
reisioMajere_Draven: http://askubuntu.com/questions/2792/how-do-i-get-multiple-workspaces-in-unity00:00
Stereocaulon!ot| _rep_00:00
ubottu_rep_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:00
qinStereocaulon: That it is pusleaudio issue, btw, do pulse see wine alsa plugin?00:00
jellowI do not have sound when I install pulse audio , How can I enable sound + pulse audio00:00
Majere_DravenI love Reisio00:00
reisiohe's okay00:01
kamiccoloLauratika, very sorry :S00:01
kamiccolojxshxx, have You added DNS servers to Connection Properties? Are You sure, that those DNS servers are not down? Have You tried pinging  (google) or other ip?00:01
Stereocaulonqin, I'm not sure how to check that, in winecf I see winealsa.drv as loaded driver if you mean that.00:01
lauratikaanybody eles?00:01
qin_rep_: man zip, man rar00:02
IbisWhat does chroot command does exactly in Ubuntu? Does it actually "switch" operating system installed to a certain directory?00:02
lloydTrying to get multimedia working on 10.04  One issue is that FF tells me "00:02
lloydMicrosoft Media Server (MMS) protocol source"00:02
reisioIbis: nope00:02
reisioIbis: man chroot knows, though00:02
dddbmt_Hi guys. I just updated my Chromium browser as on http://www.ubuntu-corner.com/2011/06/chromium-12-available-in-stable-ppa/ and now it wont start. Any great ideas?00:03
qinStereocaulon: more: pacmd list-sink-inputs00:03
lloydAnd so http://viewers.multicastmedia.com/asx_files/EWTN_Channel55_English_DomesticEnglish_100k.asx  just leaves me with black screen.00:03
reisiodddbmt_: use something that's in the repos instead?00:03
sasorihi, is it possible to downgrade 11.10 -> 11.04 ?00:03
mkultraprobably not00:04
sasoriis it a delicate process ?00:04
orplol for what ?00:04
reisiosasori: it'll probably take you more time than backing up and doing a fresh install is all00:04
sasorime wants ubuntu SE, it's not compatible with ubuntu 11.10 T_T00:04
lloydSo how do I get FF to play .asx video streams?00:04
reisiosasori: what's ubuntu se?00:04
reisiolloyd: install gecko-mediaplayer00:04
sasorisatanic edition XD00:04
lloydreisio: tnx00:04
reisiosasori: isn't that a whole separate distro?00:04
dddbmt_reisio, I was trying to install V12 for CSS purposes. Is that possible from repos?00:05
sasoriaccording to their site, it can be installed over an existing ubuntu..i didn't saw it's not compatible with oneiric :S00:05
mkultrasatan would probably build linux from scratch00:05
mkultrabuild it in a virtual machine sasori00:05
reisiodddbmt_: what's wrong with 14 or 15 that chromium-browser gives?00:05
qinmkultra: Rather bsd00:05
fade_anyone here major in computer science?00:06
reisiosasori: I guess it's mostly a GNOME 2 theme/set, then00:06
mkultra11.10 is gnome 300:06
reisiofade_: #supernerds00:06
mkultragnome 3 trickle down00:06
sasorii dunno i dunno http://www.ubuntusatanic.org/installation.php00:06
Stereocaulonqin, no as far as I can see it does not. I only see a sink for my VBOX process, not wine. care for a pastebin?00:06
jxshxxkamiccolo, I've got 2 other computer running fine, and the one I'm on now is also Lucid.  Where do I look for connection properties?00:06
sasorihttp://www.ubuntusatanic.org/releases.php here's the list of their compatibility00:07
Ibisreisio: At the moment, I'm following this tutorial: http://forum.ovh.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3787         I can't chroot from a 32bit set up to a 64bit set up. (the /ubuntu).        I'm trying t to understand what's going on here.00:07
fade_what server is that channel on00:07
Ibisreisio: I done this before, yea on a real 64bit machine, but I'm working on a virtual machine that supports 54.00:07
dddbmt_reisio, even better - didn't know that is was that high. I suppose that is available? How should I update it as it seems now?00:07
qinStereocaulon: So you know why it is not playing. I am not keen with pulse.00:07
reisioIbis: you still need a 64-bit environment to chroot into a 64-bit environment00:08
kamiccolojxshxx, right click network manager applet -> Edit Connection00:08
reisiodddbmt_: is it even installed?00:08
reisiodddbmt_: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser00:08
Stereocaulonqin, here you are : http://pastebin.com/T1cA0Q8B00:09
jellowWhy would pulse audio break sound ?00:09
mkultrapulse audio is a bitch, thats why00:09
dddbmt_reisio, yes it is.00:09
mkultrapulse audio broke my sound on slackware for the longest time, crackling effects00:10
OerHeksjellow,  after upgrade, all i had to do is remove ~/.pulse and sound was back00:10
Ibisreisio: But it's not offered on the server I'm working on. So I wonder if theres a work around. Like if I can apt-get install some packages to a different directory, as though it's the root directory orsomething (Basically, using apt-get to install for another system that is mounted in a different directory).00:10
Stereocaulonmkultra, Oh, my the crackling. Yes I know that one all too well.00:10
mikodoSo, for my /home, would this be the proper settings: http://imagebin.org/18178600:10
reisioIbis: you can yes00:10
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jxshxxkamiccolo, Got it.  Can you tell me how to add DSN?  Don't see that option, poking around.00:11
StereocaulonOerHeks, did you have any sound outside of wine?, because I do. Everything works, except wine00:11
mkultranothing worse than making a beautiful hand build distribution and pule audio crackling everything up00:11
Ibisreisio: So that's what I'm looking for. If this works out pretty well, I can happy dance and know what to do in the near future and not stand around looking "dumb".00:11
reisiomkultra: you hand built Ubuntu, did you?00:11
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reisioIbis: debootstrap is probably what you want00:12
jellowOerHeks: Will try that thank you.00:12
Simon___Hi, I started a program on over a ssh connection and now i want to close my ssh connection without killin the process. I didn't use nohup when I started it.. is there anway for me to safely move it to the background without it hanging up?00:12
kamiccolojxshxx. Wireless -> Click Your Wireless Network -> Edit -> IPv4Settings -> Add00:12
Stereocaulonreisio, I believe mkultra meant Slackware, not Ubuntu...00:12
mkultrayes slackware pulse audio problems00:13
OerHeksStereocaulon, did you check alsamixer ?00:13
kamiccolojxshxx. no no no, not add. Just write those dns ip's on their input.00:13
mkultraand linux from scratch also00:13
reisioStereocaulon: still begs the question00:13
StereocaulonOerHeks, yes of course, all channels are there and reacting beautifully00:13
dr_willisSimon___:   This is when its a good time to learn to start using screen or byobu by default over ssh.00:13
mkultrayes screens a good idea to learn00:14
dr_willisSimon___:  i think theres a way you can ctrl-z then some how detatch it .. but ive not had to do it in ages...00:14
dr_willis!info byobu00:14
Simon___dr_willis: If I had planned to shut down my connection i would have used nohup..00:14
ubottubyobu (source: byobu): powerful, text based window manager and shell multiplexer. In component main, is optional. Version 4.37-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 74 kB, installed size 700 kB00:14
qinSimon___: if it is 32bit, there is retty, to attack process to tmux or screen, fail rate 50%00:14
dr_willisset up byobu to be the default shell... then it wont be an issue again.00:15
dr_willis!info retty00:15
ubotturetty (source: retty): attach processes running on other terminals. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0-2ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB (Only available for i386)00:15
Simon___i'm ~70% through a process00:15
reisioyou'd use um... dupx or reptyr00:15
dr_willis!info dupx00:15
ubottuPackage dupx does not exist in oneiric00:15
reisioor retty apparently, seem to be so many these days00:15
dr_willisI alwyas have weechat running in a screen session. :) so im always using screen00:16
jellowSimon___: Can't you use fg bg look at man pages ?00:16
reisiodoesn't work that way00:16
dr_willisI think oncve you logout fg/bg would be killed..00:16
Simon___jellow: i think bg will still hangup the process00:16
reisioyou want to bring it back in a screen00:17
Simon___no it can go to the background until it's finished00:17
Simon___would fg, bg, diswon work? i've never used disown..00:18
Stereocaulonqin, I already tried pasuspender, to disable pulse for that session. It did not work, still no audio.00:18
oldschoolhi does anyone know how to install crashplan on ubuntu i just download it the CrashPlan_3.0.3_Linux.tgzand i dont know how to install new to ubuntu00:18
jxshxxkamiccolo, I must be trying to do the wrong thing because I have nothing to write.  I just need to connect to the net.  It says the wireless is there, but Chrome and FF disagree ...00:19
reisioyou'd lose the output, though00:19
reisiooldschool: there're probably instructions inside the tarball00:19
kamiccolojxshxx, does it ping ?00:20
qinStereocaulon: I do not know, onestly, my adice isto run wine in plain x (with or withuot pulseaudio running), form time to time to can spot sinks blocking each other, but again, i do not cope with pulseaudio, it is magic to me.00:20
reisiofade_: why do you ask00:21
Stereocaulonqin, black magic that does not work properly in wine...00:21
jxshxxkamiccolo, 5 packets transmitted and received00:21
fade_trying to get advice from someone with a cs degree00:21
vadi2Are there any workarounds to the software centre taking 2mins to start and eating all CPU resources while doing so?00:22
pnormanSo, I've confirmed it - the partitioner on the ubuntu 11.10 server installer is hanging at 70%00:22
kamiccolojxshxx, so i think, that there are no DNS servers set.00:22
jxshxxkamiccolo, I've put Lucid on several computers and never had to do anything manually.  Where to start?00:24
oldschoolwould crashplan run with wine?00:25
reisiooldschool: if there's a win32 version, maybe, yeah00:25
reisiooldschool: but if you have a .tgz, that'd probably be better00:26
ghostnik11hi i am trying to tell k3b a path where to look for  burning info in its gui in setting up permission options, but everytime i tell it to do it, it forgets the path00:26
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reisiooldschool: this is a backup system?00:26
reisiooldschool: honestly... just use something in the repos00:26
oldschoolyes for backup00:27
reisiosickfreeman: hiyo00:27
ghostnik11i also get this error since i tried to run it with root privileges: k3b(8859)/kdeui (kdelibs): Attempt to use QAction "location_bar" with KXMLGUIFactory!00:27
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kamiccolojxshxx, try these google public dns servers: and
pnormanDoes anyone know where the hashes for the ubuntu server download .isos are? I want to verify that this has correctly downloaded00:28
Guest11554Question - I have two admin users on my Ubuntu box. User, and HTPC. When I'm in User and I try to unlock a system setting that requires root, "HTPC" shows up in the override box, NOT User. Why?00:28
sickfreemanhi reisio00:28
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:29
scribus12 whooa. just learned that ACER removes windows and gives you 60-65$ refund for IT if you use Linux. IMHo- more people should know about tis.00:29
reisiopnorman: http://mirror.yellowfiber.net/ubuntu/oneiric/SHA1SUMS00:29
pnormanreisio: Thanks.00:29
pnormandr_willis: The page linked doesn't have 11.10 hashes00:29
dr_willisthe md5 files are also at the ftp/download server i recall00:30
ubottuA good guide for setting up Palm devices is at http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/PalmOS-HOWTO.html#PC-CONNECT-USB00:30
jxshxxkamiccolo, So I haven't done ANYTHING as far as I know, but suddenly it's working ....00:30
reisiopnorman: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors FFR00:30
reisiothe checksum files are kept in the same dirs as the ISO images00:30
kamiccolojxshxx, he he :) maybe Your default DNS servers there just down...00:32
roastedQuestion - I have two admin users on my system. Let's say it's Bob, and Fred. I'm logged in as Bob, but when I need to run as sudo, the dialog box that comes up has Fred's name in it. Why is it not Bob, who's currently logged in?00:32
kamiccolojxshxx, or some kind of magic button... :)00:32
reisioroasted: what's the actual command you run?00:32
gskellig64bit 11.10, flash player is not working on any browser, using the install file from http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/completion/?installer=Flash_Player_11_for_Ubuntu_(apt)00:32
roastedreisio, I'm not running a command. I'm trying the "unlock" setting in system settings.00:33
reisiogskellig: if you're getting it from adobe.com you're already doing it wrong00:33
roastedreisio, in particular I was in to add a new user, so I hit unlock to override and I noticed the wrong name.00:33
gskelligwhere should i be getting it from00:33
reisioroasted: it's probably whatever one you used during instlal00:33
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash00:34
dr_willisFlash installer in the repos. i belive.00:34
Tech-1Haing a hard time w/flash...it plays but wont fast forward or reverse the video portion....what exactly has to be installed and uninstalled for this to work properly ?  ubuntu 10.1000:34
dr_willisI alwyas check enable 3rd party/restricted/updates  during install. :)00:34
roastedreisio, negative. However, the 2nd user I think claimed the 1st user spot, because I have deleted the user that once resided in spot 1.00:34
roastedreisio, if tha tmakes sense?00:34
Stereocaulonqin, thank you for putting me on the right track. It seems that in my current config, pulseaudio won't make a pulseaudio sink.00:34
reisioroasted: seems likely enough00:34
roastedreisio, User1 was created during install. User2 created after. I deleted User1 while logged in as User 2. Then, I created User3. When I'm in as User3, it doesn't come up as User3 to override - it comes up as User2.00:35
reisioI suppose this is what happens when you destroy the root paradigm00:35
* Tech-1 looks00:35
jdreadpeople living off free software only get to outspace by abusing dust in the GPU (LTS) :00:35
reisionormally you don't have an admin, you have root00:35
Ibisreisio: I've already used debootstrap command to set up a 64bit ubuntu into a MOUNTED directory (Specifically: /ubuntu),      but I do not know what to do about installing packages for: /ubuntu00:36
dr_willisI dont see what you gain by removing the first user really. :)00:36
roastedreisio, how did I destroy the "root paradigm"??00:36
djjonex_how i can change my external ip00:36
reisioroasted: you didn't, Ubuntu did :p00:36
roastedreisio, oh??00:37
dr_willisdjjonex_:  depends on how you are connecting i imagine. the networkmnager has static ip settings00:37
jobalcaen2can anyone help me setup a fixed ip on a wireless interface?00:37
reisionormally there are normal users and root, and if you want to to admin-y things you become root00:37
ghostnik11how can you give a file permission like: 0755 root.root00:37
reisioghostnik11: chmod, chown00:37
jribreisio: this is not the ubuntu way00:37
dr_willis!permissions | ghostnik1100:37
ubottughostnik11: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions00:37
jxshxxkamiccolo, Let's just say it was all you!  Thanks for your input :)00:37
reisiojrib: I just got done saying that00:37
jribreisio: if you address your statements, it will be less confusing00:38
reisiojrib: but I do00:38
krakenhow can i work with wine -prefix [ looking for a wiki maybe ]00:38
Tech-1Flash IS installed...it still will NOT allow forwarding or reversing of video portion of video...whats wrong ??00:38
reisiokraken: what is it you want to accomplish?00:39
jribroasted: how did you create and destroy users?00:39
reisioTech-1: not all SWF players do that00:39
Tech-1its youtube00:39
Tech-1normal flash file00:39
Tech-1so, back to my question00:39
dr_willisyoutube does support HTML5 for a lot of its videos now...00:39
roastedjrib, through the user accounts system setting00:39
Ibisdjjonex_: Reset your router so it can then be assigned a new IP perhaps? (Are you running a remote server, or is this a desktop computer in your home?)00:39
reisioand by HTML5 he means WebM00:40
jribroasted: does sudo work in a terminal00:40
jobalcaen2is anyone here using a fixed ip on a wireless interface, on ubuntu server?00:40
roastedjrib, et me check...00:40
Tech-1Does ubuntu use beta adobe ?, or is it the stable version00:41
Ibis!ask | jobalcaen200:41
ubottujobalcaen2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:41
krakenreisio: i want to use wine with -prefix and i dont know how nothingelse dudue00:41
DespairSo my Ubuntu 10.10 system all of the sudden stopped booting, throwing up a lot of numbers and ending with "plymouth splash terminating main process with status 1"00:41
reisiokraken: why do you want to use wine with "-prefix"00:41
DespairI tried here once before and a fellow gave me a tip that didnt work00:42
jobalcaen2Can someone look at my interfaces configuration? Its quite big and I dont want to spam the room00:42
krakenreisio: just to use different wine nothingelse00:42
Ibisjobalcaen2: Pastebin.com it00:42
_r00t_jobalcaen2: sure pastbin it00:42
_r00t_you could futurebin it too00:42
AleXstX#backtrack-linux irc room down?00:42
AleXstX#backtrack-linux irc room down?00:42
reisiokraken: WINEPREFIX=path/to/wherever wine foo00:43
dsnydersHi all.  I fixed my visor problem.  Turns out the cradle was connected to a USB hub, but the hub wasn't plugged into the PC.00:43
_r00t_AleXstX: yep them could script kiddie hacked :)00:43
qinAleXstX: No.00:43
AleXstXlol really?00:43
krakenreisio: tnx00:43
_r00t_AleXstX: LOLsz00:43
AleXstXactually im not able to join it...00:44
IbisAleXstX: You might be banned from the room then.00:44
qin!ircroot | AleXstX00:44
qin!register | AleXstX00:44
ubottuAleXstX: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode00:44
roastedjrib, yes, it does.00:45
roastedjrib, its just the GUI brings up the wrong username00:45
AleXstXno way i naver even joined it from this netbook00:45
jribroasted: what does /etc/passwd look like?  Has this persisted after reboot?00:45
* _r00t_ used to have a nick on undernet ... Does that even still exist ? :)00:45
jribroasted: and does the gui accept a password (which one?) and let you still unlock the settings?00:45
roastedjrib, it only lets me unlock via GUI if I use the other users password.00:46
jribroasted: interesting00:46
roastedjrib, this must be a gnome shell thing00:46
jribroasted: pastebin /etc/group too00:46
roastedjrib, in unity, I have a drop down box of available users00:46
roastedjrib, but in gnome shell, it has the user populated and I cannot change it00:46
Tech-1Despair-  from looking around 'Cntrl-Alt-F5 and logged in and "startx"00:47
jribroasted: how does running « gksu gedit » and « gksudo gedit » compare?00:47
AleXstXwait a sec, on bt wiki is stated that @root is banned from channel immidiately, im root now...lol00:47
DespairTech-1:  from looking around?00:48
dr_willisAleXstX:  one of the many reasons we dont really reccomend  Backtrack i think.,..00:48
roastedjrib, looks the same00:48
Tech-1ya:  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1416872-p-3.html00:48
jribroasted: in both cases?00:48
roasted jrib gedit opens in both cases. *shrug*00:48
jobalcaen2how do I copy text that spans more than one page? I'm ssh'd into my ubuntu server00:48
jribroasted: and both show username incorrectly?00:49
jobalcaen2I want to copy and pastebin it00:49
dr_willisjobalcaen2:  theres the pastebinit command you could try to use.. somehow00:49
dr_williscommand | pastebinit00:49
qinjobalcaen2: file or command | pastebinit (have to be installed)00:49
AleXstXgreat pentesting capabillities..00:49
jdreadmy pentesting involves a fork in a socket00:50
reisiojobalcaen2: text from what?00:50
dr_willismy Pens normally work fine.. or i get a new  one. :)00:50
dr_willisjdread:  and thats related to ubuntu support how exactly?00:50
jobalcaen2jo@ubuntuserver:/etc/network$ interfaces | pastebinit00:51
jobalcaen2interfaces: command not found00:51
jobalcaen2You are trying to send an empty document, exiting.00:51
qinjobalcaen2: cat ...00:51
DespairTech-1:  I'm trying to wade through this...I really have absolutely no idea what Im doing00:51
AleXstXok, im sorry for off...00:51
dr_williscommand thatmakesoutput | pastebinit :)00:52
jdreaddid u know that the gnu "dir" command on ubuntu doesn't show u file sizes? NOW thats crazy00:52
Tech-1trust me, i'm no expert either.00:52
_r00t_jobalcaen2: cat interfaces |  pastebinit00:52
dr_willisjdread:  the dir command as far as i know was an alias to ls.00:52
jdreadtry it urself ... open a terminal and typ dir00:52
dr_willisbut i guess thats changeable..00:52
jdreadubuntu doesnt want you to see file sizes00:52
dr_willis$ alias dir00:52
dr_willisalias dir='dir --color=auto'00:52
_r00t_ps thanks for the  pastebinit heads up .... very neat00:52
dr_willisjdread:  most people should be using ls.. not dir00:52
jribjdread: do you have a support question related to ubuntu?00:53
krakenreisio: can u suggest me something written for wineprifx ?00:53
jdreadgo to hell00:53
_r00t_alias tailall00:53
_r00t_alias tailall='find /var/log/ -type f | egrep -v "gz|kernel" | xargs tail -f'00:53
dr_willistheres 'vdir' also.. if you really want dir..00:53
jobalcaen2does this configuration for a static ip on wireless interface look correct? http://paste.ubuntu.com/724827/00:53
reisiokraken: what?00:53
zykotick9jdretry "dir -lh"00:54
qinAleXstX: For love sake! adduser ircuser; su ircuser; irssi;00:54
jobalcaen2I'm using ubuntu server...I can connect to the network perfectly fine if I use dhcp...but with static I lose ssh and and cant ping any sites00:54
dr_willisjobalcaen2:  sounds like the default gateway, or dns server settings are incorrect00:55
qin!rootirc | AleXstX00:55
ubottuAleXstX: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.00:55
zykotick9jobalcaen2, check /etc/resolv.conf (both while using DHCP an not)00:55
_r00t_jobalcaen2: ifconfig -a | pastebinit00:55
bekksWhat can I do about this error on 11.04?: http://nopaste.info/49305e269e.html00:58
zykotick9jobalcaen2, it wasn't an invite to PM, keep your issue here please00:58
jobalcaen2how do I chat at someone, without pming?00:58
dr_willisbekks:  at least give a little summary of the core of the problem.00:58
qinjobalcaen2: likewise00:59
dr_willis!tab | jobalcaen200:59
ubottujobalcaen2: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:59
syomahello, I've problem with vino and ati driver in dual head mode ...00:59
bekksI'm having issues running aptitude upgrade, which errors out about /usr/lib/xorg/extra-modules is already managed by x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf.01:00
syomaI can not conenct to "remote dekstop" (vino) of another display01:00
syomain ubuntu 10.0401:00
reisiosyoma: how are you trying01:01
KlojumAny error messages, syoma ?01:01
Pilif12pi found a typo in GNOME/Ubuntu01:05
Pilif12p"114,026 items, totalling 13.2 GB"01:05
mikodoHi, is this correct for /home  (755 root:root):  http://paste.ubuntu.com/724837/01:06
SupaYoshiHi, I made my startup delay 0 seconds, at grub menu tried some guides on the internet using the live cd01:06
bekksmikodo: Yes.01:06
SupaYoshihow to get it back without reinstalling?01:06
mikodobekks, Thank you :)01:06
bekksmikodo: /home should be owned by root, while /home/user should be owned by user.01:07
mikodobekks, I check my /home/user too01:07
_r00t_SupaYoshi: keep hitting tab or esc whilst you're booting up ... you'll get into the menu01:08
SupaYoshireally? Oh ok01:09
mikodobekks, should /home/user be 77701:09
SupaYoshi:D lemme try01:09
bekksmikodo: In ubuntu, thats default. Personally, disregarding the ubuntu way of life, I am setting /home/user to 0750.01:09
sasoriis it possible to triple boot a machine? ..like e.g win7,ubuntu 11.10, ubuntu 11.04 ?01:09
bekkssasori: Sure.01:09
mikodobekks, thanks01:10
fictivecan anyone help me determine which gpu is actually running under ubuntu on my laptop? I'm having problems with battery consumption in ubuntu vs windows01:10
bekksmikodo: Caution: DONT set it like that if you dont now what you are doing there and what it implies _exactly_.01:10
SupaYoshir00t: not working01:10
dsnyderssasori, absolutely.  You just add another entry in grub.01:11
sasorihmmn ok thanks01:11
IbisIs there a way to apt-get install packages for ANOTHER filesystem?         You would have a system normally installed in: /,       But to install FOR /anothersystemDirectory      <--- Where that is actually a mounted harddrive.01:11
SupaYoshii made it 0 with startupmanager...01:11
qinbekks: Default is 755 for /home/user01:11
FrankJamesois there anyone here that has experience doing a raid setup with ubuntu/01:11
bekksqin: ack.01:11
mikodobekks, Then being a noob, maybe best to stay with the Ubuntu default for /home/user, yes?01:11
FrankJamesoand is it possible to use hardware controllers for it with linux, or only software?01:11
xangua!anyone | FrankJameso01:11
ubottuFrankJameso: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.01:11
bekksmikodo: Yes.01:11
TheHackOpsHey guys if anyone is on from last night i fixed my sound problem when i updated to 10.10 im happy larry now01:12
mikodobekks, :)01:12
dsnydersFrankJameso, I think you're going to get more info from Google than you will here, unless you have specific issues.  But as a quick answer, yes, ubuntu can run both hardware and software RAID01:14
syomareisio, Klojum , vino service only listed on localhost..01:14
FrankJamesothanks d01:14
theborgerhey guys question. just installed 10.04 on a dual Opteron. and cpu usage is high on one. low on other, and they keep switching.01:14
IbisTheHackOps: Can you post exactly how you did that?01:14
IbisIT may help someone with your problem.01:14
TheHackOpsIbis, Fixed my sound?01:14
IbisYea that problem.01:15
TheHackOpsIbis, Sure01:15
IbisAnd it wasn't me who assisted you. xD01:15
theborgerxorg is using a crap load of cpu01:15
TheHackOpsNo BluesKaj helped me01:15
syomaKlojum and x11vnc when I connect on display 1, x11vnc only show me an dekstop of display 1 but the remote display is display 001:15
yigalis there an error here or am I color blind http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_at_2011-10-31_20_10_19-uVHM7j3S.png01:15
yigalI chose pink01:16
rumpe1yigal, looks green to me01:16
yigaldarn I'm color blind01:16
TheHackOpsIbis, Basicly i reinstalled alsa-base and pulseaudio and the indicator applet  i forget the package then i upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 and then i had sound01:17
IbisLol @ lapdance.01:17
yigalrumpe1: I like this application I don't know why it randomly fails01:17
theborgeranyone? 32percent cpu usage for Xorg?01:17
yigaltheborger: are you playing games, what is your graphics card?01:18
TheHackOpsNo your not color blind i would have said red01:18
theborgeryigal fresh install. noting running but gnome01:18
yigalTheHackOps: red is a real dark red01:18
yigaltheborger: which games?01:19
TheHackOpstheborger, I would have said red also i had AC II running fine on my old install01:19
rumpe1yigal, maybe check the RGB-Values with gimp?01:19
yigalrumpe1: I dig that01:19
TheHackOpsyigal, No its not the word "red" is yellow01:19
theborgeryigal: ati rageXL01:19
theborgeryigal, i am not playing games01:19
theborgeronced again, fresh install, as i just installed it now01:19
yigaltheborger: ah, no it sounds then that you aren't using the right driver01:20
yigaltheborger: probably vesa01:20
delacit seems "Ubuntu One -> Hide Ribbon" doesn't have any effect. Is there a workaround?01:20
tgelter_laptophello: according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro6-2/Oneiric there is a separate install CD for mactel computers, can anyone point me to the download? I can't find it.01:21
Gopher``okay, so installing 11 on a netbook, over external dvd drive connection(USB), and my netbook doesn't have a startup session where i can choose to boot from CD..rebooting with cd in drive doesn't show ubuntu on startup..01:21
theborgerhow do i get to run level 3?01:21
theborgerdoes init 3 work in term?01:22
yigaltheborger: sounds like safety mode safe mode, eg the second boot option01:23
theborgeryigal: how do you get out of x?01:23
theborgerjust to a terminal window?01:24
AleXstXok i cant join backtrack-linux room, can someone help me, i installed bt 5r1 x86 a few minutes ago so i want to install ati drivers(btw my card is hd5870), the problem is, last time i tried to install them, system was so slow after installation so i needed to reinstall...what should i do now...sory for offtopic...:)01:24
theborgerno xorg runnig01:24
mikodobekks, Might, this still be OK for /home/user:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/724848/01:24
yigaltheborger: alt+ctrl + F101:24
yigaltheborger: in X that is01:24
tgelter_laptopnevermind, found it http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/11.10/release/ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64+mac.iso01:24
zykotick9!runlevels | theborger01:24
ubottutheborger: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.01:24
TheHackOpsI wish skype would push an update for linux like maybe up to 5.0 at least01:24
bekksmikodo: Yes - but I still do not advise to change the default.01:24
zykotick9theborger, stop your DM of choice - "sudo service lightdm stop" for new ubuntu01:25
yigalzykotick9: yes but in general init 3 is console mode only01:25
zykotick9yigal, not in ubuntu / debian01:25
pnormanPartial success - I'm into the partitioner now, I had to make another USB flash with partition magic and wipe the partitions on one of the drives01:25
mikodobekks, I will try to set to default of 777 for home/user01:25
yigalzykotick9: they still emulate these levels01:25
yigalzykotick9: and they still have some baring on actual usage01:25
bekksmikodo: 777 is NOT the default - the default is 755.01:26
zykotick9!runlevels > yigal01:26
ubottuyigal, please see my private message01:26
bekksmikodo: And dont change it unless you know what you are doing.01:26
yigalzykotick9: oh stop that01:26
yigalzykotick9: of course upstart is used01:26
mikodobekks, 755 OK. Thanks!01:26
yigalzykotick9: it has to do with the init scripts used01:27
yigalzykotick9: they still are01:27
bekksmikodo: Again: dont touch it at all unless you know what you are doing.01:27
qinAleXstX: Once more time, for love sake! adduser ircuser; su ircuser; irssi; You using unsupported here distro, discusing *automatic* ban on channel which have nothing to do with ubuntu!01:27
mikodobekks, Well before coming here, I messed it up; So, with you, I am trying to set it straight01:28
yigalqin: lol01:28
qinyigal: Backtrack installer should have obligaroty IQ and personality tests01:29
Gopher``my netbook won't even give me the option for ubuntu/windows at boot, it automatically loads windows every time01:31
Daskreechwhere is the notification area in Unity?01:31
yigalqin: :)01:31
ar1and3rare there any operators in this channel?01:31
jribar1and3r: why?01:32
ar1and3r@jrib: need help for password reset01:32
jribar1and3r: #freenode for that01:32
yigalTheHackOps: yep it's pink01:33
yigalTheHackOps: it appears that my monitor isn't showing colors properly01:34
jeeves_mosshow can I get my bluetooth headset to stop only accepting mono sound and use the A2DP protocol?01:35
yigaljeeves_moss: go to sound preferences01:35
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yigaljeeves_moss: are you using 11.10?01:35
jeeves_mossyigal, I can see the option to select it, but when I do, nothing happens.01:35
jeeves_mossyigal, yes, I'm using 10.1001:35
yigaljeeves_moss: so no you're not :)01:36
jeeves_mossyigal, ??01:36
yigaljeeves_moss: interesting, what headset are you using?01:36
jeeves_mossMoto A80501:36
sasorihelp..i installed ubuntu 10.10 on a virtual machine...after installation/reboot all i can see is a pure terminal..how to view the gnome ? T_T01:37
jeeves_mossyigal, Make that a Moto S80501:37
Guest74561does anybody knows why I can't able visual effects?01:37
twirmsasori, try running "startx"01:37
yigaljeeves_moss: I'm sorry I'm not sure01:38
yigaljeeves_moss: usually it takes some tinkering :(01:38
jeeves_mossyigal, ok, thanks.  I have sound, but it sounds like crap.  LOL01:38
sasoritwirm: now that works, thanks man :D01:38
yigaljeeves_moss: I know, this has happened to quite a lot01:38
jeeves_mossyigal, yea.  don't even get me started on Windows 7!01:39
TheHackOpsyigal, Sucks mna01:39
TheHackOpsyigal, Sucks man01:39
yigalTheHackOps: no worries, it's a bit odd01:39
yigalTheHackOps: I should watch a movie and see what's like to see green men :)01:40
TheHackOpsyigal, Yeh go for it01:40
dr_williswhat if its a show about green men from mars....01:40
yigaldr_willis: then they'll prob. look red01:41
TheHackOpsSpeaking of which does anyone know any codec packs that can playback 1080p lag free01:41
yigaldr_willis: right :01:41
dr_willisTheHackOps:  it would depend on the codec the video is encoded in. and your system specs..01:41
yigalTheHackOps: not sure, I'm playing with an i5 and with a bug in the current kernal it handles flash as well as my atom notebook01:42
dr_willisTheHackOps:  in general.. the bigger thefile is due to the codec.. the less compresison.. thus less cpu needed to play it back01:42
sasorihi, i went to system->administration-> and i found no "software sources" under ubuntu 10.10 , what's the alternative or where can i find that place ?01:42
dr_willisfor my netbook - i always reencoded stuff to be xvid, and reduced the res tobe what the netbook could do natively.01:42
TheHackOpsdr_willis, i know i should never make comparison but im talking about something like k-lite codec pack plays 1080p fine on my laptop on windows01:42
xanguasasori: software centre-edit-sources01:43
dr_willisa codec pac is just a collection of codecs.. it depends on the actual codec being used by the video01:43
yigaldr_willis: sounds reasonable I usually would just crank up the CPU and throw in all the mplayer switches I could01:43
yigaldr_willis: usually worked01:43
TheHackOpsdr_willis, I now use ubuntu as my main os (windows was just on here when i got it)01:43
cobalt237Has anyone had issues with the Unity panel not accepting mouse clicks?01:43
bsmith093possible noob question but, does everything always accept wildcards or can that cause wierd behavior? ( specifically ebook-convert from calibre)01:43
sasorixangua: is that a command on the terminal ?01:43
sasorii tried , it says command not found01:43
dr_willisthat  h.686 or whatver its called.. is more cpu intensive.. but makes smaller files. :)01:43
yigalbsmith093: everything?01:44
xanguasasori: go to software centre and clic on the edit menu01:44
yigalbsmith093: could you be more specific?01:44
TheHackOpsdr_willis, I find it a bit odd that its so much harder to playback media on linux distros01:44
bsmith093the ubuntu cli stuff?01:44
dr_willisbsmith093:  the 'wildcards' on the command line are normally parsed by the shell. not the app. try 'echo *' for example01:44
dr_willisTheHackOps:  i find it easier to play stuff on linux.. :)01:44
cobalt237on open applications, I can click on an icon and it will go to it01:44
sasorixangua: there's no software centre option under the system->administration menu01:44
TheHackOpsdr_willis, Yes and no, getting stuff not to lag is hard01:44
cobalt237However, for other icons like "Lock Screen" it does nothing01:44
xanguasasori: there is on the app menu01:45
dr_willisTheHackOps:  cant say i really notice any lag.01:45
dr_willisvlc + that vpadu stuff for the nvidia systems i guess.. :)01:45
TheHackOpsdr_willis, sounds like your setup is ace maybe i should copy it01:45
yigalI still like the mplayer and it's keyboard use01:45
Pilif12pstupid question - When I cp -R /home/tanner/ /media/ehdd, it'll copy the dotfiles too right?01:45
bsmith093so wildcards for input all these files would'nt necessarily always return those files as input ( ex. ebook-convert *.cbz .pdf)01:46
dr_willisonly pc i got with any real tweaking needed to play things - is my netbook.01:46
reisioGopher``: you need to install GRUB to sda, or from inside Windows use EasyBCD to setup Windows' loader to know where GRUB is on sdb01:46
yigalPilif12p: yes in /home/tanner01:46
sasorixangua: are you referring to the ubuntu one?01:46
Pilif12pthat's what I thought01:46
dr_willisbsmith093:  test with echo. see exactly what the * gets expanded to.01:46
reisioPilif12p: but /home/tanner/* would not01:46
yigalPilif12p: you are Correct!01:46
reisioPilif12p: not from the top directory /tanner/ anyways01:46
dr_willisbsmith093:  the shell expands the * and sends the expanded list to the app.01:47
Pilif12preisio: well, i actually did ~, not /home/tanner01:47
TheHackOpsdr_willis, Thats what im talking about on my desktop with a good graphics card i cant make it lag if i try01:47
reisioPilif12p: the difference being ~/ and ~/*01:47
TheHackOpsexcept flash01:47
reisioPilif12p: if you copy the directory, the . files are in it, and copied01:47
reisioPilif12p: if you copy * that doesn't match . files01:47
Pilif12preisio: So doing it without the *, it will copy dotfiles01:47
reisiowill not, for the first directory01:47
Pilif12pbut *.* will do that01:48
pnormanWith the ubuntu server partitioner, is it possible to select *which* disk are mirrors for each other for RAID10?01:48
reisioPilif12p: no01:48
yigalPilif12p: yes, although it's kind wrong as you really don't want to copy ..01:49
yigalPilif12p: that will only copy dot files01:49
yigalexcuse me no01:49
Pilif12pyigal: i see.01:49
yigalPilif12p: .*01:49
Pilif12pthat's what i meant01:49
yigalPilif12p: not *.*01:49
TheHackOpsto get flash not to lag i have to turn my screen res down01:49
yigalPilif12p: ok, I missed that01:49
reisiobut I'm only saying this fyi01:49
reisioyou're fine if you end with a dir name or a dir name and a /01:49
reisioalso if you tar01:49
Benzooowhat a kiwinkidink that xchat automagically connected to a server i already had registered on01:49
reisio(a dir)01:49
reisioBenzooo: almost as if you've preconfigured it to do so!01:50
roastedI just fired up Google Earth in 11.10 and WOW the font size is SUPER tiny. How can I adjust it?01:50
sasorii see, so the software sources is disabled by default in 10.10 ubuntu ..arghh :S01:50
Benzooono, actually just installed ubuntu 10.1101:50
karaguellekhi guys can anyone help me?01:50
yigalBenzooo: never knew that one existed, sounds cool01:50
yigalBenzooo: jk01:50
Benzoooits my first install, ive used live disks before01:50
karaguellekyigal: could you maybe help me?01:51
yigalkaraguellek: maybe, I hope I can01:51
Benzoooyeah its 11.10 ive got sexlexia01:51
yigalBenzooo: lol01:51
yigalBenzooo: you call your mom, pop?01:51
Benzooois there like a sysinfo built into xchat?01:52
* Pilif12p goes off to try to install Mint01:52
Pilif12punless I can figure out how to fix the incredibly annoying issues I have run into the past week01:52
yigalPilif12p: like what?01:52
karaguellekyigal: Well i want to install my graphic card from ati i read the whole wiki but i cant find the xorg.conf i looked in /etc/X11 but its not there .. i have to add the driver01:53
yigalkaraguellek: cool, ya by default an xorg.conf won't exist01:53
Pilif12pyigal: When I unplug my laptop it thinks that the battery is critically low and shuts down, touchpad doesn't work when mousing over a link and typing when moused over link, very short (10 seconds or less) before it shuts down with a critically low battery...01:54
Pilif12pthose are the 3 most annoying issues, there are more though01:54
Pilif12p11.10 was not ready to be released imo01:54
yigalPilif12p: sounds rough01:54
karaguellekyigal: i am on ubuntu 11.10 when i make one on my desktop and put the lines in i had to and when i drag it to X11 and restart it won't boot01:54
Pilif12pNone of this happened on earlier versions of Ubuntu01:54
yigalPilif12p: ya I'm primarily an Arch user but I enjoy playing 11.10 every once in a while01:54
yigalPilif12p: see how the latest version is like01:55
karaguellekyigal: any ida?01:55
roastedI just fired up Google Earth in 11.10 and WOW the font size is SUPER tiny. How can I adjust it?01:55
Pilif12pyigal: and not supporting GNOME2 pissed me off a bit. Gnome-panel on 3 is pretty horrible01:55
yigalkaraguellek: don't reboot01:55
yigalkaraguellek: just restart X right01:55
Pilif12p(to make the touchpad work again, I have to kill xorg)01:55
oldschoolhi in ubuntu how would i Use the terminal to navigate to folder from the terminal01:55
DespairWell I am not getting any farther on my plymouth problem.  I am thinkingit may just be a sympton of something larger.  Would anyone care to take a look at a photo of my laptop after attempting to boot?01:56
Despairwhere can I paste it?01:56
yigaloldschool: man cd01:56
Pilif12poldschool: from Nautilus to a terminal?01:56
karaguellekyigal: can you help me via teamviewer i really try thhis a couple of days and found noo hel :/01:56
yigaloldschool: cd /the/directory/you/want01:56
Pilif12por from folder to folder in a terminal01:56
yigalkaraguellek: what driver are you using?01:56
yigalkaraguellek: I'm too lazy for that01:56
yigalkaraguellek: I think01:56
karaguellekyigal: it would be so nice from you :01:57
karaguellekyigal <301:57
yigalkaraguellek: just let me know what driver you have01:58
karaguellekor smthn. like that01:58
oldschoolyigal i trying to do this here but dont know how to use the terminal navigate to folder http://middleoftech.com/?p=21501:58
yigalkaraguellek: sorry the card01:58
karaguellekATI Xpress 200m01:58
yigaloldschool: sound like you will need to use ftp, ssh, or some other deal01:59
qinoldschool: man cd; man ls; that is good start.01:59
yigaloldschool: to mount that01:59
yigaloldschool: it's not really "mount" in a traditional sense01:59
karaguellekyigal: O.o multitasker :D u help 2 persons at once01:59
=== ar1and3r__ is now known as ar1and3r
yigalkaraguellek: it's my form of entertainment02:00
karaguellekyigal: yeah well i have ati xpress 200m any idea?02:00
karaguellekati radeon xpress 200M* :D02:01
yigalkaraguellek: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1748187&page=4 ?02:01
yigalkaraguellek: did you try that one?02:01
karaguellekyigal: look at the first page thats not the problem i have02:02
sasorihi, if using command "startx" will show the gnome..how to bring back the environment to full terminal ?02:02
yigalkaraguellek: oops, sorry one sec :)02:03
karaguellekyigal: :D Teamviewer would bee so nice :D02:03
qinsasori: Back to tty where you issued startx and Ctrl-c02:03
joljamI installed ubuntu 11.10. but my computer did not boot. I pressed shift until it booted finally. Think my GRUB has some issues. How can I repair it?02:04
zykotick9sasori, alt+sysrq+k would also work from inside Xorg02:04
roastedI just fired up Google Earth in 11.10 and WOW the font size is SUPER tiny. How can I adjust it?02:06
Guest74561How can I activate visual effects if it isn't able to select?02:06
badbandithow do I change to classic mode in 11.11?02:06
zykotick9!nounity | badbandit02:07
ubottubadbandit: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic02:07
yigalkaraguellek: please pastebin your xorg.conf02:08
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TheHackOpsanyone else have a problem with skypes audio where it makes the correct noises but they are full of white noise02:09
TheHackOpsi dont know how else to explain it02:09
somsipTheHackOps: do you sound like a chipmunk when you make a test call (seriously)02:09
sasorineed help , when i clicked the "[4:3]" or "[widescreen]" link from this http://www.ubuntusatanic.org/releases.php ..the software center says, not found, is there a way to install this thing manually?02:10
karaguellekyigal: Section "Device"02:10
karaguellekIdentifier"Configured Video Device"02:10
yigalsomsip: here comes the chipmunk, jk TheHackOps02:10
yigalkaraguellek: pastebin please02:10
karaguellekyigal: Section "Device"02:10
=== Guest70966 is now known as LLStarks
karaguellekIdentifier"Configured Video Device"02:10
yigalkaraguellek: oh man02:10
karaguellekyigal: wahtsup02:10
TheHackOpsits like if you were to touch the end of a life speaker wire while its on and the speaker was 200% of its capacity02:10
TheHackOpsits a horrible noise02:10
somsipTheHackOps: Ok - different bug then - nm02:10
yigalkaraguellek: paste.ubuntu.com02:11
TheHackOpsi could record the sound and then upload it02:11
yigalTheHackOps: reverb?02:11
yigalTheHackOps: no thanks :)02:11
karaguellekyigal u want the link?02:12
yigalkaraguellek: cool :)02:12
roastedI just fired up Google Earth in 11.10 and WOW the font size is SUPER tiny. How can I adjust it?02:12
karaguellekyigal: sry i am a beginner dun now much about that02:12
karaguellekyigal: Section "Device"02:12
karaguellekIdentifier"Configured Video Device"02:12
joljamHow do I repair my restore the old grub02:13
yigalkaraguellek: we're all here to learn02:13
yigalkaraguellek: all of it man02:13
yigalkaraguellek: is that it?02:13
karaguellekyigal: actually i made this xorg.conf myself and just added there lines i have no xorg.conf file02:13
joljamhow do I revert to the old GRUB (1.98) from GRUB 202:14
urlin2ujoljam, grub legacy or grub 202:14
karaguellekyigal: and yes thats all02:14
zykotick9joljam, grub 1.98 is grub202:14
joljamurlin2u I want to restore the legacy grub02:14
joljamurlin2u is it possible02:14
urlin2ujoljam, I think so although I'm not familiar with grub legacy.02:15
TheHackOpsLOLOL upon trying to record the problem i fixed it02:15
yigalkaraguellek: try http://paste.ubuntu.com/724878/ tell us what happens?02:15
yigalTheHackOps: what was it02:15
yigalTheHackOps: ?02:15
TheHackOpsI changeed it to Duplex 1out/1in02:16
yigalTheHackOps: nice02:16
joljamurlin2u: seems that my hard disk has some problems with GRUB2.. I have hold down SHIFT key for some time for my ubuntu11.10 to boot02:16
karaguellekyigaL: what if my laptop won't reboot?02:16
TheHackOpsyigal, i wish skype would update linux users to the latest version02:16
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MrPocketzSo, i had this laptop with Ubuntu on it. It was an HP Compaq nx6110 , kinda busted keyboard, and the CPU fan died. I happened to have a nicer Compaw nx6325 without the aforementioned flaws.02:17
TheHackOpsMrPocketz, Ok02:18
MrPocketzpulled the HDD out of the old one, threw it in the new. Boots, runs better, everythign is great, but the resolution seems worse on this one, and it's as high as i can set it02:18
joljamurlin2u, seems that my hard disk has some problems with GRUB2.. I have hold down SHIFT key for some time for my ubuntu11.10 to boot02:18
TheHackOpsMrPocketz, Did you install the correct graphics dirvers02:18
zykotick9MrPocketz, what graphics card?  In terminal "lspci | grep -i vga"02:18
TheHackOpszykotick9, Reckon skype will ever update again for linux02:19
MrPocketzTheHackOps, I installed no graphics drivers. I checked the "hardware drivers' in System but it only installed the WiFi drivers02:19
MrPocketzzykotick9,      01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS482 [Radeon Xpress 200M]02:19
TheHackOpsMrPocketz, same as mine, except i have 40002:19
IbisIs there a way to apt-get install packages for ANOTHER filesystem?         You would have a system normally installed in: /,       But to install FOR /anothersystemDirectory      <--- Where that is actually a mounted harddrive.02:19
karaguellekyigal: I can't make a .conf data02:19
zykotick9TheHackOps, doubt it, but maybe?  It's proprietary MS garbage now (always was proprietary mind you).02:20
MrPocketzyeah, i can only set this to 1024x76802:20
TheHackOpsMrPocketz, Go and install flgrx or go to the ati website and download the mobility drivers02:20
MrPocketzand 1280x1024 would be splendid.02:20
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TheHackOpslet  me check mine02:20
MrPocketzTheHackOps, will do!  Thankyuh02:20
TheHackOpsMrPocketz, My max res is 1366x76802:21
urlin2ujoljam, I doubt changing from grub 2 to grub legacy is the fix both are just a bunch of code. Have you tried just giving a detailed description on the Ubuntu Forums or here?02:21
TheHackOpsMrPocketz, I am on the one you want though because of flash but 1336 looks amazing02:21
MrPocketzI believe it!02:22
joljamurlin2u, I think its the problem with the way my 640 GB hard disk is configured.02:22
MrPocketzi don't really care about graphical quality, i spend most of my time in CLi02:22
MrPocketzi just want the physical space02:22
TheHackOpsMrPocketz, want a link to your drivers?02:23
MrPocketzTheHackOps, i can probably track it down, but if you've got it handy It'd be much appreciated.02:23
joljamurlin2u, how can I figure out the hard disk config from the command line02:23
TheHackOpsMrPocketz, Yeah i have it hold on02:23
brandelhey there, does anyone happen to know how to rebind the super key in unity2d? All I could find was /com/canonical/unity-2d/super-key-enable02:23
MrPocketz(and thanks for your help and kindness. Such hospitality is becoming rare on the Internet)02:23
TheHackOpsMrPocketz, 64bit or 3202:24
urlin2ujoljam, a sudo fdisk -l will tell you the partitioning.02:24
reisiobrandel: rebind to what02:24
brandelanything other than super - I use that for xmonad02:25
TheHackOpsMrPocketz, http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-11-9-x86.x86_64.run02:25
sasorihi, i typed "sudo dpkg --configure -a"  and now the terminal is displaying  something like 3500k...........27%  12.7k  14m38s  ..does that mean it is installing whatever software was interrupted before ?02:25
TheHackOpsthats for the mobility radeon 200 which is urs02:25
MrPocketzAgain, greatly appreciated!02:25
joljamurlin2u, this is what I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/724889/02:25
TheHackOpsNo problem02:26
TheHackOpsIs about 79 mb so yeh02:26
brandelI know you can easily do this using compizsettings with unity3d, unity2d is a bit more mysterious02:26
urlin2ujoljam, show the command run as well try agail the l is a small L02:27
TheHackOpsI feel that amd is setting the mark by allways keeping their drivers up to date for linux and windows02:27
brandelmaybe trying to use unity and xmonad together is just a bad idea.02:28
joljamurlin2u, http://paste.ubuntu.com/724890/02:28
urlin2ujoljam, are you on ubuntu m=now?02:29
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joljamurlin2u, what do you mean by ubuntu m?02:29
urlin2ujoljam, it is a miss type are you running the command from ubuntu?02:29
joljamurlin2u, yes02:30
urlin2ujoljam, not sure seems like something is broken if that command wont work not sure  what.02:30
Guest18867Where is the default theme of gnome-shell02:30
reisioGuest18867: dpkg -L gnome-shell02:32
roter1337dpkg -i gnome-shell02:32
Luminaryim having problems with my new ubuntu install02:32
roter1337's goin on02:32
Luminaryi cant install anything from apt02:32
Guest18867What dose that mean?02:33
Luminaryi cant install anything02:33
Luminaryhang on02:33
roter1337show me commands02:33
Luminaryok so like02:33
Luminaryim REALLY02:33
Luminaryout of date02:33
FloodBot1Luminary: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:33
Luminaryi try to dist-upgrade02:33
roter1337your not 11.10?02:33
roter1337sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:33
Luminaryalright ill try that02:34
Luminaryhm says to do apt-get -f install02:34
roter1337To it then02:34
roter1337sudo apt-get -f install02:34
roter1337That means some package dependencies are broken02:34
Luminaryokay so i did dist-upgrade02:35
Luminaryand i got this02:35
Luminary0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:35
roter1337That means ur upgraded02:35
roter1337what version you running?02:35
roter1337Just download iso file02:35
Luminarythis install is really important to me02:35
roter1337itll take way to long to run the upgrade path from that far back02:35
roter1337are you trying to install 11.10?02:36
pnormanI did control-alt-f2 to bring up a console on the install - how do I get back to where I was before?02:36
roter1337because anything below 10.04 is not supported02:36
Luminaryi dont know about all that, but im still stuck in 200402:36
bekksLuminary: You ages too late. You can update to 5.04, then 5.10 ...02:36
Luminarybekks, dist upgrade doesnt work though02:36
bekksAnd since nothing else less 10.04 is supported anymore, you have to reinstall.02:36
bekksNo chance to update.02:36
dagerivwhen i extract with tar -xzvf file.tar.gz, it create the whole hierarchy of folders /home/user/, but i simply wanted to tar a folder. how can i remove all that folder hierarchy?02:37
bekksLuminary: Yes.02:37
roter1337rm /*02:37
bekksroter1337: Stop that shit.02:37
psinghLuminary, if you're concerned about your data, you can install from the iso and keep your files and data.  Going from 4.10 will mean your application settings/preferences will be useless in 11.10, any way.02:37
xangua!language | bekks02:38
ubottubekks: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:38
bekksxangua: k.02:38
dagerivholy f, stuff is getting deleted02:38
dagerivwhat does rm /* do?02:38
JeremyH!language | dageriv02:38
ubottudageriv: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:38
roter1337deletes everything in a directory02:38
roter1337but the directory itself02:38
h00kdageriv: Please keep commands not dangerous in here.02:38
kzHello all. I am having trouble with tftpd with my ubuntu 11.10 32bit install. I instalted tftpd-hpa with apt-get and it works fine locally. I can run "02:40
MrPocketzno dice02:40
kzHello all. I am having trouble with tftpd with my ubuntu 11.10 32bit install. I instalted tftpd-hpa with apt-get and it works fine locally. I can run "tftp <ip> -c get <file>" sucesfully.  The same command hangs when I run it from a different machine02:40
MrPocketzinstalled, bounced02:40
MrPocketzshits still huge02:40
h00kMrPocketz: Please keep the langage appropriate in here02:41
reisiokz: maybe it's a local IP to the first machine and the second isn't on the same network02:41
kzAny ideas why tftpd is not reachable from my other machines? I can reach my webserver from other machines02:41
h00k!language | toltoltol02:41
ubottutoltoltol: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:41
kzreisio: I think tftpd is bound to, the tftpd get I ran was on the public ip (not localhost)02:42
kzresisio: I can reach my apache server from teh second machine02:42
dagerivwhen I run tar -czf, it creates a tar with /home/user/Documents/files, so when I extract I get all those folders. how can I "just" tar the "files" folder?02:45
reisiodageriv: http://www.google.com/search?q=tar%20extract%20specific%20file welcome to the internet02:46
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h00k!google | reisio02:47
ubottureisio: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.02:47
dagerivreisio: i want to extract everything, but i dont want all those folders when i extract, i only want the "files" folder02:47
reisioh00k: this is how they get it02:47
dagerivor rather, i dont want all those folders when i tar, i simply want to tar the "files" folder02:47
reisiodageriv: ah02:47
h00kreisio: we don't condone telling people to 'google' it in here. Please don't do so.02:47
quixotedoni'm using 11.10 but seems that this ver often crashes02:48
reisiodageriv: and it's too much trouble to cd there first?02:48
reisioh00k: I made no such statement02:48
reisiodageriv: heh, okay02:48
dagerivno, wait, im not clearly explaining what i want02:48
reisiodageriv: that'd be -C02:48
reisiodageriv: no you are02:48
dagerivreisio: when i run tar -czf files.tar.gz ~/Documents/files, the tar contains all those folders /home/user/Documents/files, but i simply want the tarbaøø to contain the folder "files"02:51
reisiodageriv: yes I understood you eventually, you want -C02:51
bekksdageriv: tar -czf files.tar.gz ~/Documents/files/02:51
bekksNotice the / at the end.02:52
Luminaryok im downloading 3.0.4 kernel source to compile for my ubuntu 4.10 64 bit02:52
bekksLuminary: 4.10 isnt supported anymore...02:52
h00kLuminary: That's not going to be supported in here02:52
xanguaLuminary: please download a suported ubuntu version ubuntu.com02:52
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reisiobekks: not what he means :D02:53
quixotedonanyone here using 11.10?02:53
reisiodageriv: tar -czf files.tar.gz files -C ~/Documents02:53
h00kquixotedon: sure, people are.  Go ahead and ask your actual question02:53
bekksreisio: ah, ok. :)02:53
dagerivlook here: http://folk.ntnu.no/dageriv/s.png i only want "files" to appear in the tarball02:54
reisiodageriv: see last02:54
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warriorforGodI am running ubuntu 11.10 on a dell e6320 laptop.  I can run unity just fine, however when I log into gnome-shell I get only a desktop and the file menu.  The normal gnome-shell top bar appears for about a second and then disappears.  Anybody seen this?02:57
IbisHey reisio, I didn't understood you when you mentioned debootstrap. I've already installed a system to a directory. I can't chroot to it. And I do not know if I can apt-get install things to another directory and know it will work when I actually boot into that new system.02:57
IbiswarriorforGod: Nope. Mines works fine, jsut a little bit of graphic related issues though.02:58
reisioIbis: should, if you do it right02:58
MrPocketzyeah man02:58
Ibisreisio: But I do not know if it's installing FOR my "current system" I'm running commands from.    OR if it's installing FOR a system that's in /anotherDirectory.02:59
reisioIbis: that's what chroot is for03:00
MrPocketzSo, ATI graphics card03:00
MrPocketzresolution is way horrible.  "Display manger" says it's 1024X768, but it looks more like 800x60003:00
fatboy21007Hello, can some1 assits me in installed Nvidia drivers inside Ubuntu 10.04? (and no their not in the additional drivers)03:00
ChrisRJerseyhas anyone gotten a DisplayLink USB to DVI card working under ubuntu??03:00
IbisBut I can't chroot, it's archetechture mixmatch, and from what I was told, theres no available 64bit version of "rescue mode" That I can use to chroot FROM.03:00
ChrisRJerseyi have an EVGA UV-16 Plus+ and all I get is a green screen03:01
preecherordering a new laptop tomorrow    between radeon 6570m and nvidia  gt555m would there be a better of the two for ubuntu/linux03:01
IbisI would simply ask someone to mount their 64bit to my remote server and chroot it, but I can't trust anyone.03:01
dagerivlook at this tarball: http://folk.ntnu.no/dageriv/s.png why is home/dlinku there? i only want to tar the scripts folder03:02
bekksIbis: Since you have an architecture mismatch, you cannot do what you want.03:02
reisioIbis: you could do it from a VM03:02
fatboy21007ive tried every command and even did the killin x server way, nothin i do allows me to install the nvidia drivers i downloaded,  Can some1 assist me in manually installing them?03:02
reisioIbis: but other ways would be simpler03:02
reisiolike doing it from a liveOS03:02
aeon-ltdpreecher: nvidia, for now. the gpu performance is greater than amd cards at the moment; though really either would be fine then just use windows for graphic heavy applications (games, heavy image editing, rendering)03:03
IbisProblem is, in my current situation, I can't do that. :(03:03
dagerivreisio: -C is not what im looking for. i want tar -czf lal.tar.gz files to NOT include the whole folder hierarchy03:03
preecheraeon-ltd, thank you03:03
dagerivonly files directory03:03
fatboy21007i need my driver installed, the system is not picking up the settings, and isnt allowing me to update to current, i have the driverm i just need to know wat im doin wrong, as everytime i try to install from root, it tells me it doesnt exist03:04
IbisSo  I was hoping for some magic hack for "installing FOR another filesystem".03:04
reisiodageriv: well then you need a shell script and an alias, have fun03:04
reisiotar simply does not work that way03:04
reisiodageriv: perhaps you could use 7z instead, it supports the same formats, AIUI03:04
aeon-ltdpreecher: if you have time i'd google around for relevant problems with those cards compatibility with linux, some may have outstanding bugs that are unresolved03:04
fatboy21007googles not my friend today, all the tricks i seen has not worked ><03:05
preecheraeon-ltd, doing now   thks03:05
fatboy21007Can anyone, please help me manually install my nvidia drivers on ubuntu 10.04?03:08
reisiofatboy21007: should be explained here somewhere: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia03:08
fatboy21007http://eddieringle.com/how-to-install-official-nvidia-drivers-in-linux/     i tried this guide, but no go their :-(03:09
fatboy21007ill try the ones ya linked, thanks03:09
reisioah, learning by random blog post03:10
reisioI wonder if it will be the doom of this century03:10
SrPxare there any text editors in ubuntu with level folding like notepad++?03:12
reisioSrPx: heh03:12
reisioSrPx: yes, try geany03:13
LuminaryLOL adding debian 5 sources to ubuntu 4.10 worked03:15
SrPxreisio: he has syntax lightning for the common languages and level folding just like notepad++ where you can collapse/expand by level with hotkeys03:16
dagerivreisio: but i have seen other tarballs which does not contain the home folder neither the user folder. they simply contain the folder which was tarballed. how can i do this? each time i tar something, my /home and my user folder, and all other directories leading to the folder i want to tar03:16
reisioSrPx: probably03:16
reisioSrPx: notepad++ isn't exactly amazing, except compared to notepad03:16
reisiodageriv: I already told you03:17
reisioin fact I gave you two different solutions03:17
reisioactually I gave you at least two and a half03:17
somsipdageriv: http://www.unix.com/unix-dummies-questions-answers/15182-extract-tar-files-without-creating-directory.html03:17
SrPxreisio: I just need that feature to work. its beautiful to have every function definition aligned with 1 click.03:17
reisioSrPx: my guess is it's something you can manage with geany, but I don't personally use that program enough to tell you for sure03:18
reisioSrPx: #geany might know for sure, or you could just take a chance and find out on your own03:18
SrPxill try it,  this really frustrated me03:18
SrPxand thank you reisio03:19
reisioSrPx: if not there are tons of other GUI text editors that do code folding03:19
AcoustykHaven't used Ubuntu since Karmic. Things have really changed.03:19
SrPxunfortunatelly i found none that has level folding by hotkeys03:19
reisioAcoustyk: that is what she articulated03:19
bekksSrPx: even vim does that.03:19
reisioSrPx: which did you check?03:19
reisiowhat do you mean 'even vim'? :p03:20
reisioVim is arguably the most advanced text editor known03:20
bekksvim does code folding03:20
reisioof course it does, Vim does everything03:20
dagerivreisio: are you sure you understand what i am trying to do? it seems to me, that you think, that i want to extract parts of a tarball. i only want to create a tarball containg onlt the folder which i tarballed, not a tarball containg home/user/folder_to_be_tarballed03:20
dr_willisvim cured my dogs  mange.03:20
reisiodageriv: that was somsip not me03:20
reisiodageriv: I already told you how to get what you want, in various ways03:21
reisioVim did my laundry and baked me a pie03:21
* babble does laundry in emacs. 03:21
dr_willisreisio:  but the cake is a lie.03:22
reisioEmacs is also arguably the most advanced text editor known03:22
duarI beg to differ ;D03:22
aeon-ltdok this be a great war...03:22
reisiodr_willis: indeed, it was brioche03:23
duarEmacs is a great operating system... If only it has a good text editor...03:23
reisioduar: yeah but you missed the beginning of this conversation03:23
Majere_Dravenprogress quest refuses to load on the newest ubuntu, just clickin on it just makes the unity thing dissapear03:24
dagerivreisio: after rereading your chat, i finally understood how it worked. thank you03:25
SrPxreisio: bekks: just wondering, if you dont use code folding how do you browse though the functions of your source? if you have to find a function called foo in a source with thousands of functions you just... ctrl+F? ;x03:25
=== Somefellow is now known as Silent_Samurai
SrPxi mean folding enables me to visualize every function of a class one per line. i cant figure out how to live without it. is there a replacement for that?03:26
osubuck_so hows the reception to unity been these days? haven't tried it since 11.0403:27
bekksSrPx: Using vim, I'll just type esc : /foo enter03:27
reisioSrPx: folding doesn't help you find something unless you're using a mouse to find it03:27
reisioSrPx: which is the slow way03:27
Majere_DravenBest thing about unity? You can use it till Gnome shell is done downloading03:27
reisioMajere_Draven: heh03:27
reisiodageriv: :D03:27
randomusrIf i re-compile my kernel with the intel compiler, will I still be able to use it with my Ubuntu install or do I need to use gcc?03:27
reisioosubuck_: seen people come down on both sides03:28
Toph2i still can't get my sound functioning after upgrading to 11.10.. Any ideas?03:28
osubuck_hmm, guess i'll install virtualbox and put it in VM and test it myself03:28
reisiorandomusr: easy way to find out03:28
Majere_Draveni used to know all the tricks back in the dapperdrake thing, but not anymore, sorry Toph203:28
reisioosubuck_: might not get the hardware acceleration in a VM03:28
SrPxreisio: not exactly finding but visualizing. you can have an overview of the entire source. at any moment you can see every namespace 1 per line. then every object of a namespace. when every function of any given object. but ok nvm :/03:30
Majere_DravenStill unable to get progress quest working03:30
osubuck_just curious to try it, ubuntu has still seemed to keep its popularity, whether it be marketing or just a good product03:30
IdyllThoughtIn Gwibber I would like to see only the tweets of the people I follow and not all the other random people who comment or reply to the people I'm following.  Is there a way to do that?03:31
zykotick9osubuck_, i doubt unity/gnome3 is going to work "very" well in VBox - it'll work (assuming 3d support) but not well03:31
reisioSrPx: dunno man :p03:32
osubuck_hmm well maybe i'll boot the live cd then03:32
reisioSrPx: you sound like a Python guy03:32
osubuck_just wondering if it would be worth it to install on here, upgrading every 6 months and all03:33
reisioSrPx: admit it :)03:33
reisioosubuck_: I think booting the live CD would tell you03:33
buckwyldcurrently running 11.04, curious if i upgrade using update manager to 11.10 will I lose all my adds and settings?  like a new install03:33
reisiobuckwyld: certainly not the ones that are separate from Unity/GNOME, anyways03:34
Lach987Can anyone help me install lighttpd ?03:34
Lach987when I do "apt-get install lighttpd" it says "Package lighttpd is not available"03:35
Majere_Dravendo you have the right resources set up for it?03:36
buckwyldok, ty. so just basic unity settings change then. not a big change.03:36
aeon-ltdLach987: do you have universe repos?03:36
Majere_Dravenwhat is lighttpd?03:36
Lach987erm I dunno :)03:36
Majere_DravenI want to make an OS like progress quest.03:37
aeon-ltdLach987: see ubuntu software tab https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding_Repositories_in_Ubuntu03:37
SrPxreisio: nop unfortunatelly03:37
zykotick9!info lighttpd03:37
SrPxreisio: but id like to learn it too03:37
ubottulighttpd (source: lighttpd): A fast webserver with minimal memory footprint. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.28-2ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 269 kB, installed size 1004 kB03:37
reisioSrPx: I bet you would! :p03:37
reisioMajere_Draven: it's a light httpd03:38
Lach987Thanks aeon, I'll have a read of that page, looks good.03:38
Majere_DravenI get it now03:38
IdyllThoughtAnyone able to answer a Gwibber question here tonight?03:42
Lach987Aeon-ltd: Thanks!!!! Needed to add multiverse03:43
aeon-ltdLach987: it worked?03:44
nplusHi, I'm setting up backups for a small server. The software I'm using is fairly simple, I can list files/directories to include and exclude and it will back them up for me (those details aren't important). My question is... what is what should I be backing up and what should I omit? My first run through, the backup got hung up with /proc, so I ecluded /proc and /tmp Next time it had problems...03:44
nplus...with /dev03:44
nplusany thoughts?03:44
Lach987Aeon-ltd: Yeah looks good!!! I added multiverse and now apt-get found the package03:45
Lach987Aeon-ltd: Now I need to stop apache and figure out lighttpd :)03:45
SrPxtrying to install sourcecodebrowser gedit's plugin. asked me to type git clone blablabla. okay, worked. then asked me to copy sourcecodebrowser.plugin to certain folder. where the fuck is sourcecodebrowser.plugin? ¬¬03:46
reisionplus: for a server?  Everything03:46
reisionplus: oh sorry you want to avoid virtual stuff03:46
h00k!language | SrPx03:46
ubottuSrPx: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:46
SrPxoh really, really sorry.03:46
TakyojiIs there any workaround from keeping the Unity interface from being overlaid upon a fullscreen game?03:46
nplusreisio: I think the virtual stuff causes problems with the software I'm using... I sent them an email to see what they say. How important is the virtual stuff?03:47
reisionplus: mnt, tmp, proc, sys, dev03:47
reisionplus: it's virtual, it doesn't really exist03:47
reisioyou don't need it or want it in a backup03:47
nplusok, fair enough. so it's safe to omit those 5 directories?03:48
reisionplus: yup03:48
nplusI'm going to take a disc image - in case of a system failure I plan on restoring the image, then doing a full system restore from the backups.03:48
nplusreisio: Thanks03:49
reisionplus: well, their contents, anyways, you might want to include the directories themselves in your archive, though they'd be easy to recreate03:49
nplusreisio: the directories would exist in the system image03:49
nplusthe backups would take care of any changes03:49
Majere_Dravensystem image << This guy when he started with computeres, wondered why he was taking a photo of his system03:50
reisioSrPx: find . -iname '*source*plugin*'03:50
confoosed_userHello world, I am having issues upgrading from lucid to oneric. I downloaded every cd, and put the oneiric one in first. now do-dist-upgrade asks for the oneiric cd and says it doesn't have the right package. Anyway to flush the list?03:50
confoosed_userI already did apt-get clean, that didn't work03:51
Majere_DravenNo idea how to get progress quest to work03:51
nplusreisio: should I exclude /var/tmp and /vat/cache ?03:52
Majere_DravenTried reinstalling it03:53
Majere_Dravenmaybe i should try the gnome shell03:53
seidelldont do that lol03:54
Majere_Dravenwhy not?03:55
seidellit sucks03:55
seidellget xfce03:55
Majere_Dravenit sucks?03:55
Majere_DravenThats your reason?03:55
seidellofcourse, haent u noticed everyone disslike it?03:55
Majere_Dravenwhy does it suck? what are the common bugs?03:55
Majere_Draventhats unity seidell03:55
seidellno its just horrible ugly and hard to use03:55
Majere_Dravenubuntu has been using gnome before that for decades03:55
seidellgnome shell sucks also03:56
aeon-ltdseidell: that's subjective03:56
Majere_Dravenvery subjective03:56
Majere_DravenHEllo all youy people.03:58
TheCowboyWhen you type when there are no open or focused windows, and it brings up the text entry box in the lower right hand corner, what is that called?03:59
Majere_Dravenfind menu04:00
Majere_Dravenhelps you find stuff04:00
TheCowboyahh, thanks04:00
Majere_Dravennote, its not a menu04:00
AcoustykI cannot get synergy to work04:01
AcoustykI've been trying for 3 hours04:01
AcoustykW7 host to Ubuntu client04:01
Majere_DravenSynergy is what again?04:01
AcoustykUses mouse and keyboard for multiple computers04:02
TheCowboyI can't find any documentation for 'find menu', do you know where I could look it up?04:02
Majere_Draven.. nope04:02
Majere_Dravenon both parts04:02
rabbi1guys, looking for a theme, where i can can get more screen space. any suggestion ? currently i can reduce the size of the panel with 19px i want it more smaller. any themes i can still get max size of the screen04:02
nplus /lib/udev/devices caused problems as it was symlinked to /dev :/04:04
alazare619anyone know how i can make a usb install for seven under a ubuntu/debian based distro04:05
alazare619just looking for a name of a program not assistance04:05
bekkswhats "seven"?04:05
iam8upis there any way to take a ubuntu desktop install and translate it into server without reinstalling the OS?04:06
Majere_Draventhe number between 6.9 and 7.104:06
iam8upsomething like installing all the server packages while remove all the desktop ones?04:06
zykotick9iam8up, install services - done04:06
iam8upzykotick9, what do you mean?04:06
zykotick9iam8up, desktop and the server version are basically the same, just install services onto the desktop version.04:07
alazare619im looking for a program that will make a usb install of windows seven that will work under linux via wine or something similar04:08
zykotick9iam8up, check out "sudo tasksel" to get some general server type options04:08
iam8upzykotick9, but the desktop has all kinds of things installed, like X and firefox...04:08
zykotick9iam8up, you could uninstall them if you wished04:08
dalton2345hello everyone :)04:09
iam8upzykotick9, is there any alternative to uninstalling every package one by one?04:09
dalton2345is it safe to do an upgrade 11-04 > 11.10 ?04:09
zykotick9iam8up, removing meta packages like "ubuntu-desktop" will take care of most of it04:09
quixotedononce i saw an app that mounts the media on the start-up(windows hard drive), well for dual boot users, this is really helpful since you don't have to mount it manually.. but unfortunately i forget the app name.. any clue?04:10
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zykotick9!fstab | quixotedon04:10
ubottuquixotedon: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:10
iam8upi think it'll be faster to just reinstall, in centos there are group lists of packages - simply remove/add the ones to "change roles"04:10
iam8updidn't realize the server distro was on a totally different set of mirrors as the desktop os...been a while since i've touched ubuntu04:10
quixotedonubottu: thanks a bunch!!!04:10
ubottuquixotedon: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:10
zykotick9quixotedon, FYI fstab is a file, not an application04:11
Majere_DravenUbottu: You rock!04:11
iam8upis there any command line in the GUI or do i have to switch with ctrl/alt/fX?04:11
quixotedonaarh?? so what do we do to activate it?? just like startup boot file on windows??04:12
zykotick9!terminal | iam8up04:12
ubottuiam8up: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:12
Majere_Draventheres no fx button04:12
rabbi1#gnome is in which node?04:12
iam8upwhere the hell is applications?04:12
iam8upi just installed the latest ubuntu, no idea if this is gnome or kde..or something else04:13
evil_serverif ur on kde try under the main menu icon.04:13
zykotick9iam8up, guess the direction haven't been updated for Unity04:13
iam8upgot it, click "dash home"04:13
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mueslianyone living in amsterdam?04:13
dalton2345is it safe to do an upgrade 11.04> 11.1004:14
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quixotedondaiton2345: anything to do with upgrade is safe04:14
zykotick9quixotedon, lol04:14
dalton2345quixotedon, are you being sarcastic?04:15
zykotick9dalton2345, it is a safe as it will ever be04:16
somsipdalton2345: a recent GoUbuntu poll put safe upgrades at about 90%. Doesn't mean you won't be one of the 10% who has prblems...04:16
dalton2345ok thank you...i remember people were warning me over doing updates04:16
dalton2345they were advising me to do fresh install04:16
quixotedondalton: i mean, everything i do is just upgrade when necessary, every time the update manager pops up, i'll immediately update without unchecking any update listed.. this is what i've been doing :)04:17
dalton2345ok great04:17
dalton2345i just installed 11.04 a week ago04:17
dalton2345i dont mind upgrade it to 11.10...how long does it take?04:17
iam8updepends on your downstream bandwidth and processing power of the machine04:18
dalton2345i'll do it while i sleep ;)04:19
SeaPhorand how many repos you've enabled, and how many 3rd party apps you've installed04:19
quixotedondalton: my own made upgrade problem was i turned the computer off when it was in the middle of the progress and when i turned it on again, it turned out that it was unable to log in, but then i downloaded the iso, burned it to a cd and did an upgrade through the cd and done!04:20
quixotedonfor the upgrade, most of my apps are deleted, so i have to reinstall them04:20
dalton2345why you turned it off?04:21
dalton2345it doesn't upgrade the apps???04:22
quixotedondalton: just for a matter of curiousity.. :)04:22
quixotedonthe core apps are upgraded whenever possible, but 3rd apps are deleted04:22
dalton2345haha quixo...curiosity can hurt :)04:22
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:23
dalton23453rd apps is like vlc?04:23
quixotedonthat time i also tried wubi (ubuntu on windows)04:23
zykotick9dalton2345, thing in the ubuntu repo will be updated04:23
quixotedondalton: yeah04:23
quixotedonubottu: you ROCK! SHEN SEI!04:23
ubottuquixotedon: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:23
quixotedonubottu: yet you repeat the same humble reply04:24
ubottuquixotedon: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:24
dalton2345i'm scared of one thing04:24
quixotedonwubi on windows takes about 5 GB on your hard disk04:24
somsipdalton2345: it will upgrade any app that has an entry in the Oneiric repo. You may have problems with apps that do not have an Oneiric package. VLC was fine for me. It was not deleted.04:24
dalton2345i have a usb tuner...didn't work in lucid but actually works great in 11.0404:25
dalton2345i'm scared to jump to 11.10 for that...if it stop working :o04:25
bcohenIs it possible to download compiz fusion from one PC and install it on another? As opposed to downloading from the command line (ubuntu)04:26
quixotedondalton2345: prepare for a backup, but i think 11.10 works better than 11.0404:26
ChogyDanbcohen: what exactly are you trying to do?04:26
zykotick9bcohen, you could copy the DEBs from /var/cache/apt/archive or see "/msg ubottu aptoncd"04:26
dalton2345true quixo04:27
quixotedonall: any ebooks available for download to learn Terminal/bash command line from the very basic?? I'm still a newbie on terminal stuff.. thanks04:27
dalton2345i think its time i try an upgrade lol it will save me a cd ;)04:28
somsipquixotedon: the ubuntu manual might be a place to start04:28
quixotedonsomsip: where can i find it?04:28
bcohenChogyDan, my internet at home is very slow currently and I want to download all the files I need while Im at my girl's place04:28
zykotick9!manual | quixotedon04:28
dalton2345will it keep my setting?04:28
ubottuquixotedon: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:28
bcohenand then copy the files to USB and install on ubuntu on my home PC04:28
somsipzykotick9: thanks04:28
quixotedonhey guys, i found out 11.10 dash responses bit second latter than 11.0404:29
quixotedonthanks ubottu and somsip, this chat is surely next thing to hang out to learn things.. :)04:30
dalton2345quixo you using gnome classic?04:30
quixotedonunity i supposed04:30
dalton2345i use gnome classic :)04:30
iam8upis unity another desktop manager like gnome or kde?04:30
zykotick9!nounity | dalton234504:31
ubottudalton2345: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic04:31
dalton2345so the upgrade keep my setting?04:31
quixotedoni started using ubuntu since 10.1004:31
zykotick9dalton2345, consider your gnome2 settings useless04:31
flynnIs there an Ubuntu desktop room?04:31
somsipdalton2345: I found it forced Unity3d on me, but it was a simple case of changing the default session back again04:31
arooni-mobilehi folks;  it seems on ubuntu 11.10; the wireless icon causes the computer to temporarily lock up a bit.  anyway to fix that?04:31
dalton2345ohhhhhhh zykotick...you got me scarred now04:31
zykotick9flynn, you're there ;)04:31
dalton2345i'll have to do some reading about that...i'll wait for the upgrade04:32
MrCartelSo I have a dir A which contains a symlink B that points back to A. When I try to rm B, it says it is a dir. When I do an ls it says its a symlink. Any idea why?04:32
zykotick9!tab > dalton234504:32
ubottudalton2345, please see my private message04:32
ejvMrCartel: why not remove A04:32
dalton2345thanks ubottu :)04:32
flynnzykotick9:  My bad it says Ubuntu Servers"04:32
quixotedonthe problem i found was the ghost like of the menu when you click on the top right corner icons04:32
MrCartelejv: because it contains my data04:33
MrCartelI just dont understand why I cant delete the symlink04:33
ejvMrCartel: if you wanna kill just the symlink, a simple rm should suffice04:33
quixotedon(menus are unreadable or i can say gone, but still with the transparent box right there)04:33
dalton2345so i have to install gnome classic in 11.10 :(04:33
flynnWill a genuine dual boot "non-wubi" install give me less trouble?04:34
MrCartelejv: Right, however it claims it is a directory. What would/could cause this?04:34
ejvMrCartel: rm B/ != rm B04:34
zykotick9flynn, wubi is a terrible idea04:34
dalton2345do it with a cd flynn04:34
dalton2345its the best way04:34
MrCartelejv: arg that would be it04:34
flynndalton2345, I don't have a drive.04:35
quixotedonzykotick9: are u sure?? then i gotta delete wubi on my hard disk04:35
zykotick9dalton2345, gnome2 is done, you can't install it - there is a gnome3 fallback that is similar to gnome2, but not the same04:35
ejvMrCartel: and knowing is half the battle ;)04:35
zykotick9quixotedon, use wubi if you wish!04:35
MrCartelejv: thanks for help04:35
quixotedondalton2345: why not give gnome3 a shot???04:35
dalton2345ouch flynn04:35
testcan someone tell me what the difference between ubuntu and xubuntu is?04:35
zykotick9test desktop environments used: ubuntu = unity, xubuntu = xfce04:36
quixotedonzykotick9: i just tried installing it for an addition, now i'm using ubuntu04:36
dalton2345i dont want all the gadget quixo...i want it simple and fast04:36
flynntest, less 'fancy dancyness04:36
x_xfce is much faster than unity ;-)04:36
testokay thanks04:37
flynndalton2345 is there a flash drive install04:38
dalton2345yes there is flynn...but i never done it04:38
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zykotick9flynn, yes, the 11.10 is a hybrid iso/flash image to begin with - you can dd or cat it to a USB04:38
x_or use the startup disk creator so he doesn't kill his whole machine with dd ;-)04:39
pnormanmy ubuntu raid resync seems to be going at sync_action_min even though iostat reports no other sigificant IO activity on the box, and I"m not running anything. Any suggestions as to causes?04:39
zykotick9flynn, see x_'s comment above04:39
flynnzykotick9, dd or cat?  What's that?  I'm such a newb.04:39
pnormanI upped _min from 1 MB/s to 10 MB/s and it increased, so it wasn't limited by drive speed.04:40
x_someone quick get me an lsd iv drip04:40
zykotick9flynn, the answer is yes - and Startup Disk Creator (as x_ recommended) is a GUI tool to create the USB04:40
flynnOK, but I'm having trouble file sharing.  Do you think it could be just a bad install?04:41
x_flynn, define file sharing04:41
x_samba or nfs?04:41
flynnx_, samba.  I can't mount shared windows folders.04:42
lvidalho can I get the uptime from terminal04:42
pnormanGot it - for some reason it wasn't picking up the system-wide defaults04:42
zykotick9lvidal, type "uptime"04:42
pnormanivixor: "uptime"04:42
l1nuxmanI'm using metasploit console but I'm having trouble because when I list exploits the list is so long that I can only see the bottom last page. I don't know how to do a 'more' or some other method?04:42
lvidalzykotick9, pnorman thanks04:43
lvidalthe top command can give me the uptime too?04:43
ultrixxand htop is even nicer04:43
lvidalhow it is don with top?04:44
ultrixxtype top in the terminal04:44
lvidal*done sorry04:44
x_flynn, got smbclient installed ?04:45
zykotick9lvidal, the 1st line of top should be like "top - 00:44:50 up 6 days,  3:58, 16 users,  load average: 6.13, 6.22, 6.19"04:45
flynnx_, I dont know.04:45
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x_flynn, sudo apt-get install smbclient smbfs04:45
lvidalzykotick9: my first line is Processes: 103 total, 3 running, 2 stuck, 98 sleeping, 698 threads04:46
zykotick9lvidal, interesting - different versions of top then.04:46
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guddusomebody tell me how to setup proxy server in ubuntu04:47
x_flynn, here is the official ubuntu guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently04:47
lvidalI'm trying to figure it out if top can give me a result like this: top - 20:33:57 up 13 days,04:47
flynnx_, "already newest version"04:47
gudduhi somebody tell me how to setup proxy server in ubuntu04:48
w30what the he......! I have 0 users in top. Don't I count?04:48
ScottElvidal: that's uptime04:48
zykotick9ScottE, actually - that's the output i get with top (not using ubuntu though)04:49
flynnx_, I don't want to mount the shares permanently.04:49
lvidalScottE: hmmm.04:49
ScottEzykotick9: but everything wanted there is available via uptime04:49
lvidalhere' the thing guys, for you to clear me some doubts I have...04:49
x_flynn, then can you just browse them through the file manager under network?04:50
zykotick9ScottE, i agree, and lvidal already knows about uptime04:50
lvidalI have a technical support for some web servers I have...04:50
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ScottEzykotick9: sure, just trying to help lvidal if the uptime info is what was wanted04:50
gudduwill you plz tell me how to setup proxy server in ubuntu04:51
flynnx_, Nope04:51
zykotick9!patience | guddu04:51
ubottuguddu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:51
lvidaltoday we had a 503 MySQL connect error and the website didn't load for some time04:51
x_flynn, some problem on the windows side then i'd guess. folders not shared correctly some how.04:51
sasorihow to launch the ccsm via terminal? :S04:51
zykotick9sasori, type "ccsm"04:52
lvidalwhen I asked him about the MySQL server he told me that the server was always online and show me this "top - 20:33:57 up 13 days" line04:53
flynnx_, they share fine if I use windows.  I'm trying to phase windows off my machine.04:53
lvidalfor me, that's just the linux uptime, that doesn't show me nothing about MySQL server04:53
lvidalam I wrong?04:53
x_flynn, wait... are the shared folders your trying to access on a windows machine or ?04:54
zykotick9x_, i think you should perhaps ask "remove windows machine" ;)04:55
lvidalMySQL it's just a software on the machine, so… I think the top uptime doesn't help a lot04:55
x_zykotick9, always the best option of course ;-P04:55
lvidalam I right or this guy is kidding with me?04:56
flynnYeah, on this machine I can use windows or Ubuntu.  But, I'm trying to share files (browse files) on another machine that just has windows on it.04:56
x_lvidal, yea, just cause the machine is powered on doesn;t mean mysql is running correctly.04:57
ScottElvidal: yes, the top uptime is useless for monitoring mysql04:57
x_flynn, the SERVER (shared files) are on a windows machine, or the files are on a linux machine your answer is confusing me.04:57
somsiplvidal: in that format, top is displaying total uptime of the server. Top also shows uptime of particular process, such as "1260 mysql     20   0  236m  28m 3672 S    1  0.7   1:44.17 mysqld  "04:58
lvidalx_, ScottE: ok, just as I though.04:58
flynnx_,  I want access to files/folders on a windows machine.04:59
x_flynn, smbclient -L ip-of-machine05:00
_0spacetime0_irssi is the best05:00
flynnx_, ip of windows machine05:00
SrPxokay im gonna cry05:01
x_flynn, i don't know what the ip of your machine is man.05:01
SrPx1 hour trying to install a plugin05:01
SrPxhad to read tutorials even to move a file05:02
SrPxhow do I install the source code browser plugin for gedit? they say download the plugin and paste it in ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins. i had to create that folder because it didnt exist. pasted the stuff there, restarted gedit. nothing of the plugin appaering on the list.05:04
SrPxso i searched for the other plugins i had. found the folder where they were. copied the stuff there. nothing again05:05
joshwebbI recently upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 and ever since when I vnc into my server there is no way to display the dashboard, I get one icon and a weird menu that has options for "creating new windows", do I need to change vnc settings to correct this?05:05
flynnx-,  it's showing info on printers and then...  "session request to 192.168.x.x failed (Called name not present)05:05
flynnsession request to 192 failed (Called name not present)05:05
flynnDomain=[SCOOBY1] OS=[Windows 5.1] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager]05:05
flynn"   I put x's in Ip.05:05
flynnx_, oh, and it has shared docs in there too.05:06
EvanescenceI find some package install like this "gem install packagename" , how can I install this "gem" on ubuntu ?05:06
SrPxnobody knows?05:06
zykotick9!info gem | Evanescence perhaps this?  but I'm not sure.05:07
ubottuEvanescence perhaps this? but I'm not sure.: gem (source: gem): Graphics Environment for Multimedia - PureData library. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.92.3-2 (oneiric), package size 2775 kB, installed size 7260 kB05:07
|ntegra|SrPx: you may have to just log out and then log in again (restart gnome)05:07
Evanescencezykotick9: gem is a command from Ruby.05:07
zykotick9Evanescence, i've seen references to gem before, but never used it myself.  Good luck.05:08
Evanescencezykotick9: thanks still05:08
x_flynn, you will need to mount using the link I gave earlier using cifs.05:09
flynnx_, ok05:09
r4f4zr4hello all..05:09
SrPxokay ill try that ...05:11
SrPxby the way do I have to open nautilus as su and browser the entire path to a file everytime i need to move it??05:12
zykotick9SrPx, how are you opening nautilus with su exactly?  are you using gksu?  (it's not the greatest idea anyways, but don't use su or sudo with graphical apps!)05:13
zykotick9SrPx, users only have read/write permission to there home folder (and /tmp) by default, so elevated privileges are required for modifying files outside of /home/USERNAME - but should only RARELY be required.05:15
fubarHello everyone, I am running into an issue with plymouth boot loader, can I ask here?05:18
zykotick9fubar, are you using ubuntu?  if so, ask away.05:18
zykotick9fubar, and plymouth isn't technically a "boot loader" it's a splash screen05:19
fubarYes, I am. The issue I am having is really strange it just started today after a system update. I have a LUKS encrypted LVM that no longer unlocks on boot.05:19
fubarWhen I take the drive out and boot from an older ubuntu machine it works fine05:19
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SrPxzykotick9: for instance I just had to move some files to a folder to enable a gedit plugin. how am I supposed to do that? i used to go to the folder where the files are, ctrl+c them, go to the destination folder, ctrl+v. it doesnt work on ubuntu because of privileges.05:22
zykotick9SrPx, correct.  I understood what you where doing.  My question was how did you start nautilus to make it work?05:22
SrPxsudo nautilus but you said i shouldnt do this way?05:23
fubarThe exact error message I get on boot is "No key available with this passphrase"05:23
zykotick9SrPx, ya, use "gksu nautilus" if you have to05:23
zykotick9!gksu | SrPx05:23
ubottuSrPx: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)05:23
iam8upi have this package that has all of these dependencies, including java - it keeps saying these have dependencies of their own - is there any easy arguement to install them with apt-get or do i have to specify it to install every last one?05:24
zykotick9iam8up, if your talking command line, and a DEB file, you might want to check out gdebi (never used it myself, but i believe it can do dependency downloading)05:25
SrPxzykotick9: hmm okay, I'll do that, thanks. but is this the right way to do this (move things around to install a plugin?) because its kinda worky if I have to do this everytime05:25
iam8upzykotick9, http://pastebin.com/h3FPhMdn05:25
zykotick9SrPx, technically "not really".  Using your home folder was the "proper" way to do it actually.05:26
iam8upzykotick9, http://pastebin.com/CfJMFFXb05:26
iam8upsee what i mean?05:26
zykotick9iam8up, i don't think gdebi will help.  java6-runtime-headless might be an issue.05:27
zykotick9!info java6-runtime-headless05:27
ubottuPackage java6-runtime-headless does not exist in oneiric05:27
iam8upi'm very unfamiliar with debian and hence its package management, i'm much more familiar with rhel05:27
iam8upunfortunately...this airvision software only has a deb05:27
SrPxzykotick9: but arent things usually installed outside my home folder? im still lost on how ubuntu organizes its folders.05:28
zykotick9SrPx, when you use a package manager (as you should), yes it will install outside home dir - and that's fine.  "technically" YOU shouldn't be playing with those folders however.05:29
SrPxfor instance the lib and include folders are outside my home folder and il usually have to move files around those05:29
zykotick9SrPx, you really shouldn't be manually altering those folders at all05:30
iam8upzykotick9, apt-get install -f apparantly makes it do its thing...05:31
SrPxhow not . i should install my libs there souldnt I? also xampp and thus apache were installed outside my home folder. all my web work go under there in a folder called htdocs.05:32
zykotick9iam8up, good call!05:32
zykotick9!xampp | SrPx05:32
ubottuSrPx: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.05:32
zykotick9SrPx, you should try to stick to using software from ubuntu repos05:33
SrPxwasnt aware of lamp, okay05:33
SrPxby the way is its 'htdocs' folder installed on my home folder?05:33
zykotick9SrPx, nope05:33
SrPxso how i am supposed to work on it if i cant move files there05:34
zykotick9SrPx, there are obviously 1000+ exceptions to the rule ;)05:34
zykotick9SrPx, but for libraries it's not a good idea05:35
gratefulis there a program similar maybe to EasyTAG that automatically fetches album art?05:35
SrPxokay seriously isnt there just a way to login as su? i wont really mess things up and if I do its okay as my work is backupped...05:36
zykotick9SrPx, that's FAR more likely to mess things up05:36
zykotick9!noroot | SrPx05:36
ubottuSrPx: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.05:36
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:37
zykotick9SrPx, fyi you can use "/msg ubottu FACTOIDNAME" to get messages privately from ubottu.  She's very helpful ;)05:37
SrPxwops sry.05:38
pnormanzykotick9: How was ubottu's gender determined?05:38
zykotick9SrPx, no need to be sorry ;)05:38
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)05:38
gratefulis there a program similar maybe to EasyTAG that automatically fetches album art?05:38
zykotick9pnorman, by her creator i imagine05:38
Operaist2hello. i updated to 11.10 and now half my programs dont work...05:40
Operaist2what should i do?05:40
quixotedonwhat ;programs?05:41
Operaist2heroes of newerth05:41
quixotedonhave you reinstall them?05:42
Operaist2blender doesnt have install05:42
zykotick9grateful, try waiting 15-30 minutes before repeating questions.  I'm unaware of one BTW, but i love EasyTag (album art downloads would be a nice feature).05:42
quixotedonOperaattori: indeed you should reinstall it through ubuntu software centre05:43
zykotick9Operaist2, are you sure your 3D is still working?05:43
iam8upso what is ubuntu orchestra?05:43
Operaist2zykotick9: im not sure,05:44
Operaist2zykotick9: how do i check?05:45
zykotick9Operaist2, does "glxinfo | grep direct" report YES?05:45
gratefulzykotick9, im sorry, i lack patience05:45
=== Kasjopaja23111 is now known as Kasjopaja
zykotick9Operaist2, what graphics card?  "lspci | grep -i vga" if you aren't sure.05:45
Madpilotgrateful, Muine fetches album art from Amazon when it can. Nice little music player.05:45
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest26073
Operaist2zykotick9: nvidia 7600gt05:45
gratefulbanshee used to be able to do it, but no longer do i see the option05:46
zykotick9Operaist2, open nvidia-settings what driver does it report using?  (i'm just interested if it's nvidia or not)05:46
gratefulill give muine a try05:46
gratefulclementime has a feature that does it but its one at a time05:46
KnownSQASHEDHey guys - I'm having trouble enabling usb support for virtualbox.  Should I move to the vbox channel, or can someone here help me?05:47
Operaist2zykotick9: command not found...05:47
Madpilotgrateful, muine is a very, very simple little album player. It's great, none of the clutter Rhythmbox and others have. It just plays music.05:47
zykotick9Operaist2, install the nvidia driver then05:47
Operaist2zykotick9: how? i cant find the additional driver program any more05:48
zykotick9Madpilot, to bad it's mono infected ;)05:48
zykotick9Operaist2, you'd have to ask someone using 11.10 then.  sorry i don't know.05:48
somsipgrateful: I like deadbeef which apparently supports album art though I don't use it myself.05:48
gratefuldeadbeef never heard of it05:49
Madpilotzykotick9, meh. I'll pick other fights, that's one that has never bothered me.05:49
zykotick9KnownSQASHED, are you using vbox from ubuntu repo?05:49
zykotick9KnownSQASHED, oh ignore my question (if you're using 11.10)05:50
SrPxokay, the plugin didnt work because my version of gedit was too old05:50
SrPxtrying to install gedit 3.2. have to build. got error libxml2.0, glib2.0, gthread2.0 and 6 others not found. solution is to install each one?05:51
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KnownSQASHEDI am running 11.10.05:52
Majere_DravenI was thinking floodbot was something else at first05:52
zykotick9KnownSQASHED, then VBox from the repo will support USB (the old VBox-OSE didn't, thus my question).  If no one else answers, you could ask in #vbox05:53
Madpilotit's not *actually* a bot that floods. it just acts that way sometimes. :)05:53
Operaist2how do i install nvidia driver with 11.10??05:53
KnownSQASHEDOkay.  I've asked in vbox as well, and the entire channel is pretty much silent.  I believe my issue my be usergroup related.05:54
=== gloscon is now known as khyati
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=== khyati is now known as 17SABTKGV
kakashi__Buenas nochees05:55
kakashi__Alguien sabe cual es el Puerto que debo desbloquear en Firestarter para usar el chat de Facebook en Empathy?05:55
KnownSQASHEDI'm not sure if my account is even in the vboxusergroup.  I ran "getent group vboxusers" and it returned "vboxusers:x:125:".  The example online had a username following the rest of that.05:55
zykotick9KnownSQASHED, as your user type "groups". and you're right, vboxusers group doesn't currently have any members.05:56
KnownSQASHEDCould that be my issue?05:57
zykotick9KnownSQASHED, i'm not sure if that is your issue or not however05:57
KnownSQASHEDOkay.  I'll do a little more research.  Last time I tried to figure this out, I seem to remember that it was necessary to be in that group in order to get usb input.  I'll see if I can find a reference to it online somewhere.05:57
zykotick9!es | kakashi__ sorry i'm not sure if you're spanish or not.05:58
ubottukakashi__ sorry i'm not sure if you're spanish or not.: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:58
Madpilotubottu, es | kakashi__05:58
ubottukakashi__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:58
kakashi__any of you knows what is the port to be open on Firestarter to use the Facebook chat on Empathy?05:58
Madpilotgah, sorry05:58
KamikazeAndyIm trying to install Enlightenment E17 on 11.11, and apt-get returns that there are unmet dependencies and "E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages."05:58
SrPxeven after installing libxml-2.0 the ./configure command of gedit tells me libxml2.0 is missing. please help. :/05:59
zykotick9KamikazeAndy, broken packages... you could try running "sudo apt-get -f install" to fix those - or provide pastebin of what's failing.  Sorry, I've never personally used E17 so can't help there.05:59
PlaneticHey all! I've got a problem with apt-get. While trying doing anything with apt-get I constantly have the same error. I can't google any sollution. Details are here: ~$ sudo apt-get remove mc06:00
PlaneticReading package lists... Error06:00
PlaneticE: Malformed 1st word in the Status line06:00
KnownSQASHEDThis article seems to indicate that it's necessary to be in that usergroup, however I don't think it tells how to join it within 11.10.  Any thoughts?https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/USB06:00
SrPxzykotick9: you dont know the answer for that do you :/06:00
zykotick9SrPx, you might need the -dev version?06:00
PlaneticI am sorry details are here: http://www.friendpaste.com/4ZvYLixMPPLXfNq6o7gn4W06:01
KamikazeAndyZykotick9, I'll try apt-get -f. If that doesn't work, I'll use pastebin06:01
SrPxgot both libxml2 and libxml2-dev06:01
zykotick9SrPx, sorry, no idea then.06:01
SrPxperhaps its being installed in a folder gedit isnt aware of?06:01
zykotick9SrPx, what verion of gedit are you trying to install BTW?06:01
SrPx3.2 the latest06:02
KamikazeAndyapt-get -f didn't work. Here's pastebin.com/i2dPs15k06:05
zykotick9SrPx, i've been searching for a PPA with that version, but can't find one.  Good luck.06:05
KnownSQASHEDCan anyone tell me how to join the vbox user group in 11.10?  I can't find any information online.06:06
zykotick9KamikazeAndy, have you added some other repo/ppa to your system?06:07
zykotick9!info e1706:07
ubottue17 (source: e17): The Enlightenment DR17 Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.16.999.55225-1 (oneiric), package size 2777 kB, installed size 8696 kB06:07
larry_Please help me connect wirelessly to my 2wire router06:07
KamikazeAndyZykotic9, just the official repo for e1706:08
zykotick9KnownSQASHED, the old school method would be "sudo usermod -aG vboxusers YOURUSERNAME"06:08
zykotick9!tab > KamikazeAndy06:08
ubottuKamikazeAndy, please see my private message06:08
KnownSQASHEDAwesome, I'll give it a shot06:09
zykotick9KamikazeAndy, but e17 appears to be in the default repo with 11.10?  why.06:09
KnownSQASHEDIs my username case sensitive?06:09
KamikazeAndyZykotick9, what do you mean?06:09
zykotick9KnownSQASHED, FYI you need to log out/in for group changes to take effect.06:09
zykotick9KnownSQASHED, i don't think usernames can have upper case can they?  If your user does, then yes assume case sensitive.06:10
zykotick9KamikazeAndy, did you add some e17 repo to your system?06:10
KnownSQASHEDHmm.  Where should I go to check my username?06:11
KamikazeAndyYes. One06:11
zykotick9KamikazeAndy, then "I" can't personally help.  Good luck.06:11
KnownSQASHEDNevermind. I found it.06:11
zykotick9KnownSQASHED, "grep YOURUSERNAME /etc/passwd"06:11
pnormanMy ubuntu machine is periodically crashing (dropping connections and not responding to local input), requiring a reboot. What files should I look at for logs that may help to identify the problem?06:12
larry_This is my first xchat. How should I get help about wireless connection?06:12
Planeticmy /var/lib/dpkg/status file is massively corrupted. There is no way to fix it by hand! How to fix it?06:13
zykotick9pnorman, i'd start with /var/log/messages06:13
icerootPlanetic: there should be /var/lib/dpkg/status-old06:14
icerootPlanetic: replace it06:14
pnormanzykotick9: not found06:14
zykotick9pnorman, try tab completion perhaps ubuntu uses a messages.0 or something?06:14
Planeticzykotick9: Thanks06:14
zykotick9Planetic, wasn't me ;)06:15
zykotick9!cookie | iceroot06:15
ubottuiceroot: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!06:15
Planeticiceroot: Thanks06:17
pnormanhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/724998/ is the directory listing - i already checked syslog, nothing unusual before the hang (just cron jobs running which had run successfuly the few times before)06:17
zykotick9pnorman, i guess ubuntu just uses syslog (vs debian's messages) sorry to lead you astray06:18
zykotick9pnorman, humm, i have both a syslog and a messages?  (not ubuntu though)06:18
pnormanMaybe I should change what syslog logs and wait for it to happen again06:21
kontagioushow do i make a rotating wallpaper?06:30
ActionParsnipkontagious: in which release?06:31
pnormanargh - it crashed again06:31
ActionParsnipkontagious: nd which DE06:31
kontagious11.10 unity06:31
stephniok guys how can i go to applications without using dash cos i want to use the edit menus06:32
ActionParsnipkontagious: unity isn't a DE, do you mean Gnome?06:32
ActionParsnip!notunity | stephni06:32
ubottustephni: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic06:32
soreaukontagious: What do you mean by rotating?06:32
ActionParsnipkontagious: I'll assume gnome: http://askubuntu.com/questions/67218/how-do-i-create-a-desktop-wallpaper-slideshow-in-oneiric06:32
SrPxzykotick9: oh my cant believe i managed to compile it. thanks for helping me06:34
kontagiousthank you ActionParsnip, i found the xml file06:34
zykotick9SrPx, glad you figured it out06:35
ActionParsnipkontagious: all I did was websearch.....    no worries :)06:35
stephnihow can i edit an application property?06:35
kontagiousActionParsnip, i tried but was missing the proper keywords to search for i think06:35
SrPxlinux is such a strange world for me but i feel itll be worth the effort...06:36
ActionParsnipkontagious: http://www.google.co.uk/search?ix=aca&sourceid=chrome&client=ubuntu&channel=cs&ie=UTF-8&q=oneiric+changing+wallpaper   worked for me :)06:36
stephnihow can i edit an application property?06:36
ActionParsnipstephni: how do you mean?06:36
ActionParsnipstephni: do you mean the options used when it gets executed?06:37
stephnii have an application that requires i run as root so i want to add gksu in the command line. how do i get to the launcher properties window06:39
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ActionParsnipstephni: you can edit the file in /usr/share/applictions    edit the Exec= line06:42
ActionParsnipSomeoneWeird: please don't away like that06:42
Math^hello all, I'm looking for some free/open music to use for my video's, anyone know a good site for that?06:43
N9tShadowwhat kind of videos are you making.?06:44
ActionParsnipMath^: http://www.legittorrents.info/06:44
Math^N9tShadow: any kind, atm I'm making one from my dog as a little puppy :)06:44
Math^ActionParsnip: ty06:44
zykotick9Math^, you might want to try http://www.jamendo.com/ as well06:45
Math^thnx, I'll take a look there also06:46
Virus_jpgwecamstudio test06:47
Virus_jpghi i am broadcsting this chat using linux webcamstudio at blogtv.com/people/analyzingfunny if you want to see it06:48
EvilkissNeed help, how to install pulseaudio version 1.0 or 1.1 to ubuntu 10.04?06:48
dalton2345virus what you using to broadcast06:49
Virus_jpgwebcamstudio, it is Linux only06:49
dalton2345oh yeahhh...i tried it06:49
Virus_jpgIt runs real nice06:49
dalton2345i broadcast too but with vlc06:49
Virus_jpgooo teach me!06:49
dalton2345i'm trouble with it right now tough06:49
Virus_jpgi know its not easy06:50
dalton2345i can do movies in my sleep06:50
Virus_jpgthe webcamstudio IRC feature wels very well06:50
dalton2345but live tv it stop 30-40mn after i start06:50
dalton2345webcamstudio cant do movies06:51
digitaldrownsup yall im running u buntu on pentium 4 virtualbox 1gb ram windows 706:51
digitaldrownp4 2.26 ghz06:51
digitaldrownit is slow but fun06:51
ActionParsnipEvilkiss: let me see06:51
Virus_jpgI have used VLC to see my vid camera06:51
dalton2345i tried i couldnt do movies in 16.906:51
dalton2345virtualbox 1gb digital of course its slow06:51
AmdpcHi..How can I know when Ubuntu was installed on my pc ?06:51
digitaldrowni had to use gnome-shell06:52
digitaldrownold gnome06:52
dalton2345digital try it on live cd06:52
digitaldrownto speed it up06:52
dalton2345you will get a better experience06:52
digitaldrowndoes it save files tho06:52
ActionParsnipdalton2345: using a light DE in the virtual system like LXDE will free up more resources06:52
digitaldrownapt-get install LXDE???06:53
EvilkissActionParsnip: I just red that version 1.0 support passtrough that i need in the optical/coaxial output06:53
AmdpcAnyone ?06:53
dalton2345yes true...but not with 1gb ram06:53
dalton2345virtualbox need at least 3gb06:53
ActionParsnipAmdpc: could look at the create time of the /home folder or something like that06:53
digitaldrownits not THAT bad06:54
digitaldrowni allocate 448mb06:54
dalton2345i use virtualbox for very light linux just for fun06:54
digitaldrownyeah puppy06:54
Raacis linux better than windows or is it simply the customization06:54
dalton2345iyes digital but you got only 1gb06:54
digitaldrowni know06:55
dalton2345ubuntu hardly run on a 1gb...so on virtualbox06:55
dalton2345use a light linux06:55
dalton2345i'm just saying ;)06:55
zykotick9Raac, are apples better then oranges?06:55
zykotick9Raac, some might disagree ;)06:56
dalton2345raac....its 20x better :)06:56
Raachaha :)06:56
ActionParsnipRaac: it depends on situation entirely06:56
RaacI was joking.. but my point was that.. it is simply the customization06:56
Raaclinux lets users customize more widely and windows doesn't.06:57
dalton2345linux is so much faster06:57
Raacthat is my take06:57
pratzhey guys whats the best tool for ubuntu / linux to create wireframe ?06:57
dalton2345i really appreciate it06:57
ActionParsnipRaac: people whom are wanting to play the latest games will be disappointed and WIndows is the better choice. For standard browsing and stuff there is not much in it but Linux is free06:57
Math^zykotick9: nice website, thnx :)06:57
Raacso hardcore gamers can't use linux? interesting06:58
dalton2345i was going to say unless you are a gamer06:58
Raaci thought some gamers were linux users06:58
pratzhey guys whats the best tool for ubuntu / linux to create wireframe ?06:58
dalton2345yes you can play some games in it but not all06:58
* phlak_user on standby06:58
Raaclinux might be free . but windows 7 is not bad. pretty graphics, relatively fast.. aero, transparent themes...06:59
dalton2345blue screen too lol06:59
Raachehe haven't got it yet on w706:59
MadpilotRaac, Linux is much lower maintenance than Windows. No real worry about viruses, malware, etc, harder to install random crap that clogs up the system.06:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:59
dalton2345raac you need to try it :)07:00
digitaldrownim going to do freebsd 7.1 with xfce07:00
Raacinteresting.. so viruses don't work on linux because their platforms are different07:00
digitaldrownthat should be quick enough with 1gb07:00
zykotick9!virus | Raac07:00
ubottuRaac: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus07:00
pratzhey guys whats the best tool for ubuntu / linux to create wireframe ?07:01
RaacI don't use antivirus. I own a comodo firewall. that works =)07:01
pratzhey guys whats the best tool for ubuntu / linux to create wireframe / mockups  ?07:01
dalton2345digital i never tried freebsd07:01
digitaldrowndo you guys like MonoDevelop?07:01
digitaldrowni have dalton it is nice07:01
digitaldrownand FAST07:01
digitaldrownpure unix07:01
FloodBot1digitaldrown: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:01
RaacI might give linux a shot sometime in the future when I get time.. seems like something worth trying at least.07:01
chaospsychexpratz: blender, in the software center07:01
digitaldrownRaac you def should07:01
digitaldrownyou can put it on a usb stick for petes sake07:01
dalton2345isn't bsd different than linux07:01
digitaldrownand run live07:01
digitaldrownand the same07:02
ActionParsnipRaac: not all the latest games for Windows run in Wine07:02
digitaldrownsaem terminal commands07:02
FloodBot1digitaldrown: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:02
zykotick9dalton2345, yes - bsd is unix, linux is linux ;)07:02
digitaldrownits halfway downloaded :)07:02
JoakalI'm trying to perform an upgrade of nginx binary that's being supervised by runit. Anyone have tips? Or where I can look for help with Runit? /confused07:02
dalton2345ohhh i may try it :) too07:02
ActionParsnipRaac: you mean a distro. Linux is on ly the kernel ;)07:02
zykotick9chaospsychex, my bad.  bsd is unix, linux is gnu/linux (most of the time)07:03
Raachaha yah I only know linux.07:03
digitaldrownunix is the same07:03
ActionParsnipEvilkiss: still searching PPAs07:03
digitaldrownas far as i can tell07:03
digitaldrownyou can run gnome07:03
chaospsychexlinux is gnu, gnu is linux07:03
digitaldrownand the packaging system on freebsd is amazing07:04
* phlak_user gnu aint unix07:04
dalton2345digital u know puppy/arch ?07:04
zykotick9chaospsychex, not always true - android has nothing to do with gnu07:04
digitaldrownyeah ive used it once or twice i think.. or at lesast had install screen07:04
dalton2345i installed arch on an old pc with 300mo ram and it works lol07:04
chaospsychexfreebsd package system is called what?07:04
digitaldrowni forget :P07:04
zykotick9chaospsychex, ports is one option07:04
dalton2345i can play video, browse the web and everything, i was surprised07:04
digitaldrownbut i remember it was awesome07:04
dirklehello, can someone help me. I'm trying to setup a bridge with a virtual machine without modifying the interfaces file07:04
digitaldrowni'll be back in BSD later07:05
dirkleI can't find any good documents through google that fit this07:05
phlak_userdirkle, use bridge-utils ; commands like brctl help you control on the fly07:05
phlak_user!info bridge-utils | dirkle07:05
chaospsychexdigitaldrown: why was it so awesome07:05
ubottudirkle: bridge-utils (source: bridge-utils): Utilities for configuring the Linux Ethernet bridge. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5-2ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 30 kB, installed size 204 kB07:05
dirklephlak_user, thanks, I'll take a look into that07:06
ActionParsnipdirkle: if its in virtualbox, you can set the interface to be bridged in the config07:06
dirklewell, we tried just setting up the bridge, but it borked the network card such that we could no longer send or receive anything through the card07:07
Operaist2how do i check my nvidia driver version with 11.10?07:07
dirkleso we haven't gotten to setting the interface in virt-manager07:07
zykotick9Operaist2, open nvidia-settings is one method07:07
harsh343I am not able to copy or create an file in www directory in ubantu ????07:07
Operaist2zykotick9: there is no such thing as nvidia-settings for me07:08
phlak_userharsh343, use sudo07:08
harsh343phlak_user, hows ?07:08
zykotick9Operaist2, then my guess is you don't have the proprietary nvidia driver installed (unless it's become a separate package)07:08
ActionParsnipOperaist2: nvidia-settings tells you on the first screen07:09
zykotick9!info nvidia-settings | Operaist207:09
ubottuOperaist2: nvidia-settings (source: nvidia-settings): Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver. In component main, is optional. Version 280.13-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 901 kB, installed size 2152 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)07:09
phlak_userharsh343, sudo cp file1 /var/www/ or sudo vi /var/www/file1.html07:09
harsh343phlak_user, I want to create a file in www07:10
harsh343or copy if required07:10
phlak_userharsh343, im sorry, i am not able to help you beyond this07:10
dr_willisgroups can be used to allow avcess to the www dir also i recall07:11
zykotick9dr_willis, www-data i believe07:11
ultrav1oletcan anyone running Intel Core 2600K CPU show their 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'?07:11
ultrav1oletor 260007:11
harsh343phlak_user, ok not an issue thanks07:11
chaospsychexhard343: from the terminal as root, you can use 'sudo gedit <foo.file>'07:12
dr_willisi never need to do it. but i see that www questiin asked a lot07:12
stephnian app i want to run as root after adding gksu it won't save what should i do07:12
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: gksudo for gedit07:12
zykotick9!gksudo | chaospsychex07:12
ubottuchaospsychex: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)07:12
pnormanI was too slow to say that07:12
chaospsychexdidn't know that07:12
dr_willisi bet its covered on askubuntu.com in detail07:12
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!07:12
ActionParsnipstephni: use gksudo instead, worth a try07:13
stephnii go to app properties i put but if i close it returns to the previous state won't save07:14
dalton2345gksudo works great :)07:14
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phlak_userstephni, what app?07:16
kookycookiei downloaded a tar package with no script or build file..07:16
kookycookiehow do i install in?07:16
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ActionParsnipkookycookie: what is the filename you downloaded?07:17
phlak_userstephni, you need to save wireshark config explicitly07:17
* pnorman has actually never needed to run gksudo07:17
stephniwhere will i find it07:17
ActionParsnippnorman: you'll need it for GUI apps like gedit and nautilus07:17
phlak_userkookycookie, did the page that you downloaded it from tell you? is there a INSTALL or README file inside the exploded tarball?07:17
=== Guest12241 is now known as corsairtux
pnormanActionParsnip: GUI? :P07:17
kookycookiei got it from laucnhpad07:17
ActionParsnippnorman: indeed. I assume you edit text in terminal07:18
ActionParsnippnorman: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc07:18
phlak_userkookycookie, what does it do?07:18
pnormanI oneiric. I'm running ubuntu server - no gui07:18
ActionParsnippnorman: then you won't even have it installed :D07:19
ActionParsnipkookycookie: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc07:19
ActionParsnippnorman: helps if I ask the right dude, huh07:19
pnormanI did wonder07:20
zykotick9!info libva1 | kookycookie07:20
ubottukookycookie: libva1 (source: libva): Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- runtime. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.12-2 (oneiric), package size 36 kB, installed size 144 kB07:20
MrGizmo757dose anybody in here know how to set up  fglrx drivers in terminal using aticonfig?      i installed the drivers using synaptic and i can figure out how to get them working07:20
ActionParsnipzykotick9: nice07:20
chaospsychexuse the open source radeon ones instead07:20
zykotick9MrGizmo757, #debian's answer didn't work for you ;)07:20
kookycookieI need it as a dependancy(sort of) for another app07:21
chaospsychexis the b43-firmware module included with 11.10 ?07:21
MrGizmo757nope dead end07:21
MrGizmo757i have bad 3d support with the opensource driver.07:21
zykotick9kookycookie, "sudo apt-get install libva1" should install it for you07:21
MrGizmo757i am as far an aticonfig--initial.    dont know what to do next.  :-(07:21
kookycookieI need tat specific version x_x07:22
ActionParsnipEvilkiss: still going, there are 170 PPAs with pulseaudio in them07:22
phlak_userkookycookie, did you download source? in that case, you might have to compile it (configure; make ; make install)07:22
zykotick9kookycookie, oh sorry, ya different version in maverick07:23
pnormanIt figure - when I set up ssh to watch the some log files, it no longer crashes07:23
kookycookieyea, but it doesnt have any make or configure file07:23
kookycookiezykotick9, thanks tho07:23
EvilkissActionParsnip: oho, no much :)07:24
=== pnorman is now known as pnorman_desktop
harsh343how can i give permissions to create and edit the file in ubantu ??07:24
chaospsychexsudo nano <foo.file>07:24
ActionParsnipharsh343: it's ubuntu, not ubantu07:25
chaospsychexman chown07:25
chaospsychexman chmod07:25
ultrav1oletAnyone with Intel Core 2600(K) here?07:25
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions07:25
ultrav1oletcan you show your 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'?07:25
harsh343ActionParsnip, yes sorry07:25
zykotick9!anyone | ultrav1olet07:26
ubottuultrav1olet: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.07:26
zykotick9ultrav1olet, why do you want to see the cpuinfo?07:26
ultrav1oletzykotick9: I'm investigating some issue but I don't have access to a HT enabled system at the moment07:27
harsh343please help me07:27
=== gustav- is now known as beerbro
ActionParsnipharsh343: if you run;  gksudo gedit filename     you will get write access to filename07:27
phlak_userharsh343, is it so difficult to click on the link that is pasted above and learn?07:27
zykotick9ultrav1olet, well this is my AMD cpuinfo http://paste.ubuntu.com/725038/07:28
chaospsychexsudo apt-get install hardinfo07:29
chaospsychexnice program07:29
kookycookieif i did manage to install libva 1.0.12, what are the chances it will break the system?07:29
ultrav1oletzykotick9: that's not 260007:29
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: lshw-gtk   isn't bad either ;)07:30
zykotick9ultrav1olet, did i not say "... my AMD ..."07:30
chaospsychexActionParsnip: will have to try that one07:30
JetBoyJetGirlI keep getting this error message "Failed to download package Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/tzdata/tzdata_2011l-0ubuntu0.10.10_all.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80] " ... it downloaded 184/185 Mgb sucessfully but keeps erroring at the end. Any suggestions?07:30
phlak_userJetBoyJetGirl, change mirrors and check again07:31
zykotick9JetBoyJetGirl, "sudo apt-get update" first, or try changing your mirror07:31
harsh343if i want to create a file then ?07:31
ActionParsnip!info pulseaudio lucid07:31
ubottupulseaudio (source: pulseaudio): PulseAudio sound server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.22~0.9.21+stable-queue-32-g8478-0ubuntu14 (lucid), package size 623 kB, installed size 4460 kB07:31
chaospsychexgksudo gedit <filename.file>07:31
ActionParsnipJetBoyJetGirl: the server is up and files are there, the sudo apt-get update should sort you07:33
phlak_userharsh343, when i type "How to create a file in Ubuntu" in google, I get 11 Mn results and the first one is this -> http://www.ehow.com/how_5804442_create-new-file-ubuntu-terminal.html07:33
JetBoyJetGirlhow do i change mirrors?07:33
stephnihaving problem running wire shark as root somebody pls help07:33
JetBoyJetGirli just tried sudo-aptget update to no avail07:34
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com07:34
phlak_userJetBoyJetGirl, edit software-sources07:34
pnorman_desktopJetBoyJetGirl: was it what you typed, or sudo apt-get update?07:34
harsh343phlak_user, yes o got it07:35
phlak_userharsh343, great :)07:35
* phlak_user throws the spoon away07:36
Steristanyone know if i can shrink-off unallocated space from the beginning of an extended partition?07:37
Steristwithout issue07:37
chaospsychexyeah, use gparted07:37
vishwasAny one from INDIA07:37
Steristchaospsychex it wont cause any problems?07:37
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:37
vishwasAny Gubals here07:38
chaospsychexmake sure you don't shrink it over any data07:38
chaospsychexdata will be represented as a color on the partition07:38
Steristchaospsychex yes i have it and invoking our bot didnt help lol but this space is at the beginning the partition...07:38
ActionParsnipEvilkiss: I can't find a ppa dude, sorry07:38
chaospsychexSterist: sudo fdisk -l and paste the output to pastie.org07:39
EvilkissActionParsnip: It's ok...thanks anyway07:39
SupaYoshiHi I was here yesterday, I want my grub timeout changed, but I can only boot into Windows07:39
SupaYoshiHow do I do it from Live CD without reinstalling the whole OS07:39
vishwasWhich is the best torrent downloader for UBUNTU07:40
vishwasAny alternate07:40
chaospsychextransmission, lol07:40
WeberEIncHello all!  Anyone have any success getting an iPhone 3GS with iOS 5 to talk to Ubuntu 10.04?  Since the iOS 5 upgrade, the phone no longer auto-mounts like it used to in Ubuntu.  I can no longer see the photos like a USB device as it used to.07:40
tsak_how i can restric linux kernel files to be updated. my friends is now using ubuntu a lot but hes laptop wireless works only with earlier version of linux kernel. so he doesnt like that when he does updates the system "brokes"07:41
vishwasHow to install Nvidia Graphics driver in UBUNTU07:41
zykotick9!pinning | tsak_07:42
ubottutsak_: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto07:42
Steristchaospsychex sorry i like pastebin better lol http://pastebin.com/0Kb1C1XE07:42
vishwasNvidia GeForce Graphics driver in UBUNTU07:42
tsak_hmm wait i will read that :)07:42
ChoconutHello, anybody can help me?07:43
vishwasNeed some help?07:43
pnorman_desktop!ask | Choconut07:43
ubottuChoconut: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:43
ChoconutYes, but I'm a french people.07:43
chaospsychexSterist: which one do you want to expand/shrink ?07:43
zykotick9Sterist, you run without a swap partition? humm.07:43
Steristchaospsychex mind you that isn't showing the unallocated space in question07:43
Steristzykotick9 yes and no, long story07:44
vishwasHow to get microphone working in UBUNTU 10.04?07:44
zykotick9Sterist, there does appear to be a gap between the NTFS and Extended07:44
silv3r_m00nthe desktop that I see , is that an X session ?07:44
ChoconutOkay, I'm going to install Ubuntu. But when I boot to the CD. How many new partition musst I do for Ubuntu. One /swap One /racine ?07:44
zykotick9silv3r_m00n, currently, any GUI that you see is running on top of Xorg yes.07:45
chaospsychexSterist: you shouldn't have a problem extending the extended over the gap07:45
Steristzykotick9 then that's the one. it's part of the extended partition (beginning of)07:45
chaospsychexdo sudo update-grub when ur done to be sage07:45
tonioxdcc send #2007:45
Steristchaospsychex again lol it is PART of the extended. i wasn to undo that07:45
ShirakawasunaChoconut: I would go with the default, it should choose one automatically.07:46
soreausilv3r_m00n: What you see is your desktop environment and window manager but they're running in X, yes07:46
zykotick9Sterist, oh - maybe not?07:46
silv3r_m00nhmm ok07:46
ShirakawasunaChoconut: in general I think it makes / and /swap07:46
ChoconutOkay Shirakawasuna, thank you.07:46
silv3r_m00nso a webhosting server does not have a X session running , right ?07:46
ChoconutHave a good day.07:46
Steristzykotick9 maybe not what :P07:47
chaospsychexStearist paste screen capture from gparted showing partitions of dev/sda07:47
JetBoyJetGirlgreat, the update finished! thanks to all for the help!07:47
zykotick9Sterist, no maybe about this - i was making a mistake.  I'm not sure there is a gap.07:47
JetBoyJetGirlthis chan is pretty awesome :-)07:47
vishwas I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :07:47
WeberEIncHello all!  Anyone have any success getting an iPhone 3GS with iOS 5 to talk to Ubuntu 10.04?  Since the iOS 5 upgrade, the phone no longer auto-mounts like it used to in Ubuntu.  I can no longer see the photos like a USB device as it used to.07:47
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: usually no07:48
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rodhashHello guys.. how can I disable the paste function from middle clicking to double click (left and right button) pls ??07:49
tsak_zykotick9: thanks! that hold:ing is what i need. i dont have to use pinning :) good page :)07:49
=== ashaszin is now known as zerogustun
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com07:51
Steristchaospsychex zykotick9 notice the position of the mouse. that's what i want to shrink OUT of the extended http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/804/74479431.png/07:51
chaospsychexSterist: you want /dev/sda5 to cover the grey space to the left of it?07:53
zykotick9Sterist, well you can try with gparted.  good luck.07:53
Steristchaospsychex zykotick9 scratch that, looks like mouse is removed from screenshot lol07:53
phlak_userWeberEInc, phones generally have an option that you can set for showing up as storage device; check if this is the case with your phone07:53
chaospsychexi cant see the mouse cursor07:53
suse_newbeedoes anyone know why mobile broadband unable to connect on ubuntu 11.10 with KDM dsktop environment07:53
phlak_usersuse_newbee, without any further details, my crystal ball cant07:53
pnorman_desktopcrashed again :( running memtest, hope it turns up something since that's a cheap and easy fix07:54
Steristchaospsychex no no no lol i want that grey space to be removed from the light blue outline (removed from extended partition)07:54
suse_newbeephlak_user: my uname - output > Linux anonymez 2.6.38-10-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 28 15:05:41 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux07:55
harsh343due to some mistake my www folder deleted not how can i restore this www files07:55
WeberEIncphlak_user, I don't see anything like that in the iPhone 3GS using iOS 507:55
ndairouhi all07:55
chaospsychexthen resize the extended partition07:55
Steristchaospsychex so that i can format sda4 and have it consolidated with that space in question07:55
ndairoui need a help07:56
chaospsychexcan u even resize a extended partition that has logical containers in it?07:56
chaospsychexi've never done it07:56
zykotick9chaospsychex, i believe it's the logical inside the extended that needs resizing.  Sterist07:56
chaospsychexhe wants sda4 to have that space to use07:56
phlak_userWeberEInc, have you done this -> sudo apt-get install libimobiledevice-utils;idevicepair unpair && idevicepair pair07:56
Steristchaosphsychex zykotick9 well technically unallocated isnt logical or primary lol07:56
chaospsychexand you would have to resize the extended to do that07:56
Steristchaosphsychex zykotick9 correct me if im wrong07:57
ActionParsnipndairou: ask away07:57
phlak_usersuse_newbee, and how are you connecting to the mobile broadband?07:57
chaospsychexresizing the partitions INSIDE the extended does not change the size of the extended partition07:57
zykotick9Sterist, sda3 is the extended - and both unallocated bits are inside that07:57
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ndairoui have ubuntu ultilmate editioin 2.907:57
harsh343I am using this command  "sudo rm -rf /var/www" and my files got deleted now i want to store again ??? please please help me07:57
chaospsychexchanging sda5 will not change sda307:57
chaospsychexyou need to resize sda307:58
phlak_userharsh343, restore from the backup that you should have taken07:58
pipaloHow can I edit the shortcats in unity ?07:58
ndairouafter updating, i lose the animation of booting07:58
WeberEIncphlak_user, the second command returned the following:  QueryType failed, error code -25607:58
zykotick9ndairou, not supported here07:58
vishwasYavanige Enu Gothila07:58
pipalocontext menu has nothing :(07:58
phlak_userWeberEInc, that is ok (since it wasnt paired)07:58
ActionParsnippipalo: shortcuts in wht way??07:59
zykotick9!ultimate | ndairou07:59
ubottundairou: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition07:59
phlak_user!cn| vishwas07:59
ubottuvishwas: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw07:59
pipaloActionParnsip: the shortcuts in the menu bar.08:00
Steristzykotick9 understood, i want to essentially shrink the beginning of extended to match the beginning of sda5, if that makes sense08:00
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:00
=== administrator is now known as Guest49732
ndairouok thankx08:00
zykotick9Sterist, i don't think that makes sense, just increase the logical inside to take up the entire extended (unless you're after something else?)08:01
ActionParsnippipalo: those are arrnged by how you order the apps on the unity launcher08:01
harsh343phlak_user, can u plz give me the command for this08:01
chaospsychexzykotick9: he is after something else, he wants sda4 to have that little gray block to the left of sda508:01
pipaloActionParnsip: The menu where you can see the open programs, not Dash home08:01
Steristzykotick9, what he said lol08:02
chaospsychexand to do that he has to resize sda308:02
pipaloActionParsnip: How can I edit a shortcut ?08:02
pipalolike to change the link in it.08:02
phlak_userharsh343, its simple; if you backed up your files to say /media/backup; you run this command sudo cp /media/backup /var/www08:02
ActionParsnippipalo: the only way I personally know is to edit the .desktop file /usr/share/applications08:02
chaospsychexeven though that space is unallocated it is only avilable to sda308:03
chaospsychexbecause it is INSIDE sda308:03
zykotick9harsh343, there is no undelete from "rm"08:03
pipaloActionParnsip: CHeers I will give it a try08:03
WeberEIncphlak_user, I tried re-installing all of the libmobiledevice pkgs and libipod - anything else you can think of?08:03
Steristchaospsychex are you saying that the beginning boundary of sda3 is permanent?08:03
chaospsychexas long as sda3 exists, yes08:03
Guest49732ciao sono giuseppe08:03
harsh343zykotick9, now what can i do i want my www folder again and some files also which are kept in under www08:04
Jan31415I just wanted to update my Ubuntu to version 11. Now it doesnt start anymore. I need the data from my home directory. Nut in there thers just a readme.txt file and an Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop file. HELP!!!08:04
suse_newbeephlak_user: now I'm using linux mint can but on ubuntu 11.10(KDE) no joy..08:04
chaospsychexi'm not sure you can even resize sda3 once created08:04
zykotick9harsh343, sorry i can't help08:04
phlak_user!info libimobiledevice08:04
ubottuPackage libimobiledevice does not exist in oneiric08:04
chaospsychexonly can delete, add partitions and delete partitions inside of it08:04
chaospsychexu can resize partitions inside sda3, does you no good though08:05
harsh343zykotick9, means it is not possible to restore again yes or no ?08:05
zykotick9harsh343, you deleted it - you've lost those files08:05
phlak_userWeberEInc, there is a thread somewhere which says to upgrade libimobiledevice to latest here -> http://www.libimobiledevice.org/08:05
pipaloActionParnsip: Yup did the trick! cheers.08:05
chaospsychexharsh343: google 'testdisk'08:05
harsh343zykotick9, now what can i do ???08:05
ActionParsnipJan31415: did you use an encrypted home folder or encrypted file systems08:05
ActionParsnippipalo: i'm not sure if they survive updates08:05
zykotick9harsh343, you could recreate the directory and start again08:05
chaospsychexharsh343: sudo apt-get install testdisk and google how to use it08:06
ActionParsnippipalo: but its the only way I know how to edit them08:06
chaospsychexcan recover deleted files using testdisk08:06
phlak_usersuse_newbee, you need to give more info; is it a phone or a usb dongle; if phone, is it paired via bluetooth or data cable and so on08:06
harsh343zykotick9, ok thanks08:06
KageI followed the steps on the wiki to get flash working, but now instead of missing plugin, it says it is out of date08:06
zykotick9chaospsychex, photorec doesn't support ext4 though08:07
Steristchaospsychex zykotick9 i'm going to check something from my other install when the extended is unmounted. brb08:07
ActionParsnipKage: can you give a PASTEBIN of the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'          thanks08:07
pipaloActionParnsip: all I can do now is hope they survive and other then that it's no big deal I will get gimp instead of gimpbox.08:08
KageActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/e21rZFhR08:09
ActionParsnipKage: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-downloader:i386           then restart your browser, should help08:09
KageActionParsnip: works perfectly now :)08:11
ActionParsnipKage: sweet :)08:11
suse_newbeephlak_user: it's a usb dongle by zte inc i.e k3565-z08:11
Kagenow for Java >.<08:11
=== 17SABTKGV is now known as khyati
=== khyati is now known as 17SABTKGV
ActionParsnipKage: you have a 64bit OS. You had a 32bit flash and a 64bit flash installed.08:11
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=== khyati is now known as 17SABTKGV
phlak_usersuse_newbee, have you created an entry for it in network manager under mobile broadband?08:11
KageActionParsnip: I see08:12
=== 17SABTKGV is now known as khyati123
=== khyati123 is now known as 17SABTKGV
ActionParsnipKage: so we removed one and all is good. Having more than one flash plugin causes conflicts08:12
suse_newbeephlak_user, yes I did..08:12
phlak_usersuse_newbee, can you tail -f /var/log/syslog when you click on connect in network manager and pastebin the output of that?08:13
phlak_user!pastebin | suse_newbee08:13
ubottususe_newbee: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:13
Steristchaospsychex zykotick9 gparted will happily let me move the boundaries (beginning and end) of sda3. i didnt hit apply. before i do this, is there any reason i shouldnt?08:16
chaospsychexno, life is too short08:16
zykotick9Sterist, do you have any important information backed up?  if not, i'd do that first - there is always a risk to this sort of thing08:16
chaospsychexjust do sudo update-grub08:16
chaospsychexcheck the output of the command, should show your operating systems being detected08:17
Steristzykotick9 even though the space is unallocated? it wont let me adjust the beginning further than the grey08:17
chaospsychexyour good then08:17
phlak_user!who | chaospsychex08:17
ubottuchaospsychex: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)08:17
zykotick9Sterist, I don't know sorry?08:17
chaospsychexSterist: make sure you back-up your erotic medai files!08:18
sweboi can't connect to a WEP "secured" wifi network here. my system is a dell vostro 1000 with a bcm4311 wifi card. networkmanager just keeps asking for a password. it worked until yesterday with the same configuration. i don't know what has changed. signal strength can't be the problem, i would say.08:18
Steristlol okay08:18
Steristthanks so very much :)08:18
swebocan somebody please help me? i'm running out of ideas ...08:18
Steristnothing important is on this hard drive, i'm just going to give it a shot08:18
phlak_userswebo, someone changed the WEP key08:19
=== max is now known as Visionaire
chaospsychexSterist: make sure you do the 'sudo update-grub' command after resizing the partition08:20
doxinlogitech m100 mouse, it no work. what gives?08:20
swebophlak_user, i'm still connected to the network, with another notebook ...08:20
sweboand i can connect with the same key here08:20
chaospsychexswebo: huh?08:20
chaospsychexswebo: how are you connected to the network, on eth0 ?08:21
swebochaospsychex, on wlan008:22
ActionParsnipswebo: if you run:   dmesg | grep -i firm    do you see anything about firmware missing?08:22
chaospsychexswebo: oh08:22
phlak_userswebo, if you tail -f /var/log/syslog , you might get some clues08:23
ActionParsnipswebo: also try disabling ipv6 if you don't use it08:23
chaospsychexswebo: you have 1 wlan0 or 2?08:23
swebochaospsychex, only one08:24
sweboActionParsnip, the firmware is successfully loaded, as i can see08:25
ActionParsnipswebo: coolies08:25
sweboActionParsnip, how can i disable ipv6?08:25
ActionParsnipswebo: add the boot option:  ipv6.disable=108:25
chaospsychexcan gnome3 be used with ubuntu 11.10? which kernel version does it ship with ?08:26
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: gnome3 is default in gtk based Oneiric desktops08:27
chaospsychexis the b43-firmware module in the 3.1 kernel ?08:27
chaospsychexno unity right?08:27
ActionParsnip!info linux-image-generic | chaospsychex08:27
ubottuchaospsychex: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)08:27
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: yes unity, ubuntu classic is replaced by Unity2D lthough you can install the gnome fallback, or switch desktops08:27
chaospsychexActionParsnip: can i use the regular gnome3 desktop ?08:28
swebothis is my syslog while connecting: http://pastebin.com/sLRi0B1R08:28
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic08:28
doxinlogitech m100 mouse, it no work. what gives?08:28
ActionParsnipdoxin: probably config08:29
doxinActionParsnip: what config and where?08:29
ActionParsnipdoxin: let me websearch08:29
doxinActionParsnip: i tried that :I08:30
swebophlak_user, this is my syslog while connecting: http://pastebin.com/sLRi0B1R08:30
ActionParsnipdoxin: let me have a go. I'm blackbelt googlefu and 2nd Dan DuckDuckGo-ism08:30
doxinActionParsnip: yaaaay!08:31
chaospsychexwow 11.10 works!08:31
ActionParsnipdoxin: seen this one: http://techvisionblog.in/activate-additional-tilt-buttons-on-you-mouse-in-ubuntu/08:31
chaospsychexand in a vm08:31
chaospsychex11.04 wouldn't display correctly08:31
ActionParsnipdoxin: or this: http://adventuresinswitching.blogspot.com/2008/04/logitech-mx1000-mouse-on-ubuntu-804.html08:31
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: yeah compiz in Natty wasn't brilliant08:31
doxinActionParsnip: the mouse doesn't move either08:31
chaospsychexi might have to come 'home' lol, i've been using fedora 1508:31
chaospsychex11.10 is lts?08:32
ActionParsnipdoxin: the specification nd driver loading may make the mouse lod08:32
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: no, but 12.04 is08:32
doxinActionParsnip: hmmm08:32
chaospsychexwhen does 12.04 comes out?08:32
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: guess08:32
chaospsychexdecember 4th?08:32
chaospsychexor april 2012?08:32
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: look at the version that just came out and when it was actually released08:33
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: april 2012 is correct08:33
gogetachaospsychex: wow 11.10 just came out and you whant 1208:33
chaospsychexgogeta: lol08:33
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: makes it esier to know when  release was out and when it is EOL08:33
gogetachaospsychex: someone needs to just eable rolling relese08:33
chaospsychexwhat does that do?08:34
chaospsychexupdates to every new version ?08:34
gogetachaospsychex: always the latest stuff no releses08:34
=== suse_newbee is now known as wisevoyager
chaospsychexhow do you enable it?08:34
gogetachaospsychex: dunni debion and arch do it08:35
SlartibartHi. Ok to ask about dnsmasq here?08:35
ActionParsnipdoxin: little sidenote. Logitech hate Linux and refuse to support it08:35
doxinActionParsnip: as such. how odd.08:35
ActionParsnipSlartibart: sure, its in the ubuntu repos08:35
SlartibartOk, thanks.08:35
ActionParsnipdoxin: the M100 looks like  stndrd POS mouse though....08:35
gogetaActionParsnip: sense when my legitec stuff has always loved linux08:36
chaospsychexarch does it out of the box though08:36
mamoulI never got arround to trying arch08:36
ActionParsnipgogeta: oh there are projects to sort their stuff out but logitech don't make it08:36
ActionParsnipdoxin: seems you need the files outlined in the links I gave. Have you made those files before?08:37
gogetachaospsychex: if you can handel a command line and reading a wiki arch is easy enough to setup or you can use a easy to use project like chakra08:37
SlartibartRight now I have dnsmasq setup listening on to point some subdomain.dev back to my local apache server. But I need to be able to test webserver contents with internete explorer as well which is why I have virtualbox. Problem is that ie can only access the server from the computer's 192.168.* address, so I have to reconfigure dnsmasq somehow.08:38
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:39
gogetalol list08:39
KartagisI have a problem. when I first start my desktop, network is enabled but there's no connection. I have to stop and start it to get connection. why is that?08:39
ikoniaKartagis: define stop and start08:40
Kartagisikonia: I click the Enable Networking icon twice08:41
ActionParsnipSlartibart: may help http://leaf.sourceforge.net/doc/buci-dnsmasq.html08:41
Kartagiss/icon/menu item/08:41
ikoniaKartagis: is this wired or wireless08:41
Kartagisikonia: wired08:41
SlartibartIf I don't set a listen-address for dnsmasq it listens on all adresses, right? But what to I enter in /etc/dnsmasq.d/dev ? Right now it contains address=/dev/ , can I just add a similar line for the 192.168.* address? Extra: My 192.168.* changes as I'm connected to different wireless networks, can I use ranges somehow?08:41
ikoniaKartagis: odd, it should auto detect and start up if you have a valid network setup08:41
SlartibartActionParsnip: Right away. thanks.08:42
ikoniaKartagis: where have you configured the network card, in the interfaces file, or the gnome network manager08:42
Kartagisikonia: everything was set up, this began happening after I upgraded to 11.1008:42
ActionParsnipKartagis: could add a line in /etc/resolv.conf   to run: modprobe -r module; modprobe module          obviously change module to the actual module name, add it above the exit 0 line08:43
ikoniaKartagis: not what I asked08:43
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots08:43
ikoniaKartagis: where is this setup, in the interfaces file, or the gnome network manager08:43
Kartagisikonia: gnome network manager08:43
sorush20When I upgraded to 11.04 the kernel that I select shows a dim screen and the login screen is barely visible. So I have to select an older version of the kernel to start.08:44
Kartagisikonia: hmm, there's nothing in /etc/network/interfaces, except lo08:44
ikoniaKartagis: that sounds normal.08:45
ikoniaKartagis: have a look in the syslog, when you put the network card in do you see the device come up, eg: link detected eth0 connected at 100mbs etc08:45
ikoniaKartagis: wording simlar to that08:45
qotsaI have a very weird problem. Suddenly when I press and hold a key (like Backspace) it acts like a single key press. I.e. Backspace only deletes one character instead of continously deleting characters when holding it. It's the same for all other keys too.08:47
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!08:47
antnashsomeone's put blu-tac under your keys08:47
Kartagisikonia: http://pastebin.com/EKP5BFdZ08:48
antnashindividually. I would suggest commending them on their dedication to practical jokes.08:48
qotsaI somehow disable X11 autorepeat. (Can be enabled with xset r)08:50
ikoniaKartagis: that looks like it got an ip address just fine08:50
dbuggerHey guys. I have a small business and I was looking for some billing software to manage things like automatic invoices at the end of the month, and such. Do you know anything?08:52
taraduffyhi, anyone know how to run siggen in after install?08:53
dr_willis!info siggen08:53
ubottusiggen (source: siggen): Waveform generation tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.10-2 (oneiric), package size 147 kB, installed size 476 kB08:53
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dr_willistry the cli?08:53
sorush20wow there is no real help here..08:55
dspstvhi all, i upgraded to 11.10 but the theme seems to inherit settings i had from before, it makes my menus unreadable08:55
taraduffydr-willis: can you help?08:55
dspstvsorush20: are you new to irc?08:55
Kartagisikonia: so? do I need my syslog when I first book my PC?08:55
sorush20dspstv: no just a little impatient today08:56
dr_willistaraduffy:  with what?08:56
ikoniaKartagis: no, I'd look (use ifconfig) to see if the eth0 device has an IP08:56
* dr_willis is on his break also.. so nit a lot if time08:57
taraduffydr_willis: sorry, I thought you were answering me: "hi, anyone know how to run siggen in after install?"08:57
dspstvis anyone aware of a way to customize the appereance under 11.10? the themes seem to keep that old background color i had for the menus.. i cant read anything08:57
dr_willistaraduffy:  not all apps have menus.. so have you explored siggins docs and clu commands?08:57
dspstvi dont see a way to cstomize that under unity08:57
dspstvthe user evva is sending private messages with sex spam08:58
taraduffydr_willis: OK, looking thanks.09:00
dr_willisall i did was loik for its docs ;)09:00
dspstvreally sucks this user interface09:02
dr_willisgot unity working fine here.09:03
dr_willisbeen playing with gnome shell also09:04
dspstvdr_willis: this is the second machine where it makes the user completely lost09:04
dspstvi cant read the name of the dirs in the desktop09:04
systemparadoxhow do I set a static IP address in 11.04? I've set it in /etc/network/interfaces, which works when I manually do ifup eth0, but on boot eth0 isn't even up09:05
dspstvthe font color is to close to the desktop background09:05
dspstvbut theres no way to choose font color09:05
dspstvbefore it was09:05
dr_willisdspstv:  havent noticed. using dfferent bg ane themes here nit the defaults.09:06
dspstvi dont understand why it inherits from before this settings if one cant tweak them anymore09:06
dr_willisgnome tweak  has some settings also.09:06
dspstvin the Appereance panel one cant do customize09:06
ActionParsnipdspstv: then use a different UI. Gnome isn't the only desktop09:06
dspstvActionParsnip: of course, i will go back to awesome09:07
dspstvbut this is just none-sense09:07
ActionParsnipdspstv: problem solved09:07
dr_willissettings and thems have bwen revamped in gnome309:07
dspstvrevamped or impaired09:07
ActionParsnipdspstv: I've been using LXDE for the last 4 releases, no issues here09:07
sam595Hello all.09:07
dspstvActionParsnip: is not about the issues with LXDE, is about removing thinsgand making it difficult for the user09:08
dspstvbut, i guess you arealso just a user09:08
sam595I have a question. I am installing Ubuntu for the first time now but I think it's hanging. I'm at the point that it says "doelsysteem install" (set target disk) and I see no progress09:08
ActionParsnipdspstv: I'm an ubuntu member, but technically yes09:09
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ActionParsnipdspstv: lots grab the gnome based ubuntu and either love or hate the UI09:09
dspstvActionParsnip: i had gnome before,09:09
sam595So should I just be patient or am I in troubles?09:09
dspstvActionParsnip: is not a question of love or hate09:10
dspstvi just want to be able to customize the font color in menus and folder names09:10
ActionParsnipsam595: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?09:10
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)09:10
sam595ActionParsnip: No I did not09:11
sam595I have it on a usb stick09:11
Javidwhat package do I need to install to have an ssh server on my computer?09:11
ActionParsnipsm595: then how do you know the ISO ws complete and consistent?09:11
Javidopenssh and sshd weren't found.09:11
ActionParsnipJavid: openssh-server09:11
ActionParsnip!md5 \ sam59509:11
ubottuActionParsnip: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:11
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:11
sam595ActionParsnip: No clue, having faith I guess :) So I have problems?09:11
systemparadoxifup -a doesn't start eth0 either, but ifup eth0 does09:12
ActionParsnipsam595: until we know the ISO is good we cannot really move on. Get it tested and see what you get09:12
systemparadoxoh found it. Yey for man pages (ifup) - I forgot to add the auto keyword09:12
sam595ok ActionParsnip Is it safe to just get out the install now? How do I cancel or do I just push the on/off button for a few seconds?09:13
ActionParsnipsam595: did the installation start?09:14
ActionParsnipsam595: ah, let me search09:14
sam595I got quite far I think. But now it hangs on "doelsysteem instellen"09:14
sam595ActionParsnip: sure. great09:14
systemparadoxon boot, the KDE wallet and the gnome keyring both ask for my password at the same time- they both try and grab the keyboard and this causes things to get stuck. How can I fix this?09:15
ActionParsnipsam595: did you partition the disk and setup a user?09:15
sam595ActionParsnip: yes09:15
ActionParsnipsam595: is this to be a dual boot?09:15
sarthorHI, Using Ubuntu, Network-manager can not see my wlan, iwlist and iwconfig results are here, http://paste.ubuntu.com/725087/09:15
sam595ActionParsnip: yes09:15
ActionParsnipsam595: is the ISO on the same system you are installing to?09:15
sam595ActionParsnip: no it's on a usb I made from the ubuntu website09:16
SlartibartIs it possible to use environment variables in config files? Like, export computer's current 192.168.* ip address to a variable, and then use it in a dnsmasq.d config file that dnsmasq loads when it starts?09:16
ActionParsnipsam595: yes but did you keep the ISO you downloaded from the site?09:16
sam595ActionParsnip: I think it should be in downloads in Windows still yes09:16
ActionParsnipsam595: cool, then you can md5 test that. Ubuntu can access NTFS partitions09:17
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qiyonganyone running lucid here?09:18
sam595ActionParsnip: sounds good, but I just have this install screen full screen atm. I do have a top bar and am connected to wifi09:18
qiyongdo me a favor09:18
sven_Slartibart, i dont think dnsmasq would accept variables, but you can just rewrite, or sed -i the config file right before the service starts (or restart/reload it afterwards)09:18
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!09:18
dr_willisunity font color   askubuntu.com/questions/33050/how-do-you-change-the-font-color-in-the-unity-panel09:18
qiyong17:17 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with evva09:18
qiyong17:17 <evva> hii sex http://livetube.net.ms/09:18
Myrttitoo late09:18
FloodBot1qiyong: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:19
Myrttiklined already09:19
qiyongwho did the k-lined?09:19
qiyongnice job09:19
Myrttifreenode staff09:19
mrmistqiyong: for future info, it's best not to re-paste spam into the channel :)09:19
qiyongmrmist: heh09:20
qiyonganyone running lucid here?09:20
Slartibartsven_: Yeah, I guess that's the way to go. Thanks.09:20
ar3achi there09:20
ar3aci have a little problem09:20
soreau! anyone | qiyong09:20
ubottuqiyong: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.09:20
qiyongi want someone to check his /lib/init/upstart-job file09:21
ActionParsnipsam595: CTRL+ALT+T should run a terminal09:21
ar3acsometimes when unity start ( i have the autologin ) the usb keyboard doesn't work09:21
ar3aci have to unplug & plug to make it works09:21
ar3acany advice ?09:21
sam595ActionParsnip: Ok let me write it down. I am on the neighbors pc09:21
qiyongi want someone to check his /lib/init/upstart-job file on lucid. mine is corrupted, i wonder if it should be a shell script.09:21
sam595ActionParsnip: when I have the terminal what should I do09:21
ActionParsnipar3ac: you may want to unload then reload the driver module09:21
ActionParsnipsam595: mount the NTFS and you can access the data there. I suggest you run:  nautilus &09:22
TheExplorerHello, please save me: My front microphone jack has wanted to auto-mute itself since the introduction of these pulse audios. How do i nullify that and go back to old alsa mixer09:22
sarthorHI, Using Ubuntu, Network-manager can not see my wlan, iwlist and iwconfig results are here, http://paste.ubuntu.com/725087/09:23
ar3acActionParsnip, which module exactly ?09:23
soreauqiyong: yes: # Symlink target for initscripts that have been converted to Upstart.09:23
sam595ActionParsnip: Ok I will google the things and try. Will be back later09:24
sam595ActionParsnip: thank you very much09:24
=== arif-ali is now known as mooncup
TheExplorerahh its doing it again, wont even get through a song before it cuts out and mutes for no reason... Im very confused.09:25
almoxarifeTheExplorer: auto mute, and you know this how?09:25
qiyongsoreau: could you run file /lib/init/upstart-job?09:25
TheExploreralmoxarife, well you see... ill be listening to something, then it will mute. Then i have to click the icon and "unmute"09:26
soreauqiyong: /lib/init/upstart-job: POSIX shell script text executable09:26
qiyongsoreau: was it always a script?09:26
=== mooncup is now known as arif-ali
soreauqiyong: I never took notice but I assume it has always been09:27
TheExploreralmoxarife, It seems to have something to do with other applications wanting to use the sound card as well. like when i pulled up this window just now. It muted.09:27
almoxarifeTheExplorer: well, perhaps you don't have a fucking idea on how to control a process?09:27
qiyongsoreau: thanks09:27
Tm_Talmoxarife: language, please09:27
almoxarifeTheExplorer: I am assumimg you don't have an issue09:28
soreau! language | almoxarife09:28
ubottualmoxarife: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:28
almoxarifesoreau: lagging?09:28
soreaualmoxarife: Just keep it down please09:29
TheExploreralmoxarife, You assume incorrectly. The sound will mute itself... without prompt. Most dramatically when i try to unmute my "line in" so that i can make use of my aux audio equipment.09:29
almoxarifesoreau: fair enough09:29
dr_willisTheExplorer:  so you run xchat and the volume just goes muted on the mixer09:30
almoxarifeTheExplorer: sounds(a pun) like yu need  really espensive speakers09:30
TheExplorerAh just now i see a new pattern. every time something on xchat scrolls, like your message just now dr_willis, the output mutes09:30
almoxarifecan we think of of a really expensive sound system?09:31
almoxarifefor fucking al queda skiptkiddies09:32
psycho_oreos!language| almoxarife09:32
ubottualmoxarife: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:32
almoxarifemake it difficult09:32
TheExplorerYeah so rather than solve the pulse audio problem. What must i do to remove all of that, and go back to what i had in edgy09:33
almoxarifenot that I don't want the muslim wannabees to have a fair chance09:33
Myrttialmoxarife: seriously, tone it down09:33
GeorgeJIs there a development channel for Ubuntu? I'm interested in making a simple app in python that has an  icon in the notification area.09:34
soreauGeorgeJ: #ubuntu-devel09:34
GeorgeJsoreau: Thanks09:34
TheExplorerAlmox, i understand youre not as "quick" as some other people, but your hatred only reinforces your inferiority.09:34
dr_willisTheExplorer:  xchat has a beep on nick feature i thinkn09:35
almoxarifeMyrtti: I want to, are we killing ourselves? you know? we allowing the bad guys to win? I am one of the 99%09:35
SlartibartAny ideas as to why I get the right adress from dnsmasq when I query for the name I added from bash, but not from my virtualbox windows? nslookup there has the right dns server ip, and other real names seem fine to query about..09:35
Myrttialmoxarife: the topic of this channel is Ubuntu support. Please keep to it.09:35
Math^does anyone know how I can use smooth scaling in OpenShot?09:35
TheExplorerdr_willis i believe you are correct, this could go one step to figuring out why its cutting out my sound when interacting with something else.09:35
almoxarifeMyrtti: yes, it is09:35
TheExplorer this is the first time ive seen a troll in ubuntu09:36
almoxarifeTheExplorer: you must be new09:36
almoxarifetroll on though09:37
Myrttican you guys just move on?09:37
TheExplorerive been playing with ubuntu since breezy09:37
dani288Hello, I've installed Ubuntu on my Gigabyte laptop and I facing some problem: headphones won't mute internal speakers?09:38
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=== max is now known as Visionaire
DysonReturnsGreets, using latest Xubuntu - my laptop's screen is stuck on dim (think after I hibernated) and the settings doesn't have an effect. Any ideas?09:39
TheExplorerYeah cant even finish one song before the audio up and mutes on me.09:39
ActionParsnipdani288: run:   gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf    and add the line: options snd-hda-intel position-fix=1     reboot to test. If that is no good, change it to: options snd-hda-intel model=laptop09:40
TheExplorerI just want alsa and the mixer. How do i kill the rest?09:40
ActionParsnipdani288: if that is no good, try:   options snd-hda-intel position-fix=1 model=laptop09:40
Klojumdani288: that could also be a mechanical problem, the socket should disconnect the internal speakers via the headphone plug. If that doesn't work, the socket may be faulty, not the software..?09:40
sskniranjan the explore: it may be ur ower savings settings that u ave done in the system properties09:40
Math^anyone using openshot...?09:41
Math^I saw this blog: http://www.openshotvideo.com/2011/01/its-smooth-scaling-from-here.html - but does this mean smooth scaling should just work when scaling, or is it an extra plug-in or something?09:42
Operaist2how do you remove shortcuts from the top bar in gnome 3?09:46
Math^nvm, it's in preferences - found it09:46
DysonReturnsnevermind. xfce4-power-manager-plugins -> brightness applet allowed me to set brightness back09:46
KlojumIs it possible to cleanly re-install Unity in Ubuntu 11.10? After two Unity crashes due to the Compiz Manager, and after which the "unity --reset" didn't help out (Some error messages had statements like "This shouldn't happen" in them..), I'm kinda wondering if there is an good alternative to a total reinstall of Oneiric Ocelot...09:48
oberthmf how to positioning the toolbar at bottom of screen instead have it hidden on the left?09:48
toekHi there, could there be any advantage to having a graphics card for ubuntu server version ?09:48
testiUbuntu coming for smartphones? True?09:49
_rubentoek: being able to connect a monitor sure comes in handy every now and then09:49
testiGot to leave the train, means shutting down the device (still no Ubuntu smartphone)09:50
vyciookhi everyone :) any ideas how to on wireless not trought button? on loptop09:50
toek_ruben: =) besides that, the onboard vga would suffice?09:51
SlartibartWhere does dnsmasq store its logs?09:51
_rubentoek: usualy? yes09:52
_rubentoek: the only exception i can think of is the use of specialized computation software which could make use of a highend gpu09:53
toekReason i ask is im geting a HP xw8400 Workstation but the fella selling has a GTX 460 in it. Im thinking this only draws electricity09:53
Hotjoin #mint09:55
nixmaniackUnable to attach flash drive. Can anyone help me with this?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/725112/09:56
almoxarifeHot: because?09:56
Legend_XeonHow do i proxify ubuntu terminal? I used "ssh username:sshserver -D" to create a proxy on localhost port 1080.09:56
Legend_XeonNow what?09:56
Hotalmoxarife, nothing ,my keyboard error..09:57
=== gloscon is now known as darshi
wlПривет всем09:58
wlесть тут кто &09:58
almoxarifedon't be afraid, say it, I have a problem and I want a gui way to fix it09:58
nixmaniackLegend_Xeon, perhaps ` export http_proxy="http://myproxy.com" `09:58
almoxarifethis is wh ubuntu works for me09:58
almoxarifewe should expect a gui fix, the home office has decided that gui is the answer10:00
HotI hate unity guys.... is unconfortable.... it seems like a game for children...10:00
epic__I seem to have trouble with my ssh server, i can only log in from local host.. "ssh user@<public-ip>" only works from <public-ip> .. ?10:01
=== epic__ is now known as epic
Legend_Xeonnixmaniack, are you sure its http_proxy? I think its SSH10:01
Legend_Xeonbtw i use socks entry and port 1080 to proxify firefox10:02
Legend_XeonAnd its working fine10:02
almoxarifeif you hate 'unity' , then you know how to either stay in it or out of it, the bitch is mute10:02
Legend_XeonThe one you posed isn't working10:02
nixmaniackLegend_Xeon, well there might be others but i used this one before so just told you10:02
almoxarifedon't like unity? gnome? d0nt like either? fuck off, you just want to bitch10:03
almoxarifeI use gnome10:04
=== bonifizzkuss_ is now known as eile
sarthorHI, Using Ubuntu, Network-manager can not see my wlan, iwlist and iwconfig results are here, http://paste.ubuntu.com/725087/10:04
sarthorHI, Using Ubuntu, Network-manager can not see the available network ..., iwlist and iwconfig results are here, http://paste.ubuntu.com/725087/ Help please.10:05
SlartibartWhen I do nslookup from my virtualbox windows to dnsmasq on my ubuntu host it has to go via the local network, 192.168.*. In windows I query about dev, but the dnsmasq logs contain dev.companyname.int . Could it be that the domain is added along the way? How do I configure dnsmasq to account for this? One live with dev and another line with this? Is it possible to make a wildcard assignment, as10:08
SlartibartI'm using several 192.168.* nets?10:08
phlak_usersarthor, is Enable Wireless checked on network-manager?10:09
lharwoodalmoxarife: gnome 3 is cool ;)10:10
sarthorphlak_user: yes. enabled.10:10
sarthoralso i checked with fn+F5 key.10:10
ultrixxlharwood: and there is kde, too10:11
phlak_usersarthor, can you pastebin the output of sudo lshw -C network ?10:11
alex-11HI, I am have Ubuntu 11.10  but it log Out automatic after around 10 min, what should I do?10:11
vyciookany ideas how to on wireless not trought button? on loptop10:12
vyciooksudo iwconfig wlan0 up not work10:12
tomodachivyciook: what happens?10:12
sarthorphlak_user: here is the output, http://paste.ubuntu.com/725123/10:12
lharwoodultrixx: yea, kde is alright used to use it a while ago. Liking gnome atm though, especially how you can display all the windows.10:13
vyciookiwconfig: unknow command 'up'10:13
phlak_usersarthor, it shows the wireless as disabled ->  *-network DISABLED10:14
tomodachivyciook: i think it would be ifconfig ethx up10:14
ultrixxlharwood: i like ubuntu 11.10 very much, but the latest kubuntu is so great i can really recommend it10:14
lharwoodultrixx: k may try it out one day in virtualbox ;)10:14
phlak_uservyciook, you need wpa_supplicant if the network uses any encryption above WEP10:14
vyciookhm.. :) i new at this10:15
phlak_uservyciook, cant you use network manager if you're new to Ubuntu?10:15
vyciookmaybe ;D10:16
sarthorphlak_user: Yes. and now i did fn+F5 key. and again i lshw -C network, but same result, still it shows, Network=Disabled.10:16
phlak_usersarthor, has it ever worked on this laptop before?10:16
karaguellekHi is there anyone who can help me with the graphic driver pleas i really read everything but found no solutions :/10:16
sarthorphlak_user: yes. i am using this laptop since 3 months. and same os. Just yesterday i created one dsl account. with pppoeconf command...  after that it is not working10:17
vyciookkaraguellek, system -> admin -> addition drivers?10:17
phlak_usersarthor, what flavor of Ubuntu?10:17
histokaraguellek: what card?10:18
sarthorphlak_user: it is linuxMint.10:18
phlak_usersarthor, sorry this channel is only for Ubuntu support10:18
vyciookphlak_user, maybe i can just change key combination for disabling enabling wireless?10:18
phlak_usersarthor, you might want to look here -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1005787810:18
phlak_uservyciook, why?10:19
vyciookbecose it dosnt work10:19
karaguellekhisto: Ati Radeon Xpress 200M10:19
histo!ati | karaguellek10:19
ubottukaraguellek: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto10:19
vyciookthats why i cant turn on wireless10:19
sarthorphlak_user: OK.10:19
karaguellekvyciook: there is no detected card10:19
phlak_uservyciook, that isnt a logical way of reasoning. you need to find out the reason for wifi not to work and im sure it is not due to your key combination. that is only to turn on+off the wifi interface.10:20
phlak_uservyciook, can you pastebin the output of sudo lshw -C network10:20
karaguelleki am on ubuntu 11.10 btw10:20
sarthorHI, Using linuxMint 11 Katya, Network-manager can not see the available network ..., iwlist and iwconfig results are here, http://paste.ubuntu.com/725087/ Help please.10:20
sarthorsorry.... wrong paste.10:21
skorei can connect to wifi but i mozilla and some others seems to not see network. can that be becouse i didnt send that comp mac adress to my internet provider?10:21
phlak_userskore, does your ISP require mac address authentication?10:22
skorethe problem is i dont know.10:22
skorejust moved in10:22
skoretrying to guess by symptoms10:23
phlak_user!pastebin | vyciook10:24
ubottuvyciook: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:24
vyciook!pastebin   *-network10:25
vyciook       description: Ethernet interface10:25
vyciook       product: MCP77 Ethernet10:25
vyciook       vendor: nVidia Corporation10:25
vyciook       physical id: a10:25
FloodBot1vyciook: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:25
vyciook       bus info: pci@0000:00:0a.010:25
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harsh343How can i give all permissions to admin like copy, paste, create, move and all those tasks, right now i m only the admin but not able to do that graphically, it is only possible through commands and i m newbie in ubuntu so plz help me10:26
histosarthor: what type of wifi card?10:26
phlak_userharsh343, you dont need to explicitly grant permissions to admin accounts. it is already there10:27
vyciookphlak_user, u recieve my paste? :)10:27
histo!sudo | harsh34310:27
ubottuharsh343: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo10:27
phlak_uservyciook, i asked to paste in pastebin not in my PM10:27
histo!gksu > harsh34310:27
ubottuharsh343, please see my private message10:27
vyciook!pastebinit   *-network10:28
vyciook       description: Ethernet interface10:28
vyciook       product: MCP77 Ethernet10:28
vyciook       vendor: nVidia Corporation10:28
vyciook       physical id: a10:28
FloodBot1vyciook: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:28
vyciook       bus info: pci@0000:00:0a.010:28
stimpieharsh343 you can give someone admin rights via the user controlpanel10:28
vyciooksorry how tu use pastebin..10:30
soreau! pastebin | vyciook10:31
ubottuvyciook: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:31
karaguellekcvyciook: copy the text in the file and paste it into the site than press the paste at the bottom of the site10:31
vyciook:) thx10:32
phlak_uservyciook, that shows the wireless card as disabled. is the wifi light on?10:33
GeorgeJIs there any way of programaticaly adding an application to systray-whitelist trough an API(I'm using python)10:33
vyciooklike i said my wi-fi button dosnt work i cant enable it10:33
histovyciook: don't you have a function button or switch that you can enable wireless/10:33
vyciookthe switch dosent work so i want to change the switch to key combination10:34
tyskaguys, i need really help im desperate!!!!10:34
private_metaIs there a list which kinds of file systems fdisk supports at the moment?10:34
tyskaaccidentally deleted files on my ubuntu10:34
tyskawhat is the option to recover them?10:34
phlak_userprivate_meta, once inside fdisk you can press L to see10:35
tyskaplease someone give me a hand10:35
wisevoyagertyska, try Testdisk to recover the files10:35
histovyciook: have an idea10:35
tyskaapt-get install Testdisk?10:35
tyskaIt recover files from ext4 partition?10:36
histovyciook: try sudo rfkill unblock all10:36
histovyciook: see if it enables your card10:36
Guest67945     10:36
vyciook:) nice10:37
vyciookits enabled10:37
harsh343phlak_user, if already there so why it become impossible to me ??10:37
vyciookhisto, and the wifi switch start to work :O10:38
phlak_userharsh343, i dont know what you are aiming to do and how you are going about it10:38
vyciookwhat this command done?10:38
YcareneIs there a way to set the kernel so that after an amount of total time used the kernel shuts down or halts?10:38
phlak_userYcarene, by that do you mean the PC itself?10:38
stimpieYcarene, man shutdown10:38
Ycarenephlak_user - Yes10:38
phlak_userYcarene, you can pass a time to the shutdown command like stimpie pointed out10:39
Ycarenephlak_user - so that, after say, two weeks of use the kernel will shut down or halt the system and subsequent reboots halt or shut down.10:39
phlak_userYcarene, you mean it should never start again after 2 weeks?10:40
Ycarenephlak_user - right10:40
phlak_userYcarene, why?10:40
tyskaguys, how i do a umount in the root partition???10:40
histovyciook: cool you should be good to go then10:40
Ycarenephlak_user - can it be done within the kernel without using a helper application?10:40
Ycarenetyska - you don't10:41
histovyciook: man rfkill if you want to learn about it. I found it doing a google search for your problem and wireless chipset.10:41
vyciookok thank you ;)10:41
histotyska: are you trying to remount it?10:41
private_metaso, when using fdisk and using "l" to list the known file systems supported by fdisk, how can I show some sort of long name of these support file system names?10:41
phlak_userYcarene, not sure i understand;10:41
tyska=( i need to recover my files that was deleted in the root partition10:41
smittixDoes anyone know how to launch the "startup applications" app from the terminal10:41
Ycarenephlak_user - suppose I want to make a distribution that expires after a certain amount of time.10:42
histotyska: hard poweroff the machine and boot a live cd10:42
tyskahisto: great, i will do this10:42
histotyska: I would just pull the plug to prevent the files from being over written10:42
stimpieYcarene, then you should modify the kernel10:42
neurei have 10.04 and ntpdate 0.pool.ntp.org complains no server suitable for synchronization found10:42
harsh343phlak_user, see right now i m not able to copy and paste  my file from one location to another location10:42
phlak_userYcarene, self-destruct?10:42
tyskahisto: do you know if the extundelete is the best option to recover files from a ext4 partition?10:42
harsh343so how can i do that ?10:42
neuremeanwhile host 0.pool.ntp.org finds 3 ip addresses10:42
Ycarenephlak_user - kinda10:42
neurewhat could be the problem?10:43
phlak_userharsh343, i remember you from before; you need to understand file and user permissions10:43
histotyska: I would follow the factoids from ubottu10:43
histo!undelete > tyska10:43
ubottutyska, please see my private message10:43
vyciookhisto, btw evry time when i restart my pc i have to enter the command?10:43
harsh343phlak_user, how can i give permissions ???10:43
histovyciook: I don't know you'll have to try and see. If so you can write a script that will execute it for you on boot.10:44
phlak_userYcarene, hmm; you could issue a timed format or some such command that destroys the OS ; I dont think its in the scope of this channel10:44
phlak_user!chown | harsh34310:44
ubottuharsh343: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions10:44
phlak_userharsh343, the objective of this channel is to help you if you encounter issues *after* trying out something on your own10:45
harsh343phlak_user, ok thanks i m going to read now10:45
phlak_userharsh343, ok10:45
vyciookhm, and where do i need enter this that it can load on boot?10:45
vyciooksrry for my bad eng :)10:46
histovyciook: are you sure you'll need to? did you try rebooting?10:47
phlak_userGeorgeJ, take a look at this for your solution -> http://developer.gnome.org/gio/2.28/GSettings.html10:47
vyciookno, i just want to now in future if me need this :)10:47
neurewhy is ntpdate not working?-(10:47
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vyciookto other scripts10:47
GeorgeJphlak_user: Thanks, the indicator shows now, I just had an invalid icon name, no need to whitelist10:48
phlak_userGeorgeJ, ok10:48
GeorgeJphlak_user: I'm looking into the default list of icons for Ubuntu 11.10 that I can use, or how to use custom items10:48
Ycarenephlak_user - I don't really want it to destroy anything, just shutdown and stop booting after a certain amount of time.10:49
phlak_userYcarene, sorry cant help you there;10:49
smittixDoes anyone know how to launch the "startup applications" app from the terminal10:50
histosmittix: gnome-session-properties10:51
smittixhisto: Thankyou!10:51
nnxhow do i get the id number for a program i want to kill ?10:53
histonnx: with ps  or top10:53
histonnx: ps aux | grep program name10:54
catphishit seems ubuntu 10.04 running mysql crashes with a divide by zero after 200 days :)10:59
catphishquite unpleasant :)10:59
fanta01when trying to play back a DVD under on new 11.10 install,  I can hear the sound, but the screen is black -  is there any additional packaga I need to install? I already have restricted extras and libdvdcss11:00
phlak_userfanta01, using which program? totem?11:02
fanta01same happens with VLS as well11:02
_r00t_can anyone help me diagnose why speedstep is not working ? The appropriate directories under /sys/devices/system/cpu/ are never set up no matter what kernel I use. On the same machine with same BIOS settings - windows 7 and windows 8 speedstep works as expected11:02
kaboom12_yythola amigos11:07
phlak_user!es| kaboom12_yyt11:08
ubottukaboom12_yyt: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:08
sorush20one of the kernels that I login with give me a blank screen. Can anyone help?11:08
japrophlak_user, grüezi11:08
phlak_userfanta01, look inside the messages panel of VLC, it might complain about something11:09
catphishsorush20: you get a blank screen after logging in? on the console or gui?11:09
fanta01phlak_user: will take a look, thanks11:09
sorush20catphish: no not when I log in .. when I start and select the kernel to start ubuntu11:10
catphishoh, what kernel?11:10
private_metahttp://imgur.com/8utZh <-- can someone tell me how to differentiate between the marked file systems when doing fdisk and listing supported systems?11:10
sorush20catphish: how do I bring up a list of kernels?11:11
luistjust installed tor and /etc/init.d/tor start will give me: Not starting tor daemon (Disabled in /etc/default/tor)  which is a lie, cuz my /etc/default/tor has RUN_DAEMON="yes"    any help?11:11
private_metasorush20: kernels that are in the repository?11:11
catphishsorush20: surely you have a list of kernels if you're choosing one?11:11
sorush20catphish: sorry I got to go now..11:12
phlak_userluist, does that file also have Enable=yes11:13
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phlak_userluist, you could paste the output of cat /etc/default/tor to paste.ubuntu.org11:14
luistphlak_user: ok11:15
phlak_userprivate_meta, look here -> http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/partitions/partition_types-1.html11:16
luistphlak_user: http://pastie.org/279287211:16
private_metaphlak_user: read that already, for example, doesn't help for the NTFS one11:17
private_metaphlak_user: the marked NTFS entry has two types and nowhere is it explained what the difference is11:17
private_metaphlak_user: the page doesn'T explain it ieither11:17
phlak_userluist, that file looks fine; are you doing sudo /etc/init.d/tor start ? or you could even do sudo service tor start11:18
luistphlak_user: yep both give the same message11:19
phlak_userprivate_meta,  sudo sfdisk -T gives you a better looking list11:20
phlak_userluist, do you have vidalia installed?11:20
luistphlak_user: heres an strace that might give a hint: http://pastie.org/279288911:20
luistphlak_user: yes11:21
private_metaphlak_user: ah ok... thanks, that explains SOME of the entries, but not all of them11:21
private_metaphlak_user: but still thank you11:21
luistphlak_user: ops i used restart in the strace11:21
luistphlak_user: well it opens /etc/default/tor and /etc/default/tor.vidalia11:22
bigahow do i cd to Downloads subdirectory in the home directory? cd Downloads doesnt do it?11:22
phlak_userluist, ah gotcha :) well vidalia doesnt let tor start as a daemon; so starting vidalia should suffice11:23
phlak_userluist, look here -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165126311:23
jribbiga: cd ~/Downloads11:23
luistphlak_user: ooooh and /etc/default/tor.vidalia has RUN_DAEMON=no11:23
luistphlak_user: dang it11:23
luistphlak_user: works now :P11:23
jribbiga: « cd Downloads » would only work if you are currently in home11:23
bigajrib: that did it. why is ~ needed?11:25
raven_lvm pvcreate: cannot setup pv: Can't open /dev/sdc exclusively.  Mounted filesystem?11:25
jribbiga: ~ is short for your home11:25
jribbiga: if your home directory is /home/biga then ~ means /home/biga11:25
raven_any suggestions?11:26
bigajrib: cool. thanks for the help!11:26
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raven_lvm pvcreate: cannot setup pv: Can't open /dev/sdc exclusively.  Mounted filesystem?11:31
BluesKajHi folks11:34
raven_lvm pvcreate: cannot setup pv: Can't open /dev/sdc exclusively.  Mounted filesystem?11:36
White--Anyone got an idea why chrome keeps aksing for beeing the default browser?11:36
RubenHaanhi i know that there is an easy way to share your internetconnection on ubuntu. (wifi) but i cant find it. i just want it without password. can someone tell me how to do this?11:39
dr_willisWhite--: perhaps some of your setting files are owned by root, so it cant set  the setting to tell it to not ask.. (just a guess)11:39
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing11:39
White--dr_willis, that makes sense, gotta check this, thanks11:40
PromilleIs there any good _free_ dictionary for linux(pref not through wine)..?11:43
BridgeCollapseOpen Oxford Dictionary, I think11:43
PromilleBridgeCollapse: thanks i'll check it out11:44
histoWhite--: because it's not set as default11:44
RubenHaani wonder why the option of sharing internet is so much more complex then keeping it for yourself. (i wonder if a bot can answer this to)11:45
White--just playing around with it, when setting it as the prefered browser in the settings chrome comes up11:45
White--when than selecting to have it as default browser, in the preffered apps, it is no longer set11:45
kornezhi! where should i install java on ubuntu?11:46
kornezwhich folder is better? does it make any difference?11:46
karaguellekHey how can i make my own hotkeys in ubuntu 11.1011:46
White--kornez, easiest is probably to use Lffl repository11:47
SwedeMikekornez: how are you planning to install it? Use the repositories using dpkg or alike.11:47
kornezi want to have sun java11:47
kornezhow to install - i don't know yet11:48
korneztrying to understand11:48
kornezi think i'd type ./javasource.bin   - is that good?11:48
posixno no kornez11:48
posixuse the software center11:48
CyborgSmurfI need help with installing graphics driver 11.1011:49
kornezis has no sun java.....11:49
PromilleBridgeCollapse: Cant find any open version of OED =/11:49
SwedeMikekornez: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java11:49
posixjust google it, yes11:49
White--kornez, read my message :) use the lffl repository11:50
CyborgSmurfBTW I have no drivers displayed in "Additional Drivers" section... Help please!11:50
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posixcyborg download the driver from manufacturers page11:50
posixand istall it manually11:50
histoCyborgSmurf: what type of card?11:51
posixyou will get the latest version11:51
histo!google | posix11:51
ubottuposix: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.11:51
CyborgSmurfhisto: nVidia i think11:51
posixgoogle-fu, lol :)11:51
histo!nvidia | CyborgSmurf11:52
ubottuCyborgSmurf: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto11:52
posix@CyborgSmurf user "lspci" command to find out11:52
histoposix: also you can't get sun's java from the software center11:52
raven_lvm pvcreate: cannot setup pv: Can't open /dev/sdc exclusively.  Mounted filesystem?11:52
CyborgSmurfubottu: thanks11:53
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)11:53
posix@histo not by default11:53
histokornez: you have to get java from oracle it's no longer in the software center. Or you can use openjdk and icedtea11:53
histoposix: not by any legal means it shouldn't be11:53
posix@histo yes11:53
histoposix: oracle's restrictions on it.11:53
posixi hope this will change soon...11:54
histoposix: doubtfull11:54
posixwell, i'm voting the pirate party11:54
histoI only suspect things will get much worse for linux users11:54
CyborgSmurfubottu: Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)11:54
ubottuCyborgSmurf: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:54
posixhisto: i think it will be better11:54
histoCyborgSmurf: Is there any other graphics cards listed?11:55
histoCyborgSmurf: if not that is an intel card and your drivers are already installed11:55
CyborgSmurfhisto: no none11:55
histoCyborgSmurf: then your drivers are good. they are already present11:55
CyborgSmurfhisto: but when I view the system info, the driver is unknown...11:57
histoCyborgSmurf: what system info?11:57
CyborgSmurfhisto: system settings...> system info11:58
kornezmay i use manual installation from a bin file from java.com?11:59
kornezi don't understand a thing in all these repositories11:59
raven_lvm pvcreate: cannot setup pv: Can't open /dev/sdc exclusively.  Mounted filesystem?12:00
histokornez: is there a reason you don't want to use openjdk?12:00
kornezi don't know if it's good12:00
kornezand my friend told me it's buggy also. he is 10 years linux user12:01
BluesKajkornez, what are you going use java for, just ordinary webcontent or are you going to some creative stuff wiith it12:03
kornezi'd use eclipse12:03
kornezat least. don't know for more12:04
neuremy nfs mount just blocks12:05
neurenfs server does not mount on boot, i need to manually execute "exportfs -a"12:05
neurebut still i cant mount those :*12:05
harsh343alternate of Filezilla FTP server for ubantu ???12:06
harsh343sry 11.10 version12:07
icerootharsh343: filezilla is not a server, its a client12:09
icerootharsh343: so you need a client or a server?12:10
harsh343iceroot, yes but how i m newbie in ubuntu 11.1012:12
icerootharsh343: hm, "yes" does not make sense to the question if you need a server or a client12:13
harsh343yes i need server or a client but how ?12:14
icerootharsh343: or?12:14
albechanyone else experience problems with gnome shell recently. when going to the overview it does not render correctly12:14
icerootharsh343: i dont get what you need exactly12:14
albechwish i could have stayed with the old gnome 2 :(12:15
harsh343i need an ftp server like filezilla for ubantu ???12:15
histo!ftp | harsh34312:15
ubottuharsh343: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd12:15
histo!ftpd > harsh34312:15
ubottuharsh343, please see my private message12:15
icerootharsh343: filezilla is NOT a server12:16
icerootharsh343: if you want filezilla as a client use "sudo apt-get install filezilla"12:16
histoharsh343: you can use filezilla in ubuntu12:16
harsh343histo, no i can use filezilla on windows12:17
icerootharsh343: can you please write a complete sentecne what you want, what is not working and so on? we dont understand what you want12:18
icerootharsh343: if english is not your language, there are channels with other languages too12:18
deej1976harsh343: start a terminal and run:12:18
deej1976sudo apt-get install filezilla12:18
harsh343deej1976, ok12:19
jasonpfthi i installed compiz how can i remove it and go back to unity and reset everything12:19
harsh343iceroot, i know english12:19
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keithclarkI don't seem to be able to format my usb memory stick with Disk Utility.  When I do it gives me an error message that the drive is busy.  No other programs are accessing the drive.  I have tried unmounting and mounting several times, any ideas?12:19
harsh343deej1976, now what next i installed ?12:20
scarleoHow do I change the credentials for an "Online account"? I have changed password on my gmail and it says I need to login, however clicking Login does nothing, nor can I edit my password anywhere12:20
jasonpfthi i installed compiz how can i remove it and go back to unity and reset everything12:20
bekksjasonpft: Please be patient - if someone knows the answer, he/she will tell it to you. And do not ask every two minutes please.12:20
deej1976in the terminal type filezilla12:20
kornezi've got a view directly in cmd, displaying licence agreement, i can pageup, pagedown, but what do i do to continue?12:20
korneznow i'm installing sun java from repo12:20
azedminthow can I get ride of the cam icon on gmail when using pidgin for gtlak?12:21
harsh343deej1976, okkkk12:21
icerootkornez: there is no sun-java in the repos anymore12:21
kornezanybody knows which controls availiable there?12:21
jasonpftis unity the same as compiz?12:21
Myrttijasonpft: no12:21
crizzyjasonpft: unity is a compiz plugin12:21
jasonpftdoes it require compiz?12:21
jasonpftso removing compiz won't help12:21
icerootcrizzy: even for gnome3?12:21
crizzyiceroot: yes12:22
jasonpftI want to get back to my standard ubuntu unity desktop12:22
icerootcrizzy: i thought its just compiz on gnome212:22
jasonpftas I bought the pc12:22
jasonpftcan u help?12:22
korneziceroot - well, i'm using one..... it's actually from that link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java12:22
scarleoAlso, to what should I target my bug report?12:22
crizzygnome2/3 doesn't have anything to do with compiz, really12:22
crizzycompiz is a window/composite manager12:22
kornezi've added a repo location sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner"12:22
icerootkornez: hm, normally that is not allowed, dont know why it is still in the repos for lucid12:22
jasonpftok so how do I get back to default unity desktop?12:23
iceroot!info sun-java6-jdk lucid12:23
ubottuPackage sun-java6-jdk does not exist in lucid12:23
icerootah !info is not searching partner-repo12:23
crizzyjasonpft: what you mean by 'standard unity desktop'?12:23
kornezwell, i see this http://pastebin.com/AAS4V4nY12:23
icerootkornez: space12:24
icerootkornez: should enable the "OK"12:24
kornezpace not working12:24
jasonpftcrizzy:  well when I installed ubuntu i had a standard unity desktop12:24
jasonpftthen i fucked it up12:24
jasonpfthow can I revert back?12:24
kornezok is not clickable12:25
crizzyjasonpft: define 'fooked up'? :D12:25
kornez*space not working12:25
jasonpftcrizzy:  Installed the compiz package and everything changed12:25
crizzyjasonpft: compiz is installed by default? O_o unity _is_ a compiz plugin12:25
jasonpftwell I managed to install compiz and then uninstall it12:25
jasonpftshould I just purge compiz and unity and install unity?12:26
jasonpftto start over?12:26
korneztabs work12:26
crizzyjasonpft: you probably managed to remove 'ubuntu-desktop' package too, so install that back, it should install all the required stuff back12:26
jasonpftcrizzy:  ubuntu-desktop will over write whatever I have on there now?12:26
jasonpftand also use unity?12:26
crizzyit will install all default packages back12:26
LoptrI created a "mount --bind" symlink and now i cant delete it even as root12:27
LoptrDo someone know a way?12:27
bekksLoptr: "umount".12:27
crizzyjasonpft: unity --reset will also reset unity back to default settings12:27
LeaoHow do i set the default anchoring location of a program when i start it up ?12:27
Leaoi.e: Gedit12:27
harsh343deej1976, ok now i am able to enter in filezilla, but not able to download any particular file12:28
Loptrbekks, it tells me that the device is budy12:28
Loptrand i don't use it for anything12:28
bekksLoptr: Then stop all processes using it. It doesnt lie :)12:28
harsh343they shown me failed to open "something" for writing12:28
LoptrI'll check for something in the background, thanks12:28
pocataI have a problem with ubuntu 11.10 I am with my laptop and when I close the laptop lid it sleeps and then open it again and press any button is included but it stays black screen anyone can help12:29
kornez how can i check that java is installed?12:29
harsh343File transfer failed12:29
icewatermanhow can i use gdm to autologin a user?12:29
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jasonpfthi what's the best way to ensure apt-get is clean and there are no failed installs lurking12:32
jasonpftor broken things12:32
Guest21654hi. I upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 and then install gnome-shell to get back to Gnome2. But GRID plugin on CCSM doesn't work anymore. Not catching key combo Ctrl-Alt-KB9. It does capture Ctrl-Alt-rarrow to switch workspaces. What's up?12:32
harsh343I am using filezilla ftp but not able to download any file, error display: file transfer failed12:34
glebihanGuest21654, 1) gnome-shell is not gnome2, 2) gnome-shell does not use compiz so ccsm is useless12:34
aaa_before upgrading to 11.10, i had 3 menus on the top of the screen (applications, locations, system) and a bar at the bottom that showed me what windows are open (similar to windows XP). now i have a sidebar on auto-hide instead. how can i get back (especially to the open windows bar)?12:34
Guest21654glebihan: how can I activate window positioning key combos then?12:35
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harsh343what can i do for downloading????12:35
Guest21654harsh343: firefox12:35
deej1976harsh343: Can you ping the server you are trying to connect to?12:36
rublaOneric has XDG "Desktop" folder not localized for some reason. I want to fix that for all users on the system, but changing /etc/skel doesn't work for new users. Where exactly in the code the untranslated "Desktop" dir is created?12:36
pocataI have a problem with ubuntu 11.10 I am with my laptop and when I close the laptop lid it sleeps and then open it again and press any button is included but it stays black screen anyone can help???12:36
=== johanklokkhammer is now known as bobbaluba
glebihanGuest21654, no idea sorry (not sure there is an equivalent to that in gnome-shell)12:36
Guest21654drat, what a loss12:37
Guest21654pocata: did you move mouse?12:37
rublaIf I run xdg-user-dirs-update, it's fixed, but again, not for users not created yet.12:37
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glebihanGuest21654, you could install gnome-panel and gnome-fallback-session, that will give you a gnome2-like environment in which you'll be able to use compiz if you want12:38
bobbalubadoes anyone have some experience with apple bluetooth mice/keyboards?12:38
bobbalubai spent a lot of time just connecting them, and after i restarted, they seem unable too reconnect12:38
kornezwhat does 'headless' for jre mean?12:39
pocataGuest21654 : and do not want12:39
LoptrHow to change the permissions of automount HDD on ubuntu, i tried with chmod but it doesnt work12:39
Guest21654glebihan: if that's the only way to get back to sane windows then I'm in. moving windows to sections of the screen was everything I needed. thanks, I try now12:39
aaa_<kornez>, headless usually means that the computer have no screen/keyboard/mouse attached. it should only be used on servers that you want to manage from another computer (mostly using web-interface)12:41
Guest21654pocata: closing lid was a problem with my mom's laptop. she had to shutdown and wait for it to shutdown before closing, otherwise it would stay and you'd have to open it again and click button (shuts down immediately) and close again. it was just that last step ubuntu got stuck on12:41
aaa_before upgrading to 11.10, i had 3 menus on the top of the screen (applications, locations, system) and a bar at the bottom that showed me what windows are open (similar to windows XP). now i have a sidebar on auto-hide instead. how can i get back (especially to the open windows bar)?12:41
Guest21654glebihan: E: Unable to locate package gnome-fallback-session12:42
glebihanaaa_, on unity I don't think you can. The way to switch between opened windows is to use the sidebar12:42
glebihanGuest21654, sorry it's gnome-session-fallback12:43
qmanjr5How do I find the mountpoint of something mounted with Archive Mounter?12:43
Guest21654aaa_: they thought everyone wants to keep everything they own in one bag - pens, bananas, tissues, CDs. It sucks, i know.12:43
phlak_userqmanjr5, type mount in a terminal12:44
aaa_so how do i use something else?12:44
qmanjr5phlak_user, it's not listed12:44
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Guest21654aaa_: follow me! hahahaa12:44
phlak_userqmanjr5, did you mount an iso?12:44
glebihanaaa_, just as I said to Guest21654, you can install gnome-panel and gnome-session-fallback to get a gnome2-like environment. Otherwise you could try another desktop environment (such as kde, xfce, lxde...)12:45
Guest21654Gnome3 also has the same thing. Only reasonable option is Gnome2 in my opinion. Other interfaces like XFCD L... aren't mature enough. aaa_12:45
aaa_thanks guys12:46
glebihanGuest21654, keep in mind that it's not gnome2 anyway. It looks like gnome2 but it's still gnome3 and gnome-panel in gnome-session-fallback has less functionalities than in gnome212:46
phlak_userqmanjr5, typically loop devices are mounted on /mnt12:46
Guest21654glebihan: right. ok, well it seems I already have it all in front of me. Not what I was hoping for.12:47
dr_willisgnome2 is dead.. time to move on.. :()12:47
_peteris___havent you noticed that ubuntu 11.10+gnome-session-fallback= some shortcuts doesnt work(like alt+f2 or alt+f1)12:48
_peteris___has anyone had this problem and hat it solved?12:49
Guest21654dr_willis: I'm open to change, but why Unity and Gnome got to be so dang similar. They both have that stupid thing on the left cramping my style12:49
babble(double post, sorry)12:50
babblehey all: I've been trying to make a bootable system backup with relinux (fork of remastersys, which had the *same* problem, I'll get to); either one would hang at the 'scanning cdrom' apt stage leaving the system unconfigured (dpkg and update-grub wouldn't run). I've worked around THAT by copying dists and pool from a livecd - apt runs as it needs to and everything works, *sort of* but Ubiquity now crashes at the END of the install. I have the output of its12:50
babbledebug log.12:50
qmanjr5phlak_user, it's not.12:50
FloodBot1babble: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:50
Guest21654who's idea was that anyway? Does Apple use on of those?12:50
babble(sorry, Floodbot. heh)12:50
scwizardhello, if I wget http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz then the downloaded file is named "latest.tar.gz"12:50
scwizardhowever if I download the file in firefox the file is named wordpress-3.2.1.tar.gz12:51
scwizardwhat is the reason for this difference?12:51
scwizardand how can I get wget to behave more like firefox when it comes to naming downloads?12:51
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phlak_userqmanjr5, look in your .gvfs folder12:51
qmanjr5Where's that? ~ or /12:51
pbtscwizard: read the man page12:52
scwizardI'm reading it again12:52
Guest95894Hi, is there a way to map backspace to alt + esc using xmodmap?12:52
dr_willisqmanjr5:  / would be the system 'root' directory.. users stuff is in their own home dir. ie: ~ or /home/username12:52
bobbalubamy bluetooth keyboard fails to reconnect after reboot, any suggestions? Q&A posts claiming this is a bug causing the pairing keys to not get saved and that the only solution is to build the bluetooth daemon from scratch. To me this seems rather drastic and too much of a hassle, any suggestions?12:52
qmanjr5Got it, thanks.12:52
JadedJacobWhen I put my laptop into standby, the screen doesn't come back on when I wake it, fans spin up but no screen12:53
JadedJacobIt's an Asus F5R12:53
scwizardpbt: I can't find anything about this in the man page, it doesn't mean its not there though12:53
bobbalubaif i press buttons on the keyboard, the bluetooth applet shows my keyboard as connected for a brief moment, then disconnects after a short interval12:54
LK-Is it possible to make adduser not prompt for setting user info?12:54
phlak_userLK-, useradd12:55
LK-phlak_user: I'm aware of useradd. but I was asking about adduser12:55
scwizardLK-: the whole point of adduser is that it prompts for everything12:55
scwizardso no12:55
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phlak_userLK-, either use it or dont12:56
LK-I see. Thought there may have been a conf option or something of the likes.12:56
pbtscwizard: download by wget and output to another name. It has option for that. u can also using perl to parse the url to get whatever file name u want :)12:56
scwizardno such thing in this case12:56
scwizardpbt: here's the thing, the url is http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz12:57
bhaveshCan I add icons to GNOME 3.2 shell like I did in GNOME 2?12:57
cablophello ubunteers12:57
scwizardI have no ida how firefox is figuring out to name it wordpress-3.2.1.tar.gz12:57
bhaveshor shortcuts?12:57
cablopsimple question12:57
scwizardso I wouldn't know how to go about writing a script to get it named wordpress-3.2.1.tar.gz12:57
scwizardclearly something more is going on than parsing the url12:57
cablopi plan to install ubuntu 64 bits on my desktop, any recommended size for the root partition?12:58
histocablop: 10gi12:58
histocablop: or smaller. It hold all your apps and system wide configs. Your /home is where all your user data is12:58
cablophisto: just 10! o.O12:58
=== Girly-Girl is now known as GirlyGIrl
bhaveshcablop, I gave it 140GB.. just 50GB would be enough with all extra apps.12:59
cablopmmm, i don't know how to set up the things nowadays, lol12:59
Virus_jpgcablop hello12:59
cablopall extra apps?12:59
cablopi just want normal usage, and development, maybe a little gaming13:00
cablopas for he swap, i know the rule of 2x ram or 2.5 ram is not exactly what we need now13:00
Virus_jpgi am broadcasting on Blogtv this chatroom right now13:00
scwizardcablop: it depends on how big your hd is13:00
scwizardI wouldn't worry about it, you can always resize the partion later13:00
cwldo you use lubuntu?13:00
cablopbut willing to go for 1.5x~2x size of ram for the swap13:00
histoVirus_jpg: what is blogtv?13:00
bhaveshcablop, I installed a lot of "Extra apps" and still just 31GB got used13:01
cablopmaybe i'll give it just 50 GB13:01
bhaveshuse zram if u wanna use your swap efficiently13:01
scwizardyou can always resize it later13:01
bhaveshyes u can13:01
cablopand no resize, because i am going to run it on top of a LUKS encryption13:01
Virus_jpgblogtv.com/analyzingfunny. I am using Ubuntu with Webcamstudio to broadcast this chat and my desktop13:01
scwizardcablop: resizing shoudl still be theoreticalyl possible, but yeah lol13:01
cablopbhavesh: zram? what is that?13:01
scwizardI guess not13:01
bhaveshcablop, http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=webupd8%20zram&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBwQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webupd8.org%2F2011%2F10%2Fincreased-performance-in-linux-with.html&ei=2u2vTr3fMJHRrQfu98Bt&usg=AFQjCNGg9L0A9J1uBp936ALpu3sU0ywl2Q&sig2=5qnbBXFHJBTTcMsldDBJEA13:02
cablopscwizard: yes, i dfound some guides so long to resize encrypted partitions13:02
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bhaveshthat was a long url.. here's a short one: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/increased-performance-in-linux-with.html13:02
buharinwho knows about wireless on macbook g4? can I work with it?13:02
cablopi was willing to use lvm on top of luks, but.... but i am afraid the encruption thing is still using just one thread per encrypted block device13:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 721795 in linux (Ubuntu) "Asus F5R doesn't resume after suspend" [Undecided,Expired]13:04
amisotis/dns mail.softvision.ro13:04
Virus_jpgthats a nice ram13:04
scwizardpbt: I found the answer https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=23935113:04
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 239351 in wget "wget ignores filename in Content-Disposition header when saving files" [Medium,Closed: currentrelease]13:04
Virus_jpgi am starting to like this room, it is great to see thing I have NO idea what they are, I am just a user13:05
=== herbmonk is now known as Dom_Kitty
amisotisSo nerds13:05
dpis there a way to properly change from python2.7 to python2.6?13:05
amisotis               __‹‹‹‹.,13:05
amisotis         ,-'``` ‹LLRRRRR13:05
amisotis      ,'`      ‹LL R/ LLRLL13:05
amisotis     ¹¹        ‹L .R     RLL13:05
FloodBot1amisotis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:05
cabloplol amisotis xD13:05
zsolthi there.got a serious problem.my debian installation is on a logical partition.I made a new partition with gparted.now my os is useless.the only soultion was to boot with recovery and to remount my root fs13:06
glebihandp, you can install both versions at the same time13:06
dpglebihan: right, but the default points to 2.713:06
pbtscwizard: ah ha. thats it.13:06
dpis there a way to switch that to 2.6?13:06
dpbecause gcalcli is broken against 2.713:07
cablopanyone using luks here?13:07
bekkscablop: Feel free to just ask.13:07
cablopi did, and no answer bekks13:08
icerootcablop: just ask the real question13:08
glebihandp, you can just change the symlink (/usr/bin/python is a symlink to /usr/bin/python2.7)13:08
amisotisWhat's the best VRML software?  I need it to view http://www.astronautica.com/owds.html13:08
afeijohi guys, I need to install a email server, with pop3, imap and smtp. Shall I use postfix + dovecot + mysql ?13:08
cablopi asked if is luks still not multiprocess or multithread ?13:09
dpglebihan: but that won't update python-dbg and python-dbg-config; hence my question13:09
ortsvorsteheramisotis, please do not go unasked in private channel13:09
ortsvorsteher!pm | amisotis13:09
ubottuamisotis: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:09
Gentoo64he spammed everyone13:09
Gentoo64kick him13:09
vytenishow to turn on vga on my laptop in ubuntu? :/13:09
icerootcablop: i guess that king of question is better in #luks (or what there channel is)13:09
vyteniskeyboard combination dosent work13:09
raptor67682how to wget something and let wget check the size of the file on ftp and does download if  different?13:10
zsolthow is it possible to fix this problem?I need to use my rootfs normally13:10
vytenishisto, u here?13:10
glebihandp, you'll have to install python2.6-dbg13:11
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icerootraptor67682: are there md5 files for the file?13:13
dpglebihan: not quite my point ;) in gentoo, I can 'eselect python set python2', I didn't know if there was a built-in way to do that in ubuntu13:13
raptor67682iceroot> nope. no md513:14
zsoltthe fstab file is ok,but don't know why is it read only13:14
digitalfizhey guys I have a remote VM I need to resize the partitions on how can I do this?13:14
digitalfizI don't have access to console but I had the IT department make the drive larger in VMWare13:14
glebihandp, not that I know of. But replacing the symlink will do the exact same thing13:14
digitalfizthey refuse to work on linux so I have to resize it myself13:14
dpok, apparently, I was wrong. gcalcli against 2.6 *or* 2.7 is broken13:15
histodigitalfiz: you'd have to unmount the partitions and grow them somehow13:16
digitalfizhisto, I can't do that from SSH though can I?13:16
guntbertdigitalfiz: did you employ LVM?13:16
digitalfizno I didn't do LVM13:16
icerootraptor67682: best would be md5 the file on the server, md5 the file localy, check if different then download13:16
histodigitalfiz: hrm....13:16
raptor67682I was thinking either : wget -nc or wget -N, but it seems that it does not work13:16
amisotisWhat makes people use Ubuntu, I mean, why use something that's basically a ripoff of Debian sid13:16
dpbut it works under debian python13:16
icerootraptor67682: files can have the same size but may be different13:17
amisotisjust because some rich coon gives discs through the mail for free13:17
raptor67682iceroot> I have no chances to get md5 :(13:17
compdocamisotis, its much better than debian13:17
icerootamisotis: you have a support-question?13:17
histodigitalfiz: can you boot the vm to a live cd?13:17
digitalfizhisto, I don't access to console13:17
amisotis/dns user-31-175-45-178.play-internet.pl13:17
icerootamisotis: and remeber, sid is changing every day, ubuntu not13:17
babbleamisotis: how can an open source project that encourages forking have any derivative be a 'ripoff?'13:17
Ixanhi, i'm having an issue installing from the alternate cd. using an usb-cdrom and it boots fine. later in the installer though, it stops saying it cant detect the cdrom. anyone know a fix?13:17
szalamisotis: that is not a support question, please continue w/ such topics in #ubuntu-offtopic13:18
histoamisotis: ubuntu is not debian13:18
histodigitalfiz: how'd you install the distro on the vm?13:18
amisotishisto: Yes it is.  It uses aptitude, it has packages that end in .deb, and it works almost exactly like debian13:18
amisotisthe only difference is that there is a different configuartion utility and that there are more packages13:18
digitalfizhisto I built it locally and sent the vm files to my support department and they booted it13:19
amisotisconfiguration utility13:19
guntbertamisotis: stop that please13:19
amisotisUbuntu's debian13:19
histo!troll | amisotis13:19
p5yxis the netbook remix not available anymore?13:19
Myrttiamisotis: take the discussion elsewhere, please.13:19
histo!unr | p5yx13:20
ubottup5yx: Starting with Ubuntu 11.04, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition is no longer being offered as a separate install as Unity is now standard for all Ubuntu desktop installs.13:20
vytenishow to turn on vga ?13:20
histodigitalfiz: without booting the vm to a live cd or something I can't think of a way to do it. Perhaps someone else can.13:20
histodigitalfiz: what partitions are you planningon resizing?13:21
digitalfizhisto its ext313:21
digitalfizhisto it was originally a 10gb partition I want to make 40gb13:22
szalvytenis: define 'turn on vga'13:22
histodigitalfiz: is everything on one / partition?13:22
vytenisi want to see my screen trought pc13:22
digitalfizhisto yes13:22
someone-nooneHello i13:23
vyteniswhen i connect cable nothing happneds13:23
vytenisand keyboard combination dosent work13:23
vytenisszal, any ideas? :/13:24
someone-nooneHello. i'm having a trouble using flash on latest ubuntu. I can't click "Allow" button in Security settings in any browser. Does anybody know how to solve such problem?13:24
someone-nooneOr probably someone will tell me better channel to ask such question13:25
SrPxso im trying to compile something. this thing has several dependencies. the package manage versions are older. so i have to downoad every dependency and compile. but they have even more dependencies and this goes on. a13:25
p5yxubottu: thx man13:25
SrPxis there a fastest way of installing those?13:25
bekksSrPx: No.13:25
scarleosomeone-noone: I have the same, do you get the Flash settings when pressing windows button and searching for Flash? If so then set that site you're having trouble with to allow13:26
histodigitalfiz: you could create a seperate partition with the freespace then mount that to part of the filesystem.13:26
bekksSrPx: Not if the packages/version you need are not available by the repos.13:26
glebihanSrPx, is the package you're trying to compile in the repositories ?13:26
dpcan anyone confirm that gcalcli on oneiric is broken, no matter python 2.6 or 2.7?13:27
histodigitalfiz: can't you have them boot the vm to an iso and then go fromthere?13:27
albert__Hey, can anybody link me a guide for how to setup an ati graphics card in the new ubuntu (11.10). i really don't get anything in google13:27
someone-noonescarleo: i have webpage on localhost. I have inserted "local", "/home/user/pathtohtml", "*", "/home/user/pathtohtml/test.html" into Global settings and it didn't help :(13:27
histo!ati | albert__13:27
ubottualbert__: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto13:27
cgrsplz someone knows how to start ubuntu without unity, and use gnome instead?13:27
chrootis ubuntu-10.04.3-server-amd64.iso can work on intel 64 machine13:28
albert__kek, ty13:28
histochroot: yes13:28
histochroot: that's what it's for 64bit cpus13:28
SrPxpardon what are repositories (you mean the ubuntu packages)? im trying to compile gedit 3+ (because the version 2.3, thats on ubuntu package manager. doesnt allow certain plugin)13:28
glebihancgrs, which version of ubuntu are you running ?13:28
chroothisto, but it's amd64?13:28
histoSrPx: yes repositories hold the packages for ubuntu13:28
chrootmy cpu is intel13:28
cgrsglebihan 11.1013:28
lloydMulti-meida question on 10.04-LTS:  How can get DVD player to play a DVD.  Totem comes up but says it needs to search for "suitable" plugin, (it says that the required software to play the file is not installed).13:29
histochroot: it's not for just amd cpus its for 64bit cpus13:29
bekksSrPx: Which ubuntu version do you have? Oneiric ships with gedit 3.2.013:29
histo!amd64 | chroot13:29
ubottuchroot: AMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#AMD64_Processors and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.13:29
cgrsive got oneiric (11.10)13:29
chroothow about ubuntu-10.04.3-server-x86_64.iso13:29
scarleosomeone-noone: Ok...? So did you do what I suggested? Or try visit this page to change your settings: http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager03.html13:29
SrPxim not sure whats the version, i just downloaded the one available on the site a few weeks ago. how can i know?13:29
histochroot: yes that's the intel one13:30
ubottuzentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).13:30
bekksSrPx: By looking it up? :)13:30
glebihancgrs, in that case, there isn't gnome2 anymore. If you don't like unity, you can try gnome-shell or another desktop environment (kde, xfce, lxde...)13:30
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bekksSrPx: Open up a terminal and type: lsb_release -r13:30
cgrsok, then i'll return to 10.04, thanx !13:30
chrootoh, but ubuntu-10.04.3-server-x86_64.iso has a desktop when i installed it ?13:30
lloydMSG TO SELF: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras13:31
histochroot: no it shouldn't13:31
someone-noonescarleo: i've already added path to directory with htmls and swfs at webpage you've sent to me. But it didn't help13:31
chrootubuntu server dosen't have desktop, right?13:31
histochroot: right13:31
cgrsbut, unity and gnome3 are the same???13:31
histocgrs: no13:31
TricenQ: Have a duel head Radeon (DVI and VGA).  Got a stretched desktop working great.  However, the the monitor attached to the DVI head (converted into a VGA with an adaptor) randomly blinks on and off and sometimes goes off for up to 15 seconds before coming back on.  Any ideas?13:31
chroothisto, ok, i got it, thanks.13:31
histocgrs: you can switch to classic mode13:31
cgrswhats the difference???13:31
SrPxseems like im not getting gedit 3 :/13:31
bindiTricen: the monitor is probably dying13:32
bekksSrPx: You could update your entire ubuntu....13:32
cgrsoh, i know, but how can i return to gnome2 in 11.10??13:32
histo!notunity | cgrs13:32
ubottucgrs: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic13:32
bindiTricen: unless you can confirm it working in another system13:32
dpcan anyone confirm that gcalcli on oneiric is broken, no matter python 2.6 or 2.7?13:32
glebihancgrs, you can't13:32
TricenWhen I switch monitors to the other head, the problem switches monitors13:32
TricenIt can't be that13:32
bindiTricen: faulty VGA cable?13:32
SrPxbekks: :/13:33
raptor67682bekks>     lsb_release -a | grep Codename | awk ' { print $2 } ' | tail -n 113:33
histoTricen: power management issue?13:33
digitalfizhisto I am going to walk the IT department through a live cd/gparted solution on a few test servers then go with the live server13:33
Tricenbindi: hadn't considered that, I'll try that.  Thanks13:33
Tricenhisto: how so?13:33
histoTricen: is it constantly blinking or just after some period of time?13:33
Tricenhisto: randomly after some time13:34
rj_hw aaare pyyu?13:34
histoTricen: i'd first look at the vga cable and or the dvi/vga adapter as maybe being the issue first.13:34
cgrsgnome 3 "gnome-shell" is like gnome2 ui??13:34
bekkscgrs: No.13:34
histoTricen: if it happens after say 5min of inactivity everytime then i'd look at power management maybe blanking the monitor then bringing it back etc...13:35
cgrsoh, then its like unity 2d, right?13:35
histocgrs: no you wan the classic look then13:35
histo!classic | cgrs13:35
ubottucgrs: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity13:35
Tricenhisto:  I'll look into that.  thanks13:35
histocgrs: which I believe in 11.10 to enable classic mode you have to go to preferences and login manager then enable classic as the session.13:35
SrPxbekks: i almost managed to compile the version 3.0.3, i could install every dependency using the package manager, but when i try to build i get the error *** No rule to make target `Gedit-3.0.typelib'. Do you have an idea what that could be?13:36
histocgrs: that will make it look like the previous version of ubuntu at the top with applications > sytem > etc...13:36
cgrsbut in my version it shows only "Unity" and "Unity 2d"13:36
cgrsthere is no classic mode :(13:37
glebihancgrs, gnome-shell is very different from both gnome2 and unity. The only way to get a gnome2-like interface on oneiric is to use gnome-panel+gnome-session-fallback (but it won't have as many functionalities as gnome-panel in gnome2 and is only intended as a fallback)13:37
cgrsyes, then i use ubuntu 11.04 with Classic mode??13:37
histocgrs: blogtv.com/analyzingfunny13:38
lloydthere's always xfce13:38
histocgrs: ignore that wrong link hold up13:38
histocgrs: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/08/return-to-ubuntu-classic-desktop-in-ubuntu-11-10/13:38
jiltdilsuppose i have Data mounted under media, to go to Data i use   amit@amit:~$cd /media/Data after this it looks like  amit@amit:/media/Data$     But i want to look it like amit@amit Data$     as like in fedora . Any idea how to do that?13:38
glebihancgrs, you can. But keep in mind that gnome2 is heading to the end of its life13:38
cgrsthanx i'll take a look13:38
chroothisto, can you give me some advice?13:39
cgrsOMG!!!! thanx so much!13:39
histochroot: on what?13:39
sjihsIs there a way to install the glider gtk theme?13:40
chrooti got a machine with 8GB mem and intel xen cpu,13:40
chrootand i want to install ubuntu server on it , which one should i install . the version?13:40
Mafekican someone tell me how to configure your ipod as a flash drive for FAT32?13:41
lloydchroot: 10.04-LTS13:41
jiltdilAny idea guys?13:41
Gentoo64chroot, any13:41
histochroot: I would use 10.04LTS for a server13:41
histochroot: LTS is long term support. Then next LTS is due out next April13:41
histochroot: however 10.04 will be supported for sometime.13:42
cbfarrandwant to try a printing question?13:42
lloydchroot: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS13:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:42
chrootbut 10.04LTS is 32 bit, it can't handle 8GB mem, right?13:42
lloydchroot: Sure it can13:43
histochroot: no you can install 64bit 10.04LTS server13:43
cbfarranddid the upgrade to the latest version, now printer spitting out blank pages?13:43
histolloyd: 32bit can not handle 8gig of ram13:43
chroothisto, so 64bit is amd64 , that is for AMD cpu, not intel?13:43
SrPxim trying to compile gedit 3.0.3, but when i try to build, at the end i get the error *** No rule to make target `Gedit-3.0.typelib'. what that could be?13:43
icerootchroot: amd and intel13:43
histochroot: on the download page just select 10.04LTS server 64bit13:43
ikoniaSrPx: it's not correctly configured13:44
lloydhisto: Well, I guess any more than 4G will be a waste.  Right?13:44
cgrsbye! plz follow me: twitter.com/6367727313:44
deej1976linux-generic-pae will allow 32-bit to use more memory13:44
ikoniaSrPx: is there a reason you are trying to build it13:44
albert__hey, how do i change my used graphics driver? i seem to have installed all the necessary ati stuff, but catalyst tells me, the driver isn't there and/or used13:44
ikoniacgrs: please don't spam/advertise in this channel. Clear ?13:44
histodeej1976: no it won't13:44
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chrootok, thank you13:44
histochroot: use 64 bit13:44
chrootthank you all guys13:44
karaguellekhow can install sun java on my ubuntu 11.10??????????13:44
histodeej1976: anything over 4gigs won't be addressed in 32bit13:44
SrPxyes i need gedit 3+ but on software manager the latest version is 2.313:44
histokaraguellek: you can use openjdk13:45
histokaraguellek: if you want sun's version then you have to get it from oracle13:45
SrPxhow can i configure it properly? i ran ./configure and seemed like everything went allright13:45
karaguellekhista: i want to get minecraft to work and everybody says i need sun java13:45
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lloydhisto: ... unless you install Physical Address Extension (PAE) kernel.13:45
histoSrPx: you may have to ask the gedit people as your question isn't related to ubuntu13:45
albert__hey, how do i change my used graphics driver? i seem to have installed all the necessary ati stuff, but catalyst tells me, the driver isn't there and/or used13:45
Gentoo64lloyd, afaik that gives you 4gb13:46
ikoniaPAE will allow to over 16GB13:46
cbfarrandupgraded to 11.10, now my printer is spitting out blank pages?13:46
Gentoo64ah ok13:46
ikoniainfact over 32GB13:46
histolloyd: deej1976 sry didn't see pae13:46
icerootGentoo64: pae can handle more then 4gb but only ~1gb for earch process13:46
lloydhisto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE13:46
SrPxhisto: where i can find gedit people?13:46
karaguellekhisto: which one there is the sun java=?13:46
deej1976no probs13:46
karaguellekhisto : http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html13:46
Gentoo64doubt anyone would use pae though13:46
histokaraguellek: I don't know13:47
lloydchroot: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE13:47
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iceroothisto: but if possible, reinstall with amd64 instead of installing pae-kernel13:47
undefined_infiniHello everyone! I am planning to set up a home file server. Is it ok to use core i5 processor for my server? If not what is your recommended processor.13:47
BluesKajalbert__, do your "desktop effects" work?13:47
icerootundefined_infini: overkill13:47
icerootundefined_infini: intel atom is enough13:47
histoiceroot: i'm not the one with the issue13:47
Gentoo64undefined_infini, any cpu13:47
SrPxikonia: yes i need gedit 3+ but on software manager the latest version is 2.3. how can i configure it properly? i ran ./configure and seemed like everything went allright13:47
chrootlloyd, ok , i know that , with it os will search more address space13:47
iceroothisto: sorry13:47
undefined_infiniiceroot, woah why?13:48
histochroot: just use 64bit instead of 32bit trust me13:48
PiciSrPx: Your're probably not going to be able to get gedit 3.x in anything before 11.10, as it likely requires gnome3 things.13:48
ikoniaSrPx: did you read the compile instructions and dependencies13:48
histochroot: there is absolutely no reason to use 32bit server13:48
icerootundefined_infini: because a file-server doesnt need a cou like i513:48
windparadisehello, pls can someone tell me what does this command do ? getent passwd. any use >= UID 100013:48
Gentoo64undefined_infini, you wont need a powerful cpu for just getting files13:48
ikoniaSrPx: why do you "need" gedit313:48
icerootundefined_infini: wasted ressources13:48
cbfarranddid the update to 11.10, now printer printing blank pages?13:48
lapionIn a virtualbox, I just tried to convert my home fs to btrfs, only to find out there is no tool to change the uuid of btrfs-fses13:48
ikoniawindparadise: nothing of any value13:48
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SrPxikonia: because source browser plugin is only compatible for 3.0.0+13:48
chroothisto, lloyd just remind there is pae , but i will use 64bit too. for this will be faster13:48
windparadiseok,I want to list number of users in my account13:48
windparadiseI mean list users13:49
Gentoo64chroot, just use 64 bit13:49
windparadiseapart from root,13:49
scottjbest service for seeing pictures people have taken at a specific location (or range) with a better UI than google maps photos?13:49
windparadisehow do i check?13:49
undefined_infiniiceroot & Gentoo64, ah i see.. so how much RAM is recommended for my server?13:49
icerootscottj: #ubuntu-offtopic13:49
Gentoo64undefined_infini, anything13:49
icerootundefined_infini: depending what you want to do13:49
SrPxikonia: yes they just tell me to type ./configure, make and make install..13:49
Gentoo64undefined_infini, for stuff like that you can use like 50mb ram if the os can boot it13:49
ikoniaSrPx: pastebin the output of ./configure13:50
Gentoo64most people use junk boxes for that13:50
cbfarranddid the upgrade to 11.10, now printing blank sheets?13:50
_r00t_lapion: why do yo need btrfs ?13:50
lapiondoes anyone know which tool can be used to change uuid of btrfs13:51
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histowindparadise: check your /etc/passwd file13:51
icerootundefined_infini: i am running a fileserver with xmbc, sabnzbplusd, lxde and i need 230mb (most is eaten by xbmc) so i guess 128mb is a very very igh value for something you want to do13:51
Gentoo64lapion, i wouldnt use btfs for important data btw13:51
lapion_r00t_, it's for experimenting..13:51
Gentoo64its very dodgy13:51
icerootundefined_infini: cpu is the first intel atom13:51
undefined_infiniGentoo64, maybe 1gb will do.. it is hard to find 50mb nowadays13:51
* _r00t_ agrees with Gentoo64 13:51
lapionit's in a virtuaslbox on top of ubuntu13:51
Gentoo64undefined_infini, yeah.. just saying i wouldnt go spending out for it13:51
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cbfarrandupdated to 11.10 now printing blank sheets?13:52
histoundefined_infini: what do you plan on doing with the server?13:52
LoptrI added my ntfs partition to fstab but on restart ubuntu itself add them to another location and use fuseblk13:52
undefined_infinihisto, just a file server :)13:52
asrskzWhat channel is best for getting help with Unity13:52
lloydhisto: windparadise Maybe a little simplier to look at /home/13:52
Loptrit just ignores my settings in the fstab13:52
histoundefined_infini: minimal ram then13:52
lapionsince in place conversion is possible I want to try it, however if the uuid cannot be changed this cannot be done on a "working boot"13:52
SrPxikonia: http://pastebin.com/rKPkxBKk13:52
Gentoo64asrskz, here13:52
histolloyd: true lol13:53
_r00t_lol ... probably we all hate unity in here13:53
lloyd_r00t_: DOn't count on it.13:53
undefined_infinihisto, Gentoo64 & iceroot, thanks for the replies13:53
lapionGentoo64, it's in a virtuaslbox on top of ubuntu13:53
ikoniaSrPx: looks pretty reasonable, did it create a makefile13:53
lapionlloyd, exception to the r00le13:53
cbfarrandprinting blank pages after 11.10 update?13:54
asrskzIt is taking me a lot longer to do the things I used to do.  Maybe it is just a new paradigm.13:54
lloydcbfarrand: What printer?13:54
cbfarrandBrother laser13:54
undefined_infinihisto, Gentoo64 & iceroot, I'll go for atom with 1gb ram :)13:54
lloydcbfarrand: What model?13:54
SrPxikonia: this is the output http://pastebin.com/H3wb4c3Y13:54
lloydcbfarrand: Check toner.13:54
cbfarrandHL-5340D, was working fine with previous version13:54
ikoniaSrPx: ok - so the key there is not the last lime13:55
_r00t_undefined_infini: I run xbmc on a dual core SU2300 / ION and it flys13:55
asrskzFor instance I ssh to several computers in my home network.  I used to have a separate launcher on the top panel for each.  Each has it's own profile the color is different on each so when I see the terminal I know which computer I am on.13:55
asrskzHow do I do that in Unity.13:55
SrPxikonia: ?13:55
undefined_infini_r00t_, wow cool!13:55
cbfarrandlloyd: printer working fine with other computers13:55
ikoniaSrPx: the makefile is there and has valid entries, but because something is failing to build (typlib plugin by the looks of it) it's complaining about the target defined in the makefile, or lack of it13:56
windparadisehow do I add a new user to my system?13:56
windparadiseusing command line13:56
bekkswindparadise: By using "adduser", for instance.13:56
ikoniaSrPx: it probably wasn't created at configure due to a lack of typelib support13:56
_r00t_undefined_infini: Here she is http://goo.gl/AEAfR13:56
lloydcbfarrand: localhost:631  and check what driver it is using.13:56
cgrsi have a wireless pcmcia card (Linksys Wireless-G Notebook Adapter WPC54G V3) which oneiric (11.10) doesn't recognize, even with windows drivers (ndiswrapper)! how can i connect internet with this s**t?? plz help13:56
SrPxikonia: lack of typelib support? so can i fix this?13:57
ikoniacgrs: tone down the language13:57
lloydcbfarrand: localhost:631  Administration -> Modify printer13:57
ikoniaSrPx: check the configure options, however I suspect it's a bug with the automake process13:57
cgrsok sorry13:57
cablopzram, sounds prettty interesting13:57
lloydcbfarrand: Take Firefox to: localhost:631    Administration -> Modify printer13:57
ikoniacgrs: also you did a hit and run spam of your twitter account earlier - please do not do that again, clear ?13:57
bindiare there any graphical traceroute programs for ubuntu?13:58
ikoniabindi: why do you want something graphical13:58
ikoniabindi: all it does is display a list of IP's in the route13:58
SrPxikonia: so theres nothing i can do? its weird for it to be a bug as its happening with all 3.0.x versions13:58
bindiikonia: i mean uh13:58
bindiikonia: geographical :p13:58
ikoniaSrPx: not really seeing as 3.0 is development13:58
josephseraosI have a problem in Ubuntu 11.10, in Nautilus when I type to search a file or a directory it doesn't work correctly.13:58
undefined_infini_r00t_, cute setup lol..13:58
lloydbindi: traceroute can run in a GUI terminal  :)13:58
bindilloyd: yeah I meant geographical13:58
_r00t_undefined_infini: thanks13:58
ikoniaSrPx: I find it hard to believe an application you want to use depeds on a development (version 3) build of gedit13:59
* _r00t_ brb13:59
cgrsi have a wireless pcmcia card (Linksys Wireless-G Notebook Adapter WPC54G V3) which oneiric (11.10) doesn't recognize, even with windows drivers (ndiswrapper)! how can i connect internet with this?? plz help13:59
cbfarrandOK, driver is same as before13:59
undefined_infini_r00t_, wow nice! you're using low-powered processor.. I like it! :D14:00
glebihanikonia, version 3 of gedit is not a development one (it's in the oneiric repos)14:00
SrPxikonia: unfortunatelly it does. https://github.com/Quixotix/gedit-source-code-browser14:00
lloydbindi:  What is it you really want to do?14:00
ikoniaglebihan: it's listed 2.3 as "stable"14:00
bindilloyd: see which countries connection goes through14:00
rbbdear friends my dvd wont play automaticaly on the default player when inserted,as it used to do ,please help ,im using xubuntu lucid LTS14:01
rbbhello my dvd wont play auto14:01
rbbanybody to help14:01
cgrscan someone help me please??? i have a wireless pcmcia card (Linksys Wireless-G Notebook Adapter WPC54G V3) which oneiric (11.10) doesn't recognize, even with windows drivers (ndiswrapper)! how can i connect internet with this?? plz help14:01
lloydbindi: You will just need to look up the IP addresses to see who/where they are assigned.14:01
bindilloyd: or use a program that likely exists, you're not really helping :f14:01
SrPxikonia: im really sad with all this . i just spent 2 days trying to make something as trivial as finding a good text editor with a feature to navigate though the functions of my source code as i got huge files. so this is necessary. this is all i need. do you know if theres another editor or something that has this?14:01
bindilloyd: i know i could manually geoip them, cba14:01
icerootSrPx: you not use a real editor instead of fighting with gedit? learning vim/emacs is much easier then fighting with the compile-process of gedit314:01
ikoniaSrPx: why not ask the gnome developers ?14:01
ikoniaSrPx: it's there development project that's not building/working for you14:02
SrPxiceroot: really? im using gedit because they said it was the best editor available in ubuntu14:02
icerootSrPx: depending which person you ask14:02
icerootSrPx: for development and profi-stuff of course vim/emacs are way better14:02
cgrshey! please!!14:03
icerootSrPx: if you need something like notepad use gedit, if you want a real editor use vim/emacs (and i suggest vim)14:03
SrPxiceroot: good to hear that. of the 2 what has a good feature to browsing large source codes? could be level folding function listing etc?14:03
icerootSrPx: vim can do everything (like emacs)14:03
histoseconds vim14:04
tensorpuddingSrPx, you can consider geany, i think it has code-folding14:04
deej1976SrPx: vim, geany for GUI14:04
icerootSrPx: e.g. a standard joke is, that emacs is an os with a buildin editor :)14:04
forloopdid I walk into an IDE discussion? :D14:04
icerootSrPx: ah sorry, "emacs is a os without a good editor" that was the joke :)14:04
windparadisehello, pls I made adduser username14:05
windparadisehow do I add a password to it ?14:05
tensorpuddingpasswd username14:05
forlooppasswd <username>14:05
tensorpuddingas root14:05
icerootwindparadise: useradd username14:05
SrPxiceroot: haha allright ll try vim14:05
deej1976sudo passwd userid14:05
icerootSrPx: try vim, also have a look at the command "vimtutor"14:06
josephseraosDoesn't anybody have the same problem?14:06
icerootSrPx: and remeber, vim is not installed by default on ubuntu so run "sudo apt-get install vim"14:06
cgrsi have a wireless pcmcia card (Linksys Wireless-G Notebook Adapter WPC54G V3) which oneiric (11.10) doesn't recognize, even with windows drivers (ndiswrapper)! how can i connect internet with this ?? plz help14:06
lloydbindi:  apt-cache search traceroute14:06
icerootcgrs: does "dmesg" show the card when you plug it into the system?14:07
SrPxiceroot: allright thank you very much (: lets see14:07
icerootSrPx: trust me, with some learning vim/emacs are the most powerfull editors out there14:08
cgrsi don't know, but it shows "firmware it's not installed" or something like that in the top panel14:08
icerootcgrs: because the firmware is not free and because of that not part of the standard ubuntu system14:08
icerootcgrs: seems like you need to download the firmware14:09
lloydcgrs: lspci  #Look to see if anything about it shows there.14:09
SrPxiceroot: is vim the same as Gvim14:09
icerootSrPx: gvim is a gui for vim14:09
icerootSrPx: vim is text based14:09
tensorpuddingSrPx, you want gvim probably14:09
KoltHi! I'm running ubuntu. I have dual monitors. One of the monitors have a wrong display. Its right side is blank and the left ofthe image is out of the display area. What can I do about it?14:10
tensorpuddingit'll get both14:10
BangBusRUshi i just installed ubuntu 11.10 lastnight, on my thinkpad t61, just need help with the touchpad and mouse buttons..14:10
bindilloyd: nothing there.. there's xtraceroute but it's dropped since hardy14:10
lakeIs there a program/heuristic for identifying the className of windows in X?14:10
SrPxiceroot: tensorpudding: what do you mean with a text editor being text based? it doesnt have a gui? what?14:10
cgrsok i'll try it, cuz i'm not on ubuntu14:10
icerootSrPx: vim doesnt have a gui, its for the shell14:11
halomomhey all. I have a problem with a dx8 application in wine14:11
lakeHow would one find the className of the window running "gnome-terminal"?14:11
tensorpuddingSrPx, it has a gui, it doesn't run in the terminal14:11
icerootSrPx: gvim is a gui for vim14:11
tensorpuddingSrPx, it'll have an icon that you can click, in the applications14:11
cablopthen 50 GB would be ok for a root partition?14:11
tensorpuddingSrPx, the interface is similar though14:11
cablopor in better words14:11
cablopmore than enough14:11
bekkscablop: About 30GB wasted ;) 20GB will be more than enough.14:11
icerootcgrs: more then enough14:12
lloydcgrs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsLinksys#WPC54G14:12
cgrsthanx! i'll try!14:12
icerootcgrs: wrong nick, sorry14:12
lloydbindi: You could still probably find xtraceroute14:12
cablopok i am reading that dm-crypt has multithreading14:12
LoptrI mounted a ntfs drive with ntfs-3g with options auto,users,uid=1000,gid=100,dmask=027,fmask=137,utf8  0  014:12
icerootcablop: yes, more then enough and maybe a waste like bekks said14:12
Loptrbut it still doesnt allow me to change chmods on files and folders14:12
cablopfor kernels above 2.6.3014:12
icerootLoptr: ntfs doesnt support unix-acls14:12
bindilloyd: trying to14:13
cablopso i can use LVM on top of that14:13
bekksLoptr: Because ntfs doesnt support it at all.14:13
cablopand then play with the root size14:13
Loptrbekks, i need to change permission on folder to 750 so i can add it as vhost on apache14:13
Loptrisn't there some way?14:13
lloydcgrs: From:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsLinksys#WPC54G "open the restricted drivers management and enable bcm43xx."14:14
SrPxtensorpudding: iceroot no, but i mean... without gvim it has no gui? so what does it do at all? are there people developing using the shell? you do?14:14
cablopif i plan to have 8GB of RAM, then is a swap of 16 GB a bad idea?14:14
tensorpuddingSrPx, some people do14:14
cablopconsider that swap is used to store the RAM when hibernating14:14
tensorpuddingSrPx, you don't have to14:14
bekkscablop: Yes. It is unneeded nowadays. Even for suspend you need just 8GB swap maximum.14:14
lloydcablop: No, but 8 is prolly all you need14:15
tensorpuddingSrPx, having both is useful, because you can use shell vim over an ssh session14:15
cgrs@lloyd thanx!14:15
tensorpuddingSrPx, so you can use it to do remote admin14:15
cablopwell disk is 1 TB so i prefer to waste a few GBs and not to fix it a lot14:15
bekkscablop: Even 30GB will be more than enough.14:16
icerootSrPx: of course i am developing using vim on the shell14:16
cablopok, then 12GB swap and 30 GB root is a good idea14:16
mario_Hi, anyone can help me with an ATI card on Ubuntu 11.10?14:16
lloydbekks: 30G is definately MORE than enough.14:16
bekkscablop: 8GB swap. 30GB /.14:16
cablopcompdoc: i think he refers to the root partition14:16
drake01cablop, swap twice that of available RAM was an approximation used when RAMs more than 1 GB was rare.14:16
icerootSrPx: no need for a gui or a mouse, much faster with real vim then any mouse-movers out there14:16
bekkslloyd: I know. But I dont knwow what he is going to install ;)14:17
tensorpuddingSrPx, the power of vim is overstated, i recommend using geany14:17
SrPxoh my..14:17
cablopbekks: i 'll attempt to use some extra swap due to a virtual machine i use so i don't want to be unable to hibernate for a few mbs in use on swap14:17
bekksdrake01: That time is gone for 15y now.14:17
tensorpuddingSrPx, or probably better, try several things and pick the one that you like most14:17
Canhow difficult is it to switch from ubuntu to kubuntu? and will it screw up grub?14:17
SrPxthats what im doing14:17
jpds!kde | Can14:17
ubottuCan: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.14:17
cablopCan no grub affected14:17
tensorpuddingSrPx, real development is easier with emacs than vim14:17
bekkscablop: That has nothing to do with vms at all. You cannot use more RAM than you have. So 8GB will be enough for swap.14:17
cablopCan: but you are going to adjust the GDM to KDM14:18
drake01bekks, Exactly that's what my point...14:18
SrPxi serioulsy only need a way to browse large source codes without having to scroll them all, both folding or class listing does it14:18
tensorpuddingSrPx, you asked about code folding, i doubt that vim supports it, and it surely wouldn't support it in the shell14:18
SrPxill try both14:18
SrPxand iceroot are you serious? why that ? how do you do a ctrl+f for instance14:18
cablopbekks: yes, but if swap has, let's say 512 MB in use then there's not enough to save the RAM when hibernating14:18
tensorpuddingSrPx, geany would be the most logical first though, since it's less of a stretch14:18
Cani should rephrase i think, i want to completely remove unbuntu and install kubuntu instead, ub just runs way to slow on my old lappy and ive read kub is alot more forgiving on older machines14:18
icerootSrPx: what should ctrl +f do?14:18
bekkstensorpudding: Dont tell things that are entirely wrong please. http://smartic.us/2009/04/06/code-folding-in-vim/14:18
icerootSrPx: searching? do /string14:19
nDufftensorpudding, vim certainly does support code folding714:19
nDuff...oh, bekks already got there14:19
cablopcan wrong, the one for old machines is xubuntu14:19
tensorpuddingthat's gvim14:19
Cancablop: yes thank you thats what i meant14:19
bekkstensorpudding: No.14:19
SrPxiceroot: o.o14:19
nDufftensorpudding, it's not limited to gvim14:19
iceroottensorpudding: of course vim is supporting it14:19
icerootSrPx: /foobar14:19
icerootSrPx: so search for foobar14:20
nDufftensorpudding, it _is_ limited to vim as opposed to vi emulation mode, but so are most of the useful features.14:20
icerootSrPx: much easier then ctrl + f14:20
tensorpuddingSrPx, just go geany, it's simpler and iirc is available by default14:20
Cancablop: any ideas on how to go about doing that without screwing up my laptop?14:20
SrPxim liking the idea actually14:20
cablopcan, then same thing, install it, then switch to xdm and done, but it is gtk too, so speed is the same, what you are going to get as an improvement is less ram usage14:20
bekkstensorpudding: http://vibol.hou.cc/code-folding-in-vim-6014:20
kylealbrechti recently installed ubuntu on my laptop, got an intel graphics card and i got no graphics acceleration.14:20
kylealbrechtif i remember correctly i got it in an earlier version of ubuntu14:21
SrPxbut iceroot you dont really care about syntax lightning?14:21
icerootSrPx: look at youtube for "vim videos" to see the power of that editor14:21
SrPxi will14:21
icerootSrPx: of course vim has syntax-highlighting14:21
icerootSrPx: as i said, vim is the most powerfull editor out there14:21
icerootSrPx: it has 10000000000000 more features then gedit14:22
JimmioCould someone explain to me why sticking the output of "yes" into the input of ls causes.. I don't even know what to call it? I figure it's a race condition that uses up all memory.. but I'm not sure, and I won't type the command here as someone will surely run it >.>14:22
tensorpuddingSrPx, take what they say with a big grain of salt14:22
mario_Hi, anyone can help me with an ATI card on Ubuntu 11.10?14:22
icerootSrPx: syntax highlight is not worth to mention as a vim feature14:22
SrPxtensorpudding: pardon?14:22
halomomhey all. I have a problem with a dx8 application in wine14:22
share!ask | mario_14:22
ubottumario_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:22
tensorpuddingSrPx, regarding vim being "the most powerful"14:22
iceroottensorpudding: vim and emacs14:22
nDufftensorpudding, gives as you clearly don't know vim, you're not really in a strong position on the subject.14:22
tensorpuddingSrPx, editor advocacy is a contentious are14:22
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cablopCan: i don't put my hands on fire, but what i'd do is to install the whole xubuntu then switch gdm to xdm and then run it for a while, but to remove the gnome will be a hard task, xfce and gnome share some components14:22
BluesKajmario_, more details pls14:22
mario_thank you ubottu!14:22
shareanyone | mario_14:23
kylealbrechtdoes anybody know how to fix no acceleration with an intel graphics card on ubuntu 11.10?14:23
share!anyone | mario_14:23
ubottumario_: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:23
iceroottensorpudding: but maybe you know an editor which is more powerfull then vim/emacs? i would be really interested in something like that14:23
tensorpuddingnDuff, i used vim for quite a while, and i know how disingenuous recommending vim to people just looking for an IDE is14:23
nDufftensorpudding, the major thing I see vim missing is refactoring functionality and strong subprocess-buffer support, both things which emacs does better; aside from those, it's up with the best of them14:23
LoptrIs there a way to change ntfs to ext3 without formating it?14:24
SrPxiceroot: ok then waht are some of the features that makes it so powerfull? and again, about source code browsing, large file, thousands of functions and classes, having to browse though them very far from each other, and needing to have a good visualization of them, how can vim help me with that?14:24
tensorpuddingthey got caught up in having to memorize backwards keybindings14:24
icerootSrPx: what about trying vim? it can all you mentioned14:24
mario_ati drivers installed but system reports VESA. How to know which driver is in use?14:24
nDufftensorpudding, SrPx isn't asking for an IDE, but for a "more powerful" editor.14:25
nDufftensorpudding, ...and that's exactly what vim is.14:25
tensorpuddingnDuff, depends what you mean by powerful14:25
kylealbrechtdoes anybody know how to fix no acceleration with an intel graphics card on ubuntu 11.10?14:25
SrPxiceroot: but id like to hear from someone who likes it what are the key features that makes it so powerful so i can time them14:25
icerootSrPx: also you can use vim-script, load plugins, interacte directly with the shell and its programs, svn and gut integration, syntax highlight, auto complete, syntax check, compile directly, use as a file browser, write markos, call it from the shell with commands, regex and so on and so on14:25
nDufftensorpudding, ...I think that's pretty well-defined -- amount of utility readily available through the tool to a user who has already learned it exhaustively.14:25
icerootSrPx: #vim, youtube and type in there "vim", vim.org14:26
SrPxhm ok ok14:26
nDufftensorpudding, ...certainly not the same thing as having a tool with an easy learning curve, but such is the nature of going for tools optimized to be useful to experts rather than easy to learn14:26
icerootSrPx: just trust me, you can do so powerfull (and sometimes crazy) things with vim/emacs14:26
aaa_on user account settings, it tells me password:none, but when i want to unlock the settings, it still asks me to authenticate, and doesn't accept blank password (your authentication attempt was unsuccessful). how can i authenticate? do i really need to set a password? how can i do that (again, it need a password to authenticate..)?14:27
tensorpuddingnDuff, i used vim for years and could never remember how to do anything complicated, because of how unintuitive it was14:27
Cancablop: what would be the best linux environment for a 6 year old laptop with 1.4 ghz single core celeron with 768 ram and a 60gig hard drive?14:27
nDufftensorpudding, *shrug* -- you get out what effort you're willing to put in.14:27
tensorpuddingnDuff, yeah, there doesn't seem any value in more effort14:27
cablopcan i will go for xubuntu14:27
nDufftensorpudding, ...says the person who cares about code folding but never bothered to learn how to use it.14:27
icerootSrPx: just type in the shell "vimtutor" after installing vim. its a tutorial for the vim basics14:28
elgatonHi everyone, I have noticed that the page <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes> is missing the hashes for the latest Ubuntu release (11.04). I cannot edit it as I haven't got the necessary permissions. I asked for help on #ubuntu-doc but received no reply. Should I try again on that channel, file a bug in Launchpad or ask on #ubuntu-devel? Thanks.14:28
icerootSrPx: best way to learn vim (imo)14:28
cablopcan but i was able to run a full gnome with 3d acceleration in a netbook with 1 GB of RAM and 1.8GHz Atom cpu14:28
tensorpuddingnDuff, cold-folding in vim is probably newer than my last vim experience14:28
aaa_anyone on?14:28
tensorpuddingSrPx, if you are really going to try vim, you should try emacs too14:28
Cancablop: it runs ubuntu right now its just REALLY slow14:28
cablopcan i heard that l ldxe or something like that is ok14:28
tensorpuddingSrPx, i regretted not trying emacs and saving myself the trouble of learning vim14:28
LoptrIs there a way to change ntfs to ext3 without formating it?14:28
icerootcablop: i like it much and its worth a look14:28
cabloplxde... i guess it is the name, and its distro is, of course, lubuntu14:29
iceroottensorpudding: as it seems you never learned vim14:29
icerootcablop: correct14:29
cablopiceroot: like what of ll? lxde?14:29
nDufftensorpudding, folding support dates to 200114:29
tensorpuddingiceroot, i learned it well enough to write code in it14:29
elgatonaaa_: Currently, Ubuntu seems not to accept empty passwords (anyway, it's a bad security practice). There is a Launchpad bug about that, if you give me a second I'll tell you the workaround.14:29
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iceroottensorpudding: that is not hard, pressing i writting code, pressing :wq14:29
cablopcan, yep, afaik, some people use lubuntu even in arm netbooks (i think the arm processor is a joke xD)14:29
tensorpuddingiceroot, i learned more than that14:30
tensorpuddingiceroot, basically everything you can do with gedit plus some extra14:30
Cancablop: alright that sounds like it might work so whats the route i take to switch over?14:30
brontosaurusrexCan, possibly cruncbang or something openbox based, unless you just love lxde that is14:30
godbodHay everybody anyone familiar with modelio here14:30
drake01tensorpudding, U shud have tried learning editing a codebase too using vim.. then you'd have realised what vim really is!!!14:30
cablopcan what i'll do is install lxde and xfce and use both depending on the task at hand14:31
tensorpuddingdrake01, a pain? confusing? not as good as emacs?14:31
Cansudo apt-get install ?14:31
tensorpuddingi know vim/emacs is a matter of taste14:31
iceroottensorpudding: no need for an editor-flamewar14:31
tensorpuddingi just don't like vim14:31
* nDuff has been on both sides of the vim-vs-emacs debate; each for its purpose14:31
brontosaurusrexCan lubuntu-desktop14:31
Calinouvim sux. :P14:31
brontosaurusrexCan and xubuntu-desktop14:31
nDuff...personally, I reach for emacs every time I'm writing code in a LISP variant, vim otherwise14:31
Canso lubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop?14:31
BluesKaj!u | drake0114:32
ubottudrake01: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.14:32
Canok brb firing up the lappy14:32
tensorpuddingi used to relegate vim to quick edits14:32
SrPxtensorpudding: of course ill try the 3 mentioned here14:32
tensorpuddingbut i switched to emacs for that too14:32
iceroottensorpudding: and it doesnt matter if you like vim or emacs more but my sentecne "vim/emacs are the most powerfull editors" should be true14:32
tensorpuddingvim starts faster14:32
devilevilhttp://www.astronautica.com/nearprev.jpg <-- What X3D plugin is this14:32
iceroottensorpudding: depending on your .vimrc :)14:32
devilevilhttp://www.astronautica.com/nearprev.jpg <-- What X3D plugin is this14:32
drake01U BluesKaj, Ha ha!!14:33
devilevilhttp://www.astronautica.com/stars.wrl How do I view it14:33
tensorpuddingdevilevil, we have no idea14:33
tensorpuddingdevilevil, this isn't a good place to ask14:33
tensorpuddingdevilevil, also you get better results not spamming channels14:33
aaa_on user account settings, it tells me password:none, but when i want to unlock the settings, it still asks me to authenticate, and doesn't accept blank password (your authentication attempt was unsuccessful). how can i authenticate? do i really need to set a password? how can i do that (again, it need a password to authenticate..)?14:33
* BluesKaj pretends he's a correction troll :)14:34
halomomhey all. I have a problem with a dx8 application in wine It refuses to show any output, ad it's a fullscreen application (please pm, I am multi-tasking on several PCs)14:34
godbodI need to use modelio14:35
brontosaurusrexso what is the correct answer if anybody ask if vim or emacs is better? (i never really use any of those)14:35
tensorpuddingdevilevil, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FreeWRL14:35
Cancablop, brontosaurus: so once there installed how do i go about switching between them? or will it update my grub with the different desktops?14:35
tensorpuddingdevilevil, claims to be able to browse VRML/X3D14:35
* drake01 thinks, its good to have a correction troll..14:35
brontosaurusrexCan, at the login screen you can select14:35
tensorpuddingbrontosaurusrex, the polite answer is to say that it's a matter of taste and off-topic14:36
cablopcan, it is managed by the graphic daemon, either gdm, ldm or xdm14:36
brontosaurusrextensorpudding, ok :)14:36
elgatonaaa_: sorry for the late reply. The bug report is this: <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pam/+bug/104957>.14:36
brontosaurusrexCan, nothing to do with grup14:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 104957 in pam (Ubuntu) "users with no password can't log in with gdm" [Medium,Triaged]14:36
cablopcan, so don't worry about the grub, the grub just launch the system and then the system takes the control and it depends from that point14:36
BluesKajdrake01, we have too many,..they lurk without helping unless a helper gives some mistaken advice , then they correct the helper rather trying to help the person who's asking14:36
Cancan i install both at once with sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop lubuntu-desktop or should i do them one at a time?14:37
elgatonaaa_: At present, the only "stable" fix is to set a password. You may want to try logging in from a terminal (press Ctrl+Alt+F1), login as usual and type "passwd" to set your new password.14:37
cablopcan it doesn't matter14:37
elgatonaaa_: Then press Ctrl+Alt+F7 to switch to the graphic mode again.14:37
Cancablop: ill do one at a time just to be safe14:37
cablopcan, yep14:38
icerooti dont see why this "no login without a password" should be a bug, for me its a security-featu14:38
jerwareI forgot which version of ubuntu I'm running.14:38
jerwarewhere can I look?14:38
elgatoniceroot: I agree.14:38
soreaujerware: lsb_release -a14:38
cablopiceroot: for some machines, like light terminal to conusult a catalog in a library, for kiosk mode, for internet cafes... YES login with NO password is required14:39
deej1976Why no setup with autologin?14:40
SrPxiceroot: didnt see emacs yet but vim is wonderful, from yt videos.14:41
icerootSrPx: as i said :)14:41
icerootcablop: guest-session14:41
icerootcablop: instead of a real user14:42
cablopiceroot: mmm nope, guest is tooooo limited14:42
cablopiceroot: the first problem guest has is that it is nooooo customizable14:42
SrPxiceroot: but why you ingnore that question? do it have a plugin to visualize the symbols on a file. like the command ls, but for listing classes, functions etc14:42
sevithIm having issues with executables on a flash drive. Why does'nt this support +x on files? Do I need to remount it ?14:42
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icerootSrPx: :syn on14:43
dsirijuswill "iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 9933 -j ACCEPT" and "iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 9933 -j ACCEPT" make bidirectional traffic allow on 9933?14:43
icerootSrPx: if you mean syntax-highlight on classes and functions14:43
glebihansevith, because the file system on the flash drive probably doesn't support linux permissions14:43
icerootcablop: hm but i dont think it should be enabled by default in ubuntu14:43
sevithglebihan, re format with ext4 should fix?14:44
glebihansevith, ie if the flash is partitioned as fat or ntfs, you can't change permissions on it14:44
glebihansevith, yes14:44
icerootcablop: so for me the bug is invalid, if someone wants login without password, he should edit pam.conf, gdm.conf or whatever but not as default14:44
devilevilWhat's the best VRML/X3D plugin for Linux/Windows? I need it to view the worlds linked from http://www.astronautica.com/owds.html Octaga, BS Contact and Cosmo Player don't work.14:44
sevithglebihan, Alright thanks. I thought that might have been the issue. Figured Id ask. I thought i might have to remount it too. :/ Thanks though! You help alot!14:44
devilevilAlso, what's a good place for blubbers14:44
glebihansevith, you're welcome14:44
SrPxiceroot: no i mean, for instance, i type 'listfunctions' and it outputs a list of every function in a cpp file one per line, even better if it then allows me to jump to them14:45
icerootdevilevil: whitedune14:45
Wavesonicscan I easily have my SSH daemon listen on a 2nd port?14:45
icerootSrPx: auto-completion14:45
icerootSrPx: opening a menu and showing you what objects are in that class and so on14:45
icerootSrPx: writing std:: and it will show you std::cout std::cin and so on14:46
sevithglebihan, Fat32 ;) Is there a file system that I can use to work on windows too? Or does windows now recognize ext FS? hah. I formatted with fat32 so I can move between my DOZ and nix...14:46
brontosaurusrexdevilevil, what does software center say about that?14:46
brontosaurusrexdevilevil, wrl, wrml14:46
SrPxiceroot: will it? automatically? where, bellow my input?14:46
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glebihansevith, I don't think windows handles ext4, so afaik there is no filesystem that both windows and linux will handle and that'll let you use linux permissions14:46
sevithglebihan, Lame. :(14:47
icerootSrPx: below your input but not as default14:47
cablopglebihan: uniue solution afaik is to use a linux on top of windows or maybe just cygwin14:47
icerootSrPx: i think its possible without an extra plugin but dont know the function needed to enable it14:47
cablopand access that file system from it14:47
glebihansevith, there used to be a way to mount ext3 partitions on windows. I'm not sure whether it still exists and I wouldn't trust it14:48
brontosaurusrexthere are ext2 drivers for windows14:48
icerootSrPx: have a look at #vim, also you can place your config in ~/.vimrc to have it for the future14:48
sevithglebihan, Yeah. Im not too worried. I can always use another flashdrive I guess. Thinking about the issue. I need the perms on this drive because I have TONS of homebrewed scripts on there.....Its a * to run em constantly having to move the fils ha14:49
SrPxiceroot: ill14:49
sevithSweeet. Only gonna take an hour to move my files!14:49
brontosaurusrexsevith, check http://www.fs-driver.org/14:49
icerootSrPx: also have a look at "vimdiff" a very nice diffviewer14:49
glebihansevith, well if the files you want to execute are scripts you can also run "sh filename" rather than directly executing the file, that way you don't have to worry about permissions14:49
icerootSrPx: you can also diff directly into vim14:50
SrPxiceroot: i dont know what is a diff actually ?14:50
icerootSrPx: :diff TAB14:50
devilevilWhat's the best VRML/X3D plugin for Linux/Windows? I need it to view the worlds linked from http://www.astronautica.com/owds.html Octaga, BS Contact and Cosmo Player don't work.14:50
FloodBot1devilevil: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:50
sevithglebihan, Yeah. Some are C apps though :/14:50
icerootSrPx: you want to program and dont know what a diff is? :)14:50
icerootSrPx: showing you the difference between two ore more textfiles14:50
cablopi rephrase my question14:50
icerootdevilevil: i gave you an answer already14:50
cablopis dm-crypt multi-threading in *ubuntu*?14:50
SrPxiceroot: yes i have programmed several programs for years, earned money and i dont know what a diff is (:14:50
SrPxiceroot: whats that used for14:51
cablopSrPx: meaning you programmed in windows xD14:51
SrPxcablop: yep, new to ubuntu14:51
SrPxto linux*14:51
icerootSrPx: create a file, write some text, save it, edit it on some places, save it to another file and call "vimdiff file1 file2" to see14:51
cablopSrPx afaik a diff is a file holding the differences between two versions of a text file14:51
soreauSrPx: If you want to know the differences between two files, you can use 'diff file1 file2'14:52
icerootSrPx: use vimdiff instead of diff (because its much easier to read)14:52
soreauSrPx: It compares the files line by line14:52
deej1976SrPx: meld is a good graphical diff program14:52
soreauSrPx: A diff is similar to a patch in that it shows exactly what has changed14:53
SrPxseems like you guys love it lol. looks interesting14:53
brontosaurusrexso whats the diff between diff and patch?14:53
ubuntuhey guys. i can't get skype to recognise my webcam on ubuntu 11.10. just get a blank screen. cheese shows it perfectly. is this a well known problem or am i just unlucky with my camera?14:53
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soreaubrontosaurusrex: Typically a patch contains information specific to the target package, user info and can contain several diffs in a single patch14:54
Loptr<thumbs> Loptr: mount it so that directories are 755, and files 644.14:55
Loptr<thumbs> Loptr: ask #Ubuntu to see how14:55
jerwareis /etc/init.d/<service> start    replaced with invoke-rc.d <service> start   ?14:55
LoptrNow in fstab i have UUID=B6E86EB7E86E7591/media/1TB ntfs-3g   users,rw,umask=000 0 114:55
Loptrhow should i change it?14:55
brontosaurusrexsoreau, right, so basically a patch is one or more diffs with the target info and submiter info? and other metadata possibly?14:55
karaguellekhi how can i add more objects to my panel?14:55
karaguellekguys any ida?14:56
Gruenkohlkaraguellek, use the rih14:57
icerootSrPx: its just a very usefull feature the diff14:57
cablopkaraguellek: right clic on the panel, except on gnome 3 or unity... then switch to xfce or kde14:57
soreaubrontosaurusrex: Yes, or could be as simple as a single diff14:57
cablopok, then 28 GB still to much to root?14:57
sevithAny Ops in here I can talk priv. with in -ops?14:57
cablopso no answer14:57
cablopis dm-crypt multi-threading in *ubuntu*?14:58
deej1976cablop: what are you deploying?14:58
karaguellek cablop:i am on ubuntu 11.10 with gnome-session-fallback i want to know if theres more panel objects like tic tac toe or smtn like that14:58
cablopafaik gnome 3 is a joke, and a bad one14:58
sevithcablop, Just like unity.14:59
cablopso, karaguellek they removed many things14:59
cablopsevith: oh, no, unity is a desktop wannabe14:59
karaguellekcablop: actually there are a bunch of stoff14:59
sevithcablop, I dont like unity or GN3. :( Makes me wanna go straight command line.14:59
cablopi never got to understand why they decided the desktop designed for a netbokk will be the best thing for a desktop environment14:59
d0hhello i need little help with my script,it wont work with using keys,but with runing in terminal works perfectly... so script is on ... http://shrib.com/1nXyDEjD14:59
qinsevith: sudo service lightdm stop15:00
Loptr<thumbs> Loptr: mount it so that directories are 755, and files 644.15:00
graingertI can't seem to find any vpn settings on gnome-shell15:00
sevithqin what is lightdm ?15:00
Loptr<thumbs> Loptr: ask #Ubuntu to see how15:00
LoptrNow in fstab i have UUID=B6E86EB7E86E7591/media/1TB ntfs-3g   users,rw,umask=000 0 115:00
qinsevith: new gdm replacement15:01
=== mike_ is now known as monX
brontosaurusrexcablop, I cant use unity on netbook either, so its a mistery15:01
graingertoh found it15:01
lapionhow do I get the classical recovery menu back?15:01
sevithqin mmk thanks Ill look into it ;)15:01
cablopbrontosaurusrex: to tell the truth i used full gnome with autohide panels to get the best of my small screen, that was soooo much better than unity15:01
qind0h: [ "$state" == "true" ]15:01
brontosaurusrexsame here + docky (and i think ill stick to that)15:02
simgunzI'm tring installing ubuntu on a second sata HD. The disk is seen by the live ubuntu but not seen by the ubuntu installer, how can I fix it?15:02
d0hqin no difference..15:02
d0hit works perfectly if i run in terminal,but if i want to toggle with fn + f9 wont work..15:03
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Guest87803quelqun est francais ?15:03
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lapionI am talking about the single user commandline menu with 7 or 8 options to fix apt and other stuff15:03
sevithroot log off irc as root ...bad idea :/15:03
Guest87803qui est francais ???????15:03
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:04
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:04
RaTTuS|BIGGuest87803 - log in as a user not root15:04
sevithWhat the egg15:04
sevithThats 2 in like. 30 seconds.15:04
msp3k_Can anyone tell me: Are network interfaces brought up in series or parallel?15:04
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!15:04
=== dyams is now known as lds
pangolinsevith: We see you in the ops channel. Please be patient15:05
brontosaurusrexso how would you log as root user on ubuntu?15:05
sevithpangolin, I know sorry. :/15:05
d0hsoo anybody have ideas?15:05
sevithbrontosaurusrex, sudo su -15:05
varikonniemihello, ati released new fglrx drivers, is it safe to try updating with ubuntu yeT?15:06
platzhirschWhat program can I use on the console to track changes made to a text file?15:06
brontosaurusrexsevith, and xchat will run as root? mkay15:06
varikonniemiwhen i first installed the "past release upgrades" it spewed errors and broke system15:06
zykotick9brontosaurusrex, don't use sevith's suggestion.  If you NEED to use "sudo -i"15:06
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sevithI wouldnt run xchat as root anyway.15:06
zykotick9brontosaurusrex, running xchat as root is dumb15:06
brontosaurusrexof course, i just wonder how would you actually do in on buntu15:07
sevithzykotick9,Whats wrong with sudo su - ? Being root as opposed to running one command as root ..or?15:07
p1ruj3 hey, so had a entry in deny.hosts I needed to remove (local printer who freaked out) how do i rehash that file so the printer is no longer banned?15:07
zykotick9sevith, the proper way is "sudo -i" sets environment better15:07
sevithzykotick9, I see.;)15:08
p1ruj3If I reboot it will work... I have tried force-reload, stopping and starting denyhosts..15:08
sevithzykotick9, I see reading the man pages ;) Good to know15:08
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go87654can anybody help me with libreoffice impress here?15:09
AcidX_I need some help with the following issue on Ubuntu 11.10: I work with two user accounts and switch between them every once in a while. But if I logoff a user one or two times and logon as the other user, the Login screen will stop working and you can't do anything anymore, not even shutdown/reboot. Is there anything I can do?15:09
sevithMan. This flash drives moving sloooww!15:09
LeaoWhy is my desktop environment different than the one in gnome 3s webpage ?15:09
LeaoI have 11.10 installed, isnt it activated by default ?15:09
zykotick9go87654, if it's a libreoffice useage question you might want to try #libreoffice15:10
deej1976platzhirsch: RCS ( revision control system )15:10
graingert!unity | Leao15:10
windparadisehello, pls I add a user via adduser, how do I edit the added user or remove it ?15:10
ubottuLeao: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity15:10
zykotick9!nounity | Leao15:10
ubottuLeao: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:10
platzhirschdeej1976: I am sorry, I stated my question unclear, what I meant was "watch cat <file>"15:11
will123windparadise: userdel15:11
Loptr<thumbs> Loptr: mount it so that directories are 755, and files 644.15:11
Loptr<thumbs> Loptr: ask #Ubuntu to see how15:11
LoptrNow in fstab i have UUID=B6E86EB7E86E7591/media/1TB ntfs-3g   users,rw,umask=000 0 115:11
sevithwindparadise, https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/user-management.html15:11
Leaothen whats the shell seen in the homepage of gnome 3 ?15:11
Leaoisnt it unity ?15:11
go87654zykotick9, ok. thks15:11
zykotick9Leao, no, gnome-shell15:11
KrisDouglasHello, my Xorg is currently using 1.9GB ram, I am pretty sure that's not right...15:12
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zykotick9Leao, Unity is Ubuntu's interface15:12
sevithI have 3 M15:12
vivanovmy oneiric box is really slow with window dragging and chromium.i dont have graphics card.use unity 2d and gnome no effects.any idea how to improve performance?15:13
frankie`nIn GNOME 2 what pannel does istanbul attach to?15:13
bluenemovivanov, use xfce15:13
frankie`n(the screen recorder)15:13
bluenemoor lxde15:13
bluenemoor something even smaller ;)15:14
sevithfrankie`n, I tried using instanbull I had issues. I downloaded gtk-recordmydesktop (Way better) sudo apt-get install gtk-recordmydekstop15:14
sevithfrankie`n, Its alot better IMHO.15:14
bluenemoi'm using recordmydesktop too, nice tool15:14
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frankie`nsevith: I've tried that before, is there any way to be more specific on the capture area?15:15
bluenemoyou can use that linux fraps thing (google for it)15:15
bluenemomaybe that can do what you're looking for15:15
sevithfrankie`n, It lets you select the area to capture?15:15
frankie`nyeah you drag on the preview box15:15
sevithfrankie`n, Instanbull....I'd use it...If it didnt freeze and wasnt choppy on my system....15:16
frankie`noh no I've never had istanbul working at all15:16
okCPU_is there a vim channel?15:17
zykotick9okCPU_, try #vim15:17
AcidX_Am I the only one having a broken login screen in Ubuntu 11.10?15:17
frankie`nsevith: On recordmydesktop, how do I select a specific area?15:17
frankie`nA lot of the time I'll be recording VirtualBox sessions15:18
brontosaurusrexfrankie`n, http://recordmydesktop.sourceforge.net/rug/p1_2b.php15:19
jasoxHi ppl, I need advice, I want to become ubuntu developer.15:20
jazzis anbody hear?15:20
jasoxany references ?15:20
frankie`nbrontosaurusrex: that sounds like what I'm looking for but I don't have any of these tray icons15:20
frankie`nI'm on Mint btw15:20
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:21
jazzis anbody from poland?15:21
deej1976jasox: http://developer.ubuntu.com/15:21
shareyes lots of users15:21
frankie`noh awesome, I found it15:22
share!pl | jazz15:22
ubottujazz: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:22
LeaoJust installed Gnome shell, its incredibly buggy15:22
frankie`nwell thanks for the help everyone15:22
jasoxdeej1976, is there channel for developers15:22
Leaoall the texts are bugged15:22
shareLeao: yeah it sucks. :\15:22
jasoxdeej1976, i found ubuntu-motu and -uds15:22
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Leaohow awful15:22
deej1976 #ubuntu-devel15:22
jasoxdeej1976,  tnx bro15:22
Leaoit doesnt make sense why would they announce g3 shell like this ?15:23
zykotick9_r00t_, for kfreebsd you'd need debian15:23
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devianI see a lot of kernels in /src15:25
deviando you need to keep them all?15:25
devianor can you remove all the out dated ones?15:25
SrPxiceroot: by the way hjkl for navegating? seriously? whats wrong with jkli (arrow design)?15:25
zykotick9devian, you can remove them if you wish "dpkg -l | linux-image" to list your installed kernels15:26
zykotick9devian, sorry "dpkg -l | grep linux-image"15:27
SpartakusHi, I want to view PNG file with GNOME Image Viewer. But, why does there many brown boxes in the background of the image?15:30
SpartakusAny PNG files I open always show boxes in the background15:30
SpartakusI want to open the file with shotwell, but it says that it does not support the file type15:30
SpartakusMy Ubuntu is Lucid Lynx15:31
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SpartakusWhat suppose I have to do, so I can view the images perfectly?15:31
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KrisDouglasSpartakus, the reason for the boxes is that the image has transparent elements in the background15:31
SpartakusKrisDouglas, what I have to do to view it just like the rest of any other images?15:32
pooky1Hi guys, i have problem with ubuntu log. I had a fatal kernel error (black sreen and i must force shutdown), there was some error log on screen and i want watch kernel log, which should be in "/var/log/kernel.log" bat there is not file like this15:33
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okCPU_vim channel is dead... does anyone have a good closetag plugin for HTML that works with mustache templates?15:34
LeaoIs there a solution to the graphics twitching of Gnome shell ?15:35
xanguai see 718 people on #vim okCPU_15:35
Leaoitd be a shame if there wasnt, its such a functional and good looking shell15:35
sevithokCPU_, You might need to register your nick in order to get into the chan?...?15:36
xanguaLeao: wich graphic card¿ do we have to guess¿ ;)15:36
okCPU_sevith, that might be it! forgot that "_" isn't registered15:36
sevithAbout time! My files a finally moved from my USB! hah.15:36
SpartakusLeao, I do not agree with your opinion about GNOME Shell. In my own opinion, the traditional GNOME is just great :D15:37
Uplinkwindows ndis15:37
VEndixhello how to switch to the gnome 3 enviroment on ubuntu 11.1015:37
OerHekspooky1, /var/log/kern.log maybe ?15:38
pooky1I'm stupid, i just found it15:38
auronandace!gnome3 | VEndix15:38
ubottuVEndix: GNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based.  To use GNOME Shell instead of Unity, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". GNOME 3 is not supported under Natty/11.04, and may break your system if installed from alternate sources.15:38
OerHekspooky1, after reboot, kern.log.115:38
pooky1i found it, now i study this log15:38
LeaoSpartakus,  ATI Radeon 465015:38
devianzykotick9 how do I remove all old unused linux images/headers with one command?15:38
Wavesonicshhmmm Port 22 outgoing seems to have been blocked. I was using it to tunnle HTTP traffic securely home, any other ideas for secure browsing from a work computer?15:39
VEndixubottu: i use 11.1015:39
ubottuVEndix: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:39
brontosaurusrexVEndix, 11.10 is fine for gnome-shell15:40
zykotick9devian, not possible15:41
coochahas anyone experienced system freezes after entering screensaver/suspend on older P4 Dell Optiplexes?15:41
brontosaurusrexWavesonics, move your ssh port to 80 or 21 maybe15:41
coocha(in 11.04)15:42
devianyou can't like use a * and then use like some kind of an exception command to not remove this one? zykotick915:42
VEndixbrontosaurusrex: so how to switch on it? is it inside the package of ubuntu 11.10?15:42
Wavesonicsbrontosaurusrex, hhmmm it may just got blocked again though... can i do it over HTTP perhaps?15:42
zykotick9devian, not that i'm aware of.15:42
brontosaurusrexVEndix, yes, just install, log out and select at login prompt15:43
VEndixbrontosaurusrex: thank uou15:44
dsirijushey, this is my iptables -L output http://pastie.org/279399015:46
doki_penI need to install rsyslog 4.7.3+. What is the best way to do that?15:47
dsirijusbut i cannot telnet to either 8080, 9933, or 939915:47
dsirijus*8080, 9933, 933915:47
philwongHey whatsup guys15:47
doki_pennatty has 4.6.415:47
philwongShould I get Ubuntu or Mint?? since they are basically almost the same, except mint is better looking and closer to windows15:48
sevithphilwong, Which is why you should use ubuntu. No one likes windows ;)15:48
philwongsevith: hahahahaa15:48
brontosaurusrexWavesonics, no idea, maybe Squid or similar15:48
bluenemophilwong, if you're new to linux you should use ubuntu.15:48
philwongI am very new15:48
philwongIs ubuntu the easiest linux?15:49
philwongor is debian15:49
dsirijusshould i find ubuntu server support on som eother channel?15:49
zykotick9philwong, debian is NOT15:49
brontosaurusrexdsirijus, #ubuntu-server15:49
Wavesonicsbrontosaurusrex, ya I think tonight when I'm home I'll set my server up to do standard http proxying15:49
sevithphilwong, Try slackware ;)15:49
philwonggood one15:50
bluenemohm linux is basicly not what you're asking for at the moment :) i think what you want is an easy to use graphical system so far. when you got that, get into the command line15:50
bluenemodebian is ok too but you want a non professional distribution (like ubuntu)15:50
philwongActually i dont like graphical environment15:50
philwongEven now I am using a win2000 theme on XP15:50
brontosaurusrexmint main edition is good at this point (imho), since it lags behind ubuntu and doesnt use gnome-shell or unity, so id go with that philwong15:51
bluenemoif you want to use the command line only i'd recommend debian15:51
sevithphilwong, Try slackware then...I learned alot when I started using it..15:51
doki_penphilwong: slackware is easiest to understand15:51
p1ruj3I removed an entry from hosts.deny, restarted denyhosts, and the removed entry still cannot connect, what am I missing? If I reboot it will work.... How can I rehash this entry removal without rebooting?15:51
bluenemois slack debian based?15:51
bluenemoor slack based :) ?15:51
philwongslackware I heard was one of the hardest15:51
doki_penbluenemo: no, it predates debian15:51
philwongYou have to build everything.... :(]15:51
doki_penphilwong: it's the simplest system15:51
philwongYes, after youi have learned it15:51
doki_penphilwong: what is your goal?15:51
bluenemowell there is no hard, just distributions for special requirements15:52
philwongnothin really just a solid operating system that can do what windows does15:52
doki_penphilwong: people think slackware is hard because it doesn't have GUIs15:52
bluenemoas you are an beginner you should choose a beginners distribution. if you want to get right into linux's internals, you should use a professional distribution for servers (like slack or deb)(15:52
deej1976p1ruj3: http://denyhosts.sourceforge.net/faq.html#3_1915:52
vivanovbluenemo: thanks15:52
doki_penphilwong: ubuntu is probably the easiest overall if you just want a working system15:53
p1ruj3deej1976 I have done so.15:53
sevithGrr Gparted wont let me format this USB.15:53
philwongI had mint.. but wine works horrible on it15:53
bluenemosevith, try dd'ing it first with random or zeros15:53
philwongalso no supoprt for it15:53
sevithbluenemo, Alright.15:53
bluenemoif that doesnt work, maybe it is to old and it cant be written to anymore (some usb sticks get that..)15:53
doki_penphilwong: why don't you use windows if you want the windows experience?15:54
sevithQuestion: Somone told me a HDD is limited to 4 partitions. I dont believe this. Am I wrong?15:54
bluenemosevith, 4 primary partitions15:54
philwongLinux was faster15:54
sevithbluenemo, Only 4 primary but as many others as youd like?15:54
glebihanphilwong, wine will work the exact same way on ubuntu and mint15:54
bluenemoyou can declare an extended partition in one of those 4, which then basicly is a partitionable partition15:54
philwongran far more smoother than windows15:54
doki_penphilwong: it's not going to be faster if you are running windows programs on linux15:54
sbarcteamI am on lucid. and its driver of e1000e is too old for my NIC.15:54
bluenemoextremly simple said yes sevith15:54
area51pilotphilwong... I agree that ubuntu is prob one of the best beginner distro's to work with...my pref is 10.1015:54
sbarcteamI have to run lucid. there are backports.15:55
zykotick9sevith, using extended+logical partitions gives you more then 415:55
sbarcteamI don't know how to verify which version of specific driver is shipped with a kernel package.15:55
philwongIts still on 10.10?15:55
glebihanarea51pilot, 10.10 ? it's getting to end of life soon15:55
philwongthats what I thought15:55
doki_pendoes anyone know how I can install rsyslog 4.7.3+ on natty?15:55
bluenemowell the newer ones have this raped gnome thing :)15:55
sbarcteamis there some kind of description file that includes the versions of the kernel modules ?15:55
bluenemoyou can use xubuntu..15:55
philwongWould have thought it would be at 12.00 now15:55
area51pilotphilwong: 11.04 is out, but i have instability issue in the office environment15:55
bluenemoor just install another gui..15:55
doki_penphilwong: if you love windows, I'd try something that uses KDE15:56
Chelsea_ 15:56
bluenemomy gf is running 11.10 quite fine with gnome shell15:56
area51pilotphilwong: I prefer the 10.10, no annoying issues for me15:56
osubuck_funny how many people dislike unity15:56
signal0hrm. whats the newest virtualbox version for ubuntu?15:57
osubuck_glad i saved the cd-r15:57
philwongwill it recognize quad core i5?15:57
sevithThe real question is: Who does like unity?15:57
glebihanarea51pilot, 10.10 is not a good choice right IMO. it's either 10.04, 11.04 or 11.1015:57
area51pilotbluenemo: I dont care for unity and I had some printing issues on the network15:57
zykotick9!info virtualbox | signal015:57
qin!info virtualbox15:57
ubottusignal0: virtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.2-dfsg-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 15440 kB, installed size 44948 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 all)15:57
bluenemoi have met very few ppl untill now sevith :)15:57
signal0zykotick9: oh, thanks!15:57
sevithbluenemo, What do you mean lol15:57
bluenemoppl who like unity :D15:58
urupicai am trying to run a ruby script which requires libglade2 but fails to load it.15:58
urupicalibglade2-0 is installed, libglade2-ruby has been removed from oneiric repositories. any ideas?15:58
osubuck_curious to see if ubuntu's popularity will stay after a year or so15:58
bluenemourupica, #ruby (or so)15:58
osubuck_or if everyone flocks to a fork15:58
area51pilotglebihan: My 10.10 works great, I have no issues with it...use it to administer a windows network LAN/WAN15:58
ravenpvcreate problem - possible that a previous lvm setup denies me to initiate the drive for another? how to delete that config on the drive?15:58
glebihanarea51pilot, I didn't say it didn't work, just that it's close to EOL15:59
sevithGot my USB working :)15:59
bluenemosevith, for such things i recommend #digital-forensic15:59
maslenWhat is the best way for me to be able to continue my gnome session from a windows machine(with all of its open programs). I already have ssh set up, and xming on the windows machine.16:00
sevithhaha I dont need to recover data ;)16:00
sevithAhh quiz time16:00
brontosaurusrexmaslen, check nx nomachine16:00
deej1976maslen:  vncserver, second nomachine16:00
randy2009Hi, is this normal: rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 8.369/9.170/13.689/0.848 ms (ping google.com)16:01
=== doraemon is now known as blackjack
area51pilotglebihan: gotcha, I agree. I dont have time to mess with some of the bugs for 11...letting the community work them out before i upgrade myself. Im running it on another sys in the office but its not required to do as much. Plus Im not much for the unity interface (I am aware of the non-unity login)16:01
neurehow can i see which kernel config i am currently running?16:01
shareneure: uname -r16:01
neurei am trying to figure out why nfs complains my kernel has no support for it16:01
shareneure: in the terminal.16:02
maslenI'm reading up on nomachine now; I've used VNC when I had windows, but I can't seem to tie the server to use 'my' display.16:02
TheProfHello.  I hope everyone is well.  I am unable to remotely access my 10.04 installation.  The remote desktop manager says it will only allow access from local host.  I am trying to reach it from another Ubuntu machine on the LAN.  What should I do please?16:02
randy2009if i ping it pings every 5 seconds, or is this an ubuntu feature? (centons pings every1 second)16:02
glebihanarea51pilot, I can understand that, but in that case I'd go with 10.04 rather than 10.10 for a new install16:02
neuregrepping /boot/config for my kernel version has this in it: http://codepaste.net/8mewwn16:02
neureshare: how can i make sure that the config in /boot/config-version is the one i am actually using?16:03
shareneure: I dont know.16:03
=== zz_M4rc3l is now known as M4rc3l
brontosaurusrexmaslen, nx worked well for me (clients for win, osx and ubuntu)16:03
area51pilotglebihan: when is EOL for 10.10? It was released last Oct16:04
maslenok, I'll run it soon. ty16:04
glebihanarea51pilot, next April16:04
zykotick9area51pilot, non-lts releases are supported for 18 months16:06
llutzrandy2009: 11.10 pings every second here, unless ping -i  is used16:06
area51pilotglebihan...OK thx. My biggest issue with 11 besides unity is network printing to copier...spits out garbage. Im sure its a driver issue16:06
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=== zz_M4rc3l is now known as M4rc3l
Rathahello there16:07
area51pilotglebihan: being the only it guy in my company, i dont have much time to play around with my own stuff. It need to work consistently.16:07
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maslenarea51pilot: How many `users` do you need to support?16:08
RathaI just tried to install ubuntu 11.10 on VMware 4.0, and I get this message: "Software virtualization is incompatible with long mode on this platform. Disabling long mode.Without long mode support, the virtual machine will not be able to run 64 bit code"16:09
Rathaanyone an Idea why i get this?16:10
area51pilotIts a windows network, I just hate using windows, only when i must. I support 2 Win (2008/2011) servers and over 100 local/remote XP & 7 clients16:10
area51pilotmaslen: I get by just fine without Win16:11
Rathanoone any ideas? :(16:11
area51pilotmaslen: ...but 100+ users on Win network16:11
LjLi have problems with my EeePC 901's wifi on Oneiric. it works for a while, but after minutes it disconnects, asks for my passkey again, and never connects until i reboot.16:11
=== M4rc3l is now known as zz_M4rc3l
maslenarea51pilot: Ouch.16:12
=== joshfinnie_ is now known as joshfinnie
GibbsHaving a problem with installing the latest version of HPLIP (3.11.10) on Ubuntu 10.04. Keeps saying "Configure failed with error: python-devel not found" although python-dev is installed!? Any suggestions?16:14
area51pilotmaslem: Its not too bad. A lot of repetitive "User" induced issues!  :P16:14
krZyhi.. i just installed oneiric kubuntu, now i need to use my android phone's usb tethering with it I have just no way of getting this to work. Need help.16:14
maslenI accidentally got the x86 nxserver, now Ubuntu software center give me the installer windows for that instead of the x64. How can I remove the x86 version from the cache?16:15
area51pilotkrZy: what form of tethering are u using16:16
area51pilotAPP or Native16:16
krZyi had used it before... on 10.04, gnome16:16
area51piloti use EasyTether16:16
LeaoGnome-Shell is not working with fglrx, should i change to Opensource drivers ?16:17
krZyhow i remember using it on Ubuntu(not kubuntu) is that i plugged it in, and network-manager showed it right away.. not working now16:17
krZywhat's changed?16:17
=== max is now known as Visionaire
brontosaurusrexmaslen, just "sudo dpkg -i package.deb" might do it16:17
area51pilotkrZy: let me plug mine in and see, im running 10.10 though16:18
krZyI think this works even on 11.0416:18
jacquesdupontdLeao there are plenty of thread on that subject , you've got to compile the new catalyst just make a google search ubuntu 11.10 ati catalyst16:18
swickhi, I want to build a project which requires the imagemagick dev files. I found libmagickcore-dev but there are 96 packages which needs to be removed to install it.16:19
=== SomeoneWeird is now known as SomeoneWeirdzzzz
krZy@area51pilot: I'll be waiting16:19
area51pilotkrZy: what model Android phone and OS ver.16:21
blueyydoes anyone know a solution for alternating row colors in g/vim? can't find anything that works ....16:21
FlexGuyanybody can help for problem after Active directory sid to gui with ubuntu server 10.0416:21
paulonehy all16:21
maslenbrontosaurusrex: Thanks, it installed them now. I'll test it on the windows box soon. Gotta run now.16:22
brontosaurusrexmaslen, np16:22
krZyarea51pilot : galaxy S i9003 , gingerbread 2.3.516:23
sbarcteamthe good news is that the latest kernel from backports did support my nic.16:24
neurei bumped into this issue in 10.04: http://forum.linode.com/viewtopic.php?t=554916:24
sbarcteamthe bad thing is I didn't find a proactive way to determine what version a specific module is.16:25
neuredoes ubuntu have a bug tracker somewhere i could see if this bug is registered and tracked?16:25
sbarcteamexcept bugging maintainers or developers.16:25
neurethis was rather annoyning to debug16:25
=== gord is now known as Guest64031
glebihan!launchpad | neure16:25
ubottuneure: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/16:25
neurewhere in launchpad can i find ubuntu 10.04 related bugs?16:26
poisonSony Xperia X10 mini. Want to be able to connect to internet on Ubuntu 11.4. Help me. Thanks in advance16:27
glebihanneure, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid16:27
krZysorry was disconnected.. area51pilot : did you say anything16:27
area51pilotunfortunately no :P16:28
area51pilotkrZy: are you using and App or paid service on your Galaxy S16:28
poisonSony Xperia X10 mini. Want to be able to connect to internet on Ubuntu 11.4. Help me. Thanks in advance16:29
llutzpoison: android phone? usb - share network to PC (windows).  networkmanager should use something like "usb0" then16:30
LeaoHow do install an opensource ATI driver on my laptop ?16:31
blueyywtb solution for g/vim alternating line color16:31
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poisonllutz: Yes, Android 2.1, I can connect to internet using Easy Tether, but can't surf https: sites, I would like to know alternate way, so that I can surf https: sites too16:31
systemclienthow can I, as root, send a notification to the currently logged in user?16:32
krZyarea51pilot: I'm not sure I follow16:32
Olson_i need help installing google earth on Ubuntu 10..0416:34
=== graingert is now known as notgraingert
area51pilotkrZy: how do u share your internet FROM your phone, is there an APP u are using on it?16:35
deej1976systemclient: write16:35
Olson_can anyone help with my installation of google earth?16:35
area51pilotOlson_: Choose 32 or 64 bit for Debian/Ubunut16:36
sevithBye guys16:36
systemclientdeej1976: is that going to the kind of message I see when I connect to a wifi and stuff?16:36
systemclientdeej1976: or where does this appear?16:36
=== notgraingert is now known as graingert
deej1976From the man page "man write" it would go to their tty session, I've not used it myself16:37
area51pilotOlson_: once downloaded, install through the Software Center or using something like GDebi16:37
deej1976systemclient: try notify-send16:38
catphishi've had 3 10.04 servers crash today :(16:38
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systemclientdeej1976: It works, but not with sudo …16:39
area51pilotcatphish: sounds like a bad day16:39
systemclientdeej1976: the message just does not appear at all16:39
catphisharea51pilot: u'd say so16:39
area51pilotcatphish: u know the cause?16:39
catphishone crashed with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/82430416:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 614853 in Linux "duplicate for #824304 kernel panic divide error: 0000 [#1] SMP" [Unknown,Confirmed]16:39
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catphishthe other 2 i'm really not sure16:40
catphishthey had cpu lockups but didnt panic16:40
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deej1976systemclient: it worked for me, with sudo the message appeared as from the user running sudo16:41
oiiiihi if I'm doing  'sudo  apt-get blah && sudo apt-get moo'16:41
oiiiiis the second sudo required?16:41
systemclientdeej1976: I gotta try again … I use 11.10 with Unity16:42
systemclientdeej1976: huh … it works now16:42
systemclientdeej1976: thanks!16:42
bekksoiiii: Yes.16:42
brontosaurusrexoiiii, i think you can sudo apt-get foo,bar16:42
mneptokoiiii: no.16:42
glebihansystemclient, once logged in as root (with sudo -i or sudo -s) you should be able to use : su username -c "notify-send message"16:42
mneptokoiiii: sudo apt-get install $PACKAGE1 $PACKAGE216:42
oiiiino that's not the question16:42
systemclientglebihan: oh, I did not think about that either. Thanks!16:43
oiiiii didn't say install16:43
glebihansysadamin, you're welcome16:43
=== Jinxed--- is now known as Jinxed-
oiiii&& sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get clean all && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get clean all && sudo apt-get autoremove'16:43
lauratikacryptkeeper is not recognizing my passwrod after reinstalling ubuntu 11.10 how can i restart my passwrod so i can access my files16:43
oiiiiis this correct?16:43
mneptokoiiii: you specified no operator for apt-get. what do you want the app to do?16:43
FloodBot1oiiii: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:43
oiiiimneptok: to make that shorter?16:43
systemclientglebihan: I think you did not press tab often enough ;-)16:43
glebihansystemclient, oups you're right ;)16:44
mneptokoiiii: && is a command seperator. unless you run it from a sheel as root, you'll need sudo for each command.16:44
pvh_sahey there, i'm on 11.10 and i've got this problem that when my laptop suspends and unsuspends i get really weird routing problems. like no route to www.google.com. anyone seen this?16:44
mneptokoiiii: the easier way is to alias it.16:44
oiiiimneptok: so even though sudo has been unlocked i still need to specify it for ALL commands?16:44
oiiiii thought it give u 15 minutes16:44
oiiiiand then timed out16:45
oiiiiand asked again16:45
jacquesdupontdis there anyway to reconf dconf to default for all settings ? i can't get back to normal color since the maj , i tried ubuntu tweak , deleted all themes and reinstalled them , deleted all conf files in ./home directory , i can't get to even change the color of nautilus within gnome color chooser , i've got a black on black really annoying , where is that damn conf file to get back to normal color after a fresh install , it sh16:45
jacquesdupontdould be easily possible16:45
Mene-MeneI'm trying to run gprof, but the output is getting cut off, I think that 'less' is the tool for the job, but I don't seem to be able to run it off an executable with options.16:45
glebihanoiiii, you have 15 minutes without needing to type the password again16:45
jacquesdupontdit makes now 3 days i'm on it , and i'm getting crazy16:45
mneptokoiiii: it will prompt for a password once. but you need to run those commands as root, and that's what sudo is doing.16:45
oiiiiglebihan: but it still requires sudo?16:45
glebihanoiiii, you still need to use the sudo command each time you want to run a command as root16:45
oiiiiso my command is correct? ^^16:45
systemclientglebihan: or do the "sudo su -" and you are root16:45
bekksuseless use of su.16:45
bekkssudo -i16:46
glebihansystemclient, no never use "sudo su"16:46
mneptokoiiii: never seen or used "clean all" (just "clean"), but yes16:46
glebihansystemclient, sudo -i or sudo -s16:46
nDuffMene-Mene, it'd help if you showed us how you were trying to do this16:46
systemclientbekks: interesting. never seen it, make sense16:46
systemclientglebihan: u 2 ^^16:46
Mene-MeneI'm trying "less gprof Debug/glAnim2"16:46
oiiiiso clean all is wrong?16:47
oiiiiit's just sudo apt-get clean?16:47
mneptokoiiii: what is it you want this command to do, exactly? look for all updates, apply them, and then clean the downloaded packages?16:47
glebihanoiiii, that's right, just "sudo apt-get clean"16:47
oiiiimneptok: well I have a user with a E: _cache->open() failed error16:48
krZyarea51pilot : I want to use the "Tether" option available on the phone to SHARE 3g between phone and the PC16:48
Mene-MeneWhich says "gprof: no such file or directory (newline) "Debug/glAnim2" may be a binary file. See it anyway?"16:48
krZyno app16:48
oiiiimneptok: so I want it to finish any failed downloads, install updates and clean everything16:48
mneptokoiiii: ensure that Synaptic and all package management apps are closed.16:48
jacquesdupontdanyone please16:49
oiiiiE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. E: _cache->open() failed, please report.16:49
oiiiino package managers open16:49
glebihanjacquesdupontd, the color of what exactly are you talking about ?16:50
jacquesdupontdi don't want to insist but it makes 3 days i'm doing everything myself by searching on google16:50
mneptokoiiii: did you run "sudo dpkg –configure -a"16:50
jacquesdupontdglebihan, in fact i think it applied some themes settings i had made on the older version but on the new version of Ubuntu16:50
oiiiimneptok: yes16:50
mneptokoiiii: and?16:50
jacquesdupontdglebihan, now i've got all windows black , highlight colors are horrible and it gives an horrible contrast with any theme except highcontrast16:51
brontosaurusrexjacquesdupontd, so if you make a new user the behavior is the same?16:51
jacquesdupontdi know a bit ubuntu for 5 years now , been helping a lot of people and i've really tried everything i could think about16:51
jacquesdupontdbrontosaurusrex, exactly , first thing i've tried16:51
oiiiimneptok: still the error16:51
Mene-Menenvm, I found it...16:52
LeaoCan somebody PLEASE tell me how to install Open source Radeon drivers  ?16:52
glebihanjacquesdupontd, then it probably has nothing to do with dconf16:52
jacquesdupontdi've seen that i was not alone in that case but all thread didn't helped me that much16:52
jacquesdupontdglebihan, you bet it , but if you read upper what i've tried you'll understand that i've got nowhere to search anymore16:53
mneptokoiiii: where are you seeing this message?16:53
jacquesdupontdfont colors , background color of windows and highlight buttons , on synaptic , gedit , nautilus (horrible) and gedit , sometimes with some themes i can't even see the text , white on white16:54
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oiiiimneptok: in terminal16:54
oiiiimneptok: when i try to update16:54
mneptokoiiii: yes ... when you run *what* command?16:54
oiiiimneptok: apt-get install somepackage16:55
deej1976jacquesdupontd: gconf-editor, look at Defaults windows and Mandatory, run with sudo16:55
mneptokoiiii: have you trid just updating the package lists? (sudo apt-get update)16:55
jacquesdupontddeej1976, gonna try it , but as i even tried to delete all gconf files (didn't changed anything plus the new user session , should makes no difference but i'm gonna take a look at it)16:55
dmb__I recently upgraded to 11.10, and I'm trying to get gnome back ;-)16:56
dmb__for some reason, right mouse click on the gnome pannel doesn't work as before16:56
Guest61811hellow, does anybody know how to install "conky" on ubuntu 10.10?16:56
dmb__I want to add a few launchers to the pannel16:56
area51pilotjacquesdupontd: creating a new user has the same issue?16:56
dmb__Guest61811: apt-get not working?16:56
jacquesdupontdyes sir16:56
jacquesdupontdif you can look uper i've tried a lotta thing16:57
Guest61811it's working, just won't start16:57
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jacquesdupontdis there anyway to reconf dconf to default for all settings ? i can't get back to normal color since the maj , i tried ubuntu tweak , deleted all themes and reinstalled them , deleted all conf files in ./home directory , i can't get to even change the color of nautilus within gnome color chooser , i've got a black on black really annoying , where is that damn conf file to get back to normal color after a fresh install , it sh16:57
jacquesdupontdould be easily possible16:57
dmb__I'm finding xfce too annoying ... window borders are too small for my touchpad16:57
jacquesdupontd(reposted my first post)16:57
TransX2Why does Ubuntu run slower on my machine than windows did?16:57
deej1976jacquesdupontd: no luck with gconf-editor16:58
dmb__basically, I liked gnome the way I had it... I've added it to the install, but as I said, I can't seem to add launchers to the gnome pannel16:58
dmb__right mouse click on teh pannel has no effect16:58
jacquesdupontddeej1976, don't think so16:58
dmb__is this intentional, or is something borked?16:58
jacquesdupontddeej1976, gconf-editor is applying things on the user home dir right ?16:58
dmb__ok, here goes... can anyone hear me? (please say 'no' if you can't)16:58
brontosaurusrexjacquesdupontd, so i guess the default templates are borken somehow, so find where are those stored and somehow compare to official ones16:59
Guest61811dmb__, no, i can't...16:59
deej1976jacquesdupontd: if you sudo gconf-editor it will set the system defaults and mandatory settings16:59
okCPU_where are the default vim files located?16:59
silenihello everyone16:59
dmb__oneric ... is that like as in ... onin?16:59
dmb__Guest61811: ty16:59
Guest61811dmb__, this is internet... not audio16:59
deej1976jacquesdupontd: you might need to delete the users .gconf directories still16:59
jacquesdupontddeej1976, could you tell me exactly how ?16:59
Guest61811dmb__, and how do i get that conky started?16:59
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jacquesdupontddeej1976, i've deleted all of them deej1976 as said upper17:00
sileniI'm trying to ssh into a linux machine... and i get "Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer"17:00
deej1976sudo gconf-editor17:00
dmb__Guest61811: I have no idea about conky, but in general, use apt-get to install stuff17:00
jacquesdupontddeej1976, i'm on it17:00
jacquesdupontdbut then17:00
=== max_ is now known as Visionaire
dmb__Guest61811: 'apt-cache search conky'17:00
glebihandmb__, gnome-panel in gnome-session-fallback has a lot less functionalities than in gnome2, I'm not sure you can add applets to the panels17:00
silenidoes anyone know what might be causing that problem?17:00
dmb__glebihan: wow, that sucks17:00
Guest61811dmb__, hmm... it's installing normal...17:00
jacquesdupontdto make a bit set to default deej197617:00
sileniI have disabled iptables...ufw everything17:00
dmb__glebihan: I think I've installed gnome 2 though...17:01
glebihandmb__, it's a *fallback* session, not intended for daily usage17:01
mneptoksileni: 'ssh -vvvv user@host' will tell you more17:01
silenii also brought up virtualbox with windows guest and i was able to putty from there17:01
dmb__glebihan: oh17:01
silenimneptok: one second17:01
harsh343whenever I m trying to install anything in ubuntu 10.04 i got an error like this17:01
jacquesdupontddeej1976, how could i do that easily as you can imagine i can't see certain sentences in gconf-editor because of the color problem :)17:01
dmb__glebihan: I've tried the 'ubuntu' desktop, and the 'gnome classic'17:01
glebihandmb__, and how did you install gnome 2 ?17:01
default__Can I help me change Ubuntu 32 bits to Ubuntu 64bits 11.1017:01
osubuck_wonder if shuttleworth is starting to see the trend against unity yet, or if he doesn't care17:01
deej1976jacquesdupontd:  File -> New Default Windows, delete all default settings17:01
dmb__glebihan: not sure if I have ... I just picked it from the 'desktop-base' package in the pk-mngr17:01
jacquesdupontddeej1976, gonna try it thanks a lot17:01
brontosaurusrexosubuck_, hehe17:02
deej1976jacquesdupontd: Then same with Mandatory Windows17:02
japrohmm, how would i enumerate the physical HDs/SSDs in the system?17:02
Chelsea_osubuck_, I think he has his own vision ;)17:02
silenihttp://pastebin.com/be8Qyf74 that is the result of my ssh -vvv command17:02
dmb__glebihan: I'm in xfce now, but I fired up gnome-pannel... can't add apps to it17:02
silenimneptok: http://pastebin.com/be8Qyf74 sorry17:02
japronot the partitions, the device? i just want to check if the new ssd works17:02
lotusI'm trying to install kernel in ubuntu 11.10 -- it's installed and I can pick it from the grub boot menu.  However, my OS freezes before I get to the Ubuntu Loading screen (with the dots) -- I need wireless and is apparently the latest kernel that works.  I've tried which does boot, but I still have no wireless functionality17:02
dmb__sorry... can't right click it17:02
glebihandmb__, in that case you didn't install gnome2 (it's incompatible with oneiric)17:02
osubuck_his own vision that almost nobody else shares :)17:02
dmb__glebihan: ok17:02
jacquesdupontddeej1976, what do you mean by the mandatory windows ?17:02
dmb__glebihan: should I be able to see a menu when right clicking the 'gnome-pannel' started in xfce?17:02
dmb__or how about in the regular 'ubuntu' desktop?17:03
jacquesdupontddeej1976, i'm doing this in the upper part of the tree right deej1976 ?17:03
glebihandmb__, not sure about gnome-panel in xfce never tried it17:03
Chelsea_osubuck_, Maybe in about a year we'll be wondering why we didn't see it...17:03
glebihandmb__, the "regular" ubuntu desktop is unity17:03
dmb__glebihan: it behaves like in gnome, as far as I can tell17:03
silenimneptok: the wierd part is my windows guest on virtualbox on same machine is able to putty into that host17:03
mneptoksileni: it looks like the connection actually fails. is port 22 open to the outside? do you need to forward that port in your router? does your ISP allow port 22?17:03
deej1976jacquesdupontd: Look under the File menu should new three option one defaults one mandatory defaults that the user can/can't change ( can never remember which )17:03
dmb__glebihan: is unity not based on gnome then?17:03
dmb__(sorry for ignorance)17:03
silenimneptok: i"m pretty sure it is open..i can ssh into other systems17:04
glebihandmb__, yes it is, but it's based on gnome3 not gnome217:04
jacquesdupontdho right17:04
mneptoksileni: "same machine" which? the one you are using as a client, or V-box on the ssh server box?17:04
harsh343whenever I m trying to install anything in ubuntu 10.04 i got an error like this Errors were encountered while processing:17:04
brontosaurusrexChelsea_, like a "sudden realization" wow, yeah, now i can see the coolness of it17:04
harsh343 crossplatformui17:04
deej1976jacquesdupontd: yes Delete the right settings should be a subset of all options17:04
dmb__ok, in the gnome arena, I've got gnome, gnome-classic, gnome-classic-no-effects, ubunut, ubuntu-3d17:04
deej1976jacquesdupontd: Good luck got to leave now.17:04
silenimneptok: the one I'm using as client, I bring up vbox with windows guest17:04
l33tchanyone tried dual booting win7 and ocelot on a striped raid? I tried but when done, ubuntu wouldn't load and grub did not pick up win7... i've since put the grub bootloader on a seperate single drive and it picks up windows on teh raid... but was just hoping to have all the os related stuff on the raid itself17:04
jacquesdupontddeej1976, it created a new conf window with only gnome in the tree17:04
dmb__I can't add launchers to the pannel in any of them...17:04
jacquesdupontddeej1976, is that what i had to do ?17:04
mneptoksileni: ah, OK. did you install fail2ban or anything that would monitor and disallow ssh connections?17:05
glebihandmb__, gnome-panel is the same in all of them17:05
japrohow would i enumerate the physical HDs/SSDs in the system?17:05
deej1976jacquesdupontd: See what settings are under gnome17:05
jacquesdupontddeej1976, got / desktop and gnome17:05
silenimneptok: nope17:05
dmb__glebihan: ok, is my gnome-pannel broken then? I can't right click on it17:05
silenimneptok: i added the server to /etc/hosts too17:05
dmb__or rather, right click yeilds nothing17:05
Chelsea_brontosaurusrex, right... I also couldn't get used to win3.11.17:05
glebihandmb__, and it's the one associated to the fallback session, so it's limited (it's  not broken)17:05
zykotick9japro, you mean list them?  "sudo fdisk -l"17:05
jacquesdupontddeej1976, seeing it ok17:05
jacquesdupontddeej1976, and then ?17:05
harsh343help me pelase17:05
dmb__glebihan: ok, beginning to understand now17:06
deej1976jacquesdupontd: right click delete I think17:06
roccosono  italiano17:06
jacquesdupontddeej1976, i take it and apply it to the older window of gconf ?17:06
zykotick9!it | rocco17:06
ubotturocco: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:06
deej1976jacquesdupontd: Just delete should do it.17:06
japrozykotick9, yes, i wanted to see if i installed the ssd correctly, fdisk -l says /dev/sda doesn't contain a valid partition table... i guess that is the ssd then17:06
nwwHello All17:06
dmb__glebihan: ok, here is the quetion I didn't know I needed to ask... how do I add application launchers to unity?17:07
mneptoksileni: are you using key-based authentication?17:07
Chelsea_harsh343, if you don't describe your problem, it's difficult for ppl to help.17:07
mneptoksileni: or passwords?17:07
zykotick9japro, i'd guess sda is what you are currently booted off of17:07
dmb__when I want a terminal, I dont' want to search through all aplications and select terminal... I just want to click it17:07
silenimneptok: no. My friend from another machine can get to the computer and it prompts for pw17:07
glebihandmb__, actually I don't know, never used it17:07
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dmb__glebihan: what wm do you use?17:08
japrozykotick9, hmm, sdb is identified as the 750gb hd that i had originally and where all the stuff is installed17:08
glebihandmb__, I'm using gnome-shell17:08
silenimneptok: passwords is the answer to your last question i guess17:08
lotusAnyone know how to get kernel to work in ubuntu 11.10?17:08
brontosaurusrexdmb__, rmb on the dock and select "pin here" or similar?17:08
japroi guess pluged them into the sata ports the wrong way17:08
mneptoksileni: are you logged-in to that machine in a way other than ssh?17:08
silenimneptok: no17:08
mneptoksileni: because PAM may limit the number of sessions you can create.17:08
=== jan247_ is now known as jan247
dmb__brontosaurusrex: rmb doesn't pull up a menu on the doc :(17:09
silenimneptok: No, I just created the machine on cloud17:09
rocconon  conosco  l'inglese17:09
dmb__let me go into unity, so I can follow suggestions directly, I'll be back shortly17:09
dmb__thanks for help so far17:09
brontosaurusrexdmb__, just start terminal and the icon should appear in the dock right? (or maybe i dont understand the question)17:09
mneptoksileni: what are you using to connect from Windows?17:10
dmb__brontosaurusrex: oh, one moment17:10
lelamal_rocco: connettiti al canale #ubuntu-it17:10
silenimneptok: putty17:10
mneptoksileni: OK, so it's not that you do not have a shell17:10
silenimneptok: no17:10
windparadiseHello, pls anyone used DTC from GPLhost before? I am under fire17:10
mneptoksileni: bizarre17:10
mneptoksileni: look at the server's ssh logs and see what they say17:11
lafonanyone know what the tp-link usb wireless drivers are?17:11
emeraHey guys17:11
mneptoklafon: they're drivers for USB wireless devices?  O:)17:12
lafonmneptok: yup17:12
neckooxhi all . does anybody know how how i can  forward DNS requests incoming to my computers' local network IP ( and port 53 ) to another port on ?17:12
lafonmneptok: I don't have a hardwire connection17:12
emeraCan anybody give me a little help with an issue I am having with installing libgtksourceview 1.0-017:12
glebihanemera, if I'm not mistaken this has been deprecated for quite some time now17:13
Piciemera: Why 1.0-0?17:13
emera@gleb, I need it to run a certain program.17:13
emeraNone of the others will work17:14
emeraThe program is 99% unheard of to most of you here though D:17:14
dmb__irssi in screen :-)17:14
sbguyHi everyone.17:14
oneqHello! Are there any programs for Ubuntu like the Osx grapher? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grapher)17:14
dmb__OK, I see the 'keep in launcher' option17:14
jolarenHellHello. Can someone please help me on how to make a file undeleteable? I'm running Pessulus in a kiosk and I want to make a .desktop file on my desktop undeleteable.. how to?17:14
dmb__clicked on the terminal icon17:14
jacquesdupontdguys , do you think it should be possible to dpkg reconfigure gconf ?17:15
brontosaurusrexdmb__, solved?17:15
dmb__brontosaurusrex: I think so17:15
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dmb__just expected something on right mouse click ;-)17:15
sbguySimple question really, can anyone explain why my copying to flash drives are getting slower and slower on 10.04LTS?17:15
dmb__can I put the launcher elsewhere?17:15
glebihanemera, I cannot be sure, but I think you have very little change of making it work17:16
dmb__what is it called, the thing on the right by default?17:16
emeraD: Hmmz17:16
dmb__sorry, its left by default17:16
dmb__the dash?17:16
jolarenHow do I protect file from beeing thrown in paper bin by current user?17:16
Dark_ApostropheHello, I'm planning to do a dual boot install of Ubuntu on this Win7 laptop. I'm assuming the installer has automatic GRUB MBR installation and configuration, right? Also, this laptop has nVidia Optimus GPU switching (doesn't really work well, even in Windows) - how will this affect the outcome? I don't use it for heavy 3D or anything, so I'd be fine running on just the Intel GPU17:17
windparadisehello, pls how do I locate a folder name?17:17
FredmanHi Guys! I just installed Ubuntu 11.10 on my Macbook 1,1 using an SSD I had lying around. Pretty nice, but the only problem seems to be the iSight webcam. The installation guides are fine and the firmware has been extracted, but the thing doesn work. And isn't visible via lsusb...any ideas?17:17
windparadiselike locate /foldername17:17
windparadisewhat is the appropraite command for it ?17:17
lafonso anyone know where i can find the tp-link drivers from another computer?17:17
brontosaurusrexdmb__, that would be sin, must stay on the left17:17
dmb__ok, next bugbear^H^H^H^H^H^H^H quetstion, I like to use ctrl-f and ctrl-b in the terminal to move around my command line, to do this, I have to switch off the menu17:18
lantiziaCan I check a users password is correct via a script without hashing it and comparing it to shadow somehow?17:18
zykotick9windparadise, you could use "find / -iname foldername" to get rid of the errors you could use "find / -iname foldername 2>/dev/null"17:18
dmb__brontosaurusrex: just wondering if I could have two, one showing open windows, and one showing menus, application launchers and gadgets17:18
dmb__one at the top and one at the bottom17:18
dmb__bot vis all the time... etc... basically... gnome-pannel, which wasn't broken17:18
sbguySimple question really, can anyone explain why my copying to flash drives are getting slower and slower on 10.04LTS?17:18
emeraI stupidly pressed the remove windows option when installing ubuntu17:19
dmb__sbguy: bites get old17:19
dmb__how do I 'turn off the menu' on terminals?17:19
dmb__cus I want to use ctrl-f/b to move around the cli17:19
sbguyI understand that, but I can plug in a brand new flash, and it's still slow.17:19
dmb__that is where 'turn off the menu' used to live17:20
emera@anyone Is there any method I can follow to reinstall windows on my PC, since I have an ISO on my ubuntu pc atm17:20
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dmb__hrm... I see 'show menubar by default in new terminals' and it's unchecked17:20
beefmanquestion on openvpn: i got the config file from new employer, and when i start it, all my inet stuff goes through it (or tries) and i can't get anything else.  how do i tell it to use my normal connection for everything not on the vpn?17:20
dmb__but still ctrl-f/b seem to open the menu17:20
dmb__how do I disable this behaviour?17:21
dmb__in gnome-terminal(?)?17:21
Luminarygnome terminal r rly \( *¯∇¯)ノ ☆FAGGOT~☆17:21
dmb__checking 'show menubar by default in new terminals' actually has no effect17:21
Luminaryplz use roxterm it r \( *¯∇¯)ノ ☆FABULOUS~☆17:21
dmb__Luminary: what should I use?17:22
dmb__yup, toggling 'show menubar' has no effect17:22
* dmb__ takes silence to be a tacit admision of failure ;-)17:22
glebihandmb__, I think it's a known bug in gnome-terminal17:22
dmb__glebihan: ty17:22
dmb__got ticket id?17:23
sbguySo, no real help then? Thank you for patronising me!!!!17:23
dmb__where is the tracker to begin with?17:23
glebihandmb__, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/appmenu-gtk/+bug/78746517:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 787465 in appmenu-gtk (Ubuntu) "View->Show MenuBar isn't working in 11.04 and later in gnome-terminal" [Medium,Triaged]17:23
JasonGriffeehas anyone been able to make skype run under 11.10?17:23
dmb__glebihan: ty17:24
sevistÏðèâåò íàðîä17:24
dmb__how do I re-order launchers in the panel?17:24
dmb__glebihan: that workaround looks scary...17:24
dmb__what does it do?17:24
[_miT_]dmb__: you should just be able to click and drag/drop17:25
dmb__[_miT_]: what?17:25
dmb__also... how do I stop focus follows mouse also triggering autoraise?17:25
[_miT_]<       dmb__> | how do I re-order launchers in the panel?17:25
[_miT_]<     [_miT_]> | dmb__: you should just be able to click and drag/drop17:25
dmb__[_miT_]: ah, ty17:25
dmb__[_miT_]: when I click on a specific item (lmb), the whole stack of items moves when I drag17:26
RiXtEr-Homehey guys, is there anyway to downgrade the kernel?17:26
RiXtEr-Homewithout manually recompliling it17:27
dmb__also... how do I stop focus follows mouse also triggering autoraise? Tried gnome-tweak-tool, but no joy17:27
[_miT_]dmb__: stack? what do you mean stack?17:27
[_miT_]dmb__: for instance, i just moved my chrome web browser icon to the bottom of the "list"17:27
[_miT_]click - hold - drag - release17:28
dmb__[_miT_]: the whole set of 'launchers' from 'Dash home' at the top to 'Workspace switcher' at the bottom17:28
dmb__everything moves17:28
JasonGriffeehas anyone been able to make skype run under 11.10?17:28
dmb__how do I change the delay on that behaviour?17:28
dmb__JasonGriffee: yes17:28
dmb__I have it running now17:28
gvfs-R0ARanyone in here well versed with gvfs ?17:29
dmb__JasonGriffee: no idea, installed under the previous version and now it still works17:29
dmb__my camera is borked though... not sure why17:29
dmb__it was working 'out of the box' but when I tried to kill unity and get a sensible wm, it died17:29
haploidso, after installing 11.10, I no longer have access to the system settings I used to.  in appearance, for instance, I can alter baxkground and theme - that's it.  not fonts or animations, or effects, or anything.  why was configurability REDUCED ?17:30
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bekkshaploid: You have to ask the gnome devs ;)17:30
dmb__haploid: you don't want to do that17:30
dmb__unity has decided what you want17:30
devianzykotick9 found a way http://ubuntugenius.wordpress.com/2011/01/08/ubuntu-cleanup-how-to-remove-all-unused-linux-kernel-headers-images-and-modules/17:31
brontosaurusrexdmb__, haploid thats actually a gnome part of the story i think17:31
* dmb__ blames whoever is at hand ;-)17:31
haploiddamn, ok17:32
=== AaronMT|mtg is now known as AaronMT
JasonGriffeedmb_, It just is that I couldn't get it to work in 11.04 and 11.10, which is why i dont use ubuntu at the moment. I would love to use it, but skype is the one "mission critical" app that I need.17:32
dmb__JasonGriffee: what did you try, tbh I forgot how I got it working17:32
dmb__but I don't remember it being a big problem17:33
JasonGriffeedmb_, what?17:33
dmb__JasonGriffee: how have you tried to install Skype?17:33
=== AaronMT is now known as AaronMT|food
JasonGriffeedmb_, ubuntu software center17:34
dmb__JasonGriffee: and what error did you see?17:34
dAnjouhi, i use xfce (previously gnome 2). in gnome 2 i had chromium as default browser, now i switched over to firefox. although i set "x-www-browser" and "gnome-www-browser" and the setting in this fancy GUI dialog to firefox, guake still opens links in chromium. any ideas?17:34
dmb__skype --version # Skype
JasonGriffeedmb_, it wasn't a error problem, the GUI refused to respond17:35
dmb__JasonGriffee: the skype gui? hrm... what wm?17:35
JasonGriffeedmb_, wm?17:36
dmb__JasonGriffee: can I try calling you now?17:36
dmb__what windows manager? Ubuntu 3D?17:36
RiXtEr-HomeJasonGriffee, window manager... default is unity17:36
dmb__try Ubuntu 2D17:36
RiXtEr-Home2d or 3d ;)17:36
RiXtEr-Homedmb__, on your camera issue, have you tried to go back a kernel?17:37
dmb__RiXtEr-Home: no I haven't17:37
dmb__I'm amazed its 3.0 already17:37
lacrymologyI'm trying to restore grub, but my old install is 64bits and the livecd I have is 32 bits, and I cannot chroot into it, can someone give me a hand17:37
RiXtEr-Homedmb__, I am trying that right now to see if it helps my 3d issues17:37
dmb__It's like we're living in the future!17:37
RiXtEr-Homedmb__, i remember 2.2 still..17:37
dmb__RiXtEr-Home: let me know if your camera starts working17:38
dmb__Could it have been 1.8 when I started linuxing?17:38
JasonGriffeedmb_, I don't have ubuntu atm, I was hoping to see if there was a easy fix. I need skype on saturday so i can't have massive downtime.17:38
dmb__I guess 199717:38
dmb__JasonGriffee: sorry, I can't really help. It works here on 11.10 for me17:38
RiXtEr-Homedmb__, I don't have a cam, I am downgrading to see if compiz keeps taking quite a bit of cpu, and see if my opengl games work any better.17:38
dmb__RiXtEr-Home: yeah, just killed compiz here17:39
dmb__vowed away from 3D ;-)17:39
japroso i want a dual boot setup with windows and ubuntu and have a fresh system with an SSD and a HD... is the preferred route still to first install windows and then repartition in the ubuntu install?17:39
dmb__vowed away from unity... but seems I've been bashed with a digital cudgil17:39
RiXtEr-Homedmb__, I am more doing it to see if my games start working again.17:39
dmb__RiXtEr-Home: did you look into getting your drivers working?17:39
dmb__RiXtEr-Home: I'ts been ages since I compiled a kern, but it's fun17:40
RiXtEr-Homedmb__, they work, the 3d stuff is just VERY choppy17:40
urlin2ujapro, do a custom install with windows you wont have to resize it, otherwise resize it with its partitioner.17:40
RiXtEr-Homedmb__, I am grabbing the deb from natty for the kernel17:40
fosburgIs there an application to check the Ubuntu OS for problems and fix the problem(s)?17:40
JasonGriffeedmb_, do you know anyone that installed it on a fresh install of ubuntu 11.10 and it worked out of the box?17:40
RiXtEr-Homedmb__, http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty-updates/amd64/linux-image-2.6.38-12-generic/download17:40
dmb__fosburg: not that I know of17:40
dmb__JasonGriffee: I'm willing to try uninstalling it now17:41
dmb__JasonGriffee: if you like17:41
RiXtEr-HomeJasonGriffee, don't be misled, 11.10 is a HUGE step in the right direction17:41
urlin2ujapro, W7 has a partitioner, if that's is your install17:41
RiXtEr-HomeJasonGriffee, They may have jumpped the gun a bit on releasing it though.17:41
DeformativeFor some reason my entire synaptic now has duplicates with the suffix :i386.17:41
fosburgdmb--thanks for the good news17:41
dmb__Removing skype ...17:42
arooni-mobilefor gnome-shell; how do i switch the number of workplaces17:42
urlin2uarooni-mobile, they exspand as you fill them.17:42
dmb__fosburg: about the 'fix any problem' app ;-)17:42
dmb__fosburg: you should write it, it would be great17:43
urlin2uarooni-mobile, fill 4 and a 5th will appear17:43
dmb__JasonGriffee: works17:43
JasonGriffeeRiXtEr-Home, i'm not arguing, I played with it on release day i those it was neat. I just have to ensure that skype will function17:43
JasonGriffeedmb_, ty17:43
BangBusRUshi i just installed ubuntu 11.10 on my thinkpad t61, but the touchpad isnt working, what should i do?17:43
fosburgI'm a user of applications--not to computer smart17:43
dmb__BangBusRUs: install the drivers17:43
RiXtEr-HomeBangBusRUs, buy a mouse.17:44
dmb__fosburg: oh17:44
RiXtEr-HomeBangBusRUs, ;)17:44
BangBusRUsHow where from?17:44
dmb__BangBusRUs: right, what RiXtEr-Home said17:44
urlin2uBangBusRUs, have you looked in the mouse control there are pad controls there?17:44
dmb__a usb or ps2 mouse is usefull when upgrading17:44
BangBusRUsi have i mouse17:44
BangBusRUsbut i want to learn how to use ubuntu..17:44
BangBusRUslet me look17:45
dmb__BangBusRUs: go for a less bleating edge release, you may have better look17:45
dmb__BangBusRUs: but seriously, someone here should be able to help you get your hardware working17:45
dmb__how do I start a gnome-shell session?17:45
urlin2udmb, you have it installed?17:46
urlin2udmb__, you have it installed?17:46
dmb__urlin2u: yes17:46
dmb__I don't see it listed at login though...17:46
JasonGriffeedmb_, my main issue though was not it loading, but rather i couldn't make or receive calls. chatting was impossible17:46
urlin2udmb__, at the login you have a desktop choice.17:46
dmb__urlin2u: what is it called?17:47
urlin2udmb__, it look like a big asterix17:47
ChofoteddyPuro idioma inglés xD en Ubuntu existe algún programa de apoyo ?17:47
dmb__urlin2u: right, but what is gnome-shell called?17:47
urlin2udmb__, gnome17:47
dmb__JasonGriffee: makeing a test call now, seems to work fine17:47
icerootdmb__: gnome317:47
dmb__urlin2u: ok17:47
BarkingFish!es | Chofoteddy17:48
ubottuChofoteddy: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:48
dmb__JasonGriffee: yup17:48
dmb__JasonGriffee: chatting is fine too17:48
dmb__JasonGriffee: don't use Ubuntu 3D wm, and see if it improves17:48
wxlhey folks trying to get an ubuntu virtual machine's (virtual box) virtual console working. i have this problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/72867/help-fixing-virtual-console-tty1-6-under-virtualbox .. did some troubleshooting with #vbox and no issues there.. no problems with debian.. problem lies in ubuntu somewhere17:48
Chofoteddyubottu: Gracias17:48
JasonGriffeedmb_, on linux-winows call?17:48
dmb__JasonGriffee: I'm on 11.10, and I just called the test call center17:49
dmb__so... on gnome-shell.... how do I add launchers to the panel?17:49
wxland for that matter "debug nosplash" results in a blank screen until the display manager pops up17:49
JasonGriffeedmb_, and it was issue free?17:49
dmb__how do I disable graphical boot?17:49
dmb__JasonGriffee: yes, more or less17:49
bahamashello. i'm trying to setup my wireless card to work properly with ubuntu 11.04. it's a broadcom 4313. at the moment, the listed driver is brcm80211 and a dmesg | tail gives me wl0: fifo 0: descriptor error17:49
bahamas[  324.975149] wl0: fatal error, reinitializing17:50
dmb__some quality drop out in teh call, but nothing too bad17:50
bahamas[  324.975149] wl0: fatal error, reinitializing17:50
bahamaswl0 is what showed up as my driver before i uninstalled Broadcom STA17:51
MrGizmo757i am having an error when i open Kden live.    File '/home/matt/%i' is not readable        dose anybody know how to fix it?      Kdenlive seems to be working i just have this error.17:51
urlin2u! broadcom | bahamas17:51
dAnjouhi, i use xfce (previously gnome 2). in gnome 2 i had chromium as default browser, now i switched over to firefox. although i set "x-www-browser" and "gnome-www-browser" and the setting in this fancy GUI dialog to firefox, guake still opens links in chromium. any ideas?17:51
ubottubahamas: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:51
BangBusRUsOk thanks i got it working thanks17:52
=== Mud is now known as Guest74233
thomas__Hi everyone. Have a problem with Oneiric. I dont have the left menu (see : http://postimage.org/image/a3isjuro7/). I have an ati radeon HD 4870. Did you see something similar ?17:52
RiXtEr-HomeBangBusRUs, http://friendly.ubuntu.com/11.10/LENOVO/ThinkPad%20T61/I:Bq8Bop:RL:BHe:CLc:B9ip:EZS:I8g:BEV:I8g/devices/17:52
=== AaronMT|food is now known as AaronMT
RiXtEr-Homelooks like the trackpoint is unkown17:53
RiXtEr-Homethey typically function like a ps2 mouse though17:53
urlin2uthomas__, fresh install upgrade did it ever work?17:53
wxlno one running ubuntu in virtualbox?17:53
BangBusRUsNow one last thing, would it be possible to move the bar at the top to the bottom? And the side bar somehow integrated with the other bar?17:53
dmb__how do I stop 'focus follows mouse' also 'auto-raise'ing windows?17:54
bahamasurlin2u: that page is telling me to install Broadcom STA which is not recommended by an answer i found on askubuntu17:54
KNUBBIGHey, my ubuntu doesn't boot and won't give me any error message. How to disable the graphical boot in the GRUB cmd?17:54
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thomas__urlin2u, i did it but nothing change :s17:55
urlin2ubahamas, you going to believe askubuntu a 3rd party or the ubuntu wiki, personally I would follow the wiki you can remove what you have done, not sure  myself never had a broadcom card,17:55
BangBusRUsthanks RiXtEr-Home I got it working...17:55
RiXtEr-HomeBangBusRUs, what did you do?17:55
BangBusRUsjust restarted, i downloaded the updates, just didnt restart my t61 after the updates were finished lol17:56
RiXtEr-Homeah :)17:56
conntrackyes ah :)17:57
gulzarwhat is middle-click? I have mouse with 2 buttons and one wheel in center.17:57
gulzarwhat is middle-click? I have mouse with 2 buttons and one wheel in center.17:57
wxlgulzar: try the wheel17:57
KNUBBIGgulzar: click the wheel17:57
jribgulzar: sometimes you can click the wheel.  If you have the setting enabled, you can right click and mouse click at the same time17:57
KNUBBIGHey, my ubuntu doesn't boot and won't give me any error message. How to disable the graphical boot in the GRUB cmd?17:57
jribgulzar: sometimes you can click the wheel.  If you have the setting enabled, you can right click and left click at the same time17:57
japrohow can i show the actual cpu frequencies?17:57
BangBusRUsthe 11.10  build is really cool... no messing about it just gets it done in no time lol17:57
nagappanany one noticing this ?17:58
nagappanW: Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric_main_binary-amd64_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch17:58
KNUBBIGNo messages at all and it just stops booting, nice17:58
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gulzarjrib: Thank You17:58
gulzarKNUBBIG: wxl : Thank You17:59
BangBusRUsIs there a way to move the bar at the top to the bottom?17:59
tobi_I have a problem with my X settings17:59
brontosaurusrexwxl, works here, i did an install with guest os: win7 and OSX17:59
=== xeno__ is now known as xcyclist
japrocan i show the actual cpu frequencies somehow?18:00
tobi_I only have 640x480 but my monitor can 1920x120018:00
japropowertop just tells me "turbo mode"18:00
perlsaiyanis there a good channel to help troubleshoot pam_check_host_attr using ldap authentication?18:00
pooky1Guys, did anyone see this fatal error before? "Kernel panic: not syncing - fatal exception in interrupt"18:00
tobi_and I cant change that in the GUI18:00
brontosaurusrexwxl, check the settings maybe, give it more than 512 megs of ram and such18:01
tobi_where can I find informations how to fix it18:01
EuroNerdDo some of you guys use two monitors with your Ubuntu?  I just switched from one to two and responsiveness suffered pretty badly.18:01
KNUBBIGIs there any way to disable the splash screen and see the textual output?18:01
zykotick9tobi_, what graphics card are you using?  "lspci | grep -i vga" if you aren't sure.18:01
japroEuroNerd, it always worked flawlessly for me18:02
japrowell apart from some applications behaving slightly weird with multiple x-screens18:02
xrdodrxEuroNerd, of course it did, you're now asking your GPU to do double what it did before, how old is it?18:02
zykotick9KNUBBIG, remove "quiet splash" from /etc/default/grub then run "sudo update-grub"18:02
EuroNerdxrdorx, poor excuse, in Windows 7 it works fine.18:02
KNUBBIGzykotick9: thanks!18:02
tobi_japro: nvidia GeForce FX 5200 (old)18:03
dAnjoukind of solved the guake/xfce/browser problem: http://guake.org/ticket/26218:03
japrodo you have nvidia drivers installed?18:03
EuroNerdjapro, do you use two monitors of the same resolution?18:03
tobi_japro: and I have instaled the nvidiadriver18:03
EuroNerdxrdodrx, poor excuse, in Windows 7 it works fine.18:03
mordonezhi guys18:04
japroEuroNerd, well it depends i use multi monitors in all kinds of configurations18:04
mordonezhow can I add a workspace on ubuntu 11.10?18:04
ForXDoYHello :) I'm sorry for the bother, but can you tell me if there is any difference to using Ctrl+Alt+SysRq+K and plain old Ctrl+Alt+Backspace? (in case of a system freeze)18:04
mordonezI would like to have 6 instead of 418:04
thomas__Hi everyone. Have a problem with Oneiric. I dont have the left menu (see : http://postimage.org/image/a3isjuro7/). I have an ati radeon HD 4870. My system is updated/upgraded. Did you see something similar ?18:04
xrdodrxEuroNerd, I heard you the first time ;)18:04
zykotick9mordonez, ccsm / General / Desktop Size tab18:04
japroi have a 1080 p screen that works ok with my big laptop (GTX260) and even with my netbook18:04
EuroNerdxrdodrx, ok, wanted to make sure, cuz i misspelled your nick18:04
xrdodrxEuroNerd, here's a trick for you: type the first few letters of anyone's nickname and press the tab key and it will be autocompleted :)18:05
KNUBBIGIs there an issue with the up-to-date 11.10 and the non-free radeon drivers?18:05
EuroNerdxrdodrx, cool, thx18:05
mordonezperfect man , thank you so much!18:05
mordonezthanks zykotick918:05
halomomanyone know how to make an ISO and turn it into a directory?18:05
tobi_japro: I've installed the driver version 173.14.3018:06
zykotick9halomom, mount the iso then copy the files to a directory you create (to mount ISO see "/msg ubottu iso")18:06
Canhalomom: you can extract it with a program like power iso18:06
jwtiyarits possible to run .dmg file in ubuntu?18:06
japroi think that is pretty old (285 is current or so)18:06
bekksjwtiyar: No.18:06
japrotobi_, do you use unity/compiz?18:06
ForXDoYhalomom: you can also make an ISO using Brasero Disc Burner18:06
wxlbrontosaurusrex: you mean your HOST os is win or os x?18:07
tobi_japro: yes18:07
jwtiyarbekks, why? they both based on linux/FreeBSD18:07
brontosaurusrexwxl, yes18:07
bekksjwtiyar: Why not? It is an Apple Inc. proprietary format nowadays.18:07
brontosaurusrexwxl, guest is 11.10 of course (64 bit)18:07
halomomForXDoY, and to make it a directory?18:08
wxlbrontosaurusrex: technically i'm trying to run a lubuntu guest18:08
xrdodrxjwtiyar, :| FreeBSD has absolutely nothing to do with dmg (Apple's Disk Image), and Linux is not BSD...18:08
japrotobi_, i use metacity, since compiz tends to mess with my opengl stuff18:08
xrdodrxAnd OS X is hardly BSD either :P18:08
wxlbrontosaurusrex: alloted 512mb to it which should be sufficient18:08
japroalso it makes my netbook WAY more responsive18:08
jwtiyarbekks, its not Apple its FreeBSD18:08
tobi_japro: how can I change it?18:08
bekksjwtiyar: And BSD isnt Linux.18:08
zykotick9xrdodrx, oh OSX is an offical BSD18:08
brontosaurusrexwxl, also disable 3d and 2d acceleration18:09
japrotobi_, try logging with classic - no effects or so to try it18:09
wxlbrontosaurusrex: there's a though18:09
zykotick9xrdodrx, darwin i think they call it18:09
ForXDoYhalomom: you mean mounting it to a directory? Just try what zykotick9 said18:09
wxls/a/that :D18:09
nwwHello can I run a email server on ubuntu 11.10, that does not need a password for the email account, I have some network smnp that does email alerting but the software does not have a place for password just un  ?.... p.s. I'm new to ubuntu thank you18:09
perlsaiyanI have pam_check_host_attr set to yes, but it does not seem to matter -- any ldap user can login to any host18:09
wxlbrontosaurusrex: they're both disabled18:10
bekksnww: That is called an "open relay" and you are adviced to NOT do so.18:10
jwtiyarbekks, so both are UNIX18:10
wxlbekks what are you doing here? :D18:10
xrdodrxjwtiyar, this page might help you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManageDiscImages#DMG_Images , you can access the files in the DMG archive but of course cannot install it :)18:10
hdon-hi all :) i want to dump the class name of the active X window. but i cannot put my cursor over it. need a timer or a keyboard shortcut. can anyone help?18:10
salahHi, a quick question: is there any way to install a minimal Unity? (without shotwell, libreoffice etc)18:10
brontosaurusrexwxl, and #vbox people said what?18:10
bekkswxl: The same as you do ;)18:10
reisiohdon-: sleep 3s &&18:10
zykotick9jwtiyar, technically neither BSD or Linux are Unix18:10
halomomForXDoY zykotick9, I a amking an ISO of a CD, and I want to mount the image I'm creating, not burn it18:10
hdon-reisio, i know how to do that i don't know how to capture the X window info i want :(18:11
hdon-thanks anyway18:11
bekksbrontosaurusrex: It might be a framebuffer/splash issue for him.18:11
zykotick9!iso | halomom18:11
ubottuhalomom: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:11
reisiohdon-: oh, um, wmctrl or xdpyinfo or something18:11
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:11
ForXDoYhalomom: I'll quote the bot for you: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:11
wxlbrontosaurusrex: what bekks said (he's the #vbox person) :D18:11
EuroNerdanother multi-monitor question:   When I watch a movie on screen A and start doing something on screen B, on screen A the top Ubuntu bar appears (the one with clock and off switch etc.), obstructing part of the image. Can I prevent it?18:11
reisiohdon-: xdpyinfo | grep -i focus18:11
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reisiohdon-: what're you up to?18:12
hdon-reisio, thanks :)18:12
EuroNerd(on screen A the movie is in full-screen)18:12
brontosaurusrexbekks, wxl ok.18:12
skoremehi ppl. any idea how can i boost my graphic card i think it doesnt works fine. i got radeon 9600 with 128mb and even small games i freezes18:12
reisioskoreme: what driver are you using18:12
hdon-reisio, i am using Firebug, and it open a sort of tool tip window, and steals focus, which makes my mouse hovers not be detected anymore (the window is essentially a tool tip related to what i am mousing over, and it is seriously cramping my style right now)18:12
hdon-reisio, so i want to configure compiz to never focus on the window18:12
skoremei downloaded some ati tools and opengl tools18:13
reisiohdon-: I thought firebug only ran in Firefox18:13
[_miT_]hmm, just started getting a "could not call home" info msg in my console18:13
skoremereferendet by ubuntu18:13
[_miT_]er, wrong chan!18:13
bekksnww: Please dont open unasked private chats. Ask in this room.18:13
wxlbrontosaurusrex, bekks it is interesting that there are other ubuntu users with the same problem in 11.10 .. something in the change from 11.04 for them. mine was a fresh 11.10 install so can't make a connection there.18:13
skoremei cant find any info in sysytem setting18:13
reisioskoreme: run sudo lspci -k | less, then type '/VGA' and hit enter18:13
skoremethank iam fresh thx for help18:13
zykotick9reisio, FYI lspci doesn't need sudo18:14
thomas__any idea about this -> http://postimage.org/image/a3isjuro7/18:14
hdon-reisio, yes i am running firefox18:14
halomomForXDoY, I just figured I'd grab the both of you at once. thanks guys (I've never mounted an ISO o linux, just windows)18:14
hdon-reisio, but it does create other windows sometimes18:14
ForXDoYhalomom: you're welcome :)18:14
reisiozykotick9: I try not to store all the Ubuntu irregularities in my head18:14
skoremeGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AQ [Radeon 9600]18:14
skoremeSubsystem: C.P. Technology Co. Ltd Device 207518:14
skoremeKernel driver in use: radeon18:14
skoremeKernel modules: radeon, radeonfb18:14
reisiohdon-: huh18:14
reisioskoreme: okay, radeon18:14
zykotick9reisio, well, try not to suggest sudo unless it's needed18:15
reisioskoreme: you could try fglrx instead, possibly18:15
reisiozykotick9: what does it matter?18:15
skoremereisio mind if i pm?18:15
zykotick9reisio, you should learn to use the system properly (and you should give proper advice)18:15
reisioskoreme: why would I18:15
hdon-reisio, want to hear something even stranger? i just really looked at that window for the first time and realized it had all the information i wanted to see, and was doing it a stupider way. not doing it that way anymore, this problem is 99% less annoying. good day!18:15
reisiozykotick9: there's nothing improper about sudo lspci18:15
EuroNerdwhat do you call the top bar in ubuntu - the one with clock, the off switch etc. ?18:16
reisiohdon-: :D18:16
zykotick9reisio, expect for the fact that you are using sudo unnecessarily18:16
ForXDoYIn case of a system freeze, where xkill doesn't help, is there any difference to using Ctrl+Alt+SysRq+K instead of plain old Ctrl+Alt+Backspace? Which is preferred?18:16
wxlsudo luke i am your father18:16
reisiozykotick9: the end result being nothing bad18:16
zykotick9ForXDoY, it's just ALT+SYSRQ+K18:16
zykotick9ForXDoY, and xkill is to kill an app - not all Xorg... you can sometimes use kill/killall when xkill fails18:17
ForXDoYzykotick9: I sometimes have to use Ctrl as well. But anyway, which of the two would be preferred or are they the same?18:17
wxljust make sure you disconnect your computer frmo the network before you start sudoing everything under the sun, reisio .. at least if you value it18:17
reisioForXDoY: backspace is disabled by default these days is all18:17
reisioForXDoY: stopping gdm would probably be simplest/kindest18:17
zykotick9ForXDoY, same difference18:17
reisiowxl: lspci is not everything under the sun18:18
ForXDoYzykotick9 and reisio: thank you guys :)18:18
wxlreisio: by extension you might as well sudo ls and sudo cd, too18:18
reisiowxl: not really18:18
salahis there any way to install a minimal Unity? (without shotwell, libreoffice, 100 000 unused drivers etc)18:18
xrdodrxForXDoY, You can do `sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration` to make ctrl-alt-backspace kill the X server again [it's the last question] :)18:19
wxloh i know! sudo login!18:19
reisiowxl: ls and cd do not require root in other distros, lspci does18:19
Jinxed-whats the best guide to follow for a lamp install on ubuntu 11.0418:19
reisiosalah: if you install from the alternate install image, I think you might have the option of installing without the preinstalled desktop stuff18:19
wxlreisio: oh get really fancy and start sudoing gui apps; that's always fun18:19
zykotick9Jinxed-, you could check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP18:20
halomomForXDoY, it doesn't work, it ees it as a USB drive, not a CD18:20
reisiowxl: what's funny about this conversation is that between us I'm the only one who's used more than one distro18:20
ForXDoYxrdodrx: thanks, I already found the GUI for enabling it though :)18:20
wxlreisio: that's interesting. your psychic abilitities are failing you, unfortunately.18:20
salahreisio, I have already done that, but now I want to install Unity. And I am not interested in installing so much drivers and applications I never will need :)18:20
reisiowxl: psychic abilities don't factor into it18:20
reisiosalah: which ones don't you want, exactly?18:21
reisiosalah: I doubt unity itself deps in libreoffice...18:21
ForXDoYhalomom: I thought you wanted to see it as a  directory?18:21
lordjjAny drawbacks to using Ubuntu 64-bit?18:21
halomomForXDoY, oh, sorry, no I want it mounted like a CD, in a dirctory18:21
reisiolordjj: nope18:21
salahfor example: installing unity gives you xorg, xorg gives you... I don't know how many, but drivers for intel, nvidia etc etc I never will need18:22
lordjjWhy does the Ubuntu website recommend 32-bit to 64 bit?18:22
LeaoHelp me please, i installed new Radeon graphics drivers and my ubuntu is not starting up (writing from win 7)18:22
zykotick9salah, does installing the "unity" package pull in the stuff you don't want?18:22
reisiolordjj: so they don't have to explain the difference18:22
zykotick9lordjj, easier for most people18:22
Leaoi can only switch to CTRL F118:22
Leaoat startup18:22
wxlreisio: well then you've just assumed incorrectly18:22
reisiolordjj: so people don't ask which to use18:22
salahzykotick9, I am installing it now, i'll see :)18:22
reisiowxl: it's important to you for me to think that, isn't it :p18:22
zykotick9Leao, ctrl+alt+f1 while in X18:22
ForXDoYhalomom: I would try the command: sudo mount isoimage.iso /media/cdrom0 -o loop18:23
Leaoand then ?18:23
ForXDoYwhere isoimage.iso is the name of your ISO file18:23
zykotick9halomom, /media/cdrom0 would have to exist for ForXDoY's command to work18:23
wxlreisio: i think it's important that you don't lead people towards insecure systems-- that's the point18:23
reisiowxl: there's nothing insecure about sudo lspci18:23
zykotick9reisio, it's NOT needed - so don't use sudo there18:24
LeaoOh I get it, i have to debug the problem myself. But I'm not good with system commands.18:24
LeaoHow can i fix this ?18:24
pcpowerI'm trying to boot the ubuntu installer off a USB drive but after the kernel messages go by, the display goes blank and nothing happens after that. what can I do?18:24
LeaoThere is obviously a problem with graphics drivers.18:24
reisiozykotick9: if I remember it18:24
pcpowerI've tried changing the vga= kernel parameter to different values but it hasn't helped so far18:24
reisiootherwise I'll continue to put sudo before things most distros need root for18:24
wxlreisio: how many minutes is a sudo good for? i.e. how long do you retain superuser privs after one command?18:24
zykotick9pcpower, vga= is actually deprecated18:24
wxlreisio: for that matter, what is sudo?18:25
halomomzykotick9, so cd media && mkdir cdrom0 ?18:25
reisiowxl: you tell me what sudo is18:25
pcpowerzykotick9: then this page should be updated: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions18:25
halomomzykotick9, or could I use another number, like cdrom218:25
pcpowerthat's where I saw it18:25
zykotick9halomom, i'd just use " sudo mount isoimage.iso /mnt -o loop" instead18:25
icerootreisio: wxl man sudo  says 15 minutes18:25
wxlreisio: super user do, baby. ultimate power.18:25
wxlexactly 15 minutes.. a big 15 minute security hole. good on ya, reisio18:26
halomomzykotick9, it's for use in wine, not for linux itself. and it's being picky18:26
icerootwxl: change it in sudoers (see man sudo)18:26
reisioiceroot: ha18:26
pcpowerzykotick9: any ideas?18:26
wxlwhich your average user who accepts sudo lspci won't do..18:26
reisiowxl: and if Ubuntu users weren't constantly running sudo, I'm sure that'd matter18:26
wxlso let's perpetuate the notion18:26
pcpowerI cannot find any help on the ubuntu website for how to fix it18:26
halomompcpower, what's the ssue?18:27
reisiopcpower: no CD/DVD drive?18:27
pcpowerhalomom: I lose video when the installer boots, using USB18:27
zykotick9pcpower, have you tried nomodeset yet?18:27
pcpowerzykotick9: no, how do I do that?18:27
zykotick9!nomodeset | pcpower18:27
ubottupcpower: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:27
pcpoweroh it's just a kernel parameter18:27
mfaroukgI have many problems in the network connections in all the VPN, PROXY and the wireless ? what is going on with ubuntu 11.10???18:27
halomomzykotick9, do you think wine will accept that directory?18:28
halomomit didn't accept ~/cdmount18:29
zykotick9halomom, don't know.  I don't do wine stuff, good luck.18:29
_platypus_Could someone possibly point me in the direction of a good Unity users manual? It will be much nicer when I figure out how to use it properly.18:29
mfaroukgthere are many missing packages in ubuntu 11.1018:29
reisiohalomom: can change those in winecfg18:29
pcpowerzykotick9: that worked, thanks18:29
pcpowerjust wish it was on that BootOptions page on the website18:30
pcpowerI wouldn't have to ask here :)18:30
halomomreisio, I did, still wouldn't accept it, that's what the problem was18:30
zykotick9pcpower, as you've already noticed - that page needs updating18:30
reisiohalomom: #winehq18:30
x3qt0rI am not able to get  my dual monitors to run18:32
x3qt0rin separate X screen mode18:32
xrdodrx_platypus_, https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/ubuntu-help/index.html is the offical documentation, also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity and http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2011/04/21/the-power-user%E2%80%99s-guide-to-unity/18:32
reisiox3qt0r: with nvidia-settings?18:32
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x3qt0rI adjust it like I did in 10.0418:33
x3qt0rbut in 11.1018:33
x3qt0rit seems impossible18:33
x3qt0rone of the monitor stays black18:33
x3qt0rwith a cross as a mouse pointer18:33
lordjjwhat's the difference between Ubuntu-alternate and Ubuntu-desktop?18:33
reisiofair amount of people have been having dual monitor issues with 11.1018:33
halomom11.10 is natty, right?18:33
x3qt0ris it unsolvable?18:34
ForXDoYhalomom: no, it's oneiric18:34
reisiolordjj: less graphical, slightly more options exposed18:34
Picilordjj: Just the installer.18:34
reisiox3qt0r: nothing's unsolvable18:34
halomomForXDoY, ten why didn't update manager request it? *blinks*18:34
x3qt0rSo whats the solution18:35
reisiox3qt0r: I'd check ubuntuforums.org first18:35
x3qt0ri did!18:35
x3qt0rI am on about it18:35
halomomx3qt0r, patience and perserverence?18:35
x3qt0rsince the reslease18:35
x3qt0rI know I know18:35
FloodBot1x3qt0r: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:35
mfaroukgx3qt0r, I PRESSS CTL+F4 THEN CTL+F7 AS workaround18:35
ForXDoYhalomom: request what? The update to 11.10?18:35
x3qt0rbeen on ubuntu since 6. 0418:35
halomomForXDoY, yes18:35
madsquestion:  do i need to have "enter" of new line after inserting a command or module to be loaded en config files like  "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf" or "/etc/modules"18:35
h00kif I were to file a bug against the 'process' of using the user-switcher in the upper right corner, would I file it against one of the indicators?18:36
reisiomads: doubt it18:36
salahzykotick9, installing unity-package did not install lightdm. installing lightdm gives me xorg and all of the unnecessary package. is there any ways to skip all the drivers and just install the required vesa package?18:36
x3qt0rmfaroukg, ?18:36
x3qt0rnothing happened18:36
madsreisio i the old days it was...18:36
ForXDoYif you're not using the latest buntu, then it should be offered up in the Update Manager18:36
ForXDoYhalomom: ^18:36
reisiomads: if you used vim it'd add a newline on its own18:36
mfaroukgx3qt0r, try it when screen gets blank18:37
halomomnow it tells me.. when was it released?18:37
madsreisio i just use gedit18:37
zykotick9salah, doubt it.  Is storage space some a HUGE concern for you or something?  I doubt Xorg drivers will take up to much room.18:37
reisiomads: :p18:37
x3qt0rmfaroukg,  it is blank18:37
x3qt0rone of my screen IS blank18:37
zykotick9mads, i highly doubt it would matter18:38
mfaroukgx3qt0r, press ctl+F4 then ctl+F7 it will get back working18:38
x3qt0rit isnt18:38
Leaoim using ubuntu 11.10 and i was trying to get my Gnome 3 shell working, i switched from unity to it but graphics were glitchy. So I uninstalled it and tried to install opensource graphics drivers. But now the OS isnt starting up. Gives [failed] loading errors on gnome display manager and a few other processes. I only have access to terminal (to everything :P)18:38
LeaoAny idea on how to fix ?18:38
halomomsalah, you can always rm the ones you don't need after they download18:38
ForXDoYhalomom: somewhere in the middle of October, I think18:38
SomelauwHi, I am using evince, but I usually displays pdf's black on white (high contrast) since this hurts my eyes I wonder if there is a way to make the colors easier on my eyes.18:39
madszykotick9 thanks trying to help somebody by mailt with something that should have worked18:39
* nDuff notes that when in X, it can need to be ctrl+alt+F4, not just alt+F4 as when already in a text console18:39
reisioLeao: which driver?18:39
halomomForXDoY, odd.. cause I just installed this PC with natty last night from LTS18:39
SomelauwI only have this problem since I use this computer a lot.18:39
reisioSomelauw: evince can invert the colors18:39
Leaohmm im looking it up reisio one second18:40
reisioSomelauw: CTRL+i, or View > Inverted Colors18:40
ForXDoYhalomom: might be by design, if some packages needed to be transitionally updated (in my lack of better words for it), but I'm just guessing here18:40
reisioSomelauw: also if you install the program 'xcalib', the command xcalib -i -a should toggle color inversion for your entire X18:40
dikideraHi all18:40
lordjjI've been hearing about some motherboards overheating with newer kernel versions, can someone provide a list of affected models and tell me more about it?18:41
reisiodikidera: hiyo18:41
dikideracan anyone tell me in 11.10 how i can enable hidden files?18:41
halomomForXDoY, eh.. no big deal I'll get around to t later then18:41
halomomdikidera, CTRL + H ?18:41
lordjjdikidera cntrl+h ??18:41
reisiolordjj: probably where ever you heard about it...18:41
Somelauwreisio: I would prefer grey on black, but maybe that is not possible yet.18:41
aarkeriohi! what is the MTA by default in Ubuntu 11.10? Exim4?18:41
SomelauwWhite on black is slightly better, I think.18:41
reisioSomelauw: oh I'm sure some app can do that18:41
slinzexwhy eye of gnome fails to remove pic? It says Cannot access to trash. Help please18:41
dikiderathanks guys, it works18:41
reisioSomelauw: if you decrease gamma with xgamma, it will become gray on black eventually18:42
mfaroukgI have many problems in the network connections in all the VPN, PROXY and the wireless ? what is going on with ubuntu 11.10??? and there are many missing packages in ubuntu 11.10 ??? and the flash blugins are missing18:42
reisioSomelauw: hrmm, no actually that doesn't seem to work18:42
halomommfaroukg, 1: wait for people to get to you. 2: gnash works well for flash18:43
lordjjSo no one's heard of the overheating problem in the new kernel...18:44
reisioI'm not sure even you have18:44
lordjjWas mentioned in an article18:45
reisiowhat article?18:45
mfaroukghalomom, please try http://live.sis.gov.eg/live if you have that gnash18:45
lordjjDon't recall18:45
SomelauwI just figured out pdftotext /tmp/srw11_2_solutions.pdf - | less works nice.18:45
reisioSomelauw: heh18:45
ForXDoYspeaking of new kernel, are there serious known issues with Virtualbox and linux kernel 3?18:45
ForXDoYI heard of the linux devs marking VBox drivers as "crap", but don't know if there are any real issues with it18:46
halomomzykotick9, no luck, still wants the cd in the drive (mounted to cdrom1 as a cd-rom)18:46
mfaroukghalomom, it works with VLC no problem.18:46
zykotick9halomom, sorry, i don't/won't help with wine issues.  Good luck.18:47
halomommfaroukg, video on the link?18:47
SomelauwActually it has some problems. Nevermind I will continue reading it in inverted colors.18:47
mfaroukghalomom, it is streaming with voice only18:47
SomelauwI am too much spoiled anyway.18:47
halomommfaroukg, I heard the voice no problem18:47
reisioForXDoY: Linux 3 is basically Linux 2.6.4018:47
R_____Has anyone been able to get wireless working properly with the HP Pavilion DV6-6140US?18:48
reisioForXDoY: it's not magically unstable because they call it 318:48
R_____When I scan for available wireless connections, nothing shows up18:48
ForXDoYI'll show the link of the article if I can find it18:48
reisiothey're usually pretty concerned with stability regardless18:48
R_____But when I was at home it was able to connect to the wireless at my house18:48
ForXDoYreisio: http://linux.slashdot.org/story/11/10/11/1845226/linux-kernel-developer-declares-virtualbox-driver-crap18:49
halomommfaroukg, where is that from?18:49
mfaroukghalomom, are you using ubuntu 11.10? and are you having the restricted packages installed for ubuntu 11.1018:49
halomom(I don't recognise the eg region)18:49
mfaroukghalomom, it is EGYPT18:49
reisioForXDoY: that doesn't surprise me18:49
ForXDoYsince that happened around the time linux 3 came out, I assumed it was related to that18:49
reisioForXDoY: we have kvm now anyways, VirtualBox isn't going to last outside of win32 and osx18:49
ForXDoYreisio: I haven't tried kvm, but other's suggested it's a hell of a bother to get it working18:50
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halomommfaroukg, ah.. explains why I couldn't understand a word. it is working though18:50
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reisioyou might want to use the frontend virt-manager, however18:50
* reisio prefers the commandline18:51
mfaroukghalomom, lol hehehe :P18:51
ForXDoYreisio: I'm guessing you're probably running Arch or something like that than?18:51
mfaroukghalomom, trying to spread the ubuntu there18:51
reisioForXDoY: from an Ubuntu user POV, I suppose something like that is accurate18:52
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:52
halomommfaroukg, ?18:52
halomommfaroukg, explain plz?18:52
mang0How do i find out what version of ffmpeg I've got?18:53
reisiomang0: ffmpeg -version18:53
mfaroukghalomom, I love ubuntu that's why I like to have solutions for the problems I am facing so I tell friends about it, and make more use of it there18:53
halomommang0, ffmpeg -v?18:53
mang0reisio: Thanks18:53
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mang0halomom: reisio got it ;)18:53
reisiomang0: of course that might not do you much good :p18:53
xrdodrxreisio, what is the `something like that'? LFS? Gentoo? Slackware? :P18:54
reisiosince it's all git snapshots these days18:54
halomommfaroukg, ah.. learning so you can tech support18:54
halomommfaroukg, smrt idea :)18:54
reisioxrdodrx: doesn't matter18:54
lordjjreisio http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/linux-kernel-power-issue-fix.html   and   http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux_mobile_uffda&num=118:54
mfaroukghalomom, of course because I am a big fan but for free :(18:54
xrdodrxreisio, well pardon me for being curious then18:55
reisiolordjj: 2.6.3818:55
reisioxrdodrx: easy enough to find out from google18:55
reisiolordjj: has a workaround on the page, sounds like a nonissue18:55
halomommfaroukg, oh I got a set of issues myself for my mother's pc (I'm on right now)18:55
lordjjdoes the workaround seem safe?18:56
reisiolordjj: http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Power_Management_Guide/ASPM.html18:56
mfaroukghalomom, good I guess you do it for free too :P18:56
_platypus_What's the easiest way to drop straight to your desktop? I used to remember the command but can't for the life of me know.18:57
halomommfaroukg, I shouldn't.. bt yea.. I do lol18:57
panfisti'm trying to enable/test/troubleshoot hdmi audio and i'm not sure where to start18:57
wildc4rdgood evening all18:57
mfaroukghalomom, do you have problem with wireless ?18:58
halomommfaroukg, I did untill I got to maveric18:58
halomomnatty works wonderfully18:58
mfaroukghalomom, should I downgrade to maveric ?18:59
halomomthe LTS was bad for this pc. later versions had drivers for the hardware18:59
halomommfaroukg, what ae you on right now?18:59
dikiderajust to ask...is it possible by trying to install older linux headers, i've messed up my environment in such a way so that a compiler is saying it cant find iostream.h?18:59
japrois there some place to download 11.04 isos?18:59
dikideraand afaik, iostream.h is standard18:59
xanguajapro: google ubuntu 11.04 download19:00
mfaroukghalomom, i am on ubuntu 11.10 i38619:00
LeaoHow do I install latest radeon drivers for ubuntu 11.10 from main terminal (the one you get at loading screen with CTRL ALT F1)19:00
halomommfaroukg, my advice: try natty but I promise nothing19:00
deper29Hey guys, I'm having trouble installing 11.10. When I boot from USB(or DVD, doesn't seem to matter) I get three options: Install, try, or check disc. No matter which option I choose, I get a black screen after and nothing happens. I have a GeForce GTX 550 Ti Video Card and an Asus P8Z68-V LE Motherboard with a 750 W PS. Help?19:01
mfaroukghalomom, there is a problem with pppd package, I think it routs to wrong interface19:01
IsmAvatarhey folks. I have an ATI radeon x1300, but glxgears is running at 55 fps. I think the driver's no installed right. Can someone help me get it installed right?19:01
japroxangua, whoops :d i was like frantically clicking through the ubuntu website and missed the obvious :D19:01
LeaoHow do I install latest radeon drivers for ubuntu 11.10 from main terminal (the one you get at loading screen with CTRL ALT F1)19:01
halomommfaroukg, linux is not my area of expertiese, I'm learning still19:01
xangua!latest | Leao19:01
ubottuLeao: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.19:02
mfaroukghalomom, all releases were awesome till I get this 11.10 it looks nice but lots of bugs19:02
halomommfaroukg, then try natty19:02
Leaowell except for Gnome 3.0 shell everything is perfectly fine19:02
lauratikadoes any body knows where is language support in 11.10 under gnome?19:02
halomommfaroukg, I don't know if that will fix theissue, but if 11.10 is causing issues, try natty which is fine for me19:03
mfaroukghalomom, my configurations :((19:03
mfaroukghalomom,it is too much customized19:03
xangualauratika: tried from the dash to type language¿19:04
halomommfaroukg, try doing what I've done, einstalled and reconfigured linux 4 times this month because he can't make up her mind19:04
reisiodeper29: I'm a one19:04
mfaroukghalomom,oh my god, so I have one more try left to get 4 times in 2 weeks, joking19:05
lauratikaxangua: im on gnome no dash option19:05
jasoxhi guys , need help to install manually ati propriatery driver.19:05
IsmAvatarI have an ATI radeon x1300, but glxgears is running at 55 fps. I think the driver's not installed right. Can someone help me get it installed right?19:05
deper29reisio: Suggestions?19:05
mfaroukghalomom,but I will feel so wanting to upgrade soon when they fix the problems19:05
reisiodeper29: regarding?19:06
reisiojasox: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI19:06
jasoxreisio, txt bro19:07
halomommfaroukg, t may take a while, but you may be better off skipping 11.10 as well19:07
mfaroukgdoes any one know the best way to back up my configurations and packages because I am going to downgrade to 11.0419:07
reisiomfaroukg: have you changed anything?19:07
deper29resio: I am having trouble installing 11.10. I am on windows 7. when i boot from usb or dvd I get the options to try, install or check disc19:07
dikideraI am getting a compilation error saying iostream.h19:07
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:07
dikiderathis has never happened before19:07
deper29when I select any of them, my screen goes black19:07
reisiodeper29: try using the alternate install image, then19:07
dikideraiostream.h is missing19:07
WrkWatchrHI everyone...I have a problem with my Dell 2950 server. I allowed the system to install the normal package updates now I cannot get a network connection (Lucid 10.04 LTS)19:07
deper29reisio: alternate install image? Sorry, i'm new to some of this stuff19:08
reisiodeper29: what's your processor?19:08
ActionParsnipmfaroukg: if you backup the hidden folders in $HOME you should be able to restore them after the install. Some configs may cause issues19:09
deper29reisio: intel i5 2500K19:09
reisiodeper29: ah19:09
reisiodeper29: http://ftp.ucsb.edu/pub/mirrors/linux/ubuntu/11.10/ubuntu-11.10-alternate-amd64.iso http://ftp.ucsb.edu/pub/mirrors/linux/ubuntu/11.10/MD5SUMS19:09
mfaroukghalomom, I have changed many things because I use my laptop in many places in the two offices, and home and are coffee shop, I need the get them all working as they were19:09
reisiodeper29: uses less complex graphics, should have a higher chance of working19:09
ActionParsnipdeper29: what GPU do you use?19:09
skomorokhEFI partitioning help? I've got Win7 installed w/EFI and am setting up 11.10 with LUKS. Do I need to create an EFIboot partition or will it use the one from Windows somehow? I'm not clear if it replaces /boot or it's just for the bootloader---if I do need a second one, does that mean I don19:09
skomorokht need /boot?19:09
deper29reisio: video card is GeForce GTX 550 Ti if that matters?19:09
ActionParsnipdeper29: yes it does19:10
lordjjso the alternate install actually has graphics? Not just a command line?19:10
mfaroukgActionParsnip, how about the new packages I installed ? shall I select them one by one ?19:10
reisiobut does it matter in a way that he as a newbie can do anything about, short of using the alternate image? :p19:10
IsmAvatarI have an ATI radeon x1300, but glxgears is running at 55 fps. I think the driver's not installed right. Can someone help me get it installed right?19:10
ActionParsnipdeper29: add the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=119:10
xangualordjj: is a text installer19:10
reisioIsmAvatar: glxinfo | grep rendering19:11
deper29ActionParsnip: How do I do that?19:11
ActionParsnipmfaroukg: those are oneiric packages so aren't to be used in Natty. What is your issue in oneiric?19:11
reisiolordjj: it's framebuffer, like the beginnings of a Windows install19:11
IsmAvatarreisio: direct rendering: Yes19:11
reisiolordjj: y'know, big blocky color blocks19:11
ActionParsnip!bootoption | deper2919:12
ubottudeper29: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.19:12
h00kif I were to file a bug against the 'process' of using the user-switcher in the upper right corner, would I file it against one of the indicators?19:12
mfaroukgActionParsnip, I have many problems in the network connections in all the VPN, PROXY and the wireless ? what is going on with ubuntu 11.10??? and there are many missing packages in ubuntu 11.10 ??? and the flash blugins are missing19:12
reisioh00k: go ahead and file the bug, the wranglers will sort it out19:12
lordjjIs it easy to repartition on those, or does it require bash?19:12
reisiolordjj: it's pretty easy19:12
reisiolordjj: and superior in some respects19:13
deper29thanks guys :)19:13
ActionParsnipmfaroukg: works great here. Try installing kde, see if its a gnome thing. Worth a look considering you are about to format19:13
olabviiso whats up?19:13
reisioel nada19:13
reisioand with you?19:13
olabviitrying to get virtual box working with backtrack 519:13
mfaroukgActionParsnip, can you do more proxy profiles ?19:14
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=== Um_cara_qualque is now known as Um_cara_qualquer
reisioolabvii: shouldn't have said that :p19:14
ActionParsnipdeper29: some nvidia gpus don't like the nouveau driver. The option19:14
olabviiwhy ?19:14
ActionParsnipdeper29: makes it19:14
glebihan!backtrack | olabvii19:14
ubottuolabvii: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition19:14
ActionParsnipDamn this bus19:14
reisioActionParsnip: is it very yellow?19:15
IsmAvatarreisio: it said "direct rendering: Yes", and that's it.  What's that tell us?19:15
ActionParsnipolabvii: only canonical official release are supported here19:15
mfaroukgActionParsnip, gnome proxy is dropped and I can't install it, also readpst is also dropped, these are examples19:15
ActionParsnipreisio: its gonna be a fireball soon. Get my bazooka19:16
WrkWatchrhas anyone else experienced network problems after routine pkg updates?19:16
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ActionParsnipmfaroukg: kde doesnt use gnome so may work19:16
mfaroukgActionParsnip, I wish19:17
reisioIsmAvatar: that it's using your card19:17
brontosaurusrexWrkWatchr, someone reported that 3 lucid servers got problems, i dont recall details (today)19:17
WrkWatchrI lost 4 at once...no clue how to fix19:17
IsmAvatarreisio: ok. I kinda assumed so, because otherwise, the display probably wouldn't turn on. So why's glxgears running at 55 fps? I've seen chipsets do better than that..19:18
japrohmm, i have installed a windows on the second HD19:19
japrothe first one is a SSD19:19
ActionParsnipmfaroukg: i jumped to lxde and kde long ago. Not had an issue. Sidesteps the gnome debarkle19:19
japrothe ubuntu installer now says " not detected operating systems"19:19
agentgasmaskHi all. I'm trying to install sun-java, does anyone know what the current package is called? google comes up with sun-java-6-jre  but apt-get says it isn't available.19:20
japroso i don't really dare to just have ubuntu auto install and possibly damage the windows install19:21
ActionParsnipagentgasmask: its not packaged19:21
lordjjlook in synaptic19:21
japrowhat partitions do i have to create manually?19:21
xanguaagentgasmask: openjdk should be enought, really want oracle/sun java¿¿19:21
ActionParsnipagentgasmask: oracle changed the licensing and don't want their java product packaged19:21
japroi suppose i need a /boot and / on the ssd and /usr on the hd?19:21
lordjjwhat's sun-jav6-jre then?19:22
glebihanlordjj, an old package that isn't in the repos anymore19:22
ActionParsnipjapro: /usr is fine on ssd. Keep /var /tmp and swap on the platter based drive.19:23
agentgasmaskOk, Thanks all.19:23
Mike9863Certain applications are using different theme settings for some reason. Here is an example: http://i.imgur.com/DMbSl.png In the first image, the file menu and menu bar look different from the second image. Is there anyway I can make them consistent?19:23
japroActionParsnip, any advice on how big i should make stuff?19:24
ActionParsnipJapro: also put your browser cache on in tempfs19:24
JetBoyJetGirlwould anyone happen to know if there is a way in Ubuntu 10.10 to set all wireless networks to not auto-connect without having to click on each network & uncheck the auto-connect box19:24
glebihanMike9863, if an application overrides theme settings, there's nothing you can do (unless you want to go into the application's code)19:25
Urchinwhat's the replacement for fsview in Ubuntu 10.04?19:25
japro40gb root and 80gb /usr on ssd and the rest on the HD19:25
japrodoes that sound reasonable?19:25
WrkWatchrThanks Bronto...Guess I will keep looking19:25
xanguaMike9863: pidgin still ises gtk219:25
danubwhat is the program that converts dos files to unix files?19:25
Picidanub: tofrodos19:26
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danubi thought it was dos2unix, but that isn't available/installed19:26
wonderworldhi, i wanto to customize some nautilus settings as in older versions with the -gtkrc-2.0 file. nautilus3 doesn't seem to honor my changes. where would i do such changes in current ubuntu?19:26
danubthats that it was, thank you Pici19:26
ActionParsnipJapro: 10gb /, 1xRam for swap (assuming more than 2gb Ram). Rest for /home. I'd personally put /home on the platter too19:26
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RiXtEr-homedmb, you there.19:26
japroActionParsnip, thnkx19:26
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ActionParsnipjapro: depending on use. A normal desktop user will be fine with that :)19:27
obertwell.i try once again: how to change the launcher toolbar from to be hidden on the left of screen to be positioned fixed at bottom of it,please?19:27
japro16 hmm, do i want swap on the SSD or the HD? I have 16gb ram, so i assume there won't be a whole lot of swapping going on anyway and SSD space is precious?19:28
sskniranjanobert: via combiz19:28
RiXtEr-homedmb, downgrading my kernel fixed my opengl coppyness.19:28
BangBusRUsIs there a way to set the top bar at the bottom of my screen? 11.1019:28
ActionParsnipObert: unity launcher bar isn't movable presently19:28
Mike9863xangua: I was using GNOME Shell before I switched back to Compiz, and in GNOME Shell Pidgin did not have this issue.19:28
IsmAvatarI have an ATI radeon x1300, but glxgears is running at 55 fps. I think the driver's not installed right. Can someone help me get it installed right?19:28
ActionParsnipjapro: probably wont need swap unless you want hibernate19:29
obertsskniranjan: no combiz here. ActionParsnip: no idea19:29
ModusPwnensCan someone tell me if there is a risk for race-conditions when running scripts in /etc/rc0.d? What I mean to say is, does ubuntu make sure all those scripts finish before initiating shutdown?19:29
japroso i guess i can put it on the Hd then19:29
ProphetI need help trying to install Linux onto a laptop. When ever I put the disk in and linux loads up the lighting on the laptop turns off and prevents me from being able to see anything without using a flashlight on the screen. Is there a way to fix this?19:29
sskniranjanobert:actually the launcher can't be moved as it was the case with the dock in the windows19:29
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RiXtEr-homeIsmAvatar, i was having a similar issue with nvidia, downgraded the kernel to 2.6.38-12-generic and my fps got a whole bunch better.19:30
danubany reason why i shouldn't upgrade? im on 10.10 currently. using a netbook.19:30
obertsskniranjan: get it fixed at least?19:30
danubwill i be forced to use unity or can i still have kde/gnome/flux?19:30
ModusPwnensdanub: didn't they remove gnome in the latest ubuntu?19:30
RiXtEr-homeIsmAvatar, I wouldn't recomend doing that though.19:30
sskniranjani couldn't undersyand ur statement19:30
Um_cara_qualquerbonjour folks... does anybody here uses "conky"?19:30
icerootdanub: never touch a running system19:30
RiXtEr-homerixter@therix:~$ glxgears19:30
RiXtEr-home18930 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3785.980 FPS19:30
IsmAvatarRiXtEr-home: I think that's overkill. All I need to do is install the driver, but I haven't found anywhere that shows how to do it19:31
icerootModusPwnens: gnome2 was replaced with gnome319:31
PiciIsmAvatar: There are no proprietary drivers for that card, you'll need to use the open source 'radeon' drivers.19:31
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zykotick9RiXtEr-home, 52380 frames in 5.0 seconds = 10475.956 FPS19:31
danublol this update is that screwed up iceroot?19:31
RiXtEr-homeIsmAvatar, the 3.0 kernel that 11.10 uses has issues (clearly) but you can search around for fglrx (iirc)19:31
icerootdanub: no but why change something if there is everything fine?19:32
sskniranjanobert u can install compiz from software centre to customise ur launcer19:32
PiciRiXtEr-home: fglrx does not support the x130019:32
sskniranjanlil bit19:32
danublatest and greatest i suppose19:32
obertsskniranjan: i'll try that way then. thanks for clarifications19:32
RiXtEr-homePici, ah... then radeon drivers.19:32
obertsskniranjan: this sounds a freakky setting anyway19:32
obert i dont like this default setting19:33
RiXtEr-homeI am getting better performance overall with the 2.6.x kernel here (IMO)19:33
japrohmm, ok i dont really get this, i now have partitions for / and /usr on the SSD and i want all the rest including /var and /tmp on the hd right? do i have to make extra partitions for those or can i just have som catchall partitions? and how do i set that up in the partitining tool19:33
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IsmAvatarHow do I install the open source radeon driver? I'm assuming it's not supposed to be running glxgears at 55 fps19:33
=== Guest62256 is now known as slashuer
zykotick9IsmAvatar, actually that "might" be matching your display refresh some how.  glxgears is a terrible benchmark - do you have working compiz or 3d games?19:34
IsmAvatarzykotick9: I was also benchmarking by fullscreen videos on youtube, which slowed to a crawl19:35
warlock_handlerhi guys.. If I want to run a cron job... from 9am - 4pm, on Monday to friday for every 10 mins in an hour ..... is this the correct way? =========> 10 9-16 * * 1-5 command-name # JOB_ID_119:35
zykotick9IsmAvatar, Flash doesn't use the graphics card - another poor test19:36
Um_cara_qualquerdoes anybody here uses "conky"?19:36
IsmAvatarnot to mention significant tearing and such19:36
zykotick9!anyone | Um_cara_qualquer19:36
ubottuUm_cara_qualquer: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:36
RiXtEr-homeIsmAvatar, you might give this a try.19:36
RiXtEr-homeIsmAvatar, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Oneiric_Installation_Guide#Installing_Catalyst_Manually_.28from_AMD.2FATI.27s_site.2919:36
brontosaurusrexUm_cara_qualquer, !ask19:37
japroshould i have separate partitions for /var and /tmp ?19:37
riffautaejapro: mount --bind will let you map one directory to another accross partitions, I dont know how to do that in the installer or from a gui19:37
IsmAvatarRiXtEr-home: trying that now19:37
japroriffautae, ok, so i can just create one big partition and then sort that out later19:37
RiXtEr-homeIsmAvatar, scroll up and read that big red box.19:38
riffautaejapro: yes though you'll prolly want to do it before yo urestart into the system19:38
riffautaejapro: copy everything over to the catcll partition from inside the live cd then put the bind in your fstab19:38
IsmAvatarRiXtEr-home: don't think that pertains to me. I didn't go to the Radeon website or anything. This is essentially a fresh install of Oneiric19:39
zykotick9japro, i don't have an SSD, but "personally" i'd but / on the SSD and SWAP and /home on your HD - a little easier.19:39
ModusPwnensdoes anyone know if init makes sure all the shutdown scripts complete before shutting down?19:39
warlock_handlerIf I want to run a cron job... from 9am - 4pm, on Monday to friday for every 10 mins in an hour ..... is this the correct way? =========> 10 9-16 * * 1-5 command-name # JOB_ID_119:39
RiXtEr-homeIsmAvatar, alright, just be aware that if your card won't run with the fglrx driver, you may end up with a cli system only19:39
riffautaejapro: yea it would prolly be easier the other way around / on the ssd and then take /home and /var out onto the hdd19:39
riffautaejapro: perhaps just make tmp a 'tmpfs' so its in ram19:40
riffautaejapro: also you might set noatime or relatime on the ssd partitions19:40
japroso do i need the distinction between / and /usr on the ssd?19:40
RiXtEr-homejapro, not if you do it the way riffautae suggests.19:40
Travis-42_after some period of time it seems like my notification area crashes and new app icons don't show up there. has anyone experienced this?19:41
zykotick9japro, that's up to you (and the different advice you've been given)19:41
riffautaejapro: prolly not, if you make / on the ssd that will catch /usr /lib and others19:41
slashuerjapro i would just do /   and  /home19:41
riffautaejapro: be aware if you want /usr on the ssd you might as well put /lib there too19:41
DrGamut2so stuff runs faster?19:41
RiXtEr-homei'd put /lib on there... nothing wrong with faster loading libraries19:41
slashuerjapro do you have a ssd and an hdd19:42
riffautaeDrGamut2: yes usr and lib are both important for the loading speed of programs19:42
japrojust that i get this right, if i put / on the ssd and /home on the hd, everything that isn't in home will end up on the SSD?19:42
japroslashuer, yes19:42
riffautaejapro: yes19:42
RiXtEr-homejapro, yep19:42
zykotick9japro, be sure to put SWAP on the HD!19:42
riffautaejapro: yes listen to zykotick9 about swap19:42
japrozykotick9, that i already did19:42
RiXtEr-homeindeed. :)19:42
RiXtEr-homelonger life of your ssd19:43
japroso i guess i'll put / on the ssd, /home and /var on the hd19:43
slashuerjapro if you want the solid state to last i would put /var /tmp and swap on the hdd19:43
japrowhat a reasonable sizes for var and tmp?19:43
IsmAvatarRiXtEr-home: if that happens, I'm doing a fresh install of oneiric and we'll be right back to where we started, minus a couple hours lost, so no biggy19:44
RiXtEr-hometmp normally doesn't require much hdd, var on the otherhand...19:44
zykotick9slashuer, i doubt there is a huge mount of write to /var and /tmp?  Why bother relocating those?19:44
RiXtEr-homeIsmAvatar, just letting you know you may end up with a hosed system ;)19:44
riffautaezykotick9: logs are in /var19:44
slashueryeah i guess19:44
zykotick9riffautae, good point!  sorry slashuer - you make a good point ;)19:45
RiXtEr-homezykotick9, yeah constant writing there.19:45
riffautaezykotick9: caches and such as well19:45
IsmAvataryou'd think I'd be used to it by now v_v19:45
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* RiXtEr-home is afk.19:45
saintbasilExcuse me, anyone good with SED?19:46
IsmAvatarRiXtEr-home: I got stuck. "sudo: aticonfig: command not found"19:46
riffautae /var is for long term runtime data, /tmp is for short term19:46
japro /var on my laptop is like 500mb19:46
zykotick9saintbasil_, i know the #bash people ususally are ;)19:46
slashuermy /var is 4gb19:46
brontosaurusrexvar can also hold /www, which can be huge, but i guess that wont happen19:46
riffautaejapro: you could just make /tmp a tmpfs, ubuntu clears /tmp every boot anyway19:46
saintbasil_zykotick9: ty19:47
riffautaejapro: that means it is not a disk partition but instead in ram19:47
japrowell, since it's on the hdd i guess i can make it like 20gb and not worry about it19:47
japro /var i mean19:47
riffautaejapro: haha that is a bit exessive let me check all the machines i have access to to see how much they use19:47
brontosaurusrexjapro, id go with about 2 gigs (blindly)19:48
slashuerwell you should not have much problems insept on updates becausse /var/apt/cache19:48
slashuerall the software on your computer downloads to here19:48
JetBoyJetGirlhow does one disable auto-connecting to wireless networks on ubuntu 10.10 without actually disabling wireless?19:48
riffautaebrontosaurusrex: right now on this machine i am using i have 1gb and on an ubuntu server there is 512mb19:49
riffautaebrontosaurusrex: used19:49
brontosaurusrexriffautae, so 2 gigs is reasonable i guess19:49
cablopriffautae: what is your question?19:50
riffautaejapro: yea so 2->4gb is prolly fine19:50
slashuerjetboyjetgirl  right click network and click on your connt¥ection type and then click edit and unselect auto connect19:50
riffautaecablop: ? i dont have one19:50
zykotick9japro, until you try to upgrade to the next release ;)19:50
cablopthen what is 2 gb enough19:50
riffautaecablop: well sorta, we are trying to figure out how big to make /var19:50
brontosaurusrexcablop, the question is how to partition a new install with ssd and normal hd disks19:51
cablopriffautae: it depends, var holds things like webpages if you use apache and tomcat servers and also databases,so for web development 2 gb is probably too few19:51
japroi use it for desktop stuff and non-web-development19:52
brontosaurusrexcablop, yes, but the www can be set somewhere else as well19:52
cablopdid anyone tested that btrfs?19:52
bdreweryanyone know a workaround for this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/80394319:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 803943 in unity "compiz consuming a lot of cpu" [High,Confirmed]19:52
riffautaecablop: however that can all be relocated19:52
cablopbrontosaurusrex: not that true, because security is managed by aparmor to move things like mysql databases is aPITA19:52
zykotick9bdrewery, don't use unity ;)19:52
riffautaecablop: especially if he has a catch all partition for data on the hdd19:52
japroright now i have / on ssd, /var on hdd and /home on hdd19:53
riffautaecablop: just make a www and db folder on his hd partition and tell them to use that19:53
cablopriffautae: or partition the thing using LVM19:53
cablopby the way19:54
brontosaurusrexcablop, your cms or whatever databases are over a gig ?19:54
riffautaejapro: another option for the hdd is make a partition and mount it to like /space then make a var and home subfolder19:54
riffautaejapro: then use a bind to map them to root19:54
riffautaejapro: then you have tons of space and dont have to worry19:54
japroi guess i'll try like this, nothing too fancy :D19:55
cablopnope, but if you are using the machine for webdevelopment you are going to need things like a subversion|git|bazaar repository, plus dev, test, user acceptance environments, and so on19:55
cablopand if you develop in thins like tomcat, you are going to reach the 1GB SO fast19:55
riffautaejapro: are you going to tmpfs /tmp ?19:55
riffautaejapro: you might be able to do that in the installer19:55
japroyep, but i'll first have to google how to do that19:55
brontosaurusrexcablop, he will not19:56
cablopanyone using btrfs?19:56
japroin the partitioning tool I don't see an option for tmpfs19:56
riffautaejapro: ok i wasnt sure19:56
slashuerany one here a software developer?19:56
riffautaeslashuer: i imagine there are a few around >.>19:56
twirmslashuer, I am19:57
japroslashuer, sort, of, depends on what kind of development19:57
slashueri am also a software developer19:57
RiXtEr-homeIsmAvatar, did  sudo dpkg -i fglrx*.deb complete?19:58
brontosaurusrexok, my /var/lib/mysql is holding 22megs of data (several wordpress. joomla and whatnot installs...)19:58
japronot sure if i'm allowed to already call myself that... i'm still studying and my "work" is mostly for academic hpc stuff19:58
slashuerright now i'm trying to get libclang to work with my program to parse19:58
slashuerC++ code19:58
brontosaurusrexnope, actually 37 megs19:58
twirmslashuer, Sorry, I don't know much about libclang19:59
riffautaeslashuer: prolly want to go to a dev #room20:00
cablopi am developer also, but... what specifically20:00
riffautaeslashuer: or #ubuntu-offtopic20:00
cablopslashuer: a channel of c++ but unsure if #c++ soes exist20:00
slashuersorry off topic20:00
go8765{off|away}hello. I have little question: if some online skanner scan my compyter for opened ports, that I close with iptables and show that this porst is open? what does this mean? p.s. I go in internet under provider NAT. Does this mean that open ports is in provider machine?20:01
systemclientis there some autostart directory for gnome/unity so that I can just throw some shell scripts in there?20:01
twirmcablop, it's a haskell lib he needs help with20:01
japroo...k... skype just went to 100% cpu for now apparent reason20:01
twirmslashuer, #haskell (if it exists)20:01
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slashuer948 files are open in /var20:02
RiXtEr-homehaskell exists.20:02
riffautaego8765: your router is the likely culpret20:02
RiXtEr-homeerr #haskell does.20:02
riffautaego8765: or even the modem20:02
japroseriously, wtf, skype brought my cpu temp to 75°C...20:02
japronot even linpack does that20:03
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cabloptwirm: sigh, pretty hardcore, haskell + c++20:03
go8765riffautae: what does mean "culpret" ?20:04
riffautaejapro: :o it crashed20:04
IsmAvatarRiXtEr-home: yes20:04
riffautaego8765: the thing that has the open port. its probably what is responsible for your issue20:04
riffautaego8765: also i spelled it wrong20:04
japroriffautae, so i guess if i ever overclock something i will cash skype on it to see if the cpu stays stable :D20:04
riffautaejapro: ha20:05
cablop256 MB too much for /boot?20:05
primerashi. i using ubuntu 11.10. how to changing unity to gnome classic "with console"?20:05
dariusHello, acn someone help me with wine?20:05
primerassorry my english isn't very well20:05
go8765riffautae: sorry... english not my native - can you simply explain - is this pors my or provider?20:06
dariusI want to run some windows programs but I don't know how to use WINE.20:06
riffautaecablop: no since most distros dont remove old kernel packages20:06
riffautaecablop: they will pile up20:06
brontosaurusrexgo8765, yours, provider should have all ports open (i think)20:06
cablopok, then 25620:06
japrodarius, you can pretty much just set the exec bit and doubleclick them20:06
cablopand manual clean up from time to time20:06
go8765brontosaurusrex: and what about NAT ?20:07
brontosaurusrexgo8765, it might be a router set to certain other machine in your network?20:07
go8765brontosaurusrex: I am under NAT20:07
cablopin your opinion what is best20:07
riffautaego8765: you probably have a device at your house that directs internet from your provider into your computers, that is what may have open ports20:07
dariusjapro, it attempts to open, it shows it trying to on the unity dock, then it just goes away and nothing happens. This with ALL .exe files.20:07
cablopext3 on top of LVM on top of dm-crypt20:08
brontosaurusrexgo8765, yes, then it might be some other machine returning xyz port request20:08
japrodarius, try running from the console "wine ./myprogram" or somilar20:08
cablopext3 on top of dm-crypt, and multiple partitions...20:08
japrothat should tell you more about the why's20:08
dwarderis there a way to prevent ubuntu from syncing with time server?20:09
dariusjapro, like say it's on the desktop I do. "wine /Desktop/minecraft.exe"?20:09
japrodarius, i guess so20:09
brontosaurusrexgo8765, ubuntu shouldnt have any ports open by default i think20:09
japroin the worst case it will tell you that it doesn't work :D20:09
BangBusRUsHey is there a way to move the bar on the top?20:09
go8765riffautae: now I use dial-up internet - about what devise you said ? :)20:09
dariusjapro, when I do that nothing happens, I get no output from terminal either.20:09
dansloBangBusRUs: nope, at least not without unity plugins20:09
brontosaurusrexBangBusRUs, the top is menu/info area20:10
BangBusRUsI want to move it down20:10
slashuerfor working with wine i would recamend Q4Wine20:10
riffautaego8765: oh i see, then if you have iptables or some firewall set up then it is likely your provider causing the ports to be open20:10
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dansloBangBusRUs: same thing. not possible without plugins20:10
japrodarius, i hope minecraft was only an example :D20:10
VSpikeAnyone got a clue why when I start byobu I get a brief message saying "Sorry, screen was compiled without -DDEBUG option"20:10
brontosaurusrexBangBusRUs, there was hack on google, let me find it20:10
japroyou can run that perfectly fine on linux without the windows version20:10
cablopdoes nowadays puting the swap in another hard disk really improve performance?20:11
riffautaedarius: yea you can run minecraft 'native' on linux20:11
dariusYes, I use the .jar for that. I'm trying to install Diablo II and world craft.20:11
llutzcablop: no20:11
brontosaurusrexBangBusRUs, http://askubuntu.com/questions/33605/can-i-move-the-unity-launcher20:11
dariuswarcraft i mean20:11
dariusAlthough minecraft does not work at all on this computer.20:11
riffautaecablop: i never do, the os doesnt usualy thrash since ram is so cheap20:11
azerthello there20:12
azerti just connect an usb pen on my pc20:12
azertfrom cli how to locate my pendrive ?20:12
riffautaeazert: ls /media   or try /mnt20:13
go8765riffautae: so its possible - when I scan ports in online servese - in results see ports of some_device/provider_machine what I use to go in internet ?20:13
dariusIt should show up on your unity dock if its mounted.20:13
azertthere is no file on my pendrive riffautae20:13
bekksazert: "df -h" should show it.20:13
slashuerok bye every one20:13
riffautaeazert: is it formatted/partitioned? if not you will have to do that20:13
azertit is formatted in fat3220:13
riffautaego8765: yes if your isp is a jerk that might happen20:13
wildbat!mount > azert , if df-h didn't show it you have to mount it.20:14
ubottuazert, please see my private message20:14
riffautaeazert: does the following line show anything (do NOT post the results!)? dmesg | grep "New USB"20:14
llutzazert: if it isn't automounted: "sudo fdisk -l" check what partition it is. then "sudo mount  -o uid=1000,umask=007 /dev/sdXY /mnt"20:15
dariusDoes anyone here know anything about Minecraft? It will not connect to minecraft.net to let me sign in20:15
riffautaedarius: sometimes minecraft.net goes down, if you can access other sites try again later20:15
riffautaedarius: the login server on minecraft that is20:16
ubuntun00bcan someone tell me how to change my machine's domain name? Currently it is jon@studio-xps-1640, and I would like it to be something a little easier to type20:16
zykotick9!hostname | ubuntun00b20:16
ubottuubuntun00b: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.20:16
bekksubuntun00b: Thats your host name, not your domain name.20:16
dariusIt works fine on all of my other computers, it's just this one that won't connect and it's always been lke this since day one20:16
go8765riffautae: I (and google translate) dont understand what does mean "jerk" :) can you explain plese?20:16
ubuntun00bok thanks peoplez20:16
reisioIsmAvatar: you seen _that_ chip do better?20:17
riffautaego8765: haha it was a joke, I just meant that they were mean to do that20:17
azertok thanks all20:18
matyyHey, flash sometimes, I cannot reproduce it, freezes my computer. I can’t find anything on google, because there are thousands of crashes with flash. The screen flickers a few time, than everything is frozen – music continues tough. I can’t even use CTRL+ALT+F1 to change to a terminal... any ideas? Ideas what I could search for?20:18
riffautaedarius: that is odd20:18
riffautaedarius: can you ping minecraft.net?20:18
brontosaurusrexubuntun00b, or/and make an alias20:18
dariusyes i can20:18
go8765riffautae: so... its to hard for me anyway undertand - is this my ports was open or not...20:19
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riffautaego8765: yes that is why20:19
cablopi need to encrypt the disk, for performance issues i am not sure if go for just one encrypted partition, then LVM on top, then filesystems on top or to go for multiple encrypted partitions with filesystems on top of that... the reason is one year ago, dm-crypt just spawned one thread per block device no matter what creating a bottleneck... any idea, suggestion or knowledge?20:19
riffautaecablop: i'd prolly do one encry partition with lvm but i have not benchmarked it20:20
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riffautaecablop: its what i have on my laptop20:20
cablopand how is performance?20:20
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brontosaurusrexriffautae, why do you need lvm on laptop ? (just courious)20:21
cablopi had that on a netbook, i had to use many partitions... to spawn a process per block device, vitual machines and swap were making of it a real bottleneck20:21
riffautaecablop: i didnt notice any drops but i didnt get to play with it much. compiles and such never had an issue20:21
dariusI'm trying to install the .exe with Q4WINE and it says wow.exe finished for prefix:"Default". Exit code is:"0"20:22
riffautaebrontosaurusrex: i didnt really see a better way to put multiple partitions on a dm-crypt block device20:22
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go8765riffautae: sorry... that is why - what? I cant translate it correct... what you mean? is this ports my or provider ? how I can understand this?20:22
riffautaedarius: which java are you ising20:22
riffautaego8765: I think it is your provider20:22
dariusFor the Q4Wine or Minecraft?20:23
riffautaedarius: as in, sun/orical or the openjdk20:23
dariusI have both versions though.20:23
riffautaedarius: hm dunno then20:23
riffautaedarius: well double check that it is executing with the sun one, the openjdk one isnt really supported and sometimes acts weird20:24
HapzErr http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/main Packages20:24
Hapz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]20:24
Hapzwhat do i do about this20:24
Hapz(new to ubuntu)20:24
riffautaedarius: i tried running a server with it but switched to the sun one and it was fine20:24
FloodBot1Hapz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:24
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riffautaeHapz: can you reach google and such?20:24
go8765riffautae: thanks! спасибо :)20:25
riffautaego8765: your welcome20:26
Hapzriffautae also 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=109 ms20:26
riffautaeHapz: 404 means their web server isnt giving you the page actually, something is wrong with that mirror20:27
brontosaurusrexprobably jaunty is not supported anymore20:27
Hapzriffautae how do i turn to another mirror20:27
friskdHey all, i just installed Ubuntu on a rackspace cloud server. I install ubunut-desktop and gdm20:28
friskdBut i can't access the internet from the server.20:29
friskdalso i can't do pings when i ssh into it..20:29
friskdThese are my iptable configuations: http://fpaste.org/TUNJ/20:30
cablopany known issue of using a symlink to set the /home in another place like/home->/other_partition/home ???20:30
friskdWhy might i not be able to connect to the internet20:30
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lauratikahow to change themes in ubuntu 11.10 seems i cant change from gnome to anything else... help!20:30
arashAt occasions all windows disappear, so I see my wallpaper. ~5 seconds later the windows all reappear, but they get totally rearranged across different workspaces!! Which logs could give me a clue? This happened even before with 11.04, Now I run 11.10.20:31
Hapzriffautae any idea then?20:31
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rhizmoehow can i run gedit2 on oneiric?20:32
dikideraI like the control panel20:32
dikiderabut how can i find the old System drop down menu?20:32
rhizmoecablop: no. historically it's been common to symlink /home -> /usr/home/20:32
dikideraso i can like launch system monitor20:32
riffautaeHapz: you should update to a newer linux, that one does not get security fixes anymore.20:32
riffautaeHapz: in the mean time...20:32
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riffautaeHapz: replace archive.ubuntu.com with old-releases.ubuntu.com in your /etc/apt/sources.list20:33
go8765dikidera: try top or htop20:33
llutzcablop: better to use bind-mounts or just mount /home from different partition20:33
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icerooti want to add a dependency to "lubuntu-meta" but i dont get the logic from that package, inside debian/control there is just Depends: ${germinate:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}20:33
Hapzriffautae can you tell me the whole line/content of that file should be?20:33
trismlauratika: install gnome-tweak-tool to change the themes20:33
riffautaecablop: other then you cant use symnlinks across partitions, i dont think so20:33
cablopllutz: how does bind-mounts work?20:33
go8765dikidera: or try cardapio. if I right understood you20:34
riffautaeHapz: sorry you have to replace ALL instances of the first string with the second one in the file yourself. its not just one line20:34
llutzcablop: mount -o bind /existing/derectory /newmountpoint20:34
cablopriffautae: yes they work, but they are just softlinks, if the target dissapears you end with a wrong symlink20:34
riffautaeHapz: you could use gedit and search replaces if you dont know vim20:34
lauratikaalso why i cant see cryptkeeper icon in unity??20:34
Hapzi know vim. i messed with that file trying to fix this already20:34
riffautaecablop: oh i see20:35
dikiderawhat is cardapio?20:35
trismiceroot: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement20:35
cablopllutz: then... mount -o bind /other_partition/home /home , right?20:35
go8765dikidera: try to googl it :)20:35
teageHi, How do I get my desktop file system icons back? like when I plug a usb in the icon used to show on my desktop. im using Lucid. thanks20:35
riffautaeHapz try this including the ':' while in command mode->   :%s/archive.ubuntu.com/old-releases.ubuntu.com/g20:35
Hapzriffautae ... i know vim. i messed with that file trying to fix this already20:36
go8765dikidera: and higlight - if you asked something :)20:36
llutzcablop: yes, but as i said, just mount complete /home from that other partition without bind20:36
Hapzand i replaced its content.20:36
lauratikatrism: but im using uinity20:36
riffautaeHapz: if you did that, then run apt-get update and it should pull down the new repo info20:36
trismlauratika: yes, but unity uses the same gsettings keys for the themes20:36
go8765dikidera: https://launchpad.net/cardapio20:37
cablopllutz, this is the question, how to not to waste the space on the /home partition20:37
asslowashellhow do i install a package that is available for "lucid" but not in "hardy" -- I'm using hardy20:37
trismlauratika: you can also use dconf-editor, but it is a bit of work to track down all the keys20:37
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lauratikatrism: know why but i cant change icons20:37
dikideraTo be honest20:37
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Mike9863Back in GNOME 2, certain aspects of themes could be changed such as the color with the Theme Manager. How can I go about doing this in GNOME 3?20:37
Hapzriffautae should i re-set it to after i apt-get update?20:37
dikidera11.10 is much more ram consuming and slow in general than 11.0420:37
lauratikagnome still on no matter which icon set i use gnome still there and it's quite horrible20:38
bekksMike9863: Ask the gnome3 devs - the didnt implemented it.20:38
portwolfhi guys!20:38
portwolfI am trying to setup my IPOD Nano 5th generation (8GB)20:38
Mike9863bekks: I asked #gnome, but i haven't gotten a response.20:38
portwolfI am using banshee to sync my msic, but that somhow doesnt wokr20:38
go8765dikidera: try openbox :)20:38
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dikiderai'd prefer something as lite as openbox20:39
llutzcablop: you mean, you want to use that partition for more than just /home? in that case bind-mount would be a handy way20:39
bekksMike9863: That doesnt change what I said ;)20:39
dikiderabrain fart20:39
dikiderai meant xfce20:39
portwolfit shows, that the music is being synced, but the sync process never ends, so I just disconnect it (after hit "disconnect" in banshee)20:39
trismlauratika: the icon theme key is org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme (gsettings get/set can change it as well)20:39
portwolfbut the music isnt being synced, ipod shows: no music20:39
edericohello, I'm running 11.10 using Unity and I have a problem. Basically, apps aren't appearing in the dash, this doesn't always happen but I notice it has happened repeatedly. Is this a known problem and/or is there a solution?20:39
portwolfI am using ubuntu 11.04 here20:40
cablopllutz: yep, i want to archive files and hold some shared projects, but i know things like evolution or thunderbird will fill the /home just with the email copies, just to name one thing20:40
cablopllutz: can i use that bind in the fstab?20:40
emmosswhat is the best way to install ubuntu 11* without a CD, USB or floppy?20:40
cablopemmoss: usb20:40
ubuntuhello to everyone20:40
llutzcablop: you can "/sourcedir /target none    bind    0 0"20:41
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lauratikatrsim: is this via terminal??20:41
emmosscablop you didn't even read my question now did you?20:41
dikideraim installing programs20:41
trismlauratika: yes20:41
dikiderawhich i cant find20:41
mjk5hello to everyone i need some help with my wifi on ubuntu 11.1020:41
lauratikacommand not found20:41
go8765dikidera: so use xface or lxde :) this is not a problem :) nobody force you to use kde or unity or gnome3 :)20:41
riffautaeHapz: you mean to the old values? no you should update to a more recent ubuntu sorry.Your distro is no longer supported so you are not getting anymore software updates20:42
* AKQJ10 deseja um excelente feriado.20:42
trismlauratika: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme ubuntu-mono-dark;20:42
dikideraRight, but i've switched the topic long ago ;)20:42
cablopemmoss: lol i gave another meaning o that comma there, re-read it and it makes sense, you said with no CD, then between USB or floppy what is the best xD20:42
dikideraHow do i find the system monitor?20:42
llutzemmoss: do you already have a running linux on that machine? yes, use debootstrap20:42
berasaanyone have an idea why changes to my filesystem might be getting rolled back after a reboot?20:42
vulneroxIs there a certain type of linux that WINE works better in?20:42
cablopemmoss: well, then can you put the disk in another computer?20:42
vulneroxlike distro I mean20:42
lauratikatrism: done, but icons wont change20:42
bekksberasa: Because you are not using a "real" computer but a virtual machine?20:42
riffautaevulnerox: 32bit distros might work better but other then that any major one should be fine20:43
lauratikado i have to restart20:43
go8765dikidera: try to print in terminal gnome-system-monitor20:43
berasabekks: I am using a real computer.20:43
cablopif you can, then create a first partition, make it /boot place the iso on it, then adjust the gruo to launch the iso and voilá20:43
cablopemmoss:  if you can, then create a first partition, make it /boot place the iso on it, then adjust the gruo to launch the iso and voilá20:43
go8765dikidera: or try top or htop20:43
trismlauratika: is this unity-3d or 2d?20:43
vulneroxriffautae: is it neccessary to put an anti-virus on wine20:43
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vulneroxso that a virus does not attach your WINE20:43
cablopthanks llutz20:44
trismlauratika: I will go take a look, (you may just need to restart the session)20:44
riffautaevulnerox: no, most virii cant really do anything to wine20:44
dikiderago8765:ok that works20:44
dikiderabut how do i make a shortcut of some sorts on the desktop?20:44
lauratikait is odd that icon wont change20:44
mjk5can someone help with wifi card keep disconnecting?20:44
lauratikalet me restart be back in a minute20:44
cablopah, llutz, how does permissions work in that kind of mount? depending on the /sourcedir partition one, right?20:44
vulneroxI rememebr I once had wine20:44
vulneroxI installed a windows program and it suddenly stopped working'20:45
vulneroxall programs stopped working20:45
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Jillydoes anyone know why muon doesn't ask for my root password? It just complains that it can't update.20:45
japrocan i have grub automatically detect other oses on other HDs?20:45
graingertemmoss: netboot20:45
hilarieBleh, just bought a seagate goflex desk 2tb external HD, and it doesn't want to mount for me... any ideas? can't find any first step troubleshooting to do20:45
bekksjapro: Grub does that by default.20:46
go8765dikidera: sorry, but I dont know - I use openbox now :)20:46
japroi have windows on the HD and ubuntu on the SSD and it didn't find the windows20:46
riffautaeJilly: I dont know what muon is but most software cant 'upgrade' themselves to have root access20:46
riffautaeJilly: even with the password20:46
japrobekks, apparently not, it at least didn't do it for me20:46
sasorihi, how to install ubuntu from a flash drive?...i have an ubuntu 64 bit in my flashdrive, when i booted my machine from usb, it did booted ubuntu..after that, i don't know what to do next in order to fully install ubuntu without using usb flashdrive again20:46
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cablopjapro: two options, if you can boot windows from the bios then do that, but in the other hand try sudo update-grub to see if it detects your windows disk20:46
llutzcablop you can change some things like ro/rw etc.20:46
hilariesasori click install ubuntu on your desktop20:46
lelamal_Jilly: you'd be better off asking in #kubuntu20:47
go8765dikidera: may be in /usr/share/applications - you can find shourtcut and copy it where you want....20:47
graingertemmoss: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet20:47
cablopllutz ah, thanks20:47
sasorihilarie: is that an option from the usb booted ubuntu ?20:47
sasoriok...lemme try :)20:47
graingertsasori: there should be an icon on the desktop20:47
hilarieInstall, its on your usb booted ubuntu desktop20:47
graingertsaying install ubuntu20:47
graingertor similar20:47
sasoriok, rebooting now20:48
graingert(might be worth making that icon a mite biger)20:48
graingertsasori: ?20:48
graingertsasori: are you on the live system now?20:48
hilarieYeah, doesn't 11.10 get rid of that icon?20:48
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graingerthilarie: nope afaik20:48
sasoriyes im on a live system20:48
graingertsasori: you don't need to reboot20:48
sasoriit's an 11.04 distro...20:49
graingertsasori: oh I see lol20:49
graingertsasori: okay, do you have anything else on the pc's disk?20:49
graingertany other OS?20:49
hilarieanyone? if the drive doesn't mount out of the box, return and try another brand?20:49
graingertyou've backed up all your files/folder/wallet.dat's20:49
go8765dikidera: you find shortcut here ?20:49
graingerthilarie: depends is it an external drive20:50
sasorii have the iso file from the win7 os, before i placed it inside a flash drive20:50
Jillylelamal_, thanks...I'll try in kubuntu20:50
genii-aroundhilarie: If the drive is fresh out of a box, it likely has no filesystem to mount as of yet.20:50
seidellhey how do i login20:50
graingertor is it a mass storage20:50
hilariegraingert: yes20:50
sasoriok, it not booted to ubuntu again20:50
sasoriwhere will i see that desktop option?20:50
hilariegenii-around even for an external?20:50
sasoriok i saw it :D20:50
vulneroxis there ubuntu 64 bot?20:50
bekksvulnerox: Yes.20:50
graingerthilarie: okay does it show up in gparted20:50
hilarieno :(20:50
graingertsasori: awesome20:50
riffautaesasori: after you installed did you remove the usb drive before rebooting? if you dont it will boot the usb drive instead20:50
riffautaesasori: or did i misread?20:51
graingertwhen it says "continue testing" that's a reference to portal220:51
emmossthe ubuntu 11 sys req says I need 15GB, is the OS 15GB or is it just an recommendatation cause I have 16GB20:51
sasoricurrently installing..i just clicked the install ubuntu20:51
sasori..but wait..will this automatically dual boot? or will it wipe out my win7 os ?20:51
riffautaesasori: it will ask what you want to do20:51
sasorikewl :D20:52
graingertemmoss: try a light version20:52
w30hilarie, I have a 1 tb goflex usb drive; no problems here except you have to install some stuff for mac and windows off the drive.20:52
riffautaeemmoss: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems20:52
graingertemmoss: maybe lubuntu20:52
LeaoThese documents are not written for naabz. How can i change from FGLRX to Open source drivers ?20:52
graingert16GB is high memory20:52
hilariew30  did it just mount for you?20:52
emmossI have lots of space just one free partition with 16GB20:52
japrocablop, argh, there is something wrong anyway. it automatically boots to windows and i can't seem to change the boot order20:52
riffautaegraingert: i think he means hard drive space20:52
graingertI know20:53
w30hilarie, Linux gives me no static, no troubles20:53
riffautaegraingert: kk20:53
graingertbut you linked to LowMem~120:53
cablopjapro: mmm weird, different disks or just one physical disk?20:53
riffautaegraingert: it talks about low hdd space as well20:53
graingertemmoss: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu20:53
w30hilarie, yes20:53
japrodifferent disks20:53
meowsusI have an external USB hard drive i use purely for RSYNC backups. I'm setting it up in /etc/fstab to not automatically mount, yada yada, but I'm curious if i should set SYNC or ASYNC on the device.20:53
japroaccording the the installers the one that ubuntu sits on is "HD0"20:53
japroor similar20:53
bekksmeowsus: sync is much slower.20:53
cablopi think ext4 is not as reliable as ext320:53
cablopwhat do you think?20:54
hilariew30 its not even showing up in gparted, is there some specific drivers to download?20:54
NvrBstHello.  Question if I may.  If I start a screen, and start a x11 program, exit the screen, and re-enter the screen.  Is there a way to attach to the x11 program that is still running?20:54
bekkscablop: Any proof for that?20:54
japroand the asus bios shows me these uefi things one is called ubuntu the other windows boot manager, but putting the "ubuntu" one first will still boot windows20:54
meowsusbekks, and because this is a permanently connected drive it shouldn't matter that i use ASYNC since i'm not going to be unplugging it right after an RSYNC command20:54
meowsus... i assume20:54
riffautaemeowsus: sync will reduce the chances of disconnect while mounted corrupting20:54
cablopthey said that because they write in some asynchronous way then it could lead to data corruption because it said to the system, that data was written but i wasn't20:54
riffautaemeowsus: if you are not going to disconnect it use async it will be faster20:54
sasorihey, the screen says, allocate drive space by dragging the divider below.."files(82.0GB) 165.3GB" .. "Ubuntu 86.2 GB" ..does that mean 86.2GB , what does 86.2GB mean ?20:55
bekkscablop: Who are "they"?20:55
riffautaemeowsus: that means the OS has more time to sort commands before writing20:55
cablopbekks: users, testers, dunno, i remembered that was the big issue when it was launched20:55
meowsusriffautae, bekks, awesome thank you guys20:55
bekkscablop: Which is ages ago now.20:55
cablopbekks: anyway, any improvement by using it instead of ext3?20:55
bekkscablop: Yes. Much more performance.20:55
tunisian_loverbonsoir à tous20:56
sasorihey, the screen says, allocate drive space by dragging the divider below.."files(82.0GB) 165.3GB" .. "Ubuntu 86.2 GB" ..does that mean 86.2GB , what does 86.2GB mean ?20:56
cablopbekks: even on top of lvm on top of dm-crypt?20:57
sasoriis 86.2GB the whole size of ubuntu ?20:57
bdreweryNvrBst: no20:57
riffautaesasori: you will get fussed at if you repeat yourself. I wont be able to tell you without a screen shot20:57
japrocablop, in the bios there is a "boot override" option that allows me to boot into ubuntu but i can't put that drive into the boot ordre -.-20:57
bekkscablop: I never messed with dmcrypt, since I am not paranoid enough ;)20:57
sasoririffautae: 1 sec..uploading a screenshot now20:57
cablopbekks: lol xD20:57
tunisian_loverwhere c i can found a french chat for ubunto ?20:57
bekkstunisian_lover: #ubuntu-fr20:58
occupantSo I'm in a three monitor setup and I can't seem to specify the position of the launcher. Everything I read says that it's supposed to follow whatever the primary display is, but mine is staying on the leftmost display (whatever display I configure to be left) instead of the primary. anyone know if I can override this somehow?20:58
NvrBstbdrewery: okay thanks20:58
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gigastress_hello guys20:58
friskdHey all i just installed ubuntu desktop and gdb on a rackspace cloud server and am now trying to run Firefox, and it can't connect to the internet.20:58
friskdWhy might that be20:58
gigastress_is there anyone who can help me with lvm and lucid20:59
riffautaeoccupant: are you on gnome2 or unity20:59
riffautaefriskd: does it have a static ip? if so you need to set the default gatewayu20:59
sasoririffautae: here it is http://i.imgur.com/26nOt.png what to do next ?20:59
occupantriffautae: unity20:59
friskdriffautae:  yes it has a static ip.20:59
riffautaesasori: the thing on the right is how much space for ubuntu, the thing on the left is how mouch it leaves for windows21:00
friskdriffautae:  i can't ping from the server either...21:00
friskdor wget21:00
riffautaesasori: ubuntu will make all its partitions in that 86.2gb space area21:00
riffautaefriskd: can you ping things on the same subnet?21:00
riffautaethe gateway will let you out of the subnet21:00
sasorihow to alter the space ? because, when I clicked the "advancedpartitioning tool" link at the bottom, nothing is happening21:00
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gigastress_is there anyone who can help me with lvm and lucid21:01
friskdriffautae:  not sure what to test pinging .21:01
riffautaesasori: if you drag the line between the two areas it will let you adjust it21:01
gigastress_cant login on full disk encryption21:01
friskdriffautae:  its just a rackspace cloud server.21:01
sasoririffautae: lol..awesome :D21:01
riffautaefriskd: you might send them an email and ask what network settings to use so that you server can access the internet. other wise you have to guess what the gateway IP is21:01
sasoririffautae: what's the usual size of an ubuntu distro ?21:02
occupantriffautae: thinking I should try something other than unity?21:02
gigastress_is there anyone who can help me with lvm and lucid, > cant login on full disk encryption21:02
vilinyi just installed amd64 version of the ubuntu server software, i installed ubuntu-desktop and startx:ed myself to a desktop. Now im having trouble with mounting a internal 2TB HD thats on this machine, it tells me:  Unable to mount 2.0 TB Filesystem Not authorized21:02
NvrBstAnother Question: Is there a method/program to let a x11 app run, but, also be able to exit SSH?  VNC best/only option?21:02
MonkeyDustoccupant: or a differnet ubuntu fork21:03
vilinyany ideas?21:03
riffautaesasori: you can go as small as 20 prolly but that wont leave much for your own files21:03
sasoriok cool...thanks riffautae  :)21:03
bekksviliny: Then try mounting it manually.21:03
IRseeviliny: by what method are you mounting the device?21:03
riffautaesasori: you could figure ou what the minimum you need for windows fiels in the future will be and give the rest to ubuntu if you reallyt like linux :)21:03
sasorii gave it 80GB :D21:03
riffautaesasori: nice21:04
vilinyIRsee, not in any particular manner, trying to access it on what i believe is nautilus on this abomination that is unity21:04
gigastress_is there anyone who can help me with lvm and lucid, > cant login on full disk encryption21:05
friskdriffautae: could it be something more simple.  I can't even do pings or wget and that stuff normally just works after a basic rackspace install.21:05
friskdcould installing ubuntu desktop and gdb have caused something to stop this.21:05
IRseegigastress: Do you know the password to unlock the disk?21:05
riffautaefriskd: run ifconfig and see if eth# has an ip21:05
gigastress_riffautee> yez I have I even see the pw prompt after mz upgrade to lucid, but i wont accept21:06
friskdriffautae:  it does21:06
vilinyalso, why is the user accounts utility completely useless with everything greyed out here in unity?21:06
friskdand i can ping the server from the outside.21:06
friskdriffautae:  both eth0 and eth1 have ipts.21:06
friskd! ip's.21:07
bekksfriskd: "ips".21:07
spacebug-in oneiric when trying to use a keyboard sortcut to run "soffice mydocument.ods" it sometimes (like 50%) of the times does not appear in the dock and there for is not in my alt+tab list. This worked perfectly in natty. (the program always launched though with my file as expected).21:07
riffautaefriskd: run 'route' there should be an entry with as the gen mask21:07
friskdriffautae:  there is21:08
riffautaefriskd: huh, weird21:08
japrook, i looks like grub still doesn't see my windows install21:08
riffautaefriskd: try pinging [thats a google dns server\21:08
japrocan i manually tell it how to boot to windows?21:08
friskdriffautae:  that works.21:08
riffautaejapro: did you reboot after the install to see this21:08
riffautaefriskd: its a dns issue21:09
gigastress_IRsee====yes I have I even see the pw prompt after my upgrade to lucid, but i wont accept21:09
friskdrfolco:  pingin google.com doesn't work21:09
japroriffautae, yep, rebooted multiple times21:09
friskdbut the ips do work.21:09
japroalso "update-grub" doesn't mention windows21:09
riffautaejapro: does the ubuntu one work? if so you might have to manually put in the entry21:09
krakenfriskd:try ping -c 5
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friskdkraken: that works.21:10
japroyes i sorted that out, i get the list and see the linux kernels and the usual memtest stuff21:10
friskdi just pinged the actuall address of another server and that works.21:10
friskdit appears   doing the actual names doesn't work.21:10
krakenfriskd: now ifconfig -a21:10
friskdkraken: then what?21:10
riffautaefriskd: the windows thing is in grub but the entry doesnt work?21:10
japroriffautae, nono, it isn't there in the first place21:11
friskdif i ping it works. if i ping google.com it doesn't.21:11
riffautaejapro: ok just making sure21:11
riffautaefriskd: you need to set up your name server21:11
riffautaefriskd: err not sure21:12
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riffautaefriskd: oh /etc/resolve.conf21:12
riffautaefriskd: oh /etc/resolv.conf !!21:12
wayneI have a question, I installed xubuntu on a pc thats from 2003 was this the best idea.21:13
riffautaewayne: i dont see why not21:13
wayneLinux mint doesn't run correctly on this machine, I thought xubuntu was the best21:13
wayneI tried puppy dog linux but didn't like it...21:13
go8765_off_awaywayne, you may try crunchbanglinux.org too21:13
riffautaewayne: if thats too slow as well you might try pure debian or something21:13
reisiowhy would you21:13
cablopwayne: xubuntu or lubuntu, but a full ubuntu is very good for that, even kubuntu works on it21:14
gigastress_IRsee, did you see my message?21:14
wayneI have the debian iso but.. It doesn't seem setup for wifi so I took it off and went to xubuntu 10.4 or something I hope this is correct21:14
cablopwayne, can you give us the specs of that computer?21:15
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wayneHold on one sec.21:15
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wayneIs there a command I can to tell me the details?21:16
reisiowayne: grep MHz /proc/cpuinfo21:16
wayneI can run* sorry I just got off work typos are killing me21:16
friskdIf i just shared the output of ifconfig -A with kraken... then he took off.  Is he going to try and hack me?21:16
friskdriffautae: I looked in /etc/resolv.conf21:17
lauratikasome how i cant change icons and fonts in all my browsers shows very ugly... any idea what can be the issue... ubuntu 11.10 unity21:17
waynecpu MHz: 2131.88421:17
friskdjust one line in there21:17
vilinyhow do i go about going back to gnome on 10.10?21:17
reisiowayne: free -m, under total21:17
reisioviliny: from what?21:18
riffautaefriskd: not if you have iptables set up ;)21:18
vilinyfrom unity i guess21:18
vilinythis is cumbersome21:18
reisioviliny: you're using unity on 10.10?21:18
riffautaefriskd: add 'nameserver' to it and see if you can ping google21:18
vilinyyes reisio21:18
friskdriffautae:  that worked!21:18
friskdSo what do i need to do. get the rackspace name servers?21:18
friskdor can i just use googles?21:19
riffautaefriskd: :D ok so you can just use that or you can ask rackspace if they have a local nameserver for you to use21:19
friskdany reason not to use googles?21:19
riffautaefriskd: no not really, but remember google is under no obligation to keep them running21:19
reisiowayne: pretty good so far21:19
reisiowayne: lspci | grep -i vga21:19
cablopwayne, i was using this computer, pretty old too, 2GB RAM DDR, Athlon XP 1.9 GHz 32 bit, and 160 GB disk using Gnome or Kubuntu it was ok, i used a nVidia graphics card, to cope with graphics, and it was pretty ok, better than xubuntu or lubuntu21:20
riffautaefriskd: you can add as well for their other one21:20
riffautaefriskd: if one goes down it will use the other21:20
vilinyi need to either be able to configure my user to be allowed to mount stuff or get gnome back on this thing... right now im getting very frustrated with this joke that is unity21:20
wayne01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266]21:20
riffautaewayne: D: s321:20
vilinyso please, if anyone can give any tips on how to get gnome back on this thing i'd be more than greatful21:20
cablopwayne: it was able to run compiz and the common stable effects of it, so, i think ubuntu or xubuntu would be ok on that machine21:20
wayneIt only plays resident evil 2 and 321:21
wayneIts really old, I wanna new one but I have too many bills so I must use this21:21
reisiowayne: pretty decent, though, you could probably take your pick, but if you like Xubuntu there's no particularly reason to stop using it21:21
templetviliny, simple run 11.04 and choose gnome instead of unity -- i think that works ?21:21
reisiolauratika: I'm a one21:21
wayneSweet. For some reason Linux Mint wasn't stable on this machine.21:21
reisiotemplet: said he's on 10.1021:22
cablopwayne, cannot you get an external AGP card? it is the only problem of your computer, but besides that use it with ubuntu 10.04 or ubuntu 10.10 and use matacity, it will be ok21:22
cablopwayne: how much ram do you have?21:22
reisiowayne: that's odd, but in the past21:22
pcpowerpeople still have AGP cards?21:22
wayneI have 2 GB/s off DDR I think21:22
reisiopeople with AGP slots have21:22
gigastress_is there anyone who can help me with lvm and lucid. cant login on full disk encryption21:22
friskdThank you riffautae21:22
riffautaewayne: :D21:23
wayneIts not DDR2 I don't really know the type I took it out of another pc for this one21:23
reisiohi q21:23
riffautaewayne: you can try a local good will, there are some that keep electronics and computer stuff and might have a better card for like 10$21:23
riffautaewayne: i think i have seen older radeons in there before21:24
wayneI have 3 hard drives (First Master Slave) Second Master (Third Secondary Slave) My Master Slave is 500 GB/s and has 18 Bad spots21:24
Uns0b1llwhat was command to view specifics of Nic card forgot21:24
riffautaeUns0b1ll: ifconfing ?21:24
reisioUns0b1ll: lspci | grep -i net21:24
Uns0b1llyes lspci thanks21:25
cablopwayne: as far as SMART says it is ok, you canlive with those 18 bad spots, it is harder to live with a dead pixel on the screen21:25
wayneI/O errors21:25
Uns0b1llany1 had good luck enabling QinQ on Adaptec Nics ?21:25
Uns0b1llor vlan tagging21:25
cablopand... i see that computer pretty similar to mine except the AGP, but i was running ubuntu and kubuntu on it and being able to run a VM with WinXP on it too21:25
wayneI have my OS on the 500 GB hdd, it goes up to almost 400 GB/s then I/O ERROR21:26
riffautaewayne: 400 GB/s????21:26
reisioyes a 2+GHz proc and 2+GB RAM is quite decent21:26
wayneIts a 500 gb hdd21:26
wayneOld IDE21:26
waynefor like almost 3 years ago21:26
riffautaewayne: GB/s is a speed measurement21:26
riffautaewayne: i am not sure what you meant there21:26
reisioobviously he meant GBs21:26
riffautaewayne: oh you mean when formating it?21:27
riffautaewayne: try badblocks on it21:27
wayneI mean like data wise onto the hdd its 500 gbs and only stores like 380 somewhere close to 400gbs21:27
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reisiooutside of starting a media collection, you really only need like... 3021:28
wayneAfter it hits that marker it says I/O ERROR21:28
wayneBut now I know the bad sectors are their can they be removed or fixed?21:28
riffautaewayne: i think bad blocks can avoid them21:28
bekkswayne: Neither nor. They can be avoided.21:29
wayneI see, you have to just push them to the very back, probably why it doesn't work to the end21:29
cablopwayne except if the damage is about the circuits21:29
cablopi suggest you to use the other two disks if you can until you're able to buy a better disk replacement21:29
riffautaewayne: in the mean time use this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badblocks21:30
cablopif you are in a bad shape and needing to pay bills don't put your wallet onto that disk21:30
wayneIt was an external drive and man was it loud21:30
wayneWD isn't the best21:30
cablop(bad economic shape, of course xD)21:30
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riffautaewayne: WD, like all manufacturers is hit and miss21:30
reisioolder externals are louder than newer21:31
reisiosupplies supplies21:31
japrowhat exactely do i have to do to change the grub configuration? i edited 40_custom and did grub-mkconfig but now the list is gone alltogether21:31
wayneWould you know if linux needs a wifi card or not? I have this netgear usb card and linux seems to not pick it up as well.21:31
reisiowayne: which one?21:31
riffautaejapro: sorry i dont know, maybe #grub exists and has friendly people? if so i bet they can help21:31
wayneWhich linux or wifi card?21:31
reisiowayne: ...wifi card21:31
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wayneWireless N USB Adapter NetGear21:32
adrelliasjapro: ubuntus just is not a standard way of doing grub config21:32
adrelliasi edited the file but will have to look which one i edited21:32
adrelliasto get my windows partition to boot21:32
reisiowell, Ubuntu uses GRUB2 is all21:32
adrellias2 seconds21:32
reisioand GRUB2 is a little less straightforward than 121:33
adrelliasreisio: with non standard config files21:33
reisioadrellias: no they're standard21:33
adrelliasdoesnt look standard in the sense off my centos or gentoo server21:33
adrelliasbut in anycase21:33
reisioadrellias: how is your Gentoo different?21:33
adrelliaswill look for which ones i edited21:33
adrellias/boot/grub.conf or menu.lst is all i needed to edit with ubuntu that was not the case21:33
reisiothat's because that's GRUB121:34
wayneWireless-N USB Adapter > WN111 v221:34
reisioUbuntu uses GRUB221:34
adrelliashavent updated my grub then hehehe21:34
reisioand GRUB2, again, is a little... strange :p21:34
gigastress_is there anyone who can help me with lvm and lucid. cant login on full disk encryption21:34
reisioadrellias: it's not stable in Gentoo yet, arguably for good reason21:34
adrelliasreisio: thanks for putting me right :)21:34
cablopwayne i sugest you to test that 500 GB drive before with a live CD, and your computer is pretty able to run a live CD21:34
reisioeven in Ubuntu it is still version 1.99, which signifies a version still in development, as you probably know21:35
XbertApparmor is not showing Firefox as enforced when it running, Firefox is set to be enforced, can anyone help me?21:35
japroyeah, grub is really unreasonable atm21:36
japrofirst i at least managed that it showed the list21:36
japrobut now it again just boots straight to ubuntu21:36
reisioadrellias: be a little less confusing in Gentoo, because nothing automagickally runs the commands that update the config files, you do it yourself21:36
lauratikai have a mayor issue in here, i cant change fonts or icon set, or themes on ubuntu 11.10 unity and gnome... but in guest account things are working perfect. what can be wrong?? any ubunturette with the know how?21:37
adrelliasreisio: yep i had to edit the file myself21:37
adrelliasjapro: to show grub you need to hold in the shift key after your pc does its post21:37
jsstnquestion : is there a way to configure three monitors on ubuntu using a display card and uv++21:37
reisioadrellias: I mean for GRUB2, you'll still have to do that, basically, in Gentoo21:37
japrodo i have to run grub-mkconfig or update-grub to "upload" the config file?21:37
wayneSo I just boot my live disk and scan the hard drive?21:38
sasorihi, where to change the settings of this 11.04 ubuntu's auto lockdown?..because it automatically locks out after a few minutes of being idle :S21:38
riffautaesasori: the screensaver should have options for that21:38
japroadrellias, shift doesn't help21:39
japroi just get the pink screen and then the ubuntu login prompt21:39
japromaybe i already screwed something up, can i "reload" the default config?21:39
Malgorathhey all, was wondering if I install the xfce4 desktop on ubuntu (xfce-desktop package) will that mess up my ability to play games and do 3d animation? I'm just not liking this unity stuff so much.21:40
adrelliasjapro: you need to hold shift before the pink screen.21:40
adrelliasjapro: what i usually do is smack it alot after the post screen21:40
adrelliasjapro: this is how i added a custom entry to my grub list21:40
adrelliasnot saying its right but its worked for me21:40
riffautaeMalgorath: no it should not mess with any of that at all21:41
Malgorathriffautae, okay thanks i'm gonna try it now21:41
lauratikaideas please?21:42
bsmith093for scripting, how do i tell the shell to do for all with cbz extension21:42
bbbbbbbbhow do i mount my usb card reader? the card doesnt show up in fdisk, but the reader is in lsusb21:42
adrelliasreisio: ahh yeah havent used grub too until ubuntu :) so yeah i was missinformed21:43
adrelliasjapro: did you get the past bin ?21:43
cablopnoob, but necessary question, can i chroot a 64bit linux from a 32bit linux?21:43
bekksbbbbbbbb: If the card doesnt show up, there is something wrong.21:43
jsstn@  cablop  : yes21:43
japroadrellias, yep, saw it21:44
bbbbbbbbbekks: i have had this issue with this reader all along. the last time someone here helped me and i got it running in the end - only i forgot how21:44
Gskelligwhats a good (basic) paint program for ubuntu21:45
Gskelligi want less functionality than GIMP but more than mspaint21:45
adrelliasnways im off reisio thanks for the chat :)21:45
riffautaebbbbbbbb: is there a line in dmesg giving it a /dev/sd* ?21:45
bbbbbbbbriffautae: no, then i wouldn't ask ^^21:46
riffautaebbbbbbbb: hey you never know, many people here are pretty new21:46
zykotick9jsstn, are you "sure" about that?21:46
kusznirHi all: Can anyone tell me how to force ubuntu 11.04 to to use the intel driver instead of vesa on X?21:47
kusznir(preferably the "ubuntu way")21:47
jsstn@ Gskellig : Gnome-paint 21:47
vickhow do I get my ubuntu  web server to stop swapping?21:48
bekksvick: By bying more RAM.21:48
vickbekks, I have 768 mb of ram, should be enough for a web server no?21:48
bekksvick: Depending on the load - maybe. Maybe not. In your case, it isnt enough, right? :)21:49
templetvick, may i pm you ?21:49
vickbekks, almost no load, maybe 100 visitors a day in total.21:49
vicktemplet, sure21:49
[conrad]vick: That's a pretty loose statement. You have load, the potential for other processes like SQL servers to be using the memory, and others that could be getting in the way.21:49
bbbbbbbbhere, this is what dmesg tells me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/725770/21:50
zykotick9cablop, i know it's possible to chroot from 64to32, but i don't think 32to64 is possible (i could be wrong)21:50
riffautaevick: what other software do you have running on your server21:50
t_polhey there, i need to make a partial installation but i am getting errors, lots "failed to fetch ... "deb packets, and then i am asked to check my "installation media" could somebody help me through that?21:51
bekkszykotick9: cablop: chrooting into 32bit from 64bit is possible. Vice versa isnt.21:51
[conrad]Hello everyone.  I'm using the latest Ubuntu ( 11.10 )'s OMAP port. I'm trying to change the resolution at the boot level from the default 1280x720, to 1024x768. I've tried issuing what seems to be the proper setenv commands and running mkimage, but the next boot is still at 1280x720. Does anyone have any other suggestions for getting this change in place?21:51
zykotick9bekks, ya - that was my understanding as well21:51
savidIs there a way to trigger a script to be executed when a new monitor is plugged in?21:51
vickriffautae, just the lamp stack, didn't install anything else.21:52
savidI currently don't have a way to make my LCD display the primary screen by default. I always have to set it with XRandr.  I'm hoping there's a way to automate that.21:52
gigastress_anyone who can help with luks lvm and lucid????21:52
riffautaevick: X or anything? how do you knwo it is swapping? linux always uses a litle21:52
vickno X21:53
vickjust a pure install on linode VPS21:53
vickpure install of ubuntu 10.04 and then lamp stack on top21:53
riffautaevick: k how do you know it is swapping? bad performance or is top listing some swap used?21:54
vickI get notifications on high IO21:54
riffautaevick: from linode? or is this the system logging that21:54
vickdisk IO rate high21:54
vicklinode sends automatic notifcations when the disk IO is high21:54
bobweaverHello there I am trying "key word" to make a gtl interface for some perl that I have modified. I am using Glade to do this there is only one button. that is it that needs to react when pressed. I have entered in the command when clicked. and I have run it with glade-preview -f <filename>  and it is still not working any tips or hints ?21:54
bobweavergtk *21:54
vickand high IO comes from swapping right?21:55
riffautaevick: not necissarily though it can21:55
bbbbbbbbi don't get my card reader working. this is what dmesg tells me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/725776/21:55
Uns0b1llhow can i install advanced utlities software for my adaptec nic cards on ubuntu ?  thanks !21:55
vickriffautae, I think in this case it is ... when I reboot it goes back to being normal.21:55
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vickthis server used to be 256 and was running fine!! now it's 768.21:55
vickshould be enough21:55
riffautaevick: check top to see if your mem is full and swap has a lot21:55
vickriffautae, I just restarted, so I can't do that now.21:55
Dark_ApostropheHello, how does one disable NotifyOSD notifications?21:56
XbertApparmor is not showing Firefox as enforced when it running, Firefox is set to be enforced, can anyone help me?21:56
riffautaevick: you'll have to monitor the system to see whats doing it then. it might also be a bug in some script you are running on the web server21:56
vickriffautae, ok, how do I monitor? I run top and see what processses are consuming most ram?21:57
riffautaevick: the correct way to fix trashing on something like that is to find out whats using all your ram and tell it to cut it out21:57
riffautaevick: yea21:57
vickim gonna try jmeter :)21:57
riffautaevick: thrashing*21:57
B0g4r7I ran Update Manager on my one Lucid vm that hasn't been updated in a while, and it downloaded like 280 updated packages, but 9 of the downloads failed with 404 errors.21:57
riffautaevick: thats fine i assume, i think there are io watchers but i dont know any21:57
augustlhi. How do I create a bootable USB stick when I don't already have ubuntu...?21:57
B0g4r7Is it OK to let it "continue" or will those missing packages cause a problem?21:57
cablopwhat is that ahci thing on a SATA port?21:57
theshadowUbuntu Natty, Dell Vostro 3750, Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)21:58
Xbertaugustl, use unetbootin on withdows21:58
theshadowack sorry, it's freezing randomly21:58
riffautaeB0g4r7: no dont force it21:58
augustlXbert: I only have Linux, though21:58
reisioaugustl: you can use unetbootin in Linux, too21:58
Xbertaugustl, there is a linux version  as well21:58
olewolfI've created a Debian package that I'd like to propose for inclusion in one of the Ubuntu repository, probably multiverse. Where do I find information on how to propose a package for Ubuntu?21:58
augustlah, cool21:58
riffautaecablop: a replacement protocol thingy over ide style21:58
B0g4r7It says "Some of the packages could not be retrieved from the server(s).  Do you want to continue, ignoring these packages?"21:58
Dark_ApostropheHow does one disable NotifyOSD notifications?21:59
skyballIs there a channel for Ubuntu One ?21:59
reisioskyball: #ubuntuone21:59
B0g4r7It's looking for things that don't exist on the server21:59
B0g4r7For instance, http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/e/empathy/empathy_2.30.3-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb21:59
reisioskyball: ffr: /msg alis list *ubun*one*21:59
bobweaverno one uses Glade areound here ?21:59
gigastress_is there someone who has expereince with lvm fulldiskencryption and lucid 10.4?21:59
bobweaveraround *(21:59
riffautaeB0g4r7: I dont know that its a good idea to do that, you might try again later or change which mirror you are using22:00
lauratikahelp a sis...22:00
bobweavergigastress_,  I have nbothing on that but would true crypt work ?22:00
riffautaebobweaver: true crypt is slower22:00
B0g4r7Well, I had let it run overnight when it initially failed.  Now 16h later it's still failing.22:00
reisiojsebean: hi22:01
riffautaegigastress_: i have done it on arch linux22:01
bobweaverriffautae,  like I said I have nothing on that :>)22:01
jsebeanI'm having a problem installing ubuntu 11.10 and it's getting to be frustrating. I've installed Ubuntu (successfully) but when I boot my monitor says the resolution is bad and to use 1440x900 so I can't even see anything. How can I fix this?22:01
theshadowAlright, let's try again. I'm having an issue where the laptop will randomly hang. It completely locks up can't even ssh in to look at logs/state http://paste.ubuntu.com/725779/ Can anyone help me figure it out? It started recently, exactly? I don't know but within the last two weeks.22:02
cablophow can i install the gnome3 full on ubuntu via cli?22:02
B0g4r7I think I'll take a VM snapshot and then let it proceed.  If it dies I can roll back.22:02
reisiocablop: what version22:02
cablopubuntu 11.10, gnome 322:02
jsebeanI'm having a problem installing ubuntu 11.10. I've installed Ubuntu (successfully) but when I boot my monitor says the resolution is bad and to use 1440x900 so I can't even see anything. How can I fix this?22:02
zykotick9!nounity | cablop22:03
ubottucablop: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:03
kusznirHi all: Can anyone tell me how to force ubuntu 11.04 to to use the intel xorg driver instead of vesa?22:03
jsebeanI'm having a problem installing ubuntu 11.10. I've installed Ubuntu (successfully) but when I boot my monitor says the resolution is bad and to use 1440x900 so I can't even see anything. How can I fix this?22:03
cablopthanks zykotick922:03
zykotick9!patience | jsebean22:04
ubottujsebean: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:04
bobweaverI will put togeather a source package maybe some one will look  at it for me :>)      http://www.mediafire.com/?ac8efsylw4k9b7p22:04
cablopfor some stupid reason it is not recognizing the swap on the encrypted device, sigh22:04
jsebeanI'm having a problem installing ubuntu 11.10. I've installed Ubuntu (successfully) but when I boot my monitor says the resolution is bad and to use 1440x900 so I can't even see anything. How can I fix this?22:05
zykotick9jsebean, stop it.  Wait 15-30 minutes before repeating your question22:06
cablopanyone here liking gnome 3?22:06
bobweaverwhat the program does is look for flash still in browser and puts it in your Videos folder22:06
jsebean@zykotick9 i have been waiting22:06
reisiojsebean: hit CTRL+ALT+F2, run DISPLAY=:0 xrandr22:07
reisiojsebean: DISPLAY=:0 xrandr -s # to change22:07
reisiojsebean: CTRL+ALT+F7 to get back to X22:07
bbbbbbbbi don't get my card reader working. this is what dmesg tells me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/725776/22:07
augustlunetbootin doesn't seem to be able to install the bootloader on Arch Linux22:08
augustlwhy aren't there hybrid and/or plain imgs for ubuntu? Kinda strange.22:08
reisioaugustl: ?22:08
B0g4r7jsebean, How is the monitor connected?  vga?  dvi?  hdmi?22:08
augustlreisio: the files on ubuntu.com are only for CDs22:09
jsebeanB0g4r7: VGA22:09
cablopthink things this way, i am on Gnome 2.x and moving ahead to another GUI, what is the best option, Gnome3, KDE or XFCE?22:09
reisioaugustl: no they aren't22:09
augustlunetbootin is currently stuck at 33% on "Installing Bootloader"22:09
zykotick9augustl, 11.10 is hybrid22:09
reisioaugustl: give it time22:09
augustlif they're hybrid then I'm all good :)22:09
augustldd happy time22:09
jsebeanthe Ctrl+alt+f2 not working for me either22:09
augustlthanks folks22:09
wayneHey I can't get my sound to work on xubuntu22:09
B0g4r7jsebean, is it possible to use DVI or HDMI, or is VGA the only option?22:10
reisiojsebean: how about CTRL+ALT+PrntScrn+k22:10
jsebeanB0g4r7: hi afraid not22:10
jsebeanreisio: sorry22:10
wayneAnybody know anything about xubuntu22:10
reisiowayne: yes22:11
xdhausxanybody has been tried bodhi linux here?22:11
zykotick9wayne, i'd bet the people in #xubuntu do22:11
wayneIts not muted I dunno whats going on22:11
bbbbbbbbi don't get my CF card mounted. this is what dmesg tells me about the reader: http://paste.ubuntu.com/725776/22:11
zykotick9!ot > xdhausx22:11
ubottuxdhausx, please see my private message22:11
bobweaverIs there something that I can use to make a gui applications that is wrintin in bash ?22:11
augustlwho's responsible for the web page on http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download ? That site doesn't say they're hybrid images22:11
bobweaveror made for bash I should say22:12
jsebeanim not sure what's going on :S22:12
windparadisehello, pls I am in trouble, can you please assist? I am trying to set up a control panel which requires a valid fqdn. meanwhile when I typed     hostname --fqdn  I had berylhost.com instead of expecting to have mx.berylhost.com    what should I do please ?22:12
wayneDoesn't seem possible to use sound22:12
B0g4r7jsebean, it sounds like the monitor is being driven wrong by the video card.  What kind of monitor is it, and what kind of video card?22:12
cablopwayne: xubuntu uses xfce that is based on gtk like gnome is, so if your poor performance is due to graphics it is not going to help too much, run gnome with metacity instead of other things and it will be the same in your machine22:12
cablopwayne: anyway if you insist on moving to a lihter GUI then try LXDE instead22:13
jsebeanB0g4r7: Dell monitor and Nvidia22:13
ActionParsnipwayne: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh22:13
reisiobobweaver: #bash would know22:13
chaospsychexwhat is the package name of ubuntu 3?22:13
Dark_ApostropheHow does one disable NotifyOSD notifications?22:13
zykotick9!nounity | chaospsychex22:13
ubottuchaospsychex: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:13
[_miT_]Dark_Apostrophe: why would you want to do that? lol22:14
glebihanbobweaver, depends on what you need exactly22:14
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: there is no ubuntu 322:14
ActionParsnipDark_Apostrophe: for what app?22:14
Dark_Apostrophemit: because they're annoying :P22:14
nsli just installed ubuntu 11.10 and im reading guide how to move x, minimise and maximise buttons to the right like on wihdows... it says to press alt+f2 and to write gconf-editor, but i cant open it :S22:14
[_miT_]Dark_Apostrophe: awwww22:14
zykotick9ActionParsnip, i assumed chaospsychex must mean gnome322:14
B0g4r7jsebean, if you can switch it to a lower resolution it may become happy.  ...I don't know  how to do that myself, blind.22:14
Dark_ApostropheAcross the board, the lot. Though if there is an app I can adjust them selectively, that might work, too22:14
ActionParsnipnsl: try dconf-editor22:14
jsebeanB0g4r7: I'm not even sure if it's booting22:15
waynehttp://pastebin.com/CMvY2dyK <<<22:15
[_miT_]i just hit my knee so hard on the desk > <22:15
jsebeanB0g4r7: ive been searching around22:15
ActionParsnipDark_Apostrophe: you may be able to remove notify-osd package, not sure what else it will remove22:15
nslstill nothing22:15
TunixHow do I boot into a gnome enviroment in . instead of unity???\22:15
B0g4r7jsebean, what if you use crtl-alt-f1 to switch to text mode?22:15
reisioTunix: what version22:15
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nslit's like run application isn't working for me22:16
reisioTunix: you have to install gnome-shell / gnome-tweak-tool / gnome-panel22:16
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: did you mean Gnome3? If so, what is the outut of:  lsb_release -sc22:16
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reisioTunix: then it'll be an option from the cog next to your name on the login screen22:16
jsebeanB0g4r7: computer acts dead, no hdd activity, nothing, simple message on monitor Cannot display this video mode use 1440x900 60hz and no buttons does everything22:16
Tunixthank you ill dpo that now22:16
jsebeanB0g4r7: anything*/everything22:16
glebihanTunix, if by gnome you mean gnome2, you can't22:16
TunixGnome 3?22:17
reisioTunix: what I said22:17
reisioTunix: you might feel the same way about it as you do about Unity, though22:17
Tunixgot it ill open snaptic now22:17
wayneShould I install another linux ?22:17
reisiowayne: why?22:17
Tunixreisio: Should I just stick with unity then?22:17
TunixI really dont like it22:17
waynewhy ? What?22:18
reisioTunix: I'm personally not a big fan of using things I don't like22:18
pp7Tunix: what's wrong with unity?22:18
glebihanTunix, try gnome-shell then you'll see if you like it better22:18
B0g4r7jsebean, you can try changing the boot options to boot into verbose text mode to see what's going on.  Hold the shift key on boot to get to the GRUB menu.  Edit the options there and remove the "quiet" and "splash" options.22:18
nslshit now i did something and i dont see x, minimise buttons if window isn't maximised lol :S22:18
reisioTunix: if it's old GNOME you want, your options are these: install an older version of Ubuntu and hope that before it hits EOL GNOME 2 will be maintained again, or GNOME 3 will be transformable into being like GNOME 2, or use Xfce22:19
reisioTunix: or you could personally take on making GNOME 3 be like GNOME 2, of course22:19
ActionParsnipwayne: if you give the output of the command I gave, we may be able to resolve your sound issue22:19
Tunixreisio: Can I install Xfce like I would Gnome-shell?22:19
reisioTunix: yes: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce22:19
ActionParsnipTunix: yes22:19
reisioTunix: technically it's just the xubuntu-desktop package, but if you don't remove the other things your menus and the like end up being confusing22:20
wayne^ I did the pastebin thing22:20
IsmAvatarHey guys, can I get a little sound help? I'm trying to copy over the LiveCD sound settings to my working install, because my working install plays static, but the LiveCD doesn't. Where do I find these settings?22:20
reisiowayne: sound isn't working?22:20
Tunixreisio: It looks like the commands you sent me do all that22:20
reisioIsmAvatar: did you try lowering PCM?22:20
ActionParsnipwayne: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ricotz/unstable;  sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:20
reisioTunix: yes precisely22:20
ActionParsnipwayne: source: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure22:21
ActionParsnipwayne: did you ever see that page?22:21
daniel_i have just installed ubuntu (dual boot, i also have an arch install) and my bootloader is all messed up22:21
IsmAvatarreisio: yes. It lowered the volume, but the speaker volume knob couldn't compensate sufficiently. LiveCD, however, works perfectly, even with PCM at 100%.22:21
wayneI think so22:22
daniel_should be on its own partition /dev/sda1  (/boot)22:22
daniel_i have ubuntu /dev/sda5  and arch /dev/sda322:22
ActionParsnipwayne: then you would have added the PPA and got a significantly later Alsa version which can help lots22:22
daniel_can someone tell me how to reinstall grub so that it detects these two and brings up the menu? i managed to boot this time from the grub command prompt22:22
chaospsychexi meant the gnome 3 desktop-standard22:22
waynestill no sounds, I think I'll just pick another linux22:23
chaospsychexhow do i install it22:23
chaospsychexnot gnome 222:23
chaospsychexgnome 322:23
wayneWhat linux is the best for this 2003 pc22:23
reisiowayne: any22:23
reisiochaospsychex: gnome-shell / gnome-tweak-tool / gnome-panel22:23
reisioTunix: oh and there's22:23
wayneNot really I've found Mint to be rather slow22:24
wayneand unstable22:24
Tunixreisio: Getting errors with that command22:24
glebihanreisio, no need for gnome-panel22:24
reisioTunix: gnome-session-fallback22:24
Tunixwhats that?22:24
chaospsychexi installed gnome-shell how do i boot into it22:24
TunixA window management system?22:24
reisioglebihan: no need for a lot of things22:24
reisiochaospsychex: log out, hit the cog next to your name22:24
glebihanreisio, I meant that gnome3 does not use gnome-panel22:24
BetaArcHi... questionm, my Intel N570 Dual core cpu is getting hot.. like 76C.. I have watched some streams, etc.22:24
reisioTunix: supposed to make GNOME 3 more like GNOME 2, or something22:24
BetaArcIs this normal22:24
chaospsychexreisio: and choose which one?22:24
chaospsychexthat is gnome 222:25
reisioglebihan: and I meant that there's no need for a lot of things22:25
reisiochaospsychex: what Ubuntu version?22:25
glebihanreisio, but why telling him to install a package he surely won't need ?22:25
napalm54Has anyone tried out bumblebee on ubuntu for nvidia optimus laptops?22:25
IsmAvatarSo, where do I find the sound settings to copy over from LiveCD to working install?22:25
reisioglebihan: he doesn't need any of them22:25
reisionapalm54: some people have22:25
glebihanreisio, nvm22:25
Tunixreisio: Im not seeing Gnome Panel22:26
BetaArcnapalm54: yes on Archlinux22:26
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: press ALT+F2 and run:  gnome-shell --replace22:26
reisioTunix: where?22:26
napalm54Ok cool, I been having some issues with using the Intel HD 3000 gpu, or atleast that is what I think the problem lies22:26
Tunixreisio: You told me to install Gnome shell / gnome tweak tool and gnome-panel im only seeing the first two in the package manager22:27
Tunixor "software center"22:27
napalm54Many things programs that use OpenGL say that I do not have opengl22:27
BetaArcnapalm54: what is the problem?22:27
Uns0b1llis there better tool for NIC's troubleshooting then nictools-pci ???22:27
reisioTunix: what version of Ubuntu?22:27
napalm54I was wondering if using Bumblebee would help any22:27
BetaArcyou mean on wine?22:27
TunixGnome shell and tweak tool are now installed22:27
reisioTunix: well it's there, perhaps use apt-get install instead22:27
reisioTunix: can try those first22:27
napalm54Like launching Stellarium22:28
reisioTunix: and if they don't suffice, gnome-panel and gnome-session-fallback22:28
wunnlehello there.22:28
Tunixreisio: sudo apt-get remove adium-theme-ubuntu apg appmenu-gtk appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-qt at-spi2-core bamfdaemon banshee banshee-extension-soundmenu banshee-extension-ubuntuonemusicstore baobab binfmt-support bluez-gstreamer branding-ubuntu brasero brasero-cdrkit brasero-common checkbox checkbox-gtk cli-common compiz compiz-core compiz-gnome compiz-plugins-default compiz-plugins-main-default compizconfig-backend-gconf deja-dup duplicity dv22:28
Tunixreisio: Ignore that sorry22:28
reisiowunnle: hi22:28
reisioTunix: I had no intention to do otherwise :D22:28
Tunixlol thank you22:29
wunnlei'm looking for a download manager works with file sharing sites like rapidshare, megaupload etc. do you have any suggestions?22:29
Tunixim going to relog and see if that works22:29
chaospsychexhttp://debianhelp.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/screenshot-at-2011-10-08-153214.png <---- this is what i want to use on 11.1022:29
kervIve got a pretty unusual question for anyone familiar with wireless routers and command line.. Anyone fancy?22:29
napalm54glxinfo is printing out some errors for me too like: Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig22:29
napalm54Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".22:29
napalm54Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".22:29
chaospsychexkerv: ?22:29
reisiowunnle: jdownloader22:29
Uns0b1llHello how can i enable 802.q taging on ubuntu ?22:30
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ActionParsnipchaospsychex: that's gnome shell22:30
kervchaospsychex: Ive got a router that requires a username/password prompt on an HTML homepage before you can gain actual access to the internet22:30
ActionParsnipwunnle: fatrat does it too22:31
chaospsychexkerv: ok, what's the problem22:31
BetaArcnapalm54: http://www.google.nl/search?q=Xlib%3A+extension+%22GLX%22+missing+on+display&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#sclient=psy-ab&hl=nl&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=VsN&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial&source=hp&q=Xlib:+extension+%22GLX%22+missing+on+display+intel+hd&pbx=1&oq=Xlib:+extension+%22GLX%22+missing+on+display+intel+hd&aq=f&aqi=&aql=1&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=5736l7862l0l8020l9l9l0l0l0l0l184l22:31
IsmAvatarWhere do I find the sound settings to copy over from LiveCD to working install?22:31
chaospsychexkerv: donate that router to 'antique hardware' web portals suck!22:31
qinBetaArc: goo.gl22:31
kervchaospsychex: Now the issue is I need to download X server on a computer connected to the router22:31
BetaArcqin: sorry.. to fast22:31
chaospsychexkerv: ok, and you only have command prompt access?22:31
ActionParsnipkerv: set the router IP as a proxy and you may be able to set the username and password there22:31
chaospsychexkerv: sudo apt-get install links22:31
kervlinks is a no go.. unless Im missing a menu on it22:32
chaospsychexkerv:  ?22:32
kervwont display anything22:32
qinchaospsychex: links is oldish, links2 or elinks (have tabs)22:32
kervActionParsnip: almost like port forwarding? How do I do that?22:32
reisioIsmAvatar: check the alsa files in /etc/ for 'model' info22:32
chaospsychexkerv: then log into your routers web-shell and disable that draconian feature22:32
kervIts not my router.22:32
chaospsychexkerv: whose is it?22:33
kervIm... located in a middle eastern country.22:33
kervIts a local Cafe` ISP sorta deal.22:33
chaospsychexkerv: find the router and smash it to a million pieces then rage a jihad on all your neighbors for implementing such a tool22:33
kervHaha... if only that was politically correct and wouldnt land me in the brig :P22:33
chaospsychexkerv: call al-qaeda and get them to hand this 'situation'22:33
Guest42359how to choses ubuntu very22:34
Tajk, question, anyone hav exp getting ie7+ running in ubuntu 11.10?22:34
chaospsychexTaj: omg dude22:34
kerv^^ atleast that wasnt my question22:34
Guest42359ubuntu 11.10?22:34
Taji know.22:34
chaospsychexfirst of all IE sux22:34
Tajits fucking awful22:34
payman_i wanna run an application like firefox browser!!! how can i do that in linux terminal??22:34
ActionParsnipTaj: check the wine appdb, there is ies4linux too, both run badly22:34
Tajand i don't wanna do it22:34
FloodBot1Taj: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:34
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents22:34
ActionParsnip!proxy | kerv22:34
ubottukerv: Several Ubuntu channels prohibit access from open proxies and other anonymous connections due to a high level of abuse. The supported ways to hide your IP address on freenode are to use !Tor or get a !cloak22:34
wayneAnybody know where I can find an IRC for linux puppy I can't find the Linux Puppy ISO on the site22:34
icerootpayman_: firefox&22:35
chaospsychexget the hell outta here with that bs, no IE!22:35
Tajbut my other option is to fucking install windows. and I *REALLY* dont wanna do that22:35
chaospsychexie is for noobs22:35
icerootpayman_: & to not block the shell with firefox22:35
chaospsychexie sux22:35
icerootchaospsychex: you have a support question?22:35
payman_thanks iceroot22:35
=== carlos is now known as Um_cara_qualquer
bobweaver!conduct | Taj22:35
ubottuTaj: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct22:35
Taji agree. but unfortuantly some corporations are micro$oft brainwashed into only allowing it22:35
chaospsychexiceroot: yes22:35
kervActionParsnip: You were talking about setting the connection as a proxy, can you explain? Is it a conf file?22:35
icerootwayne: #puppy (or what there channel is)22:35
Tajand masking in firefox/opera isn't working22:35
IsmAvatarHey, quick sound question: Where do I find the sound settings to copy over from LiveCD to working install?22:36
Tajwhich is my usual work-around22:36
chaospsychexiceroot: i want to use the default gnome shell with 11.10 and remove unity22:36
chaospsychexgnome 322:36
icerootchaospsychex: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell22:36
chaospsychexi did that22:36
chaospsychexthat's not it22:36
icerootchaospsychex: sudo apt-get remove unity22:36
glebihanTaj, you might find some help there : http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=419522:36
kervTaj: Download TOR.. Then set FireFox's proxy to "SOCKS" and "localhost:9050"22:36
iceroot!nounity | chaospsychex22:36
ubottuchaospsychex: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:36
napalm54Ok I currently have the nVidia drivers installed on my optimus laptop.  Is it better to have nvidia or nouveau when using Bumblebee?22:36
Tajthats not gonna help kerv22:36
Tajit has to do w/ certificates22:37
Tajan bs22:37
icerootchaospsychex: you have to choose gnome-shell in the login-manager as a session22:37
bobweaverTaj you have tried spoofing it ?22:37
nhrhi there, need help - ubuntu 11.10 fails to start on fresh installation. No gui window at all.22:37
=== canis is now known as Guest86741
kervnhr: try startx22:37
ActionParsnipkerv: you can export the variables http_proxy and ftp_proxy in ~/.bashrc  then it may work22:37
BetaArcnapalm54: nvidia gives more fps, nouveau is slow at the moment22:38
nhrI can login from other terminals - ctrl-alt f2 etc, but dont get anything graphical22:38
Tajyes in opera22:38
ActionParsnipkerv: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157522:38
napalm54BetaArc: Ok thanks22:38
icerootnhr: any errors when running "sudo service gdm start"?22:38
bobweaverTaj:try in chromium might work ..22:38
kervActionParsnip: I'll check it out, thanks.22:38
icerootis it still called gdm in 11.10?22:38
glebihaniceroot, nope it's lightdm22:38
icerootglebihan: ok22:38
nhrkerv:  get error connection refused - unabled to connect to x server22:39
Monotokoiceroot: why are you starting gdm with root? o.o22:39
ActionParsnipiceroot: default is lightdm but you can use gdm if you wish, or slim or kdm22:39
icerootMonotoko: because you handle upstart with root22:39
nhrModule nvidia_173 not found22:39
azertis it possible to install a package on a particular partion ? using apt ?22:39
icerootActionParsnip: but gdm is not the default anymore for unity/gnome3?22:39
ActionParsnipnhr: the module is nvidia not nvidia_17322:39
BetaArcnapalm54: if you need more information, you could also join the bumblebee channel, don't know if they are active at the moment22:39
icerootazert: no22:39
ActionParsnipiceroot: lightdm is default but others are available22:40
nhrActionParsnip: Just repeating the message I see on the screen22:40
icerootActionParsnip: ok, thx22:40
azertlike apt-get install  /mnt ?22:40
icerootazert: not possible22:40
napalm54BetaArc: Oh didn't know they had a channel, will do just that. Thanks22:40
azertwhy ?22:40
icerootazert: by design of deb22:40
IsmAvatarHey, quick sound question: Where do I find the sound settings to copy over from LiveCD to working install?22:40
GrundokoHey, I have a bit of a predicament here. I just ran sudo rm /*/*/*, and deleted everything 3 directories down from root. I was hoping I could get to the Trash and restore the files, but since I just deleted gnome-terminal and xterm, I can't use those. And I used Ctrl+Alt+F1 to enter the fallback terminal, but it turns out /usr/bin/python, /usr/bin/sudo are gone, so I can't perform any commands. My computer is currently only useful 22:40
azerti don't  have space on local22:40
icerootazert: mount something in there22:41
azerti got lots of space on external hard drive22:41
ActionParsnipGrundoko: you could copy the files from the liveCD but it will take a long time22:41
icerootazert: but its not possible to change the installation dir22:41
azerti allready mount my hard drive22:41
kerv--- Links2 + listing as Proxy worked! Not sure which it was but kudos to both of you! ---22:41
azertthe question is why we can't write on external hard drive after mounting it ?22:41
MonotokoGrundoko: I think you'll have to just give it up as a bad mistake and reinstall22:41
tle_cananyone else have any problems installing on Dell Vostro 3350? I get a cannot find initramfs error in the installer22:42
icerootGrundoko: its no problem to use that command, its easy to restore22:42
=== SJrX is now known as SJr
icerootGrundoko: just use your BACKUP!22:42
LiamHey all22:42
Liamhow can I identify what touchpad my system has?'22:42
icerootGrundoko: but because you dont have a backup, you have to reinstall22:42
Liamit's not being automatically identified22:42
Grundokoiceroot: Implying I have enough sense to backup :p22:42
ActionParsnipGrundoko: what if your drive motor fails, where is your data?22:43
azertmy question is22:43
icerootGrundoko: now you know why it is good to have a backup and why it is good to not use rm with sudo22:43
icerootGrundoko: normally there is no reason to use rm with sudo22:43
azertafter mounting can we transfer every system file and folder to the external hard drive ?22:43
azertif yes what option i have to check for ?22:44
icerootazert: how big is the internal drive?22:44
the3nigm4iceroot: sometimes there is22:44
icerootthe3nigm4: normally not22:44
azert2 tera bit22:44
histoGrundoko: pull the plug imediately. boot a live cd and follow the directions from ubottu22:44
=== Kardos_ is now known as Kardos
icerootazert: you have 2tb drive internal and dont have space for your ubuntu-installation?22:44
histo!undelete | Grundoko22:44
ubottuGrundoko: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel22:44
histoGrundoko: it's important that you pull the plug and not shutdown normally22:45
azertno i just only got 8GB internal hard drive22:45
Grundokoubottu: It's ext4, does that make a difference?22:45
ubottuGrundoko: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:45
azert2TB for external hard drive22:45
histoGrundoko: no you can still undelete files22:45
icerootGrundoko: you cant recover the data22:45
azertthat's why my questiion22:45
=== root is now known as Guest25995
histoiceroot: that's not true22:45
icerootGrundoko: doesnt matter what ubottu said, files are gone22:45
DaekdroomIs there any way to force a resolution if my monitor is not detected by ubuntu, but it displays?22:45
Liamhow can I identify the brand / model of my touchpad?22:45
chaospsychexi don't have 'gnome shell' as a option in the login manager22:45
Guest25995german here?22:45
azertwhat option i have to check for ?22:45
Daekdroom!de | Guest2599522:45
ubottuGuest25995: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!22:45
iceroot!de | Guest2599522:45
chaospsychexonly gnome and gnome classic and gnome isn't the gnome shell22:45
Grundokoiceroot: So there's no way it's in the trash? I can probably use a thumbdrive, and drop the bin files I need back in, so I can get access to Trash22:46
histo!notunity | chaospsychex22:46
ubottuchaospsychex: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:46
the3nigm4is there a key to reply to someone specifically? or do you just type their name?22:46
icerootGrundoko: there is no trash on the shell22:46
IsmAvatarGrundoko: no, rm does not put files in the trash22:46
chaospsychexGrundoko: install testdisk22:46
histoGrundoko: Boot a live cd and backup your files from /home22:46
chaospsychexGrundoko: will let u recover deleted files22:46
azerti recommend to not to use ext422:46
Guest25995how one can help me?22:46
azerttaking lots of space22:46
icerootazert: not true22:46
histoGrundoko: either way you have to boot a live cd22:46
histo!ask | Guest2599522:46
ubottuGuest25995: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:46
Liam /nick rufsketch122:46
azertyes its true22:46
IsmAvatarHey, quick sound question: Where do I find the sound settings to copy over from LiveCD to working install?22:47
chaospsychexi installed gnome-shell and the weak tool, didnt work22:47
icerootazert: its not true, please dont tell lies here22:47
azertcomparing other filesystem22:47
icerootazert: like?22:47
histoGrundoko: the longer you use the system the longer you are overwritting files22:47
ActionParsnipazert: ext4 is great, there are great speed improvements over ext322:47
=== Liam is now known as rufsketch1
azertyes of course22:47
GrundokoI'll just reinstall then. Disappointing, but I have all my important data elsewhere :p22:47
HackerIIwhat lib do i need for zip files ?22:47
the3nigm4does anybody actually like unity?22:47
azertbut the problem is it taking more space on disk comparing ext322:47
rypervenchethe3nigm4: Not I.22:47
histoGrundoko: I would just recover the files but whatever do what you want.22:47
icerootazert: no22:47
Guest25995i have installed loic on linux22:47
bekksHackerII: For doing what exactly with zip files?22:48
rufsketch1how can identify the make/model of my touchpad?22:48
Grundokothe3nigm4: I don't personally, however I know people who do.22:48
HackerIIopening them22:48
azerti just check on router22:48
icerootazert: and now stop that lie please22:48
ActionParsnipazert: do you mean per file?22:48
rufsketch1how can I*22:48
Guest25995and now dont start this programm22:48
bekksHackerII: "unzip".22:48
azertthat's why i m telling, why i have to lie22:48
the3nigm4ive never met anybody that does, its always either KDE or XFCE22:48
azertwhy do you feel that i lie22:48
icerootGuest25995: you are using puppy-linux?22:48
the3nigm4or a wm22:48
histoazert: more than likely had to do with your block size when you checked that comparison.22:48
icerootGuest25995: not supported here22:48
Guest25995i use BT522:48
eeinubuntu 11 installer on eeepc = fail22:48
iceroot!backtrack | Guest2599522:48
histoGuest25995: what is the problem?22:48
ubottuGuest25995: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition22:48
azertwhat the gain for me ?22:49
the3nigm4Guest25995: why?22:49
azertor are you selling your ext4 ?22:49
azerti m just a simple user22:49
histothe3nigm4: netbook people might like unity22:49
icerootazert: there is no reason to not use ext422:49
histoazert: use what you want.22:49
azertdon't tell that i lie w/o22:49
stevecamdoes anyone else think ubuntu 11.10 is buggy?22:49
histo!best | azert22:49
ubottuazert: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:49
azertknowing what i try explaing22:49
chaospsychexdo any of those derivitaes use the gnome 3 shell by default?22:50
ActionParsnipGuest25995: you are also running your IRC client as root which is a REALLY bad idea22:50
icerootazert: saying "dont use ext4 because its taking much more space" is a lie22:50
the3nigm4histo: i only know one guy that has a netbook and uses unity, and thats because hes to ignorant to know how to remove it22:50
IsmAvatarHey, quick sound question: Where do I find the sound settings to copy over from LiveCD to working install?22:50
histoActionParsnip: not on a live cd it's not22:50
azerti just made a test22:50
ActionParsnipazert: any journalized file system will waste space for the journal. The jounal is no bigger size for size over ext322:50
chaospsychexis unity going to be used on 12.04 ?22:50
histoActionParsnip: he's booted bt5 from a live cd and joined irc22:50
icerootchaospsychex: yes22:50
histochaospsychex: yes22:50
the3nigm4chaospsychex: probably, but i hope not22:51
histochaospsychex: just use fall back or install gnome-shell22:51
ActionParsniphisto: sure, the root account could be infiltrated and the local partitions accessed ;)22:51
azerthey do a test right now22:51
azertyou will see the difference22:51
icerootchaospsychex: feel free to use gnome3, kde, xfce4, lxde22:51
chaospsychexgnome classic is better than unity22:51
DaekdroomIt seems Ubuntu doesn't recognize my monitor's EDID, so I can't change its resolution through xrandr and passing video=1920x1080 to the boot only changes the terminal resolution. Any tips?22:51
pycoderfhey all how would i route traffic on ubuntu server from one nic to the other22:51
iceroot!who | azert22:51
ubottuazert: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:51
GrundokoI'm actually kind of glad I screwed my system. Been looking for an excuse to try out Xubuntu 11.1022:51
azertwhat is the gain for me liying here  iceroot22:51
glebihanchaospsychex, it will be the default but you can use whatever desktop environment you want22:51
logohello guys22:51
bekkspycoderf: By setting up a router.22:51
histoDaekdroom: what video card?22:51
ActionParsnipazert: can you give a link to backup your claim?22:51
icerootazert: you dont know the technical details, so your statement is wrong22:52
histo!ot | azert iceroot22:52
ubottuazert iceroot: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:52
Daekdroomhisto, ATI HD543022:52
pycoderfbekks: cant a route be setup since its a server between the two or use the gateway of one interface for the second nic22:52
iceroothisto: no need for that22:52
azertokay i m not an expert22:52
histoDaekdroom: did you install ati drivers?22:52
azerti m agree22:52
logoany help me?22:52
bekkspycoderf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router22:52
chaospsychexwhere is 'synaptic' in 11.10 ?22:52
azertbut can do a demo22:52
icerootazert: so the statement about ext4 is wrong22:52
histoiceroot: yes there is you guys arguing over ext4 vs. ext3 is offtopic22:52
Daekdroomhisto, It's not about the drivers. The issue is not limited to linux, however I can work around it on Windows.22:52
azertvery simple format your  pen drive from fat32 to ext4 8GB22:53
iceroothisto: ext4 is of course not offtopic here22:53
histoDaekdroom: I would gander that it maybe driver related in linux.22:53
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: its not default installed, it is in the repos though22:53
azertyou can see the difference22:53
icerootazert: and should we know use fat32 to install ubuntu on it?22:53
logohow i start loic on bt5?22:53
Daekdroomhisto, it is not. Drivers are alright. It's a cable/monitor problem, but I can't test them, so I prefer setting my resolution manually for the meantime.22:53
ActionParsnipazert: yes, that's the journal. Which you will get with Ext3 as well22:53
histo!backtrack > logo22:53
ubottulogo, please see my private message22:53
icerootazert: and what about files bigger then 4gb on fat32? (or was it 2gb?)22:53
Dark_ApostropheHow would I set up 4 different Firefox profiles to all have their own separate icon in the dock?22:53
ActionParsnipazert: fat32 doesn't have a journal but is slower and not nearly as robust as ext422:53
geomasterlogo: you may want to consider something less lame than loic22:53
gundyiceroot, 4G22:54
azertbut for ext4 it taking 2GB22:54
Squiffylost_the_game <322:54
azertthat's too much22:54
lost_the_gameSquiffy: i <3 u moar22:54
the3nigm4so how difficult is it to set up your own irc channel? would it be worth the time if there were never going to be more than 10 people?22:54
ActionParsnipazert: then make the journal smaller... not hard22:54
azertcomparing others22:54
icerootDark_Apostrophe: create 4 launchers which will call firefox -P profile22:54
Squiffykick niles|iPod! HE SPAMS22:54
lordjjthe executables Code::blocks is producing are denying permission to be run. I have to manually do chmod +x to be able to run them in a terminal. The result is that I can't easily debug programs in code::blocks. Why is this happening?22:54
histoDaekdroom: the opensource drivers may not support the resolution you are trying.22:54
Daekdroomhisto, they do.22:54
icerootazert: the journal is of course not 2gb when your drive is 8gb22:54
azertmy question is simply why by default acting like that ?  taking more space ?22:55
Dark_Apostropheiceroot: How do I create a launcher? (Sorry, while I have used Linux for ages, I'm new to Unity)22:55
ActionParsnipazert: format it ext2 and the space will be usable as Ext2 doesn't have a journal. But the device storage will fragment22:55
stevecamIIRC, firefox will be removing the profile function and enabling it through a plugin22:55
icerootDark_Apostrophe: sorry i am not using unity22:55
ActionParsnipazert: its the journal22:55
Dark_ApostropheOh, then what were you referring to?22:55
icerootazert: you can disable journal on ext3/422:55
pycoderfwhy dont i have a /etc/default/dhcp3-server file when i freshly installed dhcp3-server22:55
icerootazert: but there is a good reason for the journal22:55
chaospsychexDark_Apostrophe: remove unity is first thing22:55
glebihanthe3nigm4, it takes no more than a few minutes, but you should ask on #freenode about that22:55
Daekdroomhisto, it's 1920x1080@60hz. It used to work alright until this EDID issue, and reinstalling didn't fix it, so I have to set the resolution manually and xrandr doesn't let me.22:55
logoany can help me ?22:55
ActionParsnipazert: the journal is what stops linux file systems fragmenting and slowing22:56
azertthe maximum capacity for ext2 AFAIK is 4GB22:56
icerootpycoderf: is "dpkg -L dhcp3-server" showing that there must a file like that22:56
Dark_Apostrophechaospsychex: Nah.. it's either that or KDE (GNOME is out of the question), and I'm fine with either.22:56
icerootazert: stop it please22:56
SquiffyMy friend said he got arrested using Ubuntu?22:56
icerootazert: you dont know anything about what you are talking22:56
stevecamhow do i go about removing unity, it freezes up a lot22:56
SquiffyCan someone tell me why?22:56
pycoderficeroot: no22:56
chaospsychexDark_Apostrophe: your crazy if you choose KDE and unity over gnome, thats crazy22:56
pycoderfbut the docs say it should exist22:56
ActionParsnipazend: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext2  try 32Tb22:56
chaospsychexkde sux22:56
lost_the_gameSquiffy, I heard ubuntu is an illegal OS22:56
ActionParsnipazend: basically you have no idea what you are taling about22:56
Squiffylost_the_game: Thats what i'm thinking22:57
icerootActionParsnip: as i said earlier22:57
chaospsychexkde is the worst desktop of all of them22:57
lost_the_gameSquiffy, I saw this article a few years ago22:57
DynamitUbuntu illegal OS where?22:57
icerootchaospsychex: stop flaming please22:57
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: there are lots of other DEs. Try LXDE, XFCE and so on22:57
Daekdroomlost_the_game, it is very legal.22:57
the3nigm4xfce is the best22:57
logoany can help me whit LOIC on backtrack5 ?22:57
DynamitUbuntu illegal OS where?22:57
* ActionParsnip loves LXDE22:57
PCPDCGUbuntu's legal22:57
lost_the_gametalking about how linux was an illegal operating system...22:57
SquiffyI hear sony wants to boycott ubuntu cause of PS3 Exploits22:57
iceroot!backtrack | logo22:57
ubottulogo: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition22:57
Dark_ApostropheDoes anyone know how would I set up 4 different Firefox profiles to all have their own separate icon in the dock (Unity)?22:57
DynamitLOL Linux illegal never22:57
iceroot!ot | Squiffy22:57
ubottuSquiffy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:57
zenloopTrying to start autofs and I get the following22:58
lost_the_gamecreated by this soviet hacker called linus turvuld. I could be wrong tho22:58
chaospsychexmicrosoft is trying to make it illegal via UEFI22:58
logopls any help me22:58
DynamitLOL Linux illegal never22:58
icerootlogo: i already helped you22:58
icerootlogo: its not supported here22:58
mahir256the only thing illegal about linux is the millions of binary blobs present in the source, blatant violations of the gpl22:58
stevecamDynamit, according to SCO?22:58
icerootlogo: read the message from ubottu22:58
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: not illegal, just that the firmware will not allow it due to 'unsecure OS'22:58
chaospsychexthey will use the law to make it illegal22:59
squidlyI've got a server that is having issues with it's networking issues. I have serveral ipv6 and ipv4 aliases on a bonding device but the aliase doe not activate. I have step them up manually but not though the /etc/network/interfaces22:59
chaospsychexjust like sony does22:59
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: Linux peeps are talking with folks to say why it should be ok to run and such (doc on omgubuntu)22:59
logoany can learn me22:59
chaospsychexa windows 8 comp will be the same as a sony playsation 3, security wise22:59
icerootlogo: again, your system is not supported here22:59
mahir256uefi will be a threat UNLESS all software is free software, or people can modify the SoC with legal tools22:59
iceroot!ot | chaospsychex22:59
Uns0b1llwhere loader.conf ?22:59
ubottuchaospsychex: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:59
the3nigm4windows 8 is HORRIBLE22:59
eeinchaospsychex: whew i was getting nervous it would be locked down23:00
lost_the_gamehow can I open a .torrent file? a friend of mine just sent me windows, but it's a torrent... how can I burn that to a CD? I want to install window.23:00
stevecami must say that windows is much more secure then it used to be23:00
geomasteranyone did an upgrade to 11.10? (not reinstall but dist-upgrade)23:00
icerootlost_the_game: ask microsoft where to get a legal copy of that23:00
squidlylost_the_game: that is illegale.. if you have a copy of windows legally then you should have a disk for it23:00
Uns0b1llwheres loader.conf on buntu ?23:00
bekkslost_the_game: You cannot burn a torrent file. You have to download the thing(s) that file refers to first, using a torrent client.23:00
mahir256lost_the_game: 1...dammit! 2...you suck! 3...go to http://qbittorrent.sf.net/23:00
lordjjAnyone know's about this: the executables Code::blocks is producing are denying permission to be run. I have to manually do chmod +x to be able to run them in a terminal. The result is that I can't easily debug programs in code::blocks. How can I fix this?23:01
Loptrthe3nigm4, windows 8? Is there such a thing ? :D23:01
bekksLoptr: There is.23:01
logoiceroot: what you mean?23:01
squidlyLoptr: yes there is.. it's in development23:01
chaospsychexan endangered species23:01
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FloodBot1Squiffy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:01
chaospsychexa cellphone os, lolol23:01
icerootlogo: you are using backtrack but this channel is for ubuntu only23:01
Loptrwin 7 isnt "stable" yet and they are making 8. typical :D23:01
zenloopno valid automount entries defined.23:02
bekksLoptr: W7 is stable for years now. Lets get back to Ubuntu now. :)23:02
lordjj"cellphone os" lol23:02
ActionParsniplost_the_game: install a client like bitlord or utorrent23:02
geomasterlordjj: are there any logs suggesting that it failed to set the executable bit?23:02
SquiffySorry 'bout that23:02
geomasterand try also editing preferences23:02
lordjjgeomaster , hm where should I look for logs23:03
DaekdroomWhere can I add commands I want to run during the boots?23:03
the3nigm4so, i dont understand whatsoever how to configure awesomewm23:03
iceroot!boot | Daekdroom23:03
ubottuDaekdroom: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto23:03
Squiffy!boot | Squiffy23:03
ubottuSquiffy, please see my private message23:03
Squiffy!boot | Squiffy23:03
icerootSquiffy: stop it23:03
geomasterlordjj: after compiling, does the linker complain?23:03
Daekdroomiceroot, I think I'm looking for /etc/rc.local . Thank you.23:03
the3nigm4anywhere good to learn? /g/ does nothing but argue23:03
geomastertry calling gcc/g++ manually and see what happens23:03
Uns0b1llhello !!! how can i boot drivers in my loader.conf ?23:04
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bekksUns0b1ll: The loader.conf isnt for booting drivers.23:05
logowhat chat is for linux or bt ?23:05
stevecamhow do i get back to my normal desktop, unity keeps on freezing23:05
bekkslogo: #linux ?23:05
ActionParsnip!bt | logo23:05
bekksstevecam: Ubuntu 11.10?23:05
chaospsychexhow do i completely remove gnome? sudo apt-get remove <???>23:05
stevecambekks, yes23:05
glebihanlogo, #backtrack-linux23:05
ActionParsniplogo: #backtrack-linux23:05
IsmAvatarchaospsychex: --purge gnome ?23:05
bekksstevecam: Unity is the normal desktop.23:05
bobweaverlogo, BT = #backtrack-linux23:06
geomasterchaospsychex: gnome-shell?23:06
Uns0b1llbekks, i need to enable 802.1q tagging and vlan options to my Adaptec nic card23:06
IsmAvatarHey, quick sound question: Where do I find the sound settings to copy over from LiveCD to working install?23:06
chaospsychexsudo apt-get --purge gnome doesn't work23:06
nhrI see failed to load nvidia kernel module after fresh install23:06
bobweaverlogo,#off-sec  is classroom I think ?23:06
augustlhow do I change the workspace layout in 11.10? I want 4 horizontally aligned ones.23:06
nhrLive CD worked fine23:06
ActionParsnipIsmAvatar: ~/.pulse is the user settings#23:06
chaospsychexwhat ist he package name of the gnome desktop?23:07
iceroot!purelxde | chaospsychex (just use the remove-part)23:07
ubottuchaospsychex (just use the remove-part): If you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »23:07
Uns0b1llor at least to check which driver i have in my ubuntu for this device23:07
ActionParsnipIsmAvatar: you may have a different module or options on the module in the CD if it's a different release23:07
geomasterchaospsychex: i bet it's gnome-shell23:07
icerootchaospsychex: ubuntu-desktop but its a metapackage so use the text from ubottu i posted you23:07
chaospsychexi want to remove ALL desktops23:07
icerootchaospsychex: read the link from ubottu23:07
ActionParsnipchaospsychex: then remove xorg and the rest will come tumbling down, it will also remove graphical apps23:07
IsmAvatarActionParsnip: ~/.pulse is empty on the LiveCD. Both LiveCD and Install are 11.10, but the install was an upgrade. At any rate, I want to overwrite, because the install's sound is all staticky, and LiveCD is fine.23:08
stevecambekks, what am i supposed to do about all the problems that come along with it, my keyboard wont always type properly, my tray is annoying me when it wont let me click on things, and the unity sidebar is hiding behind other windows when something is fullscreen23:08
riveramhey what does it mean when i try to run diablo in wine, and the screen just goes black. i can hear the sound and music but there's nothing on the screen. then when it gets to a menu screen, like after the opening videos, it shrinks to a smaller black swuare and i can see some of my wallpaper? help23:08
nhrAnyone please - my desktop is completely not usable after fresh install. Window manager does not start at all23:08
ActionParsnipIsmAvatar: ~/.pulse-cookie maybe23:08
chaospsychexwhat's the pkg name of unity?23:08
icerootchaospsychex: unity23:09
nhrLast message I see on the screen is checking battery state23:09
ActionParsnipriveram: have you checked the appdb?23:09
lordjjgeomaster, if I use "g++ file.cpp -o file", it runs finr, and has normal permissions. When I build through codeblocks it dsnt run unless I chmod +x it first. Here's the build log in codeblocks http://paste.ubuntu.com/725834/23:09
stevecambekks, are you using unity?23:09
ActionParsnip!appdb | riveram23:09
ubotturiveram: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help23:09
ActionParsnipriveram: may need some tweaks to run23:09
kervActionParsnip: Still here? Cause I'm not done yet :P hahaha23:09
geomasterriveram: probably some graphics glitch23:09
bekksstevecam: No.23:10
riveramis it just pretty much a diablo update for wine?23:10
IsmAvatarActionParsnip: I'm sorry, .pulse was a directory and I was trying to vi it, lol. It's not empty after all. Got about 6 files in it. I just copy them over?23:10
geomasterlordjj: i see your problem. you compile onto a mounted ntfs partition, maybe that's why it refuses to set the exec bit?23:10
stevecambekks, what do you use?23:10
bekksstevecam: KDE.23:10
ActionParsnipIsmAvatar: possibly23:11
lordjjgeomaster , well, I used to do this without problems on a previous install23:11
stevecambekks, i tried installing KDE, but it was impossible to read when everything was tiny23:11
ActionParsnipkerv: sup?23:11
bekksstevecam: You can change the font size in the settings...23:11
kervmy username/password prompt.. cant get past it.. should I be enabling cookies or something somehow?23:11
geomasterlordjj: tried tweaking preferences in code::blocks?23:11
the3nigm4stevecam: nothing looks good default, it all takes customuzing23:11
stevecami tried that, but some fonts didn't change23:12
kervGenerally I would get an image displayed of "Bad Auth" or "Only one user sesh at a time"23:12
kervNo luck, just get returned to empty prompts every time.23:12
stevecamit is impossible to read anything, i can't work my way around the system because the writing is too small23:12
lordjjgeomaster , I don't remember anything particular that I changed last time this used to work. I don't see anything particular now either23:12
bekksstevecam: Then you didnt change all fonts. :)23:13
the3nigm4as i said before, xfce is the best de out there, with lxde as a close second ( imo)23:13
stevecambekks, how do i change all the fonts?23:13
geomasterlordjj: hmm, i don't know what can that be. what permissions does the file have when compiled (do a `stat your-executable-file`)23:13
bekksstevecam: BY going through the settings and resize everything you want to resize.23:13
=== muellisoft is now known as Muelli
stevecambekks, there is a problem there, my eyes can not read something that is 5 pixels tall23:14
Dark_ApostropheWhen I try to access Facebook via HTTPS on this Ubuntu machine on Firefox, I get an invalid certificate from VeriSign. I know Facebook use DigiCert. When I check it on Firefox on my Win7 computer, it shows DigiCert. Why does it show a different certificate on Ubuntu?23:14
lordjjgeomaster http://paste.ubuntu.com/725839/23:15
stevecamDark_Apostrophe, is your date and time correct?23:15
icerootDark_Apostrophe: any entrys in " /etc/hosts" with facebook?23:15
Dark_ApostropheYes, but that doesn't explain the different CA23:15
Haaggiscan i post in here about C .... the other channel wont let me connect for some reason23:15
Dark_Apostropheiceroot: I'll check23:15
Dark_Apostropheiceroot: nope23:15
stevecamHaaggis, are you registered?23:16
Haaggisi doubt it...23:16
icerootDark_Apostrophe: nslookup facebook.com  is showing your nameserver?23:16
Haaggisu got a site to register to ?23:16
geomasterlordjj, well there is something horribly wrong with the permissions but i have no idea why would code::blocks do that... sorry.23:16
geomasteryou could try removing and purging23:16
geomasterand then reinstalling23:16
glebihan!register | Haaggis23:16
stevecamsome channels block unregistered users, i can't recall which ones23:16
ubottuHaaggis: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode23:16
the3nigm4where can i go to understand how to use awesomewm's method of coniguring its rc.lua?23:16
Dark_Apostropheiceroot: mind if we talk in PM, there's a lot of people talking here at once23:17
stevecambekks, did you get the same incredibly small writing i am talking about?23:17
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
icerootDark_Apostrophe: because of that we put names infront of the text .)23:17
bekksDark_Apostrophe: The intermediate certificate may be invalid.23:17
icerootDark_Apostrophe: nslookup www.facebook.com23:17
Dark_Apostrophehold on, pastebin23:18
qcodedig www.facebook.com23:18
IsmAvatarActionParsnip: first thing I notice is that the filenames differ. They all start with some hex - the same for all files on the LiveCD, and the same for all files on the install, but different between the two. LiveCD starts with f4a1, install starts with 098223:18
icerootDark_Apostrophe: just look if the first address is your nameserver you normally use23:18
IsmAvatarI guess I could back them up, copy over the liveCD counterparts, and see if it fixes it23:18
icerootDark_Apostrophe: invalid23:19
Dark_Apostropheiceroot: I usually don't tinker with nameservers on my own, leave that up to the OS (if there were reasons to do so, such as subverting DNS censorship attempts, I might, but there aren't to my knowledge)23:19
Dark_Apostropheiceroot: Alright... the nameserver's entry is outdated?23:19
icerootDark_Apostrophe: the pastebin url is invalid23:20
the3nigm4how can you configure hotkeys in xfce? such as if i want fn up to make my volume go up, what do i do? is there a program to do this? or just edit config files?23:20
Dark_ApostropheOdd... works for me23:20
icerootDark_Apostrophe: my facebook cert is from digicert inc and shown as valid23:20
bekksiceroot: It works for me too.23:20
Dark_ApostropheJust reloaded the url, still works23:20
Almindoranyone else with HP mini has disconnecting wifi connection?23:20
AlmindorI get connected ok but it always falls out after 1-2minutes23:20
Almindorno indication, just apps don't get data23:20
icerootDark_Apostrophe: bekks pastebin.ca is not working here23:21
Almindorif I reconnect it works again for 1-2m23:21
icerootDark_Apostrophe: bekks no server found23:21
Dark_Apostropheoh, got a pastebin that you know works?23:21
Almindorworked in 11.0423:21
arooni-mobile__hi folks;  running 11.10 on lenovo t420.  suspend will bring the computer back; but all programs will have closed!!! how can i fix?23:21
Almindoris this a known issue?23:21
icerootDark_Apostrophe: doesnt matter i dont need the paste23:21
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
icerootDark_Apostrophe: you just have to look if it is the default dns you are using23:21
Dark_ApostropheSo, what do you suggest? I switch to OpenDNS or something like that?23:21
icerootDark_Apostrophe: can you try a different browser?23:22
Dark_ApostropheHave no others installed that the moment23:22
icerootDark_Apostrophe: and you are using https://facebook.com directly?23:23
icerootDark_Apostrophe:  is this offering a cert from digicert inc.?23:24
Dark_ApostropheSerial no. ending in DB:E623:24
icerootDark_Apostrophe: then it seems that "https://facebook.com" is not using the real facebook-servers, maybe a wrong/old dns-entry23:25
Dark_ApostropheHum... so I should try switching DNS servers, then23:25
icerootDark_Apostrophe: is nslookup www.facebook.com as ip?23:25
icerootDark_Apostrophe: my dns is offering me a different ip with the correct cert23:26
icerootDark_Apostrophe: so i guess your dns is directing you to a wrong/faked facebook-server23:27
Dark_ApostropheAlright... Does Ubuntu have its own nameserver configuration system of some kind?23:27
icerootDark_Apostrophe: you are using dhcp?23:27
icerootDark_Apostrophe: then its just reading the dns from your router/isp23:28
icerootDark_Apostrophe: cat /etc/resolv.conf23:28
Dark_ApostropheHmm.. odd that the Win7 desktop, which does the same, has no such problem :/23:28
icerootDark_Apostrophe: thats the dns ubuntu is using23:28
MeXTuXI have a GeForce 8400 GS and Ubuntu 11.04 installed. I just installed 2.6.38-12 and the pc hangs during splash screen. If I choose 2.6.38-11 the Pc boots normally. I installed the nvidia propietary driver (NVIDIA-Linux-x86-285.05.09.run). Any idea??23:28
Dark_Apostrophenameserver <-- Yep, router.23:28
escottMeXTuX, did you manually install it or was it installed by jockey23:29
ZoohouseHello guys23:29
LoptrDark_Apostrophe, looks like someome dns spoofed you23:29
MeXTuXThe driver or the kernel???23:29
ZoohouseWhat would happen if I were to completely remove python 2.7?23:29
escottMeXTuX, the driver23:29
icerootDark_Apostrophe: and "nslookup www.facebook.com" is showing as dns?23:29
escottMeXTuX, presumably you arent building your own kernels and that is coming from apt23:30
icerootZoohouse: if there is no other python installed  i guess a broken system23:30
ZoohouseWhat would happen if I were to completely remove python 2.7 from Ubuntu 11.10? Would Unity stop working on reboot?23:30
histoMeXTuX: reinstall the nvidia driver on .1223:30
ActionParsnipMeXTuX: uninstall the driver then reboot to use the open driver23:30
LoptrDark_Apostrophe, is the problem only with facebook?23:30
HamderAnyone got the time to help out with  installing Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 900 drivers?23:30
Zoohouseiceroot, any easy way to fix it?23:30
ActionParsnipMeXTuX: you can get the 285 driver using the xorg edgers updates ppa23:30
icerootZoohouse: yes, not removing python23:30
Dark_ApostropheLoptr: Haven't tried any others23:30
ZoohouseWhat if I already did?23:31
ActionParsnipMeXTuX: not the xorg edgers ppa itself, they have a slightly stabler branch23:31
icerootZoohouse: reinstall python23:31
icerootZoohouse: and dont reboot23:31
MeXTuXSo everytime a install a new kernel I will need to reinstall the driver??23:31
icerootZoohouse: before it is fixed23:31
arooni-mobile__hi folks;  running 11.10 on lenovo t420.  suspend will bring the computer back; but all programs will have closed!!! how can i fix?23:31
Dark_ApostropheLoptr: Just tried a different site on both computers, this time they got the same cert23:31
LoptrDark_Apostrophe, if it's only facebook you can add the ip for facebook manually but it doesnt fix the problem23:32
Zoohouseiceroot, I a lot of sys files seemed to be removed. Those wouldn't be reinstalled if I just reinstalled Python2.7, would it?23:32
HamderHelp Pls. I need to run WoW on ubuntu but can't due to generic weak drivers.23:32
ActionParsnipMeXTuX: no, if you use the packages instead of the driver from the nvidia site it will do it for you23:32
icerootZoohouse: how you removed python?23:32
icerootZoohouse: with apt-get?23:33
ZoohouseSynaptic iceroot23:33
ActionParsnipMeXTuX: you will need to do it each time with the manual install as you have done23:33
icerootZoohouse: ok then just reinstalling python is enough23:33
martianMy /boot is at 90%. Is there any potential harm in simply destroying old vmlinuz, vmcoreinfo, System.map, initrd.img, config, and abi's?23:33
icerootZoohouse: it will pull everything back needed23:33
ActionParsnipMeXTuX: the packages add dkms data which will generate the module each time, you have bypassed this23:33
icerootmartian: remove old kernels with apt-get23:33
Dark_ApostropheI'll be back soon, gonna try something - thanks for your help so far, folks :)23:33
martianiceroot: oh, and that will purge their /boot counterparts?23:34
icerootmartian: yes23:34
martianiceroot: nifty! thanks23:34
icerootmartian: just dont remove the metapackage only old kernels (packages with versions)23:34
ActionParsnipMeXTuX: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install nvidia-current    and you'll be fine and have no issues. Why did you use the manual method in the first place??23:35
arooni-mobile__hi folks;  running 11.10 on lenovo t420.  suspend will bring the computer back; but all programs will have closed!!! how can i fix?23:36
HamderOK... Is there a World of Warcraft (ubuntu) chan? Anyone?23:36
martianiceroot: hmm, dpkg shows that I only have 2.6.32-34, 33, and 32 installed, but my /boot has files going back to 2123:38
ActionParsnipHamder: #winehq more than likely23:38
ActionParsnipmartian: try:  sudo apt-get --purge autoremove23:38
Hamderthanks ActionParsnip23:38
arooni-mobile__can someone help me with my suspend issue?23:38
martianiceroot: yep, nothing to remove23:39
icerootmartian: hm23:39
icerootmartian: yes --purge should remove the rest23:39
robinsonHow can I reset the default window sizes in 11.10? If I try to save something in any program, the window that spawns for me to select where to save it is WAY too big...23:39
martianiceroot: should is the keyword :)23:40
icerootmartian: as always :)23:40
martianiceroot: should I just remove them?23:40
icerootmartian: yes, but not the one you are using at the moment23:40
ActionParsnipmartian: the command I gave will do it for you23:40
martianActionParsnip: that is not removing them23:41
theMAVERICKis there a way to freeze your version of ubuntu so no upgrade or kernel updates take place?23:41
theMAVERICKbecause whenever I run Maverick Meerkat Ubuntu 10.1023:41
bekkstheMAVERICK: Dont run apt-get update then...23:41
ActionParsnipmartian: if you run:  dpkg -l | grep linux-image-     can you PASTEBIN the output please23:41
theMAVERICKeverything is working PERFECTLY off the fresh install, but I have had 2 computer crashes23:41
ActionParsnip!pin | theMAVERICK23:42
ubottutheMAVERICK: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto23:42
theMAVERICKI will check that out thanks23:42
theMAVERICKNatty and Oneiric have made me a sad panda23:42
iceroottheMAVERICK: remember, normally updates are for security-issues23:42
theMAVERICKiceroot: what do you mean?23:42
robinsonIn 11.10, what controls windows sizes? Unity, Metacity, Gnome3, or something else?23:42
=== shubbar__ is now known as shubbar
iceroottheMAVERICK: if you dont update your system (update != upgrade) you dont get security fixes23:43
martianActionParsnip: THat about sums it up: http://pastebin.com/Yi46Bbw623:43
iceroottheMAVERICK: you dont have to go to 11.04 or 11.10 but you should install updates for 10.10 (which is the default option)23:44
ActionParsnipmartian: can you grep for linux-image   as I asked23:44
iceroottheMAVERICK: these updates dont change functions, just fixing security issues23:44
ActionParsnipmartian: :)23:44
theMAVERICKiceroot: okay, so as long as sources.list points to maverick and I don't upgrade, I shouldn't get new kernel versions?23:46
martianActionParsnip: oops! ahh, there they are!23:46
dircheckHi all, I noticed a probable little bug in the bash autocompletion for gdbus-bash-completion.sh and gsettings-bash-completion.sh: the files is installed wrong in /etc/etc/bash_completion.d/23:46
dircheckthey should be in /etc/bash_completion.d/23:46
iceroottheMAVERICK: correct only patchlevel-kernel-updates23:46
dircheckI had found a bug report on that issue in lauchpad yesterday, but I cannot find it anymore23:47
martianActionParsnip: iceroot mentioned to be careful to not remove the meta, only the literal; is linux-image-2.6.32-21-server the right package to nuke?23:47
histodircheck: hrm.. there not installed that way here on debian squeeze23:47
robinsoncan anyone tell me how to reset window size settings in 11.10?23:47
iceroottheMAVERICK: e.g. 2.6.35-13 instead of 2.6.35-12 but never 2.6.38-x23:47
icerootmartian: yes23:47
dircheckhisto: it is on ubuntu oneiric23:47
icerootmartian: linux-image-server is the metapackage23:47
dircheckprobably a small error in the package23:47
robinsonMy save dialogs are opening WAY too big. I can resize the window, but the last opened size is not saved..23:47
histodircheck: i'd see if anyone else can confirm here23:47
martianActionParsnip, iceroot: as always your help has been great and xoxo :)23:48
theMAVERICKiceroot: ah, okay so that is what those mean...I can do that via synaptic or aptitude?23:49
dircheckhisto: I hope any oneiric-users are on here23:49
ActionParsnipmartian: can you pastebin the output of the command please23:49
iceroottheMAVERICK: both23:49
iceroottheMAVERICK: doesnt matter if you use synaptic, software-center,apt-get or aptitude, all of them are only installing sec-updates (but asking if you want 11.04)23:50
iceroottheMAVERICK: so a normal "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" will NOT change your ubuntu-version and is recommend for the security updates23:51
martianActionParsnip: oh I didn't think you'd want that any more. Here: http://pastebin.com/Un6xFERe23:51
ArcademanHey is xwinwrap supported on ubuntu still?23:51
l3dwas wondering what is the best  media player and burning app ?23:51
iceroot!best | l3d23:51
ubottul3d: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:51
granjero-workinghi, where is "connect to server" on 11.1023:51
l3dk ty23:52
ActionParsnipmartian: ok and what is the output of:  uname -a23:52
theMAVERICKiceroot: I am currently setting synaptic to prefer version maverick-security, that shoudl do the trick, right?23:52
iceroottheMAVERICK: yes23:52
theMAVERICKiceroot: thanks a bunch23:52
robinson#rehash   How can I reset default window sizes in 11.10? Got a weird issue with windows opening too large and needing to be resized, like when I need to save a file.23:52
iceroottheMAVERICK: also there is something like "dont look for release-upgrades"23:52
ArcademanActionParsnip, is xwinwrap supported on ubuntu still?23:52
martianActionParsnip: Linux ehs-n52 2.6.32-34-server #77-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 13 20:54:38 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:52
icerootArcademan: supported like? its not in the repos of 11.1023:52
Arcademaniceroot, im trying to find a good way on making my desktop animated :)23:53
icerootArcademan: play a video23:53
icerootArcademan: what about compiz?23:54
ActionParsnipmartian: http://pastebin.com/40ut00bq23:54
dircheckhisto: I've managed to find the bug again: Bug 81917123:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 819171 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "bash completion files were in the wrong place" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81917123:54
ActionParsnipArcademan: not used it in ages. I believe there is a PPA23:54
dircheckBug #81917123:54
martianActionParsnip: Thanks again for your help23:54
jamescarrI've been googling... where's that apt sources.list for ubuntu 9?23:55
Arcademaniceroot, how would I do that in compiz :)23:55
jamescarrI have an old desktop and I have too much on my plate to update until next week23:55
icerootjamescarr: /etc/apt/sources.list23:55
jamescarrin the meantime, I just need to get stuff done :)23:55
icerootjamescarr: 9.x is no longer supported23:55
jamescarriceroot, duh23:55
jamescarriceroot, duh23:55
jamescarriceroot, there is some backport repo you can use though23:55
iceroot!eol | jamescarr23:55
ubottujamescarr: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:55
jamescarriceroot, DUH!!23:55
jamescarriceroot, can you hear me!?23:55
jamescarriceroot, can you!?23:55
FloodBot1jamescarr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:55
ActionParsnipmartian: makes sense if you read it, you're going to get a lot of free space back23:56
jamescarriceroot, I want to just use the backport repo that can still be used. I admin several ubuntu boxes and they are upgraded23:56
theMAVERICKiceroot: the only options I saw under "prefer cersions from: were: maverick, maverick-security, and maverick updates23:56
jamescarrI just have a desktop that I don't have time to upgrade, and I remember there is some repo you can use with 9 still23:56
icerootjamescarr: 9.x is no longer supported, no sec-updates doesnt matter if you use backports23:56
jamescarriceroot, i know!23:56
brahemsaludos / hello :)!23:56
jamescarrsigh... I'll go back to googling23:56
brahemhow are you my friends? :D23:56
jamescarrI was just hoping someone here knew23:56
icerootjamescarr: so what is your question?23:56
ActionParsnipjamescarr: there are no official repos for Jaunty / Karmic23:57
theMAVERICKActionParsnip: anywhere?23:57
jamescarriceroot, there are unofficial apt repos that mirror what the 9 repos had23:57
icerootjamescarr: i told you its out of support and the normal repos are down23:57
jamescarrtrying to find them23:57
icerootjamescarr: read the link from ubottu23:57
ActionParsniptheMAVERICK: not official ones, there are PPAs supporting old releases23:57
theMAVERICKActionParsnip: ah23:57
icerootActionParsnip: there are the archive-repos23:57
icerootActionParsnip: which hold the packages from eol releases23:58
jamescarriceroot, I do not feel like spending 2 hours upgrading tonight. I will when my plate is clear23:58
icerootjamescarr: but googling 2 hours for eol-repos?23:58
eboyjrHow do I get the microphone file?23:58
eboyjr(since everythings a file)23:58
eboyjrThis is for VLC23:58
theMAVERICKeboyjr: what is a microphone file?23:58
eboyjrSo I can stream it23:58
eboyjrtheMAVERICK: The location of the audio device23:58
escotteboyjr, sound doesn't work the same way, but the dev files are in /dev/snd23:59
theMAVERICKeboyjr: does audacity not list the device under the preferences menu?23:59

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