
bkerensanhaines: or this one http://youtu.be/S13PuddQxFo00:00
crashsystemsI just wish there was a copy online with better audio00:01
nhainesbkerensa: all I know is that I linked the official one.  :P00:02
bkerensacrashsystems: I'm working on a transription00:03
bkerensalots of people had issues with the audio00:03
MarkDudeaaditya, pong00:35
MarkDudedarkwing pong00:35
jtatumMarkDude: ping00:44
MarkDudejtatum, pongy00:45
MarkDudeWhats up?00:46
jtatumhappy halloween00:46
MarkDudeThat it is00:49
bkerensaHappy Halloween to MarkDude pleia2 Gareth nhaines jono00:56
MarkDudeHappy Halloween to jld<tab> glad to have her here soon00:59
MarkDudejtatum, is even more stoked 0 I am sure00:59
jtatumperhaps :) not sure who is stokeder, jledbetter or i?01:00
MarkDudejtatum, well you are a man, you may be mire open with your feelings01:00
MarkDudeJessicaa keeps her cards closer to the chext01:01
jledbetterchext too01:02
jledbetterI have sugared up the neighborhood in grand "adios" fashion ;)01:03
MarkDudeSorry for your neighborhoods loss01:51
MarkDudeOur gain tho01:51
DonkeyHoteicorn chext or rice chext?01:52
MarkDudechext mate DonkeyHotei01:53
DarkwingUDSMarkDude: do you know any Fedora KDE users?01:56
MarkDudeYes DarkwingUDS01:57
MarkDudeRyan Rix01:58
MarkDudeHe is most likley our greatest contributor01:58
MarkDudewhat you want  DarkwingUDS02:04
MarkDudeDude is my hero, dont be mean02:04
DarkwingUDSI am looking for what SQL database Fedora uses for Akonadi02:05
MarkDudeblah b;ah technical words02:06
MarkDudeHe is at the hacker space right now I guess02:09
MarkDudeDarkwingUDS, I put a call out, give it some time02:12
DarkwingUDSMarkDude: Thanks02:12
MarkDudeCurious, are you wearing a g-string right now?02:12
MarkDudeI heard that was FL law02:13
MarkDudeAnyone there from Rhode Island?02:14
MarkDudeDarkwingUDS, back story on Ryan02:17
MarkDudeASU student02:17
MarkDudeWhat ya want?02:32
DarkwingUDSI want to know what SQL they are using for Fedora02:33
MarkDudeDarkwingUDS, you are free ro talk in  #fedora-ambassador02:37
MarkDudeThey already know of you02:37
MarkDudeANd how Disnwy screwed you02:38
MarkDudeAnd more importantly your name take back02:38
DarkwingUDSMarkDude: there is no one in there....02:40
MarkDudeRyan is laggi\njg02:42
DarkwingUDSMarkDude: I don't think that is the right channel... No one in there and I'm OPS02:44
MarkDudetry this\02:47
=== DonkeyHotei is now known as Faqtotum
jtatumlast night was the kfjc ghost riders in the sky marathon. i should have mentioned it here for folks in the bay area03:14
philipballewwhat a late night it is here07:53
pleia2philipballew: you're up early :)13:03
philipballewpleia2, I felt I should Join :)13:06
philipballewi dont sleep anyway13:06
DarkwingUDSHey Phil13:07
philipballewhey DarkwingUDS, how goes it?13:07
DarkwingUDSit goes... teying to wake up13:10
philipballewhaha, Yeah. I am still in bed on my laptop :)13:11
philipballewwhat session you at?13:11
DarkwingUDSKubuntu ibus13:28
philipballewDarkwingUDS, nice!13:29
philipballewi'm sure Orlando is a nice place13:30
pleia2philipballew: SD ubuntu hour on for tonight?13:51
philipballewpleia2, yeah, I am pretty sure kevin will be there, but if noone is there I will be dropping off some Cd's I got from you at the coffee shop13:52
pleia2ok, just as long as someone will be there for the whole hour :)13:53
pleia2I'll send out the tweet/dent in a bit13:53
philipballewI plan to be there the whole hour. When noone comes I usually just read and do homework13:53
=== rbarot__ is now known as rbarot_
bkerensaMarkDude: Apparently Redhat is now monitoring my blog and tweets16:35
bkerensaredhat.mymediainfo.com/redhat/tweets.jsp <----16:35
bkerensasome sort of media and social analytical platform for corporations16:35
jyoSo who's excited for the Solyndra auction this week?19:27
jyoWoot lot of 54 assorted Solyndra logo women's polo shirts! http://goo.gl/6eghw19:29
BotenAnnaso holy cow its so much easier to make a chrome extension than a firefox one20:05
BotenAnnaa++ will make more chrome extensions20:05
BotenAnnajyo: is solyndra the one that went out of business? :(20:05
BotenAnnathe solar company20:05
BotenAnnathis seems like a cool technology, I don't believe wikipedia's statement that it's just the plummeting silicon prices20:08
BotenAnnasomething seems fishy20:08
nhainesBotenAnna: conspiracy!20:22
=== aaditya is now known as dragon
nhainesBotenAnna: I guess you could say their plans were...20:52
* nhaines puts on sunglasses.20:52
nhaineshalf-baked.  YEEE-AAAHHH!20:52
BotenAnnathey made meg whitman CEO20:54
nhainesAh the plot thinnens!20:54
nhainesI'm sad because in a minute I'm going to have to stop listening to Jonathan Coulton songs and do work instead.20:55
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
MarkDudehttp://twit.tv/show/tech-news-today/361 Ubuntu got some good press on Tech news today20:58
MarkDudeThey spoke about UDS and Ubuntu just working20:59
rbarot_happy Halloween MarkDude20:59
MarkDudeSpent a few minutes on it20:59
MarkDudeHappy Halloween to you rbarot_21:00
* MarkDude was sick yesterday21:00
BotenAnnaubuntu: it Just Works*21:00
MarkDudeDid not get go out for fun21:00
BotenAnna*unless you have two different sized monitors and an nvidia graphics card21:00
MarkDudeWell also a few other hiccups21:01
MarkDudeUnity will work nice on a tablet21:01
MarkDudeGive me one with a touchscreen21:01
BotenAnnait's definitely to the point where it's not really easier to install Windows or Ubuntu, they're just different21:01
BotenAnnaUbuntu is easier to install, Windows to configure. imho.21:02
BotenAnnabut it kind of varies based on hardware. windows sucks at some hardware, ubuntu, other hardware :321:02
MarkDudeUbuntu should have some tablet deals next year21:05
nhainesUbuntu segment for TwitTV starts at 24:01 in.23:21
nhainesAlso it lasts until 29:1223:27

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