[03:09] I just did a "bzr co lp:mixxx/1.10" and it put it in ./1.10/mixxx. Is there a way to get that into ./mixxx instead, without doing a new 15-minute checkout? [03:09] mv 1.10/mixxx ./mixxx [03:10] that would lose 1.10/.bzr though; wouldn't that be, like, bad? [03:10] is 1.10 a shared repo ? [03:10] I don't know what that means, sorry. [03:10] if so then: [03:10] neale: can you run bzr info 1.10/mixxx [03:10] neale: and pastebin ? [03:10] sure [03:11] http://woozle.org/~neale/tmp/pb.txt [03:11] neale: that looks like its entirely independent to me [03:11] neale: try mving it [03:12] neale: if you can run bzr log afterwards, its ok. [03:12] neale: if you can't, mv it back. [03:12] so I did "mv 1.10/mixxx . && cd mixxx ** bzr log" [03:12] and it said: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/neale/src/mixxx/". [03:12] so, apparently it's not. [03:13] oh, I see whats going on [03:13] the thing you checked out has the 1.10 directory in it ? odd [03:13] yeah, 1.10 is the top level directory [03:13] so put the mixx back [03:13] then [03:14] mv 1.10 mixxx [03:14] that won't get rid of the included subdir that is on LP [03:14] right, that's what I want to do. [03:14] if you are a developer of it you can remove that [03:15] its a versioned directory: [03:15] oh, that's in the upstream source that way? [03:15] bzr mv mixxx/* . [03:15] bzr rm --delete mixxx [03:15] bzr commit -m "move everything to the root" [03:15] would accomplish this, if you want to do that [03:15] yeah - you can see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mixxxdevelopers/mixxx/release-1.10.x/files that its in the upstream source that wayt [03:15] a versioned directory, like subversion? [03:16] kindof [03:16] yes its a directory and yes its versioned [03:16] unlike subversion though, the root of the tree isn't a matter of convention, its part of the core data structure [03:17] huh. [03:17] I thought I'd done something wrong :) [03:17] not at all [03:17] okay, I can cd ~/src/mixxx/mixxx I guess [03:19] thank you! [03:21] anytime [07:43] hello? [07:43] hi [07:43] Hi poolie! [07:44] do you know about bzr dedicated servers? (only using bzr:// protocol) [07:44] yes [07:44] do you mind if I ask you a question? [07:44] just ask [07:45] well, I setup a bzr server on Ubuntu. It's dedicated, so it just uses the bzr protocol...how secure is this compared to bzr+ssh? [07:45] it's much less secure [07:45] it's much better to run over ssh [07:45] unless there's some really compelling reason [07:46] hmmm.... [07:46] understood, but I'm not sure how pleased my clients who run Windows will be when they need to install PuTTy Agent [07:48] it would be better for them to have an ssh key with no passphrase [07:48] then they don't need a putty agent [07:49] they would still need to load putty agent to keep their private key in memory to macth up with their public key on the server though [07:49] righ...? [07:49] been awhile since I've done this... [07:56] Think of bzr:// as plain HTTP security-wise. Completely unencrypted. [07:59] looks like I'll be using bzr+ssh then as I have in the past [08:10] for the "serve" command, is bzr+ssh a legit protocol? [08:11] I ask since it's not documented in "bzr help serve" [08:12] You wouldn't run 'serve' for bzr+ssh, just have bzr on the server. [08:14] ok, thanks [09:13] jelmer: hi? [09:20] poolie: hi, sorry [09:20] poolie: mumble, skype? [09:28] poolie: nevermind, just saw your email [09:41] hello? [09:44] hi BlindWolf8 [09:45] Hi jelmer [09:45] I have another Bazaar question [09:45] is bzr_ssh_path_limiter included in builds yet? I'm using 2.4.1 on Linux and it looks like it's still not included [09:46] looking at builds logs on launchpad, it looks like it sould be included [09:46] I go Bazaar via PPA [09:46] *should [09:46] *got [09:49] BlindWolf8: it should be in 2.4.1, but I think it's probably only included in the source package, as it's in contrib/ [09:49] where would I find it on launchpad? [09:49] is there a direct link to the file or do I have to go download a zip? [09:49] BlindWolf8: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev/view/head:/contrib/bzr_ssh_path_limiter [09:50] Thanks! Do I chmod this file to 755, or...? [09:51] yep [09:52] I was planning on using "bzr serve" instead of this route, but it doesn't support ssh, (e.g., bzr+ssh) right? [09:55] BlindWolf8: yeah, bzr serve doesn't do ssh at the moment [09:55] that'd be a nice feature actually [09:56] it would...just a single line via a startup script and BAM! [09:58] jelmer: do you know how secure bzr_ssh_path_limiter is vs the --directory flag for "bzr serve"? [09:59] BlindWolf8: isn't bzr_ssh_path_delimiter implemented using the directory option of bzr serve? [10:00] they seem to serve the same functionality, but I didn't write the code :-) [10:01] didn't know if extra security features were implemented in one vs the other [10:01] all I know is that I can't use bzr serve since it lacks ssh support [10:02] BlindWolf8: you can't use bzr serve to start a ssh server, but you can if you're already running openssh or something similar on the remote machine [10:03] BlindWolf8: there is no need for bzr_ssh_path_delimiter in that case, just something like "bzr branch bzr+ssh://host/path/on/host" should work if host is running a ssh server [10:03] and has bzr instaled [10:06] oh...I just point clients towards the SSH port instead of the bzr port, i.e., 22 vs 4511? [10:07] if you use bzr+ssh:// in the URL it will automatically use the SSH port [10:09] ...unless I don't use the default SSH server port... :-P [10:09] BlindWolf8: right [10:09] do I need to specify --protocol or --bzr when using bzr serve if I want to use bzr+ssh? [10:10] BlindWolf8: you don't need to invoke bzr serve yourself if you're relying on e.g. openssh [10:10] oh...it'll auto-run if it's installed and onvoked remotely via a client? [10:10] *invoked [10:11] yep [10:11] yeah, but then I don't get to limit direcory access when it runs, right? [10:14] ...unless I use bzr_ssh_path_limiter of course [10:47] anyone here? [10:48] BlindWolf8: limiting the directory access in what way? It doesn't really provide additional security. [10:49] I just really wanted to make paths short in the bazaar interface [10:49] so path limiter should do that [10:50] however...I'm trying to create a new repo through the GUI on Windows when using bzr+ssh on the Linux box...I'm able to auth correctly, but I'm getting a 123 error [10:51] the command passed to the server is "bzr new --colocated-branches --format 2a" [10:51] BlindWolf8: in that case you would indeed want to use bzr_ssh_path_delimiter [10:51] BlindWolf8: do you have bzr colo installed on the server? [10:51] "new" and "--colocated-branches" don't seem to exist [10:52] I simply installed bazaar through PPA...the last time I did this I don't remember having to install colo [10:52] so I guess that's a "no" [10:53] BlindWolf8: you don't need it, but bzr-explorer apparently relies on it [10:53] why wasn't it included in the PPA package for 2.4.1? [10:55] BlindWolf8: it's not a part of core bzr [10:55] ah [10:55] how would I go about installing that? [11:01] BlindWolf8: install the bzr-colo package (not sure if it's in the PPA) === jdobrien is now known as webm0nk3y === yofel_ is now known as yofel === dyams is now known as lds [15:22] I'm using bzr 2.4.1, and bzr-git 0.6.2. When attempting to serve my bzr branch using bzr serve --git, I don't seem to be able make it listen on anything other than localhost. [15:23] I've tried bzr serve --git --port myhosthere:9418 [15:23] bzr serve --bzr works as expected [15:24] Is this a bug, or am I doing something silly? [15:27] hi sohmestra [15:29] sohmestra: let me have a look [15:32] sohmestra: you have to specify the port as well for it to work, but the --git support in "bzr serve" is still very experimental at this point. === daveb_ is now known as croepha === beuno is now known as beuno-lunch === gthorslund_ is now known as gthorslund === beuno-lunch is now known as beuno === r0bbyisaghost is now known as robbyoconnor === michaelh1|away is now known as michaelh1 === michaelh1 is now known as michaelh1|away [21:45] hi all [22:04] jam: can you please unplug my cable? [22:14] Now that's distributed development! [22:31] hi jml, fullermd [22:32] hey poolie [22:32] hi there, how's uds? [22:33] good, had quite a bit of variety today [22:37] couple of testing related sessions, canonical new starter intro, python 3 planning, and qt future [22:55] hi mgz, poolie [22:56] hey jelmer [23:05] hey jelmer [23:06] hi Noldorin_ [23:18] jelmer, hey. saw you made a new release for bzr-git, and fixed the rmbranch stuff at least? [23:21] Noldorin_: yep [23:22] cool [23:23] jelmer, any closer to solving the 'database item not found' issue ? [23:23] Noldorin_: not looked at that one yet [23:24] ok sure [23:24] fair enough