
alexandertohi, anyone around, I'm new here, need answers to some quick questions09:02
alexandertoI joined Ubuntu just for a few days, I read several links on Ubuntu website and wiki, like UbuntuDevelopers, QuickStart, MOTU, BugSquads etc...09:03
alexandertobut yet I still have no clue how do I start to contribute by writing code to fix a bug ??09:03
alexandertoI read the BugSquad link as well and also come to this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Tags09:03
alexandertoalso tried to visit https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize09:03
alexandertobut do I just assign myself to a bug and start digging into it?? how does it work?09:03
alexandertoif there is a link about "How to start fixing bug", can someone point me to it, I hate to ask but I spent hours and can't seem to find the appropriate links09:04
ersialexanderto: Hold on a few seconds and I'll fetch you a nice short article from dholbach09:12
alexandertothanks ersi09:12
alexandertoso am I asking stupid questions here lol09:13
ersialexanderto: I think this is the one, I think it exists in different layouts as well possibly, but content should be the same: http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/2011/03/ubuntu-development-guide-fixing-a-bug-in-ubuntu/09:13
ersiBeside that one, I'd recommend checking out the session logs from Ubuntu Open Weeks and Developer Weeks (IRC sessions on different subjects) - should be up on the wiki somewhere. They had some great bug-fixing-sessions09:13
alexandertoI see, will be checking on the log09:14
ersiThere's no stupid questions, there's just.. some more tedious questions and some less ;)09:14
alexandertoyeah, I just joined, no clue how it works here09:15
ersiDon't be afraid to ask, that's what I've learnt. Worse case, maybe someone sometime frowns - but new people are always welcome. You might want to hang out in #ubuntu-motu and any specific ubuntu team channels (if you know that you want to contribute to a specific area, like server, desktop or so)09:16
ersi(This is a ubuntu team channel as well, by the way)09:16
alexandertoyup, I asked the same questions in all 3 beginners channel lol09:17
ersiOh, heh :)09:17
lifelessmmm, I'm up too late, obviously09:35
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SwitchDKHello, Would somebody from BugControl please help me with marking a bug Triaged. It is bug 70749617:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 707496 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Mounting an external server (FTP) opens a new nautilus window (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70749617:45
asomethingSwitchDK, done17:48
SwitchDKasomething: thank you very much17:48
SwitchDKasomething, would you be able to change the status of bug 876495 as well please. I'm not certain what level of importance it should have17:51
ubot4Launchpad bug 876495 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "bug on restarting networking service (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87649517:51
SwitchDKbug 87649517:52
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