
MikeCheleninternet connection sharing?01:48
=== aw is now known as Guest92429
=== aw is now known as Guest70086
gilirhi here :)13:10
gilir just a reminder, a Lubuntu session is planned in 2 hours at UDS13:10
goliatLubuntu session?13:14
gilirgoliat: for the UDS : http://uds.ubuntu.com/13:16
goliatOkay. Is there anyway to watch it?13:17
gilirUDS session is in 10 minutes in #ubuntu-uds-antigua3 chan14:53
GRINGOBONGOflash player17:35
wxlanyone here running lubuntu on virtualbox (especially in a windows host)?17:38
leszekI have it running in a virtualbox but on linux, why ?17:38
wxlwell i can't get my virtual console to work17:38
wxllet me get you a screen shot17:40
leszekwxl: I have the same problem17:40
leszekI didn't find a solution so far17:40
wxlfor that matter none of the splash or anything works17:40
wxlno one at #vbox could help17:40
leszekwxl: you could try disabling plymout. My guess atm. is that this is causing the issue but I am not absolutely sure17:41
wxland for that matter i DON'T have that problem with debian17:41
leszekdebian as a guest I guess or do you mean host ?17:42
wxli tried "debug nosplash" in grub with no luck17:42
wxldebian as guest17:42
leszekwxl: debian does not use plymouth and does not use upstart and even has an older kernel17:42
wxlyeah it's a matter of isolating the problem17:44
wxlhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/72867/help-fixing-virtual-console-tty1-6-under-virtualbox not the only one17:45
wxli'm gonna go ask in #ubuntu17:47
leszekI don't think they have a solution so far17:47
myselfi upgraded from lubuntu 11.04 to  lubuntu 11.10 and had some problems with gnome alsa mixer (nothing happen when selecting) and network manager (edit connection not working). Has anyone the same problems with lubuntu 11.10 ?18:37
moroccotopohi guys19:22
moroccotopoi've just upgraded to 11.10 and I am having a problem. lxdm fails to start at boot. maybe something related to upstart? i see this in syslog: "init: lxdm goal changed from start to stop". meaning that it started but then it was stopped, leading me to text-mode19:22
moroccotopomanually starting lxdm with "service lxdm start" works fine. any ideas?19:23
moroccotoposeems related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/casper/+bug/854837. however in my case it's an upgrade and not a livecd19:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 854837 in casper (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu live image boots to TTY" [High,Confirmed]19:35
leszekmoroccotopo: you could try reinstalling lxdm or install gdm or another displaymanager19:48
moroccotopodid that. didnt work19:48
moroccotopoalso did dpkg-reconfigure19:48
moroccotopoi want lxdm not another dm19:49
gilir2st Lubuntu session at UDS in 25 minutes, same IRC chan : #ubuntu-uds-antigua319:50
moroccotopois there a way to get more information about what upstart does?19:52
moroccotopoto isolate and see if it is related to it?19:52
hosokahello all23:56
hosokai have a question regarding lxdm auto login23:57
hosokai have changed the lxdm default and the lxdm.conf with my username at autologin23:57
hosokagetting now an error at restart regardng my lubuntu x-session is missing23:58
hosokaI am getting this black screen with cannot find lubuntu x-session and then when hit ok I am getting the lxde desktop instead. When logout en login back again through the lxdm manager I am on Lubuntu.23:59

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