
=== eu is now known as Guest63527
ryeso, now my thunderbird cannot creade DesktopcouchSession object.. looks like bug #66840907:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 668409 in desktopcouch "Does not check for local auth entries in keyring if couchdb.html is present and parseable. (affects: 4) (heat: 15)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66840907:26
* rye prepares a package for bug #745540 - removing the fallback call, I want to see the real issue08:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 745540 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 5 other projects) "Method "CreateItem" with signature "a{sv}(oayay)b" on interface "org.freedesktop.Secret.Collection" doesn't exist (affects: 63) (dups: 2) (heat: 316)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74554008:50
JamesTaitGoooood mooooorning all! :D09:56
rye"Couldn't set item secret."10:16
karniGood morning!10:46
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guhcamposAre you guys aware that ubuntu one for windows is seriously broken?12:55
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ryeguhcampos, could you please provide some more information? If you are talking about the files not reuploading upon reconnect, this is known and will be fixed in next release. If you are talking about something else then we will need more information.13:02
guhcamposnot really13:02
guhcamposit's been using like 2GB of RAM on my laptop 20 minutes after booting up13:03
guhcamposthis is far from acceptable for a simple syncing daemon13:03
guhcamposI use dropbox and Windows Live Mesh to syn other folders and rarely notice they are even running13:03
guhcamposafter installing ubuntu one my laptop keeps crashing apps saying there's no memory left13:04
alecuand hello, #u1!13:34
gatoxalecu, hi13:35
duanedesignalecu: calling stale broker? Have you seen that in the Windows Client13:36
alecuduanedesign, I think I did. Do you have a full log?13:37
duanedesigni will ask for logs, but was curious if that sounded familiar13:37
alecuduanedesign, it sounds like the IPC between Syncdaemon and control panel has disconnected...13:37
alecuduanedesign, but I might be confusing the issue13:38
duanedesigni think you are right. that sounds familiar13:38
duanedesignmaybe a result of syncdaemon crashing?13:38
alecuduanedesign, btw: thanks again for the tweets: we got 250 replies to the survey!13:38
alecuduanedesign, right, it might be that.13:39
duanedesignalecu: awesome you got so mant results13:39
alecuduanedesign, yes, it was awesome, because I didn't expect so many people listening to our twitter AND interested in proxy support as well.13:40
duanedesignalecu: i have been suprised as well to the amount of people responding to stuff I have posted on facebook and twitter13:41
joshuahoover alecu, duanedesign: i was just going to say, i'm impressed we've gotten so many responses to alecu's proxy survey13:41
ryeguhcampos, how many files do you have that are being synced by U1 ?13:44
ryeduanedesign, i know how to call stale broker13:45
guhcamposrye let me check =)13:45
ryealecu, kill ubuntuone-syncdaemon.exe and try doing something in control panel. restarting sd makes it lose the connection13:45
guhcamposrye, 4 folders, 15070 files13:47
guhcamposrye, 154MB total13:48
alecurye, yes, that's a glaring bug; we need to add some kind of reconnection at the windows IPC layer.13:48
alecuduanedesign, ^13:48
ryeduanedesign, do you recall any reports of high memory usage in Windows SD?13:48
alecumandel, ping13:49
guhcamposRye http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11414834#post1141483413:49
duanedesignrye: the calling stale broker error, is that resolved by closing and reopening the control panel?13:54
ryeduanedesign, closing control panel does not close control panel process13:57
ryeby the way13:57
ryealecu, why?13:57
ryeduanedesign, killing control panel and then opening it again fixes it13:57
duanedesignok, thank you13:58
alecurye, I believe that to be a bug in qtreactor13:58
alecurye, it sometimes decides to not stop. It happens when we run the tests too13:59
alecurye, perhaps we should solve it by self-killing the process when it recives the close signal from qt13:59
ryealecu, hm, frankly speaking I thought it was an optimization, to prevent slow control panel startup14:01
ryealecu, and re: trapping the bug in txsecrets, i think I know how to make it break, just set iterations to 0 in the code, WARNING: this will break saving to gnome-keyring until you restore proper package :)14:02
alecurye, oh, you mean this happens on linux?14:02
alecurye, I thought you were talking about windows14:02
ryealecu, erm... no, it does not happen on Ubuntu, control panel stops properly14:03
alecurye, sorry, I misread your last bit re:trapping the bug in txsecrets14:04
alecuok people, I need to take Amelia to kinder. See you in an hour or so.14:06
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ralsinagood morning!14:53
gatoxralsina, hi14:53
nessitamandel, alecu: hi there! did you guys got my invite for a proxy support talk?14:53
nessitamandel, alecu: skype please? :-)14:56
gatoxnessita, alecu went to take amelia to the kinder14:57
nessitagatox: but we had a meeting!14:57
nessitagatox: can you sms him, please?14:58
gatoxnessita, yes14:58
alecuund he..15:01
nessitaalecu: hi there!15:01
nessitamandel, alecu: skype please? :-)15:01
alecunessita, skype then?15:01
nessitaalecu: yes, thanks!15:01
ryealecu, you know what's interesting with that bug with signature... I have no idea how that happen to work now, the RAND_MAX+1 overflows integer and yields a negative number15:34
alecurye, otp now, I'll catch up in a few minutes.15:35
gatoxlunch..... brb15:56
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mandelalecu, ping17:07
mandelgatox, ping17:10
gatoxmandel, pong17:10
gatoxhow are you?17:10
gatoxmandel, are you working today?17:10
gatoxi thought you have the day off17:10
mandelgatox, no, but it seems that alecu, nessita and ralsina did not remember17:12
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mandelgatox, so I came to see what was up and tell then to look at canonical admin before the arrange a meeting :)17:13
gatoxmandel, i told nessita when she was looking for you about your day off17:13
alecumandel, sorry about that :-)17:30
alecumandel, have a nice day off!!!17:30
gatoxalecu, he is walking the dog now17:30
gatoxalecu, do you have a minute?17:31
alecugatox, sure!17:31
gatoxalecu, i'm working with the unicode bugs, and i found something weird17:32
alecugatox, tell me17:33
gatoxalecu, we are using the function: native_path to turn an utf8 path into a path useable in the current encoding....... BUT, with the weird paths that i'm working..... if i try to call os functions as makedirs.... with the result of that function everything fail, but if i only do this: utf8path.decode('utf-8') (instead of: utf8path.decode("utf-8").encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) what the function does), everything works17:34
gatoxso.... i assume that this code is for some reason, and i wanted to ask you if you can tell me why to understand the context17:35
gatoxwe can keep talking via PM if you want17:35
alecugatox, no, talking here is fine.17:36
gatoxalecu, ok17:36
alecugatox, can you point me at the branch with these issue?17:36
gatoxalecu, there is no branch yet..... can i show you the function if you want17:37
gatoxi can*17:37
gatoxat the beggining of the file17:37
gatoxalecu, and the other function you will need to see is in the same file: get_special_folders17:39
gatoxline 51: get_path = ...17:39
gatoxalecu, as you can see...... get_path return a path encoded in utf-8...... and several paths are created with that function, or joining the result of that paths with another string, but then in ubuntu_sso/logger.py when we tried to create the path calling to: native_path(LOGFOLDER) that with my user break everything....  because native_path doesn't leave the path in the proper encoding17:46
gatoxi tested, and if i decode the path only to utf-8 it works..... but i assume that for some reason it says actually: utf8path.decode("utf-8").encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())17:47
alecuyes, I think the case with logger is special; it's not the same as with the rest of the platform independent functions17:47
alecuI'm trying to refresh my memory on this17:48
gatoxalecu, YES!! i made sso works under my user :P17:58
alecugatox, what was the issue?17:59
alecuhow did you fix it?18:00
gatoxalecu, in sso everything was related to the logger (by now... probably more to come).... so i modified that module to avoid using native_path and decode the path only when is going to be used to access the folder..... i'm adding comments in the code right now18:01
alecugatox, are you testing this with a user with japanese characters in it?18:01
gatoxalecu, yes18:02
alecugatox, great18:02
gatoxamong other things18:02
gatoxalecu, i have to start document this steps better18:02
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ralsinamandel: ping could you try to investigate the last comment in bug #855428 ? It sounds quite weird.19:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 855428 in ubuntuone-client "AttributeError: "NoneType" object has no attribute get_rootdir (affects: 12) (dups: 7) (heat: 90)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85542819:37
ralsinamandel: I mean the comment by Alexandros19:37
duanedesignI need a workaround and/or fix for Windows users who are unable to uninstall their Ubuntu One client19:58
alecugatox, I'm back if you want to discuss unicode issues19:58
duanedesignetting a fair number of tickets from Windows users who have no uninstall19:58
gatoxalecu, hi, let me create a branch with that changes, so it would be easy19:59
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
gatoxalecu, sorry for the delay, i upload the branches somewhere else (my brain is not in its best shape right now :P), here you have: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/unicode-issues  -  https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/unicode-issues20:11
gatoxalecu, i was seeing that the problem always present when someone try to use native_path in ubuntu_sso/xdg_base_directory/windows.py20:12
gatoxbut, the paths in unicode were recognized without problems, so i added this to that method:20:13
gatox    if os.path.supports_unicode_filenames:20:13
gatox        return utf8path.decode("utf-8")20:13
gatox    else:20:13
gatox        return utf8path.decode("utf-8").encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())20:13
gatoxand everything start to work again.... is not complete....20:13
gatoxbut that fixes a lot of problems that i was having..20:14
gatoxbut..... i wanted to talk to you, nessita and mandel.... to see if you know any other reason why that maybe is not completely right20:14
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skyballthe Status is the same for all or just my account?22:01
skyballI am having problems syncing is this the same for all?23:12

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