
sagacidaily isos for precise seem to be generating06:42
head_victimblahdeblah: I just hit the update cron last night, sorry that was probably my bad06:54
head_victimsagaci: I've had 12.04 running in a VM since 11.10 was released :P06:55
head_victimblahdeblah: doesn't appear to be running automatically. BUT they are currently working on the upgrade to drupal 6 finally (or so the email I got says)06:55
sagaciI prefer to take it from a fresh start, ala on my main laptop :)06:55
head_victimIt was a fresh start, I only installed 11.10 in the VM so I can update the sources.list to precise ;)06:56
blahdeblahhead_victim: I thought i added a cron hit to my server a while back06:56
head_victimblahdeblah: hadn't run in several hundred days according to the admin bit when I looked at it so thought I'd do a manual and see what happened06:56
blahdeblahwhen i get a chance, i'll add it to my list so it gets hit regularly06:57
head_victimI'd hold up, in case it needs to be changed when they do this update06:57
head_victimThe only things we need the website for that loco.u.c can't do is the news feed on the main page, an about us page, a contact us page and the planet.06:58
sagacihead_victim: did you end up getting that mechanical keyboard?06:59
head_victimThe calendar and stuff we should really shut off unless it can pull an RSS feed off the loco.u.c but I'm holding off making too many decisions and thoughts until I see what it looks like done.06:59
head_victimsagaci: nah got a cherry linux. When i started down the mechanical keyboard slope it quickly got prices out of my market.06:59
head_victimThe only mechanical keyboard I ended up wanting was one of the Decks.06:59
sagaciwhat's a cherry linux07:00
head_victimCheery Cymotion Master Linux keyboard, has linux logos instead of windows, etc.07:00
sagacioh ok07:02
sagacilike 100 bucks or something07:02
head_victimSent you a link in pm so I didn't spam the channel 07:02
head_victimI g+'d it07:02
sagaciwas it compatible, like keymapped, with ubuntu out of the box07:03
sagaciare you going to LCA?07:03
head_victimNah can't afford it.07:06
sagaciI've got a wedding to go to in QLd then a similar thing at sydney the week before and after, respectively07:07
head_victimWe're looking at running the installation fest on the 7th or 8th if that coincides iwth the wedding ;)07:08
sagaciit's in mackay, which is the 14th, a day before the sunday before07:11
head_victimAh, not quite the right part of Qld then or the right time :)07:11
sagacithe daily looks bootabl07:12
head_victimI've not had any real issues yet but it is going to be an LTS so I'm not expecting huge dramas.07:13
sagacinah they seem to want it stable for most uses by alpha1+a week07:14
sagaciwhether that will happen will need to be seen07:14
sagacihead_victim: were you meant to send that to the list07:21
head_victimWhich one?07:21
sagacidon't worry, I just got an email about it07:21
sagaciat first it seemed like it was from the ubuntu-au list07:22
head_victimI'm lost :)07:23
sagacinever mind07:23
head_victimblahdeblah: in talks with the Canonical folk about the upgrade. Other than theming to the new look and adding openid login (via launchpad) is there any major advancement's you would be looking fore?07:26
head_victimIf anyone knows of a drupal module that will allow an ical feed into some sort of read only calendar sing out07:42
airtonixhead_victim: tried using views ? 09:32
head_victimairtonix: no idea what that even is :)10:00
airtonixhead_victim: what version of drupal are you using10:01
head_victimIt's been decided to focus on core components first to get it going. The ubuntu.org.au is moving from 5 to 610:01
airtonixthen it's understandable that you don't know10:01
head_victimSo they're going to set up openid login and the ubuntu theme10:01
airtonixviews is a default component of 710:01
airtonixand to be honest10:01
head_victimWell there you go :)10:01
airtonixanyone running a version less than 6 is asking to be hacked10:01
head_victimIf you can find a ubuntu theme for drupal 7 I'm happy to ask we go straight to that.10:02
airtonixi wouldn't10:02
airtonixnot yet anyway10:02
airtonixv6 is the happy medium ground10:02
airtonixall the usefull addons aren't properly migrated to v7 yet10:02
airtonixbut then v7 is great out of the box as is10:03
airtonixcontent creation kit is core in 710:03
airtonixas is views10:03
head_victimOk good to know. I personally know nothing about drupal except point and click admin after it's set up (even then there isa lot of trial and error)10:03
airtonixyeah i spent alot of time in drupal10:03
airtonixcoding, theming, and admin10:03
airtonixi was waiting for the module: Panels to move to v7 but then i discovered Django10:04
airtonixnow i don'10:04
airtonixdon't care about anything php10:04
head_victimhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu-drupal-theme is the project we're going to borrow the themes from.10:04
head_victimDetails also at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDrupal10:05
head_victimTHe main move for the update was so we can theme the website with current Ubuntu branding instead of the old school browns.10:05
airtonixyeah that won't work for v710:05
airtonixv7 theming is more streamline than it was for 610:05
head_victimI've made a request for openid logins as well so it's not another account you need to make.10:06
airtonixgood idea10:06
head_victimLowering the bar for contributions is a good thing.10:06
airtonixconsider "not hosting comments" too10:06
airtonixlet disqus or facebook do it10:06
airtonixdisquss preferrably10:06
head_victimTempting. Leave it as a news feed, planet, about us and contact us and to the rest elsewher4e10:07
head_victimWe already have a large-ish fb account so that seems appropriate.10:07
airtonixyeah the point is that someone else handles the bandwidth for spam and all that10:07
head_victimYeah, the team website is hosted by Canonical.10:08
airtonixand more people can contribute too10:08
airtonixno its not a case of bandwidth cost10:08
airtonixit's a case of speed10:08
head_victimSaving them both is a good thing, means they can use the bandwidth elsewhere and we get quicker loads.10:08
airtonixall coming from the one server... you'd wanna hope your server and it's pipe is freakn awesomesauce 10:08
airtonixbut that's beyond the scope of something like ubuntuau ? 10:09
airtonixit's not really going to be intense bandwidth usage?10:09
head_victimThe main thing is if we host it ourselves and the person providing the hosting goes awol (which does happen even with the best of intentions) we're stuck. Having Canonical host it means the team will ALWAYS have access to it.10:10
head_victimThere is no major bandwidth use from my knowledge but I don't see the stats.10:10
head_victimI just know the user list is out of control with spam users so the idea of open id authorisation sounds pretty nice.10:11
head_victimHmmm https://code.launchpad.net/~michealh/ubuntu-drupal-theme/7.x10:13
head_victimAnyway, I'll bbl. Gotta head off for a bit. Feel free to chime in suggestions on the ML if you want everyone to see/consider it. Or just leave messages in here. I read scrollbacks, probably a little too much.10:15
jaddi27head_victim, I saw your email about the website upgrade11:22
head_victimjaddi27: happy days :)11:24
jaddi27Yes, certainly. One thing we might want to do is display the calendar data from l.u.c on the website11:24
head_victimI was debating just a button that links to the meetings and events list or if we should ical feed it in11:25
jaddi27Yes, I am not entirely sure what is best. My thought was that if we can have the events listed on the website, it might lead to more people seeing them11:26
jaddi27I know quite a few people don't like having to follow lots of links to get information11:27
head_victimOk, basically the Canonical person said they'd focus on the core of the upgrade first and this can be added later. mainly because I didn't have the info on hand. If you know a drupal module that will do it let me know and we'll suggest it11:28
jaddi27Ok. I will try to get a demo working in a couple of weeks, after my exams are finished11:31
jaddi27At least we are getting a theme upgrade11:31
head_victimjaddi27: also - http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?v=info&id=16441467285011:31
head_victimjaddi27: as for the drupal module, they will test and install it if they know what one "works"11:31
jaddi27The facebook app - I started using it a while ago,but it didn't actually do everything I wanted11:32
head_victimAh ok, I wasn't sure if that was the one you tried or not11:33
head_victimI just found it googling about11:33
jaddi27The main thing is that creating group events will invite everyone in the group to the event, whereas that application does not do that at the moment11:33
jaddi27I will keep watching it to see if they have any updates11:33
head_victimhttp://drupal.org/project/gcal_events is looking something like what we'd want on the website.11:35
jaddi27The only issue with that is that it must be a google calendar feed, not an ics feed11:38
head_victimHmm might wait for the upgrade, maybe built into 6.x11:40
jaddi27no, it isn't unfortunately11:41
jaddi27We might be able to use that module by importing using the XML link for the calendar in Google Calendar11:42
head_victimhttp://www.drupalove.com/drupal-video/ical-events-nodes watching that now11:43
jaddi27Does your google calendar show the upcoming Translations meeting at the correct time? Mine shows it at 4pm on Friday11:43
head_victimYeah there's a bug for that hang on I'll link11:43
head_victimBug 78632211:44
lubotu2Launchpad bug 786322 in LoCo Team Portal "Google Calendar showing appointments early" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78632211:44
head_victimThat's it I think11:44
jaddi27Ok. Thanks for that link11:50
head_victimI thought it was daylight savings issues but doesn't appear to be11:51
jaddi27No, it is in the formatting of the ical file11:52
jaddi27I think it is a similar issue to what we had in Thunderbird a while ago11:52
head_victimRegressions with the update that happened recently?11:53
jaddi27I think the update might not be correctly done11:55
jaddi27I have a feeling there was an issue where the timezone was incorrectly defined or something11:55
head_victimAh ok, I wasn't using the ical last time this happened I don't think11:56
jaddi27The ical shows the event as starting at 0600 on 2011-11-05 UTC11:57
jaddi27(that is the translations meeting)11:57
head_victimAnd that is wrong, should be 0800 :/11:57
jaddi27the timezone data is alright - set to UTC, which is the easiest way to do it11:58
jaddi27but when it is generating the ical file, it is not making the correct times11:58
jaddi27I think the drupal modules http://drupal.org/project/date and http://drupal.org/project/calendar will do the ics work we want12:00
head_victimSo it's got to do with the ical generation on the loco.u.c end12:00
jaddi27but I have not tried it yet12:00
jaddi27I think it is, yes12:00
head_victimThat's ok I can make the suggestions to the admin doing the update and see if they have time after the core upgrade.12:00
jaddi27Ok, that would be great12:01
jaddi27I think the timezone implementation for l.u.c needs to be changed12:01
head_victimWell add comments to the bug :) Doing the troubleshooting for them to that level might help prod them to fix the regression :)12:01
jaddi27A team can set a default timezone, but users can also set a timezone, and all pages they visit will have events shown in that timezone12:02
jaddi27Yes, that sounds good12:02
jaddi27Oh, my last comment meant that is what I think they should do, not what can already be done12:02
head_victimNah I think events should be set at a specific date and time with mention of what tz it's in. If you import an ical it should auto convert to whatever tz you've specified.12:05
head_victimToo confusing otherwise.12:05
jaddi27Yes, that could be done12:07
jaddi27I think all data should be stored in UTC in the database - all of the timezone conversion is done on the fly using PyTz (I looked that much up, but couldn't understand where the rest of the code was)12:08
head_victimjaddi27: the website modules have been passed on :) 12:36
head_victimWell I'm off for the night, cheerio12:36
jaddi27thanks for that. speak to you later12:37

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