
hyperairjtaylor: hmm which bug?00:13
hyperairbug 85138300:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 878933 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #851383 Crash when attempting to open a second file from the recent file list" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87893300:13
hyperairhmm wasn't that the bug with the most info?00:14
hyperairit has sufficient info, doesn't it?00:14
hyperairan upstream link00:14
jtayloranother had the commit ids fixing it00:14
hyperairand the upstream link has a patch00:14
hyperairoh woops00:14
jtaylorthe upstream link is insufficient00:14
jtaylorthe patch there was already applied00:14
jtaylorbut its not enough00:14
hyperairoh crap00:14
hyperairwhich bug should be the master, then?00:15
jtaylorI pasted the important info00:15
jtayloralso -desktop knows about it so doesn't matter so much anymore00:15
jtaylorits an ugly situation00:16
hyperairyou could have just changed the master bug00:16
hyperairthese days if you change one duplicate, the rest follow.00:16
jtaylorthe debdiff between .5 and .6 are ~1500 lines in a single file, .6 and .7 another ~1000 lines00:16
jtaylorand in there somewhere are important bug fixes fore breakage in .6 ^^00:16
hyperairoh yay00:16
jtaylor851383 should probably be master00:18
jtaylorit would be nice when the affect number would include all duplicates00:20
jtaylorlast time I talked to -desktop they didn't want to fix it because it had to few bugs/affects (~beta 2 I think)00:21
paultagDo I have to requestsync during DIF?02:30
paultagerm, debian-import, where we are now02:30
ajmitchnot if it's unmodified in ubuntu, and the version that you want is in testing02:33
paultagajmitch: Ah, right, because this is a LTS. Forgot about testing.02:33
paultagThanks, just wondering why it was on such a lag :)02:33
tumbleweedwe are still before DIF02:34
paultagtumbleweed: I corrected myself directly after :)02:34
tumbleweedof course if something should be rushed from unstable, file a request02:34
paultagtumbleweed: nope, no rush02:34
paultagjust wondering :)02:34
tumbleweedI went to the wiki so I could throw a link at you, but it looks like someone broke the wiki02:37
paultagtumbleweed: it's no worries at all, I was just doing my rounds and got to wondering02:37
paultagalright, I'm off. Thanks, ajmitch / tumbleweed02:38
highvoltagepaultag: why aren't you uds'ing this year?12:55
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paultaghighvoltage: nope :)13:01
paultagOh, why13:01
paultaghighvoltage: because I'm leaving, and UDS is a waste of my time, as well as spaceman's :)13:02
tumbleweedyou're leaving?13:02
paultagtumbleweed: long time coming, my friend. Yeah, I've been dropping roles, and I'm dowm to my last one now13:03
paultagtumbleweed: I'm coming up here to Debian13:03
paultagbut I'm done with my Ubuntu work, sadly, that part of my life is slowly coming to a close13:03
tumbleweedright, just moving around a bit then :)13:03
paultagerm, wow, thought this was the other channel13:03
paultagthis is ubuntu-motu, shoot.13:03
paultagtumbleweed: yeah, I'll still be contributing, but indirectly :)13:04
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azeemhrm, the Ubuntu diff for xmakemol looks weird17:31
azeemit talks about lesstif not being in main, but the package is in universe anyway17:31
jtaylorbut are the gl libraries built against it?17:32
jtaylorbut yes it does look weird17:35
azeemnow I remember some issues in/with Ubuntu and libglw1-mesa17:36
azeemactually, I might just drop the GL version17:36
azeempeople who want to look at something pretty won't use xmakemol17:37
azeemjtaylor: i guess it was because mesa did not build against lesstif2-dev cause the former is main and the latter universe17:57
azeembut now libglw1-mesa is built from mesa-glw, which is universe17:57
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asomethinganyone know if there is a general developer community/MOTU check-in or anything at UDS this time around? I'm not really seeing it on the schedule...22:45
* ajmitch saw a MOTU session on the schedule22:46
ajmitchI just have to find it again22:47
ajmitchfriday at 11, it's in the 'other' track22:48
asomethingajmitch, Thanks!22:48

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