
lilstevieQuintasan: pong00:46
sveinseI'm looking for gdb-arm-linux-gnueabi compiled for natty (running on i386/amd64). I found it once, but Google is surprisingly resultless this time. Anyone knows where I can find it?11:34
sveinseI had (lost in a disk crash) gdb-arm-linux_gnueabi_7.2-1ubuntu7_i386.deb. I recall it came from some PPA. Perhaps hrw was involved - don't remember11:36
GrueMastersveinse: You might try asking on #linaro, but keep in mind that UDS/Linaro Connect is going on this week.12:58
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
nhghas anyone tried the 11.10 ubuntu release on a panda?  If so, do you know which codecs are supported for video playback?15:13
nhgARM codecs would be fine...just wanted to know which codecs are supported at what resolution etc15:13
robclark_nhg, libav (formerly ffmpeg) should be supported15:28
robclark_should be enough to manage up to 720p in some circumstances..15:29
nhgrobclark: ok thanks...will try that15:30
Quintasanlilstevie: ping15:44
Quintasanlilstevie: Or whatever, I am at UDS and I heard that toshiba AC100 drivers might work with our Transformers and they are available15:45
QuintasanAlso, let me talk to someone from arm team if we could host your images for transformer15:45
infinityrsalveti: *poke*15:46
infinityrsalveti: You should have subscribed me to that minimal image spec.  I'm double-booked again. :/15:47
infinityrsalveti: Well, I'm double-booked because I should be there, but only just found out about it. :P15:47
Quintasanlilstevie: Or I could put it on my people.ubuntu.com account15:49
QuintasanJust reupload it somewhere please :)15:49
rsalvetiinfinity: that's why I sent the email almost one week ago :-)16:01
rsalvetifor people to subscribe the blueprints16:01
rsalvetiinfinity: and the session is part of the schedule for quite a while already, you should have subscribed them :-)16:01
infinityrsalveti: Scanning all the blueprints for interest is painful.  If you have more stuff you want me to attend, please subscribe me. :P16:33
rsalvetiinfinity: ok16:33
highvoltageogra_: are you familiar with this thingy? http://www.engadget.com/2011/11/01/beaglebone-offers-up-arm-a8-processor-linux-and-10-second-boot/18:40
ogra_highvoltage, looks nice, but i guess its just another beagleboard ripoff18:42
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
travalasSo I've been playing around with ubuntu on the beagle board, and it seems to work fairly well.  But I'm looking for something with a bit more hardware specs, like a sata line and gigabit ethernet.  Is there a board that is good that fits those specs?21:25
ogra_there are boards that have sata21:26
ogra_there are borads that have gigE21:26
hallynNCommander: tegra kernel used to have CONFIG_BRIDGE=m right?  seems to be off now?21:26
ogra_i dont think there is one with both atm21:26
ogra_hallyn, which tegra kernel ?21:27
ogra_ac100 ?21:27
ogra_hallyn, if so, janimo maintains that21:27
hallynyeah ac10021:27
ogra_janimo, ^^^21:27
janimohallyn, I can add it back21:28
hallynjanimo: that'd be great21:28
janimoin another update for oneiric21:28
hallynneeded for lxc21:28
hallynogra_: janimo: thanks!21:28
janimoogra_, we most definitely need to keep in sync wit x86 on all our kernels to avoid such situations21:29
ogra_janimo, well, i thought i did that :)21:29
janimofor ac100 is on my todo list21:29
janimoalong wot switching to 3.x21:29
janimoogra_, well you underestimated the effects of my taking over the kernel :)21:29
janimoI based it off defaultconfig but looked at the diffs from your tree21:30
janimoI do not remember missing bridge though strangelty21:30
janimoas I added things back21:30
ogra_well, many options i adfded were after people like hallyn asked for a feature ...21:30
ogra_along with the fact that i aligned with the omap4 config beyond that21:30
janimoogra_, weird I do not see config_bridge set in the 2.6.38-1.3 kernel package either21:33
ogra_might have fallen off the shelf then, i think i had it on in .3721:34
janimoand I do not remember seeing it in the diffs I made between my packaging and the original21:34
janimoogra_, could be21:34
janimothe effects of not using revision control :P21:34
travalasogra: what would be a good example of both of those21:35
ogra_i think the mx53 has sata21:35
ogra_you need to google for gigE support, i dotn know any board from the top of my head, some marvell boards surely have it.21:36
travalasany idea how good is marvell compared to ti or freescale when it comes to interacting with developers?21:37
NCommanderhallyn: poke ogra_  on that21:41
ogra_geez, read the backlog :P21:41
ogra_NCommander, i dont maintain that kernel21:41
hallynoh, is it a buggy driver?21:43
hallyn(or was that in reference to somethign else)21:43
ogra_hallyn, what do you refer to ?21:43
hallyn'dont maintain that kernel';  IIUC NCommander was just telling me to poke you about my wireless on ac100 doing the 'connect/disconnect' dance21:44
ogra_hallyn, yes, that was to NCommander, i wouldnt use such a tone towards other people in here *g*21:45
QuintasanWill ac100 drivers work on transformer? I believe both have tegra221:45
ogra_hallyn, (he has a habit of not reading the backlog so i have to answer the same thing twice ... )21:46
ogra_Quintasan, very unlikely, better use lilstevie's image21:46
hallynogra_: ok :)  So I don't want to be a pest, but if you do know of anything that will make wireless stable again, plz do share21:46
Quintasanogra_: It's not hw accelerated I believe21:47
Quintasanogra_: Plus, his host went down :P21:47
ogra_hallyn, there is a HW hack but thats very tricky21:48
ogra_wlan should be rock solid 90% of the times21:48
ogra_though i must admit on the overloaded UDS network even my ac100 has probs and thats been 100% reliable up to now21:49
hallyni also had problems in the hotel room on 'tower2' network, so not sure i can blame the overloaded network21:49
ogra_(here i currently just click disable/enable network in NM and i have everything up and running in less than 5sec though)21:50
ogra_hallyn, well, you can open the frame of the LCD, cut the aluminum shouled that accidentially covers the wlan antenna on the top left edge and re-assemble the display again21:51
hallynok, all of network, not just wireless?  i'll try that i guess21:51
hallynheh, i tried to find a reference to that through google but failed21:51
hallyn(just to see some pictures and tips on hwo to open it up)21:51
hallyn(without ruiing the screen)21:51
ogra_hallyn, ask in #ac100 for the pictured step by step guide, probably someone remembers the url21:52
ogra_there should also be irclogs somewhere from that channel, it was announced there21:53
hallynogra_: thx, just about out of power, will do that tomorrow21:55
ogra_good luck :)21:55
hallynogra_: well, whaddya know - i did the disable/enable networkign and am back for now22:00
hallyn(and since i'm not tethered over my phone, my remaining battery life just doubled :)22:00
lilstevieogra_ Quintasan they will work22:01
lilsteviebut you need to use the right kernel image22:01
hallynso i guess it appears to be a driver problem after all22:02
lilstevieQuintasan: and the correct kernel is buggy as all hell22:03

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