
dLimitMaaz, coffee on00:34
* Maaz puts the kettle on00:34
MaazCoffee's ready for dLimit!00:38
dLimitMaaz, Thanks00:40
MaazdLimit: Sure00:40
dLimitI needed that00:40
plustwogood morning all06:25
Kilosmorning everyone06:57
KilosMaaz, coffee on07:06
* Maaz flips the salt-timer07:06
KilosMaaz, hurry07:10
MaazHey! Kilos Patience is a virtue, 07:10
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!07:10
Kilosoh my07:11
KilosMaaz, thanks man07:11
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)07:11
Kilosno bunch bot07:11
Kilosbad lag again today07:20
nuvolario/ mornings07:33
nuvolarilo oom Kilos 07:33
=== nlsthzn_ is now known as nlsthzn_work
Wolfeyesgood day all14:51
sakhigood day Wolfeyes 14:55
WolfeyesHow you doing sakhi ?15:05
WolfeyesSorry someone distracted me here15:06
Kilosevening all16:04
dLimitgreets Kilos 16:05
Kilosah we reached dLimit 16:06
Kiloshow you16:06
dLimitI'm good thanks Kilos and yourself?16:09
Kilosgood ty16:09
dLimitWhats new?16:09
Kilosdunno been very quiet and i been sleeping mosta the day16:10
Kilosand by you16:10
dLimitKeepin meself busy with metube16:18
=== locobot_2_2 is now known as locobot_2
Kiloshi nlsthzn 16:31
Kiloswhats metube16:31
nlsthznhi Kilos 16:31
Kilosa personal kinda youtube16:31
Kiloslo MPD 16:52
magespawnhowdy all17:02
magespawnKilos you there?17:06
magespawnMaaz tell Kilos I got the Mythbuntu working. Look like the sound on the other motherboard in broken.17:09
Maazmagespawn: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode17:09
Kiloshiya Waceman 17:16
MaazKilos: By the way, magespawn on freenode told me "tell Kilos I got the Mythbuntu working. Look like the sound on the other motherboard in broken." 6 minutes and 12 seconds ago17:16
Kilossorry went to eat17:16
Kiloshiya mag17:16
Wacemanhey Kilos17:19
Kiloshows things Waceman 17:20
Kilosgonna be lonely here with superfly in the states on holiday17:24
Kiloshey plustwo long time no see17:24
KilosMaaz, coffee on17:25
* Maaz starts grinding coffee17:25
Wacemanthings are ok thanks Kilos, and yourself?17:26
Kilosgood ty Waceman 17:26
WacemanI gave that PC away ... was my PC for about 10 years... was quite sad17:26
Kilosaw, like losing a friend hey?17:27
Wacemanyeah, like losing a pet17:28
Kiloslooks like 11.04 and up are gonna need good graphics cards17:28
Wacemanya, I'm on 11.04.. but still using classic interface... didn't enjoy unity17:28
Kilosinstalled on a spare drive and it went to classic but graphics was poor17:28
Wacemanannoying hey17:29
Wacemanand I'm on lowest effects... turn them on, and it chugs17:29
Kiloseven the card games looked yucky17:29
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!17:29
KilosMaaz, ty17:29
MaazEnjoy Kilos17:29
Kilosi tried turning on those effects once and crashed the desktop17:30
Kilosso now i leave everything on default17:30
Wacemanthink I'll have some coffee Maaz17:31
Kiloswill look if 11.10 is a bit more old graphics friendly some tome17:31
Kilosyou gotta use his name first17:32
Kilosand the request is   maaz cooffee please17:32
WacemanMaaz coffee now!17:32
MaazWaceman: *blink*17:32
Kiloshi nuvolari 17:33
Kiloshe cheeky this bot of ours17:33
nuvolario/ howdy17:34
nuvolarinaand oom17:34
nuvolarilo Waceman 17:34
Wacemanlo nuvolari17:34
Wacemanso what can this bot do?17:34
Kilosweather in most places17:35
nuvolariremember factoids17:35
Kilosand does metings minutes17:35
nuvolarithat and there was something in the meeting the other night17:36
nuvolaribut I can't remember what that was17:36
nuvolaribut also part of making a list I think17:36
Kilosand googles first four most relevant sites17:36
KilosMaaz, weather in durban south africa17:36
MaazKilos: In La Mercy, South Africa at 7:00 PM SAST on November 01, 2011: 18°C; Humidity: 68%; Wind: South at 11 km/h; Conditions: Overcast; Sunrise/set: 5:01 AM SAST/6:17 PM SAST; Moonrise/set: 10:05 AM SAST/11:57 PM SAST17:36
KilosMaaz, help17:37
MaazKilos: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.17:37
MaazAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.17:37
nuvolariMaaz: draw!17:37
Maaznuvolari: You may only draw a weapon on the field of honour17:37
nuvolariMaaz: help with draw17:37
Maaznuvolari: I'm afraid I don't know what you are asking about. Ask "what can you do" to browse my features.17:37
nuvolariMaaz: what can you do?17:38
Maaznuvolari: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.17:38
MaazAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.17:38
nuvolariWaceman: ^^17:38
Wacemanoh wow17:39
WacemanMaaz help me with decisions17:39
MaazWaceman: I use the following features for decisions: choose and poll17:39
MaazAsk me "how do I use ..." for more details.17:39
WacemanMaaz: how do I choose17:40
MaazWaceman: Choose one of the given options. You can use it like this:17:40
Maaz  choose <choice> or <choice>...17:40
WacemanMaaz: choose blonde or brunette17:40
MaazWaceman: I choose brunette17:40
WacemanMaaz: choose iPhone4 or Samsung Galaxy S II17:40
MaazWaceman: I choose iPhone417:40
KilosMaaz, how do i do software developement17:41
MaazKilos: I'm afraid I don't know what you are asking about. Ask "what can you do" to browse my features.17:41
WacemanMaaz: help me with browsing the internet17:41
MaazWaceman: I use the following features for browsing the internet: bash, bible, feeds, fml, google, imdb, lastfm, lotto, microblog, mlia, oeis, rfc, tfln, tinyurl, translate, tvshow, weather and youtube17:41
MaazAsk me "how do I use ..." for more details.17:41
Wacemanhow do I use youtube17:41
WacemanMaaz: how do I use youtube17:41
MaazWaceman: Determine the title and a download URL for a Youtube Video. You can use it like this:17:41
Maaz  <Youtube URL>17:41
Wacemananyone know the URL for justin bieber? ;)17:42
Kiloscool bot hey Waceman 17:42
Wacemanvery cool17:42
Wacemankbmonkey left a message for me once with Maaz... so I started to talk to Maaz... when I found out he was a bot I laughed!17:43
nuvolarisomething is wrong with Maaz 17:45
nuvolariMaaz: choose iOS or Android17:45
Maaznuvolari: I choose Android17:45
nuvolariok, no maaz is fine :P17:45
WacemanMaaz: choose Windows 7 or Ubuntu 11.1017:46
MaazWaceman: I choose Ubuntu 11.1017:46
Wacemanno, Maaz is fine17:46
nuvolariMaaz: choose ham && cheese17:47
Maaznuvolari: I choose ham && cheese17:47
nuvolarioh wait17:47
nuvolarinot much of a choice I guess17:47
nuvolariMaaz: choose ham and cheese || cheese and tomato17:47
Maaznuvolari: I choose ham and cheese || cheese and tomato17:47
nuvolariMaaz: choose OR Tambo 17:48
Maaznuvolari: I choose OR Tambo17:48
nuvolariok, I'm stopping17:48
WacemanMaaz: choose nuvolari should stop or nuvolari should not stop17:49
MaazWaceman: I choose nuvolari should stop17:49
WacemanMaaz: weather hotazel south africa17:51
MaazWaceman: City not found17:51
WacemanMaaz: weather in poffadder south africa17:52
MaazWaceman: City not found17:52
Wacemancommon Maaz!17:52
WacemanMaaz: weather in antartic17:53
MaazWaceman: City not found17:53
Wacemanpoor spelling - I'll stop too17:53
Kiloseish Maaz got killed here17:58
KilosMaaz, hi17:59
* Maaz waves to Kilos17:59
Kilosmust find this guy and punch him18:02
KilosDisconnected (Remote host closed socket).18:02
Kilosdunno what his surname is but he got a funny name18:02
Kilosmr. remote18:02
Kilosmethinks i be back tomorrow. sleep tight guys18:04
nuvolariMaaz: tell Waceman about google18:08
Maaznuvolari: Okay, I'll tell Waceman on freenode18:08
inetprogood evening18:18
inetprohmm... what's wrong with Kilos this evening?18:18
nuvolarihallo inetpro 18:24
nuvolarinot sure, think he's having signal problems :-/18:24
Tonberrydoes oneiric have some fancy gateway finding network hack?20:53
Tonberrybecause i have two friend suffering from it trying to use the wrong gateway20:54
tumbleweedthey are using network-manager20:54
Tonberryim not certain20:55
Tonberrybut the routing that packet macs are addressed to is not in the routing table20:55
tumbleweedgateway addresses are IP addresses, not MAC addresses20:55
Tonberryyes ons using network manager20:56
Tonberry[22:21] <Merlin> Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface20:56
Tonberry[22:21] <Merlin> default         UG    0      0        0 eth120:56
Tonberryis the default route20:56
tumbleweedis that right?20:56
Tonberrythe mac belongs to
Tonberryone router higher in the chain20:57
Tonberrybut one this pc should not be aware of20:57
tumbleweedtime to break out tcpdump and find out where that's coming from20:57
Tonberry192.168.88.1 does NATting and packets directly sent to are just dropped20:57
tumbleweedyou sure you aren't accidentally bridging on that router?20:58
Tonberrythe setup is slightly silly imho20:58
tumbleweedmost network setups aare :/20:58
Tonberrythe interface is simultaneously on the 192.168 network and the 10.20.78 network20:58
tumbleweedthat would be problematic20:59
Tonberrybut the only default gateway setting is set to
Tonberrybut for some reason for some destination addresses the packets are sent directly to
Tonberrybut still with the 192.168 source address21:00
tumbleweedthe only functional change I know of in oneiric was the addition of ipv621:00
Tonberryits an ipv4 only network so i doubt that should have much of an effect21:01
tumbleweedare the right mac addresses in the arp table?21:01
Tonberry[22:23] <Merlin>             ether   00:0c:42:70:0d:6d   C                     eth121:02
Tonberry[22:23] <Merlin>               ether   00:15:6d:64:87:85   C                     eth121:02
tumbleweedbut you see packets to the outside world going to 00:15:6d:64:87:85 ?21:02
tumbleweednafc :/21:02
Tonberrybut only to hosts that seem to be used a lot21:02
Tonberryand only until a restart21:03
Tonberrythen it works for a while21:03
tumbleweedbut it's not intermittent?21:03
cocooncrashTonberry: Is the ARP table sensible?21:03
Tonberryonce it starts doing it for a specific dst address it does not stop until a restart21:04
cocooncrash(arp -n)21:04
Tonberryas far as we can tell21:04
cocooncrashOh right, you pasted that21:04
cocooncrashTonberry: What does the entire routing table look like?21:07
cocooncrash(ip route)21:07
cocooncrashPerhaps is the gateway for certain ranges.21:07
Tonberry[23:07] <Merlin> jpmeijers@Katryn:~$ ip route21:08
Tonberry[23:07] <Merlin> default via dev eth1  proto static 21:08
Tonberry[23:07] <Merlin> dev eth1  proto kernel  scope link  src  metric 1 21:08
Tonberry[23:07] <Merlin> dev eth1  scope link  metric 1000 21:08
Tonberry[23:07] <Merlin> dev eth1  proto kernel  scope link  src 21:08
cocooncrashTonberry: And you're testing to a public IP address?21:10
cocooncrashi.e. not in 10/8, 192.168/16, etc.21:10
Tonberryis the favourite test target at the moment21:11
cocooncrashTonberry: ip route get
Kerbero|2ok now there is something wrong21:11
Kerbero|2to i get the correct route21:12
Kerbero|2but to fw.sun.ac.za/ it is the wrong gateway21:12
cocooncrashHrm, maybe you're getting ICMP redirects from the first gateway21:12
Tonberry[23:11] <Merlin> jpmeijers@Katryn:~$ ip route get
Tonberry[23:11] <Merlin> via dev eth1  src 21:13
Tonberry[23:11] <Merlin>     cache  ipid 0x9230 rtt 24ms rttvar 13ms cwnd 1021:13
Tonberry[23:11] <Merlin> jpmeijers@Katryn:~$ ip route get
Tonberry[23:11] <Merlin> via dev eth1  src 21:13
Tonberry[23:11] <Merlin>     cache <redirected>  ipid 0x69f5 rtt 220ms rttvar 253ms cwnd 1021:13
cocooncrashWhoa, that's interesting21:13
Kerbero|2did tonberry already say i'm only getting this since i'm using 11.1021:14
Kerbero|2me and a friend both have the same issue21:14
cocooncrashCould still be ICMP redirects, hang on21:15
cocooncrashKerbero|2: cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth1/accept_redirects21:16
cocooncrashOn my natty system it defaults to 121:16
cocooncrashKerbero|2: Okay, try disabling that21:16
cocooncrashecho 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth1/accept_redirects21:16
Kerbero|2will have a look on a 10.04 system quickly21:17
cocooncrashI suspect that that changed recently21:17
cocooncrashBecause I'm sure it defaulted to 0 before21:17
Kerbero|21 on my 10.04 system too21:17
cocooncrashOh, bleh21:17
cocooncrashMight be worth a shot still though21:18
Kerbero|2will try yes21:18
cocooncrashKerbero|2: To make it happen at boot up, add it to /etc/sysctl.conf21:19
cocooncrashnet.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 021:19
Kerbero|2guess i'll need to reset the connection now21:19
Kerbero|2or is there a way to clear the redirects21:20
Tonberryroute delete maybe?21:20
Kerbero|2sudo ip route del ...21:21
Kerbero|2no such process21:21
Kerbero|2ip route get is stille stuck on <redirected>21:24
Kerbero|2...and is doing it again21:27
Kerbero|2the ip route get entry cahched from21:28
Kerbero|2cache ipid 0x9230 rtt 24ms rttvar 13ms cwnd 1021:28
Kerbero|2cache <redirected> ipid 0x9230 rtt 24ms rttvar 13ms cwnd 1021:29
Kerbero|2and via the wrong gateway21:29
Kerbero|2so something must be doing the redirects21:29
Kerbero|2even though i changed that parameter to 021:29
cocooncrashKerbero|2: ip route flush cache21:30
Kerbero|2already tried that too :P21:30
Kerbero|2will do it again21:30
cocooncrashKerbero|2: You changed accept_redirects on the client, not the gateway, right?21:30
cocooncrashTry setting /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_redirects to 0 as well21:31
Kerbero|2cocooncrash: do you know at what stage the redirect will be sent to me21:32
cocooncrashKerbero|2: After the first packet21:32
cocooncrashKerbero|2: Set secure_redirects to 0 as well21:33
Kerbero|2so i should be able to capture them with tcpdump21:33
cocooncrashYes, you should see it being sent by the gateway to the client21:34
cocooncrashKerbero|2: ping should also display it for you21:34
Kerbero|2university IT departments like to block pings21:34
cocooncrash64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=7.99 ms21:35
cocooncrashFrom icmp_seq=2 Redirect Host(New nexthop:
Kerbero|2i have seen those before21:36
Kerbero|2but not on my network21:36
* Kerbero|2 running: tcpdump proto icmp-redirect21:39
Kerbero|2hopefully that is correct and will show something21:39
cocooncrashKerbero|2: Not sure that that'll do what you want21:41
cocooncrashI'd just use 'tcpdump icmp'21:41
Kerbero|2o ok21:46
Kerbero|2thanx for the help21:46
Kerbero|2not seeing any redirect packets yet21:47
Kerbero|2cocooncrash: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1141660923:38

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