
markitand in 11.04 I disabled nepomuk as well, but with 11.10 it keeps telling me that is disabled with an annoying notification00:00
markitalso upgrading some other PC from 11.04 gives a lot of similar notification about email config problems (even if I don't use email there)00:00
jmichaelxmarkit: i will say that, believe it or not, i think a full-blown kde would probably work fine on 640MB RAM00:00
markitjmichaelx: not my experience, sorry... 1GB is the bare minimum00:01
markitalso that laptop is a celeron cpu00:01
jmichaelxyea, it will keep warning you that the service you disabled has been disabled...00:01
markitjmichaelx: I've seen the bug report, very disappointing00:01
markitthe developer's attitude I hate most: is there because is ok00:01
markiteven if no user and no logic can agree with that00:02
jmichaelxmarkit: until recently i was running fedora 14 with kde on a machine with a 2GHz P4, and 512MB RAM, and had no problems at all00:02
markitprobably nepomuk dev want to force us to use it00:02
markitsounds so much "vista-like" features00:02
markitjmichaelx: I'm trying to help some school here to become Free. With LTSP thin client is ok, but fat or standalone boot and work really slowly with 512MB00:03
markitwondering if you have a SSD disk ;P00:03
jmichaelxnope, 5400rpm IDE00:03
markitor maybe fedora 14 is much more optimized for low memory00:03
jmichaelxi don't think so.... many of these systems runfine on lower than recommended RAM (within reason)00:04
jmichaelxprobably the most RAM-hungry components of KDE are akonadi/nepomuk/virtuoso....  and my impression is that many (if not most) KDE users wish those components were not there to begin with00:06
jmichaelx(or that a person could at least easily opt out)00:07
markitakonadi should be a fine job in providing a common way to store things... is it memory hungry?00:08
markitnepomuk is scanning your hd to do index job I don't need or like instead00:08
markitdon't know about virtuoso... what is it? maybe an enemy I've not yet tried to fight00:08
jmichaelxto be honest, i am not sure which does exactly what00:10
jmichaelxbut you can disable file indexing without getting complaints all the time, as long as akonadi is not completely disabled00:10
jmichaelxsorry.... i meant nepomuk00:11
markitI've disabled nepomuk in system settings but it complains00:12
markitI've disabled also the "notify if nepomuk does not work" but still it complains00:12
markitin 11.04 disabling it had no side effects00:12
jmichaelxi have two computers here at my desk, and they both have intel atom CPUs... they run full-blown KDE without a hitch (they do each have 4GB RAM), but with file indexing enabled, it pulls down on the CPU noticeably.... maybe if i would let each index for a day or something, things would be fine afterward, don't know00:14
jmichaelxmarkit: yep, i experienced the same thing00:14
jmichaelxi just don't need nepomuk file indexing.... updatedb and locate do everything i need00:16
markitwell, really I would love to have it as an option to enable IF I need, not something to fight against00:19
markitthat's the central point00:19
jmichaelxi totally agree, some of these components need to be optional.... same goes for pulseaudio (which can be removed in KDE far more easily than in gnome)00:21
jmichaelxpulseaudio is fine, etc, IF it works well with your hardware, but WHY would something like pulse EVER be fully integrated into a DE as many issues as there are with it, i do not understand at all00:24
jmichaelxi probably should have typed 'tightly' instead of 'fully'....00:26
Daskreechjmichaelx: Interesting how that works00:29
jmichaelxi realize that where there is software there are bugs and issues.... but that is all the more reason to allow for choice with some of this software00:30
* Daskreech tries to weigh GNOME and choice on the scales00:35
DaskreechHmm doesn't seem to be equivalent00:35
jmichaelxthat's for sure, but i won't say wish side is has the most weight :)00:35
jmichaelx(mostly because it's so obvious)00:36
semitonesi accidentally moved all my panel indicators to the left of the panel00:36
semitonesand in trying to get them back, messed up other stuff00:37
semitonesis there any way I can undo the changes I made in the last 5 minutes00:37
jmichaelxsemitones: i accidentally managed to do something like that once, and it took me a little bit to even realize what i'd done00:38
semitonesyeah i don't know how I did it00:38
semitonesand I remember deleting one of the icons in my indicator panel, but I don't remember which one00:38
Daskreechsemitones: might just reset the plasma panele00:41
* jmichaelx also once wound up with two panels in the same place, and could not figure out what was wrong for several minutes00:44
Daskreechjmichaelx: Yeah I had them one on top of the other00:45
Daskreechsemitones: easy way is kill your plasmarc easier way is remove all your panels and add them back00:45
semitonesI figured it out -- this time. next time I might just do that00:46
Daskreechsemitones: whoo What was it?00:48
semitonesi had deleted the window manager withoug realizing it00:48
semitoneswithout that taking up space, all my icons and indicators slid all the way to the left00:49
semitonesI didn't realize why that was happening00:49
markitbtw, I've created a usb stick with a kubuntu 11.04 installation, but if I boot from a netbook, it uses the "netbook interface", where can I set it to use the classic one?00:51
jmichaelxyou mean you deleted your 'task manager', but yeam that would do it00:51
jmichaelxfinding what you want in the plasma widget selector widget (whatever it's called) is not always easy, since many of them have worthless/confusing labels00:58
smiffelsome gtk apps in kde dont use the selected widget/style, they use gtk default. Others use gtk-oxygen. ideas?00:58
jmichaelxsmiffel: gtk2 apps are following your settings, gtk3 apps are not00:58
jmichaelxsmiffel: that also puzzled me at first00:59
smiffelbad because evolution looks ugly :(00:59
jmichaelxsmiffel: there may be something that can be done about that, but i am not sure what01:00
smiffelin mandriva it worked well01:00
smiffelanother flaw, when i install google earth, there is no icon in the menu01:02
jmichaelxsmiffel: probably only because the version of mandriva you were using did not yet incorporate any gtk3 apps01:02
smiffeljmichaelx: perhaps, 2010.2 didnt want to use 2011.001:03
jmichaelxsmiffel: that issue was not present in the previous version of kubuntu, either01:04
smiffelcorrect, I use 10.04 on my Laptop, everything fine01:05
smiffelany way to manually change single icons like in earlier times?01:07
jmichaelxsmiffel: yea, that has not changed, as far as i know01:10
smiffeli can't right click icon and change it on the panel01:11
smiffeli ask because google earth didnt install with icon, at least i dont see an icon01:12
DaskreechIn Unity where is the notification manager?01:27
jmichaelxthe center panel in amarok is using a really small font (in a wikipedia article, for example)... would anyone here know how adjust these fonts?01:41
Daskreechjmichaelx: MIght be able to stretch it with the size of the area?01:57
phoenix_firebrdhow do i use postgresql as my akonadi backend?02:10
DaskreechEdit akonadiserverrc I'd guess02:13
jmichaelxDaskreech: does not seem to work... this font is miniscule02:15
Daskreechjmichaelx: hmm Boo02:18
SIR_TacoI know it's Halloween and all...but "Boo" should be "BOO!"02:19
SIR_Tacono no... "BOO!"02:20
SIR_TacoIf only there were Braaaaaains around here :P02:23
* TheEvilPhoenix drops SIR_Taco into a pit of dead bodies02:23
SIR_Tacoif I were a zombie... that would be good :)02:24
TheEvilPhoenixSIR_Taco:  i'm disposing of zombies02:32
TheEvilPhoenixzombies are technically dead02:32
* TheEvilPhoenix lowers in the nuclear explosive device02:32
TheEvilPhoenixlol no i kid02:32
TheEvilPhoenixbut seriously, that would end a zombie invasion02:32
SIR_TacoI live 200 kms from a nuclear power plant... you think that might be the cause?! haha02:33
TheEvilPhoenixnuclear power plant != thermonuclear explosion02:33
SIR_Tacoah, but what if it was just a goverment cover story that it was a nuclear power plant and it really wasnt?02:34
DaskreechTheEvilPhoenix: You would be a great defense general02:35
DaskreechWe are under attack!02:35
TheEvilPhoenixDaskreech:  no i wouldnt.  give me a nuke, and everyone dies.02:35
Daskreech Well kill everyoen on our side. Lets see how they will start a war then!02:35
TheEvilPhoenixjust out of my paranoia02:35
* TheEvilPhoenix believes there are terrorists around every corner02:36
SIR_TacoThe zombie hockey stick weilding Canadians are coming.... you've been warned...02:36
TheEvilPhoenix!offtopic | TheEvilPhoenix02:36
ubottuTheEvilPhoenix, please see my private message02:36
TheEvilPhoenixumode +g for the win02:36
SIR_Tacoyea sorry... this has been way off topic haha02:37
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semitonesof the top of y'all's heads, what are the main shortcuts that use the super key?02:57
Daskreechsemitones: in KDE?03:07
DaskreechSuper+Q ?03:08
semitonesDaskreech: what does it do?03:28
Daskreechsemitones: manages Activities03:28
semitoneswhat is this activity business?03:28
Daskreechit's like a collection of settings and applications that are kept together03:30
Daskreechso if you are doing photo work you can set up your Desktop to have Folderviews for your Photos Directories and it opens Digikam and GIMP03:31
DaskreechThen any time you want to work on your photos you jsut start the Photo Activity and you have all your things setup03:31
DaskreechWhen you are done for the night stop it and those go away03:31
skomorokhthe oneiric dvd's boot menu doesn't have gparted and memtest listed in grub. is there a hidden way to get at them or it really can't book into those tools?03:48
mase_workskomorokh: was gparted in the previous version of ubuntu's boot menu ?03:49
skomorokhi have no idea.03:53
skomorokhinstalled a while ago03:53
skomorokhmemtest is most important at the moment.. guess i could just burn it but i was pretty sure there'd be a way with this03:54
mase_workwell i thought memtest was available03:55
mase_workbut i've never seen gparted as part of the boot menu03:55
skomorokhthere was a "repair" optiont that wasn't, normal install and advanced install... repair and advanced didn't seem to have a way to load memtest03:57
yuqiqi请问怎么安装kubuntu ati驱动04:11
Unit193!cn | yuqiqi04:12
ubottuyuqiqi: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:12
semitoneswhat is the system clock called in kubuntu? I just realized it's not on my taskbar anymore04:15
semitonesDaskreech: that's pretty cool about activities -- I'll have to set some up someday04:16
Daskreechsemitones: There are loads of clocks04:17
semitoneswhat's the default one on the taskbar called? I just want the old one back04:18
Daskreechsemitones: You can filter applets by time so that should be easy to find04:18
semitonesi can see the date and time ones04:18
semitonesbut not how to add it to the bar -- dragging does not work. maybe they are only desktop ones04:18
semitonesoh hang on04:19
semitonesi only have to click on it04:19
semitonesi wish this DE behaved consistently :P04:19
mase_workit will eventually, it's harder to achieve since the people making each plasmoid / program are different04:21
mase_workit's not like gnome where there is a small tight group of people directing the flow04:22
mase_workbut on the plus side it means you get more powerful features quicker04:22
Daskreechsemitones: Yeah it's fiddly at times :0/04:37
semitonesit is still good though -- i really like how it looks and feels much better than gnome04:38
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Daskreechsemitones: quite a bit :)04:40
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dijonyummyi edited an app by right clicking laucher, filled in info for it and saved it in the app launcher menu. but it doesnt show up in the proper group. i later reopen the menu editor and look for it and its not there. i try again and save it but it never really "saves". this is kde in 11.1007:07
=== 17SABTHSE is now known as Num83rGuy
cousin_luigiHow do you change the kdm background image? Systemsettings says you can't do that when using a theme, but I removed them all.09:13
MondoBizarrocousin_luigi: I am using the german version, but I think in in english it should be: Systemsettings -> KDM -> General -> Checkbox: using Desgin, or so on..09:23
cousin_luigiMondoBizarro: great, thank:)09:28
cousin_luigiMondoBizarro: what about the background shown right after login?09:29
cousin_luigi(which, incidentally, is the same picture by default)09:29
MondoBizarrocousin_luigi: i must search i bit, i believe the login is configured at an other point in systemsettings...09:36
MondoBizarrocousin_luigi: Systemsettings -> Workspace Appearance -> Spash Screen09:41
cousin_luigiMondoBizarro: thanks!09:42
jemandHi all, after upgrading to Kmail 2 my trash bin has just disapeared. ;-(09:46
jemandany ideas?09:46
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brettwHi All.   I just applied some updates and broke kdm.  I do not see KDE as an option. What is it that causes KDM to have KDE or plasma as an option?  I'm on oneiric.10:56
brettwI do see in muon package manager that kde still seems to be installed.10:57
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BluesKajHi folks11:34
Wizardhi BluesKaj11:40
BluesKajhey Wizard11:41
Treibholzcan I synchronize the kde-configuration between computers?11:56
Treibholzso when configure an option on my workstation, I don't have to do it on my Notebook.11:57
EuathlusHi, can i use HDMI on an netbook with Kubuntu?11:58
BluesKajEuathlus, I would think so11:59
Euathlusis kubuntu the best choise for an netbook?12:01
WizardEuathlus: I use it on a netbook12:05
Wizardso far so good12:05
BluesKajEuathlus, lots of ppl use kubuntu very successfully on netbooks..."best" is always a matter of taste and preference12:05
Wizardlike Torvalds would say: I realy, realy like it12:05
WizardBluesKaj is right12:06
Euathluswith amd or intel? i wonder who has better linu support intel atom or amd C or E Series12:06
Wizarddunno, both are x86 crap12:08
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Guest18424I have I have a panel I added that seems to pop up where ever it wants to on the desktop when using various applications, or even on restart.13:04
Guest18424I'm guessing that this isn't normal13:04
phoenix_firebrdI need to change the akonadi backend from mysql to postgresql13:40
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phoenix_firebrdneed a kde frontend to manage postgresql13:59
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, do some research , that's rather specialized question . much more than normal14:03
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: i am meddling and googling about this for the past 2 days, no progress, i am continuing the search14:04
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Torchphoenix_firebrd: i don't think there's any, at least not anything powerful and mature. personally, i use phppgadmin14:15
phoenix_firebrdTorch: are you using akonadi?14:16
Torchphoenix_firebrd: not really. i don't use my KDE desktop for PIM stuff14:19
phoenix_firebrdTorch: i need it only to backup and restore my kjots notes in a proper way14:20
Torchphoenix_firebrd: the "proper" way to backup pg databases is documented in their (fine, IMHO) manual14:22
phoenix_firebrdTorch: postgresql is not working for me right now14:22
phoenix_firebrdTorch: i am now trying to find the problem in msql restore and backup14:23
Wizardpostgre had some nice ui tool14:23
phoenix_firebrdWizard: any kde frontend?14:27
Wizardit was written with wx14:27
Wizardalso, there was some qt db tool, more for developers, but I think it had support for postgre14:27
Wizardalso, SquirrelSQL is quite nice, I use it daily at work14:29
Wizarddepends what kind of tool you need14:29
phoenix_firebrdWizard: i found that there is a bug in the akonadi backup restore tool14:33
Wizardah, and you want to dump db?14:34
phoenix_firebrdWizard: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=9628514:34
Wizardok, I have other problem: I'm looking for Kubuntu for PPC :>14:34
phoenix_firebrdWizard: ppc?14:35
TheEvilPhoenixWizard:  whats PPC?14:35
TheEvilPhoenixWizard:  for future reference, PowerPC is *not* usually abbreviated as PPC14:35
TheEvilPhoenixits usually called just PowerPC14:35
Wizardmost of linux distros use ppc abbrevation14:36
Wizardah! "More ports (unsupported!)" sounds like I'm home14:37
Wizard(yes, unsupported is the keyword, scr*w you, Apple!)14:38
=== mgagne is now known as wftl
BortuneNeed help finding my desktop. My 2 yo decided to punch keys on keyboard and somehow changed my customized desktop to the standard kubuntu 11.04. Ibelieve the old one is still there somewhere, i just can't get to it. I rebooted and it loaded the new(old) desktop but kontact said there is another instance running on another desktop, so..... how do I revert to my custom desktop? thanks14:41
WizardBortune: o_O14:45
Wizardamazing, I don't even have an idea what might have happen14:45
Wizardmaybe you logged in as another user? guest or something?14:46
Bortuneso after rebooting, my firefox windows reloaded. when i clicked them it took me to my old desktop. but when i clicked on quassel, it took me back to the default desktop and I cant find my open firefox anymore14:46
Bortunesame loggin. I am totally confused and puzzled as to how she can find these "shortcuts"!14:47
Wizardmaybe it enabled activities or something14:48
Wizarddoes anybody have any idea?14:48
Bortuneobviously there is another desktop instance running, just dont know how to revert to the other one14:48
Bortuneit isnt the virtual desktops. what else could it be?14:49
Wizardps ax | grep plasma | grep -v grep | wc -l14:49
Wizardpaste it on console14:49
BluesKajBortune, do you have different widgets activated for different desktops in sys settings>workspce behaviour>virtualdesktops ?14:51
BortuneBluesKaj: lemmi check14:51
BortuneBluesKaj: nope14:52
BluesKajBortune, maybe previous sessions were saved and that's what you're seeing when you suse differnt desktops with different apps...just guessing14:54
BluesKajsuse=use ..oops :)14:54
Bortunei dont Suse!14:55
BluesKajneither do I14:55
Bortunethe weird thing is, when i clicked on firefox in panel it took me to my old settings, then i came back to IRC and the old desktop is back14:56
Bortunenow the firefox in panel is no longer there, so I think it is another instance, I just dont know how to switch back to it14:56
BluesKajyeah , i had that happen along time ago , can't recall what fixed it tho14:57
BluesKajBortune, try desktop settings > layout, right click on the panel15:00
BluesKajerr the desktop rather15:00
reuabrelizHello guys! Can someone help me with the kubuntu installation?15:03
BluesKajwell, gotta go ...stuff to do15:03
BortuneBluesKaj: thank you15:03
BortuneWizard: can you tell me what that will do?15:03
reuabrelizI habe problems with kubuntu installation (Write acess errors). Can someone help?15:05
Torchreuabreliz: probably not until you give more details15:11
WizardBortune: count plasma desktops15:30
Wizardyou're not familiar with bash scripting, right?15:30
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Bortunebasic knowledge of terminal, thats it Wizard15:35
=== HomeRoey is now known as EvilRoey
Wizardso, ps ax list processes, grep plasma will look for plasma and print lines containing them, grep -v grep will look for grep and remove lines containing it, wc -l will count the lines15:36
WizardI just wanted to know if you have only one plasma running15:37
Bortuneok thanks Wizard. I just found ctrl + f8 can switch back and forth but something is still off15:37
Bortunelet me check15:37
BortuneWizard: 215:38
Wizardshould be one :/15:38
Wizardat least I have one15:38
Bortunehow did this happen? any ideas15:38
Wizardps ax | grep plasma15:38
Wizardpaste this somewhere15:39
BortuneAHHA, I have an extra activity, think that might be the problem15:39
BortuneI know nothing about activities15:41
Bortunebut meta+q allows me to switch between the two15:41
BortuneWizard: thank you for your time. meta+tab is my saving grace15:42
WizardI don't use activities at all15:43
Wizardbut that was my first guess ;)15:43
Bortuneme either! but apparently my daughter likes them :)15:43
=== annalee_ is now known as annalee
BarkingFishGuys, I think we have a problem.16:07
BarkingFishI just checked apper to see if I had any updates, and under the legacy section it mentions python-gobject2, which is deprecated16:07
BarkingFishSo since it's deprecated, i went to remove it, and it wanted to take another 14 packages with it, including apper itself :)16:08
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WizardBarkingFish: so, what does that mean?16:15
Wizardand what apper is?16:15
BarkingFishapper is what replaced kpackagekit in the new version of Kubuntu, Wizard16:15
krZyhi.. i just installed oneiric kubuntu, now i need to use my android phone's usb tethering with it I have just no way of getting this to work. Need help.16:15
BarkingFishand what it means is, we have a package which sudo apt-get autoremove will take off, but it will also require other packages which we NEED to go at the same time16:16
Wizardnah, does autoremove get rid of deprecated packages?16:19
yofelBarkingFish: here apper does not depend on python-gobject16:19
BarkingFishyofel: Well if I try and take the legacy package off, apper tries to remove itself too16:19
yofelwhy is it legacy btw. ?16:20
BarkingFishno idea16:20
WizardI don't see any apper installed o_O16:21
yofelWizard: not installed by default16:21
BarkingFishif you open apper, and go to the legacy section, it's in there - python-gobject-2: deprecated static Python bindings for the GObject library16:21
* yofel goes installing apper16:21
Wizardcan Google Docs open iWork files?16:24
BarkingFishbut if you click to remove it, and then apply your pending changes, it comes up with this, yofel:16:24
yofelBarkingFish: ah, legacy is what dpkg calls oldlibs - just because they're old doesn't mean nothing uses them16:24
QuintasanWizard: How would we know? Ask google support :P16:24
WizardQuintasan: very funny16:25
Wizardyour answers are allways pretty useful ;P16:25
QuintasanI suggest that you try it and report a bug to Google if you belive it's needed16:25
BarkingFishyofel - i was confused because of people calling Kpackagekit "legacy" when i was asking about resurrecting it a while ago - it gave me the impression that legacy = deprecated = not used anymore16:25
yofelyou're not supposed to use it anymore, but you 'can'16:27
yofeland they're used by packages that simply weren't updated to not use them16:27
yofelobsolete would probably be a better name for kpackagekit16:28
BarkingFishi've always had the same complaint with terminology, yofel - it helps if everyone uses the same words to mean the same things :)16:29
genii-around!info mol16:29
ubottuPackage mol does not exist in oneiric16:29
BarkingFishto me, legacy means "in the past, old, antiquated" - obsolete means "dead, history, gone, never coming back"16:29
* yofel agrees16:30
SaEeDIRHAhello, i am new to kubuntu, can you tell me how can i add My Computer and trash bin icon on desktop?17:07
mfraz74Waste bin - click on the icon in the top right corner, select add widgets and then drag the waste bin icon to wherever you want it17:11
SaEeDIRHAmfraz74, how about "My Computer" icon ?17:12
mfraz74where do you want the "my computer" icon to point to?17:12
SaEeDIRHAsince its weird  that in kubuntu , the desktop is the home folder but not desktop folder17:12
rorkSaEeDIRHA: go to the menu, drag "Dolphin" to the desktop, rename it to "My computer"17:14
SaEeDIRHAalso the icons are too big , is there any way to make them smaller ?17:15
yofelSaEeDIRHA: what do you mean by 'that in kubuntu, the desktop is the said folder but not desktop folder' ? By default the KDE desktop is a set of widgets - not any folder17:16
mfraz74are you using the desktop view or folder view?17:17
SaEeDIRHAmfraz74, yofel , i have changed the folder view to specific folder and , my desktop view shows items in my desktop folder17:18
yofelso it's now set to what you want?17:19
mfraz74SaEeDIRHA: if you right click and select folder view settings, there is a slider where you can change the icon view17:19
SaEeDIRHAmfraz74, i used to work with ubuntu in gnome desktop, KDE is way different :D feel like i am lost :D17:20
mfraz74SaEeDIRHA: I'm the other way round - I've always used KDE since moving over to Linux, Gnome seemed odd to me17:21
SaEeDIRHAmfraz74, i have been learning to Qt programming these days , thats why i decided to migrate to KDE desktop :)17:22
SaEeDIRHAand please excuse me if i ask very naive questions17:22
SaEeDIRHAlearning C++ Qt*17:23
yofelyou're not the only one - so don't worry about that :)17:23
SaEeDIRHAstill cannot find how to change icons size , they are too big on my desktop17:24
mfraz74have you gone to the settings window?17:24
SaEeDIRHAand what is that + sing on files when you move your cursor over them ?17:25
SaEeDIRHAmfraz74, where is that ?17:25
SaEeDIRHAmfraz74, Folder view settings ?17:25
SaEeDIRHAmfraz74, ok got it , tnx :)17:25
SaEeDIRHAwhat is that + sign over files when you move the mouse cursor over them ?17:27
yofelSaEeDIRHA: select the file - you'll notice it's marked when you click on the +, and the + changes into a -17:28
SaEeDIRHAyofel, correct , but what is that for ?17:29
yofelselecting files? Like you would do by single-clicking on them in gnome17:29
yofelas single-click in kde will OPEN the file17:29
SaEeDIRHAyofel, ahhh , i see :)17:30
yofelby default at lesat17:30
SaEeDIRHAi managed to resize icons for files , but i the icon for waste bin which is a widget doesnt change17:31
SaEeDIRHAits still too big17:31
yofelSaEeDIRHA: go onto the widget, a small panel will slide out - dragging the topmost button  will change the widget size17:32
SaEeDIRHAyofel, i can click on it , but it doesnt change any thing , when i drag it and move the mouse nothing happens either17:34
yofelmeh, you can make that widget only larger, not smaller for some reason...17:35
SaEeDIRHAyofel, i see17:35
SaEeDIRHAthank you17:36
SaEeDIRHAhow is it possible to add network location to Dolphin sidebar when they are mounted ?17:43
SaEeDIRHAthis automatically happens when you mount network drives to /media/ location17:44
skomorokhanyone know a good guide to installing oneiric with dmcrypt?17:49
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serenityhi there18:36
serenityon certain websites firefox causes Xorg to eat up 100% of my cpu. This also happens with a add-ons disabled18:37
genii-aroundserenity: Do you have the Adobe flash plugin, or one of the free ones?18:46
serenitygenii-around: these pages are non-flash18:47
genii-aroundserenity: Ah. Often Adobe's npviewer.bin occupies the cpu. Are you certain there are no ads on the pages which are using it?18:48
genii-around( the top command would show npviewer.bin as using a lot of resources )18:49
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serenitygenii-around: i am. One of this pages is my owncloud installation ;)18:49
rorkciao alessagiar, do you need help in italian?18:51
genii-aroundserenity: If you go to Tools...Add-Ons... Plugins .... you can selectively disable those as well, then to try refreshing the page and see if one of those is the issue18:55
serenitygenii-around: no change19:00
genii-aroundserenity: Which video driver does your (k)ubuntu use?19:08
serenitygenii-around: nvidia prop.19:12
incorrectwould i find kde4 too heavy on my 1gb atom netbook?19:13
serenitytest it, in oneiric there is a package called kubuntu-low-fat-settings which reduces the cpu/ram usage19:13
serenitygenii-around: 173.14.3019:14
incorrecti think i should upgrade to 2gb19:14
genii-aroundserenity: Have you considered replacing it with nvidia-current ?19:15
serenitygenii-around: this is the version which was installed via nvidia-current19:15
genii-around!info nvidia-current19:15
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 280.13-0ubuntu6 (oneiric), package size 30824 kB, installed size 90500 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)19:15
serenityi might be wrong19:16
incorrectshould i install kubuntu-full or -netbook?19:17
incorrectoh i will just do full19:19
lnostdalhum, slightly annoying how some trivial conflicts in the libreoffice ppa can "lock out" the user from updating the rest of his system19:20
lnostdal( http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3119100.0 )19:20
genii-aroundincorrect: You can always add the netbook desktop layout later by installing plasma-netbook19:20
genii-aroundlnostdal: Yes, you should give the owner or team responsible for the PPA proper heck19:21
incorrecti've not tried kde4 since 4.019:24
serenityincorrect: a lot happend, believe me19:27
NJLhow can I make more than one VPN connection show up on the left (connected side) of the widget when they're connected with the networkmanager19:30
DaskreechWhoohoo! Equalizer in Dragon Player :)19:48
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incorrecthow do i enable the low-fat mode?20:28
claydohincorrect: install the package kubuntu-low-fat-settings but it will change the look and feel a bit as well as turn off the autostart of a number of potentially useful things20:31
claydohbut if you havea low spec or really old system it is good20:31
claydohif you dont like, just uninstall it and reboot20:32
incorrectwell i will go back to xubuntu20:33
incorrectshame it is so heavy20:33
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Jillyanyone know how to run muon as root?  It's in the kde menus....it wants to install updates...but it never asks for my password and then complains that it can't update.20:52
lethuJilly, try $ sudo muon20:54
Jillylethu, ok...I guess I'll just try that.20:54
m0lluskmuon should automatically pop up a password panel and authorize itself--it sounds like something is going wrong20:56
Jillym0llusk, that's what I figured.20:57
Jillywhen I try to sudo muon, it says kdecache-ariel is owned by uid 1001 instead of uid 0.20:58
yofelJilly: check if polkit-kde-1 is installed21:07
yofelbah, just missed him21:07
dijonyummyi edited an app by right clicking laucher, filled in info for it and saved it in the app launcher menu. but it doesnt show up in the proper group. i later reopen the menu editor and look for it and its not there. i try again and save it but it never really "saves". this is kde in 11.1021:16
natmanhi, I just checked to see if there are any updates to get, it told me 80 are availible!! i had a look, most of them are just stuff i dont have installed to start with, eg. abiword, 3d chess, adept....etc21:40
natmanwhy are these on my update list?21:40
natmanok maybe my mistake, I just checked again, its not 80 and they are normal, it was Muon giving me a weird list - mmmm im still not in love with Muon!! :(21:45
Gimpster1991this is my first time using irc is there anyone outthere to show me the ropes?21:55
natmanhi Gimpster199121:57
natmanhow are you? i take it your using Kubuntu? hows it running for you?21:57
Gimpster1991Love it! the gui is way sexier than ubuntu... :)21:58
natmanbtw to highlight a message, just type the users name, ( first few letters, then "tab" will auto fill the name21:58
natmanwanna give it a try?21:58
Gimpster1991natman: ohh thats cool21:59
natmanlol awesome! and yes much sexier!21:59
natmanafraid, you have seen the extend of my IRC knowledge :D21:59
Gimpster1991natman: havent been on the linux side for very long work intales being with :(( windows22:00
Gimpster1991natman: just got 11.10 loaded last night22:00
natmanahh im the same, its all outlook and other crap, my laptop at home is pure Tux :)22:00
natman11.10 is nice! i really like it so far, but Muon the package manager is giving some small issues, doesnt tell me when there is an update availible22:01
Gimpster1991natman: nice! i have a netbook with win7, winxp, and ubuntu but i think i will change it to kubuntu22:01
Gimpster1991natman: i had trouble upgrading to 11.1022:02
natmanya, i used to run but U and Kubuntu, was way to confusing, so i stepped over to KDE and never looked back22:02
Gimpster1991natman: but so far no issues22:02
Gimpster1991natman: ?? stepped over? KDE?22:02
natmanaww sorry to hear, i think a fresh install is always safer, but it means more reinstalling22:03
Gimpster1991natman: help!  LOL22:03
natmanahh just mean i stepped over to the KDE camp, i.e i like KDE22:03
Gimpster1991natman: true but sometimes no alt22:03
Gimpster1991natman: i have no exp with KDE only bn using for a week or less22:04
natmancool, working ok so far?22:04
Gimpster1991natman: yes, I am in school for CIS but mostly win stuff, really want to learn more about this!22:05
natmanwhats CIS?22:05
Gimpster1991natman: sorry Comupter Info Sys22:06
natmanbtw since it seems to be only us, there is no need to highligh - but its up to you22:06
natmanahh cool,22:06
Gimpster1991cool with me  LOL22:06
Gimpster1991ive never been on an IRC b422:07
natmani work in a university, so lots of academic stuff is linux based22:07
natmanyour fine22:07
Gimpster1991tried on windows but didnt wanna pay $5022:07
Gimpster1991do you mind if I ask what university?22:07
natmanlol, use KIRC, its free opensource one for windows :D22:07
natmanthere is always an open source option!22:08
Gimpster1991:) i think i will stay here LOL22:08
Gimpster1991yes this is true22:08
natmansorry its called " kvirc"22:08
Gimpster1991we were talking in class about how opensource is becoming more popular than not22:08
natmanya, but its weird, linux is still only like 1% of the pc market :( its very popular for everything else22:09
Gimpster1991yea win still has the nitch for people that arnt good with computers22:10
natmanits a pity, certains thins in windows are nicer, eg firefox does look pretty!22:10
Gimpster1991LOL well IE9 is a remake of FireFox! the gui is almost the exact same22:11
Gimpster1991and from what I have seen about Win8 its geared more for touchscreen computers22:12
natmanbut must admit, im still a dual boot laptop, i find the hdmi out works perfect in win, not so much in linux22:12
Gimpster1991hmmmm dont have a puter with hdmi  LOL22:12
masi saw the same with win8 , great for touch screens and tablets22:13
natmanyup were all tablet crazy these days i guess - ill wait till its a flexible e ink screen!22:13
natmanhi mas22:13
mashey natman22:13
Gimpster1991hi mas22:13
Gimpster1991well as long as there are win pc about I will have job security LOL22:14
mashey Gimpster199122:14
natman:) well i dont think you have anything to worry about in the near term, i will admit Win 7 is quite good, but still prefer KDE22:15
Gimpster1991yes I agree22:16
Gimpster1991I still like and use XP but win7 has about 3 more features I like22:16
Gimpster1991and I am feeling the conversion to KDE..... LOL22:16
Gimpster1991I just need to get used to the commands22:17
natmanlike terminal commands?22:17
Gimpster1991they are a bit diff than dos22:17
natmanwell i use http://www.amazon.co.uk/Linux-Phrasebook-Scott-Granneman/dp/0672328380/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1320185901&sr=8-122:18
natmani really find it handy and easy to follow, lots of simple examples22:18
Gimpster1991sweet! thank you22:19
natmanwell its tea+toast time!!, been nice chatting, have fun with Kubuntu!!22:19
natmanmaybe chat again, cya22:19
masbye ya22:30
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IEatKawFishIs there a way to mute my laptop speaker while leaving the headphones untouched?23:11
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