zacarias | The "print to file" option in the "print" menu (from Firefox) is not working. When I try to save it, it says preparing, the box disappears and nothing is saved :-( | 01:34 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se | ||
S_SubZero | does xubuntu install by default with write access to ntfs? | 06:41 |
Sysi | S_SubZero: yes | 06:44 |
S_SubZero | hmm hmmm i see. Thought I did it somehow. | 06:45 |
=== antnash_ is now known as antnash | ||
ochosi | Sysi: btw, you might be happy to hear that i implemented the "flat terminal" look in greybird (in git) | 08:40 |
Bjorn_ | hi, is there someone who can help me with a serious prob? | 10:06 |
well_laid_lawn | Bjorn_: it depends on what the problem is | 10:15 |
Bjorn_ | okay, i'll try to explaine | 10:17 |
Bjorn_ | sorry about my english sometimes, but i'm dutch | 10:17 |
Bjorn_ | i've a bit older computer, and i would like to install ubuntu | 10:20 |
Bjorn_ | i'll give some spec about it | 10:20 |
Bjorn_ | it's a amd 2.0Ghz 1Gb memory hdd 180Gb | 10:20 |
Bjorn_ | so normally it could no problem installing ubuntu | 10:21 |
Bjorn_ | but it's real slow | 10:21 |
Bjorn_ | but i mean really slow | 10:21 |
Bjorn_ | so tried the lightweight version Xubuntu | 10:22 |
Bjorn_ | it's a bit faster but still too slow when i hear people talking that you can run xubuntu on a 1Ghz an 512mb without a problem | 10:23 |
Bjorn_ | the say it works fast | 10:23 |
Bjorn_ | so i monitored some information | 10:23 |
Bjorn_ | the memory wasn't a problem | 10:24 |
Bjorn_ | stays low in use | 10:24 |
Bjorn_ | but when i perform some action like opening a browser fi | 10:24 |
Bjorn_ | my cpu goes within second to 50% | 10:24 |
Bjorn_ | ?? | 10:24 |
Bjorn_ | so is (x)ubuntu not compatible with this computer or is it just something wrong with some hardware? | 10:25 |
TheSheep | Bjorn_: what graphics card do you have? | 10:28 |
TheSheep | Bjorn_: you can see that with 'lspci | grep VGA' in terminal | 10:29 |
Bjorn_ | oh sorry forget to mention and correction of info above it's just 1.8Ghz and the graphics card is an ATI 128mb | 10:32 |
well_laid_lawn | Bjorn_: did you install the proprietry driver for the graphics card? | 10:37 |
Bjorn_ | i think so cause he can't find any additional drivers | 10:45 |
well_laid_lawn | the open source driver might be a better option | 10:47 |
Bjorn_ | how can i do that? | 10:48 |
well_laid_lawn | I've never bothered with the proprietry drivers since I always use intel | 10:49 |
Bjorn_ | oh maybe this is also important, they onboard graphics cards broke, so now there's a PCI graphics cards | 10:49 |
well_laid_lawn | if you have disabled the onboard in the bios then it shouldn't be affecting anything | 10:50 |
well_laid_lawn | afaik pci is slower than agp | 10:51 |
Bjorn_ | what size of graphics card is recommended? | 10:52 |
well_laid_lawn | 128mb should be fine with the right driver | 10:53 |
Bjorn_ | i checked and the card is disabled | 10:58 |
Bjorn_ | and the videocard is on an AGP slot so it's not PCI just checked | 10:59 |
TheSheep | Bjorn_: can you check /var/log/Xorg.log and see which graphics driver it uses? | 11:01 |
Bjorn_ | just have the Xorg.0.log | 11:04 |
Bjorn_ | and the Xorg.0.log.old | 11:04 |
Bjorn_ | where in the Xorg.0.log can i find the driver i use | 11:06 |
TheSheep | Bjorn_: it gives you a detailed log where it tries to detect different drivers | 11:06 |
TheSheep | Bjorn_: you just need to read it, I'm afraid, I don't remember how the exact line looks like and I don't have xubuntu here to check | 11:07 |
TheSheep | alternatively, maybe the 'xrandr' command will tell you what driver is being used | 11:08 |
andyc | Is there any way I can change the sound indicator applet in xubuntu 11.10 to take me to PulseAudio Volume Control, instead of the XFCE mixer when I select sound settings | 11:09 |
andyc | PulseAudio volume control is far more useful on a pulseaudio setup particularly with multiple cards/a USB headset | 11:09 |
Bjorn_ | TheSheep: i only see a list with al compatible resolutions and it's frequency that VGA is connected and DVI en Svideo is disconnected | 11:12 |
Bjorn_ | you guys could be right cause when xubuntu boots it shows first all colorized pixels and then turns in good resolution | 11:22 |
TheSheep | Bjorn_: if it fell back to the 'vesa' driver, it's going to be slow | 11:22 |
Bjorn_ | i do see some information about vesa driver | 11:23 |
TheSheep | !ati | 11:23 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 11:23 |
Bjorn_ | there's a line : Falling back to old probe method for vesa | 11:24 |
Bjorn_ | so maybe tis will be the prob | 11:25 |
Bjorn_ | thnx ubottu i'm reading it | 11:25 |
TheSheep | !bot | 11:26 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at | Usage info: | Bot channels and general info: | 11:26 |
TheSheep | :) | 11:26 |
Bjorn_ | haha i suck :D | 11:26 |
TheSheep | there is nothing wrong in being polite to a bot :) | 11:27 |
Bjorn_ | idd ^^ | 11:27 |
Bjorn_ | on the info from our dear bot they say: Change Driver "ati" to "radeon" -> OK | 11:29 |
Bjorn_ | | 11:29 |
Bjorn_ | i have the ati radeon 9200 pro rv280 | 11:29 |
TheSheep | here is the description on how to edit your xorg.conf to force a certain driver: | 11:30 |
johnnyzero | holstein, thank you so much! :) | 12:11 |
johnnyzero | Downgrading to Ubuntu 10.10 did the trick. It was kernel 3 which was the reason why I was having loads of issues. Maybe my hardware just doesn't get along with it. | 12:12 |
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein | ||
babble | sigh. lag? | 14:39 |
antnash | Hey guys. I'm trying to install from the alternate but it's hanging after the network detection and I've just got a blue screen with a little square in the bottom left corner | 15:02 |
Sysi | how long it's been like that? | 15:03 |
antnash | about 10 mins. No movement from the bar. | 15:03 |
antnash | Sysi, would that happen if it can't find a driver to a piece of hardware? | 15:11 |
Sysi | not at that point.. I'd guess bad image/burn/cd | 15:12 |
antnash | argh | 15:14 |
antnash | Hope this next one works, my last disc | 15:14 |
Sysi | what kind of machine you're installing to? | 15:15 |
antnash | home built file server | 15:15 |
antnash | my board won't boot from usb either. MASSIVE pain in the arse | 15:17 |
antnash | Nope. Bad image I think | 15:22 |
holstein | antnash: this is kind of fun | 15:24 |
holstein | assuming the USB is fast enough to use to boot, you can burn one PLOP iso image to CD, and use that to boot the machine and boot USB sticks | 15:24 |
antnash | Well I'm out of discs now | 15:25 |
antnash | gonna have to get some on the way back home | 15:26 |
chupito57 | hi | 15:33 |
chupito57 | i have a fresh install of xubuntu and i will not to autolock my cdrom | 15:34 |
chupito57 | i have put dev.cdrom.lock=0 in sysctl.conf but it dont work | 15:35 |
chupito57 | can you help me? | 15:35 |
zacarias | quick help: how do you view the repostories list delete a repository with the command line? | 15:35 |
holstein | zacarias: /etc/apt/source.list? | 15:36 |
holstein | you can comment them out.. i wouldnt delete them | 15:37 |
holstein | chupito57: you mean automount? | 15:37 |
chupito57 | no automount | 15:38 |
chupito57 | i want to eject my cdrom by buton | 15:39 |
holstein | im not sure.. im letting CD's go the way floppies went... but i see some bug reports relating to dev.cdrom.lock | 15:40 |
holstein | for example | 15:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 397734 in Baltix "can't eject cdrom with hardware button" [High,In progress] | 15:41 |
chupito57 | ok thank you | 15:41 |
chupito57 | in my case i can eject after command 'eject -i off' | 15:43 |
holstein | sounds like a 'work-around' to me | 15:43 |
marion | happy halloween | 16:14 |
marion | does anyone know how to permanently mount a partition | 16:14 |
holstein | marion: check out | 16:16 |
marion | thank you holstein | 16:18 |
GridCube | also | 16:20 |
GridCube | !fstab | marion | 16:20 |
ubottu | marion: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and and !Partitions | 16:20 |
marion | i pretty much want this to be done every time i boot " mount -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222 /dev/sdb1 /media/c" | 16:24 |
marion | is there a way to do that? | 16:29 |
Sysi | !automount | 16:29 |
ubottu | Automount is the modern way to mount directories over a network. It is much easier to manage and more economic in bandwidth than static mounts via fstab. For more info - | 16:29 |
Sysi | !fstab | 16:29 |
ubottu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and and !Partitions | 16:29 |
Sysi | (I've only used fstab) | 16:30 |
chupito | hi | 16:32 |
GridCube | hello | 16:33 |
marion | Sysi I installed it but i dont understand how to run it | 16:33 |
chupito | in xubuntu 11.10 i want to automount my removable media. I hve checked in system setting but nothing do | 16:34 |
Sysi | read the help page | 16:34 |
Sysi | usb drives should automount by default, normal xubuntu installation? | 16:34 |
marion | speaking of 11.10 is there a way to install it from the internet | 16:34 |
holstein | chupito: you can add it to fstab... its not trivial... i suggest knowing how to edit fstab from a live CD in case the machine doenst boot | 16:35 |
chupito | ok it is a good idea. It is for my cdrom | 16:36 |
Sysi | holstein: mount -a FTW | 16:36 |
holstein | i wouldnt add removables to fstab personally | 16:37 |
Sysi | differen't a | 16:38 |
Sysi | guys asking you noticed? | 16:38 |
chupito | holstein: it don't work | 16:50 |
chupito | until my cdrom is mounted i can't eject | 16:51 |
chupito | do you have the same ? | 16:51 |
nilognap | hey guys, what year did steve jobs invent ubuntu | 16:52 |
nilognap | why is it free | 17:04 |
chupito | good by | 17:05 |
xrdodrx | nilognap, Steve Jobs invented Ubuntu in the same year he invented the tablet computer, cell phone, television and PC :P | 17:10 |
nilognap | hahaha | 17:11 |
nilognap | he was the thomas edison of our times! | 17:11 |
xrdodrx | a true revolutionary | 17:11 |
Myrtti | nilognap: you're a boring troll, go play elsewhere | 17:11 |
nilognap | Myrtti: hmm? | 17:12 |
nilognap | Myrtti: are you bored? | 17:12 |
nilognap | Myrtti: try trolling ubuntu fags | 17:12 |
nilognap | its fun | 17:12 |
drc | now he's in -offtopic | 17:13 |
likemindead | How do I get Jupiter to show up in my tray? It says it is whitelisted. | 17:31 |
likemindead | Meh. Just going to remove it. | 17:36 |
xrdodrx | likemindead, try adding the notification area to the panel | 17:36 |
xrdodrx | or not | 17:36 |
ball | Does Xubuntu ship with some sort of podcast catcher thinggy? | 17:42 |
pangolin | I just installed miro | 17:44 |
pangolin | not sure if that is what you want | 17:44 |
Myrtti | evince has a podcast thing, IMO | 17:44 |
Pici | I thought evince was the pdf reader. | 17:45 |
Myrtti | evince... | 17:45 |
Myrtti | EXAILE | 17:45 |
Myrtti | there we go | 17:45 |
Myrtti | I've been doing too much work with pdflatex | 17:45 |
ball | Ah, thanks. | 17:46 |
ball | I don't see a tab for 'Podcasts'. Perhaps they're tucked away under 'Radio'. | 17:47 |
Myrtti | ah, requires a plugin | 17:49 |
drc | ball you want audio or video podcasts or both? | 17:50 |
PTBD | hallo. can somebody tell me which login manager is used in xubuntu? | 20:31 |
drc | by default LDM | 20:35 |
PTBD | drc, thank you | 20:35 |
lrussell | hello | 20:53 |
lrussell | would xubuntu 10.10 run on a pc with the following "6GB HD, 233MHZ Processor, and 384MB of ram". I don't care how fast/slow. I just wanna know if it would run. | 20:53 |
andyc | lrussell, The Xubuntu website seems to think so | 20:57 |
andyc | Try the alternate install CD | 20:58 |
andyc | If I were you I would try it and see what happens - Possibly try a lighter window manager like fluxbox or openbox if it's too slow | 20:59 |
madnick | that CPU :( | 21:00 |
lrussell | ikr | 21:00 |
lrussell | '96 pc man | 21:00 |
andyc | What is it? a PII? | 21:01 |
andyc | Yikes must be a PI from 96 | 21:02 |
lrussell | yep, a PI | 21:03 |
lrussell | its supposed to be a crappy home server | 21:03 |
lrussell | otherwise its to the dumb | 21:03 |
lrussell | *dump | 21:03 |
andyc | Ah right | 21:03 |
andyc | In that case don't worry about a window manager | 21:03 |
* lrussell wonders how well it will work | 21:03 | |
lrussell | a server with php and | 21:04 |
lrussell | I'm gonna put another hd in it i think | 21:04 |
lrussell | lol | 21:04 |
lrussell | is there another os lighter than xubuntu that functions similar? | 21:05 |
lrussell | maybe damn small linux | 21:05 |
lrussell | but does it run ubuntu/xubuntu software? | 21:05 |
drc | lrussell: Several...I'd check out Distrowatch, they have listings of most distros. | 21:05 |
lrussell | kk, thanks | 21:06 |
lrussell | wait, it has a PII, not 1, lol | 21:06 |
andyc | lrussell, if you only want a few servers running on it I'd look at debian - you'll be familar with it because it uses apt for package management, but it doesn't install a lot of the stuff that comes with xubuntu | 21:08 |
w30 | lrussell, lubuntu is geared toward lightness all the way not just window manager but also application choices like chrome, abiword, paint instead of firefox gimp and libreoffice. I works great on my 8.6 gig netbook (although it does have an atom cpu. not a PII) | 21:08 |
lrussell | lol | 21:09 |
andyc | debian server that is not the desktop version | 21:09 |
andyc | You need to be pretty comfortable on a command line though | 21:09 |
lrussell | im going lubuntu | 21:09 |
lrussell | on my other server, its running php and abyss web server | 21:10 |
lrussell | abyss is pretty good | 21:10 |
drc | lrussell: | 21:10 |
w30 | lrussell, I think you can get pretty much the functionality of ubuntu but you have to add it from the repos | 21:10 |
w30 | lrussell, carefully... | 21:11 |
lrussell | carefully what? | 21:11 |
lrussell | idc about file managers or crap. it just needs to have networking and take server software | 21:11 |
w30 | lrussell, what you add otherwise you might as well stick with xubuntu or a non GUI server | 21:12 |
lrussell | i want gui, lol | 21:12 |
drc | lrussell: server? with 6gig HDD (half of which will be taken bu the OS)? Good luck. | 21:12 |
lrussell | i have external memory | 21:13 |
lrussell | for the server data | 21:13 |
andyc | lrussell you don't need a window manager if all you're doing is serving a few files and running apache or lighttpd | 21:14 |
drc | My guess is: He'll be back moaning about how slow his "server" is :) | 21:16 |
w30 | a few bucks or a contact at some back dock at a corporation where they are throwing out stuff might be a better use of labor hours unless you are located in Tibet | 21:25 |
yomi | how can I run fsck | 21:35 |
holstein | yomi: check out | 21:36 |
holstein | i typically just get a live CD... something like | 21:36 |
yomi | thank you...also...I just had to shut it down. the Caps Lock and Scroll Lock LED's were flashing, is that kernel panic? | 21:37 |
holstein | maybe | 21:37 |
holstein | doesnt sound good... could be some hardware issue too | 21:37 |
yomi | I turned it on when I had gotten back and I tried to remove a package via Synaptic, but Synaptic crashed out...then it started telling me it couldn't find any applications....then the language went all weird...blocks instead of letters. So I shut it down, and it displayed...Ext4 fs error device sda1 | 21:40 |
genii-around | yomi: Yes, all three keys blinking on/off in unison is a symptom of kernel panic | 21:41 |
yomi | according to the link I should type this "fsck -F file_system_type partition" so I put this " sudo fsck -F ext4 /dev/sda1" but it outputs the help | 21:46 |
holstein | yomi: check out ... and again, i like to use a live CD for that | 21:48 |
yomi | I'll try that. | 21:49 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se | ||
yomi | okay...seems stable, is there a way I can check the output of fsck? | 21:59 |
yomi | when I try to uninstall framework-4.0.0, when I try to execute the "uninstall" from the folder, I get this "uninstall: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected" is there a way to fix that? I still have the .run file, it outputs the same thing. | 22:09 |
holstein | yomi: from what folder? | 22:20 |
yomi | /opt/ | 22:20 |
holstein | if you install things that are not from the repos, its hard to say | 22:20 |
holstein | typically, you install with a package manger, and also, you can remove with a package manager | 22:20 |
holstein | yomi: how did you install it? | 22:20 |
yomi | from a .run file that I had to...chmod +x? to install it | 22:21 |
holstein | right, so there will be instructions on how to uninstall there as well | 22:21 |
babble | or libcurl, rather. | 22:23 |
babble | (wrong window, sorry) | 22:23 |
yomi | but if I try to use the .run file, it gives the same error as the uninstall. | 22:24 |
holstein | what .run? | 22:24 |
holstein | yomi: did you install? or did that fail as well? | 22:24 |
holstein | what are you trying to install? can you find it in the repos? | 22:25 |
holstein | i suggest looking there first... going with what is in ubuntus repos first, then i typically try adding a PPA, then i go for a deb or build/install a custom package like you are using | 22:25 |
yomi | this; | 22:25 |
yomi | I'm trying to uninstall | 22:26 |
holstein | yomi: libmono-microsoft-build-framework4.0-cil - Mono Microsoft.Build.Framework library (for CLI 4.0) ? | 22:27 |
holstein | yomi: right... but you'll need to reference whoever maintains the package for how to remove it | 22:27 |
yomi | framework for metasploit and armitage ? that's what I used it for. | 22:28 |
holstein | if you want to be doing things like that, you'll want to figure out how to remove that application | 22:28 |
holstein | it should be in the documentation somewhere | 22:29 |
holstein | i do not have access to it, and its not the pacakge from the repos, so i dont konw how it works | 22:29 |
holstein | yomi: if you are running a command, and getting an error, pastebin the error | 22:30 |
yomi | okay | 22:30 |
holstein | yomi: its the .run you got from here? | 22:31 |
holstein | | 22:31 |
yomi | yeah | 22:33 |
holstein | | 22:34 |
yomi | Well I've just told it to remove the directory...I'll see what happens. | 22:47 |
yomi | looks like its gone. | 22:47 |
yomi | Thank You. | 22:47 |
astartoth | hi all, recently installed xubuntu via a pen drive (unetbootin) in a friends laptop. Plymouth wasn't working after the install completed, i.e., on shutdown the splash screen was shown but during boot-up it wasn't. | 23:46 |
astartoth | has anyone had the same problem? | 23:47 |
madnick | Yes, it seems to be common | 23:49 |
madnick | It seems to happen with certain drivers | 23:50 |
astartoth | i think the laptop was equipped with an nvidia but i'm not sure | 23:50 |
madnick | There is, workarounds, but quite annoying work arounds :) | 23:51 |
madnick | editing boot lines etc | 23:51 |
astartoth | is it possible to fix? or should one just disable plymouth for the time being | 23:51 |
astartoth | ? | 23:51 |
astartoth | you mean in grub? | 23:51 |
madnick | yes | 23:51 |
astartoth | hmm | 23:51 |
madnick | I just got a question | 23:52 |
madnick | Was the computer shutdown properly? | 23:52 |
astartoth | I might try to see what happens.. any resourse on the matter so I can test it out? | 23:52 |
astartoth | it was | 23:52 |
madnick | oh okay | 23:52 |
madnick | ill look 1 sec | 23:52 |
madnick | | 23:54 |
astartoth | btw, let me tell you that I was quite impressed with xubuntu. very fast install process, everything working out of the box, good looking XFCE | 23:54 |
madnick | I recgonize the setup at the bottom comments | 23:54 |
madnick | :) | 23:54 |
astartoth | ah, askubuntu | 23:56 |
astartoth | ok, I think that, by default, vt.handoff=7 is already enabled. | 23:59 |
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