
* MarkDude feels sorrry for Mr Spector00:37
MarkDudeHow many ways can you say, Im sorry is broken?00:38
bkerensaHe has a good job now00:52
bkerensahe doesnt have to be at the same company as Robert Scoble00:52
MarkDudeLP  sucks00:53
MarkDudeScoble is just fine00:53
* MarkDude hopes to work with that nice douchbag at some point00:53
MarkDudeSry mr D=bag Scoble00:54
MarkDudeThey hire asshats that are attention whores00:54
MarkDudeSounds like it was made for ME00:54
MarkDude can i be called the Terrblizer?01:57
c_smithand I'm back, using 32-bit now.02:02
c_smithpeople is idling..... well, time to do this.02:41
* c_smith leaves02:41
* bkerensa goes to install a module to apache on a CentOS server15:15
=== dshufelt is now known as dsmitty
=== Travis is now known as Guest70578
=== Travis is now known as Guest47991
Guest47991nick TRAVISg22:57
=== Guest47991 is now known as TRAVISg

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