolsersorush20_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AcrobatHowTo ??09:23
Canwhats the minimum hardware req for the lastest ubuntu release?09:24
dbolserLantizia: he's looking for a repo for adobe09:24
nikihris there any way to disable some 3d effects in unity?09:24
nikihri think its tooo slow09:24
phlak_userrobott: if its not an internet-facing machine; it doesnt matter09:24
Lantiziadbolser, he wants to use the canonical partner repository09:24
phlak_usernikihr: unity 2d09:24
dbolsernikihr: probably you have to configure your graphics card, then it won't be slow09:24
Lantiziadbolser, it's already in the distro just not activated09:24
dbolsersorush20_: ^^ what Lantizia said09:24
phlak_user!hcl | Can09:24
ubottuCan: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:24
sorush20_dbolser: no not the definition of a repo but the for the plugin09:25
nikihrhow do i check if i got the drivers to gfx09:25
dbolsersorush20_: once you got the repo, the plugin should be easy to find... ask Lantizia, he knows much more than me09:25
Lantizialol thanks09:25
Lantiziawhat plugin is this? flash by any chance?09:25
dbolserI'm just trying to work out how to configure the wm!09:26
sorush20_Lantizia: I've added the repository but now its not showing any plugins..09:26
Lantiziasorush20_, which repository and which plugin are you looking for?09:27
dbolserfocus follows mouse ?09:27
phlak_userdbolser: gnome-tweak-tool is a better bet09:27
sorush20_Lantizia: I'm trying to install acrobat reader plugin for firefox09:28
dbolserphlak_user: ty09:28
Lantiziasorush20_, I'm not sure there even is one - there is Adobe Reader for Linux as a standalone application but never heard of a plugin09:28
phlak_usersorush20_: sudo apt-get install acroread09:29
phlak_user!info acroread | sorush20_09:29
ubottusorush20_: Package acroread does not exist in oneiric09:29
Cando i need seperate partitions or can i use the WUBI and will it work off the same hard drive?09:29
computer_Yeah dbolser 30 seconds in Banshee CPU usage goes to 100%09:29
sorush20_phlak_user: I've done that but I need to know the about the plugin09:29
pAt_!info acroread09:29
dbolsercomputer_: same here, I think you need to configure your graphcs card09:29
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dbolseror use 2d09:30
_r00t_phlak_user:  gnome-tweak-tool | Where can you get that ?09:30
computer_And Banshee stays grad out09:30
dbolseroh, sorry, banshee ... not sure then09:30
phlak_user_r00t_: its in the universe repos09:30
computer_Nothing else seems to course it, just Banshee09:31
phlak_user!info gnome-tweak-tool09:31
ubottugnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweak-tool): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.0-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 71 kB, installed size 656 kB09:31
dbolserphlak_user: hmm... the gnome-tweek-tool wants about 20 new packages... is that expected?09:31
phlak_usersorush20_: didnt it get installed? my firefox can open pdf files just fine09:31
_r00t_phlak_user: Hmmmm I'm running 11.0409:31
phlak_userdbolser: it prolly wants you to install gnome-shell too :)09:32
dbolsersuggested packages: desktop-base ing?09:32
phlak_user_r00t_: oh ok; you can safely ignore it09:32
dbolserphlak_user: gnome-shell.... sounds interesting09:32
Cannobody knows if i can install on the same partition as my windows?09:32
_r00t_phlak_user: thanks buddy09:32
dbolserCan: I think you can, I always use partitions though09:32
dbolserso I dont' knwo for sure09:32
himhello nay buddy can tell me feedreader for gnome?09:32
sorush20_phlak_user: but embened in the firefox window or an external acroread window?09:32
phlak_usersorush20_: embedded in ff09:33
dbolserhim: search the software thingy?09:33
himdbolser: what is thingy?09:33
phlak_userhim: search in ubuntu software center or type apt-cache search feedreader09:33
Candbolser: ya im trying to install on an old laptop so i can do some testing for my networking class and the laps only got 1 drive and i cant repartition09:33
dbolserhim: er... 'Ubuntu software center'09:33
dbolserCan: even after defragging a couple times?09:34
phlak_user!info liferea | him09:34
ubottuhim: liferea (source: liferea): feed aggregator for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.6b-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 249 kB, installed size 812 kB09:34
dbolseryou should be abel to repartition09:34
dbolserCan: but I'm failrly sure you can share on a doze partiotin09:34
dbolsercan't type09:34
Candbolser: ya but you cant repartition an active part will windows is running09:34
phlak_usercan: if its only for testing, boot off a live cd/usb09:35
him well i am trying09:35
Cani need it to be a full install with wifi support09:35
dbolserCan: sure, so you re-frag couple times, then stick in the ubuntu installer and re-partition then09:35
baldarishey guys , i tried to upgrade my box from 10.04 to 10.10 , and now i am getting error message grub rescue.09:35
phlak_userCan: sure you can do that off a livecd/usb09:35
baldaristried following up with some documentation , but when i boot with live cd...iam getting input output error09:35
baldariscan some one help me??09:35
dbolsergnome-panel ... what a concept!09:36
_r00t_wonders if you can run both gnome 2 and gnome 3.... Maybe I could sandbox gnome-shell and do it that way ?09:36
phlak_userbaldaris: get another cd; that one seems toast09:36
dbolserbuttons... you click ... to launch apps!09:36
Canphlak_user: the ubuntu wiki is telling me my broadcom wireless cards drivers arent working "out of the box"09:36
Canphlak_user: so i wouldnt have network support09:36
dbolser_r00t_: is 'ubuntu 2D' gnome 3?09:36
baldarisphlak_user: i am able to run it via live cd...09:37
phlak_userCan: did you actually try it? it takes 5min09:37
dbolserCan: you may be able to get them working09:37
baldarisstill want me to change the cd?09:37
_r00t_dbolser: you've lost me09:37
Canwinfail is updating on the lappy right now, so i figured id pick some brains while i wait09:37
phlak_userbaldaris: you said you're getting a i/o error09:37
dbolser_r00t_: I've just installed 11.10, is that using gnome3?09:37
phlak_userdbolser: yes09:38
dbolserphlak_user: ty09:38
baldarissorry for miscommunication , i mean in the command terminal when i am running $ sudo mount /dev/sdax /mnt/myroot09:38
GeorgeJHello folks. I've just installed Ubuntu 11.10 and Unity seems to be broken for me. Window snaping/resizing does not work, nor most keybinds(ctrl+alt+up/down, ctrl+alt+numpad). Ctrl+Alt+Tab/~/Left/Right work but the windows that pop are unthemed(also, workspace switching only work for left/right not up/down). Is this a known issue? How can It be resolved?09:38
phlak_userbaldaris: then you're hard disk is toast09:38
Canive installed ubuntu before on this comp, my desktop, back oh a year or 2 ago, couldnt get wine to run world of warcraft so i uninstalled in anger lol, but now that im in college and doing IT the instructor asked us all to try out a linux release and get it up and running, so i picked ubuntu cause im familiar with it09:39
baldarisPHLAK_user : when i am in live cd , i could view teh contents of the file in my laptop hard drive.09:39
sorush20_instead of opening and an embedded page its opening in a new window09:39
sorush20_what can I do09:39
phlak_userbaldaris: i suggest you first take a back-up of all your documents while you can still see them :)09:39
baldarisalready did that09:40
dbolserphlak_user: using gnome-tweak-tool ... how do I save settings? there are no buttons09:40
victoriais there anyway to install MS FSX in ubuntu on an external HDD?09:40
dbolsercauses lots of errors on startup09:40
baldarisany suggestions what i could do?09:40
dbolserincluding 'no shell running'09:40
baldarisi dont think there is a problem with the hard drive09:40
baldarisi am able to run simple commands09:40
baldarisany documentation you could point me to for fixinf grub rescue using live cd?09:40
phlak_usersorush20_: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using%20the%20Adobe%20Reader%20plugin%20with%20Firefox09:40
Canbaldaris: you can view the files on a live cd but not on your actual install?09:41
phlak_userdbolser: its saved by default09:41
_r00t_phlak_user: If I debootstrap 11.10 into a directory /debst-11.10/ Can I get grub to boot it ?09:41
dbolserphlak_user: focus follows mouse isn't working :(09:41
phlak_userdbolser: what does that mean?09:41
dbolserI'm going to try logging out and back in, then I'll paste the errors if that doesn't work09:41
dbolserphlak_user: I set it in the tweak tool, but it didn't have effect09:42
dbolserone moment09:42
HalabundI tried to install a webserver by installing the following packages: apache2 libapache2-mod-php .  Then I ran a2enmod userdir, created a public_html directory, and put a .php file in it.  But it php is not being processed, it's being served "as-is" (raw php code).  What did I do wrong?09:42
phlak_userbaldaris: http://www.howopensource.com/tag/reinstall-grub-ubuntu-11-10/09:42
phlak_userHalabund: did you install php?09:43
phlak_user!info php5 | Halabund09:43
ubottuHalabund: php5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.6-13ubuntu3.2 (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB09:43
Halabundphlak_user, yes I did09:43
Halabundphlak_user, that package is installed too09:43
Halabundphlak_user, wait, it isn't you're right09:44
llutzHalabund: libapache2-mod-php5  "sudo a2enmod php"09:44
Canwhat size usb stick do i need for a live?09:45
phlak_usercan: 700 MB is ok09:45
DJonesCan: 1 1Gb stick should be ok09:45
dc5alaCan, at least the size of the cd image09:46
Canalright next question ive got an 8gig usb stick can i partition it in half and have one for live and one for my files?09:46
wallaHi guys, quick question regarding repository updates - is there a good how-to somewhere?09:46
MrMindhi folks! Is it possible to make the ftp mounts in nautlius not to disconnect after a while? beacuse I need to unmount and mount them manually to get them work again09:46
no-name-should I have an ~/.Xauthority09:46
no-name-because I do not :o09:46
elgatonwalla: What do you want to know precisely?09:47
phlak_usercan: yes09:47
dc5alano-name-, when you have a running X sessions you should09:47
no-name-hmm, I have X running but no ~/.Xauthority09:48
phlak_userMrMind: your server needs to be sent keep-alive commands09:49
Canoh joy windows wont let me delete the volume on my thumb drive09:49
_r00t_If I debootstrap 11.10 into a directory /debst-11.10/ Can I get grub to boot it ?09:49
wallaelgaton: I'm running Jaunty, so when I try to install new packages, the directories are messed up.09:50
dc5alano-name-, with a logged in user too?09:50
elgatonwalla: What do you mean by "messed up" precisely? Could you please give me a detailed example?09:50
no-name-well, I'm running gnome and I'm logged in09:50
phlak_user_r00t_: nope -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot09:50
MrMindphlak_user: okey, thx!09:51
dc5alano-name-, then you should have that file, else no program can talk to X09:51
_r00t_phlak_user: thanks but that sounds so lame ... Maybe I chould pivot root ? Strange that over the years this is still not possible09:52
wallaelgaton: http://pastebin.com/zxGjB1Xg09:52
phlak_user_r00t_: maybe its because grub still cant see folders on the filesystem *before* they are mounted?09:52
no-name-dc5ala: maybe it will come back if I restart?09:52
phlak_userno-name-: run this command -> find . -name \*authority09:53
phlak_userno-name-: in your home folder09:53
dc5alano-name, how do check that the file isn't there? You know that files starting with a dot are hidden files, right?09:53
_r00t_phlak_user: You've got to be kidding me ! WOW ... still can't see folders09:53
phlak_user_r00t_: ?09:54
elgatonwalla: Have you tried to run "sudo apt-get update", as suggested? If yes, could you please paste (in a pastebin) the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list file as well as those of all files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/? Also, what Ubuntu mirror are you using?09:54
iqbalkhanexcuse me guys,,09:54
no-name-phlak_user: ./.ICEauthority09:54
iqbalkhani just install samba09:54
iqbalkhanit's worl fine09:54
iqbalkhanbut when i share my folder09:54
iqbalkhanthe message "Failed to execute child process "testparm" (No such file or directory)" show09:55
_r00t_phlak_user: I meant that grub *still* can't see subdirectories ?! I'm surprised09:55
no-name-dc5ala: I tried ls -a ~/.X*09:55
iqbalkhananyone can help?09:55
phlak_user_r00t_: ok09:55
phlak_useriqbalkhan: whats testparm09:55
_r00t_phlak_user: I just I could create an initrd ...and chroot afterwards09:56
no-name-I have .ICEauthority ... wth is that?09:56
iqbalkhanphlak_user: i don't know i'm new in samba09:56
wallaelgaton: apt-get update returns: http://pastebin.com/gc0C0dbk09:57
wallaelgaton: /etc/apt/sources.list : http://pastebin.com/KkScEmNu09:57
iqbalkhani just create share and that error message show09:57
dc5alano-name-, that ls should show your file =/09:58
Halabundllutz, yes, I have the following installed now: apache2 php5 libapache-mod-php5  .  I even did a reboot.  I executed sudo a2enmod php5.  PHP is still not being processed, it's being served as raw.  I have the files in ~/public_html and the userdir module enabled.09:58
wallaelgaton: and how do I figure out which mirror I'm using?09:58
no-name-I'm going to try a restart09:58
dc5alano-name-, other question: why do you worry about that file in the first place?09:58
elgatonwalla: you could open System->Software Sources and look at the "Download from" combo box, but I've figured it out from /etc/apt/sources.list09:59
phlak_useriqbalkhan: are you on 11.10?09:59
iqbalkhani'm on 10.1009:59
phlak_useriqbalkhan:  type this in a terminal -> sudo ln -s /usr/bin/testparm.samba3 /usr/bin/testparm ; sudo ln -s /usr/bin/net.samba3 /usr/bin/net09:59
phlak_useriqbalkhan: it seems to be a known issue09:59
wallaelgaton: thanks...09:59
=== Kartagis is now known as suigeneris
no-name-still no ~/.Xauthority10:00
=== suigeneris is now known as Kartagis
iqbalkhanphlak_user: i have try that command10:00
no-name-but I do have ~/.ICEauthority whatever that is10:00
iqbalkhanbut still same error show10:00
iqbalkhanphlak_user: should i restart my system?10:00
Halabundllutz, I just checked, and it seems this is only the case for files in my home directory.  For files in /var/www php works.  How can I enable it for users?10:01
phlak_useriqbalkhan: nope10:01
dc5alano-name-, guess you have a magic system :) Why do you worry about that file?10:01
phlak_userHalabund: look in the logs, it will tell you why10:01
elgatonwalla: if you look at the directory listing of your mirror (http://fi.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/), you will see that there is no folder named "jaunty". That means the Finnish mirror you're using has removed all Jaunty packages to save space.10:01
no-name-dc5ala: dunno, just worried that something's wrong I guess :/10:02
elgatonwalla: Makes sense since Jaunty has reached end of life: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope10:02
wallaelgaton: yeah I know...10:02
wallaelgaton: is anyone still hosting Jaunty packages?10:02
elgatonwalla: which means you will get no further upgrades. You'd better upgrade your Ubuntu installation (you may use an LTS version if you wish).10:02
llutzHalabund: idk, you may ask in #httpd10:02
dc5alano-name-, and is there something wrong? ;)10:02
elgatonwalla: You can have a look at this page: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors10:02
no-name-dc5ala: hehe, not that I know of :P10:03
no-name-and that's what worries me10:03
elgatonwalla: then, for each mirror, check the directory listing and see if they host Jaunty packages (but I don't think that since Jaunty has reached end of life)10:03
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Canphlak_user: im downloading the 11.10 iso and the new usb installer, cant figure out how to partition this flash drive, wondering if i can do the live install on a 1gig SD Card?10:03
phlak_userno-name-: http://askubuntu.com/questions/21923/how-do-i-create-the-xauthority-file10:04
phlak_usercan: yes you can do that on an SD card too10:04
Canphlak_user: that solves my issue then10:04
wallaelgaton: I'm not really keen on updating, because it'll probably frack up all the hosted websites, which is a big no-no...10:04
no-name-phlak_user: ahh, thanks :)10:04
no-name-yes, I am running 10.1010:04
no-name-all is good10:04
phlak_userno-name-: a simple google search wouldve given you the answer 45 mins back10:05
elgatonwalla: you'd better do that (unsupported distributions get NO security upgrades; better to upgrade, preferably to an LTS release, than to see an hacker break into the server and having to spend hours or days to reinstall and check everything)10:05
dc5alano-name-, you could try "xauth info"10:05
elgatonwalla: tried to look if some mirrors still offer Jaunty support: no one did. I think that everyone has removed those packages.10:06
elgatonwalla: if you can wait some months, you could upgrade to Pangolin (it will be an LTS release).10:07
wallaelgaton: yeah I guess so... Is there any quick and easy way of getting dvd-support without a whole upgrade?10:07
wallaelgaton: 12.04?10:07
Cangoogle = your friend10:07
elgatonwalla: Do you mean getting the DVD version of Ubuntu so you have to download the ISO just one time or do you mean "How do I upgrade Ubuntu without using the Internet?"10:08
iqbalkhanphlak_user: i have reboot my system10:09
ravenpossible to add new panels to gnome3?10:09
iqbalkhanand try to share my folder again10:09
iqbalkhanbut still same error show10:09
iqbalkhanFailed to execute child process "testparm" (No such file or directory)10:09
wallaelgaton: no. I want to watch a movie from a DVD on my laptop, and I don't want to physically have to go to the other room and watch it on the tv.10:10
ravenpossible to add new panels to gnome3?10:11
wallaelgaton: and I'm probably missing the CSS decoder10:11
almoxariferaven: explain what you mean by 'panel'10:11
aQutehi i recenttly installed ubuntu 11.10 but its running very slow is there any way to improve performance i don t wanna use unity 2d??10:12
elgatonwalla: Add the Medibuntu repository (http://www.medibuntu.org/repository.php) and install libdvdcss2. Be wary that this might be illegal in your country.10:12
ravenalmoxarife, i want shortcut icons and sysmonitor also in gnome 310:12
almoxarifeaQute: what's eating up cpu time?10:12
[uM]Cyberdemonmaybe the driver for your gfx card is not proper @ aQute10:12
iqbalkhananyone can help?10:13
llutzwalla:sudo apt-get install libdvdread4 && sudo  /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh10:13
elgatoniqbalkhan: Have you tried to run "sudo apt-get upgrade samba"?10:13
aQuteno drivers are ok actually i have 1 gb ram n core 2 dua processor10:13
aQuteits n old laptop10:13
almoxariferaven: there are a lot of extensions avail to do that, google it10:13
ravenalmoxarife, what for example10:14
iqbalkhanelgaton: why should i, upgrade samba?10:14
almoxariferaven: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html <-- try that for starters10:15
aQutelinux mint11 is ok but i m having problem with my wireless internet so i switched to ubuntu 11.10 but is is quite slow :(10:15
=== html is now known as htmlinprogress
elgatoniqbalkhan: I have Googled for your problem and seen that the issue occurred in old versions of Ubuntu, the solution was to upgrade Samba. It's worth a try.10:15
aQutewill installing genome desktop env will improve performance10:15
almoxarifeaQute: a slow wireless is as slow on any OS10:16
htmlinprogressnot true ,  check to see if its a bug10:16
RenexQ: i am trying to install ubuntu 7 from DVD on a computer where I have windows 7. On ubuntu.com it says there should appear Install ubunto alongside windows 7, however that option does not appear. When I go to Something else only one partition appears (having as size the total amount of space on the harddrive), however when I browse from CD on Ubuntu all partitions appear. What's wrong and how can I fixt this?10:16
aQuteno its not slow in linux mint 11 my wireless works fine 4 few sec n then internet stops working while the network conn is intact if i disconnect and connect again it start working and then after sometime it disconnects10:17
KiwiKHey Guuys anyone there?10:18
ikoniaKiwiK: many of us10:18
westhi to all !10:18
htmlinprogressRenex,  i would say that s  a bug , try to retart the pc and go at it again,10:18
KiwiKikonia: may i chat with you privately?10:18
ikoniaKiwiK: why ?10:19
KiwiKikonia: because i think the problem is a bit complicated10:19
ikoniaKiwiK: just ask the channel, then many people can help if it's complexs10:19
phlak_userRenex: ubuntu 7 ?10:19
aQuteis there any version of ubuntu that runs fine on slower laptops other than unity 2d10:19
Renexphlak_user:  ubuntu 11.10, latest version10:19
phlak_useraQute: lubuntu10:19
Renexmy pc is 64bit10:19
aQutephlak_user thanks ill check that out10:20
phlak_userRenex: which DVD is this?10:20
Renexphlak_user:  what do you mean?10:20
KiwiKOk Well i added the notification are to my panel to see my internts connection. But the icon lets a huge space to the other icons.10:20
htmlinprogressaQute,  first restart  and set the auto connention off , then  when conneting to wifi wait  10 to 20 seconds after connection  and dont mess with it in that time10:21
Renexhtmlinprogress:  thx. i will try that and see if it is a bug10:21
almoxarifeaQute: do you control your wifi options at the router?10:22
KiwiKikonia: Any idea?10:22
ikoniaKiwiK: maybe a bug in the applet10:22
ikoniaKiwiK: maybe worth someone else testing it too10:22
htmlinprogressRenex,  i know its out there cuz i seen it , but  i forgot to install the fix for it,10:22
aQutethe wi fi problem is with linux mint not ubuntu10:22
ravenalmoxarife, tnx but i cannot find anything about additional panels and shortcuts10:22
KiwiKikonia: U know how i can reset the applet?10:23
ikoniaKiwiK: no idea10:23
aQutei am using connectify to create a wi fi hotspot frm my windows box10:23
Renexbrb.. i'll see if i can get it fixed10:23
ikoniaKiwiK: remove it and re-add it10:23
ikoniaaQute: are you using ubuntu or mint ?10:23
KiwiKtried it a looot of time, even restartet a couple of times10:23
htmlinprogressaQute,  but think you mint core comes from ubuntu10:23
KiwiKBut if i delete it and readd it it doesnt make any space untill i restart10:23
aQutei was using mint but i switched to ubu because of that wi fi prob10:23
ikoniaKiwiK: ok, so see if you can get someone else to test it by adding the applet10:23
ikoniaaQute: ok - so what is the problem you are having with ubuntu ?10:24
KiwiKBut if i delete it and readd it it doesnt make any space untill i restart. Why?10:24
aQuteits quite hevy to run on my slow laptop10:24
aQutei m searching 4 a lighter version10:24
aQuteunity 2d sucks10:24
ikoniaaQute: strip it down. look at light desktop environments suchs lxde (lubuntu) and xfce (xubuntu)10:25
aQuteok thanks10:25
senderhello, i've added some shares/network drives to nautilus side pane, why is it that if i press upload in firefox, the window that opens up doesnt enable me to access the networkdrives directly. Anyone has a solution? thanks10:25
aQutei am lookin into lubuntu right now10:25
htmlinprogressaQute,   so light you want right ? well i can help10:25
wallallutz: thanks, but didn't work... still getting errors...10:25
htmlinprogressaQute,   so lighter you want right ? well i can help10:25
KiwiKikonia: But if i delete it and readd it it doesnt make any space untill i restart.10:25
wallallutz: Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file.10:26
dr_willissender:  they should be in the. .gvfs directory try accessing  them that way10:26
ikoniaKiwiK: ok, that sounds like a bug with the applet10:26
vingianhey all10:26
llutzwalla: sudo adduser <yourusernam> cdrom               then logout/login again10:26
ikoniaKiwiK: or the rendering engine and how it deals with that applet10:26
KiwiKany idea how to reset it?10:27
almoxarifedoesn't firefox default to some crazy restriction on folder access?10:27
wallallutz: already member of 'cdrom'10:27
ikoniaKiwiK: no - why are you not listening to what I'm saying10:27
vingiandoes anyone know what daemon/module initscript is responsible for "setting console fonts" etc.?10:27
aQutehtmlinprogress: help then what r u w8in 4 ?10:27
Gentoo64almoxarife: with apparmor?10:27
ikoniaKiwiK: it's probably a bug - see if you can get someone else to test it and verify it behaves the same/different10:27
senderdr_willis: thanks, i see the share10:28
wallallutz: works now... eject - put it in again seemed to do the trick. thanks a lot.10:28
vingianwhen I boot my console looks pretty low res but then further down the boot sequence I see a message and my console suddenly gets framebuffer and nice looking fonts10:28
htmlinprogressaQute,   ? what means  w8in10:28
senderdr_willis: this helps, but it's not possible to use the shortcuts?10:28
elgatonhtmlinprogress: I think it's "waiting"10:28
wallaelgaton: thanks for your help too, I'll highly consider the Pangolin update10:28
senderdr_willis: or shall i create shortcuts to the .gvfs directory instead?10:28
aQutewaiting it is10:28
elgatonwalla: No problem10:28
KiwiKikonia: well thanks anyways :)10:28
dr_willissender: gnome apps can.10:28
senderdr_willis: what's smart in this..? what do you mean by gnome apps?10:28
dr_willissender:  i just use. gvfs10:29
ikoniaKiwiK: if it's a bug it needs fixing, however you need to verify it is a bug, or the conditions of the bug10:29
senderdr_willis: do you think firefox can do this? i'm using chromium now...10:29
dr_willissender:  nautilus. gedit and so on10:29
KiwiKikonia: i guess its a bug10:29
senderdr_willis: a oke10:29
dr_willisthey noue to follow the to. gvfs10:29
senderdr_willis: trying FF now...10:29
senderdr_willis: ok FF doesnt work... although it's part of ubuntu it's not a gnome app... i see10:30
dr_willislink network folder to. gvfs  majes it easier to find. :-)10:30
volrammosGoogle Chrome doesn't show in Alt+Tab-switcher in Ubuntu 11.10. Any ideas on solution?10:31
phlak_uservolrammos: is it running10:31
dr_willisvolrammos:  hmm. it showed here. but did not show right with multi windows open10:32
SubNormalI've just setup dhcp on my server I get connection on the win computer but no internet and only 10Mbs connection. any one know why I cant connect to the net, the net on the server works fine?10:32
oliv3rHi, I would like to have multiple live 'cd's on my USB stick. Normally I would modify syslinux txt.cfg and add an entry. However I cannot find what arguement to pass to the kernel to tell ubuntu what filesystem.squashfs to use. e.g. i want to use /casper/otherfilesystem.squashfs10:32
senderdr_willis: how do i do this: "link network folder to. gvfs  majes it easier to find."10:32
phlak_userSubNormal: are you sharing the Internet connection via the Ubuntu Server?10:32
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing10:33
volrammosphlak_user: yes10:33
madsailorhow do I add a user to a group in unity?10:33
htmlinprogressoliv3r,   use a muilti boot app , most use windows os , like xboot10:33
orphi there10:34
dr_willissender:  drag drop. make shortcut or link. or use the   ln  -s   command10:34
SubNormalphlak_user could you clarify that more please?10:34
senderdr_willis: cheers m8!10:34
kaolc2I'm trying to use Teamviewer on Ubuntu. My friend connects and gets a black screen every single time. Does anyone have an idea why this could be happening? I've tried all teamviewer settings etc., it seems to be a Linux issue10:34
oliv3rhtmlinprogress: i want to modify my USB boot disk ideally :)10:34
AndroUser2Indonesia ?10:34
orpi am trying install ubuntu in my laptop but it allways freez on boot10:34
oliv3rhtmlinprogress: also I do not have windows :p10:34
oliv3rorp are you trying a 32bit or 64bit install10:35
oliv3rwhat make/model is your laptop?10:35
phlak_user SubNormal : i was trying to understand your setup; are you sharing the internet on your Ubuntu server with other machines on the LAN?10:35
orpis a msi cr70010:35
thithibHello. I talked about my problem yesterday (when I use the command halt to shut down my computer, the screen freezes when it is purple with the Ubuntu logo. However it works when I use the GUI) and someone told me to use "shutdown -h now". It's worked, but I would like to keep using the short alias "halt". Does anybody know how to do that ?10:36
htmlinprogressoliv3r,  and for max travel go with a 32 bit , and it save you a lOOOT of trouble,10:36
darshanperl Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/eg_db_config.pl --update-config \ --service all --create-database --create-schema --create-offline \ --user <user> --password <password> --hostname <hostname> --port <port> \ --database <dbname> --admin-user <admin-user> --admin-pass <admin-pass>10:36
oliv3rorp have you had 10.10 on it before?10:36
darshanwhile performing this step i m recieving an error password authentication failed for user 'postgres'10:36
orpnever is the first time i am instaling linux on it10:37
senderdr_willis: too bad.. :( the shortcuts to the .gvfs directory are not shown either...10:37
madsailorhow do I add a user to a group in unity?10:37
senderdr_willis: can't believe this is so hard...10:37
Companionsender, whats hard?10:37
Canwhats the better way to install the WUBI or a live stick?10:37
CompanionCan, old fasioned PXE installs are the best10:38
Canbetween the 2 i listed i meant10:38
Companionthe middle one10:38
phlak_usermadsailor: thro GUI?10:38
dr_willis-s links metod.. only gnome apps understand the gnome shortcuts10:38
senderCompanion: i would like to access a network share in the nautilus browse window (opening from a browser)10:38
CompanionCan, usb sticks ;)10:38
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oliv3rhtmlinprogress: I don' tthink you understand my problem. Even using grub, you need to inform the various kernels which squashfs file to use. What parameter does ubbuntu use to pass the squashfs file to the kernel, sometimes it's just 'file' but not in the case of ubuntu10:38
Companionsender, open nautilus ALT + L10:38
CanCompanion: your hilarious :P10:38
dr_willissender:  ln -s foo bar    ;)10:38
ActionParsnipmadsailor: sudo usermod -a -G groupname username10:38
ActionParsnipmadsailor: same in any DE / shell10:39
CompanionCan, I am not10:39
CompanionCan, I object10:39
madsailorgnome2 had users and accounts10:39
Companionmadsailor, dist-upgrade gnome3.2 FTW :o10:39
madsailorI understand how to do it in a shell...I want to do it graphically10:39
SubNormalphlak_user yes i'm sharing the internet on the ubuntu to the local network, using the ubuntu as gateway10:39
ActionParsnipmadsailor: I think it's in the cog i the top right10:39
phlak_userSubNormal: have you done everything in that factoid?10:40
phlak_user!ics | SubNormal10:40
ubottuSubNormal: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing10:40
CompanionCan, install trough USB is most cheap & reliable way10:40
CanCompanion: object? are we in court? YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!............. sorry spazzed out there for a smidge10:40
ActionParsnipmadsailor: if you know a way to do something, why waste time finding out some other way if you can already achieve your goal....10:40
* Companion pushes his finger into his eye's10:40
CanCompanion: ya im making a live stick right now for my lappy, so tired of slow xp10:41
ActionParsnipCompanion: CDs are cheaper than USB devices ;)10:41
madsailorbecause not everyone I know likes the shell/ understands how to use the shell10:41
SubNormalphlak_user what do you mean by factoid?10:41
CompanionActionParsnip, USB devices are recycleble10:41
madsailorsome people need the crutch of a gui10:41
CompanionCan, I think you missed the point :P10:42
Canmy last release i used was jaunty (i think) whats changed? and am i gonna freak out when i see it10:42
ActionParsnipCompanion: indeed but the cash outlay for a CD is a few pennys, in the long run USB is cheaper though10:42
CompanionCan, the horrible unity interface10:42
madsailorand I don't want to think the awesomeness of ubuntu is lost on them just because they prefer a mouse10:42
elgatonoliv3r: I think it's handled in the initrd.10:42
CanCompanion: that bad?10:42
phlak_userSubNormal: did you see that last message from ubottu? thats a factoid. Just follow the instructions in there10:42
CompanionActionParsnip, got a UsB 0.3 Stick I use for PXE Installs its exactly dated from 30-10-199110:43
oliv3relgaton: any way to pass it as an arguement? I know other livecd's use 'loop=somesquas.squashfs10:43
CompanionCan, I consider it annoying10:43
ActionParsnipmadsailor: never said it wasn't. I'm justsaying that you technically already knew your answer so unless its for educational purposes, I'm confused as to why you asked10:43
ActionParsnipCompanion: shouldn't PXE just use the network?10:43
CompanionActionParsnip, its in my router :P10:43
SubNormalphlak_user ah ok sorry about that, just didint understand the word factoid :-/10:43
CanCompanion: sned halp theres a new option on the usb stick maker ive never seen before, persistant file size for changes? whats this?10:43
madsailorI asked how to achieve it in *unity*10:43
madsailorthat I do not know10:44
ActionParsnipmadsailor: gotcha10:44
CompanionCan, default options are fine10:44
_r00t_Companion: what's the question ?10:44
CompanionCan, or use unetbootin10:44
elgatonoliv3r: it seems not (although I'm not an expert at it), but you could modify the initrd so that it can accept a boot argument. Mount the initrd via loopback, explore it and check which script does the mounting.10:44
ActionParsnipCompanion: so the router is the PXE server?10:44
Companion_r00t_, I am helping Can with his usb dick10:44
Companiondamn auto correciton10:44
CompanionActionParsnip, yea why?10:44
_r00t_Companion: :)10:44
_r00t_!howto lstp10:45
CompanionActionParsnip, For my install i need a 1,55 MB image :)10:45
oliv3relgaton: yeah allready on it :) i'll check if it really isn't configurable. I would hope it is :S otherwise i'll just modify it and repackage it.10:45
oliv3rthanks though for your help :)10:45
ActionParsnipCompanion: is it a home grade router or is it a PC acting as a router? Just curious. That's fancy :D10:45
elgatonoliv3r: You're welcome10:45
CanCompanion: dont think my port is big enough for my........ ya know im just gonna leave that one alone10:45
CompanionActionParsnip, its a linksys WRT610N10:45
EuroNerdGuys, I need advice on choosing an mp3 player.  I hate when players build their own "libraries" of my mp3 files (like Banshee or iTunes).10:45
EuroNerdI like to browse my mp3 collection in the file manager, right click on an album folder and launch it from the context menu, like you can do with Winamp in Windows.  Is there a good mp3 player in Ubuntu that integrates like this?10:45
LantiziaCompanion, faster flow with usb 3 :P10:45
CompanionLantizia, Got USB3 sticks aswel yet I consider it usefull and worthy to use a museum stick10:45
ActionParsnipCompanion: If you PXE boot, you use the BIOS functionality. No local media is needed10:45
_r00t_ActionParsnip: Companion : understand how PXE works by using ltsp docs10:46
elgatonoliv3r: also make sure that the symlink with the distribution name is on the CD (the CD should always be structured as a repository)10:46
CompanionActionParsnip, the only thing the image does is making a connection with Archlinux mirrors :)10:46
LantiziaCompanion, nevermind you didn't get the joke :P10:46
_r00t_ubuntu ltsp10:46
elgatonoliv3r: That should happen for ALL versions you want to put on the final CD.10:46
ActionParsnipCompanion: the thing you pxe boot should set that up for you dude10:46
Companion_r00t_, it only contains a file with mirrors & a script to do my stock install10:46
Companion_r00t_, so its network based install ;)10:46
senderdr_willis: got it now, thanks!10:46
CanCompanion sounds old school10:47
EuroNerdCan someone please help me choose an mp3 player?10:47
_r00t_Companion: so what seems to be the problem then ?10:47
CompanionActionParsnip, its PXE beleave me, it simply contains a file with mirrors and a shell script to stream the install to my PC10:47
elgatonEuroNerd: you mean a hardware one or a software one?10:47
CanLast time i dual booted unbuntu it melted my brain, had to uninstall it in shame10:47
ActionParsnip!player | EuroNerd10:47
ubottuEuroNerd: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs10:47
Companion_r00t_, some how we went off topic during helping Can to make his install USB stick :D10:47
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: try a few, see which you like10:48
_r00t_Companion: LOL ... no problem :)10:48
oliv3relgaton: I do find a referense to 'loop=*' in the init of initrd, so I think it does support it as a variable10:48
EuroNerdelgaton, software10:48
Canwish me luck rebooting the lappy now, ill still be here thou, the joy of 2 computers10:48
CompanionCan, nothing wrong with ubuntu tho10:48
EuroNerdActionParsnip, I've got specific needs:  I hate when players build their own "libraries" of my mp3 files (like Banshee or iTunes).10:48
elgatonEuroNerd: in that case, look at the answer by ActionParsnip, that should do10:48
Companiongood luck Can <310:48
EuroNerdI like to browse my mp3 collection in the file manager, right click on an album folder and launch it from the context menu, like you can do with Winamp in Windows.  Is there a good mp3 player in Ubuntu that integrates like this?10:49
oliv3relgatron: not sure with what you ment about the symlink10:49
CanCompanion: ive used 9.04 (jaunty) before, just couldnt get certain drivers to work and it made my brain hurt10:49
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: deadbeef, amarok (Qt based) and Rhythmbox hav libraries10:49
Companion_r00t_, my PXE install is exactly 1.55MB on a thumbdrive that holds 2MB10:49
CompanionCan, there is commercial driver support these days10:49
EuroNerdActionParsnip, but I DON'T want a library, that's the point.10:49
phlak_usermadsailor: fwiw, i found out that user-admin lets you manage groups also10:49
Canquick question, is this stick strictly for live installs now or can i still store files on it?10:50
_r00t_Companion: Not good enough if it doesn't fit on a floppy :D :D10:50
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: ahhh, then vlc will play what you say when you say it10:50
EuroNerdI want to launch albums (folders with mp3s) from the file manager.10:50
kaolc2can someone please help me? Trying to connect from a windows box to an ubuntu box via teamviewer and I'm getting a blank screen. Does anyone have an idea why this could be happening?10:50
elgatonoliv3r: the CD is considered an "Ubuntu repository" in case you want to install some packages from the CD (for example, firmware or the build-essential package) during installation. For this reason, the CD has the structure of a Debian repository (with the pool, dists... directories/symlinks on it).10:50
Companion_r00t_, I can compress it10:50
phlak_usermadsailor: i installed gnome-system-tools and then found that Users and Groups are now available on GUI :)10:50
_r00t_Companion: you the man !10:50
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CompanionCan, its exact the same as a DVD ROM10:50
Companion_r00t_, since my router does not support floppy's I deceided to leave it uncompressed :)10:51
phlak_userCompanion: can: you can also configure the stick for persistence (storing of docs etc)10:51
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: then make playlist files in the folders and you can play the list. You can do it easily at command line with:  ls *.mp3 > ./playlist.m3u10:51
elgatonoliv3r: Among these, there is always a symlink bearing the distribution codename that links to the "pool" directory (I don't remember exactly, check with ls -lA on the root directory of the CD).10:51
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: you can then open the playlist file with VLC and it will play the folder10:51
Companionphlak_user, who needs docs on a USB when you have google docs?10:51
elgatonoliv3r: Make sure that those links exist for every version of Ubuntu you want to put on the CD.10:51
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: I used to do the same thig10:51
Cangrrr thats why i was trying to figure out how to partition it earlier, damn SD card was fried, hmm might try one of my psps mem sticks10:51
madsailorphlak_user, thanks, I will take a look at that package10:52
phlak_userCompanion: on those days of the month when you dont have Internet access ;)10:52
Companionphlak_user, it aint December 2k12 yet10:52
* _r00t_ agrees with old time phlak_user 10:52
* _r00t_ agrees with grey old timer phlak_user 10:52
EuroNerdActionParsnip, thanks, but that's just a workaround.  Isn't there a player that would add "play in Player" command in the file manager context menu? (so that i can play folders)10:52
Companionphlak_user, how about dropbox ;)10:52
phlak_userCompanion: what if they sell it off to M$?10:52
SubNormalphlak_user I followed this guide http://www.basicconfig.com/linuxnetwork/configure_dhcp_server_ubuntu it's nothing like the one you showed me, do I have to setup a secondary program to share the internet?10:53
Companionphlak_user, I don't use it since I got my own cloud :P10:53
EuroNerdActionParsnip, besides VLC is a video player. Yes, it will play mp3s, but it doesn't immediately show you a nice list of currently played files and also shows an ugly black frame, where video would normally play.10:53
Companionphlak_user, but its a general idea10:53
phlak_userSubNormal: i do not know what you followed; but to share an internet connection you need to do like that factoid says10:53
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: you can enqueue in gnome-mplayer I believe (I know you can in smplayer (Qt based)). So you can simply add entris to the existing playlist. Is that what you mean10:53
phlak_userCompanion: ok10:53
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: you can click 'show playlist' and it will. Not hard10:54
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: its not just a video player at all10:54
CompanionCan, you're still there buddy?10:54
oliv3relgaton: ah, yeees I did nott even realize this, but I see what you mean now. I have the CD, not the dvd. What I want to accomplish, have 2 kernels, 2 initrd's and 2 squashfs's available on 1 2gb USB stick. I want to be able to boot both 32bit and 64bit liveCD images (troubleshooting most of the time. I thus added the casper directory as casper64 and added the entry to txt.cfg. This worked until the initrd was trying to mouuunt the quashfs filesystem, whic10:54
oliv3rlong message :) sorry elgaton :(10:54
CompanionDinner time!10:54
SubNormalphlak_user so you are saying that dhcp server does not share internet connections?10:54
Canbrain has melted please leave a message after the klaxon10:54
lelamalhi everyone, this PPA doesn't show oneiric among its sources: https://launchpad.net/~flacon/ . Can I safely add natty sources instead?10:54
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: wikipedia says: VLC is a portable multimedia player, encoder, and streamer supporting many audio and video codecs and file formats as well asDVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols.10:55
Canbeen working with winfail for 15 years youd think i could figure this out /sigh10:55
elgatonoliv3r: No problem :) I think that the "casper" directory is hardcoded. Try editing the initrd as I suggested before.10:55
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elgatonlelamal: Yes, you may have a try.10:55
EuroNerdActionParsnip, I know, I said it's not just video, but its interface is built for video. Yes, I can click "show playlist" each time I play music, but then I'll have to hide playlist each time I play video. And we're still left with an ugly black picture frame, when I play mp3 in VLC.10:55
lelamalthanks elgaton10:56
phlak_userSubNormal: a DHCP server *only* hands off IP addresses to pcs asking for them. Some (like dnsmasq) also act as DNS servers. You need to configure NAT, forwarding etc for Internet sharing to work. This is achieved by tweaking the firewall10:56
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: all I can suggest is try them all, see which suits you10:56
* _r00t_ needs to take a very big dump10:56
elgatonlelamal: If you see that does not work, ask the PPA maintainer to create packages for Oneiric too (it's easy - he should just select to "Copy the sources" from one series to another).10:56
elgatonlelamal: You're welcome10:56
* _r00t_ is off to dump some core brb10:56
oliv3relgaton: i assumed as such, but i have found loop=*) so far in the init, so it may not be that hard. But i will look into that. and should work something out. thank you :)10:56
lelamalelgaton: I see, thanks again :)10:57
ojiihi everyone, for some reason editing my /etc/hosts has no effect: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/500752/ how can i make this work?10:57
EuroNerdI know I'm a pain in the ass, but I was hoping that since there are gazillions of mp3 players for linux, at least one of them would do what I need.10:57
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.10:57
CanCompanion: found a different SD card cross your fingers10:57
elgatonoliv3r: try to check the Ubuntu wiki (wiki.ubuntu.org), maybe there is something there regarding the initrd.10:57
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: you may need to get one which is close then. Considering the many possibilities of requirement there are going to be some whom are disappointed. The show playlist thing is quite meanial but one of the many other players may help10:58
jribEuroNerd: just write your own using nautilus actions or nautilus scripts10:58
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: xmms2 is like Winamp if you've used that.....10:58
madsailorphlak_user,  that was the package I was looking for. thank you.10:58
phlak_user madsailor yw10:58
EuroNerdActionParsnip, ok, I'll look into that, thanks.10:59
EuroNerdActionParsnip, and by the way, if you just go through the Software Center and install a bunch of apps just to try them, how can you be sure there isn't one with some nefarious code? It's probably not hard to fork an mp3 player, change the GUI a little and claim you've written a new player. And then embed some spying code in it or something.11:01
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: the stuff in the repos is safe. The stuff from PPAs is not 100% credible11:02
Gentoo64its still pretty unheard of that thats happened anyway11:02
phlak_userEuroNerd: the music industry might do that to combat piracy :)11:03
CanEuroNerd: cause most linux users arent malicious a-holes11:03
EuroNerdActionParsnip, how do you know it's safe? Does someone review _every_ line of code of _every_ app? Or do people just assume it's safe, because it's open source?11:03
nonZeroOn 11.10, how do i make ctrl-shift-c in terminal to work again? thx!11:03
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
EuroNerdCan, "most" is not good enough in computer security.11:03
CanEuroNerd: hence when im getting an Information Systems and Cyber Security degree11:04
SubNormalphlak_user allright thanks for that11:04
CanCompanion: you back yet?11:10
* _r00t_ has finished dumping core... Think I need more fibre in my diet11:11
CompanionCan, going to smoke now :)11:12
CompanionCan, whats the problem? :)11:12
EuroNerdActionParsnip, you still there?11:13
melleHi all, on a new server, after installing build-essential math.h is not found. apt sais glibc6-dev is installed, what other packages do I need?11:13
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: sup11:13
jribmelle: what did you do where math.h was not found exactly?11:13
EuroNerdActionParsnip, thank you for taking the time to help me. I can report that I have found a solution. :)11:13
mellejrib: #include <math.h>11:14
CanCompanion: no problem just waiting for this live install to finish creating11:14
mellejrib: locate 'math.h' did not return anytyin useful11:14
jribmelle: well in your shell, that's a comment, that wouldn't do anything11:14
subr00tis Wunderlist available in Ubuntu Software Center?11:14
mellejrib: it's in a .c source file :)11:14
subr00ti read that it is but i cant find it11:14
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: What's the magic bullet :)11:14
jribmelle: i'm trying to say, say exactly what you did in full11:14
EuroNerdActionParsnip, in the end I've installed Audacious, because it has tons of positive reviews and is really simple. (Memory footprint: 8MB vs 53MB for Banshee.)11:15
ActionParsnipmelle: packages.ubuntu.com   has a search facility ;)11:15
opticlovei'm trying to use the command ecryptfs-migrate-home in jaunty and i'm getting a command not found error. i have the package installed and i have used this to encrypt my swap space11:15
mellejrib: cc -D_GNU_SOURCE -W -Wall -O2 -lm myprog.c -o myprog11:15
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: nice, its also the default player in lubuntu (probably due to lighness)11:15
EuroNerdActionParsnip, also, after I've clicked on an mp3 folder and "Open With Other Application" in context menu and chose Audacious, now I have Audacious there permanently (in the context menu).11:15
melleActionParsnip: Yeah, the libc6-dev package turned up there, but apparently I've allready got that installed...11:15
jribmelle: yes and now with output and source code in pastebin, this is first step in asking this question11:15
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: I use spotify and musictube. Means I don't need local media :)11:15
ActionParsnipmelle: try:   sudo find / | grep math11:16
CanActionParsnip: how is Spotify btw? is it sub or free?11:16
EuroNerdI also have Spotify (on XP client in VirtualBox), but I use the free version, which has ads.11:17
ActionParsnipcan: you can get the free one running in wine with very little effort. I have subscription :)11:17
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: it runs in wine on free tariff11:18
melleActionParsnip, jrib: Fixed it, the math lib should've been the last argument of cc...11:18
CanActionParsnip: might have to ask ya for a walkthrough on that, Wine hates me11:18
CanActionParsnip: thats why i gave up on ubuntu in the past, couldnt get world of warcraft to run11:18
EuroNerdActionParsnip, well, free tariff is not a problem, I use it myself, as I said. The problem is commercials. ;)11:18
ActionParsnipcan: make the spotify installer executable and then run it with wine. That's all it takes hre11:18
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: the comercials make me laugh as I listen to a lot of stuff like Meshuggah11:19
Canwelp ubuntu wont boot off my SD card on my laptop, i checked my bios too usb and removable media are above main hard drive, burning a boot CD now11:19
ActionParsnipcan: did you MD5  test the ISO you downloaded?11:20
EuroNerdActionParsnip, besides, I like the control that native Windows XP gives me in VirtualBox.  Wine works with some apps, with other it doesn't, I don't really want to deal with problems, I'm a n00b in Linux.11:20
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andycHow can I customise an indicator applet?11:20
CanActionParsnip: i downloaded it straight from the ubuntu site do i need to?11:20
andycI want to change the volume control applet launched from the sound indicator11:21
ActionParsnipcan: yes, the source is moot. The data can be damaged in transit so needs testing11:21
ActionParsnip!md5 | can11:21
ubottucan: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:21
Canlemme try the CD i just made11:21
ActionParsnipcan: you could get it from www.davesdogysoftware.com   and as long as it passes MD5 test, it's the same as grabbing it from official sources11:22
CanActionParsnip: how do i check the MD5 in windows?11:22
ActionParsnipcan: the link tells you11:22
ActionParsnipcan; it covers mac too. Its a one stop shop11:22
=== joshfinnie_ is now known as joshfinnie
jribmelle: that's kind of weird11:23
CanActionParsnip: why cant i just use this install inside windows option?11:23
mellejrib: i agree :)11:23
ravenhow to "scroll" through open windows like in old gnome panel?11:23
ActionParsnipcan: you can. Wubi installer is on the CD too11:23
EuroNerdActionParsnip, anyways, thanks again for holding my hand as I deal with my mp3 dilemma. ;)11:23
* EuroNerd out11:23
jribmelle: apparently order does matter but putting it at the end so it's the last thing searched seems strange.  A simple hello world math.c seems to compile ok with the arguments as you pasted11:23
ActionParsnipEuroNerd: np man11:23
farrukhjonhi all help how put nm-applet in startup11:24
CanActionParsnip: im just gonna do that then, XP has dual boot capabilities i know that11:24
phlak_userfarrukhjon: its already there11:24
ravenhow to "scroll" through open windows like in old gnome panel?11:24
ActionParsnipcan: you still need to test the data. You could have even used magicdisk and mounted the ISO, no need to burn then11:24
phlak_userraven: alt-tab?11:24
farrukhjonphlak_user: but i removed it11:24
phlak_userfarrukhjon: are you on 11.10?11:25
mellejrib: weird, i promise... the only thing i changed in the command are the filenames... (which did not contain non-ascii chars)11:25
CompanionCan, back11:25
CompanionActionParsnip, wanna laugh?11:25
farrukhjonphlak_user: 10.0411:25
ActionParsnipcan: Ubuntu will install Grub2 if you boot to the CD and install via resizing your NTFS partition11:25
ActionParsnipCompanion: sure, why not :)11:25
CompanionActionParsnip, accidently installed archlinux on my tablet when connecting to wifi :s11:25
ravenphlak_user, that only gives me ONE firefox icon of many open windows!11:25
ActionParsnipCompanion: d'oh11:26
CompanionActionParsnip, it is suposed to be not possible xD11:26
CanActionParsnip, COmpanion: whats better Grub or windows boot loader?11:26
ActionParsnipCompanion: I'd run with it, see what you can do11:26
ActionParsnipcan: grub is a lot more flexible11:26
CompanionCan, grub is better ;)11:26
CanActionParsnip: but its gonna mess with my Partition?11:27
CompanionActionParsnip, well its not rooted thats why I am surprised XD11:27
Canim sensing a brain melt coming soon if i cant figure this out11:27
farrukhjoncommand is nm-applet --sm-disable ?11:27
CompanionCan, grub is easy to fix/mess with and its always fixable compared to the windows one :o11:27
CanActionParsnip: the CD is booting BTW11:27
ActionParsnipcan: if you boot to the CD you can resize your NTFS to make a dual boot. It will put grub in the MBR ad you can choose your OS there. If you prefer, you can install Ubuntu to a disk image on Your NTFS which can then be loop mounted and booted to. This is what wubi achieves11:28
Steristhi there, what's the command to (re)install the bootloader so the partition im on now "owns" it?11:30
CanActionParsnip: the CD has booted and ubuntu is up11:32
CompanionCan, follow the steps11:32
jacquesdupontdhi guys11:34
tbfwere again to i configure number of workspaces. thought there'd be a setting hidden in ccsm, but obviously i am too stupid to find it11:34
Steristif i do sudo apt-get install grub is that going to give me legacy or grub2?11:35
ActionParsnip!info grub11:36
ubottugrub (source: grub): GRand Unified Bootloader (Legacy version). In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-29ubuntu64 (oneiric), package size 321 kB, installed size 1024 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 lpia all)11:36
ActionParsniplegacy ;)11:36
ActionParsnip!info grub-pc11:37
ubottugrub-pc (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (PC/BIOS version). In component main, is optional. Version 1.99-12ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 90 kB, installed size 400 kB (Only available for any-i386 any-amd64 any-powerpc any-ppc64 any-sparc any-mipsel i386 kopensolaris-i386 amd64 powerpc ppc64 sparc mipsel kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)11:37
Steristactionparsnip should i just throw a 2 on the end of the command then? lol11:37
Steristactionparsnip i thought i remember something about grub2 hijacking the original name11:38
* Companion turns on the microwave :o11:38
ActionParsnipSterist: as far as I can see, yes11:39
Steristactionparsnip got it. thankies :)11:40
=== BaNz is now known as Alex`aw
jacquesdupontdI still have the same problem with color on window background colors black on black since the the Update , i think i've tried nearly everything , i would just like ubuntu to reset the color and themes settings since we can't change them anymore11:41
ActionParsnipjacquesdupontd: sure you can, just not as easily11:42
jacquesdupontdi've got gnome color chooser11:43
jacquesdupontdand gnome tweak11:43
TheHackOpsHey guys, just did a clean install of ubuntu 10.04 lts from the official ubuntu site and i have no sound, this is the first time i have ever had this problem with any linux based distro any ideas11:44
ActionParsnipjacquesdupontd: if you use dconf-tools you can set org.gnome.desktop.interface.gtk-theme, org.gnome.desktop.interface.icon-theme and org.gnome.desktop.interface.cursor-theme11:44
jacquesdupontdbut things are really weird , the thing is i would like to reset the settings not to change the different colors11:44
crizzyTheHackOps: check sound volume11:44
ActionParsnipjacquesdupontd: http://askubuntu.com/questions/49348/how-do-i-set-a-theme-in-oneiric11:44
crizzyTheHackOps: i once had strange prob with pulseaudio that i didn't make a single sound until i clicked sound volume once :p11:44
TheHackOpscrizzy, I forgot to tell u it says i have dummy audio11:44
TheHackOpsmight have helped11:45
crizzyinstalled all updates?11:45
TheHackOpsYep, im a ubuntu only user11:45
TheHackOpsits my main os11:45
TheHackOpsso allways do that sorta stuff on a clean install11:45
jacquesdupontdI do not want to search the exact color of each theme , you understand ? plus i even moved my /etc/dconf to dconf_backup no changes at all11:45
jacquesdupontdit must comes from somewhere else but where11:45
TheHackOpsI forgot about themes, been forced on a windows machine for 1 month ehehhehe gonna get my old faves back11:46
Canwhat size should i make the Ubuntu Partition?11:46
Canthe drive on the lappys only 60 gig11:47
Canits old dont hate11:47
TheHackOps15gb should be fine11:47
TheHackOpsi had it on that11:47
Canso 20 would be fine?11:47
TheHackOpsmake sure you only save apps to it11:47
TheHackOpswhat versin11:47
TheHackOpsLOLOLOLOLOL on an old laptpo11:48
* TheHackOps is taking that one to the next Linux user group meeting11:48
TheHackOpscrizzy, mind giving me some remote support u seem like a nice guy11:49
Steristcan ext4 partitions freely be resized without issue? i'm mentally in windows-world lol11:49
TheHackOpsif you do it right11:49
crizzyTheHackOps: uhm, i have no idea really, sound has always just worked. check if 'dmesg' has any errors11:50
crizzyTheHackOps: there should be tool 'alsaconf' that should autodetect stuff too11:50
Steristthehackops was that a response to me or crizzy lol11:50
crizzy(run with sudo)11:50
SwedeMikeSterist: "freely" "without issue" .. no. but as someone said, you can do it if you do it right11:50
Steristwhats the trick to it?11:50
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TheHackOpsi check the whole thing11:51
TheHackOpsonly ath9k error11:52
BluesKajHey all11:52
TheHackOpsbut i know what that it11:52
TheHackOpsbut i know what that is11:52
johnnyzeroThanks guys for the help and all. I have downgraded to Ubuntu 10.10 and everything works. Not to mention I have this lovely Gnome 2 interface :)11:52
nu_dormHi to all. I would like to change my login user name in Ubuntu 11.10. Actually my problem is restoring a Thunderbird backup of the mail folders and profile. The procedure I have been finding on Google advice that the profile files make reference to absolute paths of the Thunderbird user. Unfortunately I choose a different user name for the new installation of Ubuntu 11.10 other than the...11:52
nu_dorm...previous installation of Ubuntu 11.04. So, do you have any suggestion, pls? Thanks new installation11:52
TheHackOpscrizzy, I removed alsa-base and that made it worse, before my drivers were "loaded" now there gone and i have dummy audio i have since installed alsa-base in its entirety again with no avail11:53
Steristi need to shrink about 4gigs off the beginning of sda4 which is an extended partition. can anyone shoot me a link that'll keep me busy? dont know where to start.11:53
dr_willisSterist:  gparted can do that11:53
TehDGMof the beginning?11:53
TehDGMnasty :P11:53
crizzyTheHackOps: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 this might be helpful11:53
nu_dormsorry... pls do not consider that "new installation" at the end of my message. thanks11:53
Steristdr_willis thats what i have open11:53
johnnyzeroWill the future versions of Ubuntu have a fixed kernel?11:54
Steristtehdgm yes i figured lol had to do it with windows on friend's PC. wound up formatting the entire thing11:54
kiwikHi guys well I think my panel is buggy, when i add the volume control and there is my notification board in the panel too i get a big space after the Notification Board it looks pretty weird. I am on Ubuntu 11.10 with lxde DE. Any ideas?11:54
TehDGMSterist: i'd make sure i have made a good backup before attempting that. even on linux11:55
Steristjohnnyzero what's broken?11:55
TehDGMresizing from the end of the partition usually isnt a problem, but from the beginning involves actually physically moving the data11:55
johnnyzeroSterist, I was unable to use my Camera Mic on Ubuntu 11.10. Though it works perfectly fine on 10.10 and 11.04.11:55
dc5alanu_dorm, i've never seen anything like that. You just need to copy your ~/.thunderbird over and change the owner recursively11:56
TheHackOpscrizzy, DAMMIT its not recognised by ubuntu11:56
Steristtehdgm the space is actually unallocated / free space11:56
ActionParsnipcan: I use 10Gb. My installs have at most been 4Gb11:56
TheHackOpsill run lspci and see if i can see it11:56
Steristtehdgm but part of the extended partition11:56
crizzyTheHackOps: :/ go for 11.10?11:56
TehDGMSterist: aah okey. how did that happen? Made a partitioning mistake or deleted one or something?11:56
crizzylts is nice and all, but it's almost 2 years old for the desktop11:56
johnnyzeroHad the cam mic worked I would have been able to use XUbuntu. Though unfortunately it was a kernel issue with kernel 3.11:57
kiwikHi guys well I think my panel is buggy, when i add the volume control and there is my notification board in the panel too i get a big space after the Notification Board it looks pretty weird. I am on Ubuntu 11.10 with lxde DE. Any ideas? Please i need fast help.11:57
Steristtehdgm honestly i really dont know lol i am and have been the only owner and user of this laptop so cant blame anyone but me :)11:57
TheHackOpscrizzy, Nope to buggy and laggy, when i update it i get a range of different kernal errors lts is more stable11:57
lillemanMy X is going REALLY slow (11fps with glxgears) all of a sudden. A reboot fixes the problem for a while (5 mins to 2 hours). Can someone help me to find the cause for the problem, or at leaste point me in the right direction?11:58
TheHackOpslspci says it can see it11:58
TheHackOpsmaybe if i get the drivers for it11:58
Steristjohnnyzero sounds like a driver / configuration problem. have you tried using the classic gnome session under 11.04 or 11.10?11:58
TehDGMSterist: what else is in that extended partition? Do you have a picture of your current layout?11:58
crizzylilleman: drivers, probably11:58
lillemancrizzy: Same with both new and old nvidia drivers11:58
crizzyTheHackOps: lts doesn't even install on my hardware :-)11:59
johnnyzeroSterist, 11.04 is perfectly fine either way, with or without Unity. 11.10 though won't work at all.11:59
crizzylilleman: does 'top' show any process eating cpu? or, does simply restarting X fix it?11:59
TheHackOpsAHhaaha well 11.10 or 11.04 sucked for me and im not bashing connonical or ubuntu in fact im a hard core fan it simply doesnt work for me11:59
lillemancrizzy: top gives 2GB free RAM and 0.01 load12:00
johnnyzeroTheHackOps, I like 10.10. In fact I would love the idea of someone forking the entire distro Gnome 2 and all.12:00
lillemannothing eating CPU or other resources12:00
crizzyjohnnyzero: hf maintaining few million lines of gnome source code..12:00
lilleman /etc/init.d/gdm restart helps sometimes, but mostly I need to restart the whole machine12:00
BluesKajTheHackOps, alsa-base needs alsa-utils , install that as well12:01
tbfbah. found it.12:01
Steristjohnnyzero i am not too savvy with fixing things but i really dont think its the kernel, and on a side note kernel 3.0.0 was not a major upgrade at all, just reflects an anniversary of linux. a celibration, if you will12:01
johnnyzerocrizzy, the guy making Mate I'm sure is having a blast so I suppose I could wait till he is done.12:01
crizzyjohnnyzero: i'm sure that guy will do awesome job maintaining few million lines of code for security updates..12:01
TheHackOpskk tnx man ill try that12:02
Steristtehdgm working on screenshot12:02
crizzyjohnnyzero: and yes i'm bein sarcastic :) doomed project12:02
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:02
TheHackOpsallready installed12:02
TheHackOpsshould i try oss?12:03
johnnyzeroAmdpc, I was speaking about how my 11.10 doesn't work12:03
Pang5all please help me12:03
johnnyzeroI came here to thank the person who suggested that I downgrade Amdpc12:03
johnnyzeroBecause of him my PC works now12:03
johnnyzeroAlong with all the hardware12:03
Pang5how to install gadmei utv 380 in natty12:03
kiwikGuys, is there anyone who can help me please.?12:03
Steristtehdgm still alive?12:03
TehDGMnah i'm a zombie12:04
Steristkk prepare yourself, this is a bomb..12:04
BluesKajTheHackOps, run lsmod | grep snd , then pastebin it pls12:04
Pang5Bus 001 Device 004: ID 1f71:330112:04
TehDGMSterist: what is actually on sd5 and 6?12:04
TheHackOpsLol, i just ran cat /proc/asound/card0/codec* | grep Codec12:05
johnnyzeroAmdpc, unless you have another solution for me I suppose theres really nothing left to say.12:05
TheHackOpsNot found12:05
lillemanIs there anyway I can see if my gfx-cards memory is full? Maybe thats why everything starts lagging after a few minutes?12:05
TheHackOpsThe results are nothing12:06
BluesKajTheHackOps, did you run lsmod | grep snd?12:06
TheHackOpsnothing returns at all12:06
Steristtehdgm sda5 is what im on now -- my ORIGINAL ubuntu install (which is my keeper). sda6 was it's swap but got screwed up when i split it in half and assigned each to a different install12:06
TheHackOpsyeh nothing returns on that12:06
BluesKaj!who | TheHackOps12:06
ubottuTheHackOps: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:06
Steristtehdgm honestly i dont know how Unallocated became a part of the extended. i just shrank it off of sda412:07
=== Administrator is now known as scx
TehDGMSterist: you can easily use the same swap partition for multiple linux installs for starters12:07
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, Soz man forgot about it im normally on smaller irc chans12:07
BluesKajTheHackOps, run sudo alsa force-reload12:07
TehDGMSterist: maybe it was a swap partition? judging by it's size12:07
TehDGMSterist: I think the easiest thing to do here is getting rid of SDA6, making the unallocated space your swap, and then just extending the sda5 to use the rest12:08
johnnyzeroSterist, yeah as I was saying I had tried everything to solve the problem. The newer no distros of Ubuntu 11.10 would recognize the Microphone on the camera. I tried pavucontrol as well as other stuff.12:08
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, http://pastebin.com/Jiu6wqXb the results from the force reload12:09
BluesKajTheHackOps,  now open alsamixer in the terminal , and check for a soundcard in the upper left12:09
Steristtehdgm that was the intention. what i want to see is 1. sda4 formatted to extended, containing ext4+swap (my install space for testing beta) and unallocated removed from the current extended (to be part of desired new one)12:09
johnnyzeroI mean 11.10 versions of Lubuntu, XUbuntu and Ubuntu would not recognize the mic. Only prior distros. So I am not sure what the issue is to be honest. Fedora 16 also wouldn't recognize the mic which also uses the same kernel.12:09
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, I accidently removed the indicator applet in an atempt to fix it12:09
TehDGMwhats sda4?12:10
TehDGMsome other install?12:10
Steristtehdgm yes. thats for newer builds of ubuntu. my keeper is 10.1012:10
Steristtehdgm (sda5)12:10
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, What do u make of the pastebin12:11
slyhey can someone quickly tell me what the restricted drivers/program name12:11
ActionParsnipsly: jockey-gtk12:11
TheHackOpssly, flgx for ati12:11
slycheers :)12:11
BluesKajTheHackOps, not good  ..try a reboot maybe your card will load12:11
TehDGMi dont think you can go much further then what i said before really. I wouldnt dare moving things too much12:12
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, This is looking so much like a reinstall12:12
TehDGMyou can delete sda4 and then try moving the whole thing up, but again, i wouldnt trust it without backups12:12
Steristtehdgm well it's unallocated lol is there really danger involved there? :P12:12
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, Should i even bother12:12
BluesKajTheHackOps, not necessary. just reboot12:13
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, ok but i have rebooted so many times12:13
TehDGMSterist: is there a bootsector on sda5?12:13
Steristtehdgm yes i just reinstalled it to sda5 right before we started talking12:13
TehDGMit still has to move things around, your inode tables etc.12:13
Steristtehdgm very easy to install it to another partition, if that's going to be a problem child12:14
Toph2i have no sound in ubuntu 11.10,  When i run sudo alsa force-reload, it returns   Unloading ALSA sound driver modules: (none loaded).12:15
Toph2Loading ALSA sound driver modules: (none to reload).12:15
Toph2 I have installed Alsa12:15
Steristtehdgm would that workaround satisfy?12:15
TehDGMSterist: which partitions contain (linux) installations you actually want to keep? All of them?12:16
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, I had .20% success that fixed my screen flickering in the indicator applet pannel and also my sound indicator came back12:16
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, still the dummy audio thing12:16
BluesKajTheHackOps, what about alsamixer/12:17
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, Install it?12:17
BluesKajTheHackOps, open a terminal and type alsamixer12:17
BluesKajTheHackOps, it'spart of the alsa-base12:18
Steristtehdgm kk here's the overview: sda1: windows recovery (keep for now), sda2: win7 (keep), sda3: contains sda5+6+unallocated (keeper install of ubuntu), sda4: guinipig ubuntu install12:18
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, cannot open or find alsa mixer12:18
stianhjIs there a way to enable 3D CSS transform in Chromium in Ubuntu? And what's the difference between Chromium and Chrome?12:18
BluesKajTheHackOps, one word alsamixer12:18
Picistianhj: Chromium is the open source browser on which Chrome is based.12:19
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, Yes i know, its not installed i know for a fact because it says not installed in synapptic should i install it12:19
Steristtehdgm on a side note i have on multiple occasions reformatted sda6 as swap but it keeps ending up as you see it. i know how to fix it (done it a billion times now, guinipig would fight for it which has been installed over last night)12:19
benoliver999stianhj: Chromium is the basic version if chrome, without the Google branding. No built-in flash.12:19
Piciloki_: Can we help you?12:20
OxymoronNa Du12:20
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
stianhjPici: so as far as css 3d support, they're the same?12:21
BluesKajTheHackOps, alsamixer is part of alsa-base and alsa-utils  , if alsamixer isn;t installed then neither are the other 212:21
Woogahello, is there a way to get gnome2 on ubuntu 11.10 ?12:21
iceroot!nounity | Wooga12:21
ubottuWooga: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:21
sieI'm restarting URxvt and changing Xdefaults, but the font's not changing, any idea why?12:21
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, I would normally agree with you but i cant on this one ill screen shot it for u12:21
Woogai have tried fallback mode, it is awful almost as gnome3 default mode12:21
Picistianhj: They should be.12:21
tdignanI am getting "E: broken packages" when I try to install lubuntu-desktop12:22
tdignanhow can I resolve this?12:22
stianhjPici: so still no 3d transform on linux..12:22
icerootWooga: there is no gnome2 for 11.10 because gnome2 is no longer supported (by gnome-project)12:22
tdignanI've tried apt-get update + upgrade, apt-get clean12:22
=== TomRone_ is now known as TomRone
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:22
=== pothos_ is now known as pothos
Woogaiceroot: is there any non-offitial builds?12:22
iceroottdignan: sudo apt-get -f install12:22
tdignaniceroot: same result "E: broken packages"12:23
tdignanlists unmet dependencies as well12:23
Woogaand a way to purge this monster from my system12:23
BluesKajTheHackOps, copy and paste this into the terminal , sudo apt-get install --reinstall alsa-base alsa-utils12:23
icerootWooga: i dont know, doesnt make sense to use a software which is no longer supported12:23
tdignanwhen I try to install any of the deps, I get "E: Broken packages"12:23
Steristtehdgm and i'm also at a dilemma where i have 4 primary partitions and cant create a swap for guini-pig sda4, so that is why i want to replace sda4 w/ an extended (my first priority right now)12:23
iceroottdignan: sudo dpkg --configure -a ?12:23
Woogaiceroot: it is *usable*. unlike gnome3.12:23
tdignaniceroot: yeah, i did that one as well.12:23
icerootWooga: lxde is usable too12:23
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, http://imgur.com/wBOt1 As i said this is what synaptic says12:23
icerootWooga: kde4, xfce4 and so on12:23
Woogaah, thanks12:23
Woogaxfce4 may be the saviour12:23
dr_willislubuntu :)12:24
TehDGMSterist: i dont think you can move an existing primary inside an extended. I can see all sorts of stuff going wrong there12:24
* nnfx is on lxde12:24
iceroottdignan: output of "dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii"12:24
Steristtehdgm can you have 2 extended on 1 drive?12:24
iceroot!purexfce | Wooga12:25
ubottuWooga: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »12:25
BluesKajTheHackOps,  forget synaptic for now, just do the command above12:25
Woogaiceroot: thanks12:25
tdignaniceroot: thanks for looking http://pastie.org/278765612:25
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, Ok but i feel like i have been here before12:25
TehDGMholy crap user spam12:26
iceroottdignan: hm looks good12:26
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, reinstalling now12:26
TehDGMSterist: you dont need to, as you can have virtually unlimited paritions inside your extended12:26
iceroottdignan: you are on natty? you are only using official repos?12:26
tdignaniceroot: i've never touched sources.lst12:27
iceroottdignan: ever installed a local deb directly?12:27
Steristtehdgm can they all be primary? :P12:27
tdignanyes, a couple12:27
tdignanWhat could that have done to it to mess it up?12:27
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, Done and ill run alsamixer again12:27
iceroottdignan: using a package not for your ubuntu-version which is end up in dependency conflicts12:28
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, Nope still not running12:28
TehDGMSterist: they're "logical". But you can install an OS on them no problem. You might need to have your boot on a primary though12:28
iceroottdignan: e.g. using a debian deb file or a ubuntu deb file not for your ubuntu-version12:28
TheHackOpsstill cant find it12:28
Steristtehdgm just a few more questions and i should be well on my way :) is swap primary?12:29
iceroottdignan: please try aptitude which will give much better error-messages12:29
iceroottdignan: natty should have it by default (imo)12:29
tdignanI think I know what might be causing it12:29
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, im going to try and install alsamixer from synnaptic is that ok?12:30
BluesKajTheHackOps, does alsamixer show a soundcard in the upper left?12:30
TehDGMSterist: you can have your swap inside an extended just fine as far as i know. I think that is actually what i have on my main system12:30
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, http://imgur.com/xHW6712:31
TehDGMSterist: you can even have multiple swap partitions on multiple discs12:31
BluesKajTheHackOps, just type alsamixer in the terminal12:32
tdignaniceroot: going at it with aptitude now, i think this might fix it. thank you very much man12:32
iceroottdignan: sounds good12:32
Steristtehdgm yeah thats how i had it with what is now sda5/6. they were the only 2 in extended. sda4 was shrunk off of win7 at a later date and i split the swap in half that was in extended to share it between the 2 ubuntu partitions12:32
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, lukeskywalker@lukeskywalkers-laptop:~$ alsamixer12:32
TheHackOpscannot open mixer: No such file or directory12:32
BluesKajstrange  TheHackOps , bever seen that before12:33
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, Have you got time to remote desktop?12:34
Steristtehdgm at first i tried without splitting the swap and (of course) hibernate would be lost when booting into the other OS.12:34
tdignan:/ still failing12:34
* lufi be out for a while12:34
BluesKajno remote desktop , TheHackOps , we don't do that here12:34
tdignanwait, there's more cruft!12:35
* lufi be out for a while12:35
TehDGMSterist: ah i dont know i never use hibernate12:35
Steristtehdgm thats what prompted me to split the baby in half and then what is now sda6 kept ending up unknown while the other... well it only worked as swap, couldnt resume hibernate, period12:35
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, I know but it was worth a shot12:36
Steristtehdgm that's my pickle lol12:36
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, Im installing gnome-alsamixer now12:36
TheHackOpsBluesKaj, see what happens12:37
BluesKajTheHackOps, ok12:37
tdignan gtk2-engines-pixbuf : Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (= 2.24.4-0ubuntu2) but 2.24.6-0ubuntu2~natty1 is to be installed12:37
tdignanThat's where I'm stuck, I beleive12:37
=== a is now known as Guest41065
Guest41065i try to install upslug2 about ... 3 hours12:38
Guest41065it doesn't work12:38
Braden`I am running Firefox 7.0.1 Mozilla Firefox for Ubuntu canonical - 1.0.  Everytime I try to browse a page that uses PHP (Facebook for example), it displays the html content of the PHP file on the screen instead of rendering it.  How do I fix this?12:38
=== oli is now known as Oli
TheHackOpssoooo wierd12:38
A_J_Is there any way i can play games on ubuntu ?12:39
phlak_userBraden`: are you behind a proxy like squid?12:39
Braden`phlak_user:  Yes12:39
TheHackOpslast resort guys im installing the realtek drivers12:39
Steristtehdgm i already got the fstab fix method... just have a project ahead of me getting 2 installs to keep hand's off the others' side. anyways! lol last question, would i be able to delete sda4 (unallocated) and grow it into extended?12:39
Guest41065sudo apt-get install upslug2 receives an error - nothing will be installed12:39
Guest41065how can I install this rightt ?12:40
Jackneillcan you help me?12:40
Jackneillsudo addgroup gitolite12:40
Jackneillsudo adduser --disabled-password --home /home/gitolite --ingroup gitolite gitolite12:40
Jackneilli did that 2 cmd, and when i trying: sudo su - jackneill12:40
Jackneillit asks me to sudo password for gitolite12:41
Steristtehdgm without issue or hassle12:41
TheHackOpshmm drivers seem to have installed12:41
TheHackOpsim going to reboot12:41
Jackneillbut i dont tell password at all :/12:41
TehDGMSterist: i wouldnt count on it. With some luck you can move your extended once you've deleted it. But i wouldnt trust it with my precious files12:41
Jackneillsolved, just an exit cmd :D12:42
Steristtehdgm got ya lol wont try it12:43
TehDGMSterist: you could make an image of your whole drive and then do it12:43
TehDGMif it goes wrong you put your image back12:43
TehDGMbut then you'd need a spare drive to store it12:43
=== phlak_user_ is now known as phlak_user
Steristtehdgm i have a 1tb external12:44
A_J_TehDGM which software12:44
Steristwhich is also split to 4 partitions :P12:44
TehDGMA_J_: dd can do it12:44
skoreguys can any can help with wifi troubles?12:45
A_J_umm TehDGM dd ?12:45
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:45
TehDGMA_J_ yes dd is a standard linux command. http://www.backuphowto.info/linux-backup-hard-disk-clone-dd12:45
skoreits propebly more firefox troubles12:45
TehDGMdd if=/dev/sda of=/your/mounted/external/drive/backup.img12:45
TehDGMmight wanna do that on a live cd, not from a running system12:45
phlak_userA_J_, you are better off using rsync if its regular backups you want12:46
A_J_wow linux has one of there, i was trying to use acrinos true image. thanks TehDGM will remember this12:46
llutz_TehDGM: you want to add at least bs=4k  and offer some coffee for those guys. they need a lot of patience for dd to finish with large drives12:46
skorethe trouble is - firefox can find any sites. but i can use xchat12:46
ncopahow can i create a bootable usb from iso on non-ubuntu linux?12:46
A_J_TehDGM is there any way i can play games on ubuntu ?12:46
skoreno u cant12:47
Steristtehdgm alrighty12:47
TehDGMllutz_ hah yup :) but the question was a full backup image. Which is what it does :)12:47
skoreoffcoure just dwnload12:47
phlak_userskore, if you type dig www.yahoo.com what do you get?12:47
llutz_ncopa: if it is a hybrid-iso: cat foo.iso >/dev/sdX12:47
tdignaniceroot: woo! i removed all the cruft and it is now installing.12:47
tdignanthank you very much.12:47
ncopallutz_: can i do it without killing the contents of usb?12:47
skorei get nothink12:47
TehDGMA_J_: yes there are plenty of games. You can also play some/most windows games using wine12:47
llutz_ncopa: no12:47
skorekeeps connecting and then nothink12:48
skoretime limit12:48
ncopaok, thank12:48
A_J_TehDGM wine.. do they be stable ?12:48
phlak_userskore, did you type that into firefox or a terminal?12:48
A_J_some one here had said they recompiled some games for unix12:48
dr3mroplease  do you have this issue like me ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1872755 ?12:48
phlak_userskore, type it into a terminal like so -> dig www.yahoo.com12:49
TehDGMA_J_: some have linux patches for their games yes. For example doom (and 3). Others can run just fine in wine, for example world of warcraft12:49
phlak_userskore, without the -> of course12:49
llutz_TehDGM: i'd prefer to use cat but in both cases one should md5sum the image after creation12:49
enigmais there any way (any service or program) to share photos instanly ?   ( like the viewer of windows live messenger? )12:49
TehDGMllutz_ true12:49
phlak_userenigma, f-spot & shotwell can both do that12:50
phlak_userenigma, or did you mean share it in an IM session?12:50
A_J_TehDGM i tried NNscript on wine and it went all sad, also cute ftp. your sure it will work well. I mean have you tried it12:51
enigmaphlak_user: it doesn't matter.... but if it can be done in an im session would you like to share it with me?12:51
phlak_userenigma, share what?12:52
skorephlak_user did u got my pm?12:52
dr3mroplease can you reproduce this bug ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1872755 ?12:52
enigmaphlak_user: to tell me the way i can share photos :D12:52
phlak_userskore, pl dont pm; you can paste bin it12:52
dr3mroplease can you reproduce this bug ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1872755 ?12:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 882855 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Roll up/unroll window dont roll border in oneiric 11.10" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:52
skore; <<>> DiG 9.7.3 <<>> www.yahoo.com12:52
skore;; global options: +cmd12:52
skore;; Got answer:12:52
skore;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 40912:52
skore;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 5, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 012:52
FloodBot1skore: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:52
phlak_userskore, that shows that your dns is working fine12:52
phlak_user!pastebin | skore12:53
ubottuskore: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:53
phlak_user!repeat | dr3mro12:53
ubottudr3mro: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:53
skoresry 4 flood12:53
slipttesthen, I upgrade 11.04 to 11.10 and old proxy setting are work on me... wget still run proxy setting12:53
sliptteswgetrc doesn't have any proxy configuration.12:54
skorei cant get 11.04 so easy12:54
Canhow do i get to the package manager in unity?12:54
slipttesi cant use wget, cause proxy setting active... how to clear ?12:55
phlak_userCan, dash home, type ubuntu software center in the search bar12:55
llutz_slipttes: "unset http_proxy"12:55
skoreany ideas what is wrong with that fireofox? i cant update 11.1012:55
enigmaphlak_user:  is able to set up a vpn on my pc to share photos and various files?12:56
slipttesllutz_: apply system wide?12:56
phlak_userenigma, vpn?12:56
phlak_userskore, can you check in preferences-network to see if there are any proxies defined?12:56
llutz_slipttes: i'd look were it was set first. "grep -ri <your-old-proxy> /etc/*12:56
slipttesllutz_: wgetrc are clear, any proxy setting12:57
slipttesllutz_: unset proxy_http work :D12:57
slipttesllutz_: thx, save my a**12:57
llutz_slipttes: but its not permanend12:57
slipttesllutz_: humm.. no?12:57
skoreno proxy12:57
RiXtEr-homeSo is the unity lag happening with everyone? Its pretty annoying moving my termial and seeing my computer completely stop processing until i drop it.12:58
llutz_slipttes: i'd look were it was set first. "grep -ri <your-old-proxy> /etc/* ~/*"12:58
skorepropebly said too much...12:58
phlak_userskore, ?12:59
skoreno proxy12:59
enigmaphlak_user: vpn yes.... like a lan over internet12:59
phlak_userenigma, i know what a vpn is; what is your ubuntu problem that you need support with?13:00
zmbmartinI was able to access phpmyadmin locally just last week localhost/phpmyadmin but now I get a 503. Not sure why any ideas?13:00
slipttesllutz_: llutz_ run command.. moment13:00
Candangit, looks like im not gonna be able to get my lappys wireless card working in ubuntu13:00
RiXtEr-homeDoes anyone have any answers/work arounds to the unity eating cpu at idle issue?13:00
RiXtEr-homecompiz rather.13:00
phlak_userzmbmartin, is apache running?13:00
enigmaphlak_user: i want an easy way to share photos but not with a web service in the middle...13:01
zmbmartinphlak_user: yes it is. My other local sites are working fine.13:01
skorefirewall disabled too13:01
phlak_userenigma, share it with who? easiest way is to put it on fb,picasa,flickr etc etc13:01
RiXtEr-homeenigma, or check out dropbox13:02
skoreguys help the fresh guy13:02
skoregot ubuntu yesterday13:02
phlak_userskore,  type this into firefox  it should show you a site13:03
RiXtEr-homeskore what is your issue?13:03
RiXtEr-homecomplete issue.13:03
skoreconnection is fine but it dont find sites13:03
phlak_userskore, type ping in a terminal13:04
RiXtEr-homeso you can pull up a terminal and ping
RiXtEr-homeand you can also ping google.com13:04
zmbmartinskore: I had a similar issue where I had to go into advanced settings and choose no proxy.13:04
skorecan i do this via terminal?13:05
slipttesllutz_: nothing found13:05
RiXtEr-homeyes run ping via terminal13:05
skorepinskore@skore-KVT600X-L:~/Pulpit$ ping
skorePING ( 56(84) bytes of data.13:05
RiXtEr-hometry both the ip and the name13:05
skorei mind proxy conf13:05
llutz_slipttes: thats odd, it has to be defined somewhere13:05
phlak_userzmbmartin, does your apache error log tell you anything?13:06
skorecan i disable proxy via termianl?13:06
phlak_userskore, have you set it?13:07
llutz_slipttes:  "grep -r http_proxy /etc/ ~/"13:07
enigmaRiXtEr-home: yes...dropbox is an easy solution :) but i want to bypass  the "uploading/downloading to/from server"13:07
skorekind a stupid but i cant find it in sys preferences13:07
skoresystem setting13:07
phlak_userskore, it should be inside Firefox -> edit -> preferences13:07
slipttesllutz_: i try grep -r /etc/ ~/13:07
Leaohow do you find a text within a man page13:08
llutz_Leao: man foo    then "/ pattern"13:09
phlak_userLeao, type / and search item13:09
PiciLeao: press /  then type something, press enter.  To find the next match, press n13:09
llutz_Leao: "man man"13:09
skoreedit >preferences>??13:09
theishiI am in Kiev, and as I understand it, they do not practice the daylight saving switch. My time is currently off of the local time by one hour, and I think this is a result of daylight savings time (not certain though).... Does ubuntus time keeping programs account for countries not practicing this? I set my localtime to the exact city i am living in13:09
Picillutz_: Its a function of your $PAGER, not of man itself.13:09
Leaothere was a command that you could use after first command13:09
Leaoi mean like13:09
skoretried advaced and security couldnt find13:09
zmbmartinphlak_user: yeah I got it now. It was a reverseproxy issue with one of my other local sites that I thought was running. Thanks13:09
Leaoman foo | thecommand thesearchword13:09
Leaowhat was that command13:09
PiciLeao: grep13:09
phlak_userzmbmartin, ok13:10
LeaoPici, thanks13:10
llutz_Pici: yes, but there's "man -k" too13:10
skoregot it13:10
theishiIs this the right channel for this question btw or should I be talking somewhere else/13:10
Picitheishi: Have you installed an of your Ubuntu updates recently? There have been a number of tzdata updates recently.13:10
theishiPici: I am probably about a week behind13:10
llutz_Leao: man foo | less -p pattern13:10
phlak_usertheishi, also, have you setup time sync via ntp?13:11
theishiphlak_user: yes13:11
theishiphlak_user: i assumed that was it, but nothing changed13:11
theishiPici: I see some time updates are not installed... giving that a shot... thanks13:12
skorei changed connection type to auto proxy detect-nothink13:12
theishivery nice that fixed it... thanks again Pici13:12
Picitheishi: great :)13:12
RiXtEr-homeenigma, no matter what someone will have to upload/download the pictures to view them. Dropbox has a pretty nice little app that runs inside of windows/ubuntu13:12
zmbmartinphlak_user: Thanks again13:13
skoredamn can anyone resolve that mystery13:14
skoremartha stevard13:15
slipttesllutz_: .wine sucks... download and try again... moment13:15
skoremy firefox mystery13:15
slipttesllutz_: remove folder**13:15
skoreconnection if fine but firefox cant find sites- its not firewall, i think its not proxy13:16
theishiIs there any background applications that can give copy and paste functionality to all applications... including the terminal? Something that listens for a specific keystroke and grabs the highlighted text?13:16
phlak_userskore, can you close firefox and launch from terminal?13:16
slipttesskore: dns work?13:16
phlak_usertheishi, its called the clipboard13:16
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theishiphlak_user: yeah, but it seems to not be running in my windows manager13:16
skorei think yes13:17
skorei got 3 type it in myself13:17
slipttesskore: set opendns in u /etc/resolv.conf13:17
phlak_usertheishi, best way to check is to highlight some text and press shift+insert to see if you get a paste13:17
theishiphlak_user: also this doesn't run on the terminal, the terminal has it's own keystrokes for this13:17
theishiphlak_user: i want to actually type ctrl-c or some variation13:17
phlak_usertheishi, the gnome-terminal takes ctl+shift+c and ctl+shift+v13:18
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
slipttesskore: try google dns
theishiphlak_user: i guess i could switch to that terminal13:18
slipttesskore: resolv.conf nameserver nameserver
Companionslipttes, why not enabling 'proper' DHCP13:19
slipttesCompanion: ;)13:19
phlak_userslipttes, that file will get overwritten the next time he connects via network-manager13:19
Companionslipttes, my DHCP adjusts the DNS automatically13:19
Companionphlak_user, /etc/resolv.conf? :P13:19
skoreIPv4 offcoursE?13:19
phlak_userCompanion, yes13:20
Companionphlak_user, manual editing is possible to13:20
jcook_5xdataanyoone know hoe to calibrate a monitor in 11.10? the button is grey out in settings> color. i try to create a new temp and calibrate that one but still grey out13:20
Companionnano /etc/resolv.conf ;)13:20
slipttesphlak_user: chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf solve13:20
phlak_userCompanion, you can edit, but it will get overwritten :)13:20
llutz_to change dns, edit nm-connection, edit dhclient.conf or use resolvconf (the package, NOT the file)13:20
MrElendigjcook_5xdata: lcd with vga cable?13:20
Companion/etc/init.d/networkmanager restart13:20
Companionphlak_user, not with my system ;)13:20
llutz_slipttes: thats ugly and not usefull at all13:20
jcook_5xdataMrElendig, laptop Acer13:20
slipttesllutz_: ?13:20
CompanionMrElendig, here too?13:20
MrElendigjcook_5xdata: shouldn't have to calibrate the lvds in it13:21
Canoh yes boys and girls we are cooking with gas now, lappy is wifi-ed up and good to go13:21
llutz_slipttes: there are ways to set dns outside immutating resolv.conf13:21
skoregoogle dns-nothink13:21
phlak_userCompanion, if you insist on doing things the wrong way, be my guest13:21
MrElendigCompanion: evil overlord of the whole world etc13:21
slipttesllutz_: humm. fo me work, network manager no overwriting13:21
llutz_slipttes: sure it works, its just an ugly hack13:21
Companionphlak_user, I don't got a gui on ubuntu ;p13:21
Companionphlak_user, and its static IP13:22
jo-erlendAm I the only one who's having difficulties with the live feed from UDS?13:22
llutz_slipttes: networkmanager -> edit connection -> set dns, done.13:22
Companionphlak_user, so it wont get overwritten ;)13:22
slipttesllutz_: ;)13:22
slipttesllutz_: more easy :D13:22
phlak_userCompanion, you win13:22
Companionphlak_user, why? :)13:22
skoreslipttes can we pm?13:22
CompanionMy server havent rebooted in........ 20 month's? :)13:23
phlak_userCompanion, pl go offtopic13:23
Companionphlak_user, srry of it ;)13:23
jcook_5xdataMrElendig, I know but color all washed out compared to other monitors with the same pic. I think the red is turned way down. there is no warmth in the image13:23
MrElendigjcook_5xdata: write a colour profile for it and stick it in xorg.conf then, or use a spyder :)13:23
MrElendigjcook_5xdata: what card does that laptop have btw? you can tweak colour profiles using xrandr on the fly too13:24
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skorei guess i have to do it myself. thx anyway guys13:24
jcook_5xdataMrElendig, I will try but is not icc a binary  file?13:24
MrElendigjcook_5xdata: yep, but there are tools for generating them13:25
MrElendig+lots of*13:25
jcook_5xdataMrElendig,  intel 300013:25
jcook_5xdataMrElendig, thanks. I will look at xrandr13:26
madPJKfanhi everyone - having troub getting liveCD to boot on iMac - got the boot working via efi, but the video is well wrong - screen just all wonky. Basically, something odd with video drivers, it looks like... any clues on how to get it to boot up so I can actually see what is going on?13:26
m_ei need to see the memory usage over time. is tehre a way/program for that?13:28
llutz_m_e: munin, nagios13:29
ndrwcmadPJKfan, which mac hardware version?13:29
m_emunin is not precise enough and also it does not show it live.13:29
m_ei would like to see it instantly when my memory goes up and track it13:30
llutz_m_e: top,htop13:30
m_elike with the windows task manager13:30
MrElendigm_e: ntop13:30
MrElendigm_e: gnome system monitor13:30
GeorgeJWhere could I get some support for getting nVidia optimus runing on Ubuntu 11.10? I need atleast to turn off the nVidia card.13:30
MrElendigkde version of ^13:30
MrElendig10000000 similar apps13:30
llutz_ntop is network-monitoring, not memory13:30
=== lacion_ is now known as lacion
MrElendigthe other ntop13:31
* MrElendig ment atop by typoed13:31
frankinosalve a tutti13:31
ndrwcI'm having a persistant issue getting GRUB installed when using mdadm RAID1 - there are several bugs reported in launchpad and it has possibly been fixed upstream, how can I get some attention on this?13:33
diverdudeHello. I have dual boot, linux/windows. I need to deliver back my computer so i have to uninstall dual boot and linux, leaving only the windows. What is the easiest way to do this ?13:33
llutz_diverdude: restore MBR from windows, then delete linux-partitions13:33
frankinoclick here, please for an italian ubuntu's magazine: http://www.searcheeze.com/it/p/frankino/senza-titolo13:33
diverdudellutz, ok so i have to boot in windows?13:34
madPJKfanndrwc:  20" iMac, core 2 duo from 200713:34
MrElendigdiverdude: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314458 etc13:34
llutz_diverdude: until XP the install-cd was needed, no idea how win7 restores mbr13:34
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MrElendigthey have similar for vista and 7 etc too13:35
RiXtEr-homeanyone know how to fix compiz from eating cpu at idle?13:35
madPJKfanndrwc:  is that what you are looking for, or do you need more info?13:35
=== puff` is now known as puff
MrElendigRiXtEr-home: start wtih disabeling all non-critical plugins you have running with it13:35
RiXtEr-homeMrElendig, this is a fresh 11.10 install, turn off the default plugins?13:36
madPJKfanndrwc:  ATI Radeon HD240013:36
ndrwcmadPJKfan, it's a bit older than what I've had experience with - at work we've got a few macbooks from 2008/2009 dual-booting with refit13:36
phlak_userGeorgeJ, did you say :turn off the card" ?13:36
MrElendigdiverdude: why would you have to remove gnu/linux anyway?13:36
phlak_userGeorgeJ, just blacklist the nvidia driver and reboot13:37
madPJKfanndrwc:  thinking there must be a command line that I can set to make the gfx oldschool?13:37
ndrwcmadPJKfan, which livecds have you tried?13:37
MrElendigdiverdude: anyway, I would actually whipe the whole disk using /dev/zero if I had used it for anything confidental13:37
phlak_usermadPJKfan, nomodeset13:38
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:38
madPJKfanndrwc: got the 64bit version - maybe I am being a bit adventurous13:38
MrElendignomodeset is not the solution13:38
madPJKfanphlak_user:  add that to the command line?13:38
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madPJKfanMrElendig:  no?13:38
ndrwcmadPJKfan, add that to the kernel options in the livecd boot13:39
GeorgeJphlak_user: Well, compiz ain't starting for me it says it's missing GLX, I'm guessing the nvidia card is the problem, so I want to disable it, is there a better alternative?13:39
phlak_usermadPJKfan, did you want to start with a safe graphics mode?13:39
MrElendigmadPJKfan: usually you can use the video param to set the correct res instead13:39
phlak_userGeorgeJ, do you have an onboard video card too?13:39
GeorgeJphlak_user: I don't mind extra GPU power, but I would like to be able to turn the card off when on battery13:39
* _r00t_ is trying to fix his windows 7 installation13:39
GeorgeJphlak_user: Yeah, an intel card13:40
madPJKfanphlak_user: yeah, that'd be good for a start, I think...13:40
GeorgeJphlak_user: Well, both are onboard, optimus switches between them13:40
d3m0nk...the secret weapon?13:41
GeorgeJCompiz starts by default on the live cd, with no change whatsoever, but it does not start on a fresh install13:41
phlak_userGeorgeJ, ok; on-the-fly, it would do good to disable the nvidia when its working13:41
phlak_userGeorgeJ, just disable the nvidia from the bios (if you can ) and boot normally13:41
phlak_userGeorgeJ, oops it would do *no* good13:41
MrElendigphlak_user: sidenote: https://github.com/Bumblebee-Project/Bumblebee13:41
GeorgeJphlak_user: I've read that the bumblebee project does just that, but there hasn't been any activity within 13 weeks in the ppa, and I'm concerned it might be inactive13:42
BTR5ola qual canal do ubuntu e em BR?????13:42
Pici!br | BTR513:42
ubottuBTR5: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:42
BTR5help plixxxx13:42
suboneIs it possible to see if someone tried to login to my system with an invalid username?13:42
phlak_userGeorgeJ, the latest update is Sep13:43
MrElendigsubone: auth.log might list the attempt13:43
MrElendigsubone: if not, then you can poke pam to get it to log to it13:43
XayOnsubone: cat /var/log/auth.log13:43
phlak_usersubone, or tail -f /var/log/auth.log in realtime13:43
XayOnArgh, ssh-lag =)13:43
GeorgeJphlak_user: Oh, it would appear they've moved to: https://launchpad.net/~mj-casalogic/+archive/ironhide/+packages13:44
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MrElendigGeorgeJ: there are two projects now after MrEEEE dropped it13:44
MrElendigironhide and bumblebee-project13:44
suboneMrElendig, XayOn phlak_user thanks, just wanted to check that my accidentally putting my password in the login field didnt get logged13:45
GeorgeJI see, which one do you recommend I use?13:45
MrElendigI would try both and use the one that you get to work13:46
m_eis anyone an experienced munin user here?13:49
usr13m_e It is better to just ask your question.13:50
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m_eone of my services that ive developed in php is sometimes not working... and i wonder if that might be because of my lack of memory13:51
skoreow can i delete or modify lock file13:51
m_ecan anyone of you tell me if my server is running out of memory space13:51
usr13m_e: htop is a good tool13:52
m_eall these tools showing me different memory values... atop shows me i have 232/493 memory used13:53
m_ethen again top shows me 100584k free13:53
usr13m_e: You only have 500M?13:54
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usr13m_e: You have 1G?13:54
usr13m_e: sudo apt-get install htop13:54
Pici!ram | m_e you may want to take a look at this13:55
ubottum_e you may want to take a look at this: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html13:55
m_ehere is a screenshot of htop, atop, top13:55
diverdudeHello, how do i enable password protection on my ubuntu?13:55
esteevenHello. I have 11.10 on a Dell Inspiron 6400. The screen dims when it's inactive but moving the mouse/ hitting a key doesn't restore default brightness. Any ideas?13:56
usr13diverdude: What do you mean "password protection"?13:56
diverdudeusr13, so that only people with password can log in13:56
llutz_diverdude: thats default13:56
diverdudellutz, well its not on mine13:57
diverdudellutz, mine just logs in13:57
madPJKfanndrwc, phlak_user, MrElendig:  nomodeset *seems* to be working for a bit, got a boot splash screen for a bit, but then it seems to have developed the same problem after that13:57
usr13diverdude: What are you saying?  (You need to descirbe the situation in more detail.)13:57
MrElendigmadPJKfan: fails when X starts?13:58
llutz_diverdude: system settings -> user settings13:58
diverdudeusr13, i just dont want other people to be able to use this computer13:58
llutz_diverdude: at least here on 10.10 there is a setting for that13:58
madPJKfanMrElendig, I think so, yeah13:58
diverdudellutz, nothing here in 11.0413:58
MrElendigdiverdude: just disable autologin in gdm?13:58
diverdudeMrElendig, where is that?13:58
usr13m_e: So the system has 500M of memory?  What processor does it have?13:59
EuroNerdIs it just me or is user and group management GUI much weaker in 11.10 than in previous editions?13:59
usr13diverdude: Then don't give them the password.13:59
_r00t_best twitter / social media app ? I'm trying gwibber and am not impressed13:59
stianhjAnyone know how I can upgrade my GLX version from 1.2 to 1.3 (or higher)? I have an Intel chipset. Tried xorg-edgers ppa, and that didn't work at all..13:59
usr13diverdude: Oh, it is set to auto-login?14:00
usr13.... so dissable it.14:00
EuroNerdIs there a Users and Groups management GUI in 11.10?  Because the User Accounts app in System Settings is very basic, no groups.14:01
llutz_EuroNerd: its always better to use cli. usermod, adduser, addgroup14:02
mm28how to install another desktop environment in ubuntu 11.10?14:02
madPJKfanMrElendig: F10'ing to the messages shows last message "* checking battery state"14:02
EuroNerdllutz_, ok, but I'm a Linux newbie and I hate to do anything in command line.14:02
m_eusr13: well its a virtual machine. so i have only a part of a bigger machine. it just says "Single Core" as cpu... no idea how to get the actual cpu power14:02
llutz_EuroNerd: you have to learn it, sooner or later14:03
mm28yes EuroNerd, command line interface is much more powerful that GUI14:03
EuroNerdllutz_, and I thought Ubuntu is supposed to be for normal people - lured away from Windows. ;)14:03
llutz_EuroNerd: yu'll always come to a point where you need to use the cli (my experience)14:04
RaTTuS|BIGit's good to learn14:04
EuroNerdi hate to learn... my head hurts14:05
llutz_EuroNerd: and don't believe in any advertizing b...s..t14:05
lumirayzsometimes when i lock my screen and wait a while, it looks like my graphics driver freezes. i'm using the default intel driver in ubuntu 11.10 (though i am using ironhide, too, but i don't think that activates when i lock my screen)14:05
usr13m_e: Well, read that primer, it's pretty good.14:05
mm28can anyone help me. i want to install LXDE in Ubuntu 11.10. How do i do that?14:05
aeXnilconsole-kit-daemon, any solution for all the dupicates always respawning ? Leave it for a few hours and 63 thread with console-kit-daemon are running.14:05
slipttesllutz_: nothing :(14:05
llutz_mm28: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop14:05
usr13m_e and it mentions the issue with vm too14:05
m_ei just did... my bi is 2 and bo is 16 wa is 014:06
m_ei guess its all fine then?14:06
llutz_slipttes: add "unset http_proxy" to your ~/.profile or to /etc/profile to unset it systemwide. there still must be a place your old proxy is set.14:06
m_eso it must be another problem that i have not the memory14:06
tempacchello... i have ubuntu 11.10 and a problem with resolution.  I user vga 14pin (instead of 15pin) cable so it seems it doesn't tranfer info for proper resolution. Until now i log in and set resolution with xrandr comamnds...but I want to set my resolution to 1680x1050 persistently... how get i get this?14:06
slipttesllutz_: will try... thx14:07
usr13llutz_: Wouldn't it be  sudo aptitude install lxde14:07
slipttesusr13: lubuntu-desktop are lxde fully aplications14:08
llutz_usr13: 1st aptitude isn't insatlled by default anymore. 2nd. idk, check the dependencies of both and comapre14:08
usr13llutz_: I meant apt-get  was typo14:09
lumirayzanyone read my message?14:09
_r00t_anyone ? What is the best twitter / social media app ? I'm trying gwibber and am not impressed14:10
_r00t_lumirayz: yep14:10
zykotick9lumirayz, no ;)14:10
llutz_!best | _r00t_14:10
ubottu_r00t_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:10
lumirayzany ideas?14:10
lumirayzit's pretty annoying to leave my laptop on and come back and see it frozen14:11
tempaccis there any way to force resolution permanently?14:12
stianhjlumirayz: have you tried without ironhide?14:12
_r00t_stupid windows ... Trying to recover with acronis :/14:12
lumirayzstianhj: well, i remember having this issue in archlinux and disabling the OpenGL screensaver fixed it, bumblebee was running and seemed to have no effect at all on this14:13
kz3"No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql:://localhost/practice"14:13
kz3what should I do?14:13
lumirayzbut there doesn't seem to be any OpenGL screensaver on ubuntu, so i'm kind of puzzled of why this is happening14:14
stianhjlumirayz: have no idea tbh..14:14
lumirayzmight have to do with composition, but this only happens when my screen locks14:14
jo-erlendIs there a main channel for uds?14:14
lumirayzand disabling composition just for this would be plain annoying, imo14:14
jo-erlendI'm having a difficult time locating the proper room.14:15
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)14:17
_r00t_kz3 install the drivers from mysql's website14:17
kandinskiafter oneiric I have seen a sharp drop in battery life, is there anything I could do to make it last longer?14:17
joshuauHELLO WORLD14:18
_r00t_kz3: apt-get install libmysql-java14:18
lumirayzkandinski: might want to have a look at granola or jupiter14:18
andrew9183hey guys, is there a shortcut to minimize the current window like apple+m on a mac ?14:18
Abhijitandrew9183, alt f14:19
Abhijitandrew9183, alt f914:19
_r00t_yep kandinski lumirayz Jupiter rocks on pingeee - Love it14:19
andrew9183hmm weird, it doesn't seem to work14:19
Abhijitandrew9183, you on gnome3?14:19
lumirayzi've been using laptop-mode-utils on arch and it's pretty awesome, too14:20
andrew9183hmm i'm on kubuntu 11.1014:20
Abhijitoh kde14:20
_r00t_lumirayz: what's arch ? o_O LOL14:20
Abhijitandrew9183, you need to manually set the keyboard shortcuts for min, max, restore in kde14:20
lumirayz_r00t_: archlinux14:20
andrew9183ah ok, thanks14:20
Abhijitandrew9183, press alt f1 and type keyboard and go to keyboard shortcuts14:20
_r00t_lumirayz: I know what it is ... just taking the big P !14:21
MatisseBecause its in the Ubuntu-Wiki: Does anybody know how to search for colored mails?14:21
andrew9183thanks Abhijit14:21
_r00t_come on guys what twitter client do you boys use or don't have a social life ?14:21
andrew9183works like a charm now14:21
lumirayz_r00t_: what's the big P?14:21
llutz_!best | _r00t_  no polls here pls14:21
ubottu_r00t_  no polls here pls: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:21
_r00t_cat /dev/null > ubottu14:22
=== streetendboy1955 is now known as howiethelad
Abhijitandrew9183, welcome14:22
llutz__r00t_: you fail14:22
lumirayzguess i'll try asking my question on the ubuntu forums :P14:23
_r00t_! cat /dev/null > llutz14:23
sipiorrm _r00t_14:23
llutz_!ot | _r00t_ keep it on topic here14:24
ubottu_r00t_ keep it on topic here: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:24
_r00t_ok llutz - you win :p14:24
_r00t_the sooner windows 7 takes to restore the sooner I can get out of this god forsaken place14:24
howietheladin ubuntu 11.10 when i hover cursor over music file it won't play. It use to before upgrade.14:25
llutz_ #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support14:25
DJoneshowiethelad: Thats the current default now, the mouse over hover no longer plays an mp3 track14:26
DJoneshowiethelad: Something called gnome-sushi is supposed to do a similar thing http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1136942214:27
howietheladO.K. thanxs DJ. Just seems long winded to open file in player just to check on something like quality after download.14:27
kz3"No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql:://localhost/practice"  what should I do?14:29
kz3"No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql:://localhost/practice" what should I do?14:30
genii-aroundkz3: I think you have one too many colons in that URL14:32
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:35
_r00t_hey guys ... what app do I need to view ubuntu one notes ? Thanks14:36
dr_willisi wnder what wxpect to get from a list anyway14:36
ActionParsnip_r00t_: tomboy14:36
lumirayz_r00t_: i think tomboy14:36
JokesOnYou77Howdy all14:36
dr_willistomboy notes sybcs the notes14:36
_r00t_Thanks guys14:36
Gentoo64JokesOnYou77: hi14:37
dr_willistoo bad they havent xame out with somthing better yet. :-(14:37
* _r00t_ hopes notes works on windows too - Would be great to see14:38
=== OmNom is now known as TerryWrist
lumirayzanyone know how i can enable tab scrolling in gtk3?14:39
dr_willistheres a windows ubuntu one client14:39
TerryWristIs a program to run ubuntu and windows side by side14:40
_r00t_dr_willis: yep ... I'll be installing it as soon as the windows 7 partition has been restored .... ETA 10 mins14:40
ActionParsnipTerryWrist: in what way?14:40
dr_willisTerryWrist:  not really14:40
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe14:40
ActionParsnipTerryWrist: you cn run it in a virtualbox I guess14:40
TerryWristTechnically wibu doesn't need vb, it's an application but an os as well14:41
dr_willisu1 has a beta windows client i thought.14:41
TerryWristSorry typing on iPad is slowe14:42
sharetcp        0      0 localhost.localdom:8118 *:*                     LISTEN14:42
blackzerohi, i have a problem with nvidia-current14:42
shareHow do I know which service is using  that port?14:42
ActionParsnipTerryWrist: sure but you can use virtualbox to run them at the sme time14:42
_r00t_TerryWrist: natively ? only if you have a vt-x / vt-d capable hardware and 99% of people don't14:42
blackzerowhen I installed ubuntu 11.10 when booting it said: checking battery state and freezed there. So i removed nvidia-173 and installed nvidia current.The problem fixed but now I cant control fn keys with brightness in my laptop14:42
XayOnshare: Probably a proxy, probably privoxy.14:43
TerryWristYeah I guess so, but isn't most laptops using vt-x/d  hardware anyway14:43
XayOnnetstat -putan|grep 811814:43
Fleckwhat are post-release updates?14:43
TerryWristI see your point about VB14:43
TerryWristBut I dont know stable it is using vb14:44
shareXayOn: yes but privoxy is not running!14:44
_r00t_TerryWrist: vt-x yes but vt-d support for stuff like pci-e passthrough is much more rarer14:44
XayOnshare: netstat -putan|grep 811814:44
XayOnI insist.14:44
blackzeroanyone who knows about 11.10 + nvidia-current?14:44
dr_willisvbox works decently well14:44
shareXayOn: already did that comment, it doesnt show the process!14:44
XayOnshare: As root.14:44
dr_willisblackzero:  it works on my 3 nvudia machines.14:44
_r00t_vbox is ok but I prefer vmware14:45
shareXayOn: damn you're right!14:45
=== light is now known as Guest86396
TerryWristOk I have a gen 1 intel core i5 on my Dell laptop14:45
shareXayOn: privoxy is running.14:45
blackzerodr_willis, Im on sony vaio laptop14:45
TerryWristAnd I managed to do it without too much probs14:45
blackzerodr_willis, do you have any laptop?14:45
XayOnshare: Of course i am. And certainly, you have a running privoxy, with that PID.14:45
TerryWristSo I guess it depends on the motherboard you have huh ?14:46
shareXayOn: I killed it!14:46
diwic_join #uds-antigua414:46
shareXayOn: sudo killall privoxy14:46
dr_willis2 laptops. 2 desktops with nvidia14:46
stianhjAnyone know how I can upgrade my GLX version from 1.2 to 1.3 (or higher)? I have an Intel chipset. Tried xorg-edgers ppa, and that didn't work at all..14:46
blackzerodr_willis My fn kes (brightness) are not working14:46
blackzerodr_willis,  what laptops? models?14:46
XayOnshare: I don't think that should work. invoke-rc.d privoxy stop, and if it does not work sudo pkill -9 privoxy14:47
dr_willisblackzero:  check the forums for your exact model perhaps14:47
keda87why when i'm build a adhoc wifi for sharing my inet, only same ubuntu connected, and windows cannot join with my adhoc?14:47
TerryWristATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 is what I got14:47
shareXayOn: it did work for now:P but yeah rcconf doesn't show privoxy at startup!14:47
_r00t_cool tomboy works great14:47
blackzerodr_willis, i will reinstall the nvidia-173 :S14:47
TerryWristThat last one was for dr willin14:48
dkim1987 /msg nickserv identify register14:48
blackzerodr_willis, do you know how to solve the no plymouth in boot problem?14:48
blackzeroI got only purple screen!14:48
shareXayOn: sudo service privoxy stop did the trick14:48
amee2ki just installed 11.10 and have a GF8600 video card. neither the thing under "system settings" nor nvidia-settings is detecting my second monitor. what am i doing wrong?14:48
dr_willisi always disable plymouth. its pointless and mire peomlems then its worth14:49
TerryWristAnyone know if there is open VPN software like hotspot shield for ubuntu .14:49
dr_willis11.10 does seem to work with (lymouth for me.  so havent messed with it lately14:49
XayOnshare: Nice.14:49
shareXayOn: yeah but it seems I will have to that rc.d command14:50
amee2kdr_willis: i just installed it for the first time after 11.4 decided to corrupt its file system two days ago14:51
amee2ki feel like i just bought a mac >_<14:51
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dr_willisi dont see how 11.10 is like a mac at all..14:51
blackzeroany who has solved the plymouth prob in 11.10?14:52
dr_willismire like win7 id say14:52
blackzeroI have low resolution + purple screen with no progress bar/logo14:52
TerryWristdr_willis: is there any open VPN software like hotspot shield for ubuntu .14:52
amee2knever used win714:52
amee2ki just look at it and see nothing but a row of HUGE icons and nothing else14:53
_r00t_amee2k: win7 rox !14:53
pangolin!notunity > mm2814:53
ubottumm28, please see my private message14:53
dr_willisTerryWrist:  no idea14:53
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN14:53
usr13amee2k: You'll get used to it.14:53
amee2kwell, either way its a bit pointless if i can't get the video card to work correctly14:54
blackzerolets see14:54
ubottuPlymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »14:54
usr13amee2k: What video card?14:54
dr_willismy panel icons are not huge.. anymore ;)14:54
_r00t_NOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooo !14:54
amee2kusr13: nvidia gf8600 is not detecting the second monitor. neither the "displays" thing nor nvidia-settings14:54
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usr13amee2k: Oh, so you have dual monitors?14:55
Gentoo64joed_: hi14:55
dr_willisamee2k:  use the nvidia-settings tool14:55
usr13amee2k: Sorry, I won't be much help with dual monitor setup.14:55
amee2ka few years ago supporting dualhead wasn't exactly considered unusual at least14:55
amee2kdr_willis: 15:54 < amee2k> usr13: nvidia gf8600 is not detecting the second monitor. neither the "displays" thing nor  nvidia-settings14:56
joed_so did anyone here that ubnutu is going mobile14:56
dr_willisdual monitors with unity can ba awkwaed14:56
TerryWristSorry I am not used to the iPad irc client14:56
Gentoo64joed_: what do you mean14:56
joed_thye are going to make a mobile os for phones14:56
Gentoo64are they14:56
joed_smart phones14:56
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:56
usr13dr_willis: You need to warm up your keyboard ;014:56
amee2kif you fap to topics, you'll like ##electronics14:57
SmokeyDhey everyone. Is there a way to automatically create a folder when a tmpfs filesystem is mounted? I want to create a subfolder of /var/run automatically with specific permissions14:57
_r00t_wooohooo ! Now that's a sight for sore eyes.... I haz the windows 7 login screen :)14:57
TerryWristjoed_: something similar r14:57
TerryWristTo windows ?14:57
TerryWristOr an upgrade from android or ios14:57
blackzeroNot fixed with nvidia-17314:57
_r00t_dd if=/dev/random > /dev/ubuntu14:57
blackzeroanyone who has a sony vaio with ubuntu11.10?14:57
PhantomPhreak53I made a change to my /etc/postfix/main.cf and added a relayhost. Do I need to do anything other than restart postfix in order to make it work?14:57
sipiorPhantomPhreak53: shouldn't do, no.14:58
PhantomPhreak53sipior: shouldn't do? huh?14:58
sipiorPhantomPhreak53: you don't need to do anything else.14:59
PhantomPhreak53sipior: do you mean should have to?14:59
PhantomPhreak53I think the network is blocking it then. Thanks14:59
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Gentoo64hi ubuntu15:00
fjmlong time i don`t use mirc15:01
fjmits nice to see that chat ;-)15:01
Gentoo64fjm: what are you using now?15:02
Bisu[Shield]having a major problem with ubuntu 11.10's backup utility, I want to restore a specific folder and when i select the folder, the utility tries to restore the all folders15:02
fjmi try ubuntu livecd15:02
Gentoo64Bisu[Shield]: the folder isnt "/" is it? lol15:02
foxxc202global security15:02
fjmits quite nice linux version ;-) and its graphics %-)15:03
neekohi all15:03
fjmso ... looks like windwos ;)15:03
Bisu[Shield]lol no its not15:03
Gentoo64fjm: how does ubuntu look like windows?15:03
prophetfjm: more like mac15:03
neekoi have a little issue, can anyone helpme?15:04
Gentoo64Bisu[Shield]: if its just 1 folder why not just copy it over15:04
fjmlike win715:04
Gentoo64fjm: kubuntu? the glass looking one?15:04
fjmbut its nice :) hehe15:04
Bisu[Shield]where do I find the backup file? the backup is in a set of zip files15:04
neekodoes anyone have a US cellphone number? i juste need one to receive a sms for confirm account15:05
Gentoo64neeko: nope15:05
Picineeko: What does that have to do with Ubuntu?15:05
Gentoo64doubt people are gona give out their number15:05
Gentoo64Bisu[Shield]: no idea15:06
Gentoo64what program was it?15:06
JokesOnYou77neeko: use google voice15:06
Bisu[Shield]the native ubuntu backup utulity for 11.1015:06
neekogoogle app engine15:06
balazshello. what is the best place to report unity desktop problems ?15:06
Gentoo64Bisu[Shield]: not sure15:06
neekobut i dont have any cellphone15:06
Picineeko: This channel is for *Ubuntu* support only.15:07
neekook, sorry15:07
balazscan I use gnome instead of unity in 11.10 ?15:08
love4linuxhello everyone.. how can I reinstall my bootloader through the live cd?15:08
amee2kwtf, the huge mac-like icon thing on the left is gone15:08
neekoi was just asking... (if anyone has a unused sim card who still can receive sms to help, me... but i'll leave) sorry for disturbing15:08
Danny_JorisHi, I'd like to use Ubuntu server as a VM - I downloaded the .iso file  - where would I go from here?15:09
amee2kdon't mind the topic fappers. ignore list ftw15:09
Gentoo64Danny_Joris: virtualbox?15:10
Danny_JorisGentoo64: yes15:10
amee2ki've got a spare card but i think it was deactivated sometime last summer due to inactivity15:10
Gentoo64Danny_Joris: just choose the iso as the cd and boot from it15:10
Gentoo64! notunity | balazs15:10
ubottubalazs: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:10
Danny_JorisGentoo64: thanks - I must have missed that part. So it's not an import right ?15:11
Danny_JorisGentoo64: it's through setting up a new vm15:11
Gentoo64Danny_Joris: create a machine and when you boot it itll ask you for a cd to boot frm, choose the ubuntu.iso15:11
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama15:12
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead15:13
amee2kah, finally an ubuntu specific link15:13
amee2ki was about to accuse the bot of being off topic :P15:13
love4linuxis there any software that I can use to reinstall grub via the Live cd?15:14
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zykotick9!grub2 | love4linux15:14
ubottulove4linux: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:14
Danny_JorisGentoo64: cool, that was it - thanks15:14
bhaveshCan somebody please explain me how can I apply the "Fix" for this bug in Oneiric?15:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539196 in nvidia-settings-updates (Ubuntu Lucid) "nvidia-settings X display configuration window doesn't work on nvidia-173 and nvidia-96" [High,Fix released]15:14
amee2klove4linux: mmh, i'd boot the live cd, mount the root filesystem from the live system, then run um... grub-install or whatever its called15:14
Gentoo64Danny_Joris: in the setting you can mess about in there, like give it more cores etc.15:14
greenmanHello.  I need a very strange kind of help.15:15
greenmanUbuntu's ls doesn't behave like other ls's15:15
greenmanIt's fudgin' our scripts15:15
Gentoo64greenman: in what way15:15
bhaveshor should I straight away switch to 10.04 from 11.10 for that?15:15
Gentoo64its a standard command15:15
amee2kthere are no strange questions, only useless answers :)15:15
love4linuxthank you zykotick9 and amee2k15:15
Pumpkin-what does it do different ?15:15
greenmanGentoo64: all of our other boxes ls says No such file15:15
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greenmanif it' can't find something15:15
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:15
Gentoo64greenman: paste the command you're trying?15:16
greenmanGentoo64: but the ubuntu ls says cannot access: No such file...15:16
greenmanthe cannot is fouling up our scripts15:16
Gentoo64greenman: maybe on the other boxes, there is no file there?15:16
greenmanGentoo64: I made sure to test on both boxes with non-existant file.15:16
greenmanthe ls doesn't report the same output.  (I've seen this looking through the forums, ls always has the "cannot access" on ubuntu)15:17
greenmanIs there a way to "modify" or otherwise change how ls behaves?15:17
amee2kgreenman: if modifying the script is not an option, you could make a wrapper in perl that detects the condition and produces the expected output15:17
amee2kthen fool the script into running the wrapper by setting up PATH appropriately15:18
samuelhello guys15:18
brontosaurusrexgreenman, i dont think you should use ls in scripts, on why you could ask in #bash15:18
zykotick9bhavesh, in a terminal what is the output of "apt-cache policy nvidia-settings"15:18
TerryWristdamn mangoirc doesnt work well on ipad15:18
maulanawine how to join ?15:18
samuelanyone know if it is possible to get a list of installed packages WITHOUT listing the deps?