
nigelbThis etherpad thing is completely screwing wwith my inbox :)03:42
nigelbAlso, morning!03:43
pleia2at least you were warned :)03:45
pleia2I didn't know until cjohnston told me tonight that I was supposed to be helping :P03:46
nigelbpleia2: :D03:46
nigelbpleia2: Did I get voluntold for UW?03:47
pleia2yes you did03:47
nigelbSorry I missed the session03:47
nigelb3 hours of sleep got to me. I got up now after 9 hours of sleep :)03:47
pleia2you've worked with audreyr so we gave you the python mentoring collaboration stuffs03:47
pleia2yay sleep03:47
nigelbcool :)03:48
nigelbIs the party over?03:48
pleia2yeah, it was only a 2 hour thing03:49
nigelbOk, akgraner *is* a legend.03:50
nigelbI see UWN in my inbox!03:50
pleia2yeah :)03:50
nigelbCheers to News team :)03:50
pleia2we got the summaries done early so there wouldn't be a ton to do today03:51
nigelbWell, as usual, we did a summit bug fix yesterday ^-^03:52
pleia2is there a publicly accessible read-only link to the etherpad notes?03:55
nigelbwithout joining the team?03:55
nigelbNo :(03:55
nigelbWe'll have to move it to the BPs03:55
pleia2ok, I just copied the text into pages on my people.ubuntu.com page for my blog post03:55
nigelbMorning AlanBell ;)07:07
nigelb(My inbox says you're awake)07:07
nigelb(and spamming :P)07:08
AlanBellnigelb: can we get the room audio links populated in summit?07:42
nigelbAlanBell: I would love to. I needs Jorge, Mike or Chris.07:42
AlanBellso jcastro: mhall119: or cjohnston: could populate the room icecast links, that would be awesome :)07:43
nigelbIf someone gives me access, I'm happy to. But I don't have access :)07:43
AlanBellme too07:44
nigelbI changed the icecast url to point to the right page lst evening.07:44
nigelbso glad jorge gave me that access ^-^07:44
AlanBellI was out in London yesterday evening, will catch up on some audio from tumbleweeds stream captures07:45
nigelbYeah, I missed half the keynote :(07:45
nigelbMy boss called me into a meeting right in the middle of it.07:45
AlanBellI would kind of like to integrate the audio into the meetings page07:46
nigelbReally need to find tumbleweed and give him a hug :)07:46
nigelbAlanBell: Propose in the summit session.07:46
AlanBellso below the etherpad have a play button that streams from tumbleweed's captures07:47
nigelbI'm currently hacking on LP for summit.07:47
AlanBellright, school run o/07:47
alouriegood morning07:51
inetpronigelb: you can find tumbleweed at #ubuntu-za08:33
nigelbinetpro: I meant in real life :)08:33
inetpronigelb: ahh :-)08:34
nigelbMorning czajkowski08:59
AlanBellyou need to stay up later partying czajkowski09:00
czajkowskiAlanBell: my back was so fecked09:00
nigelbOk, late lunch for me. Laters.09:03
cjohnstonim up... :-/10:00
czajkowskicjohnston: me too10:03
czajkowskiwhat's your excuse10:03
cjohnstonczajkowski: i have to drive10:04
czajkowskihows Hope?10:04
nigelbMornin popey!10:47
nigelbMorning Pendulum10:59
czajkowskiPendulum: morning11:02
czajkowskiPendulum: popey breakie ?11:06
Pendulumczajkowski: when do you want to go?11:08
czajkowskiPendulum: when ever you fancy11:09
czajkowskicjohnston: whats your ETA ?11:09
AlanBellare you two sat in the same room?11:09
nigelbobviously IRC is a better choice.11:09
PendulumAlanBell: 2bedroom villa :D11:11
cjohnston15-20 depending on traffic11:11
jussiczajkowski: you got the same villa as last time?11:11
jussithat was pretty much a mansion11:11
Pendulumjussi: yeah11:12
czajkowskiPendulum: 7:45 ish ?11:13
czajkowskior ;ater11:13
czajkowskiI've had some taffey to k eep me going11:13
nigelbwhat exactly is taffey?11:13
jussitaffey <311:14
jussinigelb: no11:14
Pendulumnigelb: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taffy_%28candy%29 specifically, czajkowski has http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_water_taffy11:17
nigelbmhall119: Btw, apparently you broke ical spec.11:18
popeybrekkie o'clock11:19
jussiScottL: enjoying UDS?11:21
ScottLjussi, yes, very much!  but the first day was exhausting11:22
nigelbScottL: Everyday is :)11:22
PendulumScottL: you're here?11:22
ScottLPendulum, aye11:22
czajkowskihe is indeed11:23
PendulumScottL: you do work on Ubuntu Studio, right?11:25
PendulumScottL: Ubuntu Studio got a mention in Designing & Creating Ubuntu experiences if you didn't hear about it so I"m not sure if you want to look at the notes from yesterday and see if it's something y'all might have a group that wants to possibly work on11:30
cjohnstonczajkowski, I'm here11:30
Pendulumczajkowski: I'm ready to go whenever you want11:30
czajkowskiok m,e too11:31
ScottLdoh, missed pendulum while talking to roommate :(11:33
ScottLoooh, i will certainly look at the notes from that meeting though!11:34
popeyczajkowski: you missed, i had bacon and syrup for brekkie :D11:54
czajkowskipopey: did you like it13:05
alouriewho is in charge of video.ubuntu.com/live ?13:57
cjohnstonalourie: IS13:59
alouriecjohnston: what is IS ?13:59
alourie:-) sorry for this, I just really don't know14:00
cjohnstona section of employees14:00
cjohnstonwhats the problem14:00
alouriecjohnston: none, I just had an epiphany moment about it's usabilty14:03
alourieusability that is14:03
cjohnstonyou can pass it on in #canonical-sysadmins14:04
alouriecjohnston: ah, that's what I was looking for, thanks :-)14:04
czajkowskiwe;re having a mini loco council meeting14:10
czajkowskiand working on our action items :D14:11
cjohnstonAlanBell: happy?14:11
AlanBellerr, always happy14:12
AlanBellabout anything specific?14:12
AlanBellicecast urls \o/14:13
cjohnstoncan you please check them all and make sure they are good14:13
nigelbcjohnston: Thanks for the icecast urls :)14:53
AlanBellurls look good, and they turn up on the per-session notes page below the pad too14:59
AlanBellthats why I wanted them populated :)14:59
* bkerensa has to do maintenance on a CentOS server today.. Oh joy for yum15:17
czajkowskipleia2: can you give that some tweet love15:29
pleia208:32:38 <@root> twitter - Error: HTTP error: 403 Forbidden (sharing is not permissable for this status (Share validations failed))15:32
pleia2your tweets are private?15:32
pleia2rted the @planetubuntu one15:34
czajkowskipleia2: aye thanks15:35
czajkowskimhall119: got stats resolved16:24
czajkowskiyou're gonna be getting the ingo16:24
czajkowskiand then we get the stuff minius ip from you16:24
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
jcastroAlanBell: what project do I file a bug for the etherpad for?19:54
AlanBelldepends on the bug19:55
AlanBellis it in etherpad or summit?19:55
AlanBelljcastro: in fact, the only sane place on launchpad to file it is summit19:56
cjohnstonbut if its etherpad, its not against summit19:57
jcastroAlanBell: I want to file a bug for social buttons on the etherpad page19:57
jcastroso I can +1 my session notes, etc.19:57
AlanBellsummit :)19:58
cjohnstonjcastro: make sure you submit the code with the bug19:58
AlanBelljcastro: great suggestion and will absolutely get that in for -q19:59
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=== djay-il is now known as alourie

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