[07:01] agha man chejuri microphonam ro test konam o befahmma kar mikone? [07:14] Omid: salam , vaslesh konid bad berid tuye sound preferences ghesmate input [07:16] alabd, mamnun. moshkel injast ke be tore pishfarze Mute bud === saeid is now known as Guest9523 [09:45] salam [09:46] tanzimat theme dar 11.10 kojast? [09:51] کسی نیست [09:51] ؟ [09:51] ایا قیر از گناش و فلش پلیر برامه ی دیگری هست برای اجرای فلش؟ [10:40] Salam [10:41] Python kar darim inja ? === elham is now known as Guest40269 [10:41] ?! [10:57] Lham: /j #python-ir [11:14] ‎/join #fa.wikipedia‎ [13:05] salam be hame [13:05] can any one help me about script writing: [13:05] I read a line from a file into a var : read lin But the read line delete the spaces I mean when there is two space in close to each other [13:26] chetory mishe ba script ye khat az ye file khoond bedoone inke formatesh tagheer kone? [17:14] slam [17:15] javab salam vajebeh [17:15] slam [17:15] چرا سرعت اوبونتو بعضی وقتا کند میشه؟ [17:25] ahmad, che vaghtaii daghighan? [17:26] durud be hameh [17:27] kasi hast ke xen nasb kardeh bashe ? [18:13] @everybody Go ##pmg ;-) [18:30] کمک میکنید [18:30] ؟ [18:48] !rtfm [18:48] Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. [18:48] :P lol [18:49] !seen [18:49] I have no seen command [18:50] then u r useless! [19:12] کمک لطفا [19:12] slam [19:12] فایل فلش رو چه جوری اجرا کنم [19:12] ؟ [19:13] گناش رو نصب کردم [19:13] salam be hameh [19:13] kasi inja xen nasb kardeh ? [19:13] کمک [19:14] کمک [19:15] فلش چه جوری اجرا کنم [19:15] گناش نصب کردم [19:17] ;l; [19:17] کمک [19:18] !flash [19:18] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [19:18] !flash | ahmad [19:18] ahmad: please see above [19:19] ahmad: به اینرنت وصل شو و بزن sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [19:19] brb === moha is now known as mohi === mohi is now known as |mohi [19:25] من نمیخوام از فلش پلیر استفاده کنم [19:27] کمک === saeid is now known as Guest22263