
snap-lHappy Halloween02:01
_stink_you too02:05
snap-lOK, so I have the new GOogle Reader02:10
snap-land it appears that "sharing" things in reader just doesn't happen anymore02:10
snap-land that makes me sad.02:10
jjessei hate the new google reader02:10
jjesseit sucks02:10
jjessei keep getting "oops an error occured"02:10
jjesseor whatever the exact text is02:10
snap-lWell, the interface is OK02:10
jjessetoo much white space for me02:11
snap-lYeah, there is that02:11
snap-lAh, I think I figured it out02:12
jjesseso i don't like how "share" defaults to the article you are reading... i had a thought, wanted to share on google+ and it seemed a bit awkward02:13
snap-lbtw: channel logging is fixed.02:58
snap-lSo we're back to abiding by the COC. ;)02:59
snap-lI said the COC, not the FCC.03:00
snap-lFuck the FCC03:00
snap-l(and if you ever wondered why OMC is explicit, now you know. ;) )03:03
snap-lHaving to censor every fuck, shit, cock, piss, etc. on a record, and hope to God you didn't miss one is just a pain in the ass.03:04
_stink_you can understand the words in metal?03:05
snap-lalso at the time I was on the radio, you couldn't say "bitch" or "ass"03:05
snap-l_stink_: Yes, I can03:06
snap-lI've told you about the "not now, James" song I let fly on WTHS, haven't I?03:06
_stink_heh, i do not believe03:06
snap-lListen to this song.03:07
_stink_i figure that comprehending the lyrics in metal is like being able to read graffiti.03:07
snap-lhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHsBSVgPSJQ <- Better version03:07
snap-lAll of the albums were marked with a "NO!" if they were unfit for radio play.03:07
snap-lthis one wasn't.03:08
snap-lGot a call from the station manager03:08
snap-lI about shit my pants.03:08
snap-lBut no harm, no foul. Just marked it as a big "NO!" and moved on with my day.03:08
snap-lIf you got past the first few verses, you heard it. ;)03:09
_stink_yeah, the second link03:09
_stink_i didn't want to come back here and say i couldn't understand it :P03:10
_stink_i like the groove, though03:10
snap-lYeah, PWEI is one of my favorite bands.03:10
snap-lMan, TV has no balls now. ;)03:18
snap-lSorry, Jimmy Kimmell has balls03:21
snap-lI swear, Slayer doesn't have a stage, as much as they have a stack of marchalls.03:22
snap-ler, Marshalls.03:22
Blazeixwow, really cool conway game of life:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtJ77qsLrpw05:13
rick_hman,  I'm beat, halloween used to be an easy holiday11:40
rick_hnow with the boy, people want to come over, hosting dinner, etc11:40
snap-lnot anymore11:41
brouschwe just walk the neighborhood and collect candy11:41
snap-lwe handed out to about 35 kids last night11:41
rick_hthe in laws want to see the boy, my aunt/uncle, then t he neighbors want to come over for pizza afterwards11:41
rick_hturns into a full holiday11:41
rick_h35? we must have crossed a 10011:41
snap-lpretty low for us11:41
rick_honly one hour of trick or treating, but went through 8 bags of candy11:42
snap-lyeah, at J's dad's place we'd easiy hit 10011:42
rick_hplus we handed out Michale's winnings11:42
snap-lpoor guy, he earned that candy with his hard work in being cute11:43
brouschwe have a giant bowl of halloween, easter, and xmas candy that is technically george's11:43
brouschi eat like 1 piece/wk11:43
brouschthis was the most fun halloween so far. the boy actually walked 75% of it11:45
brouschcould go up to the door himself and take care of business11:46
snap-lrick_h: Good going. When Michael gets older, he's going to hate pooling his hard-earned candy resources for the common good because of your actions11:47
snap-lrick_h: You've created a Republican.11:47
rick_hprobably, but have you seen a 2 yr old with a caramel candy?11:47
rick_hdid you want to clean that up?11:47
rick_hhe already didn't eat breakfast because he had the "chips hungers" and the "cookie hungers"11:47
snap-lThree chews and it's on your carpet. Yes, I'm familiar with the concept.11:47
rick_hnow we're getting the "candy bar pls"11:47
brouschwhat is chips hungers?11:48
snap-lgimme chips. Gimmee cookies11:48
rick_hchips, you know, come in a bag11:48
snap-lpoor guy is going through junk-food withdrawl11:48
rick_hyea, basically his way of saying "I'm not eating this healthy cereal you've placed before me...fetch me some of those chips in the bag I see over there"11:48
brouschdarnit, snap-l, i'm half way through Halloween11:50
snap-lbrousch: Youre the only person I know that listens to podcasts the same way that most people eat a pod of Necco wafers.11:52
* snap-l was trying to remember the candy bar that was over a foot long, but is drawing a blank11:53
brouschif i listen while working i can't concentrate on work (except the instrumentalcasts). my commute is 10 minutes, so i tend to listen in 10 minute chunks11:55
snap-lI love the quote at the end for the Boston Baked Beans.11:56
rick_hdammit, this google reader update is starting to annoy me11:58
rick_hI've not really cared about the sharing crap...but this new ui is getting on my nerves11:59
snap-lHit f12:00
rick_hit's the fact that I have to use u that's bugging me12:00
rick_hrss feeds should be flexible width, I should be able to fit the damn window in 1/2 of my monitor12:00
rick_hthere's no damn good reason for this content to be so wide that I need u or side scrolling12:01
snap-lI don't have the sidebar12:01
rick_hyea, well I live on using the sidebar to jump from feeds in priority12:01
snap-lpro-tip: start without the navigation pane12:02
snap-lyou can still access it at the top12:02
rick_hyea, execpt I WANT the nav pane12:02
snap-l(under settings)12:02
rick_hwithout the extra click12:02
snap-lIt's one extra click12:03
rick_hespecially since I keep reader open with my twitter client/etc and use that to tell when I should hit a feed12:03
rick_hI rarely hit things up in 1 or 2 items12:03
snap-lnot like you have to hit UUDDLRLRABAB12:03
rick_hit's disruptive to the workflow12:03
brouschall windows should be full screen12:04
brouschshuttleworth tells me so12:04
snap-lWhat I hate is the sharing shows up in G+12:05
brouschit does?12:05
snap-lSo I don't have one-stop shopping anymore12:05
snap-lif you share it there12:05
snap-lif you didn't, oh well.12:05
rick_hcan you limit the circle or anything at least?12:05
snap-lbut what pisses me off is it's only a snippet of the article12:06
snap-lSo, they broke my workflow too12:06
snap-lOh, and they broke my read later button too.12:07
snap-lNo, they didn't.12:07
snap-lThis is a good thing12:07
rick_hthis is not good, I'm too tired and cranky today.12:10
snap-lI feel a blog post coming. ;)12:10
rick_hbah, that sucks12:10
rick_hsorry snap-l but that post took up the whole page in G+12:10
snap-lThe comic?12:10
snap-lYeah, this is bullshit12:11
snap-lJust sent them feedback.12:11
rick_hsec, need to install shutter to screen shot12:11
rick_hI tried, wtf is the feedback button?12:11
rick_hthey say to "go to our help center" which is a empty FAQ of crap12:11
snap-lNo, feedback on G+12:12
rick_hthey don't have the G+ like feedback tool at the bottom12:12
brouschrick_h: your last tweet does not make sense12:25
brouschmissing a digit i think12:25
rick_hgrrr, won't let me repost it after deleting'12:29
rick_h"You already posted that"12:29
rick_hoh, but it went through lol12:29
brousch(0.5*1920) - (2*window_chrome) seems like a good width to target12:31
brouschso like 900 or 850?12:31
rick_hI have no window chrome12:32
rick_h960 would be fine12:32
brouschyou don't, but most people do12:32
rick_h900 is probably ok12:32
rick_hit's more that people don't do flexible widths12:33
rick_hthe site krondor wants us to review is like that, 1100px min width12:33
rick_hmakes me cranky...12:33
brouschthat's too wide12:33
brouschnetbooks are 102412:33
brouschi could see 100012:33
snap-lI'm just about done with identi.ca12:41
snap-l1) Status.net mobile client is broken with 1.0 release12:42
snap-l2) update bot is gone for the time being12:42
snap-l3) more downtime12:43
snap-l4) I'm not a fan of the cnversation view.12:43
snap-l(the new one, where posts show the replies all the time)12:44
brousch5) tired of shouting into the void12:44
snap-lIt's become more apparent with this latest release.12:44
Wolfgerbrousch++ :-)12:45
snap-lI've found my engagement dropped by about half with this release.12:45
snap-lAlso there's a good number of folks that no longer post there12:47
WolfgerYeah, that's the biggie for me. Social networking only works for as long as your personal social network maintains critical mass12:50
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
snap-lWell, they're definitely critical. ;)12:55
rick_hwidox: greg-g what were you guys using for RSS?13:19
rick_htinyrss or something like that?13:19
rick_hbah, damn php app13:20
brouschdarn, i just read all my feeds and the new Reader popped up13:20
brouschnow i have nothing to test it on13:20
Wolfgeroooh, new Reader! I just +1'd something. Did it show up on my suspended G+ profile? :-p13:27
Wolfgerand seriously... how long does it take to stop enforcing the names policy once you've decided not to enforce the names policy?13:27
jjessenew google reader sucks13:29
jjessethat is how i feel13:29
brouschjjesse: you feel like you suck?13:30
WolfgerLet's take a vote. Who feels like jjesse sucks?13:37
brouschEveryone sucks. The question is does he suck more than the new Google Reader13:38
jjesseapparently i don't suck enough to get more than 1 vote13:40
brouschi'm reserving judgement until i have a chance to use it13:41
rick_hbah, want to like newsbeuter but man did they do it backwards13:44
rick_hand lack of images in rss isn't going to work me thinks13:44
ColonelPanic001I still use netvibes, because I'm too lazy/indifferent to try others13:45
brouschrick_h: i'm surprised you don't have a command line client for rss13:45
rick_hbrousch: yea, well web > *13:45
rick_hgoogle reader was nice because I need it for android podcast client, has an android app, and is web based so always up to date13:46
jjessethere's too much white space in my view13:46
rick_hnow it's making reading a pita, and a cmd line client seems interesting...but if you're going to be the "mutt of rss"  dammit use mutt keybindings13:46
jjessethey took away the "share" and moved it all to google plus13:46
jjesseand i keep getting "opps an error occured"13:47
rick_hor at least vim-like13:47
rick_hthere was a guy doing an open source python based rss reader, might have to look that up :/13:47
rick_hor maybe think on bookie + rss in some way13:48
brouschrick_h: that's something to think about13:52
ColonelPanic001that's something to drink about13:53
rick_hnext week is going to be good13:53
rick_hgoing to get this ui work done, get the celery backend running13:53
rick_hand then can start adding background tasks like pull rss feeds perhaps13:54
brouschsnap-l: crap. you need to publish your cartoon feed if you're going to cut me off13:54
brouschalthough if you can choose a circle to share with, you could make a craig's cartoon circle13:55
rick_hsigh, and I find the project and the code makes me cry13:59
brouschsorry in advance for blowing the rest of your day13:59
brouschoh man, it's launchpad? that's never a good sign14:00
brouschsnap-l: thanks14:02
jjesseOops...an error occurred. Please try again in a few seconds14:03
jjessei keep seeing this stupid messages in google reader14:03
brouschjjesse: i'm not seeing those14:03
brouschyou need to reboot your internets14:04
jjessesaw them at home and today at work14:05
dzhobrousch: in re rms http://www.metafilter.com/108829/Free-as-in-Free#399890314:05
brouschi was just reading the rider, and it's actually really useful for anyone that wants him to speak14:07
brouschusually you have to painfully extract that information over time14:08
dzhoit's useful, because he is going to be exacting anyway, might as well mark the location of all the land mines up front14:08
dzhothe most interesting thing I learned in that whole thing . . . well, I was reminded of the brown M&M's clause in the Van Halen rider, and then learned of its intended purpose.14:09
brouschalso he probably deals with others like himself frequently, and has encountered many of their blunders14:10
* dzho nods14:10
* dzho nods again14:14
dzhohttp://www.metafilter.com/108829/Free-as-in-Free#3999178  <- this comment is a bit more compassionate14:15
dzhoand less "this is a problem for society"14:15
dzhoanyway, I think one can value folks like RMS while also acknowledging that they have their limits and weaknesses, and discuss the ramifications of those limits and weaknesses.14:16
snap-lWe venerate those quirks that we can identify with14:18
snap-lI'm sure nobody berates the Dalai Lama for his quirks14:18
jrwrenhitler could have some valid point, but no one would listen becuase HE IS HITLER.14:19
jrwrenif you didn't get it. RMS is hitler in his comparison.14:19
jrwrengodwin be truth14:19
snap-ljrwren: Well, he had a one major quirk14:19
snap-lalso, can we shut the internet now that we've compared RMS with Hitler?14:20
jrwrenthat comparision is an everyday occurence.14:20
jrwrennothing new.14:20
jrwrenmove along14:20
snap-lOh geez14:20
snap-lI'm pretty sure "software purity" is not in the same league as racial purity.14:21
snap-lAnd I'd hope nobody has died because of using non-free software in the presence of Stallman14:21
snap-lMaybe they have a new asshole ripped for them, but that's about the extent of it.14:22
brouschsnap-l: that's only true until artificial intelligence emrges14:22
Wolfgerjrwren: Hitler had valid points and people listened. Your argument is flawed.14:56
_stink_i thought he was talking about currently dead Hilter.14:57
Wolfger_stink_: I was not aware there was a currently living Hitler...14:57
_stink_this is all so confusing.14:58
ColonelPanic001Wolfger: I'm right here15:00
jrwreni AM talking baout current dead hitler15:01
jrwrenmy point is, say you are writing an article. if you quote hitler, you aren't going to have much credibility because of whom you chose to quote.15:02
jrwrenin a similar manner this is true of quoting RMS.15:02
jrwrenhell, this is basically how open source started, because Free Software is too extreme.15:03
snap-lIsn't that how all good movements start out? :)15:09
snap-lBuncha extremists said "fuck you" to the king, and created their own country.15:09
dzhoit's funny how mentioning Hitler means game over for a discussion, but not calling people communists, etc15:13
snap-lI blame McCarthyism. ;)15:14
dzhofascism never prospers, what's the reason?  For if it did, none dare call if fascism.15:18
WolfgerI think it's funny that we think it's cute when a kid dresses up like Darth Vader (ordered his military to blow up an entire planet, personally killed a room full of children), but a swastika regardless of context ist verboten (and they were in use long before Hitler)15:19
_stink_perhaps it's because... Darth Vader was never real?15:20
dzhomaybe.  Darth Vader never did anything to my neighbor's family, for instance.15:21
Wolfgerso emulating a fictional evil person is ok?15:23
snap-lWolfger: Aspirational marketing15:24
_stink_yes, that is ok15:24
snap-lAs opposed to children dressing like dead people?15:25
snap-lAt least they're trying.15:25
_stink_oh hey, this is a good place to ask this.15:25
_stink_what's the reasonable max age for trick-or-treating?15:25
_stink_assume good faith effort in costuming.15:26
snap-l12 if unaccompanied by young children15:26
snap-l13+ if accompanying young children15:26
snap-l16 and up: you're just pushing it15:26
snap-lThat said, the ghost from last night was around 16ish15:27
_stink_i pretty much agree.15:27
_stink_i was thinking once high school, no more.15:27
snap-lIf you're driving to the houses, then you're too old.15:27
snap-lActually, 12-16 is a grey area15:28
dzhoWolfger: you just being a devil's advocate here, or are you really having trouble with this?15:28
_stink_i wanted to say 10.15:28
snap-lif you're actually putting in some effort, then I'd say 12-16 is fine15:28
_stink_but... that's what, 4th grade?15:28
_stink_seems like through elementary school is ok.15:28
snap-lonce you're getting a driver's license / permit then it's too old15:29
Wolfgerdzho: I like to do mental gymnastics15:29
dzhoah, fair enough.15:29
_stink_i look forward to the day when i make my kid stop and he is crushed.15:29
snap-lNever make them stop15:29
snap-lthey'll stop on their own15:29
dzhofamous last words15:29
snap-ljust like eventually they'll figure out that Santa isn't real15:30
snap-lThere's no magic age where you have to say "Seriously, it's just mom and I"15:30
* dzho is crushed15:30
snap-lEventually they'll realize that Santa has one of your quirks15:30
snap-lfor me it was the fact that Santa had mom's handwriting15:30
snap-land kept telling me to clean my room15:31
jrwrendzho: yes, good comments.15:36
jrwrendzho: of course, i am of hte belief that we live in fascism. its called USA.15:36
snap-lFriendly Fa$cism.15:37
snap-lConsolidated: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zchtjTwx9ok15:38
snap-lVideo is somewhat NSFW15:39
dzhojrwren: well, I'm not going to tell you you're wrong.15:42
brouschok, what are folks using for encrypted password management on android?15:53
snap-lI have an embarrassingy high score on rpg.stackexchange.com.16:07
jrwrensnap-l: friendly fascism is a classic.16:07
jrwrennow i have it in my head.16:07
snap-lNot a huge, OMGWTFBBQ, but definitely higher than my other SE accounts16:08
snap-lwith Programmers a tidy second.16:08
Wolfgerthat's more embarassing16:09
snap-llmorchard: CHC tomorrow, btw. ;)16:22
snap-lGiving you a day's notice. ;)16:22
snap-l47d18h <- I <3 Linux16:37
Wolfgerbooyah. Reusing old Perl script ftw16:46
snap-lbooyah. being able to reuse perl scripts that weren't once-offs. ;)16:47
Wolfgerwell, the script was a bastardization of the website code so that I could CLI it from my laptop on a static file16:48
Wolfgerjust had to change the start/end date variables (normally supplied by web interface)16:48
WolfgerOf course, the powers that be removed the useful web interface from our site...16:49
WolfgerI should figure out what's firing off that warning one of these days, though :-p16:56
jrwren47d18h ?17:32
snap-lThe uptime on my linode instance.17:45
ColonelPanic001320 days, 21:0617:46
_stink_WE WIN!17:46
* ColonelPanic001 is ready to receive the prize17:48
* brousch dumps a bucket of RMS sweat on you17:49
snap-lbrousch: You're too generous17:49
brouschthis looks interesting for the question i asked that no one answered http://timothyjc.blogspot.com/2010/12/wallet-for-android.html17:56
brouscheven better for the more paranoid http://upm.sourceforge.net/18:01
brouschah, KeePass and KeePassDroid http://keepass.info/19:06
Wolfgeryou should just use the same password everywhere. Problem solved. :-D19:07
snap-lThat's the gawker media way.19:10
brouschi have been quite lazy. it's actually my new android users who are asking about it19:11
ColonelPanic001<3 KeePassX19:17
ColonelPanic001KeePass + Dropbox19:17
brouschhm, is that different than keepass2?19:37
snap-lOK, this is awesome.19:42
snap-lJust did a networked scan with my Brother MFC19:43
brouschColonelPanic001: keepassx is the ticket! it looks nicer and uses the keepass1 format so keepassdroid can also edit the passwords19:44
brouschwhich is less evil: c++ and qt or mono?19:53
snap-lbrousch: Define evil, pls19:54
_stink_you are doomed19:54
snap-l(this should only take a few minutes)19:54
brouschColonelPanic001: do you use keepassdroid?20:34
brouschwhew, ok, got all of my passwords into keepass20:53
brouschthe problem is that i have to click on the password DB in the dropbox folder on android to ensure it gets syned20:55
snap-lIs it me, or is the new G-mail redesign full of rooie mistakes?21:09
snap-lrookie, even21:09
gamerchick02hrm. looks like Wolfger is away21:54
snap-lTomorrow is CHC, btw.21:57
gamerchick02i know22:15
snap-lJust reminding. ;)22:22
gamerchick02i'll get a map and stuff22:23
gamerchick02i saved one on my phone22:23
Blazeixsnap-l: the gmail redesign I like, the google reader redesign, not so much.22:37
BlazeixI'm seriously considering a user style to give me back my borders.22:37
gamerchick02i'm not sure about either. heh23:25
gamerchick02i waffle between liking both and not liking the reader one.23:25

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