
astartothi'll try running the .iso on a kvm maching00:00
astartothetc/default/grub just shows "quiet splash"00:05
juxtaI accidentally wiped my sources.list in xubuntu. Will a sources.list from regular ubuntu work ok, or are the addresses different?00:07
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sstoveldhi there, can anyone help with a dual monitor setup question?00:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:27
sstoveldhah ok, well i'm trying to set up dual monitors here, my primary being on the right. i don't see any options in the Settings Manager > Display settings. it recognizes both monitors, but i don't see an option for extending the display. right now it just mirrors the display. any help?00:29
knomeati or nvidia?00:29
sstoveldati 687000:29
knomesee xrandr00:30
sstoveldsorry? could you be more specific? what about xrandr?00:31
knomewith xrandr, you can configure the monitors00:32
knomesomething like xrandr --output DVI-2 --left-of DVI-100:33
sstoveldoh ok00:33
sstoveldso i can run a command from terminal, say, xrandr --output CRT1 --left-of DFP3?00:34
sstoveldok, when i try running this command, i get this error: xrandr: screen cannot be larger than 1280x1280 (desired size 2560x1024)00:35
knomehmmh, i have no experience with ati00:36
knomeor much with xrandr either00:36
sstoveldah ok00:36
holsteinjuxta: sources should be the same... you want my sources list? 11.10?02:54
preecherordering a new laptop tomorrow    between radeon 6570m and nvidia  gt555m would there be a better of the two for ubuntu/linux02:59
juxtaholstein, thanks for that. I used a sources.list generator and all seems good :)03:24
holsteinjuxta: yeah, its not rocket science... all the xubuntu stuff is in the normal repos since xubuntu is an offical spin or whatever you want to call it03:27
juxtaexcellent, thanks again :)03:27
* babble is an official spin. heh. 03:27
babblesigh, has anybody had success reinstalling with Relinux or Remastersys in 11.10?03:28
babble(Ubiquity hangs at 'scanning cd-rom' and leaves the system unconfigured)03:29
holsteinbabble: i havent tried yet... but i plan on it... keep me posted on what you find :)03:29
babbleso far, all I've found is that I can bork my installation hard with either. heh.03:29
holsteinwell, that is a data set ;)03:30
babbleis there a way to tell Ubiquity NOT to scan for (an apparently missing?) cdrom repo and instead skip to dpkg and grub config?03:30
holsteinwhats the installer team irc? ubuntu-installer? ubuntu-something like that03:32
babbleoh, of course. heh.03:32
babbleI know, I keep asking everything in the wrong places, mea culpa.03:32
babble(of course, I could ALSO bother to read the casper manual, heh)03:33
holsteineh.. im just trying to think of who would know03:33
babbleit's just that a quick reinstall of my current system that just does a clean dpkg config would be SO handy.03:37
babblesince I keep futzing around with stuff. heh.03:37
ballDoes Xubuntu ship with something that can find and mount NFS shares on another host?05:52
Sysiball: gigolo possibly06:57
ballSysi: Thanks, I'll have a look at that.07:03
pertutatishi, can I have icon preview for pictures on desktop?08:23
Migouhi everybody09:13
MigouI need help on xubuntu, xfce09:29
well_laid_lawnMigou: you're in the right place09:29
MigouOh, great :)09:29
MigouMy problem is that I have no wallpaper09:30
well_laid_lawnis this a new thing?09:30
MigouNot really, I haven't taken care of that problem for a while09:31
well_laid_lawnyou can try in a terminal   xfdesktop &09:31
MigouI think the problem was already there before I went to the last version of ubuntu. so let's try what you said.09:32
Migou$ xfdesktop[2374] is already running; assuming --reload09:32
MigouI right clic on the desktop, the clic on "Modify the Desktops's Wallpaper"09:33
Migoubut no window appears09:33
well_laid_lawnok, can you set the background from the settings manager?09:34
MigouI think I already tried : that way09:34
Migousorry but I translate from french09:35
MigouApplication Menu > Parameters (settings?) > Desktop09:35
well_laid_lawnI have   menu - settings - settings manager   the select desktop09:36
well_laid_lawnI have   menu - settings - settings manager   then select desktop09:36
MigouIt should be the "editeur de paramètres", there is a list of items, with displays, keypoards, ristretto, ... xfce4-desktop09:39
Migoushould I select "xfce4-desktop" ?09:39
well_laid_lawnyes try that09:39
MigouIt displays a tree of parameters :09:39
Migoubackdrop (type=empty)09:40
Migou   > screen0 (Type=empty)09:40
well_laid_lawnthat's the xfconf xml list09:40
Migou        > monitor0 (Type=empty)09:40
well_laid_lawntry in a termianl   xfce4-desktop-settings09:40
well_laid_lawnthat's the window that should come up when you right click the desktop and select "Modify the Desktops's Wallpaper"09:42
MigouI have no such program09:42
Migouwell I have to go to breakfast.09:43
Migouthank you for that start of help09:43
well_laid_lawntry again later then :)09:43
incorrectcan i get the global menu plugin for 64bit xubuntu?10:39
Migou@well_laid_lawn : Hi back, I've searched for xfce4-desktop-settings in apt-get and google, and I can't find any occurence, is that really the good name?10:42
MigouOr maybe it doesn't exist anymore in the Ocelot version?10:42
well_laid_lawnMigou: it is what I have here with xubuntu 11.10 and xfce4 4.810:42
well_laid_lawnMigou: sorry it is xfdesktop-settings10:45
Migouyeah :) so let's see10:46
MigouOk, alas, I already tried with that program10:47
well_laid_lawndoes it give any errors in a terminal?10:47
MigouIt gives no errors.10:49
Migouwhen I launch the newly selected wallpaper is selected10:50
Migouso my settings have been recorded.10:50
well_laid_lawnand when you reboot the wallpaper is gone? or is it fixed?10:51
well_laid_lawnyou might need to save the session10:52
MigouI will reboot (shutdown -r) in a few minutes, what do you think, is it possible that th xfdesktop wallpaper might be overriden/overwriten? by another wallpaper manager?10:53
well_laid_lawnif you only start a xfce session it shouldn't be10:54
Migoubecause the desktop's background remain uniformly blue10:54
MigouOk so I'll close my session and come back10:55
well_laid_lawnyou might have to select an image or change the colour10:55
Migouhello again10:58
Migouso, I is interesting10:58
well_laid_lawnwhat happened?10:59
Migouwhen I restart my session, it first displays a blinking walpaper with a small xfce mouse in the middle (it must be a default wallapaper or sthglike that, because it has nothing to do with the wallpaper I chose).11:01
MigouThen The walpaper I chose is visible for a second or two, and then, the walpaper is replaced by a monochrom blue color11:01
well_laid_lawnthe one with the mouse is the splash screen probably bayou11:02
MigouOk, that's what I thought11:02
well_laid_lawncheck in the wallpaper setter that the "single image" option is checked11:02
MigouI may have installed One or two programs long ago that may override the wallpaper11:03
MigouIt is checked11:03
well_laid_lawnare those wallpaper apps in autostart?11:04
Migouand the colors options seem to work, as I managed to see a green version of the xfce4 turbulence  wallpaper.11:04
MigouI'll first remove a program called wally, that I installed yesterday11:04
MigouThen, how should I check which applications are in autostart?11:05
Migou"what is autostart" ?11:06
well_laid_lawnfrom the settings manager - session and startup - the application autostart tab11:06
well_laid_lawnautostart is to set an app to start when xfce starts11:07
Migoufound it, wow, there are many programs at start11:09
well_laid_lawnI always find a few I don't need11:10
Migoubut nothing related to wallpapaers, i think. Well, as I uninstalled wally, I'll try once more to restart my session.11:11
Migousame result11:13
Migouhmm so, the apps at start up, maybe i should list them11:13
MigouOr disable them all ??11:14
well_laid_lawnyou need some of them11:14
Migouok, so I won't disable them all)))11:15
Migouxfce settings helper ?11:15
Migoumight be guilty?11:15
well_laid_lawnyes that's a needed one11:15
Migouoh gosh11:15
well_laid_lawnnot guilty of bad things11:15
Migouclipman - not guilty11:15
MigouGPG password agent - not guilty11:16
well_laid_lawnI'd try a new session first11:16
MigouOk, I'll be back. By the way, thank you for helping... it's beginning to be long :-(11:17
well_laid_lawnmaking a coffee here :)11:19
Migou2everything works fine in a new account11:30
Migou2...this means Im ust have screwed up something which remains in some config file such as ~/.*11:31
well_laid_lawnor you keep logging into the same session11:32
Migou2Indeed, for example, I can't get rid of nautilus and firefox launching at start11:33
well_laid_lawndo you have the options for a xubuntu session and a xfce session at login?11:33
Migou2I tried the various icons when shuting down my computer11:33
well_laid_lawnxfce session should be a new session afaik11:34
Migou2hmm, I must go, but at least, I've got a solution. I'll try how to start a new session.11:35
Migou2good bye11:47
babblehey all: I've been trying to make a bootable system backup with relinux (fork of remastersys, which had the *same* problem, I'll get to); either one would hang at the 'scanning cdrom' apt stage leaving the system unconfigured (dpkg and update-grub wouldn't run). I've worked around THAT by copying dists and pool from a livecd - apt runs as it needs to and everything works, *sort of* but Ubiquity now crashes at the END of the install. I have the output of its12:49
babbledebug log.12:49
Gremuchnikhi my XFCE terminal emulator (0.4.8)'s transparency stopped working.  How can I fix that? thanks!13:07
babbledo you have compositing enabled? (I've had *something* turn it off, at odd times, that I still haven't tracked down)13:10
Gremuchniklemme check13:10
babble(if I have a couple of maximized windows open when I launch a terminal, it's easy for me to miss that they've suddenly lost shadows, etc)13:11
Gremuchnikwhere do I check that again?13:11
babblein a standard Xubuntu install, look in Settings > Settings Manager > Window Manager Tweaks13:12
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Gremuchnikbabble, that worked and fixed the problem. you rock! thanks13:12
babbleI do try :)13:12
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Gremuchnikno, you do succeed :-)  thanks a lot!!!13:13
babblethere's SOMEthing I've installed that seems to disable the compositor; I still haven't figured out what it is yet13:13
* Gremuchnik always marvels at how friendly and competent the Xubuntu community is13:13
Gremuchnikgotta run now (work)13:13
babbleoh, I'm glad it was a simple fix13:13
Gremuchnikcya later friends13:13
Gremuchnikyou rock!!13:13
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GremuchnikHi, I am using a 24" 1920x1200 (60Hz) display and have set the DPI at 98, with anti-aliasing enabled and no hinting.  My fonts look a little "smudged", not crisp.  What is the best setting for my sub-pixel order?13:55
GremuchnikMy fonts look particularly bad on FireFox13:56
Sysicheck DPI with 'xdpyinfo | grep resolution' default sub-pixel order in xubuntu is RGB, try different hinting settings13:58
Sysidepending of font, slight or full is propably what you want13:58
GremuchnikI got resolution:    96x96 dots per inch14:01
babblesec, lemme check what I'm using14:04
Gremuchnikmy font is Ubuntu14:05
SysiI've only used dejavu/droid-sans14:06
babbleI'm using Droid Sans, 96 dpi, slight hinting and RGB sup-pixel rendering (not BGR or either of the vertical options)14:08
babblebut (caveat, heh) I'm also an OS X user, so I'm used to relatively heavy antialiasing. I may like smudgier text than you want14:09
grifo74hello how is minimal hardware requiriments to use xubuntu? work with 250b memotry?14:10
babblehttp://xubuntu.org/getubuntu recommends 256 megs, but you will likely want at least 51214:11
Gremuchnikgrifo74, with 250mb of memory you might want to try something like Linux Mint Debian Edition with XFCE14:12
babblebut if you run without the compositor, and don't install heavyweight extras like libreoffice, it should be okay14:12
Gremuchnikor basic Debian with OpenBox or LMDE14:12
grifo74thanks i like ubuntu but need beter hardware, and i need an alternative xubuntu or lubuntu14:13
GridCubeGremuchnik: http://johan.kiviniemi.name/blag/ubuntu-fonts/14:14
Gremuchniksorry, I mean LXDE14:14
GremuchnikGridCube, thanks14:14
grifo74another question is easy uptate xubuntu ex: 11.10 to 12.04 without problems?14:16
GremuchnikDebian with OpenBox or LXDE is probably the lightest option out there.  That, or Damn Small Linux (http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/)14:16
babblewell, since 12.04 hasn't even posted an alpha yet, that's a relatively unknown question.14:16
grifo74ok 11.04 to 11.10 dont give problems whem people upgrade14:17
grifo74i dont like format my pc every 6 months14:17
GremuchnikGridCube, Crunchbang (http://crunchbanglinux.org/) is also an lean distro14:17
GridCube:P Gremuchnik i think you meant grifo7414:17
babblegrifo74: I updated without a problem this time around, but a) I changed desktops (from Ubuntu to Xubuntu) and b) I nearly ALWAYS do clean installs14:18
GridCubebut in that topic, crunchbag is NOT a lean distro, its pretty heavy14:18
babbleif you want to upgrade in place, MOST of the time, it 'just works' but as always there are a few reports of folks who've had small issues.14:18
babbleback up before you upgrade, as always14:18
GridCubeclean installs are always better14:18
GremuchnikGridCube, yes, sorry, I did mean grifo7414:19
GridCubepartitions people, partitions14:19
GremuchnikGridCube, you think that the folks at Mint are right to recommend a full/clean install with every new version rather than the usual Update via GUI or "sudo apt-get update  && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"?14:20
babblegrifo74: you don't always have to format your computer; you can install without formatting the drive, preserving your existing home directory (and apps, if you want) but again, you're potentially running into the same sorts of issues folks occasionally report with in-place upgrades.14:20
GridCubefor simple distros that just work on low specs you have, Slax(my favourite), Puppy, Lubuntu, and ofcourse if you are mad enough Tinycore.14:20
grifo74ok my download is finish now i go install in virtualbox i install my favorite software if work fine in future iḿ a new xubuntu user lol14:21
GridCubeGremuchnik: yes, thats always less painful than upgrading14:21
GremuchnikGridCube, I am slowly coming to the same conclusion, but what a pain it must be to reconfigure it all each time, from the list of installed apps, to the configuration parameters, no?14:22
GridCubeits easier than reconfiguring everithing becuase its broken and you don't know wich conf file is making everything wrong14:23
Gremuchnikyeah, maybe14:23
GridCubealso you can save the stuff you want14:23
GridCubeits all on your ~/14:23
GridCubeif thats partitioned then your conf files are still there14:23
GremuchnikI wish I new a way to save a "list of installed applications" and then pipe it into APT or something to reinstall them all in a batch14:23
Gremuchnikrather than one by one14:24
GridCubethere was a script for that14:24
GridCubeyes, but really, how much software you install?14:24
Gremuchnikmostly multimedia14:25
GridCubeoh, those are easy14:25
GridCubesudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras vlc totem smplayer14:25
babbleah, there we go14:31
grifo74how i configure hotkeys in my laptop? i install hotkeys but i think dont work14:41
babblewhat do you need to do?14:41
babbleyou can probably make an application shortcut for it in Settings Manager > Keyboard > Application Shortcuts14:42
grifo74i like to up and down volume pc sound with fn+up or fn+down14:45
babblethat should be configured for you in Xubuntu (and Gnome/Unity for that matter)14:45
babbleare you using Ubuntu presently, or Xubuntu?14:46
grifo74presently i use ubuntu and work fine on install dont need confdigure nothing14:48
babbleyou can change keyboard shortcuts in Ubuntu in the Keyboard Settings panel14:49
babbleopen the dash and look for Keyboard and look in the keyboard shortcuts tab14:50
babbleyou want to change the defaults for volume up/volume down (which are probably set to media keys if you're on a laptop)14:50
babble(i.e. to do what you want, you probably *don't* need a separate utility for hotkeys)14:51
DaewHello, I have a problem:15:35
DaewI installed a program via "Software center" and it says now that it is installed. It says in "details" that it should appear under xfce => settings but I can't see it there. I can not find it with "Application finder" either. Is there any other way I can find/run it?15:35
holsteinDaew: alt-F2 software-center should do it :)15:38
grifo74how i see my network folders in thunar?15:39
grifo74or my network15:39
TheSheepgrifo74: see network?15:39
TheSheepgrifo74: what do you mean?15:40
Daew@holstein: The program I installed is called "pointing devices" I need it to use it to turn off synaptics touchpad, but the program claims it is installed but it doesn't appear in software center15:41
DaewNor in menu15:41
DaewSorry, messed that up: It appears in software center as installed (but can not run it from here) but doesn't appear in menu or application finder.15:42
TheSheepDaew: gpointing-device-settings15:42
holsteinDaew: appologies... i though you had installed the software center and it wasnt showing in the menu15:43
grifo74in thunar i cant see my network15:43
TheSheepgrifo74: thunar displays files15:43
TheSheepgrifo74: not networks15:43
DaewThanks that worked =)15:43
holsteingrifo74: samba share? ssh? what networked directories?15:43
grifo74samba share15:43
TheSheepgrifo74: well, then use a samba broser like gigolo for that15:44
ballTheSheep: I'm really not a big fan of MS Windows, but Microsoft do seem to have integrated the networking fairly well in terms of how easy it is to share folders or mount shares from another computer.  It seems more difficult with Xubuntu.15:44
TheSheepgrifo74: or mount it with fuse-smb15:44
holsteinball: its also the lighter file manager...15:45
ballTheSheep: ...what would I use to mount an NFS share?15:45
TheSheepball: nonsense, scp works flawlessly15:45
grifo74how sorry but in ubuntu nautilus is easy15:45
TheSheepball: just mount it15:45
holsteinyeah, nautilus is quite a bit heavier15:45
grifo74how i mount use fuse-smb15:45
ballTheSheep: Is that done from the command line?15:45
TheSheepball: nfs is build in kernel15:45
holsteinyou can run nautilus in xubuntu if you want15:45
TheSheepball: from command line or with /etc/fstab or with any gui program that can do it15:46
ballHow do I list the shares on a given host?15:46
grifo74ok i go install nautilus thanks15:47
holsteingrifo74: you might want to try one of the suggested tools15:47
TheSheepball: you check /etc/exports on it15:47
holsteingigolo for example lik TheSheep suggested, grifo7415:48
ballTheSheep: I can't ask a remote host what shares it has?15:48
TheSheepno, nfs is just for sharing the filesystem, not for advertising your presence to everyone on the network15:49
TheSheepthe latter can be done with bonjour15:49
ballTheSheep: Okay.  I believe I know the name of the share, so I'll have a go.15:49
edotomHi there16:02
edotomi'm looking for help16:02
edotomwith networking16:02
edotomin ubuntu16:02
babbleedotom: somebody may be able to help - what's your issue?16:02
babblecan you give me a specific networking problem you're having?16:03
edotomI'm a newbie so please be patient16:03
babbleno worries.16:03
babbleeverybody's new sometime.16:03
edotomI have a lan16:03
edotomand ISp16:03
edotoman ubuntu box with 2nics16:03
edotoma cisco wifi router16:04
edotomI want to use iptables to filter internet from my isp16:04
babblestart here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo16:04
babbleread through the whole document carefully.16:04
babbleif you're still stuck, come back16:05
edotomfirst I'd like to ask you something16:05
edotomI have it working like this16:05
edotommy isp modem is connected to my eth016:05
edotomI have internet there on eth016:06
edotomthen I have my eth116:06
edotomconnected to my wifi16:06
edotomI have internet on all my computers16:06
edotommy eth1 is
edotomand my router is giving my pcs
edotomcan I forward like this?  I have a webserver but can't get redirection16:07
babblethe router is going to use whatever subnet setup is in the router's config currently.16:08
babbleit shouldn't be a problem to map your iptables across subnets, or you can likely change the router's config to give you IP addresses in the subnet you'd prefer.16:08
edotomso the trick is subnet?16:08
edotomall of my devices should be on the same subnet?16:09
edotometh0 has its own provided by my isp16:09
babbleif the router is set to give IP addresses over nat in the form of 192.168.1.* and you want it to give addresses in the range of 10.10.10.* the simplest solution is probably to check the router's config and see if you can switch it to the IP range you WANT instead.16:09
edotombut eth1 and wifi router should have the same subnet?16:09
babblethere's no reason they *necessarily* should, no.16:10
babbleas you can see, it's not required for NAT in order for everything to have internet access.16:10
ballA lot of routers don't support non-192.168.x.x nets16:10
babblesome do, some don't16:11
babblein any event, it's not impossible to set up IPtables across subnets like this, just not quite as simple.16:11
babbleagain, read through the entire iptables document16:11
edotomi'll do so16:11
edotomI was reading about it... I understand I have to preroute, postroute and forward16:12
babblethere may be a simpler solution.16:13
babblewhat do you need IPtables *for*?16:13
babbleare you rolling your own 'parental controls' site filtering or something?16:13
edotomI need a proxy...16:13
edotomI have a lan16:13
edotomI have and Isp cable modem16:13
edotomI have an ubuntu server16:13
edotommy isp provides me with an address 190.24.226.XXX16:14
edotomwith subnet 255.255.255.XXX16:14
babblethe ISP provided address is more or less beside the point for what you're doing16:14
edotomI've setup eth0 according to that16:14
edotomthen I have eth116:14
babblesince you're using NAT to distribute access across the lan, the outside IP is whatever it is.16:14
edotomI have my wifi router configured as DHCP server with NAT enabled16:15
edotomis that ok or should it be in charge of ubuntu box?16:15
babblewell, it depends on what you mean by 'okay'16:16
babbleas you can see, even though the wifi network is on a completely DIFFERENT subnet, as long as it gets a natted-IP from the wired network it can still get to the wider internet16:16
edotomIs it the best way?16:16
babbleand again, if you can't change the IP range of your router (check the config, and see if you can) you can STILL do what you want, but it's not something I can give you a simple one-line answer for in an IRC chat16:17
edotomactually my only problem is that I have a pc with a http server but I can't get to see it from outside16:17
babblewell, that may (probably, in fact) doesn't have a thing to do with iptables.16:18
babbleyour ISP is very likely blocking known server ports.16:18
edotomin the lan I can see that pc16:18
babbletry switching the web server to listen to a higher port16:18
babbleon the lan is irrelevant in this case.16:18
babbleyou need to be able to see it from outside the lan, right?16:18
edotomactually I was able16:18
babbleokay, hush a second and listen carefully16:18
babbleif you were ABLE to from outside the lan before, what did you change?16:19
edotomI had ubuntu 10... something happened and I could not log in anymore ... so I reinstalled to ubuntu 1116:19
edotomI set up nics like before16:20
edotomfrom my notes16:20
babble'something happened' unfortunately doesn't give me anything to go on16:20
edotomI installed firestarter16:20
edotomcomputer stalled16:20
babblecan you see the webserver WITHOUT the firewall running?16:20
edotomfrom linux16:20
edotombut from other computers I can16:20
edotomthe other pcs are win16:21
babbleother computers inside your LAN aren't the problem16:21
babbleagain, you need to be able to see the web server from OUTSIDE your lan, correct?16:21
babbleso telling me again and again that computers on the LAN can see it is unrelated in this case, okay?16:21
edotomI can even see my apache on my linux box from outside16:22
babbleunfortunately, from the way you're describing this, it's nearly impossible to get at what your problem is other than16:22
babble'it's broken'16:22
babblethat's not really enough information.16:23
edotomhow can I improve the info?16:23
edotomwhat do you need to know?16:23
babbleyou seem to be simultaneously saying you both *can* and *cannot* see the web server in question from outside your LAN16:23
babbleif you can't see it, but you could before, you changed something in your setup16:24
babbleif you *can* see it, what's the problem?16:24
edotommy linux box which I think is my gateway to the outside world can't see my other pcs16:25
babbleyou said you had hardware router.16:25
babbledo you or don't you?16:25
edotomthe other computers can see each other16:25
babbleand what's the cable modem plugged into?16:26
edotomthe other computers are connected to the wifi router16:26
babbleI didn't ask you that16:26
babblewhat's the *cable modem* plugged into?16:26
edotomcable modem is connected to my linux box16:26
edotommy linux box is my proxy16:26
edotomand it provides "internet"  to the hardware router16:27
edotomthe hardware router has all win pcs connected to it16:27
edotomI need that my linux box can forward http 8080 to a local pc connected to the hardware router16:28
edotomRight now I don't know If I setup wrong nics or if it is that I configured iptables wrong16:29
babblesee the IPTables documentation, specifically Sec. 516:29
edotomok.. thanks16:29
edotomthanks for your patience16:30
edotomsorry for my english too16:30
babblesee also the example rule for www further down16:30
edotomthanks a lot16:31
babblethere's also a doc page for setting up Ubuntu as a router, here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router16:32
babblein there, see specifically https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router#Enable_IP_forwarding_and_Masquerading16:32
edotomthanks ... I'm on it16:34
edotomregards from Colombia16:34
babbleregards :)16:35
edotombye from now16:35
edotombye for now16:35
edotomit's better16:35
=== GridCube is now known as The_Soup
=== The_Soup is now known as GridCube
vayhi. how i can change keyboard layout in xubuntu between english and russian?18:07
vayhi. how i can change keyboard layout in xubuntu between english and russian?18:13
mariongreeting true believers18:21
marioni have something i have been trying to research i need to completely dissable my screen saver and the ability for my pc to go into power saving mode18:25
wonderworld hi, i am using xubuntu and nautilus as desktop/file manager instead of thunar. it works fine but my manually started nautilus doesn't seem to read $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0. any idea where i should put nautilus'es config?19:00
incorrectwonderworld, probably because it is no longer a gtk2 app i guess19:08
wonderworldincorrect: yes. i have been googleing a lot to find the config file for nautilus 3.* but i had no success19:10
incorrectwonderworld, i am tempted to install 11.0419:10
incorrectmaybe i should go to kde419:11
wonderworldxfce with nautilus as display manager rocks19:11
wonderworldit's indeed better than old gnome219:12
wonderworldi really like it19:12
wonderworldsorry as file manager19:12
wonderworldnot display of course19:12
incorrectdisplay manager?19:12
incorrectoh ok19:12
rhin0any way to make the top bar of windows slimmer?  :)21:03
rhin0by the bar I mean what you click on to drag it around21:03
Sysidifferent window manager theme21:03
rhin0within settings ..21:04
rhin0found i t-- is in settings21:05
Sysioh right21:05
rhin0& I get my slim top-bar21:05
S_SubZeroone of the themes is a thin bar greylook21:08
antnashdoes anyone know the commands that are used to start the xubuntu desktop with all the visual options?21:16
rhin0startx something???21:24
rhin0i mean startx startx xwindows which is the desktop gui21:25
Sysistartx to launch 'exec ck-launch-session startxfce4' from ~/.xinitrc21:29
Sysisession managment should handle rest21:29
mstevenshelp my xubuntu keeps popping up a keyboard and I can't get rid of it21:31
antnashSysi, I'm trying to get a xubuntu session started when I log in with vnc, but I just get standard xfce21:39
XbertApparmor is not showing Firefox as enforced when it running, Firefox is set to be enforced, can anyone help me?21:39
antnashAnd startx doesn't do it for me21:39
antnashHow would I go about invoking session management before I startx?21:40
antnashLol. I see I'm not the first person that's asked you this, Sysi. http://ircanswers.com/xubuntu/602536/correct-xubuntu-session-vncserver-xfce-session-xubuntu21:45
lrussellwill xubuntu work on a PII (233 mhz), 6GB hd, and 384MB of ram (motherboard's max)21:46
mstevens 21:47
* lrussell asks: will xubuntu work on a PII (233 mhz), 6GB hd, and 384MB of ram (motherboard's max)21:47
* lrussell pleads for answer!21:48
mstevenslrussell: for a completely unimformed answer, I think it probably would21:51
lrussellall i need it to do is run and act as a server21:51
MyrttiI would have probably gone for lubuntu or just server install21:54
MyrttiPII sounds painful21:54
Thermijust get Debian without any Interface21:55
Unit193Fluxbox or antix at that point21:55
holsteinthese days netbooks are so cheap... it doesnt make sense to suffer like that21:55
Myrttiprobably was after pain and suffering21:55
Myrttimasochism comes in many forms21:56
XbertApparmor is not showing Firefox as enforced when it running, Firefox is set to be enforced, can anyone help me?21:56
* holstein googles apparmor21:56
Unit193holstein: Just ask bodhi ;)21:57
holsteinyeah, i bet :)21:57
holsteinhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1008906 is from bodhi :)21:58
bodhi_zazenapparmor ?21:58
holsteinXbert asked.. 17:56 < Xbert> Apparmor is not showing Firefox as enforced when it running, Firefox is set to be enforced, can anyone help  me?21:59
bodhi_zazenclose firefox22:00
bodhi_zazenrestart firefox22:00
bodhi_zazenpastebin aa-status22:00
Xbertbodhi_zazen, http://pastebin.com/i36bePYK22:02
Xbertbodhi_zazen, xubuntu 10.0422:02
bodhi_zazenso what makes you thing ff is not running in enforcing mode and how did you install FF8 ?22:04
Xbertfrom the mozilla ppa22:04
Xbertit does not show as enforced as the other apps do22:04
bodhi_zazentest it22:05
Xbertit doesnt show as enforced when firefox is running as other apps do, I am also able to save to any folder22:05
bodhi_zazenthe question is it working ?22:05
bodhi_zazenpastebin /usr/lib/firefox-8.0/firefox-*bin22:05
bodhi_zazensorry , pastebin the firefox profile22:06
Xbertbodhi_zazen, http://pastebin.com/MRvHneDG22:08
bodhi_zazenreboot and if the problem persists you are going to need to file a bug report as I do not see any obvious problem22:10
Xbertbodhi_zazen, i have had the problem for weeks, i;ve rebooted many time, ok thanks22:11
zenroxi dont eather22:11
bodhi_zazenWell. you should have filed a bug report weeks ago then =)22:12
Xbertmy chrome,xchat and other profiles i have create work fine22:12
XbertI stopped using firefox because of it not being enforced, I started using chrome, but I have issues with chrome so I need to go back to firefox22:13
bodhi_zazenSo use firefox722:13
bodhi_zazenff8 is pre-release22:13
zenroxthat is what i would of done22:14
zenroxstuck with stable22:14
Xberti upgrade to 7,8 to see if it helped doesnt work with any version22:14
Xberti was using stable22:14
bodhi_zazenWell go back to what is default in 10.04 ;P22:14
zenroxthats 3.522:15
Xbert3.5? really?22:15
zenroxi think22:15
zenroxapparomor work on ff7 in 11.1022:15
XbertI'm using 10.0422:15
zenroxmight be time to upgrade the os then22:16
bodhi_zazenWell, not sure, but you have a mis-match22:16
bodhi_zazen10.04, but want bleeding edge firefox ?22:16
Xbertno, just want latest firefox22:16
bodhi_zazenI would venture there is a problem with the profile on 10.04, try it in a VM and see22:16
XbertI using version 8 now because I was try to see if 8 would fix the issue with apparmor22:17
XbertI normanally use v622:17
zenrox11.10 comes with ff722:18
XbertI want to stick with LTS22:18
zenrox11.10 is a lts22:18
bodhi_zazenWell, write a new profile for ff822:18
bodhi_zazencopy-paste the old profile into the new profile22:18
XbertI don't think I would be able to do that22:18
XbertI've tried that22:19
bodhi_zazenbug report is best then22:19
bodhi_zazenThat ff profile is complex22:19
bodhi_zazenAnd versions of aa are variable across versions of Ubuntu22:19
Xbertok thanks, tho i don't think reporting a bug will get me any where ether22:20
xubuntu764anybody there?22:23
bodhi_zazenno xubuntu76422:24
xubuntu764i am trying to install xubuntu over an existing ubuntu install and the installation hangs when it tries to get the time from an server.22:24
xubuntu764is that a common known problem22:25
xubuntu764is that a common known problem?22:25
holsteinxubuntu764: not that ive seen22:25
holsteinxubuntu764: can you boot it up live?22:26
holsteinare you online?22:26
zenroxnat that i know of do you have internet on in your install22:26
bodhi_zazenTry the alternate CD22:26
xubuntu764thanks for your answer22:26
xubuntu764i am using the standard xubuntu live cd right now22:26
xubuntu764xubuntu 11.1022:27
holsteinyeah, the alternate installer would be just that... an alternative to the installer that is failing for you22:27
holsteinyou'll find it here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/11.10/release/22:27
xubuntu764hmm i thought the alternate cds are for very low resource pcs only. but ok i'll give it a try. thank you very much!22:28
xubuntu764unfortunatly i have to leave to use the alternate install cd because this session runs from the live cd of course22:29
xubuntu764so i say so long22:29
xubuntu764and thanks again22:30
xubuntu764yes i do have internet.22:31
babblewell, THAT didn't take long.23:10
jimmy8888hi how do i change the behaviour of double-clicking a window in XFCE so that it maximises the window?23:11
antnashooh, I'd be interested in that23:12
babblesec, I remember it's IN system settings, I just don't remember exactly which one. hehe.23:13
babblegive me a minute23:13
babbleSystem Settings > Window Manager > Advanced.23:13
babbleor Settings Manager > Window Manager > Advanced, sorry23:14
antnashYeah, I'm there and it's set to maximise. Still not doing it tho23:14
babbleclose settings manager and look in the config editor and see what's set in THERE.23:14
babblesec, I'll find exactly where you need to be23:14
antnashcheers babble23:15
babbleSettings Editor > xf4wm (expand General) > double_click_action23:15
antnashyup. maximise23:16
babblehm. something is overriding.23:16
antnashhuh. strange. It's now doing it23:16
babbledo you have any other desktop environments installed as well? Xfce and Gnome?23:16
babbleah, tweaking the Config. Editor did the trick23:16
jimmy8888thanks guys, yep window manager GUI has it set to maximise. xfwm4 double_click_action is set to maximise23:17
babble(I think Settings Editor reloads the database when it launches, so a misconfigured bit probably updated)23:17
jimmy8888ok and my maximise seems to be working also! thanks for the quick support :)23:18
antnashbabble, there's a couple of things I can't seem to do.23:18
babbleantnash: what's the first?23:18
antnashRemove items from the app menu23:18
babbleactually, brb, I need foods.23:18
babblegive me 2 mins.23:18
=== ShinyMcGiggles is now known as peerAU
babbleantnash: still here?23:39
antnashjust hanging up some washing23:42
babbleantnash: Xfce is similar to Gnome2 in terms of where app launchers can hide in order to populate your menus.23:43
babblenearly everything lands in /usr/share/applications23:43
babblebut sometimes oddball installers may put stuff in ~/.gnome/apps23:44
antnashI just wanna get rid of 'Mail Reader' and 'Web Browser'23:44
babbleare there any other users on your machine?23:45
babbleokay, what *I* do is move system installed launchers into ~/Applications/Applications (Disabled)23:46
babblejust so I'll have them if I want them back, for whatever reason, but nothing gnome/xfce-aware will EVER look there23:47
babblethe launchers for those are in /usr/share/applications23:47
babblebut you'll need root access to move them. you can gksu thunar for that if that's easy23:47
antnashor just do it in terminal23:48
babbleor just do it in terminal :)23:48
antnashcan I just rename them with _disabled to the extension? Will that get rid of them?23:48
babbleI'd suggest keeping them if you ever decide you want them BACK23:48
babblenot if they're still in the usual places where Xfce will look23:49
babblethe name of the file is completely irrelevant - the menu entry is in the desktop file's data itself.23:49
babbleyou could name it Jamacian Bobsled and it would still show as Mail Reader in the menu23:49
antnashso exo-web-browser and exo-mail-reader23:50
babbleOR, you could alternatively make yourself a custom menu file, but that's a little more involved.23:50
antnashI'll just move them23:50
babbleif there's just you on your machine, that's simplest, I think.23:51
babbleit's what I do :)23:51
antnashThe other thing is how I add new favourite folders in Thunar23:51
babbleDrag them into the sidebar?23:54
antnashNot working23:54
babble(can you not drag for some reason?)23:54
babbledo you have it in Tree view?23:54
babblesec. lemme open thunar and see if I can get it to do what you're seeing23:55
antnashIt's very annoying.23:56
antnashMaybe it's because I'm VNCing in23:56
babblethat may be it23:56
babblelemme go find where they are manually23:56
antnashcan I do it via cli?23:56
babbleI think they're in xconf someplace :)23:56
babblelikely, but I'm pretty sure they're in xconf and you can get at in the settings editor, if that works.23:57
antnashThat'd work a treat!23:57
babblehang on, I'm digging23:57

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