
=== darius is now known as dariusH
dariusHNos da16:35
iantoNoswaith da16:36
iantodariusH: You monitoring #42?16:36
dariusHNope, haven't been on irc in a while16:36
iantoFair enough then, just quering about bailiffs and halls16:37
dariusHthats new16:37
dariusHand why may I ask?16:37
iantoCause I wanna know if my TV & PS3 are at risk :p16:38
iantoOr even my laptop16:38
iantoWell technically the TV is my sisters since I nicked it for uni and the PS3 I can always say are my nephews since they play it a lot.16:39
dariusHwhat did you do?16:40
iantoA few months ago I was in London and spraypainted the BBC building on Wood Lane16:41
dariusHah your welsh terrorism :P16:42
iantoFreedom fighting!16:42
dariusHthe fact that it's dark at 4.45 is a serious deterrant from going to certain uni "activities"16:44
iantoOnly just returned to this town after being held against my will -_-16:46
dariusHno great loss to aber really16:48
iantodariusH: Someone in #42 who used to go out with teh Humph's daughter18:20
iantoFrom Cefn Saeson18:20

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